celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed following … sea a tribute to robert channing seamans,jr....

FOLLOWING SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring 2009

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Page 1: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring


A Tributeto Robert Channing Seamans, Jr.

Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed

2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring 2009

Page 2: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

Please become SEA’sfan on Facebook.Search for the‘Sea EducationAssociation/SEASemester’ page andpick the site withthe SEA logo. From

there view short versions of the SEA video, andgreat fan photos of recent student cruises. Post yourSEA Semester photos or comments on theexperience. There are already over 700 SEA fanssince the page’s creation. You can be next!

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009

Editor: Jan WagnerDesign: MBDesign, mbdesign-us.com

Photography: Jay Bercaw, Courtesy Sean Bercaw,

Courtesy Al Hickey, Shelly Oberman, Courtesy NASA,

Joseph Seamans, Amy Suida, Laurie Weitzen,

Jan Witting. Photo at right ©Neil Rabinowitz

Recycled Chlorine-Free Paper / Soy Ink


Events and Newsof General Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Around the World and in Space . . . .17

Science Corner

Climate Science at Sea . . . . . . . . . .20

In Every Issue

A Tribute to

Robert Channing Seamans, Jr. . . . .1

Rafe Parker’s Reminiscences of

Bob Seamans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

W-1 Crossing Paths . . . . . . . . . . . .18


Cover Story

2007-2008 Report to Donors

From the desk of Board Chair,Linda Cox Maguire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Special Report

Following SEA is available online. If you’d like your prints, slides, or digital images considered for the next issue contact: Kerry Hannigan, ext. 20 or [email protected].

Sea Education Association, Inc., PO Box 6, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Phone 800-552-3633 Fax 508-457-4673 www.sea.edu

See SEA on Facebook!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Winter/Spring 2009

NOTE: ‘Scuttlebutt’ can now be foundonline at www.sea.edu. Log in to theSEA Alumni Directory to read newsfrom classmates around the world.

Page 3: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

On November 3, 2008 Board ChairLinda Cox Maguire read this into therecord at the Semi-Annual Meeting of theCorporation of Sea Education Association.

On June 28, 2008, we were saddened tolearn of the death of Robert C. Seamans, Jr.SEA lost an emeriti trustee, an inspirationalleader, and a loyal supporter and friend.Bob had been involved with SEA since hewas recruited by Jimmy Madden in 1977and, as recently as last November’sSemi-Annual meeting, was an activeand enthusiastic participant in itsgovernance. He was a man of greataccomplishment and SEA was fortunateto have had his leadership as Board Chairfrom 1989 to 1993.

During his term as Board Chair therewas a marked growth in SEA’s endowmentand he established a new precedent bysetting a term for the position of BoardChair. All who worked with Bob knewhim to be thoughtful, thorough, analyticaland smart. But he will be rememberedmost as an optimistic, a gentle and acompassionate man. He was modestdespite all his achievements and requiredquite a bit of persuasion before he agreedto the naming of SEA’s newest vessel.

We are honored that he agreed andglad that the SSV Robert C. Seamansthat bears his name will carry so manystudents to sea to study the oceans. Sorather than observe a moment of silencein his memory, let us celebrate by salutinghim today with a hearty round of applause.

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 1

“humble and unassuming”

Robert Channing Seamans, Jr.

October 30, 1918 – June 28, 2008

Bob Seamans was closely associatedwith Sea Education Association for over30 years. He was recruited to serve onSEA’s Board by James Madden in 1977,and was Board Chair from 1989 to 1993.The lecture hall in the Madden Center onthe Woods Hole Campus is named forDr. Seamans, and SEA’s newest vesselwas named in his honor in 2001. This yearthe SSV Robert C. Seamans embarked onits eighth academic year of carryingstudents to sea to study the oceans.

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“His strong family support,

especially Gene, his wife, made all this possible.”

2 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009

Bob was a skillful and competitive

racing captain. I was delighted to be hisnavigator on several races. At the time of hisfirst Marblehead to Halifax race, Bob wasDeputy Administrator of NASA working withthe Apollo program while a satellite navigationsystem, now known as GPS, was beingdeveloped. After two days of fog and clouds,we were off Cape Sable at the southern tip ofNova Scotia with only a rough dead reckoningposition. Fortunately the weather clearedsufficiently to enable me to get a few eveningstar sights. As I was computing our positionwith the Nautical Almanac and tables, Bob,sensing my feeling of self importance, lookedover my shoulder and, with his smile and goodhumor, said, “Paul, you better enjoy yourcelestial navigation while you can, becausesoon you will be obsolete!”

—Paul Perkins, SEA Trustee Emeritus

Two days before Dad died, I had a chanceto chat with him. He described what awonderful career he had with NASA, the AirForce, the Carnegie Institute, NationalGeographic, Academy of Engineering, SeaEducation Association, MIT and Harvard. Hisstrong family support, especially Gene, hiswife, made all this possible. No matter howbusy Dad was, he always found time to bewith his family.

—Robert Seamans III (Toby),

oldest son of Bob and Gene Seamans

Even in his final moments, his optimismshown brightly, giving reassurance, as italways did, to those of us around him. In theface of a battle he knew he could not win,his…no-nonsense pragmatism and hisdetermination served him well. It made hislife worth living.

—Joseph Seamans,

middle son of Bob and Gene Seamanss

Excerpts from Memorial Service for

Robert Channing Seamans, Jr.

Reprinted with permission of the speakers.

July 2, 2008

St. John’s Episcopal Church Beverly Farms, MA

Pictured above L-R: June 23, 2001, Gene and Bob Seamans at the Commissioning in Tacoma; the sailing dory,Gene, and the SSV Robert C. Seamans in Tahiti; Gene and Bob at the Trustees commissioning dinner onJune 22, 2001; Gene prepares to christen the new vessel with crew members (l-r) Eric Gura, Shannon WilsonMcKenzie, W-135, Jay Amster, C-166 and Chris McGuire, C-120.

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“He lived his life with optimism and joy.”

Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Trustee Emeritus and former SEA Board Chair, was bornin Salem, Massachusetts on October 30, 1918. He attended Lenox School, received hisBS from Harvard and both an MS in Aeronautics and PhD in instrumentation from MIT.

Dr. Seamans helped lead the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)during the years after 1961 when President John F. Kennedy declared his intent toland Americans on the moon. He was instrumental in the 1968 decision to sendApollo 8 to the moon, despite some staff objections, and it was this successfulmission that led to the lunar landing in 1969.

He remained a consultant to the NASA administrator after returning to MIT in 1968as a visiting professor. After serving as secretary of the Air Force from 1969 to 1973,he was then named by President Ford as administrator of the Energy, Research andDevelopment Administration in 1974. Dr. Seamans became dean of the School ofEngineering at MIT in 1977 and continued to teach there even after his retirement in 1984.

A family man, he took greatpleasure from time spent withhis wife of 66 years, Gene, andtheir five children. He lovedtennis and he loved sailing, bothcruising and racing, according tohis friend of 50 years, SEATrustee Emeritus Paul Perkins.

It was Perkins who helpedovercome fundraising concernsand issues of modesty inpersuading Bob to permit SEA toname the new vessel the SSVRobert C. Seamans. Now the Seamans, affectionately referred to by the Seamansfamily as “The Bob,” carries a sailing dinghy fondly named “Gene”. A large group of theSeamans family attended the 2001 commissioning of the boat in Tacoma, WA whereDr. Seamans spoke and presented the ship’s library with a signed copy of hisautobiographical book, Aiming at Targets.

Early during 2003, Bob and Gene Seamans, along with son Joe and grandsonMichael traveled, at SEA’s invitation, to Tahiti to sail on the new vessel. During thattrip, Joe remembers that his parents, then in their 80’s, were offered the option ofstanding watch but there was no question that they were going to do it, sometimesgetting up in the middle of the night to do so.

Bob Seamans was actively involved with SEA until six months before his death onJune 28, 2008. He attended both the June 2007 Annual Meeting in Woods Hole, andthe November Semi-Annual meeting that same year, giving a spontaneousinspirational speech to Trustees, Overseers, faculty and staff about opportunities in thefuture. He will be missed.

“My brother Bobby was an ever optimist, soexemplified by his confidence that things wouldwork out. When he was eight, he bought a raffleticket for a toy barn, and came home andannounced to his mother that he had won thebarn. His parents tried to explain that he onlybought a ticket and he’d be lucky if he won. Heinsisted on being at the church for the drawing.As he and his father walked in, they announcedBobby Seamans was the winner.”—Donny Seamans, as told to those gathered at Bob’s memorial

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 3

words Bob lived by

Life is an arrow. Therefore you must know

What mark to aim at and how to use the bow.

Then draw it to the head and let it go!”—Henry van Dyke, poet and clergyman

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4 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009

Jimmy Madden introduced Bob to SEA in the late 70s.Jimmy lived on Boston’s North Shore near Bob and both werekeen sailors, close friends and members of the CCA.

Though Bob stayed in the background for a number of yearsearly during my tenure at SEA, he attended all the major boardmeetings and showed a strong interest in the organization’sgrowth. In the mid 80s Townie Hornor stepped down after along stint as Chairman. Ann Brewer, a long time friend of theSeamans family, took over with the clear understanding thatshe was simply an interim Chairman.

After he joined the Executive Committee, it was increasinglyclear that Bob just might agree to take over from Ann as thenext full term Chair. He was approached and, after carefulconsideration, Bob accepted.

From this point onwards, Bob made it clear that his goal wasto “institutionalize” the organization’s governance. Thestructure, membership and goals of the Board’s standingcommittees were reviewed and, where appropriate, re-organized. He led the review and revision of the by-laws. Hewanted to bring SEA more in line with institutions of highereducation. He worked to have research project guidelinesrevised to have more academic credibility and relevance. Hechanged my title of Executive Director to President and, mostimportantly, instituted clear guidelines as to how the Presidentshould report to the board, including establishing a carefullythought-out process for conducting a performance review. Bobwanted to know if I had a complete physical on a regular basis.I said I couldn’t remember when I last had one. “You can’t runSEA unless you have a regular medical check-up”, Bob insisted.

Bob wanted to ensure that the Board was well connected tothe numerous functions of running SEA. He encouraged the staffand faculty to engage the trustees and help them betterunderstand how SEA’s mission was being implemented. Themeetings became more interactive.

It was important for him to know what I was going to say. Hewould review my report for each meeting. Inevitably, I wouldbuild my report around some philosophical idea. At first, it washard for him to understand why I would approach the reportthat way. I explained there was so much factual data being fedto the board at these meetings, there had to be a way to talkabout our educational mission in more conceptual, philosophicalterms. He eventually came to enjoy “Father Parker’s sermons”,as he called them.

Bob was very concerned that I take my allotted vacation time,something that was not so easy to do. With this in mind, heinvited Kate and me to join him and Gene for a week’s sailing onthe Chesapeake aboard Viva. We accepted with much enthusiasm.

Aboard Viva, we had a wonderful time exploring the creeks ofthe Chesapeake. I had come to know those waters well so wasable to introduce Bob and Gene to some quiet anchorages theyhadn’t known. But, what has stood out most in my memory of

that trip was the joy of sharing with Bob our passion for jazz.Amidst the cries and squabbles of birds seeking the best perchfor the night, and with a drink in our hands, we would watch thesunset listening to the best of John Coltrane, Louis Armstrong,Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and Fats Waller. Billie Holliday’srendition of “Solitude” will always remind me of those magicalevenings.

Well, it was not too long before we were campaigning foranother vessel. By this time Bob had stepped down as chair.Others had taken over. But his interest in SEA continued to beas strong as ever. Although we had named the lecture hall inthe Madden Center after him, the thought of having his nameon the new ship was always at the back of my mind. It was clearthat she should have a name worthy of her. It was also clear thatthe campaign needed an infusion of fresh blood if we were tomeet our fundraising goal.

It was about this time when Paul Perkins, a long-timemember of the Board and one of Bob’s closest friends, calledfrom Florida. He said that he and Bob were participating in theirannual tennis tournament and he was wondering if we wouldever consider naming the new ship after Bob. “Of course!” Isaid. “I’ve often thought of the idea. Would Bob be interested inhaving his name on the boat?” Paul’s response was, “I don’tknow, but you might try asking him. Shall I put him on?” Aftersome silence, Bob came to the phone. “How is it going, Rafe?You should be down here having fun!” I put the question tohim, “would you seriously consider having your name on theboat?” “But I’m not dead yet!” was his reply. “I thought youmight enjoy the pleasure before it was too late” was mine. “Letme think about it. I will get back to you”. The following morninghe called back to say that it would be an honor to have hisname on the boat. “Now I suppose you are going to want a listof my family and closest friends”. “That would be a good placeto start”, I replied with a great sense of relief. We talked a littlemore about the vessel as well as his desire to have the nameinclude his middle initial. Later, Bob and Gene worked together

Rafe Parker’s Reminiscences of Bob Seamans

Robert C. Seamans, Jr.; Bob Seamans and Rafe Parker at the commissioning,June 23, 2001

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Reminiscences continued


SEA Flag Travels into SpaceFormer SEA Assistant Scientist, Richard R. Arnold II, now a NASA Astronaut, isassigned as a mission specialist on Discovery which launched on March 15, 2009.Ricky was an assistant scientist on W-126A/B and on W-127’s trip north from Miamito Woods Hole. He also served as visiting scientist for Class 134A in 1994.

This mission will deliver the final pair of power-generating solar array wings andtruss element to the International Space Station. The arrays will provide enough elec-tricity to power science experiments and support the station’s expanded crew of six.Altogether, the station’s arrays can generate about 120 kilowatts of usable electricity,enough to provide about 42 2,800-square-foot homes with power.

The 14-day flight will include four spacewalks, lasting about 6.5 hours each, tohelp install the S6 truss segment to the right side of the station. STS-119 is the125th space shuttle flight, the 28th flight to the station, the 36th flight of Discovery,and the first flight in 2009.

“The astronauts of Discovery’s mission will take objects into orbit that mean a lotto them, but also many that are symbolic of larger causes, goals and expectations,”according to NASA’s website. Most of the items will remain tucked in lockers insideDiscovery while the crew goes about its tasks. Among the items is a SEA flag carriedonboard by Ricky Arnold who contacted SEA to request an item to take on the mission.

According to the NASA site, “STS-119 spacewalkers Richard Arnold and JosephAcaba, both former teachers, will ‘fly’ mementos, such as small flags, that representsome of the schools where they taught.” The flag will be returned to SEA at the con-clusion of the mission.

Rich Wilson Sails Around the World SoloSEA Trustee, Rich Wilson retired from the SEA Board for the 2008-2009 year becausehe planned to solo sail around the world on a course that takes three months tocomplete. Participating in the Vendée Globe, Rich was the only American in the raceand was also the oldest sailor at age 58.

Onboard the Great American III, Rich sailed from Les Sables d’Olonne in the Westof France, around the Cape of Good Hope, east across the Indian Ocean, skirtingAntarctica, around Cape Horn, and headed back up to Les Sables facing strong head-winds. He is only the second American to complete the Vendée.

Since beginning the race, Rich posted logs, photos and podcasts on his websitewww.sitesalive.com where there is also a question and answer feature and essayswritten by a team of experts.

On March 10th he crossed the finish line, completing the 24,840-mile VendéeGlobe solo non-stop round the world race in ninth place. He finished in 121 days,00 hours, 41 minutes and 19 seconds after leaving Les Sables d’Olonne on SundayNovember 9th and averaged 9.84 knots on the water covering 28,590 miles.

While nineteen of the 30 skippers who started from the Vendée start line onNovember 9th had to retire from the race, the most grueling challenge in solo oceanracing, Wilson was described as having “stuck rigidly to his watchwords of safety andconservatism, showing huge determination to complete the course as the pinnacle ofa sailing career which already included three ocean passage records.”

SEA congratulates Rich on this amazing achievement.

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 5

in compiling the list of names and addresses of all their friends:among them were two U.S. presidents and a First Lady. BothBob and Gene remained intimately involved throughout theremainder of the campaign.

Gene was invited to christen the SSV Robert C. Seamans withthe traditional bottle of champagne at her launching. I receivedseveral excited calls from her to let me know that she waspracticing breaking a bottle over the blade of an old plow at thebottom of their garden. She had been successful three attemptsout of four. Unfortunately, when the event came and she wasprimed to strike the bow with a bottle of the best champagne, thevessel moved. Gene’s bottle glanced the bow but didn’t break.Later, with the ship alongside, she stepped into the vessel’s gig,later named Gene, and broke the bottle over the ship’s bow.

I was present at SEA’s November 2007 semi-annual boardmeeting – the first since leaving the organization four yearsbefore. Bob was also attending the meeting along with boardmember Tom Weschler. It was to be Bob’s last. Tom hadreached his 90th birthday and Bob was in his 89th year. Theoccasion was an uplifting, nostalgic one for me. I made someremarks about the fact that these two gentlemen had broughttheir own enormous breadth of experience and service to theircountry to help further SEA’s mission over many wonderfulyears. At the end of the meeting, Bob came over to me andsaid, “You know, Rafe, we’ve really missed Father Parker’ssermons!”

—Rafe Parker, President Emeritus

September 2008

continued on page 17

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6 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009

We are grateful to each donor listed in this report for the part you played last year tohelp us build a strong foundation as we approached these challenging times.

You will be glad to hear that SEA is serving students at the highest level of quality andsafety – continuing its strong tradition as a superb off-campus program. As our nation –and the world – slip into a deep recession, the challenges associated with ourcommitment to excellence are becoming increasingly great.

The problems we face are shared throughout higher education. Endowments havesuffered, reducing resources to fund scholarships and support budgets; expenses haverisen; and families are retrenching financially, waiting for these difficult times to pass.We lost nearly 20 enrolled students this past fall after the economy took its dramatic,downward turn, largely because of their parents’ concerns about costs.

We seem to have steadied this initial market reaction. We have made an even strongercase for the value of SEA, and we are doing all that we can to reduce the strain onfamilies through financial aid.

In order to sustain this commitment, we are turning to our dedicated alumni andfriends. We will be reaching out to you, asking that you help us help students andreward the hard work of our faculty, staff, and crew.

So, we are designing new academic programs, welcoming outstanding students, andcarefully tending to our ships. An exciting strategic plan we just completed in June isguiding us toward a point on the horizon that is directed by both what we hold most dearin our mission and what we find most compelling about serving students in the future.

We hope that you will help us get there.

TrusteesW. Jeffrey BolsterWalter BrownJohn Bullard, ex-officioLevin Campbell, W-60Richard Chandler, W-07Jamie Deming, W-14John Gerngross, W-20Richard HawkinsDavid HigginsMeghann Horner, C-163Michael HudnerSusan HumphrisAmbrose JearldRobert Knapp, W-99Clifford Low, W-22Bartlett McGuirePhilip McKnightDon McLucasAudrey MeyerAshley Tobin

Trustee EmeritiJames HumphreysJohn KingsburyPaul PerkinsRobert Seamans*Peter Willauer

President EmeritusRafe Parker

Katrina AbbottRaymond Ashley, W-01Douglas AtkinsSusan AveryPaul Berkner, W-52Amy Bower, W-47Margaret Brady, W-29Margaret Brandon, W-48J. Scott BriggsFrank CampanellaFrederick Carr, W-32James ClarkThomas B. Clark, W-26Margaret ClowesR. Hawkins Cramer, C-105William CramerBenjamin CukerJohn DamonSarah Das, W-129William Dennison, W-33Nicholas DillScott Doney, W-76William Duggan, W-35Sylvia EarleSteve FantoneSusan Farady, W-83John FarringtonEdwin FischerDavid Ford, W-113Robert FoulkeLloyd French, W-130Robert Gagosian

William GiblinRobert GiegengackDouglas Goldhirsch, W-48Sarah Gould, W-66Samuel GrayDeborah Harrison, C-108Kathleen HealyJerome HellerCharles Holloway, W-58Paul HorovitzGordon HughesDavid JacksonRobert JohnsonRoyal JoslinPatricia Keoughan, W-53M. Susan LozierMartin MaddenEdward MadeiraTimothy MahoneyBruce MalloryJerrold ManockPeter MelloJames MillingerWalter Mitchell, W-16Sarah Murdock, W-66Michael Nathan, W-35Leroy ParkerMargaret ParkerRobert PattersonCheryl PeachChristopher Penn, W-06William Pinkney

Laurie PohlCynthia Polikoff, W-95Kenneth Potter, W-43George PutnamRobert QuinlanDwight Reese, W-41Ralph RichardsonBud RisHal Rose, W-38Andrew Rosenberg, W-07Paul Rosenzweig, W-43Carl SafinaCarolyn Sheild, W-77Ralph SiewersSteve SyversonMichael TaylorWalter ThompsonJanet WagnerDeborah WarnerThomas WeschlerJohn Wigglesworth, W-05Gale Willauer, W-30Richard WilsonDavid Wisniewski, C-122Eric WolmanGeorge Woodwell


2008-2009 Trustees and Overseers

Linda Cox Maguire, ChairBoard of Trustees, February 2009

We gratefully acknowledge the many alumni, parents, faculty,staff and friends who generously contributed their money, timeand effort to Sea Education Association during the 2007-2008fiscal year. Every effort has been made to list all contributionsaccurately from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.If, however, an error has been made, please accept ourapologies and notify us.


Linda Cox Maguire, ChairRichard Burnes, Vice ChairEdmund Cabot, Vice Chair

Richard Murray, W-71, Vice ChairJacob Brown, Treasurer

Peter Ellis, Clerk

On the following pages, bold type indicates donors who have contributed for at least 10 consecutive years.

† Indicates donors who have contributed for at least 5 consecutive years.



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Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 7

Major Donor Clubs

MASTERS ($10,000 and above)Anonymous (2)Jacob and Barbara BrownRick and Nonnie BurnesNed and Betsy CabotEdith CorningRobert Knapp, W-99, and Kristin CollinsMargaret ParkerEstate of Hilde Rosenthal*Donald* and Alma Scully

HELMSMEN ($5,000 to $9,999)Anonymous (2)Timothy Armour, W-54Walter and Kiyoko BrownJames and Ruth ClarkJamie, W-14, and David DemingSamuel and Margaret GrayDavid and Ilona Higgins †Michael and Hope Hudner †Royal Joslin

Edwin and Linda Morgens †Lauren Morgens, C-158Susan, W-10, and Robert NalewajkClare Parker, C-138Leroy and Winifred Parker †Christopher, W-06, and Diane, W-16, PennG. West and Victoria SaltonstallSteuart Walton, W-158BJoan Wheeler †

MATES ($2,500 to $4,999)Kyra Appleby, S-190Peter Appleby and Stephanie RaiaJohn and Laurie Bullard †Levin and Eleanor CampbellRichard, W-07, and Cynthia ChandlerThomas B. Clark, W-26 †Judith CookNicholas and Birgitte DillJohn and Meryl French †John Gerngross, W-20

Craig and Nancy Gibson †Jonathan and Dorothy GoldweitzJulia HallRichard Hawkins and Marian FergusonKathleen Healy and Julian DayTimothy Horkings and Margaret McGetrickGordon and Elizabeth HughesBevan Lee, C-181D †George, W-21, and Susan LeeTimothy Mahoney and Pamela Donnelly †Jerrold and Mary Ellen Manock †George and Kathy PutnamSally, W-15, and Robert QuinnBonnie Fry Rothman, W-103, and Michael RothmanEdward and Susie RowlandJeremy, W-75, and Dianne SalesinWilliam* and Jane SaltonstallRobert* and Eugenia SeamansWalter and Nancy ThompsonWilliam and Mary WardenEric and Sandra Wolman


Established in 1992, the Anchor Watch societyhonors those who provide gifts to Sea EducationAssociation through their estates or life-incomeplans. We are pleased to recognize these specialdonors during their lifetime and to celebrate theimportant role that the Anchor Watch society hasin the future of SEA.

Trustee and Overseer Donors to the Annual Fund 2007-2008


Annual Fund Donors

Katrina Abbott †Douglas AtkinsPaul Berkner, W-52Amy Bower, W-47Margaret Brady, W-29Margaret Brandon, W-48J. Scott BriggsJames ClarkThomas B. Clark, W-26 †R. Hawkins Cramer, C-105Benjamin CukerJohn DamonSarah Das, W-129William Dennison, W-33Nicholas DillScott Doney, W-76William Duggan, W-35Sylvia EarleStephen Fantone †Susan Farady, W-83John Farrington †Edwin FischerDavid Ford, W-113Robert FoulkeLloyd French, W-130Robert Gagosian †William Giblin

Robert GiegengackDouglas Goldhirsch, W-48Sarah Gould, W-66 †Samuel GrayDeborah Harrison, C-108Kathleen HealyJerome HellerCharles Holloway, W-58Paul HorovitzGordon HughesDavid JacksonRobert JohnsonRoyal JoslinPatricia Keoughan, W-53M. Susan Lozier †Martin Madden †Edward MadeiraTimothy Mahoney †Bruce MalloryJerrold Manock †Peter MelloJames MillingerWalter Mitchell, W-16Sarah Murdock, W-66 †Michael Nathan, W-35Leroy Parker †Margaret Parker


W. Jeffrey BolsterJacob BrownWalter BrownJohn Bullard †Richard BurnesEdmund CabotLevin Campbell, W-60Frederick Carr, W-32Richard Chandler, W-07Jamie Deming, W-14Peter EllisJohn Gerngross, W-20Richard HawkinsDavid Higgins †Meghann Horner, C-163 †Michael Hudner †Susan HumphrisAmbrose Jearld †Robert Knapp, W-99Clifford Low, W-22Linda MaguireBartlett McGuirePhilip McKnightDon McLucasAudrey MeyerRichard Murray, W-71Ashley Tobin

Robert PattersonCheryl PeachChristopher Penn, W-06William PinkneyLaurie PohlCynthia Polikoff, W-95Kenneth Potter, W-43 †George PutnamRobert Quinlan †Dwight Reese, W-41Hal Rose, W-38Andrew Rosenberg, W-07Paul Rosenzweig, W-43Carl SafinaCarolyn Sheild, W-77Michael TaylorWalter ThompsonJanet Wagner †Deborah WarnerThomas WeschlerJohn Wigglesworth, W-05Gale Willauer, W-30Richard WilsonDavid Wisniewski, C-122Eric WolmanGeorge Woodwell

Trustee Emeriti

John KingsburyPaul PerkinsRobert Seamans*Peter Willauer

President EmeritusRafe Parker

Anchor Watch

Barbara BrownJacob BrownJohn BullardRichard BurnesEdmund CabotThomas B. Clark, W-26Norris ClaytorMargaret ClowesJohn Damon

E. Peter ElsaesserEdwin FischerSamuel GrayGrace HinkleyFred LarsonMary MaddenMichael MaddenDon McLucasJames Millinger

Margaret ParkerPaul Rosenzweig, W-43David RossCarolyn Sheild, W-77Galen and Anne StoneJanet WagnerEric Wolman

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Major Donor Clubs (continued)

SEAFARERS ($1,000 to $2,499)

Anonymous (3)Donald and Barbara AbtJohn Angelozzi, W-146A, and Rachel Tilney, C-109Joseph and Pamela Barry †Charles and Christina BascomJames Beasley and Elizabeth Marshall-BeasleyNicholas, W-55, and Wendy BowenEmily Bramhall, W-27J. Scott and Mayke BriggsRobert Campbell, W-58 †Claudia, W-26, and Richard de Mayo †Robert DemereClover DrinkwaterSusan, W-32, and Christopher DyckmanDavid and Laura ErnstStephen and Elizabeth Fantone †David and Mary FlinnRalph and Erika Forbes †David Frank, C-174 †Ruth FyePeter and Deborah Gibbons-NeffMark GoldweitzVirginia GrayCharles HallJames and Diana HigginsMeghann Horner, C-163 †Susan Humphris and George LohmannMelville IrelandMary JohnsonEdward Kane and Martha WallaceSheldon and Audrey KatzGus and Liza Koven †Dorothy LappinBarbara LittlefieldRobert and Constance Loarie †Per and Margaret LofbergMartin and Anne Madden †Edward and Grace MadeiraJohn and Linda MaguireRoger Matthews and Jane DouganMary Anne Mayo and Stephen NelsonBartlett and Cynthia McGuireDon and Barbara McLucasJohn and Constance McPheetersRichard and Katherine Mellon †David and Veronica Metzler †Edwin and Cassandra MilburyAnthony and Jen MillerD. E. and Marjorie MurrayRobert Patterson and Jane ManipoliPaul and Mary PerkinsLuanne Rice, W-25George RockwoodPaul Rosenzweig, W-43, and Kathleen KunzerArah Schuur, W-122Janine Shissler, C-110, and David Bae †Chester and Leslie Siuda

Holbrook, C-105, and Tracy Smith †Veronica Sperling †Pamela, W-75, and Wallace StarkEric Swergold, C-102, and Dawn DobrasLeopold and Jane SwergoldRobert Szafranski, W-98, and Nguyet VoMichael and Ann TaylorGlen ThomasJan Tuttleman, W-14Janet Wagner †Brooks, W-36, and Catherine WallinMilton and Caroline WaltersAnne and Richard WebbJoe and Anne Welch †Gale Willauer, W-30Richard Wilson and Leslie MaxwellJames, W-156, and Sarah Yockey

BOW WATCH ($500 to $999)

Anonymous (5)Douglas and Kristen AtkinsSteven Barkan and Barbara TennentSéan BercawMatthew Bloch and Marilyn PasierbW. Jeffery and Martha BolsterGeorge Booth, W-111 †Gilbert and Eugenia BovardFrancis and Margaret BowlesMargaret Brandon, W-48Andrew and Amy BurnesDavid, W-71, and Lynn ButlerSeth Cameron, W-132 †Randall Christian, W-160Robert and Martha CohnR. Hawkins Cramer, C-105, and Emily LauderbackJames and Martha CrowleyMarjorie Crowley, S-213John and Catherine DamonSamuel, W-116, and Elizabeth, C-14, DavenportWilliam Davies, W-10Rohit and Katharine Desai †John and Lee Dorn †David Drinkwater, C-113Sylvia EarleJames and Nancy Edwards †Peter and Cynthia EllisEdwin and Angela FischerDielle FleischmannJeanne, W-56, and Phillip FoussardRonald and Kathy FredericksonEllen Gallagher, W-91Thomas GardinerJudith Gregg-Holden, W-96, and Kevin Holden †Stephen and Sally GreshamEdward Grier, W-48 †Jane HallowellGeorge and Polly Hamilton

Franklin and Linda HobbsJames Hughes and Bess Dawson †Ambrose and Anna Jearld †Carolyn,W-36, and Steven JonesHowland and Betsy Jones †Kirk Keil, W-111Morris and Elizabeth KelloggH. David and Meredith KenyonJohn and Louise KingsburyThomas and Susan KnightRobert and Patricia Lawrence †James Lazar, W-78, and Carolyn LeepGeorge and Emily LewisChristopher Lovelock*Vincent and Crystal Lucchesi †Philip and Kathy McKnightAmy, C-151, and Daniel McMorrowPeter and Kathleen McNaull †Richard McWethyBruce Meier and Wendy FearnsideJames Millinger and Charlotte HatfieldWalter Mitchell, W-16Colleen Moran, W-122, and Eric SilvaMichael, W-35, and Michele NathanClifford Nelson, W-71, and Tracy Weidman †Victoria, W-77, and Peter PhilipCynthia, W-95, and B. Steven PolikoffScott and Joan PossielMarilyn, W-18, and Gregory ProulxWilliam and Diane PulleyblankRobert and Judith Quinlan †E. Leigh and Nancy Quinn †Julia RankinHoward and Judith ReynoldsGeorge, W-39, and Jo Ann RockwoodHal, W-38, and Lisa RoseIrving and Beverly RosenzweigCarl SafinaKatrina, W-15, and John SchillingDamon, W-56, and Bruce Scofield †David and Susan SewardRoss and Kathleen SherbrookeMichiru Shimada, C-148 †C. Hamilton and Ann SloanTheodore Sprague, W-116, and Annette OlsonStephen and M.E. Taylor †Peter and Elizabeth ThomsonElizabeth, W-22, and Edward TirrellRobert Van Alen, W-121, and Colby EndertonDeborah WarnerThomas and Katrina WeschlerWilliam and Shelly White †David and Gayle WhittinghamSylvia Wolf, W-37Benjamin, W-79, and Anne WolffBonnie Wood, W-36George and Katharine Woodwell

On all pages, bold type indicates donors who have contributed for at least 10 consecutive years.

† Indicates donors who have contributed for at least 5 consecutive years.


Page 11: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 9

ANNUAL FUND Alumni Donors

01James NasonCraig Williamson

03Thomas Carley †Samuel HoweThomas Robinson

04Carl Hauquitz

05Larry KammerJohn Wigglesworth

06John Hamilton †Christopher Penn John Sculley †G. Crossan Seybolt David Tew

07Richard Chandler Cynthia HydeAlan McIlhennyAndrew Rosenberg

10William Davies Richard HamiltonSusan NalewajkAndrew Wolf †

11Paul Toczydlowski †

12Stephen Wagner

13Leslie Rosenfeld

14Jamie DemingDonald KyrnitszkeJan Tuttleman

15Todd CarlsonSally QuinnKatrina Schilling

16John MillerWalter MitchellDiane Penn

17Rebecca KnieslerJanice Olsen

18Nancy HendrenLucy LoomisMarilyn Proulx

19Riki Ott

20John Gerngross

21Jacob KorngoldGeorge LeeRaymond PalomboKatherine WhiteRobert Wiberg †

22Clifford LowStuart StedmanElizabeth Tirrell

23Seth GarfieldSteven Hudson †

24B. Cort Delany †

25Luanne RiceAlfred Schumer

26Thomas B. Clark †Claudia de Mayo †Bradford Smith

27Emily BramhallAndrew Follett †

29AnonymousMargaret BradySuzanne JonssonRobert Swarm

30Christine DuerringWilliam FanningMark KlempererDody LeSueurMargaret MerrillGale Willauer

32Chel AndersonElizabeth BilligFrederick CarrSusan Dyckman

33William BalchAnne ChapinWilliam DennisonChristopher Mott

34Russ Chinnici

35Sue CotterDavid DoneganWilliam DugganJonathan LeavittMark Longval †Michael Nathan

35 continued

Melinda PearceHolly SmithJohn Taylor

36Edward ColtCarolyn JonesBrooks WallinBonnie Wood

37Stephen BurnhamAndrew PufferSylvia Wolf

38Richard CrispinHal RoseChristine Smith

39Patricia CollinsCharles Natale †George Rockwood

40Susan Savage †

41Ella Quintrell †Dwight Reese

42Mary Jo DedonPaul Detjen †Diana McCargoJeffrey PlattJames Snyder †Daniel Tierney †

43Anonymous (2)Franklin ArmourDavid GoldsmithR. Steve LuceKenneth Potter †Paul RosenzweigHelen Shaw

44Katharine BradfordNadim SaleebyPeter Stein

45Gwen BurzyckiLynn Francis †Nicholas LaFond †Martha Martinez del RioWilliam McMahonRobert Visnick

46Agnes RapoliStacy Rappleyea

47Amy BowerMarjorie KaplanEdward Tokarski

48Margaret BrandonWendelyn DuquetteHelen EdwardsRodman GetchellDouglas GoldhirschEdward Grier †Lori PetittiChristopher West

49Barbara BlockAnn Durbin

50James AndersonPriscilla BrooksJeffrey DickisonLisa FitzGeraldSharon GinandWynn McCloskeyRobert Nolan †James Saroka

51Deborah AreyStephen Bollens †Susan DukeHilary Hudson †Susan Mann

52Paul BerknerGwenllian Scott †Linda Witte

53Mickey Jones †Patricia KeoughanAbbey Rosso

54Timothy ArmourMariette BuchmanChristopher PatricoskiDavid Wright

55AnonymousJohn AbramsNicholas BowenJane CaffreyNancy Gravina †James HouseMary Myers †Marc Overlock

56Jeanne FoussardDouglas GottschlichMichael KentPeyton RobertsonDamon Scofield †Sarah Whalen

57Carin Ashjian †Marla Gearing †Rebecca HemphillE. Denley Poor-Reynolds

58Robert Campbell †Debra FelixCharles HollowayStephen Lafrance

59Claudia CorwinAaron HorwitzMargaret JayPatrick KeenanSarah KohlSarah LeDouxLynn Mahaffy †Patricia Mahoney

60AnonymousEllen MihaichMartha Moulton

61Deborah CarlsonPatricia GoffinetTom GoffinetHilary Maybaum Lawrence Taborsky †Craig Timmins

62Barbara DinkinsElizabeth Briggs FeighanMark Murray-BrownJudith O’NeilRebecca O’Sullivan-


63Elizabeth JakobAndrew MillikenPeter Nalen †Renee Turley

64Florence DardenJames KerneySusan ServiceLisa Sherman †

65Janvrin DemlerPhilip HuffmanPenny Lacroix †Alec Maxwell-Willeson †Cy Oggins Jennifer Paduan Susan PierceCaryn Smith

66Reneè AllenHugh Ferguson †Sarah Gould †John KelleySarah Murdock †N. Allyn Pistole †Jennifer Woodward †

67Karen Susskind

68Edward Conti †Cynthia LayportLaurie Radovan †

70Janet BuskirkStreeter Nelson

71David ButlerRichard MurrayClifford Nelson †Stacie Pinney †Alexander Prud’hommeGretchen Rollwagen-Bollens †Dean Smith

72Merril CousinRobin McGillChristopher Perry †Norman PriceTodd RamboM. Carolyn Stewart †Edward WaltonElizabeth Whyley

73Kimberly HeiselmanC. Nicholas RisomP. Langley Willauer †

74Catherine CounsellTimothy Dickson

75Jeremy SalesinPamela StarkPanos Stephens

76AnonymousScott Doney

77Gregg DelanyVictoria PhilipCarolyn SheildKatherine van Liere

78Charles CourtsalChristine GabrieleJames LazarPhilip Marsh †

79Judy FairfullLaura MoserVirginia PillsburyStephen RaderJoshua WeilBenjamin Wolff

80Geoffrey AlexanderMarlene KattaronNatalie Stephens

Page 12: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

81George LeonardTamara RisserRochelle SeitzEdwin Williams †

82Hilary Hoagland-Grey

83Susan FaradyKatherine IrvineStephen Laster †Kimberly Murphy

84Elizabeth ConcaughNina NesherCarl StevensElizabeth Stevens

85Robert BeedeKimberly SchulzCarol Sinesi

86John Gonzales

87Andrew Felcher †Mary HomerDavid JohnsonKristen Mugnai †Suzanne Schoelch

88Kelly FuentesSteven GoldRobert Ultan

89Timothy HallPatricia NicollKimberly O’SullivanHelen Rozwadowski †

90Valerie BeckJulianne DalzellIngrid Dockersmith †Barbara Toomey William Toomey

91Ellen GallagherNils Jackson

92Laurel AndersonGregory BraunE. Bradley GrenhamBenjamin HallJanet KeelerPatricia MurerJennifer Nauen †Claire Timbas

93Amy BlumenbergChristine Dixon-DonnellyCaroline KlugAmy Logan †Michael Mathewson

94Kathryn CarlsonThomas JesterColm Sweeney

95Robert BeinBrian LevyCynthia Polikoff

96Michael BudniakMary EwensonJudith Gregg-Holden †

97Andrew CampbellKimberly DrewDeborah HamiltonMichael JohnsonTeresa Weronko

98Marjorie FriedrichsJames KrestMartha StarkRobert SzafranskiValerie Zandoli †

99Stephen CannDeborah GreeneRobert KnappChristopher LegaultWilliam Ross

100Stuart FriedmanChristopher KilbridgeJ. Parke Logan †

101Gregory BurdickGeorge DuaneNeil Glickstein †Karen RennichEric Sigler †

102Johnna DoyleAndrew FrantzDaniel PolidoroAlicia RicheMary ShookEric Swergold

103Marci GlazerSteven HilgerBonnie Fry Rothman

104Elizabeth HasseColin KendrickGary MatusowTodd Taylor †

105AnonymousAndrew BessSusan CarterR. Hawkins CramerJanet Richard Kristen SandersHolbrook Smith †Alton Straub †

106Rebecca ArensonGinny EckertJeannette Zamon †

107Sarah Lawson †Daniel McFaddenPatrick O’DonnellMark OlcottRachel ParryCourtney RichmondCharles SontagErica Young

107ASharon Redford †Betty Schuler †

108David Bernhart †Robert CarrollJane HappyDeborah HarrisonJulia Wellner

109Theresa Bissell Bruce Cheever Kerry Dorton Jennifer Haddock †Frederick Stewart Rachel Tilney

110Christopher Ducko Christopher Reich †Janine Shissler †

111Robert Anderson George Booth †Shelby Collier Heather Kaese Kirk Keil James Ramsdell Geoffrey Zentz †

112Nancy Israel Kimberly Markuns †Timothy Myrtle Robert Robertson

113AnonymousJonathan Burke David Drinkwater David Ford Scott Gilbert †Darcy Harwood Dawn McIntosh Christopher Poor Richard Schlereth †Vivian Sousa Gabriel Thoumi †Victoria Wright

114Craig Butterworth Elizabeth Davenport Scott Miller Kristin Patrick

115Beth Donnelly David Jones † Carin Kutcipal Amy Turnbull

116Samuel Davenport Andrew Fischer †Kathryn Garrison Amy Harry Robin Krest Theodore Sprague

117Lisa Buffitt Kenneth O’Brien

118Sherry Cawhorn-Christopher Wilson Flight Pamela Jones Megan Murray

119Walter Carr Shannon Doubet Craig Marin Christopher McChesney James Monti †Karen Sauls † Sarah Skimin

120Jeffrey Hughes †Krista Longnecker Linda Pinto †

121Winslow Burleson Wendin Smith Robert Van Alen

122AnonymousAndrew Daniels Colleen Moran Kelli Scheerer Arah Schuur Shirley Steinmacher David Wisniewski

123AnonymousAlexis Levitt Matthew McKenzie Laurie Morgado

124 N. Craig Gorton †John Tapscott

125Elizabeth Gilgan †Matthew Hebard Victoria McMillan Margaret Millings

126Danielle Bornstein Aron Clymer Charlotte Hanley-

Jacobson †Kimberly Howland Erica Starr

127William Aquila Peter Colby † Jeffrey Fellinger Adam Gildner Barrett Ide Jonathan Mitchell Margaret Woodcome

128Richard Adler Todd Moore Nicole Stephenson

128CAnonymousAmanda Patrick

129Bruce Armbrust †Christian Cox Sarah Das Jennifer McDermott David Zappulla

130 Lloyd French Ravi Lumpkin † Elizabeth Lyman Heidi E. V. McCann Matthew Muldorf

131Sarah Dawson Jennifer Fick Matthew Holstein David Kirk Virginia Leslie Sharon Schaff Frederike van Markus-


132Seth Cameron † Andrew Enright Brannon Fisher †Justin Harrison

133Heidi Hendrick

134AJack Balcome Lucia Kaempffe

135Heather Bryant †Sarah Fischer †Katharine Lussen Shannon McKenzie Kristen Patterson Peter Tilney Kristina White †

136Caroline Good Aimee Meyer †Jacqueline Mitchell

137Mark Behn †John Bowen Heather Goldberg Kathleen O’Neil Eric Stoddard †Amanda van Heyst †

138 Laura Fravel Clare Parker

139Kate Parker

139AKenneth Baughman

140Jessica FortonJames Higgins

140AAnonymousThomas Mulholland †Kurt Wagner


10 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009

ANNUAL FUND Alumni Donors

On all pages, bold type indicates donors who have contributed for at least 10 consecutive years.

† Indicates donors who have contributed for at least 5 consecutive years.

Page 13: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

141Jonathan Kohler †Aurianne Lopatka † Christopher Pastore Sharon Smith †

142 Ashley Kidd Amy Siuda Stephan Tompsett

143Amy Berry Donald Keel Samantha Murray Jennifer Walus

144Alisa Barnard Kimberley Craven Olivia Hauser J. Bradford Hubeny Andrew Siuda

145 Molly PetersJonathan Zwarg

145ASarah Clowes

146Sabrina SchlumbergerWendy Thorpe

146AJohn AngelozziJohn LazzaroMargaret Sadeghpour-


147AnonymousAmy Cameron Sarah Stearns

148Peter Boyd Kelwin Conroy Michiru Shimada †

149 Matthew Burke Charlotte Engelman †Jennifer Littlejohn Daniel Pollard †Rachel Wade

150 Joseph Creney Anne Elefterakis †James Foley Kelly Hike †Timna Onigman Philip Petrone Sarah Webster

150BBenjamin Carr

151Amy McMorrow Hope Rowan Tonya Van Leuvan

152Kathleen Hallee Nadine Smith

152ANancy Cande Alison CochranePeter LeddyBryant MadsenCarolyn NybellMary Peters †Richard Rodin †

153Joshua Frederickson Marion Frederickson Tessa Knaggs-Johnson Christopher Lanoue †Jessica Macrie David Sunderlin Shane Walden †

154Kathryn Hubeny Margaret Martsching

155 Alysa Arnold Catherine Bozek Craig Donaldson Anna Clare Graver Elizabeth Huston Jeremy Lynn E. Anders Matney Erin Myers

156John Mason Rosanne Mason James Yockey

157Martha Egnal Michael McKinnon

157BDaniel Wallance

158Lauren Morgens Angela Seaborg

158AMary Frieze †Clarice HolmAntoinette KellyAlisa Scott †

158BSteuart Walton

159Jaime Dahlke Mason Angela Damery Robert Hancock Micah McOwen

160Sarah Bennett Randall Christian Timothy Dwyer

161Weston Cantor Shanna Kirschner Jay Reynolds Reid Smith Melissa Solomon Darlington †

162 AnonymousJodi Campbell †Emily Chandler Megan Hwang Elizabeth Maloney Johanna Mendillo † Christina Young

163Jaime Beranek Carl Heise Meghann Horner †

163BRichard CarreiroMichael HornRandy Hytry


164James Hildebrand Noah Horst Zoltan Szuts †

165Deborah Liptzin †Emily Molden Morgan Simmons

166Gwendolyn Hancock

167Gina CoggioMarguerite Fontaine Erik Hanberg Benjamin Hussa Stephen Kirk Sarah Zengo

168 Marjorie Blake Nicole Deming Elizabeth Grubin

169 Ryan Gordon †

169BAnonymous †

169CAnita Goldberg Jon Neergaard †

170Anonymous †Rebecca Royal

171 Nicole Cheatle † Lauren Danks Michael Furlong † Peter Rose-Molina Anna Rubin Sarah Spotts Eric Varney

172Kyle Garrett Morgan Nickerson † Elizabeth Reilly Sarah Sharp Tara Staskowski Elizabeth Stefany Elizabeth Strojny † Adam Vitarello Christopher Wilson

173Kyle Helland Alexander Paul

174Christopher Acheson Brian Ambrette David Frank †Matthew Stringer

175Peter Hahn † Lee Stanish Sara Yablon-Smith

175BKathryn Burns

176Danielle Fashauer

176DLucy Trainor

177Colleen Allard Kristin Hunter-Thomson † John Putnam Sarah Smith

178 AnonymousCorinne Beth Zachary Caldwell Meghan Donohue Ashley Ellison Jesse Funk Elizabeth January Stephen Ruane

179 Kalmia Buels Jonathan Cedar Emily Hall Bess Koffman

180AnonymousChoya Adkison-Stevens Erin Klein Juliette McCullough Brendan Smith Erik Wallenberg

181Sean Bryan Toby Krasney Mark Lambton Lauren Miller Skye Morse Aimee Rowe Carrie Wieder

181BDebra Gray

181DBevan Lee †

182Kathleen Haber April Suriano † Sadie Wieschhoff

183Anonymous †Gillian Faustine Laura Hutton Elliot Jacobs Sarah Lucchesi Thomas Martin Bryan Sparkes Rebeccah Wells

184Anonymous †Laura Curry Katie Goeres Brian Grandjean Abigail Keene † Geneva Michaelcheck †Lev Nelson Matthew Peters Gregory Voll †

185Lara Clemenzi Bethany Sullivan

186AnonymousJay Delehanty Jacob Keaton Kevin Sullivan

187Alice Chiu

187DThomas GagnonElizabeth Horn †

188Stephen CuffeyJames Palardy

188CDavid Gouch

189Anonymous (2)Lila Carey Meredith Costa Scott Hiller Celeste Plautz

190Kyra Appleby Nathaniel Cameron Allison Dutton Benjamin Erne †Lauren Gilbert † Emily Harwood Hallie Lee Heidi Miller Sasha Pryborowski Molly Skinner-Day Benjamin Tipton

191Lee Finley-Blasi Elizabeth Haffenreffer Marianne Stadel Natalia Stefanova Carey Tinkelenberg

192 AnonymousRebecca Bartlett Liza Cochran Allison Dellner Hannah Elisha Robert Filbin Allegra Fisher Ryan Joyce Jennifer Knight Jared Kosin Abigail Lowell Jessica McGreehan Kate Moller Vanessa Morris Nicki Noble Laryssa Ohlson Timothy Pusack Erin Roach Allison Robinson Lindsey Ryckman Lee Smith

193Aaron JoslowAlice Kunce

193ECarl Katsu †

194Chelsea Fairbank Ryan Gritzke Eula Kozma Alexis Mann

195AnonymousEmma Bassein Kathryn Feller Elizabeth Gryska

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 11

ANNUAL FUND Alumni Donors

Page 14: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

Anonymous (9)George and Marjorie AbbotFrank and Julie AbeggLeslie AbronsFrank and Cheryl AdreanTerry and Sheila Aiken †Dean and Susan AllenJames and Nancy AmbersonPeter Appleby and Stephanie RaiaAlan and Denise ArmstrongMillicent ArmstrongCurtis and Eileen AxelsenFrancis and Jane BallardStanley and Phoebe BalskySteven Barkan and Barbara TennentDonald and Elaine BarnesIrving and Janice BarrettJoseph and Louise BassettStephen and Gretchen BatesJorge and Margarita BatistaJames and Carolyn BaughmanJohn and Carol BeachRobert and Julie BennettEric and Penny BergochJ. Leonard and Dorothy Bicknell †Matthew Bloch and Marilyn PasierbJohn and Carol BoehringerTimothy and Gail BorkowskiDavid and Harriet BortonArthur Bouchard †Gilbert and Eugenia BovardKeith and Mary Jo Bradley

Anthony and Elizabeth Branca †Robert and Erna BrandonJ. Scott and Mayke BriggsHelen BrownWalter and Kiyoko BrownIrving and Mariette BuchmanWilliam BuckleyJohn and Marcia Buckman †David and Janet BurkeDaniel and Holly BurnesElizabeth and William BurnhamTony and Nancy ButterworthGregory and Kristine CaldwellLevin and Eleanor CampbellCharles and Linda CanepaCraig and Ann CarpenterDennis and Elizabeth CashmanLaurence and Brett CasperDenice Chandler and Catherine Jones †Richard and Susan Chandler †Stephen and Lynda ChandlerRobert and Susan ChennellDouglas and Linda ChristianEdwin Chua and Lorie DolceDexter and June ChurchillL. Elliott and Judith Clark †Robert and Martha CohnFred and Barbara ColinKenelm and Marilyn Collins

Judith CookChristine CorriganThomas Cotton and Melinda HoweCharles and Nancy Craig †James and Martha CrowleyJohn and Catherine DamonDavid DanksRobert and Sally DavisRodney and Christine DeckerRohit and Katharine Desai †William and Mary Lou DeWitt †Tom and Linda DieveneyJohn and Anne DiltsHelen and Joseph DixonBrian and Katherine DonohueJohn and B. Lee Dorn †Charles and Maryann DorseyClover DrinkwaterDavid DrinkwaterIrénée and Barbara du PontJohn and Merril DuttonDavid and Mildred EbbinDonna Eden †Karrie EllisPeter and Cynthia EllisStephen and Carole EnrightDavid and Laura ErnstVivian EssweinJohn and Carolyn Evans

Stephen and Elizabeth Fantone †Stephen and Dagmar FinkleWilliam and Fernanda Firth †Nancy ForrestJohn and Carla FoxEdward and Karen Fraioli †Matthew and Gretchen FrankRonald and Kathy FredericksonJohn and Meryl French †Gregory and Nancy Fritz †Francis FruehstorferEric Frye and Ellie CostaJane FryeDavid and Audrey FunkJoseph and Marilyn GalantiWilliam and Louise GallawayJames and Donna GaraventaThomas GardinerFrank and Erin GentileLawrence and Laura GeorgePeter and Deborah Gibbons-NeffAnn and Lawrence GiddingsNathaniel and Joan GortonJeri GouchAlice Goyert †Joseph and Beverly GraciaEdward GrandinThomas and Joan Granger †Jonathan and Donna Gray

195 continued

Clara Hard Travis Hollingsworth Randolph Jones Maureen Lynch Brittain Mason Stephanie Pritchard Adele Roland Hannah Roth Elizabeth Summers

196 Nathan Boon Katherine Mueller Eric Shepard Cassondra Skinner

197John Gregory Steven Ibara Wynne Kandur Daniel Kayne Roman Kichorowsky

198 Sarah Clement Erik Johanson Min-Yi Jou Elizabeth Reimers Michael Silberman Danielle Tommaso Elizabeth Torgersen

199 Leslie Goemaat Laure Katz

200Elizabeth Davis Sean Kim Kathryn MacDonald

200A Alexandra CanepaSimon Schreier

201Margaret Alferman Kate DeBellis Rachel Greenough Mackenzie Haberman Amanda Hall Monica Kerr-Riess Genna Laurino David McGregor Benjamin Millard Stephanie Owens Anna Stevens Thomas Summers Eleanor Tripp

202Matthew Blumenfeld Noah Kaufman Bonnie McGill

203Max Bronstein Abbey Dubin Daniel Fitzgerald Jessica Friedman Colleen Hanlon-Smith Samuel Lemonick Andrea Murphy Stephanie Thompson Mark Whiting

204 AnonymousJaime Budzynkiewicz Russell Chaput Alexander Dorsk Marshall Frye Eleanor Gordon Andrew Horsburgh Nastasha Horvath Scott MacLellan Ryan Mullins Sarah Pilzer Rachel Reynolds Daniel Stone Jenna Sullivan Seisei Tatebe-Goddu Charles Wisotzkey

205Yana Thaker Robert Whitlock

206Daniel KrofcheckMichael Merkley

206BAnna LaVigne

207Chad Bennett Jose Lobon Judith Meer Caitlin Morrison Dana Powell Kathryn Rodgers Christopher Seward Kyle Sherman Pamela Teixeira

208Corissa Currier Christa Daly Rosalinda Fortier Charles Kenyon Ashleigh McCord Adele Paquin Benjamin Yanni-Lazarus

209Maya Choy-Sutton Kimberly Ellenson Scott Loranger Ryan O’Toole

209 continued

Amanda Rook Michael Tillotson Mara Vaile Elizabeth van der Mandele

210Katrina Barnes Joshua Bates Heather Kalei Katherine Letourneau Bradley Nicholson Caitlin O’Hern Jacqueline Ratner Adam Scherr

211Gordon Blackwood Robert Brewer Kathryn Hoffman Melissa Kunz Karen Lone Scott McCracken Jessica McNally

211EBenjamin Ushkow

212Lauren Hale Sean O’Brien Craig Smith Henry van Wagenberg

213 Daniel Aschaffenburg Marjorie Crowley Kristina Muscalino

214John Armstrong Anna Simeon

215 Chelsea Apito Gregory Ardini Sophia Bahlkow Laura Bramley Meredith Briand Derek Castro Megan Cook Alexandra Fioretti Julia Haines

12 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009

ANNUAL FUND Alumni Donors

ANNUAL FUND Parent Donors

On all pages, bold type indicates donors who have contributed for at least 10 consecutive years.

† Indicates donors who have contributed for at least 5 consecutive years.

Page 15: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 13


ANNUAL FUND Parent Donors

Samuel and Margaret GraySandy GreenJames and Carol GreenoughStephen and Sally GreshamBenjamin GrubergDavid and Joan Grubin †Margaret GryskaThomas and Marcia GustafsonHarold HackettPeter HaddockPeter and Lindsay HagenCharles HallJeannette HallGeorge and Polly HamiltonBart and Maribeth HammerCharles and Robin HammondTom and Stephenne HardingRobert and Karolyn HarwoodRichard Hawkins and Marian FergusonJamie HaywoodMark and Anne HeinenEdward HeiskellRodger and Jillian HerrigelDavid and Ilona Higgins †Alice Hildebrand and Allen MyersMichael and Linda HoffmannKenneth and Willa HogbergGerald and Jane HoltzRichard Hornby and Tracey Leger-HornbyMark and Laurel HouleEdward and Dorothy HudsonStephen and Rosemary HusonPeter and Linda Hutton †John and Carole Ide †Roger Ide and Gail BoettigerPaul and Marjorie Inderbitzen †Yvana IovinoWilliam IrvingDeborah JacksonMary JacksonEdward and Myrna JenkinsAlexander and Jill JohnsonJames and Melinda Johnson †Robert and Elizabeth JohnsonMrs. Stephen JohnsonRandolph and Susan JonesSuzanne JonssonJack and Cynthia KadzikWerner and Dorothy KaeseEdward Kane and Martha WallaceWilliam and Margaret KaplanIsao and Yukiko KatoSheldon and Audrey KatzPatricia KellyH. David and Meredith KenyonJames and Mary Emily KerneyFrank and Jane KetchamBrian and Sally KirbyElmer and Marilyn KlumppEdward and Amy KnightThomas and Susan KnightRick Krell †Kevin Kunz and Kathleen MishinaJohn and Kathleen LanoueDorothy LappinSusan LaurPeter and Gertrude LaVignePaul and Jane Lawrence

George and Susan LeeDavid Lemonick and Mary TuttleRichard and Lynda LevengoodRobert and Constance Loarie †Christopher Lovelock*Clifford and Randy LowRalph and Priscilla Lowell †Vincent and Crystal Lucchesi †Michael and Patricia LucyMyles and Cornelia Lund †Lynn MacCuishJohn and Susan MackayMichael and Sue MacrellisEdward and Grace MadeiraHugh and Ruth MahaffyTimothy Mahoney and Pamela Donnelly †Steve and Sarah MalinowskiWilliam and Christina Maloney †Robert and Susan Mandel †Richard and Joyce MannHugh and Olive MarchFrank and Linda MarescaRichard and Virginia Marr †Miles MarshallAlbert and Janice MartinP. Gail MartinThomas MartinDeacon and Marie-Laure MarvelCharles and Monika MasonR. Hardin Matthews and Jane DouganCarl and Sharon Matuszek †Kathleen MaxonMr. and Mrs. Oscar MayerMary Anne Mayo and Stephen NelsonJoe McAlisterE. Dennis and Sandra McCarthyPeter McChesneyWalter and Carol McClennen †Steve McCracken and Sue WaggenerBartlett and Cynthia McGuireDavid and Ellen McKinnonRobert and Patricia McNittJohn and Constance McPheetersBruce Meier and Wendy FearnsideAnne Meigs-BrownAndrew and Eleanor MerrittDavid and Veronica Metzler †Audrey and William Meyer †William and Wenda MillardDonald and Susan MillerStephen and Christina Miller †Gail and Phil MinschwanerBraxton MitchellThomas and Barbara Mitchell †Sarah MooreWilliam and Margaret MoorhouseEdwin and Linda Morgens †Robert and Mary-Margaret MorseMarc and Elizabeth MuellerWilliam and Marilyn MungerJames and Linda MurphyGeorge Neiley and Ellen O’BrienEric and Margaret NeilsenDavid Nelson and Rachel Jewelewicz-NelsonJ. Nicholas and Kathleen NewmanAnne NicholsDavid and Susan NicholsonKyle and Diane Noble

Christiane NorthrupMr.* and Mrs. David NuttCharles and Eugenia O’BrienR. Michael and Celine O’BrienMaksymilian and Grazyna OstasRenée Bennett O’SullivanLeroy and Winifred Parker †Rafe and Kate ParkerDiane PattonNancy PendletonChristopher and Diane PennJames and Debra PetersThomas and Mary Kay PilatRobert and Anita PossScott and Joan PossielMark and Diane PozefskyKen and Kim PritchardWilliam and Diane PulleyblankJohn and Cynthia Putnam †Donald Quartel and Michela EnglishMary Quinn-DevinePeter and Karen RabinsMichael and Alicia RafterWilliam and Karen ReganJohn and Sharyn ReitzDavid and Elaine ResslerGary and Bernice Reynolds †Christopher RichardsonDavid and Sandra RobertsAndrew and Harriot RockefellerGeorge RockwoodIrving and Beverly RosenzweigRandall and Jenifer RydzGary and Elissa-Ann SambergJane Sattler †Rosalind SchmittRobert and Martha SchoenemannJoshua and Eve SchreierPeter and Lucy SchumerPeter and Kathi SclafaniDonald* and Alma ScullyEdmund and Ellen SeeRichard and Gwyn Sewall †David and Susan SewardEdward and Joan ShankleSusan ShanleyJohn and Helen SharpeChristopher and Margaret SheedyJohn and Jean SheildRobert and Mara ShlachterJack and Patricia Shumate †William and Mary Lynn SimmonsChester and Leslie SiudaLouis and Barbara SklarC. Hamilton and Ann SloanRoger and Carol Sloboda †Bernard and Trudy SmithBradford and Christine SmithKaighn and Ann SmithMargaret SmithStephen Smith and Jeanette HanlonThomas and Barbra SmithgallGary and Christine SoaresRobert and Kay SoucyHelen SpauldingRobert and Cynthia SpencerVeronica Sperling †Patricia Sprague

Paul and Deedee SprecherFred and Kathleen StadelRonald and Carolyn StarrBruce and Betsy Stefany †Daniel StevensEdith StevensDavid and Margo StoneGreg and Joyce StudenEdwin and Phyllis StumpfPaul and Lenore SundbergFred SuppesJames and Aimée SwainPhilip and Joan SwansonLeopold and Jane SwergoldJames and Julie SwolMichael and Ann TaylorWalter and Nancy ThompsonPeter and Elizabeth ThomsonPhilip and Ellen TilneyHoward and Judith TolkanThomas and Donna TrainorKeith and Mary TurnerL. Barry* and Susan UltanThomas and Deanne UrmyBruce and Charmaine UshkowGary and Linda VarneyMichael and Dorothy VicariJames and Virginia VitarelloJohn Wade and Yuko Higa †Mr. and Mrs. Colton WagnerStephen and Carol Ann WagnerMilton and Caroline WaltersCharles and Maria Watson †Mark and Susan WebsterPatricia Weis-TaylorElizabeth WentKelly and Dyan WestmanMichael and Catherine WhalenE. Douglas and Barbara White †William and Roberta WhitingDavid and Gayle WhittinghamPeter Willauer and Carol NugentW. Bradford and Ann WillauerThomas and Alice WilleyCraig and Nancy WillisVincent and Susan WisniewskiAlbert and Barbara WolcottEdward and Ann WollJohn and Pauline WoodwardGeorge and Katharine WoodwellLouis and Pauline ZandoliSteve ZelenskiJames Zethmayr and Mary GebkaMichael and Carole Ziegler †William and Elizabeth ZimmermannDavid and Susan ZoiaAndrew Zuorski and Linda HamiltonStephen and Janet Zwarg †

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Anonymous (6)Katrina Abbott and Benjamin Lummis †Donald and Barbara AbtArthur and Reneè AllenJoel Alvord and Lisa SchmidWilliam and Elsie ApthorpJohn ArmstrongDavid ArnoldDouglas and Kristen AtkinsRuth Atkinson †David and Nancy BabinArthur and Mary Baker †Benjamin and Deborah Baker †Nicholas BakerTalbot BakerHenry and Alice BarkhausenJennifer BaroneJoseph and Pamela Barry †Charles and Christina BascomJames Beasley and Elizabeth Marshall-BeasleyRoger and Masako BellingerSéan BercawCharles and Janet BergmannThomas Bethea †R. William and Mary Jean BlasdaleW. Jeffrey and Martha BolsterA.S. and Peggy BonnerFrancis and Margaret BowlesJohn and Jane BradleyEric BraitmayerJohn and Nancy Braitmayer †James BreedJacob and Barbara BrownThomas BrownWendell and Leslie BrownLawrence and Sally Brownell †Lexie Bullard and Kevin Kump †Sarah Bullard †Andrew and Amy BurnesRick and Nonnie BurnesMrs. Carleton Burr †Toby and Barbie BurrJames and Rosamond ButlerNed and Betsy CabotEdwin and Crystal Campbell †John and Roberta CareyErnest and Lynne ChaddertonMorris and Cynthia ChestonFrederick ChristianDavid and Betsy ClarkJames and Ruth ClarkCarol CleaveEdith CorningJohn and Laura CrosbyBenjamin Cuker and Dawn GerbingMrs. William Curby and

Matthew Taylor CurbyBarry DameNelson and Ruth DarlingWillis and Nancy Daugherty †John and Helen Davies †Leverett DavisEric DawickiMichael and Jane Deland †Robert DemereEdward and Charlene DennenNicholas and Birgitte DillJeffrey DormanNeal Driscoll and Cheryl PeachPatrick and Grace DuarteGeorge and Pauline DuclosJoseph and Darlene DuprasPaul and Rita DussaultTimothy Dyer †Sylvia Earle

James and Nancy Edwards †John and Janice EnglishJohn and Shirley Farrington †David and Doris FauschPeter and Alison FennJudith FenwickArmand FernandesDouglas Fischer and Robert Haines †Edwin and Angela FischerDielle FleischmannDavid and Mary FlinnRalph and Erika Forbes †Robert and Patricia FoulkeClayton FowlerStuart Frank and Mary Malloy †Robert and Alexena Frazee †Mary FreemanRuth FyeRobert and Susan Gagosian †Michael and Mary GarfieldSeth GelsthorpeChristian Giardina and

Ingrid Dockersmith †Craig and Nancy Gibson †Robert and Francesca GiegengackRichard and Joy GilbertTerry GlennJonathan and Dorothy GoldweitzMark GoldweitzGuillermo GonzalezJohn and Marilyn Gould †William Grant †Virginia GrayHenry and Nina GriswoldJ. Robert and Teresa GuntherKenneth HainesJulia HallJane HallowellRobert Hassey and Susan BozekR. William and Dawn HazelettElizabeth Heald †Jerome and Anne HellerCarl Herzog and Laurie WeitzenAndrew and Susan HessRobert and Janet HewesAlan HickeyGrace Hinkley †Franklin and Linda HobbsEdward Holland †Timothy Horkings and

Margaret McGetrickPaul and Betsey HorovitzCharles HoveyLance Howland and Anne MateraMichael and Hope Hudner †Gordon and Elizabeth HughesJames Hughes and Bess Dawson †Peter and Mary Huidekoper †Melville IrelandArne and Gail IsaksenIrving and Annette ItzkanDavid and Nancy JacksonMary JanneyAmbrose and Anna Jearld †George and Margaret JenkinsGeorge Johnson †Howland and Betsy Jones †Royal JoslinRobert and Susan Karam †Donald and Anne KeelWayne and Barbara Keith †Morris and Elizabeth KelloggEdmund and Mayotta KendrickWilliam and Priscilla KennedyRichard and Reta King

John and Louise KingsburyWilliam and Deborah KnowltonGus and Liza Koven †Gustav and Stephanie KovenTom and Willa KuhG. Lawrence and Emily LangfordRobert and Patricia Lawrence †Michael Lesser †Adolfo and Corinne LeungGeorge and Emily LewisBarbara LittlefieldStanley and Martha LivingstonPer and Margaret LofbergGeorge Lohmann and Susan HumphrisEllie Linen Low and David LowPhilip and M. Susan Lozier †Diana Lucas †Peter and Deborah LuquerCabot and Heidi LymanJean MacCormackMartin and Anne Madden †John and Linda MaguireBruce MalloryClinton MarshallNelson and Grace MarshallJoseph and Beth MattisonDorothy McAuliffe †John and Elizabeth McBratneyR. Gordon and Judy McGovern †Philip and Kathy McKnightDon and Barbara McLucasPeter and Kathleen McNaull †James and Helen McNittRichard McWethyRobert and Margaret McWethyPeter and Jenny MelloRichard and Katherine Mellon †Lew MeyerEdwin and Cassandra MilburyAnthony and Jen MillerJames Millinger and Charlotte HatfieldRaymond and Jeanne Minchak †Rob MoirPeter Moore and Alicia Hills-Moore †Bruce Morehead and Imelda MehlertSteven MorganJohn and Bridget MortonBernard and Jane MoultonD.E. and Marjorie MurrayDouglas Nemeth †Paul and Adelaide NicholsonDavid and Elizabeth Noyes †Philip and Jeannette ParishMargaret ParkerRuth Parker †Herbert ParsonsEdward and Joan Partridge †Robert Patterson and Jane ManipoliStuart and Martha PattisonVernon and Dorothy PennerJohn PenneyPaul and Mary PerkinsWilliam and Migdalia PinkneyLaurie PohlGeorge and Kathy PutnamThomas PutnamRobert and Judith Quinlan †E. Leigh and Nancy Quinn †Donald and Rohlat RamsbottomJulia RankinAbbott and Katharine ReeveHoward and Judith ReynoldsClare Rhoades †Robert and Patricia Ricks †Peter and Lucy Robbins

Bryan Robertson and Patricia Garrahy-RobertsonNorman RobinsonElizabeth RooseveltEdward and Wendy RoseEstate of Hilde RosenthalEdward and Susie RowlandSaul Sacks †Carl SafinaRichard Sailor and Mary Johnston †H. Alexander SalmG. West and Victoria SaltonstallWilliam* and Jane SaltonstallKarl SchoettleMr. and Mrs. Charles SchuttGary and Elisabeth SchwarzmanRobert* and Eugenia SeamansLari SheehanRoss and Kathleen SherbrookeGary and Amy Simon †Dean and Marjorie SmeltzerJean Smith †Paul and Mary Louise Smith †Stanley and Josephine SmithEmily SmithgallFrank and Jessie SnyderJonathan SnyderLionel and Vivian SpiroGeorge and Theresa StanleyWallace and Pamela StarkCharles and Susan StillmanClay and Clara Stites †Jacek and Margaret SulanowskiCraig SwatlandJohn and Susan TaylorStephen and M.E. Taylor †Donald and Shirley Ann Thomson †Cutler UmbachJoan UnderwoodWilliam and Charlotte UnderwoodGeorge and Dagmar UnhochScott Veirs and Annie ReeseDaniel WalkerJoan WardWilliam and Mary WardenJames and Elizabeth WaringDeborah WarnerJoseph WarrenJames Watters and Ashley TobinRichard and Anne WebbDavid WechslerJoe and Anne Welch †Thomas and Katrina WeschlerJoan Wheeler †William and Jean WhelanLawrence and Janie WhiteWilliam and Shelly White †Elizabeth WhitneyJames Wickersham †Susan WilliamsRichard Wilson and Lesley MaxwellJohn Winchester †Mary WinderElizabeth WinnSears and Carolyn WinslowAlastair Wolman †Eric and Sandra WolmanLucy WoodMichelle WoodJohn and Margaret XifarasMatthew YanagiAnthony and Mary Zane †Edwin and Caroline Zimmerman †


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Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 15

On all pages, bold type indicates donors who have contributed for at least 10 consecutive years.

† Indicates donors who have contributed for at least 5 consecutive years.

ANNUAL FUND Faculty and Staff Donors

Jill Arthur †Scott BrancoJohn Bullard †Dale Dean †Mary EngelsJane FryeJennifer Haddock, C-109 †

Sally Hampton †Kerry Hannigan †Gary Jaroslow †John JensenPaul Joyce †Kara Lavender Law †Jeremy Law

Mary Malloy †Elizabeth Maloney, W-162Philip Petrone, W-150Maryanne RichardsErin Roach, C-192Philip SacksAmy Siuda, C-142

Anna Stevens, S-201Stephen TarrantGlen ThomasJanet Wagner †Laurie WeitzenErik Zettler

ANNUAL FUND Foundations and Corporations

Alcoa FoundationThe American Foundation CorporationAmerican International Group, Inc.AXA FoundationB & H Ocean Carriers, Ltd.Bank of AmericaThe Bascom Family TrustThe Belsky-Doyle- Polikoff-Troubh Family FundBoston Financial Data Services, Inc.The Boston FoundationThe Edmund & Betsy Cabot Charitable FoundationVirginia Wellington Cabot FoundationCIGNASimon & Eve Colin Foundation, Inc.Colonial Oil Industries, Inc.The Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation, Inc.Exxon Education FoundationBob Fleigh Foundation, Inc.GE FoundationGlaxo Welcome, Inc.

GoodSearchThe Gravina Family Foundation, Inc.The Greater Cincinnati FoundationHoughton Mifflin CompanyIBMIngersoll-Rand Charitable FoundationKent-Lucas Foundation, Inc.Koven FoundationLyman-Morse Boatbuilding Co., Inc.Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family FoundationMHG FoundationMicrosoftMMCThe Monomoy FundThe J. P. Morgan Chase FoundationMorgan StanleyNational GridNortheast Maritime InstituteNutter, McClennen & Fish, LLPThe Pegasus Foundation

Pfizer, Inc.The Procter & Gamble FundReview FoundationSAICSEA New England Regional Alumni GroupAnn C. & C. Hamilton Sloan FoundationStarbucksSwergold Family FoundationTidewater Research Foundation, Inc.TisBest PhilanthropyTransUnionUBSUnited States Coast Guard AuxiliaryR. T. Vanderbilt TrustVerizon FoundationThe Walton Family Foundation, Inc.Westvaco FoundationWhitehall Foundation, Inc.The Wildwood Foundation

ANNUAL FUND Restricted Gifts

Anonymous (6)B & H Ocean Carriers, Ltd.Bonnell Cove FoundationThe Boston FoundationRick and Nonnie BurnesNed and Betsy CabotVirginia Wellington Cabot FoundationThomas B. Clark, W-26Jamie, W-14, and David DemingPeter and Cynthia Ellis

Ford and Jean ElsaesserJohn Gerngross, W-20Philip J. Hahn FoundationRichard Hawkins and Marian FergusonKathleen Healy and Julian DayMichael and Hope HudnerPaul, W-01, and Christine KaplanPatricia Keoughan, W-53H. F. (Gerry) LenfestThe Lenfest Group

Timothy Mahoney and Pamela DonnellyJerrold and Mary Ellen ManockPhilip and Kathy McKnightJames Millinger and Charlotte HatfieldMargaret ParkerChristopher, W-06, and Diane, W-16, PennHenry M. Rowan Family Foundation, Inc.Carolyn Sheild, W-77Manning and Virginia SmithSt. Francis Yacht Club Foundation



CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT FUNDAlexander, W-53, and Janet Politis

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDMargaret ClowesGrimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation

GENERAL ENDOWMENTNed and Betsy CabotMargaret Parker



NEW HORIZONS CAPITAL CAMPAIGNJ. Scott and Mayke BriggsWilliam, W-35, and Deborah DugganEric Swergold, C-102, and Dawn Dobras

OCEAN AND CLIMATE ENDOWMENTThe Horner Education TrustEric and Sandra Wolman

JOHN C. PARKER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPMargaret ParkerVision Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation

RAFE AND KATE PARKER ENDOWMENT FUNDHartford Foundation for Public GivingLucy Lommis, W-18, and Thomas Creighton

WALLACE E. TOBIN AWARDAshley Tobin and James Watters

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GIFTS IN HONOR (all funds and campaigns)

In honor of Class S-215John and Bridget Morton

In honor of Claudia Endler and Renwick OdenSamuel Goldstein and Elizabeth Oakes

In honor of Emily M. Harwood, S-190Robert and Karolyn Harwood

In honor of Hannah J. Parker, C-106Mary Jackson

In honor of Rafe and Kate ParkerHartford Foundation for Public GivingLucy Loomis, W-18, and Thomas CreightonMargaret Parker

In honor of John Peabody, S-177Edith Edson

In honor of Francisco SegarSimon & Eve Colin Foundation, Inc.Fred and Barbara Colin

In honor of Ian T. Smithgall, S-209Emily Smithgall

In honor of Laura A. Sudarsky, W-35Dorothy Lappin

GIFTS IN MEMORY (all funds and campaigns)

In memory of Jacob C. BedardPeter, W-140A, and Kismet Bertash

In memory of Margaret L. Bradley, C-167 Gina Coggio, C-167

In memory of Ann W. BrewerJohn and Jane BradleyMichael and Ann Taylor

In memory of John J. DuprasJoseph and Darlene Dupras

In memory of Edward W. FarrellBarbara Jones

In memory of Mitchell Gibbons-Neff, Jr.Elizabeth Bergener

In memory of Caroline M. Granger, C-134Thomas and Joan Granger

In memory of Phillips HallowellJane Hallowell

In memory of John HazeltonCarole and Bill Kennedy

In memory of Melville H. IrelandThe Kate Ireland Foundation

In memory of Irving M. JohnsonThe American Foundation CorporationEdith Corning

In memory of Jock KileyJoan and Edward PartridgePeter and Lucy Robbins

In memory of Carol L. Klumpp, W-83 Elmer and Marilyn Klumpp

In memory of Charles McClennenRobert and Karolyn Harwood

In memory of Robert C. Seamans, Jr.Janet Wagner

In memory of Roderick Stephens, Jr.Lew Meyer

In memory of Wallace E. Tobin, IIIMichael and Ann TaylorAshley Tobin and James Watters

GIFTS IN KIND (all funds and campaigns)

AnonymousB & H Ocean Carriers, Ltd.Séan BercawKalmia Buels, S-179Rick and Nonnie Burnes

Ned and Betsy CabotScott Doney, W-76, and Andrea GosselinErik GuraMichael and Hope HudnerAmbrose and Anna Jearld

Grant Macdonald, W-122Peter and Arlene MolloPie in the SkySaltchuk Resources, Inc.

Allan, W-86, and Nancy SalzmanJanet WagnerCraig Wiegand

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SEA in AntarcticaThree colleagues with SEA connections joined FormerDirector of Marine Operations, Al Hickey, on an expe-dition in Antarctica last fall. This photo was takenfrom the deck of the Laurence M. Gould after motor-ing into Lapyrere Bay to trawl the bottom for Antarcticice fish. Al writes that it was a gorgeous winter daythat finally saw the sunshine in a temperature of -6̊ C.

Pictured L-R: Jullie Jackson, W-169, EngineerJeremy Lucke, Al Hickey, Lindsey Ekern, S-183

SeaPerch ProjectThe SeaPerch project came full circle when studentsand teachers from the Taiohae Middle School in NukuHiva toured the Robert C. Seamans during a Class 216

port stop at theMarquesas (below).

The project beganin Woods Hole duringthe shore componentof Class 215 whenSEA Semester stu-dents (left) voluntarilyundertook building twoSeaPerches in theirspare time. They were

tested in Woods Hole, and then went to sea. A SeaPerchis a hand built ROV (remote operated vehicle), a sub-marine that is controlled from the surface.

One was donated during Class 215’s stop in NukuHiva to students from the same school who toured duringClass 216. Other SeaPerch ROV’s have been similarlybuilt by SEA students and donated to a marine lab inJamaica, and ECO-Mar, a non-profit that serves fishingvillages in Samana Bay, the Dominican Republic.

Jan Witting Receives 2008 ElsaesserFellowship AwardDr. Jan Witting’s project was selected from apool of strong proposals for the 2008 ArminE. Elsaesser III Fellowship Award. Jan hasbeen a member of SEA’s OceanographyFaculty since 2001. He received both his BSand PhD in Marine Biology from NortheasternUniversity.

Jan’s project involves the traditional inshorefishery techniques that are rapidly disappear-ing in the Tuamotu Archipelago in FrenchPolynesia. He is studying the vanishing tradi-tions that present a sustainable model forexploiting local marine resources and are inurgent need of preservation. Traveling to threeof the atoll islands, he will document this tra-dition using video, audio recordings, photo-graphs and written records. These records willthen be shared with local community organi-zations involved in preserving traditional land-scape use methods. To follow Jan’s progresson this project, go to http://www.oceanna-tion.blogspot.com/

SEA Overseer Ben Cuker Wins AwardThe first ‘Excellence in Education’ Award hasbeen presented to Dr. Benjamin Cuker by theAmerican Society of Limnology andOceanography (ASLO). Since 1988, Dr. Cukerhas served on the faculty of the Departmentof Marine and Environmental Science atHampton University. Beyond his duties as aprofessor and researcher, he has devotedmuch of his career to promoting diversity inthe aquatic sciences. In congratulating Ben,SEA’s President John Bullard said, “Your com-mitment, your imagination and your persist-ence have overcome all the obstacles thatefforts to diversify the sciences encounter.”

More Legacy StudentsThe number of SEA Semester students whoare legacies continues to grow. In Class 221,Erin “Ginger” O’Reilly (top, left), daughter ofPatrick O’Reilly, W-76 and Sarah Kearsley(top, right), daughter of Richard Kearsley,W-25, were classmates and are shipmates onthe SSV Robert C. Seamans. Class 222included student, Ben Sinnett (below), son ofEmily Bramhall, W-27.

Annual FundSEA’s Annual Fund appeal will close on June 30 for the2008-2009 year. The Annual Fund is the cornerstone ofSEA’s fundraising and annual giving provides for 15%of the operating budget. Since endowment income isgreatly reduced in the current market, and college stu-dents are struggling with the cost of education, SEA’sneed for support is greater than ever. Annual Fund giftsgo to scholarship, program enrichment and mainte-nance of our vessels.

The alumni reunion class with the greatest percent-age of participation will win the opportunity to go on anovernight sail on Alumni Reunion weekend.

Please consider making a donation by returning theremittance envelope contained in this mailing. Rememberthat our Annual Fund year runs from July 1st toJune 30th. A gift of any size will be greatly appreciated.


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W-1crossing paths

The Westward had come in at 0600. The Westward is a sister ship of the Yankee. She’sa Topsail schonner, 100 feet long. Just before we were going to leave a 16 foot whalercame by. A man in it said for us to come over. They use a 9 foot Avon to land. We sawthem flip it. So we went over. When we got aboard it was lunch time. The Captaininvited us for lunch. We had bread, Potateo salad, and Cold MEATLOAF. Boy, that wasgood. The boys didn’t respect there captain or us. The didn’t have shirts on ether (note:a family rule of ours was to have shirts on at meals). The Captain is Roger Gray and hiswife is Frances Gray. Frances Gray gave us six Whole Canned Chickens. O boy.

The Westward. She had a break in her deck ¾ of the way aft. Nice engine room. Heryard was on deck. 46 feet long. They put it up in James Bay. Almost no doors havehandels. They have a key. Lot of doors have keys sitting in them. There’s a watertightdoor with a key hole. The one thing I didn’t understand are the watches. There is sevenpeople on a watch. They stand watch day and night, port or sea. They stand four hourwatches. In 11 days they saw the Galapagos. The people on watch don’t get to sea that port.

Daddy was interested in it because of the (Brigantine) Yankee. The builder talked todaddy about sertain things. It was the first time daddy had been aboard. After we gotback a boat from the Westward came by. We invited them aboard. Jeff Davis and LarryJ. Hobbs. Larry was a mate and got paid. Jeff had to pay. Larry has had lots ofexperiences. His address is Waimanalo, Hawaii. He was neat. That night the Perrine kidsand Bercaw kids went to the Westward. We had cold strong Kool-Aid.

The next morning we were going to have pig liver. But when we smelled it, it hadalready spoiled. The pigs heart still was good. We had pigs heart. It was just like liverexcept firmer. We had dinner that afternoon; Pork and Sweet & Sour sauce, carrots andrice. Trina, Mommy and me took a hike. We were planning to hike to Buccaner Cove.We got pictures of the Westward and started hiking. We hiked, hiked, and double hiked.Finally we got on the left side of a big hill. Wrong side.

After supper Daddy showed his Yankee lectiour on the Westward. The French,Perrines, Bercaws and Four Winds people. Four Winds is a 60 foot schooner. The peopleon it are making a movie. Daddy showed it with there (the WW’s) projecter from thecapanion way. We had to take all the slides from the cardtriges and put them in order ina big box. He made a very good lecture. He added two pictures of Natasha. Bravo! Wehad cold Kool-Aid afterwards. ■

Note: When I was ten years old I sailed aroundthe world with my family on NATASHA, our38-foot ketch. In February 1972 during ourcircumnavigation, we crossed paths with theWESTWARD in James Bay, Galapagos Islands.She was on W-1, her first SEA voyage. Thefollowing is an excerpt from my log regardingthat event; I’ve left my original spelling andgrammar.

WESTWARD (W-1) Galapagos Islands, February 1972 By Captain Sean S. Bercaw

Sean Bercaw served as Captain on the SEA faculty from 1994 to 2003. This story is a followup to“Message in a Bottle” (Following SEA, Winter/Spring 2008). During 1972, when sailing aroundthe world with his family, he encountered Westward on its first SEA cruise.

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(Above) A page from Westward’s log thatnotes the visit of the Bercaw family and aphotograph of Westward at anchor in JamesBay in the Galapagos, taken by Sean’s father,Jay Bercaw.

Following SEA Winter/Spring 2009 19

There was a secondcrossing of paths for W-1 alumnaCheryl McKinley and former SEA CaptainSean Bercaw in August of 2008. During an Alumni andParent Cruise onboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans. Sean andCheryl realized that their paths had also crossed 36 years earlier during thevoyage of SEA’s first class on RV Westward.

Cheryl was one of the 15 student apprentices setting sail on January 6, 1972 from SanDiego on what was described in the June 1972 issue of SAIL magazine as “her first of acontinuing series of oceanographic expeditions to remote places around the world.” Thevoyage was to take them to the volcanic island Socorro, off the coast of Mexico, on to theGalapagos Islands for an extended stop, through the Panama Canal and on to Puerto Rico.

Cheryl’s return visit to the Galapagos Islands in 2007 had led her to reconnect withSEA and then sign up for the S-218D alumni sail. By chance Sean had been recruited bySEA to sail as a Mate on that same trip and ended up on the same watch as Cheryl.

As a boy, Sean had been sailing round the world on his family’s ketch, Natasha, whenWestward was sighted at anchor in the Galapagos. Although Sean’s father Jay had neverseen the boat, he had been consulted on its construction by Drayton Cochran,Westward’s original owner, and thus recognized it right away. Cheryl remembered theBercaw family’s visit to the vessel, especially the slide show of the 5th voyage of theBrigantine Yankee that was viewed on deck by the apprentices. Jay had been Mate onboth the 5th and 6th world voyages on the Yankee.

Asked about comparisons in what she experienced on the Seamans versus her W-1trip, Cheryl responds that the pace is very familiar; watch standing, camaraderie andteamwork are also similar. The grace and elegance of the ship was the same. “There seemsto be a bit greater emphasis on science today as compared to more seamanship in 1972,”she said. The same 1972 SAIL magazine article though, describes W-1 off watch activityas “lectures on a broad spectrum of subjects including ocean currents, water systems, seawater physics and chemistry, bottom topography, plankton life, cetacean physiology andbehavior, marine ecological systems, navigation, meteorology and sailing theory.” ■

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Do increasing global temperatures have an effect on the intensity and frequency ofextreme weather events? For coastal communities, the relationship between globalwarming and cyclone activity is particularly interesting for reasons that are altogetherobvious. This is the question that recently brought WHOI scientist Dr. Jeff Donnelly tothe Society Islands, French Polynesia on board the SSV Robert C. Seamans. The missionof the ten-day research cruise was to map and sample the soft sediment deposits of thelagoon environments of Tahaa, Bora Bora and Huahine.

These sediments potentially preserve a detailed weather record all through to the endof the last ice age some 10,000 years ago. The sediment is an aggregation of weatheringproducts running down from the volcanic peaks of the islands, and calcium carbonateproduced by invertebrates and algae on the surrounding coral reefs.

WHOI/SEA joint coring expedition to Society Islands, French PolynesiaJanuary 2009By Jan Witting, PhD, Chief Scientist onboard the Robert C. Seamans, WHOI@SEA

WHOI science party on board the Robert C. Seamans (l-r). Grad. Student Phil Lane,Drs. Jonathan Woodruff, Andrew Ashton, Jeff Donnelly, Andrea Hawkes and grad studentMichael Toomey.

SCIENCE CORNER Climate Science at Sea

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The basic idea behind this research effort is that large storm events will generatesediment and debris that is discernibly different from the usual gradual accumulation.On the reef side, the large seas break large corals off the reef and roll them around. Theresulting mixture of coral sand and shell fragments is then washed over the reef anddeposited in the lagoon. On the land side the large rainfall accelerates erosion and moveslarger particles down the steep inclines and swollen rivers. After the storm is over, theusual gradual sedimentation process proceeds and eventually buries the evidence of thestorm. Repeat this process for thousands of years, and you potentially have a very nicerecord of major storms locked in the lagoon sediments.

Dr. Donnelly and his science party of six boarded the ship in Papeete on the 10th ofJanuary. The cruise had been in the planning for about a year, and much of the researchgear had been loaded on the ship in San Diego before the two fall sea semesters. Afterdeparting Papeete in the afternoon of January 10, we traveled some 115 nautical miles tothe twin islands of Raiatea and Tahaa where we spent the next five days. A routine forthe work quickly established itself, with the mornings and early afternoons filled withacoustic CHIRP sonar surveys of the lagoon sediments, followed in the afternoon by afew core samples of selected locations.

The full results of the research will trickle in once Dr. Donnelly’s group has had achance to analyze the cores back at WHOI, but the early indicators are very promising.Dr. John Woodruff from UMass Amherst created 3-D maps of the coring locations fromthe detailed CHIRP data produced as Seamans was “mowing the lawn” in a crisscrosspattern around the core sites. These maps show multiple layers deep beneath the presentday seafloor, and with the help of one 4m long core sample Dr. Andrea Hawkes (a Post-Doc from WHOI) was able to determine that one of the most prominent layers was theexposed ground during the last ice age. Above this layer, a quick look at some of thecores showed evidence of shallower layers of coarser sediments that seem indicative ofstorm events. So both the acoustic data and the core samples have been very promising.

Our next target was Bora Bora, and after two busy days there we traveled to MaroeBay in Huahine, where we have just spent a productive day conducting another acousticsurvey and collecting core samples. Tomorrow we’ll head back for Tahiti after trying tocollect a final 5.5m long core using an extended tube welded together today. FromPapeete some of the cores will be shipped directly to WHOI, others will detour with theSeamans to Hawaii and will reach the lab later in the spring.

At WHOI in Dr. Donnelly’s lab, a host of detailed lab analyses will examine aspectsof the elemental composition of the cores millimeter by millimeter, helping to identifycertain events in time that have left an identifiable marker in the sediment record.Isotopes from the atmospheric nuclear testing, for example, can be used to date layersfrom the 1950’s. Other methods will include carbon dating, grain size analysis andpollen and foraminiferan microfossil analysis. From all this Dr. Donnelly hopes toreconstruct a detailed, dated record of cyclone strikes in these islands for the past 4,000or so years. Given that the Pacific cyclone frequency is closely tied to El Niño, thisresearch may provide new information of El Niño occurrence as well. One of the graduatestudents on board, Michael Toomey (alumnus of SEA WHOI/MIT 2008 program) willuse the collected data for much of his PhD thesis work in the coming years.

So it has been a very successful research cruise. With no students, the life led on boardtook an a little different working rhythm for us. For the deck crew led by Capt. PhilSacks, the acoustic surveys meant busy days of precise piloting in the very close quartersbetween the reefs and the islands while stopping for coring presented plenty of exercisein anchoring. As for the science crew, we were very busy helping to develop deploymentmethods for the vibracorer from the Seamans, something new to us and the boat.Running the ship’s gear during deployments was our routine, while after the first coupleof days introduction to our CHIRP system the WHOI crew was able to take over thedaily lab operations for the acoustic surveys.

Overall, it was a very positive collaboration. Summarizing it like this of course missesmuch of the experience, the sights we were treated to by the various islands, the balmyweather, the meals…. Personally one of the most rewarding parts of this cruise has beenthe working community on board. We had one lab and six deck volunteers whose helpwas instrumental and who, with the WHOI science party and regular crew made this asuccessful, fun cruise. Don’t be surprised to read more about similar work in the future! ■

Vibracorer recovery with the 3.5 m corebarrel. Drs. Jonathan Woodruff, AndrewAshton, Jeff Donnelly, and Andrea Hawkes(l-r) are preparing to detach the core tubefrom the vibracore head and bring itonboard. You can see how deep the corepenetrated from the line of sediment on theoutside of the steel core.

Some results from a CHIRP survey of BoraBora. The small map on top right shows theisland and the route of the ship, while thegray trace on top shows in a linear form thebottom and sub-bottom profile for the wholeship track. The three images on the bottomshow the bottom trace convolved to theshape of the ship track (left), the interpolatedbottom contour of the lagoon bottom today(center), and the lagoon bottom as itappeared some 10,000 years ago. You can seethe outline of this ancient seafloor as the firstdark line below the surface of the bottomsediments, which appear as the darkest bandin the CHIRP trace. Note also that you cansee multiple more outlines deeper down inthe sediment, evidence that with longenough core it would be possible to samplemuch older sediments reflecting depositionthat occurred tens of thousands of years ago.

Page 24: Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING … SEA A Tribute to Robert Channing Seamans,Jr. Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed 2007-2008 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring

In Their Own Words

SEA had a tremendous influence on me, includingmy choice to work with entrepreneurial teams tochange the world. To this day, I think aboutshipboard life as one of the best models of howpeople accomplish great things in small teams. SEASemester is the most extraordinary educationalexperience imaginable, and I look forward to the daywhen my children are in college and can experienceit for themselves. –Steven K. Gold, M.D., W-88

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Following SEAWinter/Spring 2009

Sea Education Association, Inc.P.O. Box 6Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543Celebrating over 1,000,000 miles sailed

We welcome any information on books published by SEA authors.

The Trouble With RulesLeslie Bulion


The Wandering HeartMary Malloy, PhD

Maritime Studies Faculty

published by SEAAuthors

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Alumni Reunion 2009June 19-20, 2009

Members of Classes 13-18, 44-49, 74-79,104-109, 131-136, 161-166, 191-196 andall young alumni (197 through the currentclass), are invited back to campus in WoodsHole for the 2009 SEA Alumni Reunion.Others who will be in the area are also invitedto join fellow alumni, faculty, staff and crew inWoods Hole for Alumni Reunion.

A Reunion Committee has been formed tohelp plan the reunion and work with us toassure that the event is expense neutral forSEA this year. Please contact Laurie Weitzen [email protected] if you would like to help orneed further information. An Evite invitationwill go out in April, and the SEA website willhave the most current information.

The Geometry of SistersLuanne Rice


Not One DropRiki Ott, PhD
