cem tech

Classes Available lesale Buyers and Distributors are Welcome! cial Price and Classes for New Distributors ave training classes available for our customers and new distributors. ses will include: How the Cem Tech device works The capabilities of Cem Tech. How the emitter works. How to apply the Cem Tech device. How to record information in to the emitter. How to structure water and place information into the water. Recommended Health Program: Step By Step (opening energy centers, restoration of the spine, program detoxification, purifying blood, cleansing lymph). The 6 Stages of Endocrine Program (This excellent program rejuvenates human biological age). more information please contact authorized dealer of Cem Tech USA 776-5410; 917-484-6601 [email protected] CEM TECH Opening the Energy Centers Training Video Gallery CEM TECH Opening the Energy Centers ... more » CEM TECH Structured Water ... more » CEM TECH Opening the Energy Centers 1

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   Classes Available Wholesale Buyers and Distributors are Welcome!Special Price and Classes for New Distributors

We have training classes available for our customers and new distributors.Classes will include:

How the Cem Tech device works The capabilities of Cem Tech. How the emitter works. How to apply the Cem Tech device. How to record information in to the emitter. How to structure water and place information into the water. Recommended Health Program: Step By Step (opening energy centers, restoration of the spine, program detoxification, purifying blood, cleansing lymph). The 6 Stages of Endocrine Program (This excellent program rejuvenates human biological age).

For more information please contact authorized dealer of Cem Tech USA917-776-5410; 917-484-6601 [email protected]

CEM TECH Opening the Energy Centers  

 Training Video Gallery

CEM TECH Opening the Energy Centers ... more »

CEM TECH Structured Water ... more »

CEM TECH USA - Introduction Cem Tech is a Bio-Feedback - Bio Corrector - Bio Recorder Millimeter Wave Therapy And it's an "Electronic Homeopathy" and Millimeter waves that Communicates with our cells... more »

Clean sing of the Lymph


CEM TECH Opening the Energy Centers



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The lymph nodes function as an immunologic filter for the bodily fluid known as lymph. ... more »

Restoration of Spine Any information from the brain can only be transmitted into the human body, via one connection. This point is connected to the spinal cord, which is the center of vertebral column bone tissue.... more »

Allergies Device has a secondary title of, "the best homeopath". It allows one to input into the human body, whatever the human body needs, at that very moment! ... more »

Structuring Water It was found that water is a multilevel hierarchically organized liquid crystal, which is based on a cluster. In essence a crystal is a "quantum of water" consisting of 57 of its molecules. ... more »

Detoxification This is categorized as the withdrawal, from the human body of, free radicals, toxins, salts of heavy metals, radio-nuclides, and clearances from the slag, mucus, etc. ... more »

Introduction to CemTech The millimeter waves have the same frequencies as the ones with which the cells communicate within our body. Unbalances in these waves are a basic cause for health problems. With the device of CEM-TECH, which produces millimeter waves, you can establish contact with the frequencies of the body, and thus correct the unbalances, in the organism.... more »

Purifying Blood CEM TECH allows one to implement a program of blood purification painlessly, effectively, and very fairly


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"intelligently", since the device has a secondary title of, "the best homeopath". It allows one to input into the human body, whatever the human body needs, at that very moment! ... more »

Endocrine Program Hormones control the genetically programmed ability of tissues, such as growth and maturity. Growth hormones, sex steroid hormones, insulin and thyroid hormone are all essential for normal growth and development of the organism ... more »

Opening Energy Centers (chakras-in eastern holistic health) plays a crucial role in the energy exchange rights, as a system of macro/microcosm.... more »



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  Color Emitter Manufactured by: Cem Tech Price: $129.00    


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Blue Emitter - 57-63 GHz (5263 - 4762mm) (EHF) corresponds to a resonant frequency of endocrine system;

Green Emitter - 52-57 GHz (5769 - 5263mm) (EHF) corresponds to a resonant frequencies lymphatic system;

Pearl Emitter (EHF) consistent with the resonant frequencies (3-cells of the pancreas);

Red Emitter - 40-43 GHz (wavelength 7.5 - 6977mm) (EHF) corresponds to resonance frequencies of blood and blood-forming organs;

Yellow Emitter with a broadband noise spectrum Hanna (EHF) Universal;



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Color EmitterPrice: $129.00    Bio-Recorder

Matrix Ecological ConverterPrice: $4,499.00    

Cutting-edge Technology for Resonant Correction of the Human Cells

Bio-feedback - Bio-corrector - Bio-Recorder

Nature designed the human body as a unique self-organizing system. In the Quantum approach, each positive or negative emotion or thought affects the development of the entire organism. The body's cells are constantly listening to our thoughts and changed daily by them.

Through the synchronized harmony of cellular resonance, one can gain a better understanding of the human body and restore it to optimal health. The proper use of Universal Spheric Fractal of Matrix products and Cem-Tech, an “electronic homeopathy” device, stabilizes all major illnesses on a cellular level.

We eliminate the cause for illnesses with no consequences.

We are the only authorized dealers of the Cem-Tech and Matrix Products in USA.


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Cem TechPrice: $1,400.00    Bio-Feedback - Bio-Corrector - Bio-Recorder Millimeter Wave Therapy

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CEM WORLD USA125 Oceana Drive East, 2-B, Brooklyn, NY 11235   |   Phone: 917-776-5410 ; 917-484-6601   |   E-Mail: [email protected]

© 2009 CEM WORLD USA. All rights reserved. Powered by Adrecom's eCommerce portal

Techniques of Therapy Techniques of therapy at various arrangements of points

Standard AApplication Scheme "A"

Is useful for person under 30, unless they suffer from chronical ilness.


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Standard A-1


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Standard A-2

Standard BApplication Scheme "B"

Application Scheme B comprises all the application zones included in application A plus added points:

The application scheme "B" is useful for person over 30.


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Standard B-1


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Standard B-2

Standard CApplication Scheme "C" includes all the application zones mentioned in application "A" and "B" and it is useful for person over 30 suffering from acute and chronic ilness,


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Standard C-1


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Standard C-2

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How does it work? UserManual.pdf (630K) User Manual - Cem Tech NEW.doc (1855) Brochure cem new life expo.doc (617K) Anti-stress Cem_Tech by Michael.doc (2979K)

It is well known that the body consists of cells, and that each cell acts like a factory which receives nourishment, oxygen, and disposes of waste products. This is done through the membranes of the cells. The membrane charge is 60-90 mV, (millivolt). If the strength of the cell’s charge is above or below that amount, the cell is acting with less capacity. The millimeter wave instrument produces the same frequencies as the membranes of the cells. When the frequency makes contact with the body, a resonance is created which reinforces the vibrations of the cell. In essence the


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millimeter wave instrument increases the charge of the membranes of the cell. The charge is kept steady with the help of the millimeter wave frequencies.

When these frequencies are changed, the charge is changed and the functions of the cells accordingly. This is the first effect of the influence of the millimeter waves.

A second effect is related to receptors. Every cell has receptors which receive information externally. If the receptors have reduced sensitivity to hormones and signal substances, the cells are ineffectual and less efficient.

A receptor can be more or less active. The millimeter wave instrument activates the receptors so that they become more sensitive and receive information more efficiently.

The third effect of the millimeter wave instrument is improvement of the overall communication between cells. The human body consists of 10 raised to the power of 16 of cells. In order to have such a complicated system function without disturbances, a certain mechanism to synchronize the functions of the body is needed. CEM-TECH modulates the frequencies of the body within the affected area, and acts as a synchronizing mechanism. In addition it restores the "health rhythm” of the body which was lost during the loss of health. In this way the internal system of “information flow” is protected.

One of the strong effects of the millimeter wave instrument is the dilution of the blood. This is of great importance particularly for elderly people. Millimeter waves are spread throughout the body by extra cellular liquids, skin receptors and energetic meridians, via its resonance, restores the vibrations of the membranes. This improves the functions of the cells and their communications.

Effects of Millimeter Wave Therapy

The method has undergone clinical tests for many years, with proven efficiency. The tests show that "independent of any kind of illness,” the millimeter wave instrument creates a normalizing effect on the parameters of the immune system, increases microcirculation, balances the metabolism of the body, prevent the development of diseases and the transfer of acute diseases to become chronicle, slows down the aging process which in effect prolongs the lifespan of an individual, lowers the risk for oncological diseases, increases the efficiency of medication and reduces their toxicity and side effects, shortens the period of treatment, improves the health status for patients with heart strokes, and speeds up the healing


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of fractures by two to three times and has an undisputed pain-relieving effect.

As the millimeter wave instrument activates the receptors of the cells, creating sensitivity to the hormones enzymes, this allows the total benefits of cosmetic treatment to naturally take into affect, stimulating the skin, in addition to reducing wrinkles. The skin becomes less moist as we age; however by strengthening the cell membrane and improving blood circulation, natural occurrence of the skin’s moistness, can be restored.

Extensive clinical tests have been performed with the CEM TECH Millimeter wave instrument, for more than a decade, at leading Russian hospitals. Just in Russia alone, the clinical efficiency of Millimeter wave therapy has been studied on 20,680 patients, during the years of 1993-2003. In these cases 96.94% showed positive results (recovery - great improvement). The therapeutic effect failed for only 3.06% of the participants. The millimeter wave therapy is recommended for use by the Medical Health Ministry of the Russian Federation and is certified. The methods of treatment are ratified by the same authority. The CEM-Tech is presently used by medical staff, veterinarians and biologists throughout the world.


In order to make the millimeter wave therapy more efficient, the new model of Cem-Tech has a modulation mode of therapy for various kinds of health problems. There are, in addition to the basic and FRI-program, 9 programs with different modulated frequencies and time settings, depending on health problems. These options are available only in the new Cem-Tech model labeled "Anti-Stress".

Cem-Tech model "Anti-stress" is a portable unit equipped with two channels, and replaceable crystals. It has a display for program selected, and time. It is operated by two 1.5 volt AA-batteries and has a built-in indicator that flashes when the level of battery is low.

Quick guide of how to operate the CEM-Tech

Please note: Always begin with program 3, Anti-Stress Treatment, before proceeding to other programs.


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CEM-Tech has three switches on the front: Press first the right arrow switch to activate the device. Continue pressing the right arrow switch until you see the searched number, on the

display. Forward is activated by pressing the right arrow, while backward is activated by pressing the left arrow. Then press the round switch to start the CEM-Tech. Use the white/flat side of the crystal against the skin, while initializing therapy. If you want to turn off the CEM-TECH before the program is completed, press again on the round switch.

Available Programs

Program 1 General/local treatment 600 sec.

Program 2 FRI-therapy 60 sec.

Program 3 Anti-stress treatment 300 sec.

Program 4 Mouth- and throat problem 600 sec.

Program 5 Heart- and vascular problems 600 sec.

Program 6 Respiratory organs 300 sec.

Program 7 Stomach- and intestine problems 600 sec.

Program 8 Arms and legs 600 sec.

Program 9 Sexual organs 240 sec.

Program 10 Skin problems 180 sec.


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Program 11 Immune defense 600 sec.

The CEM-Tech has 11 programs of which 9 are linked to various health problems. You could locally approach directly the problem area by selecting the appropriate program.

Millimeter waves are transmitted with program 1. The use of this program is designed for general treatment, when one wishes to fortify the body, either by locally addressing various organs/areas, or by focusing directly on points of acupuncture, or if you wish to treat a problem that is not covered in any of the listed programs.

Program 2, FRI-Therapy, activates the CEM-Tech to copy frequencies from for example the body, and stores that information into the crystal. When one, thereafter, disconnects the cord from the crystal, the information begins to be transmitted back, and the body could in this way be treated with its own frequency, as accomplished by homeopathy. The FRI-Therapy is a new and revolutionary method that has endless prospects. Limits are set only by one’s own imagination!

Program 1 - Therapy of Millimeter Waves (How to get started)

Running program 1 activates a timer. The timer is programmed to run for ten minutes and one can view the elapsed time, on the display. Time is counted from 600 seconds, in descending order. The CEM-TECH creates signals during the treatment, and is automatically turned off, when the countdown is completed. The necessary time for the actual treatment depends on the related health issue, and the present status of the patient. To reiterate: It is highly recommended that one begin by performing the Anti-Stress Treatment. (Program 3)

Begin the program this way: Press once on the right arrow switch (to select the desired program). The figure 1 will be displayed. Then press once on the round switch (On/Off). CEM-TECH will begin to function.


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Next you treat the acupuncture points, and/or locally, on organs/areas of pain. And lastly, use the white, flat side of the crystal against the body when treating

When initializing Program 2, a timer will begin its countdown. This is programmed to sixty seconds, and the time can be viewed on the display, in its descending order. While recording - CEM-TECH will beep, and will automatically shut when the timer has completed its countdown. How often one should replicate information, depends on how "old" the problem is — chronic problems should be copied a few times, during the day. For severe injuries - one may reload data every fifteen minutes. The reason for doing this is because healing occurs faster on a new injury, in addition to the rapid change of information in the human body.

Please Note! To activate the crystal sending information back, one must withdraw the crystal from the cord.

Quick Fix. How to work on individual disorders

HeadacheHeadache, apply the emitter by the temporal area in the first program.

Weight losssix points, just ten minutes around the stomach are. As a result, five of six days was active cleansing. Need to drink plenty of water and salt to take on the first day. The effect is very strong

Mosquito bites. At the site of bite record the information in the 2 m dir and put the information on blood, mosquitoes stop biting and the bite does not itch.

Rested sleep2nd program, applied the emitter behind the ear on the left hemisphere, 2 fingers on top of ear in the dimple. Leave it there for 10 -15 min at this point, before going to sleep on the pillow.


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Cuts and burnsApply the emitter directly on the burn are in the 2nd program and then apply the emitter in the same please for about 2-4 hrs.

Dandruffin the 2nd program, record the information from the head with dandruff and resonate in to the structured water. Rinse the head with this water for about 10min the dandruff disappeared.

Cold acute respiratory infections, colds 1 yellow emitter in the 2nd program exert by the nose and put on blood. The result stopped Runny nose, For the Cough zones, lung and bronchus, for 3 consecutive days

For water-remember, if normal water stores information about a day, if you add it to the tip of knife salt or sugar-it will be stored much longer! "

Matrix products (inner soles, EMF, matrix napkins, balm, eye cream, and etc)The millimeter wave instrument generates waves with the same strength as the bodys, about 10 to the power of -10 mw/cm squared, which is a billion times less than the radiation from a cell phone.CEM TECH The device Antistress CEM TECH is based on modern technology of producing materials with controlled energy structure with use of special semi-conductor crystals. The device Antistress analyzes and blocks pathological electromagnetic radiation which always accompanies illness.

Adjustment of the device Antistress CEM TECH on the resonant characteristic of a pathogenic factor is performed in automatic mode by creation of “photo” of the illness in EHF RANGE, including all its spectral components. At influence of background (natural) radiation of such spectrum replacement of illness spectrum in the organism is performed, its oppression and destruction. Duration of treatment depends on the degree of illness development.

The device Antistress was developed subject to the analysis of known technical analogues and results of medicobiological researches with reference to a wide class of techniques in area of physio-, reflexo- and nosodotherapy.

The device Antistress is honored with diplomas of Rospatent, the diploma and a silver medal of the exhibitions “Eureka-2000” in Brussels, “INPEX” Pittsburg, Gold medal of EWEI.


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The device Antistressis effectively used for treatment in medical practice, and also in home conditions. The fastest clinical effect is achieved when pathological process is accompanied by expressed painful syndrome or local manifestation, has no expressed organo-structural changes and is located in tissues.

Indications for application: Painful syndrom of any localization Articulary pathology Diseases of spinal column Wounds, burns Allergic diseases accompanies by skin manifestations

Treatment of the illness can be carried out in home conditions, using the device as the only or a helpful means

Technical characteristics

Weight: 100g (including 2 batteries) Unit Dimensions: 70mm (W) x 140mm (L) x 25mm (H) Storage environment: -10°C~+60°C, less than 95% RH Operating environment: Operating environment: +10°C~+40°C, less than 85% RH Power source: AA 1,5V x 2 batteries

The complete set of delivery and Accessories: Main unit, Instruction Manual, AA 1,5V x 2 batteries, Additional irradiating heads or cables (when ordered separately).


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The front view The rear view

1. Pulmonary disturbances 2. Gastritis 3. Liver disorders 4. Gallbladder diseases 5. Abnormalities in small intestine 6. Abnormalities in large intestine 7. Kidney diseases 8. Changes in hip joint 9. Changes in knee-joint 10. Diseases of urinary bladder 11. Syndrome of stenocardia 12. Cardiac insufficiency

1. Osteochondrosis of cervical part of spinal cord 2. Cardiac abnormalities 3. Diseases of spleen 4. Stomach ulcer 5. Abnormalities in pancreas 6. Diseases of stomach 7. Abnormalities in large intestine 8. Renal disorders 9. Sexual disturbances 10. Changes in hip joint 11. Abnormalities in ureter 12. Diseases of urinary bladder


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13. Cardiac ischemia 14. Diseases of spleen 15. Abnormalities in pancreas 16. Diseases of prostate, urinary bladder 17. Abnormalities in sigmoid colon 18. Sexual disorders 19. Diminished digestive function 20. Disorders in sexual sphere 21. Visual acuity loss

22. Diseases of stomach

13. Gallbladder diseases 14. Diseases of bile duct 15. Pulmonary abnormalities 16. Liver disorders 17. Diseases of adrenal glands 18. Abnormalities in small intestine 19. Disease of organs of small pelvis 20. Changes in knee-joint 21. Abatement of knee-joint ligaments

22. Abnormalities in rectum

Direct Influence on Zones of Organ Projections with the Device CEM TECH Anti-stress

Quick guide of how to operate the CEM-Tech

Remember: Always start with program 3, anti stress therapy, before proceeding to other programs. CEM-Tech has three switches on the front: Press first the right arrow switch to start the device. Press until you see searched number on the display. Forward with the right arrow and

backward with the left. Then press the round switch to start the CEM-Tech Use the white/flat side of the crystal against the skin when making therapy If you want to turn off the CEM-TECH before the program is completed, press again on

Available Programs

Program 1 General/local treatment 600sec.Program 2 FRI-therapy 60sec.


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Program 3 Anti-stress treatment 300 sec.Program 4 Mouth- and throat problem 600sec.Program 5 Heart- and vascular problems 600sec.Program 6 Respiratory organs 300sec.Program 7 Stomach and intestine problems 600sec.Program 8 Arms and legs 600 sec.Program 9 Sexual organs 240 sec.Program 10 Skin problems 180 sec.Program 11 Immune defense 600 sec.

User Manual - Cem Tech NEW.doc (1855)

Program 1 and Program 2

The CEM-Tech has 11 programs of which 9 are linked to various health problems. You could locally approach directly the problem area with appropriate program.

Millimeter waves are transmitted with program 1. You use this program for general treatment when you wish to fortify the body, either by locally addressing various organs/areas or focusing directly on points of acupuncture or if you wish to treat a problem that is not covered in any of the programs.

Through Program 2, FRI-therapy, the CEM-Tech copies frequencies from, e.g., the body and stores the information in the crystal. When you, thereafter, disconnect the cord from the crystal, the information starts to be transmitted back and the body could in this way be treated with its own frequency, like homeopathy. The FRI-therapy is a new and revolutionary method that has endless prospects. Limits are set only by your own imagination!

Program 1 - Therapy of Millimeter Waves (how you get started)

As you run program 1, a timer is activated. The timer is programmed to run for 10 minutes and you can see elapsed time on the display. Time is counted from 600 seconds down. The CEM-TECH gives signals during the treatment and is automatically put off when time is up. Time of


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treatment depends on problem and the status of the patient. Note that you always should start with an anti-stress treatment. (program 3)

Start the program this way: Press once the right arrow switch (for program). A figure 1 is shown on the display. Press once the round switch (start/off). The CEM-TECH starts. Now you treat acupuncture points or locally on organs/areas of pain. Use the white, flat side of the crystal against the body when treating

When starting Program 2 a timer will start. This is programmed to 60 seconds and time can be seen on the display. Time is shown from 60 seconds down. When recording - the CEM-TECH will peep, and is automatically closed when time is over. How often you shall copy information depends on how "old" the problem is – chronically problems will be copied a few times every 24 hr’s, on urgent injuries - you may reload every fifteen minutes. Due to the fact that the process of healing is faster on a new injury and because of that there will be a more rapid change of the information in the body.

OBSERVE! To have the crystal start sending the information back you must withdraw the crystal from the cord.

When there are serious problems duration should be increased to 2 to 3 weeks.

Please remember that there are cases that are more complicated then others and we must never abandon the medical care and/or medication that were proscribed by the Doctor.

We must treat ourselves reasonably, guided by the principle - do no harm!

The device and the procedure’s that where stated in this article give an opportunity to restrict the use of drugs and greatly facilitate the patient's condition.

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