cellulotech - covid19 - masks presentation eng...background a greater availability of protective...

COVID-19 PROPOSED SOLUTION TO TACKLE RAPIDLY THE MASK SHORTAGE AROUND THE WORLD AND STOP THE EPIDEMIC IN ITS TRACK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In these times of COVID-19 pandemic and widespread shortages of essential medical protection equipment, Cellulotech’s proposes a solution (patent pending) allowing for the fast, non-expensive ($0.05/unit) and massive production of protective face-masks through a repurposing of the paper industry. Chromategony, a chemical reaction discovered by our chief scientist, Dr. Daniel Samain, makes paper permanently hydrophobic. Masks made out of chromatogeny treated paper can thus stop droplets containing viruses and offer great filtering properties while simultaneously allowing for greater breathability. Prototypes are currently being tested by certified laboratories. Cellulotech is a R&D only company. We are looking for partners to bring this solution to market. As of the 10th of April our material has been approved in France as a type 1 mask (use by professionals in contact with the public) and achieved a 98% filtration efficiency. [email protected] POTENTIAL PRODUCTION CAPACITY ESTIMATED UNIT COST ESTIMATED TIME TO PRODUCTION BILLIONS / DAY $0.05 Days to few weeks

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Post on 20-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,




๏ In these times of COVID-19 pandemic and widespread shortages of essential medical protection equipment, Cellulotech’s proposes a solution (patent pending) allowing for the fast, non-expensive ($0.05/unit) and massive production of protective face-masks through a repurposing of the paper industry.

๏ Chromategony, a chemical reaction discovered by our chief scientist, Dr. Daniel Samain, makes paper permanently hydrophobic. Masks made out of chromatogeny treated paper can thus stop droplets containing viruses and offer great filtering properties while simultaneously allowing for greater breathability. Prototypes are currently being tested by certified laboratories.

๏ Cellulotech is a R&D only company. We are looking for partners to bring this solution to market. As of the 10th of April our material has been approved in France as a type 1 mask (use by professionals in contact with the public) and achieved a 98% filtration efficiency.

[email protected]



BILLIONS / DAY $0.05 Days to few weeks

Page 2: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,


A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, current inventories and production capacity, even with all the efforts being put in place, are not sufficient to deal with the current crisis. Even front-line medical professionals are confronting worrying shortages.

Not only then should we protect lives but we should allow people to resume work under safe conditions as the world is facing a potential economic crisis.

Masks obviously need to display the most efficient COVID-19 barrier properties, but in an ideal world, they should also be comfortable to wear, easy to produce, affordable and manufactured from non-limited, recyclable, starting materials available everywhere.

This is not the case today where masks are far too complex and costly for the need of the general population. The main fabric used, melt blown polypropylene, is very difficult to make and is currently in shortage. This overengineering is the reason why the mask industry cannot cope with the current epidemic. In fact, given today’s mask technologies and manufacturing capabilities, providing the world’s population with unlimited amounts of breathing masks is currently a pipe dream.

Yet, given the spread and strength of COVID-19, this has to remain a policy goal. And in order to achieve this policy goal, we need a change of paradigm.


Virus particles have neither wings nor legs. They are devoid of any metabolism and have to rely on “public transportation” to get from one host to another. For


«The chronic, global shortage of personal protective equipment is one of the most urgent threats to our

collective ability to save lives.»

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization

Example of simple protective mask from face tissue (attached with rubber

Another example, offering better fitting and breathability

[email protected]

Page 3: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,

enveloped virus particles, these public transportation systems are the aqueous droplets that humans execrate when talking, sneezing, or coughing. Masks work by stopping aqueous droplets containing the virus particles. Masks work by preventing infected people from spreading the disease, and symmetrically protecting healthy people from being contaminated.

Paper products have long been considering for mask making as they are widely available, low priced and environment friendly and known for their filtering properties. Their use in medical mask confection has however been hampered by their hydrophilicity. An aqueous droplet loaded with virus particles deposited on one side of a conventional hydrophilic paper sheet is submitted to strong capillary forces, which then carry the virus particles to the other side of the sheet.

Cellulotech’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Daniel Samain, has been working for more than 20 years to solve this issue. He made a breakthrough discovery and developed a competitive new process coined Chromatogeny, which allows hydrophilic cellulose-based materials (such as paper) to be rendered permanently strongly hydrophobic (i.e.: water-proof) though their chemical reaction with long chain fatty acid chlorides.

Furthermore, Dr. Daniel Samain has recently shown that application of this technology to multiple plies very thin paper products (such as facial tissues) resulted in unexpected impressive water proofing, while preserving the initial exceptional breathability of these products.

We thus believe that the answer to the global mask issue lies in the hydrophobation of already massively produced facia l t issues through the use of chromatogeny.

Virus loaded aqueous droplets would then be efficiently prevented from getting in or out, providing wholesome anti-viral protection. Most importantly, the process doesn’t affect the breathability of the tissue giving rise to outstanding breathing comfort.

The production capacity of paper and facial tissues is more than large enough to cover global needs. Around 25 billion face tissues are produced in the world every single day. Stearic acid chloride, one chemical reagent used in the chromatogeny reaction, is currently commercially available in thousand of tons amounts. A chromatogeny treatment of 7 billion face tissues, to in essence turn “Kleenexes


Water droplet sliding on a face tissue treated by chromatogeny


100ml of water inside a 1g face tissue after 10 days. No leakage.

[email protected]

Page 4: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,

into face-masks” would require only 28 tons of this reagent.

We are convinced that with the support of the governments and the paper and printing industry, retrofitting paper printing lines in order to be able to use chromatogeny would take just a few days to a few weeks.

Industrial feasibility of the chromatogeny process has already been demonstrated both in France and in South Korea where facilities could be tapped to start production very early on.



The main advantage of this solution is that it is a simple «  add-on  » to something already produced massively every single day: facial tissues.

Regarding the attach system, one rudimentary solution but yet effective and easy to scale up is to use simple elastic bands and staples (see pictures below), but other solutions are available.

In order to save time, people could be delivered the treated face tissues in boxes of hundreds as well as rubber bands and staples. They’d be able to make their own masks without any problem and such box could last weeks if not months.

We have however developed a mask design especially suited to facial tissues, and yet could be assembled easily by individuals in a short time. These masks are: - much more sturdy,- much more protective because of their very good morphological fit - quite comfortable to wear during prolonged periods because of their outstanding breathability which is partly conferred by the mask design and shape.


We have used wholesale costs in our estimation rather than production cost to take into account the industry’s margin as well as transportation costs.

Wholesale cost of one face tissue (3-ply) $ 0.02

Wholesale cost of two rubber band $0.03

Wholesale cost of two staples $0.002

Wholesale cost steraic acid (per face tissue) $0.0016



[email protected]

Page 5: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,

Note: while Cellulotech has a pending patent for this application, the use of rotogravure for chromatogeny which was patented by Dr. Daniel Samain is currently owned by the CTP and the CNRS in France. Some licensing fees will likely have to be added on the top of this but it will not change the economic picture. Rotogravure is the fastest way to go into production at this moment.


In terms of supply chain this solution has the advantage of being able to piggy-back on the supply chains of paper product distributors already available across different countries.


The use of paper is definitely more environment friendly than thermoplastic polymers like polypropylene currently used for surgical masks. Chromatogeny treated paper keeps all the properties of traditional paper as it remains biodegradable, compostable and recyclable. Recycled paper can also be used.

The main advantage in the use of paper for this medical application is its ability to be destroyed by incineration as it is mandatory for any material which may be contaminated by infectious microorganisms.


The hydroxyls groups present in the paper structure are converted after the chromatogeny reaction in long chain fatty acid esters, exactly the same functional groups found in the structure of oils and fats.


One of the main advantage of using paper is that we can adjust the paper weight and the number of layers (and their hydrophobia) to meet different requirements in terms of breathability and filtration.

We are currently testing various parameters. A simple commercial 4-ply treated by Chromatogeny achieved high breathability while filtering more than 98% of 3-micron particles.


Chromatogeny, discovered 20 years ago by our chief scientist Dr. Daniel Samain, is a chemical reaction that provides any cellulose-based material a permanent hydrophobic character as it is grafted with a covalent bond.


[email protected]

Page 6: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,

The process is simple: deposit a reagent and then heat it up. To remove any excess a stream of hot air is used.

The most affordable and available reagents are Palmitic acid chloride (C16H31ClO) or Stearic acid chloride (C18H35ClO). We tend to favor stearic acid chloride (the larger the carbon chain the better). 0.2g/m2 of reagent only is necessary, thus the very low cost.

The neat reagents are deposited on the surface of the dry paper sheets by conventional printing technologies such as rotogravure. The paper sheets are then heated up in presence of controlled air flow. This displaces the liquid/gas equilibrium of the reagents, allows their homogeneous diffusion and speeds up tremendously their reaction with the free hydroxyls of cellulose fibers. Acylation of these hydroxyls by long chain fatty acid gives rise to permanent strong hydrophobic properties. HCl, a valuable by-product of the reaction is constantly removed from the material by a stream of hot air and recovered in a water tank.

Quite interestingly, the structure of the paper remains unchanged, keeping its porous character (and thus allowing breathability and filtration).

Highly breathable fine paper sheets such as those found in facial tissues are prone to exhibit at least a few defects known as pin holes. Using a single strongly hydrophobic layer would therefore not guarantee satisfactory waterproofing properties. We have found that using multiple hydrophobic plies solves this problem because the probability of the defects to be exactly on top of each other’s is extremely small. The chance of a droplet crossing a hydrophobic 2-ply face tissue with one pin hole per sheet would be 1 out of 22.6 million and for a hydrophobic 3-ply 1 out of 5x1014.


Before reaction After reaction

[email protected]

Page 7: Cellulotech - COVID19 - Masks Presentation ENG...BACKGROUND A greater availability of protective masks would very likely help slow down and limit the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately,


We are confident that our solution could be massively implemented at the world level.

The low cost availability and high performance of our masks will be able to stop the contamination chain by preventing symptomatic and asymptomatic infected people to spread the disease and to provide a protection to non-infected people.


We do not anticipate to replace N95 masks in terms of fitting and comfort, especially for medical professionals that need comfortable and better fitting solutions because of their constant exposure.


A production line already equipped with rotogravure would simply need to do the following: 1) Make the rotogravure inert 2) Install a heating roll after the rotogravure and a flushing system (air flush in opposite direction) 3) Install an extractor hood to catch the HCl from the reaction and neutralize it.

Here is a quick representation of the process:


[email protected]

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a) Test our prototypes in all the different countries (undergoing, but delay is 3-4 weeks, could be reduced with the support of public officials)

b) Get government, WHO and the paper industry involved


For press inquiries: [email protected] governments, health organizations and paper industry willing to get involved with this project: [email protected]


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Cellulose is the  most abundant organic compound on earth. Completely renewable, we believe it has a tremendous untapped potential for our economic future and our environment.

Cellulotech is a company focused on R&D around cellulose that owns a patent portfolio. Our main focus is on chromatogeny, a process discovered by our Chief Scientist, Dr. Daniel Samain.

Chromatogeny makes any cellulose-based material permanently hydrophobic while letting vapor go through. This opens a world of new possibilities to several industries such packaging, healthcare, fashion or construction.

email: [email protected]