celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · each chapter and book of paul's mission work and...

Pa to e it Pa to ha t D h ea o a i & o t i it C i e o & I o atio C a e ook pa e Wo ip e vi e a oo A t Bi e t t. Pete ' L t e a oo P i ipa ea o o Lea i , CC i e to a e ook Pa e Root n row n n Chr st † C rn n h rn n f for t rnt Wel me . ee ’s o mb , Ce ebr t n 14 e rs 1872—2017

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Page 1: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

Pastor ������������

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Emeritus Pastor Gerhardt Doroh

Deacon ����� ���������


Family & Youth Ministry


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Church Office Hours &

Information ��"#$��%#�

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Church Facebook pages

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Worship Services


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Sunday School


Adult Bible Study

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St. Peter's Lutheran School


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Principal �����������

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Seasons of Learning, ECC

Director ��������


Facebook Page

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Don't forget to fill out your a�endance card! ��A�endance cards will be collected at the �me of the Offering by the�

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Rooted and Growing in Christ † Caring and Sharing in Life for Eternity

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& le� sides of the sanctuary.�

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• Invoca�on

• Confession and Absolu�on

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• Message Text Revela�ons 7:9����

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• Ringing of the Bells / Ligh�ng Candles

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• Sermon Text Revela�ons 7:9���

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• Distribu�on Hymns 676, 673, 672 vs 1�*

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Welcome to St. Peter’s

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family here. Take �me a�er the service to introduce yourself to Pastor Haller. We invite you to sign our guest book. If you�����

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November 4th / 5th, 2017

Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017

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Page 2: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 2

PRAYER OF THE DAY: Almighty and everlasting God, You knit together Your faithful people of all times and

places into one holy communion, the mystical body of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Grant us so to follow Your blessed saints

in all virtuous and godly living that, together with them, we may come to the unspeakable joys You have prepared for

those who love You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now

and forever. Amen.

Revelation 7:9–17


After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude

that no one could number, from every nation, from all

tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the

throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes,

with palm branches in their hands,


and crying out

with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who

sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”


And all the

angels were standing around the throne and around

the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell

on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,


saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and

thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to

our God forever and ever! Amen.”


Then one of the

elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these, clothed

in white robes, and from where have they come?”



said to him, “Sir, you know.” And he said to me,

“These are the ones coming out of the great tribula-

tion. They have washed their robes and made them

white in the blood of the Lamb.


“Therefore they are

before the throne of God, and serve him day and night

in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shel-

ter them with his presence.


They shall hunger no

more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike

them, nor any scorching heat.


For the Lamb in the

midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will

guide them to springs of living water, and God will

wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

This is the Word of the Lord Thanks be to God

1 John 3:1–3


See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that

we should be called children of God; and so we are.

The reason why the world does not know us is that it

did not know him.


Beloved, we are God’s children

now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but

we know that when he appears we shall be like him,

because we shall see him as he is.


And everyone who

thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.

This is the Word of the Lord

Thanks be to God

(sung) Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

These things are written that you may believe that

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, the

fifth chapter.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord. (Sung)

Matthew 5:1–12


Seeing the crowds, [Jesus] went up on the moun-

tain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to



And he opened his mouth and taught them,



“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is

the kingdom of heaven.


“Blessed are those who

mourn, for they shall be comforted.


“Blessed are

the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.



are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they shall be satisfied.


“Blessed are the

merciful, for they shall receive mercy.


“Blessed are

the pure in heart, for they shall see God.



are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons

of God.


“Blessed are those who are persecuted for

righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of



“Blessed are you when others revile you

and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against

you falsely on my account.


Rejoice and be glad,

for your reward is great in heaven, for so they

persecuted the prophets who were before you.

This is the Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to You, O Christ.

Next week’s Sermon text:

Matthew 25:1-13

“What’s so big about being

here today in Worship?”

can be found on page 206

or the back of the hymnal

Page 3: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 3


believe that Scripture teaches that Jesus Christ is

truly present “in, with, and under” the bread and the

wine and that through this Sacrament, Jesus strength-

ens and forgives us through His body and blood. As

we celebrate this Sacrament, those who participate in

it also express their shared agreement in articles of

faith and fellowship with other Christians. As many

denominations are not in such agreement, we ask that

all those who are not members of a congregation of

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, or are not

members of a Lutheran congregation which shares

our understanding of the Sacrament, please speak

with the Pastor before communing. (Don’t forget that

the rose colored wine in the center of the individual tray is

Lancers Alcohol Free)

This weekend we will recognizing those

whose souls are in heaven and whose bodies

wait for that great day of resurrection.

Marlene Houston December 14th, 2016

Cynthia Bomerscheim December 27th, 2016

Michael Ghesquiere January 10th, 2017

Allen Bunner January 11, 2017

Lois King January 15th, 2017

Thomas Schmid January 29, 2017

Beatrice Brooks March 10th, 2017

Brian Hutton March 18th, 2017

Lana Baird July 22nd, 2017

Sharon Jenkins July 31st, 2017

Jacob Lomasney August 17th, 2017

Elsie Gramzow August 25th, 2017

Timothy Reeves October 4th, 2017

The flowers on the altar

are in memory of

John & Elsie Gramzow

Senior High Youth Bible Study

What: Life by His Word: Paul’s Mission Work and

Epistles. God’s Word is our source for life. Through

deeper study of each book in the Bible, we see the

big picture of Scripture from creation through the

redemption of Jesus Christ. The study will help

connect the youth with the full story of God’s work

in their life and lead them to see His promises anew.

Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and

Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach

to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s Senior High

Youth & friends (the more the merrier) Wednesdays

starting November 1


, 6:30-8:00pm in the Pit Stop.

Leader: Mr. Peter Doroh - Lifelong member of St.

Peters, who is both sinner and saint, washed in the

Blood of Christ.

Light refreshments will be served

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism:

Our Gracious Father will

touch the life of

Xander Austin Oaks

this weekend at the

10:45 am service.

Xander’s parents are

Erik and Celeste Oaks.

Xander’s sponsor are Jenny Houston and

Chelsey Stankiewicz.

May God richly bless Xander as fellow

heir to His Kingdom.

We are thankful for the donation of Thrivent Action

Team Dollars to replace the broken chairs in the lobby.

We are working to turn the lobby into a Welcome

Center where people can find information they need

from a bright smiling face. Look for some more

improvements to come soon as we have received some

additional grant money for this project.

Page 4: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 4

Thank you to all who attended and helped with

this years trunk or treat. We had 40 vehicles

handing out candy and over 150 children trunk or

treating. Apple cider and donuts

purchased from Pankiewicz Cider Mill.

The Art of Marriage Bible Study

With: John Summers

When: Starting Sunday, November 19th, 9:30-10:30 am

Where: In the Pit Stop


Do you have a bunch of pennies that are just

laying around your house? The day school

students are going to be having a Penny War

November 12-17 to raise money for the kitchen

remodel. Students bring in pennies for their own

classroom because pennies are positive money.

They bring in silver coins to put in other

classrooms jars because silver coins are

negative money. The competition is fierce and the

result are wonderful! If you would like to donate

pennies (or silver coins) to a classroom, please

contact the school office.

Surviving the


If you have recently lost someone dear to you,

the thought of the upcoming holidays with their

celebrations, parties, reunions and busy-ness

may just be overwhelming. Take heart! Come to

our one-time seminar for courage, helpful tips

and advice from experts and regular folks who

have been there. Take home a free book to help

you remember what you learn.

When: Monday, November 13th, 2017

Time: 4:00 - 6:00pm

Where: Warner Room, St. Peter’s Church

Cost: FREE (please register so we can plan for you)

Please call or text 810-334-8057 for

information or to register.

Our church history book,

"As much as I have earned..."

The history of St. Peter Evangelical

Lutheran Church, Richmond Michigan, will

be available after services on

on Nov. 11 & 12. Every member should

have a copy of this rich history of our congregation. We are

suggesting a $6 donation to cover printing costs. Any extra

donations will go to the mortgage fund.

These make great gifts!

Page 5: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 5

If your child is heading off to college or is staying home to

attend college please send the new (or old) address into

the church office so that we may keep in touch with them!

Email to [email protected]

or call 586-727-9693.

These are the addresses we have so far….

Zach Stuef

Summit Place

Apt. 701, Apt. 2

Marquette, MI 49855

Lindsay Stuef

223 Van Antwerp Hall

Marquette, MI 49855

Stephanie Harkness

800 West Avon Rd

Hall AG 121 Mailbox #16

Rochester Hills, MI 48307

Jonas Doroh

Central Michigan University

Beddow 007

100 W. Broomfield St.

Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858


If you would like to add an address or

need one updated please email it to

[email protected]

WHAT’S HAPPENING: November 5th –11th

Sun Worship 8 am / Sunday School-Bible Study-Parenting Class 9:30 am / Worship 10:45 w/ baptism

Mon Grief Share 4 pm Warner Room

Tue No bell practice /Elders Meeting 6 pm / Praise team practice 6 pm / Stephen Ministry 6:30 pm

Wed Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm / 5th—8th grade Confirmation- Midweek class 6:30-8 pm

Thu Bible Study Warner Room 10 am

Fri Veteran’s Day (observed)

Sat Veteran’s Day / LWML Meeting 9:30 am Warner Room / Worship 6 pm

LCpl Woomer, Zachary D

6483 PFC 8055

Cherry Pointe, NC 28533

Lt. Schmidt, Abigail L

4816 Cloister Drive

Bethesda, MD 20852

TSGT Wurn, Jeffrey

169 Trunk Drive

Dayton, OH 45431

Wesley Sutton

194 Wyngate Drive

Cameron, NC 28326

SFC Whitcher, Sharon

3269 W. Five Mile Rd

Grayling, MI 49738

Jacob Edwards

1470 Pierce St. Unit 165

JBPHH, HI 96860

Vinnie Messina

c/o Coemgen Cluff

301 Hudson Dr.

Crestview, FL 32539

Ronald Garberson

7843 Greenville Drive N.E.

Lacey, WA 98516

Sarah Clancy

323A Johnston Rd

Colorado Springs, CO 80930

Lt. Redlawsk, Megan

1059 East Shore Rd

Jamestown, RI 02835

AMN Trappiss, Dario

12175 W McDowell Rd

Apt 4204

Avondale, AZ 85392

LCpl Haller, Bradley

2002 Barnett Ave

Unit # 6383

Quantico, VA 22134

LCpl Conrad, Rachel

333 North Emerald Drive


Vista, CA 92083

Page 6: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 6

Attention ladies of the


Save the date: December 5,

2017. Advent by Candlelight is

the chance for you and your

guests to relax and enjoy the calm before the

busyness of the season begins. Packets to

reserve your table, including invitations to send

to your guests, will be available to pick up

on Sunday, November 12, 2017 between

worship services in the school lobby. Additional

help would be kindly appreciated if you are

available the day of the program to help with set

up, decorating and or tear down, please contact

Michele Webb: 586-431-7983 or

Heidi Devroy: 810-334-4000.


is in the back of church on the wall near the

main doors to the outside of the building. If you

wish to place flowers in celebration of an event

or in memory of a loved one, please sign up for

the appropriate weekend. There are three (3)

pieces available for the Altar. Please mark down

how many pieces you would like ordered. The

cost of each piece is now $25.00. Please make a

check payable to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church for

that amount, label it “FLOWERS” and place it

into the offering plate. Also, please mark down

who the flowers are for, how many are wanted

on the chart, and the event they represent. If

you are unable to do this please call the church

office 2 weeks ahead of time due to printing

deadlines and proper time to place order, or if

you would like the remain anonymous. If you

have questions please call the church office.

Attendance for Weekend of October 29th

6 pm 10 am

51 400

Total 451

Holy Communion—326

Bible Study 14

Attendance Weekend of October 8th

6 pm 8 am 10:45 am

62 135 151

Total 348

Bible Study 37

The month of November is in memory

of Ray & Marlene Houston from

Vern & Lynne Houston.

We would like to say thank you to for your donation, making it

possible for us to live stream our services here at St. Peter’s.

Because of you, so many people in our community, and be-

yond, are able to be a part of our worship.


Christian counseling is available to members

and non-members alike. Margie Rosenow is a

Licensed Clinical Therapist and offers counseling to

individuals and couples including children. There are

two locations available—here at church or at her

home in New Baltimore. While she does not accept

insurance, a sliding-scale can be utilized.

Margie can be reached at 586-716-4991.

Attendance Weekend of October 15th

6 pm 8 am 10:45 am

120 85 115

Total 320

Holy Communion—268

Bible Study 33

Page 7: Celebrating 145 years 1872—2017€¦ · Each chapter and book of Paul's Mission Work and Epistles is explored, offering a rich and full approach to study and devotion. All St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 7

St. Peter’s Worship Assistants the Weekend of November 11th / 12th


6:00 PM


8:00 AM


10:45 AM

Elders Dennis Stern Bob Devroy Rich Turgeon / Dave Tobaben


Mike Stuef

Jay Stern

Zach Stuef

Dave Smith

Trent Peshek

John Sutton

Joe Hansen

Russ Stenzel

Donna Shuboy

Randy Houston

Dan Teschler

Keith Rengert

Vern Houston

Jim Herman

Brian Haack


Harold & Dianne Maeder Jim & Shirley Doering Russ & Marlene Stenzel


Jacob McLeod Anika Prisby Conner Bergeon

St. Peter’s Worship Assistants for the Weekend of November 4th / 5th


6:00 PM


8:00 AM


10:45 AM

Worship Leader

Pastor Haller Pastor Haller Pastor Haller

Organist/ Song Leaders

Courtney Hollers Tom Stern Praise Team


Howard Harkness /

Dennis Stern

Howard Harkness /

Don Rettke

Rich Turgeon / Dave Tobaben


Ivan Busch

Kim Hake

Dennis Stern

Jim Jaques

Stephanie Harkness

Michael Maniaci

Lloyd Nieto

John Sutton

Joe Hansen

Russ Stenzel

Donna Shuboy

Randy Houston

Dan Teschler

Keith Rengert

Vern Houston

Jim Herman

Brian Haack


Gretchen Jagoda Heidi Devroy Marlene Schmidt


Jessica Thornton /

Nathan Schwark

Casey Malburg / Max Card Eryn Hart

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St. Peter’s Christian Education Opportunities

Class Leader Time Location

500th Reformation

Rev. Mark Haller, Pastor Sunday 9:00am Warner Room

Parenting Bible Study

John Summers During Sunday School Hour “The Pit Stop”

Reformation Studies

John Summers Thursday 10:00 am Warner Room

Reformation Studies

John Summers 1st & 3rd Saturdays 8:30am “The Pit Stop”

Reformation Studies

Deacon Howard Wednesday 6:30 pm Warner Room