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  • C E L E B R A T I O N C H U R C H . O R G

  • Copyright 2017 by Celebration Church. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the New Living Translation, Copyright 2007. Used by permission.

    Cover design by Josue Gomez

    Contributors: Javier Acosta, Adam Beach, Julie Boudreaux, Stephen Daigle, Patrick Eagan, Tambra Eagan, David Ford, John Frady, Michelle Geoffrey, Richard Hanson, Geri Harding, Sidney Hidalgo, Manley Miller, Lonnie Tucker, Dennis Watson II, and Dennis Watson.

    Editing by Nina Castillo, Cathy Cobette, and Kathy Frady

    Spanish Translation by Jhorman Rivera, Carla Rosales, and David Speed

    General Editor: John Frady

    Celebration Church1915 Airline DriveMetairie, LA 70001



  • Introduction…………...….………………………………………………………………………3

    Week #1 - Transformation……………………………………………………………………...5

    Week #2 - Obedience………………………………………………………………………....13

    Week #3 - Joy………………………………………………………………………………….21

    Week #4 - Relationships……………………………………………………………………...29

    Week #5 - Friend of Jesus…………………………………………………………………....37

    Week #6 - Productivity………………………………………………………………………...45

    Week #7 - Perseverance…….………………………………………………………………..53


  • Introduction

    The online Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes the word Flourish as a verb with the following meanings:

    • To grow luxuriantly or thrive • To achieve success or to prosper • To be in a state of activity or production • To reach a height of development or influence

    Merriam-Webster doesn’t provide instructions on how to FLOURISH spiritually. However, Jesus summed it up in the following scripture: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.”(John 15:5 NLT)

    FLOURISH is designed to help you do just that in your personal spiritual development. In this book, written by Celebration Church pastors, staff, and leaders, you will be guided through seven weeks of study on John 15 which will help you draw closer to the Lord and closer to those around you. For the greatest impact, do the following:

    • Read each of the 49 Daily Devotions and actively participate in each Follow-Up Activity. • Work through each of the seven Life Group Member Agendas (partnered with the video life group agenda) with your current or new Life Group. • Lead your family through each of the seven Family Devotions • Memorize each of the seven Memory Verses from John 15.

    Our hope and prayer is that God would enrich your life as you FLOURISH during these next seven weeks.


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    W E E K O N E

    T R A N S F O R M A T I O N

    Week One Memory Verse“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those

    who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.”

    (John 15:5)

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    Week 1 Life Group Agenda - Transformation

    Welcome: (This is a time for us to focus inward on our relationships with one another.)

    • Briefly share the goals and one guideline of Life Group (Found at the back of the book)• Ice-Breaker Question: What’s one thing in your life you would like to see transformed by the end of the year and why?

    Read: John 15:1-8

    1 “I am the true grapevine, and My Father is the Gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of Mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me. 5 Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in Me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. 7 But if you remain in Me and My words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! 8 When you produce much fruit, you are My true disciples. This brings great glory to My Father.”

    Watch: Week 1 Life Group Video (Available at celebrationchurch.org/lifegroupagendas)

    Word: Discuss the following questions.What stood out to you from the video or the scripture?According to this passage of scripture, what happens if you remain in Christ? What happens when you don’t remain in Christ? Pastor Dennis said “Flourishing is a matter of nourishing.” What does it mean to nourish your spirit?Read Romans 11:17. What is the blessing promised to us as God’s children?What are some practical ways we can remain or “abide” in the vine?What are some things that prevent people from abiding in Christ?

    READY. SET. GROW (Call to Action)

    Memorize: Spend time this week memorizing John 15:5 - “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.” Try different methods to help you memorize this scripture such as writing it on a notecard, making a note on your phone, sharing it with someone or using the Verses app (Available on the App store).

    Encouragement: Identify someone struggling to flourish. Be intentional in praying for them and sharing with them the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

    Confession: If you find that there are some areas in your life where you are struggling to

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    “remain” in Christ, seek out someone you trust to pray for you and mentor you through your struggles.

    Worship: Spend time journaling this week. Write out your prayer to the Lord asking Him to transform three specific areas in your life. These could be spiritual, relational, financial, or emotional.


    (Break into smaller, gender-specific groups of 3-4 for discussion)

    Discussion QuestionsWhat is a significant truth you have learned or have been reminded of through the discussion or video?What are some things that personally keep you from remaining in Christ?How do you plan to grow this coming week? Which “call to action” will you put into practice?

    Pray for one another.

    Day 1 - Beginning To FLOURISH “I am the true Grapevine, and My Father is the Gardener.” (John 15:1) Today we are beginning an exciting seven week adventure we’ve titled, FLOURISH. During this time we will be studying in detail the invigorating and life-changing words of Jesus found in John 15. This daily adventure will lead us to draw closer to the Lord, and will enable us to experience His presence, peace, provision, and purpose in greater ways in our lives. The words and principles that we will be studying in John 15 were spoken by Jesus to His disciples immediately preceding His arrest, trial and crucifixion. They were obviously intended to strengthen the lives of His 1st century disciples. And they continue, not only to bring strength, but also hope and encouragement to His 21st century disciples as well. Jesus begins John 15 by telling us that He is the True Grapevine and our Heavenly Father is the Gardener. What does it mean to us that Jesus is the “True Grapevine?” It means He was planted here on earth by our Heavenly Father to bring nourishment, life and productivity to our lives. It means that we must be firmly grafted into the presence and power of Jesus so we can really experience the best of life that God has for us. It means that if we are trying to live outside of the Lord’s presence and purpose for us, we are robbing ourselves and others of the wonderful things that God wants to do in us, for us and through us.


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    Jesus also said, My Father is the Gardener. By that, He meant that our Heavenly Father is watching over us and providing for us. Our Heavenly Father is working in our world and lives to ensure that we receive the encouragement, equipping and empowerment we need to become strong and successful fruit-bearing branches on the “vine of Christ” (John 15:1-19). We are not wandering aimlessly through life, being driven here and there by the circumstances or crises of life. Our Heavenly Father is the “Heavenly Gardener” who is working on our behalf to help us become everything He has called us to be so that we can do everything that He has called us to do. And He carries out His great plans and purposes for our lives as we draw closer to Jesus and experience the life-giving power and purpose of Jesus in our lives. So, thanks for joining us on this life-changing journey we’ve called FLOURISH. We’re praying that at the end of these seven weeks: 1) You will be stronger in the Lord than you’ve ever dreamed possible; 2) You will hear from the Lord and clearly understand His directions and plans for your life; 3) You will experience God’s power and provision in greater ways than you’ve ever imagined; 4) Others around you will be impacted in powerful ways by what the Lord does in you, for you, and through your life in the weeks ahead; and 5) Our Church will grow stronger spiritually, relationally, and influentially, both in our region and around the world. Prayer For Today: Lord, during these next seven weeks help me to be diligent to seek Your presence and plans daily; help me to hear Your voice so I can know Your will; strengthen me; and then help me to “FLOURISH” as never before for my good, for the good of others, and for Your glory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.” Follow-Up Activity: Determine a time and place where you are going to read the FLOURISH Devotions, communicate with the Lord, and work on memorizing scripture every day for the next 7 weeks.

    Day 2 - Producing Fruit “He cuts off every branch of Mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” (John 15:2) Why does pruning produce much fruit? Because pruning is the act of removing things we don’t need. By eliminating the nonproductive things from our lives, God’s nourishment reaches the vital parts of us, causing us to bear much fruit. Pruning helps the structural integrity of our growth. Without structure we can’t be built up. Sometimes the things God removes may seem like good things to us, but God’s desire is to give us His very best. We may not always realize what’s best for us. What if God didn’t prune things out of our lives that we didn’t really need? What if the dead things in our lives still hung around us? Well, dead things eventually produce unpleasant odors, don’t they? Our spiritual walk becomes stagnant when we continue to carry baggage rather than allow God to remove it from our lives. Although the process can be painful at times, we should always remember the end result and keep in mind that those things would only hold us back from our full potential and keep us from our true calling. So, let’s invite God to remove, take away, and prune all areas of our hearts, our minds and our lives. Let’s embrace the change. Let Him take away what we think is good to make ample room for what He knows is best!

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    Prayer For Today: Lord, I pray that You would help me to trust what You’re doing in my life. May Your will be done in and through me, even when it’s painful and difficult. Help me to trust that You are making me into the person You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of the ways God may be pruning you. Come back to this list throughout this FLOURISH emphasis and make a second list of the benefits of His pruning.

    Day 3 - The Purification Process“You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you.” (John 15:3)

    A cowboy axiom of the old west reminded people to always drink upstream from the herd in order to keep from getting sick. That’s a luxury people at the end of the Mississippi River don’t have. From the moment a raindrop falls into Mississippi’s headwaters in Lake Itasca, Minnesota, it will spend 90 days travelling to the Gulf of Mexico. With its watershed functioning as the primary drainage for 31 states and 2 Canadian provinces, by the time the Mississippi empties into the Gulf of Mexico, it’s carrying a lot more than raindrops from Minnesota. Before this water is fit to consume, it has to be purified.

    Similarly, our lives are the watershed of the world, picking up all manner of impurities that can turn the stomach of God. And just like water is filtered with abrasive elements that literally strip the impurities from water, God allows abrasive people, situations, and truths to strip away our impurities. Just as water can be heated to kill off bacteria and viruses that make us ill, God will often turn up the heat on our lives to sanitize the latent selfishness and pride that might linger. The purification process is very often painful, but it is always powerful, serving to make us fruitful as we follow the Lord.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for loving me enough to purify me. Whenever I go through hardships and trials, help me to see how You are utilizing those to purify my heart, mind, and soul. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Think back through some of the hardships and trials from the last 6 months of your life. Consider how God has used these hardships and trials to purify your heart, mind, and soul.

    Day 4 - Remain in Me“Remain in Me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.” (John 15:4)

    A fruit might look ripe or enticing or delicious, but the truth is that it is really constantly decaying. Once the fruit is pulled from the vine it has simply entered the process of death. It will either die through consumption or through decomposition. A fruit cannot continue to grow once it is pulled from its life force.

    The same is true in our relationship with God. The only way to bear much fruit in our lives is to remain close to Jesus. We remain close to Jesus in several ways, and they are all spiritual disciplines. We remain close to Jesus by having a daily set apart quiet time with God. This time should include praying, reflecting, journaling, Bible reading, worshiping, and listening to

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    the voice of God for guidance and direction. We also remain close to Jesus through weekly church attendance. We should walk into every worship service expecting to hear from God and looking for the one thing that would bless us with correction, guidance, or discernment from the Lord. We can also remain in Christ by confessing and repenting of sin; and through annual times of fasting from food, drink, entertainment and social media. Fasting allows us to eliminate competing distractions and remind us to keep God first in our lives. All of these spiritual disciplines help us remain close to Jesus.

    Without remaining in Christ, we will experience a dead outcome when it is time to bear fruit. However, if we remain in Him, He will help our lives flourish. As a result, we will bear much fruit.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, show me the areas in my spiritual disciplines where I must do a better job of remaining in You.

    Follow-Up Activity: Commit yourself to attending church every weekend for the next eight weeks and then evaluate the impact weekly church attendance has made upon your relationship with God.

    Day 5 - The Source “I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV) There are over 200 names for Jesus found in the Bible. Each name shows us more about His character and about how He relates to us. For example, Jesus is called the “Son of God” 42 times in the New Testament to show the deity of Christ. In today’s passage, Jesus says that He is “the Vine”. A vine is a source of life for all that is attached to it. A branch, if disconnected from a vine, will not be able to survive because its source of nutrients is found in the vine. In the same way, Jesus is the Source for ALL that we need. If you’re like me, you’ve tried to connect yourself to other “vines” (money, relationships, habits, etc...) trying to find fulfillment. If you’re like most people, you’ve also probably noticed that all those things eventually fade away with whatever their promises were (joy, satisfaction, etc..) Jesus is the Source. He has everything we need both today and tomorrow. It’s not too late for you to connect yourself to the true vine, Jesus! Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for being the Source of everything that I need. Help me to connect to You today for all of my needs. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: What are you currently connected to for the purpose of finding joy and fulfillment in your life? Take time today to transfer those connections to The Vine, Jesus.

    Day 6 - Remain In Christ“Anyone who does not remain in Me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in Me and My words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” (John 15:6-7)

    In the scripture above, Jesus is using the imagery of vines, branches, and fruit. In doing so,

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    He is telling His followers that each one of us has a responsibility to remain in Him. These familiar images would make it easy to understand that when a branch does not remain attached to the tree or vine, growth cannot take place and fruit cannot be produced.So as Christians, what happens to us when we don’t remain in Christ? For some, this is a difficult passage because Scripture seems to say that we will be thrown away. Thankfully Scripture also tells us that God is faithful and that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus wants His followers to understand that the only way we will truly experience life is to remain in Him, like a branch attached to a vine. If a branch is not attached to the vine, then no growth or fruit will take place, and if we do not remain in Christ, then no spiritual growth or fruit will take place in our lives.

    This is a vivid contrast of dry uselessness and vibrant fruitfulness because true followers of Jesus do more than just believe what Jesus says; they let His words remain in them. Jesus’ words remain in us when we allow His words to affect the way we live. We might remember that an officer said the speed limit is 55 but his words remain in us when we actually drive the speed limit. When Christ’s words remain in us, our prayers are not hindered and we become useful for the Kingdom of God.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, help me remain in You. Show me the toxic or dead areas of my life that need pruning. Use me to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. Amen.

    Follow-Up ActivitySince Jesus is using plant imagery in this verse, go for a walk outside. Whether it’s a bush, a tree, or a flower, find one that catches your attention and seems to illustrate your life in Christ. How are you doing with abiding in Christ? Do you feel healthy and fruitful or dry and useless? Listen to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you on this outdoor walk.

    Day 7 - Where’s the Fruit?“When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.” (John 15:8)

    My favorite uncle used to say, “A tree without fruit is about as useless as an umbrella during a hurricane.” He and my aunt were very proud of their apple-filled trees in the backyard of their home in Indiana. My sisters and I used to love to visit with them over the summer and pick apples from their trees. While my uncle was at work, my aunt would teach us new recipes to try, and we anxiously waited for our uncle to return home from work, to taste our apple desserts. I can still see the smile on his face as he enjoyed our delicious treats. He was filled with joy and so proud of our budding baking skills and of his apple trees.

    Much like the joy the apple trees and desserts we brought to our uncle, we bring joy to our Heavenly Father when we produce much fruit. People are drawn to the fruit they see manifested in our lives. Our Christ-like living brings great joy to the Father as others become followers of Christ. Just like my sisters and I learned from watching our aunt, others can learn from watching us regarding what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I want others to see You living in me. Help me to choose my words wisely when speaking to those I love. Help my actions show that I love and respect them.

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    Follow-Up Activity: Think about the next family gathering you have planned. What are some ways you can show that the Fruit of the Spirit is being displayed in your life? How can you show that you are a follower of Christ by what you say and what you do?

    Jesus is the Vine: Family Devotion Week 1

    Instructions: Each week during the FLOURISH Fall Spiritual Growth Campaign, each family is encouraged to have a family devotional time. This time will help families deepen their faith as a family unit. Please use this devotion as a guide during that time.

    Memory Verse: ”Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

    Family Activity: Purchase a small bunch of grapes. Compare the grapes that are still on the stem with others that have fallen off the bunch and are sitting in the bottom of the bag. (If grapes are not available, you can compare pictures of a bunch of grapes and rotten grapes.) Ask the following questions: What is the difference between the grapes on the stem and the grapes in the bottom of the bag? Why are the grapes at the bottom of the bag different? How do the different grapes taste to you? Which grapes would you rather eat?

    Talk About It: All of the grapes we looked at today came from the same vine. However, the grapes in the bottom of the bag were rotten. They were squishy, moldy and stinky. No one wants to eat grapes that have gone bad. The grapes that were still attached were fresh. They are yummy, juicy and ready to eat!

    In life we are like the grapes and Jesus is like the vine. In John 15:5, Jesus said, Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. When the grapes fell off the vine, they began to go bad. This Bible verse tells us that if we want to do good things we have to stay close to Jesus. We can stay close to Jesus by praying, going to church and life group, reading our Bible, praising Him and more! Our challenge this week is to stay close to Jesus so we can produce much fruit.

    Prayer: Lord, thank You for letting us stay close to You. I pray that this week we will grow closer to You each day and produce good things in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

    Memory Verse Activity: Throughout the week, practice saying the memory verse (John 15:5) with your family. Use different voices & volumes as you practice (Examples: Say the memory verse as loud or soft as you can. Say the memory verse like a cowboy, opera singer or like you are under water).

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    W E E K T W O

    O B E D I E N C E

    Week Two Memory Verse“You are My friends if you do what I command.”

    (John 15:14)

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    Week 2 Life Group Agenda - Obedience

    Welcome: (This is a time for us to focus inward on our relationships with one another.)

    • Briefly share the goals and one guideline of Life Group (Found at the back of the book)• Ice-Breaker Question: What is the best restaurant in our region and what do you order from there?

    Question: Which “call to action” did you accomplish this past week?

    Read: John 15:9-14

    9 “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me. Remain in My love. 10 When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love, just as I obey My Father’s commandments and remain in His love. 11 I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! 12 This is My commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are My friends if you do what I command.”

    Watch: Week 2 Life Group Video (Available at celebrationchurch.org/lifegroupagendas)

    Word: Discuss the following questions.What are one or two things that stood out to you from the video or the Scripture?Jesus said in verse 9, “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me.” What are some different ways Jesus has proven His love for us?As you reflect on your life, how has Jesus personally shown you His love? What are some ways Christians “talk the talk” but “don’t walk the walk” in our culture today?Pastor Dennis said “Perhaps one of the reasons we struggle in our lives, is because our own disobedience is blocking God’s blessings.” Has there ever been a time in your life where you struggled with obedience to the Lord? If so, share what happened as a result.Pastor Dennis mentioned that the Lord does not desire perfection, but progression. What are some ways we can progress in our relationship with the Lord?

    READY. SET. GROW (Call To Action)

    Memorize: Spend time this week memorizing John 15:14: “You are My friends if you do what I command.” Try different methods to help you memorize this scripture such as writing it down on a notecard, making a note on your phone, sharing it with someone or using the Verses app (Available from your App store).

    Encouragement: Identify someone struggling to feel loved. Be intentional in praying for them and meeting one of their needs, such as buying them lunch or washing their car.

    Confession: Write out three areas where the Holy Spirit is telling you you are being disobedient. Commit to repenting of these things and working towards complete obedience in your life.

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    Worship: Reflect on times when you were obedient to the Lord and He blessed you. Write these down and praise the Lord for His goodness.BREAKOUTS

    QuestionsWhat is a significant truth you have learned or have been reminded of through the discussion or video?In verse 10 Jesus says, “When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love.” What is one area in your life where you feel you have not been obeying Jesus?What can you start doing tomorrow that will help you live in obedience to Christ?How do you plan to grow this coming week? Which “call to action” will you put into practice?

    Pray for one another.

    Day 8 - The Greatest Love Ever “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me.” (John 15:9a) We are beginning the second week of our FLOURISH Spiritual Growth Emphasis at Celebration Church. During this 7 week emphasis, we are intently studying the life-giving words spoken by Jesus in John 15, just before He was arrested, tried and crucified. In today’s study, Jesus is speaking of the love that He has for His disciples (including His 21st century disciples). The word “love” is oftentimes the most misused word in the English language. We use the word in so many different ways that we’ve watered down its meaning. We say things like, “I love food,” “I love my dog,” “I love watching television,” “I love my favorite sports team,” “I love my car,” or “I love my family members.” Although not intentionally, we’ve taken the word “love” and made it into a shallow almost superficial type of affection. That kind of love is far different from the word Jesus used in our text to talk about the kind of love that He has for His people. Jesus uses the Greek word “Agape” to describe His love for His people. “Agape” is a supernatural, sacrificial, life-changing type of love that God bestows upon us so that we can, in turn, love others in a supernatural, sacrificial, life-changing kind of way. Think about the fact that Jesus’ love for His people is supernatural, sacrificial and life-changing. First, the fact that the Son of God and Creator of the world (John 1:3) would love us as mere human beings is nothing short of being supernatural. The Lord is perfect, holy and sinless, while we are imperfect, unholy and sinful. We’re told in the Bible that sinfulness in our lives separates us from God in our lives. But the Lord loves us with such a supernatural type of love that He is willing to love us even when we are unlovely, unlovable and ungodly.


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    Jesus’ love for us is also sacrificial. The Bible says that real “Agape love” is not just spoken of, but it’s demonstrated through actions (1 John 3:18). Jesus demonstrated in a sacrificial way His love for us. Romans 5:8-10 declares that “while we were still sinners and God’s enemies, Christ died for us.” There are many ways that the Lord could have demonstrated His love for us. But He did so in the most sacrificial way possible – giving His life for us. Finally, the Lord’s love for us is life-changing. If Jesus had simply come to criticize or condemn us, there is a great chance that many of us wouldn’t have responded to Him. But the Bible teaches that He approached us with such love that we’ve been drawn to Him, convicted about our need for Him, convinced that His way is the best way for us, and we’ve surrendered our lives to Him. 1 Corinthians 13:8 says, “Real love (Agape’ love) never fails.” And because of the Lord’s supernatural and sacrificial love for us, we may respond to His love by receiving Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Subsequently, our lives can be transformed by His power. Today, you probably have many things to be thankful for. But what you can most be thankful for is that the Lord Jesus has loved us with a supernatural, sacrificial, unconditional, unending, life-transforming love. Prayer For Today: Lord, I thank You for loving me even when I’ve been unlovely, unlovable and in bondage to sinful desires. May my life continue to be transformed by Your love and power. And show me ways to demonstrate Your love to others around me. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Follow-Up Activity: Write out 4-5 reasons as to why you are grateful for the Lord’s supernatural, sacrificial, unconditional and unending love for you in your life.

    Day 9 - Loved “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me. Remain in My love.” (John 15:9)

    It’s difficult for most of us to consistently remain in anything, unless we know that the outcome of remaining is going to benefit us somehow. Personally, I don’t like to remain. I don’t do it well, especially when someone tells me to remain calm in a situation that’s out of my control. Most of the time, I like my own ways. I like to control situations, people and pretty much anything I can put my hands on. There are so many things that need fixing that are out of my control. And if I can’t be in control, the situation always leads me to frustration and stress.

    But my wonderful and graceful Father always comes to me and reminds me to be still, to lay everything at His feet, to surrender, and to remain in His love. For He is Love. Because of His overwhelming love for me, I can trust that He will make a way. I don’t need to worry. I don’t need to try to fix things in my own capacity. All I need to do is trust His will. His way is far better than mine. I need to remember that I don’t need to do anything because Jesus already did everything. I don’t need to act perfect because Jesus already is perfect. I don’t need to pretend I know it all because God already knows it all. I don’t need to hide, unless I’m hiding in God because He is my Refuge and my Shelter. All I need to do is remain in His love all the days of my life. Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for loving me and for always being there for me. Help me

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    to remain in Your love all the days of my life. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Write out seven ways you can remain in the Lord. Then, attach them to your bathroom mirror so you will be reminded every morning to constantly remain in Him.

    Day 10 - Remain with Obedience“If you keep My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love.” (John 15:10)

    Spiritual disciplines are the pathway to remaining in a strong and fruitful relationship with God, and the root of all effective spiritual discipline is the simple word obedience. Obedience is the motivation behind all spiritual discipline. The reason we discipline ourselves to pray, read, reflect, worship and fast is because our overarching desire and motivation is a hunger to obey the Lord Jesus out of gratitude for His forgiveness.

    We do not obey the Lord because He requires it, we obey the Lord because we desire it.

    We believe in God’s supernatural blessing and desire to have this blessing in all that we do. The blessing and favor of God have always been linked to the idea of obedience. When we disobey the Lord or we sin against the Lord, there are certain consequences that come; but when we honor and obey the Lord, especially when no one is looking, then it prepares our hearts to receive the overwhelming favor and grace of the presence of God.

    While it is true that God will forgive our disobedience, the fallout is that we miss out on God’s giving of grace and blessing when we refuse to obey the commands of God.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, give me a heart of obedience and motivate me to a life of service and discipline for the sake of growing Your kingdom.

    Follow-Up Activity: Find someone you respect for their obedience to God. Ask them why they have chosen a life of spiritual discipline and what they think the impact of that decision has been upon their life.

    Day 11 - Following the Leader“If you keep My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love.” (John 15:10 NIV)

    Jesus has been talking about the importance of “abiding” in Him in John 15. If we are going to “abide” in Jesus, we must keep His commandments, love God with all our heart, soul and mind and also love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Jesus didn’t just say “do this” and “do that,” but instead He set the example for us and is leading us now by example. All through the Gospels we see how Jesus was selfless and loving, even the face of persecution, all the way to dying on a cross! It’s encouraging to be able to pick up our Bibles and see how Jesus lived out what He encourages us to do. Many times today we hear (and might have even told others) “just do as I say!” But Jesus didn’t do that. He set the example. Let’s follow in His footsteps today.

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    Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for the example that has been set for me! Thank You for showing me what it looks like to love You with all of my heart, soul and mind through the life of your Son, Jesus. Help me to follow His example today. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Whose example are you currently following? Take time today to study the life of Jesus. Make a plan to follow the example He has set for us in the Bible.

    Day 12 - Obedience And Trust“When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love, just as I obey My Father’s commandments and remain in His love.” (John 15:10)

    Parents and children have starkly different feelings about the subject of obedience. To a child, or particularly an adolescent, the word obedience comes across as vile profanity. It evokes feelings of control and repression. Perhaps they don’t fully trust the motives or the wisdom of their parents. A parent sees obedience much differently. To a parent, obedience is a discipline that has ongoing virtue in life, but also provides a stable framework for navigating crisis. There are dangerous situations, such as crossing a busy street or even viewing a Mardi Gras parade, where delayed obedience or half-obedience can be costly.

    In the relationship between Jesus and God the Father we see unquestioned and unrestrained obedience, even though most of us would have many questions and much pause if Jesus’ mission had been assigned to us. Jesus shows that faithful obedience flows from a heart of trust. If you’re struggling with obeying the Lord as yourself, why you don’t fully trust His motives and wisdom. Then ask, if you don’t trust the Lord, who or what are you trusting more than the Lord?

    Prayer For Today: Lord, help me to trust You the same way You trust The Father. Help me to trust Your heart more than my own, to trust Your mind more than my own, and to elevate Your plans higher than my own.

    Follow-Up Activity: Consider the areas where you struggle to obey the Lord. Consider why you struggle to trust the Lord.

    Day 13 - A Friend Of Jesus“You are my friends if you do what I command.” (John 15:14)

    I learned the value of friendships when I was a teenager. At that age, it seemed like the greatest hardship a youth could face was to be alone. Whether it was a boring evening with nothing to watch on television, or a weekend full of events and activities, having a friend around always made the day more fun. This is true in our lives today when we consider our friendship with Jesus. Having Jesus around may not change our agenda for the day very much - going to work or school, investing in our family, etc. - but it means we never have to do anything alone.

    As I’ve grown, I’ve learned that friendships have conditions and expectations. Friendships have rules. Breaking those conditions and rules weakens the friendship, and can even break

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    it. The same is true of our friendship with Jesus. We know Jesus will never turn His back on us, but we can’t expect to feel a closeness with Jesus if our actions routinely hurt and offend Him. The heights of our friendship with Jesus will always depend on the depths of our obedience to Him.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I want to experience a greater closeness with You. Please show me any of my actions or decisions that may have hurt You. Forgive me. Cleanse me. Please restore our friendship.

    Follow-Up Activity: Take a moment to assess the closeness you feel with Jesus. Do you feel closer or further from Him than you did one year ago? Are there any parts of your life, or decisions you have made, that might have hurt or offended Jesus?

    Day 14 - Love God; Love Others“You are My friends if you do what I command.” (John 15:14)

    Jesus taught and fed thousands of people. He had hundreds of followers. He healed many who were sick, but He was very specific about whom He called his friends. Unlike our social media “friends,” being a friend of Jesus means a much deeper commitment. As a friend of Jesus, your love for Him inspires you to obey his commands. And what does Jesus command of you? In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus says, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself.” When I think of the word “command,” I immediately think of a list of rules that I’m required to follow. However, as friend of God, His commands are no longer a burden to follow but a privilege to obey. When you surrender your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit works in and through you, giving you the desire and the power to obey. When you love God and love others more than yourself, you enter into a whole new dimension of intimacy with the Father.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I want to obey Your commands. Soften my heart and open my ears to hear Your voice and listen to Your prompting.

    Follow-Up Activity: On an index card, write down an area in your life where it is difficult to obey God. On the other side of the card, write down a positive action step you can take this week to conquer that area of difficulty.

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    I Am a Friend of God: Family Devotion Week 2

    Instructions: Each week during the FLOURISH Fall Spiritual Growth Campaign, each family is encouraged to have a family devotional time. This time will help families deepen their faith as a family unit. Please use this devotion as a guide during that time. Memory Verse: “You are My friends if you do what I command.” (John 15:14) Family Activity: Complete the activity below as a family. Give everyone a piece of paper and pen.Assign a family member to read each question aloud.After the question is read, all participants secretly write down their answers.When everyone’s answers are in, read your answers to see if they have a match.You can add additional questions to the list. Questions:What is your favorite candy?If you could have a superpower, what would it be?Would you rather travel to the ocean or to the mountains?If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?What is one thing your would always bring on a trip? Talk About It: Our family knows each other pretty well. Do you know who knows us even better than we know each other? Jesus! Jesus wants to be our best friend, but in order to be our friend we have to obey Him. In John 15:14 Jesus said, “You are My friends if you do what I command.” Sometimes it can be hard to obey Jesus, especially when we want to do things our own way. Sometimes we may want to sleep late instead of getting up and going to church or rush into our meal instead of thanking God for our food. When we do things our way instead of God’s way, then we are not being a good friend to Jesus. It’s important to remember that Jesus loves us so much and that His way is always the best way. When we give our lives to Jesus, He becomes our best friend. Prayer: Dear God, I am so glad that You want to be my friend. Thank You for loving me and sending Jesus to earth to die for my sins. Please help me to obey You so I can be a good friend. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

    Memory Verse Activity: Throughout the week, practice saying the memory verse (Joh 15:14 with your family. When you practice, have each person say one word of the memory verse. Try to see how quickly you can say the verse.

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    W E E K T H R E E

    J O Y

    Week Three Memory Verse“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

    (John 15:11)

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    Week 3 Life Group Agenda - Joy

    Welcome: (This is a time for us to focus inward on our relationships with one another.)

    • Briefly share the goals and one guideline of Life Group (Found at the back of the book)• Ice-Breaker Question: What does your perfect weekend look like?

    Question: Which “call to action” did you accomplish this past week?

    Read: John 15:11

    “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

    Watch: Week 3 Life Group Video (Available at celebrationchurch.org/lifegroupagendas)

    Word: Discuss the following questions.What stood out to you from the video or the Scripture?What is the difference between joy and happiness? What do you believe brings God joy? What things or situations seem to steal our joy on a regular basis?In the video, Pastor Dennis said, “We can have joy even in the middle of heartbreak.” Read Hebrews 12:1-3. What five things can we do to have joy when faced with trials and difficult challenges?Of the five we shared, which do you need to do more of in order to experience complete joy in life?

    READY. SET. GROW (Call To Action)

    Memorize: Spend time this week memorizing John 15:11: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Try different methods to help you memorize this Scripture such as writing it down on a notecard, making a note on your phone, sharing it with someone or using the Verses app (Available from your App store).

    Experience: Do something this week to bring joy to another person and report back to the Life Group next week what you did and how it went.

    Read: Find five Scripture verses on “joy” in the Bible and write them down on a notecard or on sticky notes. Place them somewhere you will see daily.

    Worship: Your praises bring great joy to God. They also take the focus from your day-to-day problems. Spend ten minutes each day worshiping the Creator through music, silence, or gratitude.


    QuestionsWhat is a significant truth that you have learned or have been reminded of through the

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    discussion or video?What are some current things that steal your joy?How do you plan to grow this coming week? Which “call to action” will you put into practice?

    Pray for one another.

    Day 15 - Happiness vs Joy“I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11 NIV)

    There is a BIG difference between happiness and joy. Today, our world is on a pursuit of happiness. Happiness is circumstantial. It depends upon your circumstances (how you feel, what you have, etc...). As your circumstances change, so does your happiness. Joy is different. Joy is anchored in Jesus. It doesn’t matter what happens or what trials you go through (and you will go through trials - John 16:33). Because Jesus never changes (Hebrews 13:8), your joy doesn’t have to change either. Today, Jesus is telling us that we get the opportunity (through a relationship with Him) to always be joyful. We don’t have to be tossed around by life and spend our time and energy chasing momentary happiness because we can have real Joy all the time! If we listen and obey the Words of Jesus, our joy will be complete. What a promise! What are you listening to today? What are you chasing believing that it will bring you “complete” joy? At the end of the day, if what you are chasing isn’t Jesus, it isn’t going to last. Choose joy today. Choose Jesus.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for the promise of complete joy that can only be found in You. Help me to choose joy over happiness everyday. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: What are you currently chasing that you believe will bring you joy? Make a list of the changes you need to make today in order to choose joy.

    Day 16 - Understanding Real Joy“I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11)

    Real Biblical joy is the overwhelming sense of the undeserved grace of God regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself in life.

    There are few moments of circumstantial joy like being in the room for the delivery of your own child. In that moment the rest of the world stands still and you focus solely on the abundant joy that comes from realization that this child you are holding shares your DNA. You aren’t


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    thinking about bills or work or relationship drama, you are solely focused and overwhelmed by the feelings of great joy.

    Biblical joy is supposed to be this kind of feeling. It comes from your sole focus upon the presence and grace of God in your life. This joy is non-circumstantial though, and actually allows you to face any circumstance with poise, happiness, patience and peace, because you understand that the circumstances are irrelevant when compared with the surpassing greatness of an intimate relationship with God.

    Happiness is a response to a certain circumstance, but Biblical joy is a feeling that transcends all circumstances. You experience happiness because of something, but true joy is experienced in spite of something.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, help me to focus upon You in this moment so that my eyes are fixed upon the One who transcends circumstances, not upon the overwhelming nature of the circumstances themselves.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of ten things in your life that bring you true joy. Take time today to thank God for each one.

    Day 17 - Overflowing Joy“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:11)

    A neighbor once shared some fresh caught shrimp with me, much to the delight of my husband. So, that afternoon, I began wondering what I could defrost and cook for dinner that evening. Wanting to surprise my family with some nice fried shrimp and knowing the garbage pick-up had already run that morning, I made the mistake of putting the peelings down the garbage disposal. That rookie mistake cost me a service call from a plumber and a messy, overflowing sink.

    The Bible tells us that when we follow the Lord, we bear much fruit, bringing us and the Father great joy. What does it mean to have joy that is overflowing? The definition of joy is the feeling of great pleasure and happiness. As we follow Jesus, joy overflows in our heart as we live out the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Virtues like patience, kindness and self-control affect our actions, our words and our activities, which brings great joy to us and great glory to the Lord. Unlike the overflowing sink, we have an overflowing heart of joy ourselves when we follow the Lord.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for letting Your joy overflow in my life. As I follow You, help me work on (___________) so I can better point others to You.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of the nine Fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. Think about what each one means. Then, circle the fruit you need the most help in displaying and the one you find easily overflowing in your life.

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    Day 18 - Choose Joy “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:11) The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. Life can throw very unexpected curve balls our way, things we never anticipated to come our way. The world we live in is full of sorrow, pain, negativity, sadness, and loneliness and we often experience them daily. All of these birth the question: “How am I supposed to be joyful after I’ve been through such storms in my life?”

    Joy is more than a feeling. It is a choice, it means we keep good attitudes even when life gets hard. When we choose joy, we decide to take control of our circumstances rather than allowing our circumstances to control us. It’s important for us to have grateful hearts, to be grateful for the lessons we’ve learned while in our trials.

    Here are some steps we can take to ensure that our lives will be filled with joy:

    We must be humble. The quality implies that we are willing to put the needs of others above our own. We must be selfless, loving, and forgiving. These are the characteristics of Christ and we should always strive to follow His example. We must have good attitudes in all we do. Attitude is everything. Being joyful is a task of the mind. If we set our minds to it, we can be sure that our hearts will follow.

    We must realize that joy comes from spending time with God everyday. He is the only true Source of joy. It’s ridiculous to believe that we can find joy apart from Him.

    Therefore, we must make a conscious decision to develop the habit of living a joyful life, utilizing every day as an opportunity to make a better version of ourselves while helping those around us do the same. We must decide everyday to be the most joyful person in the room. Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for Your everlasting love. I pray You would help me be joyful everyday and to spread joy everywhere I go. Help others see my joy and realize that it comes from You. Amen

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of several areas in your life where you need to have more joy. Take time to pray over them, surrendering each one to God.

    Day 19 - Joy That Overflows“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:11)

    In the history of creation, humanity has brought forth a myriad of magnificent inventions - things like the Internet, air conditioning, and the Oreo. I would submit to you that perhaps the greatest technological advancement in history is that of running water. I’m pretty sure that those who would disagree grew up with running water in their house. They have never had

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    to walk miles to obtain fresh water, or painstakingly clean their water to ensure it was free of parasites and bacteria. We take for granted our access to a practically infinite supply of clean water conveniently run into our homes.

    Similarly, those without Jesus always have to go and find an alternate source of happiness. They must ascertain the risks associated with that feeling. They must always venture back to the source of that emotional state once it runs out. Not so for the Christ follower. We have ready access to our source of joy. We have a joy that overflows upon those around us. It is a joy that is ready to be turned on every morning. It is a joy that comfortably washes away the grimy concerns of this life. The joy of the Lord is a joy that overflows, precisely because it is a joy that ever-flows.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I want to experience a joy that overflows my life. As I go about my day, I pray You will constantly replenish my joy, that others may experience it also.

    Follow-Up Activity: When is the last time your joy overflowed onto those around you? If it’s been a while, take some time to “fill up” with the ever-flowing joy of the Lord. Spend some time listening to your favorite worship songs, or make a list of all the amazing things Jesus has done in your life.

    Day 20 - Beyond Happy“I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11)

    Happiness is one of the most sought after feelings in the world, but why is it so elusive? Happiness is a fleeting emotion. It can change from moment to moment depending on external circumstances. Happiness cannot be sustained because change is inevitable. Our appetite is ever growing. The more we have, the more we want. The greater our appetite, the greater the disappointment. Our happiness is rooted in our satisfaction. How can we be satisfied if we are constantly raising the stakes?

    Joy, on the other hand, is a deep sense of gladness produced internally, a state of being, an internal lasting condition. It is not based on circumstances, possessions, or problems. Joy pushes past the surface and penetrates the soul. Unlike happiness, joy is rooted in God not circumstance. Our joy comes from a greater hope in Christ displayed through love on the cross. This is unshakeable. When trials come, we have joy because God is in control.

    Because joy is not an emotion, it can be present in a variety of emotions. Throughout the Bible, we see joy in the presence of suffering, pain, and sadness. Happiness, however cannot endure these situations because it is on the opposite end of the emotional spectrum.

    Joy is produced through the spirit while happiness is produced by the world. Joy is cultivated through intimacy with God. When we look to the Spirit for joy, we stop looking for temporary happiness in people, strongholds, and comforts.

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    Prayer For Today: Lord, Help me to be consumed by Your joy rather than the status of my circumstances. I thank You that my joy is found in Your hope. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Do you have a God given, deep rooted sense of joy or fleeting happiness based on your circumstances? Reflecting on how God has been faithful to you in the past can deepen your sense of hope and strengthen your joy. Today, make a list of the things for which you are grateful.

    Day 21 - Catching Up And Continuing On “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”(John 15:11) Today we’re almost midway through our FLOURISH Spiritual Growth emphasis at Celebration. So far, we’ve learned so far that Jesus is the True Grapevine bringing us sustenance and direction, and our Heavenly Father is the Gardener, watching over us (John 15:1). We’ve learned that as our Heavenly Father oversees our lives, He is pruning us and shaping us so that we can live pure and productive lives (John 15:2-3). We’ve also learned that when we stay closely connected to Jesus and live obedient lives, we will experience His Presence, Power and Love in our lives, and our prayers will be answered (John 15:4-10). Finally, we’ve learned that when we stay closely connected to Jesus and live obedient lives that our lives will be filled with a supernatural joy (John 15:11). What are some of the most important lessons that you’ve learned thus far during our FLOURISH emphasis in our Worship Services, Life Groups and Daily Devotions? What 1-2 principles have most impacted your life and changed the way that you think and live your life? Write those principles down and place them where you can see them on a regular basis so you can remind yourself of what the Lord is teaching you. And recalling what the Lord is teaching you through our FLOURISH emphasis will enable you to live a Purer, more Powerful and more Productive life. Be sure to share what you’ve learned thus far from our FLOURISH study with others in the coming days. Prayer For Today: Lord, help me utilize what I’ve learned thus far from our FLOURISH series to draw closer to You, become stronger in You, and begin to be who You’ve called me to be and doing what You’ve called me to do in greater ways. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Follow-Up Activity: Share with 1-2 people what you’ve learned thus far from our Flourish emphasis, passing on your Devotions and/or Study notes to them, and inviting them to join you in the coming days for Life Group and/or Worship Services at Celebration.

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    Filled with Joy: Family Devotion Week 3

    Instructions: Each week during the FLOURISH Fall Spiritual Growth Campaign, each family is encouraged to have a family devotional time. This time will help families deepen their faith as a family unit. Please use this devotion as a guide during that time. Memory Verse: I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! (John 15:11) Family Activity: Play an alphabet game listing all of the things for which you are thankful. Starting with the letter A- each person says one thing for which they are grateful. (Example: Person 1- Ability to play, Person 2-Being happy, Person 3- Cookies, Etc...). Talk About It: Wow, we have some much for which to be thankful! Sometimes we get stuck only thinking about the things that are hard or that we don’t like and we forget to thank God for all the good things in our lives. Jesus said in John 15:11, I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! God doesn’t just want us to have a little bit of joy; He wants us to have so much joy that it overflows. Have you ever seen the bathtub overflow? That would make a huge mess, but it would also be pretty amazing to see that much water. What would it look like if your life was overflowing with joy? It would be amazing to see how grateful we can be to God. This week we are going to practice joy. Each day let’s remember what we are thankful for and make sure we take time to praise God. Prayer: Dear God, thank You all that we have been given and all the great things in our lives. Please help us to choose joy this week. We want to be thankful to You, Lord, for all that You do in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. Memory Verse Activity: Throughout the week, practice saying the memory verse (John 15:11) with your family. As a family, come up with motions for the verse. Each day as you say the verse, do the motions a well.

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    W E E K F O U R

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S

    Week Four Memory VerseThere is no greater love than to lay

    down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13)

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    Week 4 Life Group Agenda - Relationships

    Welcome: (This is a time for us to focus inward on our relationships with one another.)

    Briefly share the goals and one guideline of Life Group (Found at the back of the book)Ice-Breaker Question: What things do friends or family members do that make you feel most loved?

    Question: Last week, we talked about joy. What “call to action” did you accomplish last week?

    Read: John 15:12-13, 17

    12 This is My commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

    17 This is My command: Love each other.

    Watch: Week 4 Life Group Video (Available at celebrationchurch.org/lifegroupagendas)

    Word: Discuss the following questions.What are one or two things that stood out to you from the video or the Scripture? Who are we supposed to love and why should we love them?Showing love to others that are kind, patient and humble is easy, but how can we intentionally love people who are difficult to love (or even like)?Who is the most difficult person in your life that you must show love to? For you and I, laying down our lives will probably not be a literal event. So what does it mean to daily lay down our lives for our friends (family, co-workers, neighbors, etc...)?Read John 13:35. Why is it important that we love one another?How does loving one another prove to the world that we are followers of Christ?

    READY. SET. GROW. (Call To Action)

    Memorize: Spend time this week memorizing John 15:13: “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Try different methods to help you memorize this Scripture such as writing it down on a notecard, making a note on your phone, sharing it with someone or by using the Verses app (Available from your App store).

    Practice: Ask the three people you are closest to how they feel loved by others and show them love in that way this week. (HELPFUL NOTE: Discover their “love language.” The Five Love Languages are Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, and Gift Giving/Receiving)

    Forgive: What relationship in your life does not represent John 13:35 well? Do something, this week, to honor God in this relationship.

    Worship: Plan an outreach together as a Life Group as an act of worship to the Lord.

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    QuestionsWhat is a significant truth you have learned or been reminded of through the discussion or video?What is a specific way you can humble yourself and show love to someone this week?How do you plan to grow this coming week? Which “call to action” will you put into practice?

    Pray for one another.

    Day 22 - As I Have Loved You“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)

    “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” (John 13:34)

    “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:18)

    Today, we are focusing on the first two passages of Scripture above. The reason is because John mentions this command of Jesus more than once. In John 13:34 above, the word “new” is not referring in the sense of time but something that is fresh in quality; something that replaces something else that has been worn out. As we can see from the Leviticus passage above, it wasn’t a new thing for the Lord to command His people to love others. However, the command of love Jesus was making was new because Jesus personified love in a fresh, new way. Notice in this scripture that Jesus raised love to a higher standard for the church. Look at this part of passage carefully where Jesus says, “As I have loved you.” Jesus wants us to imitate His love. He demonstrated the greatest love of all by giving His life for us. That’s the extent of the love we should give to others.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, teach us to love the way You loved us. To always give a fresh new love to those around us as your church.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of some areas in your life that prevent you from demonstrating the kind of love Jesus is commanding us to have for others. Then, ask the Lord to help you overcome these obstacles so you may love others as He commanded.

    Day 23 - Loved by Jesus, Love Like Jesus “This is My commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.” (John 15:12)


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    Russell Conwell was a captain in the Union Army during the American Civil War. One day, following a hasty retreat, the young captain left his sword at his previous station and sent his orderly, John Ring, to retrieve it. He never returned. Captain Conwell reported that when he looked on the lifeless body of John Ring and realized he had given his life for him, he vowed he would endeavor to live two lives, that of Ring and that of himself, and this is precisely what he did. He worked eight hours for himself and eight hours for John Ring. This story illustrates what the life of a disciple of Jesus should look like. Jesus gave the ultimate gift to us, His own life, proving that He truly loves us. Like Russell Conwell, we should be so moved by this most generous act, that we are willing to make special sacrifices as well. Since Jesus has gave His life for us, we should be willing to live our lives for Him. Living for Him means simply loving Him. And the Bible teaches us that to love Jesus, we must obey His commands. Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for loving me so sacrificially and so unconditionally. Please help me to love others in the same way. Help me to be patient with those who need it most. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Think of three people and three ways that you can sacrifice more to display your love to those people the way that Christ has loved you.

    Day 24 - A Tough Act To Follow“This is My commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.” (John 15:12)

    It’s common for children to imitate their parents, and mine often imitate me by playing the guitar. It really is something to watch. I’ll strum out a song, and one of them will clamor for the opportunity to best my musical performance. They will belt out a performance of excessive intensity with nonexistent accuracy. By the time their song is done, they have every bit of confidence that they have put their dad to musical shame. In fact, and I say this with humility, they haven’t even come close.

    If we’re really honest, that’s how a lot of us are with loving others like Jesus loves us - at least that’s how I am. I love in short, intense bursts, confident that I at least look like Jesus, even if I don’t always act like Him. Just like my children’s “musicianship” doesn’t really measure up to the 20 years of my life I’ve invested into my instrument, my own love doesn’t really measure up to the suffering Savior who knew no sin and gave up His life for mine. The love of Jesus is much more than a quaint holiday card or friendly gesture. It is a love that doesn’t turn away from humble sufferings and hardships. It’s a love that’s hard to replicate.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, help me to recognize the depth and extent of Your love for me. Help me to love others the way You love me.

    Follow-Up Activity: Think of a time that your love for someone didn’t live up to the way Jesus has loved you. What are some ways you can make up for this? What are some ways you can do a better job loving like Jesus?

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    Day 25 - No Greater Love“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)

    When people are talking too much, we often want them to just get to the bottom line. This means we want them to stop talking so much and to let us know exactly what the point of our conversation is all about. In John 15, Jesus makes a bottom line statement. He tells us clearly the greatest love that exists is the unconditional and sacrificial love of laying your life down for a friend.

    Jesus was speaking prophetically because He indeed would express this type of love by giving His life as a ransom for all mankind when He died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins against God.

    We are then called in return to express this same kind of selfless and sacrificial love to those around us. We might not physically die for someone, but we can still certainly make sacrifices for them to show our love to them. One could even argue that a love that doesn’t include sacrifice is not true love at all. Love is always willing to pay the price.

    It is our responsibility to express the love of Christ to the world around us, and we cannot express this God kind of love without being willing to sacrifice some things for other people. Those closest to us should experience the most amount of sacrifice from us. This is the Jesus way.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, help me to have a better attitude when it comes to sacrificing for others You have placed in my life.

    Follow-Up Activity: Before the day is up, show an act of sacrificial love to someone in your family, amongst your friends, or at your work.

    Day 26 - Love Is Sacrifice“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)

    God first. In order to truly love anyone, we must absolutely love God first and foremost. 1 John 4:7-8 says, “Love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

    Writer Jon Bloom describes this kind of love as “an action-producing noun.” Our love for others is completely dependent and reflective of our love for God. Apart from God, we can not love. Knowing and loving God enables us to love others. In and through Him only, do we have the ability to love sacrificially.

    God breathes life into love and Jesus embodies God’s love in a way we should strive to emulate. John uses love as a call to action in 1 John 4:18: “Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” John calls us to the kind of love that is displayed as a verb. And Jesus calls us to a love displayed through sacrifice.

    Love is greeting someone on Sunday morning. Love is the midnight phone call from a family

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    member you didn’t allow to go to voicemail. Love is interceding on behalf of your Starbucks barista in your prayer time every Thursday. Love is meeting a heartbroken friend for coffee when you have an assignment due. Love is expressing forgiveness to someone for a past hurt when we didn’t think we were in the wrong.

    Love is sacrifice. Sacrifice requires us to put aside our wants and comforts to pick up God’s desires and the needs of others. This love is being present. Presence is displayed through service, fellowship, prayer and forgiveness.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, reveal everyday opportunities for me to love others the way You have loved me. Show me ways to serve and be present in the lives of those around me. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: This week, think of a way you can sacrificially love someone. This can be donating to a mission trip, joining a volunteer team, or agreeing to grab coffee with a friend.

    Day 27 - Love Is A Verb“This is My command: Love each other.” (John 15:17)

    Jesus commands us to love each other. Loving others isn’t an option, but an actual demand by the Lord. It’s not up to us to measure how we feel at the moment so we can decide if we are going to love another Christian. Instead, it is a deliberate decision on our part to do so, no matter how we feel. Why would Jesus use such a strong word as to command us to love each other? I would suspect that He did so because we all struggle at some point and in some way with loving others who may be extra-challenging, extra-grace kind of people. Oftentimes, the most difficult people to love are those who are closest to us - our co-workers, our neighbors, and yes, even our own families. But if we tap into the love we receive from the Lord, that love will flow from Him through us and from us to others. Like a river of fresh water, love will wash over our different personalities and different opinions, and bring a refreshing wave of love to restore spirits and rejuvenate souls.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I want to obey You in all things. Help me be a source of encouragement and show Your love to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me love others unconditionally, like You love me.

    Follow-Up Activity: Ask the Lord to reveal to you an “extra-grace” person to whom you need to show His unconditional love. Highlight one good quality that you would like to acknowledge in them and then, let them know what you’ve seen in them by sending an encouraging email or text.

    Day 28 A Groovy Kind of Love“This is My command: Love each other.” (John 15:17)

    From cheesy love songs to romantic-comedy movies, “love” today is usually described as being spontaneous and driven by feeling. These songs and movies talk about “falling in love” and ask “what does your heart tell you?” But Scripture tells us that emotions come and go

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    and that our heart is deceitful and cannot be trusted. Love is so much more than emotion; love is a choice and a commitment. Jesus commanded His followers to love each other for two reasons. First, besides butterflies in our stomach and goofy smiles on our faces, Jesus knows our deeper needs when it comes to love. Jesus knows that we need to love others when we don’t feel like because we need others to love us when they don’t feel like it. All of us can act unloveable from time to time so a commitment to love is needed among Christians. Second, Jesus wants us to love one another because we are taking His message into a world that hates us. As followers of Jesus, we will receive plenty of hatred from the world, so we need love and support from each other. Jesus’ command and high standards are essential in preserving the unity of the church because nothing strips a church of its power or causes a Christian to lose his/her testimony faster than gossip, disrespect, and bitterness. Jesus commands us to love each other and thankfully He gives us the power and strength to do what He expects of us.

    Prayer For TodayLord, forgive me for not loving and help me to be obedient to Your command. Change my heart and help me to see others through Your eyes. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Follow-Up ActivityLove is a commitment and love is a choice so do something hard today. Who is a fellow Christian that you find difficult to express love towards? Ask the Lord what step He wants you to take to show love towards this person. It could be something as simple as sending them an encouraging note to let them know that you prayed for them, or it could be asking them to meet over coffee and apologizing for your attitude.

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    No Greater Love: Family Devotion Week 4

    Instructions: Each week during the FLOURISH Fall Spiritual Growth Campaign, each family is encouraged to have a family devotional time. This time will help families deepen their faith as a family unit. Please use this devotion as a guide during that time. Scripture: “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) Family Activity: Have each member of the family write down all they ways they can think of to love others on a piece of paper (Examples: Helping a friend at school, taking care of a sibling, respecting their parents, etc...). Use the piece of paper to create a paper airplane. Take turns flying the paper airplane and seeing how far love can go! Talk About It: There are lots of different ways we can love people. We can love them with our words and with our actions. Jesus is the best example of how to love your friends. In John 15:13, Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus doesn’t just love us when it’s easy, He loves us all the time.

    We need to love others all the time too. There are many chances for us to love others every day. We can love our friends or siblings by allowing them to choose the game to play. We can love our parents by doing what they ask us to do with a good attitude. However, the best way to love someone is to tell them about the love of Jesus. This week, let’s look for opportunities to love others. Prayer: Dear God, thank You for loving us all the time. Help us to see the many different ways we can love others. Please help us have the chance to tell others about Your love this week. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. Memory Verse Activity: Throughout the week, practice saying the memory verse (John 15:13) with your family. Create a musical tune to go along with the memory verse. You can sing the memory verse to the tune of a familiar song or create a new song. When you practice, you can not only say the verse, but sing it too.


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    W E E K F I V E

    F R I E N D O F J E S U S

    Week Five Memory Verse“I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My

    friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me.”

    (John 15:15)

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    Week 5 Life Group Agenda - Friend of Jesus

    Welcome: (This is a time for us to focus inward on our relationships with one another.)

    Briefly share the goals and one guideline of Life Group (Found at the back of the book)Ice-Breaker Question: What is one must-have quality of a best friend? Why is that important to you?

    Question: Last week we talked about loving others. Which “call to action” did you accomplish this past week as a result of our study?

    Read: John 15:14-15

    14 “You are My friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me.” Watch: Week 5 Life Group Video (Available at celebrationchurch.org/lifegroupagendas)

    Word: Discuss the following questions.What one or two things stood out to you from the video or the Scripture?What does Jesus say we are to Him now in verse 14? Take a moment to reflect on this truth. How does it make you feel that Jesus calls us His friend?Why is a friendship with Jesus so important to have? What happens when we try to live out the Christian walk without His friendship?What are the top obstacles we deal with when it comes to spending time with Jesus? Read John 14:15. What are some commands Christians struggle to keep in our culture today? How has serving the church blessed you in your walk with the Lord? What hinders us from serving God or the church?

    READY. SET. GROW (Call To Action)

    Memorize: Spend time this week memorizing John 15:15: “I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me.” Try different methods to help you memorize this Scripture such as writing it down on a notecard, making a note on your phone, sharing it with someone or using the verses app (Available from your App store).

    Encouragement: Just as Jesus has been a good friend to us, go the extra mile this week and be a good friend to someone else. Take someone to lunch or buy them a gift. Remind them that they are loved by God and by you.

    Confession: If there are some areas in your life where you have not been a faithful friend to Jesus, set aside time this week to spend time with Him and ask for His forgiveness. Set aside at least a 15 minute block of time where you can just spend time with the Lord.

    Worship: If you have not been serving God lately, write down three areas where you know you

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    can start serving at least twice a month. Follow through with one of those areas and start serving this week.


    QuestionsWhat is a significant truth that you have learned or been reminded of through the discussion or video?Would you consider yourself to be a good friend to Jesus? Why or why not?How do you plan to grow this coming week? Which “call to action” will you put into practice?

    Pray for one another.

    Day 29 - Friends In High Places“You are My friends if you do what I command.” (John 15:14)

    It’s good to have friends in high places. Maybe you have a friend who gets you into sporting events for free. Maybe you have a friend with a nice home on the beach, who loves to let you become a beach bum for a week. Whether they are your BFF or simply a strategically located acquaintance, friendships come with certain perks. Perhaps the most personally profitable friendship I’ve had was during the summer of 2000, when I became friends with the entire staff of a local coffee shop, and grew lazy and fat off a steady stream of free iced mochas. Hooray for friendship.

    Now, that’s a pretty shallow view of friendship. But I would also contend that no friendship comes with more benefits than our friendship with God. Need some financial provision? The earth and everything in it belong to Him. Feeling down and discouraged? He is a Comforter. Not sure which path to take? It’s a good thing He’s a Wise Counselor. Need to get out of a parking ticket? Well, I suppose you can pray about that. If ever you feel overwhelmed, remember that your best friend is in the highest place of all.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I’m blessed to be able to call You my friend. Today, let me simply reap the benefit of being loved by You.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of the current needs of your life. Next to each item, make a list of several ways in which God, as your friend, can help you meet those needs.


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    Day 30 - Easier Said Than Done “You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:14 NIV Obedience for Friendship? I’m not sure about you, but I’ve never told someone “Hey, only if you do what I say will we be able to be friends.” I wouldn’t have any friends if I did that! So then why did Jesus say this to us? The reason why Jesus says this is because He is talking about true intimacy and closeness to God. As we draw close to the Lord (reading our Bible, Praying, attending weekly worship services) the Lord speaks to us. He reveals things to us that we need to know, to understand, and to do. The reason for that is because He desires to be closer to us and is giving us the opportunity to move closer to Him. As we obey, we draw closer into intimacy with Him! I think it’s easy to say “Jesus is my Friend!” But when we look at our lives, what would our actions say about our desire to be His friend? Being a friend of Jesus means that we obey His guidance for our lives.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, thank You for wanting to be my friend. Show me the areas of my life where I have yet to obey Your guidance. Help me to walk in obedience today and draw closer to You. Amen.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of things you feel the Lord has told you to do. Is there anything on your list that you haven’t completed? If so, make a plan to obey His instruction today!

    Day 31 - Listen“You are my friends if you do what I command.” (John 15:14)

    My husband was once offered a job opportunity with an expanding company in another city. All seemed in order as we checked out a new school, looked at a new house and visited a new church. All the pieces of the puzzle seemed to be falling into place beautifully. We got in our car, prayed for the Lord’s direction and drove back home. Instead of chatting endlessly about all the upcoming changes, we said very little. At almost the same time, we shared that although it looked like this move was our next step, we both lacked that deep peace that confirms that you are following the Lord’s direction; we obeyed the Lord and turned down the job, much to the dismay of the prospective employer. Soon, another local opportunity arose, so we stayed in town. A mere two months later, that same prospective employer called us back to tell us that we indeed, made the right decision; his business was downsizing, and he had begun to lay off his staff. At that moment, the sweet peace of knowing that the Lord was protecting us and directing our steps overwhelmed us with thankfulness. The Lord spoke to us in that still small voice, and He wants to speak to you as well. Take time to Listen to what He says.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, I want to stay so close to You that I feel Your very presence in every step I take. Give me the courage to trust You and follow You.

    Follow-Up Activity: Talk to a friend or Life Group member today. Dialogue with them about a time when you felt really close to the Lord, when you had a choice to follow God’s way or your way, in a tough situation. Share how you that made you feel, when you chose wisely, knowing Jesus was directing and protecting you.

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    Day 32 - No Longer Slaves“I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me.” (John 15:15)

    A lot of people look at Christianity as if it is a rigid set of rules that God requires people to follow like a type of spiritual dictator. The actual teachings of Jesus could be nothing further from the truth. Instead of asking people to be enslaved to the chains of His teaching, Jesus looks to free us and liberate us from the legalism and conformity of the world.

    Jesus is not looking for followers who obey out of a sense of duty and requirement, He is looking for friends who follow out of a sense of gratitude and awe that someone who is perfect would be willing and desires to spend time with someone who is not.

    Jesus desires a relationship with us far more than we even desire a relationship with Him. In spite of this fact, He does not in turn force mankind to serve Him like a jealous or bitter deity. He shows patience, forbearance, and forgiveness to those who need more time to realize the freedom a relationship with God would provide.

    Jesus establishes His friendship with us by confiding in us. He takes confidence in us. He is confident that those who want to be His followers will realize that this is truly the liberated way to live. We are not enslaved to our Master. We are friends with our Master. He doesn’t force us to serve Him, and that grace gives us even more confidence to trust in Him.

    Prayer For Today: Lord, help me to express gratitude to You today in my desire to serve and honor You. Remind me that You consider me a friend and not a slave.

    Follow-Up Activity: Make a list of five characteristics which makes a good friend. Evaluate whether you are that kind of a friend to Jesus and whether you consider Him that kind of friend to you.

    Day 33 - Friend of God“I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My friends, since I have told you everything the Father told Me.” (John 15:15)

    What does it mean to be a “friend?” In 1936, the iconic U.S. Olympian Jesse Owens knew the value of a friend. The world was well aware of the Nazis’ desire to prove