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  • 8/2/2019 cenriqueortizmobilitycontextinteractionsdatadesign4mobile-1222279401267527-8


    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Mobility and Peoples Context,Interactions and Data

    C. Enrique OrtizSeptember 24, 2008(Updated: Oct 1st 2008)

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    About C. Enrique Ortiz

    Long time mobile technologist, strategist,implementer, blogger

    Founder of Artemis Wireless Werks, eZeeinc., MobileMonday Austin, other

    Implementer of current mobile technologieswho spends quite a bit of time thinkingabout mobile futures

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Goal of this Presentation

    To make you Think

    About interactions, the mobile context and data

    when designing your nextmobile application & user experience

    Because designing the User Experience goesbeyond UI Elements. And designers must embracePeople Data as a function of Human-ComputerInterfaces.

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Why Context, Interactions & Data?

    Individualize the experience(made for or directed or adjusted to a particular individual)

    People-Centric (Mobile) Computing

    It is about designing software that is

    Practical, Relevant and Interesting!(to a particular target individual)

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Why Context, Interactions & Data?

    Practical is about maximizing usability i.e. quick access to information with less clicks

    Relevant is about the information that matters i.e. tell me about deals in my current area

    Interesting is fun, and keeps users coming back tyour application i.e. what a neat app

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Why Today?

    Faster networks, flat-rates,

    fewer walled gardens, better


    Advanced features

    and capabilitiesMost personal

    gadget ever!

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    7/25Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    How to Enable?

    Make it easy for users to Reach and Interact Support many interactions

    Capture the Interactions and related Data the activities, the digital footprints

    Understand the Interactions

    Give the interactions meaning by applying the users(mobile) context

    Classify, Analyze, Understand the Data; and adjust

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    8/25Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com


    Initiate application interactions Interact with physical objects, search, indentify

    The Interactions to support will all depend

    On your target audience Your application requirements, and existing

    technology adoption gaps

    Interaction support can be costly

    NFC / RFID 2D Barcodes


    Voice Call

    Text sub

    to 32342

    Short Codes

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    9/25Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Interacting with the Physical World

    Short Codes

    Visual Tags

    Radio Tags Proximity : Ticketing, payments, other


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    10/25Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Interactions & Information Ubiquity

    Information Ubiquity is information everywhere Addressable (and thus identifiable) information, and/or

    workflows for that matter Physical interactions, application triggers and physical

    browsing. A number to call, a URL, a short-code, barcodes,radio tags On books, magazines, posters, soda cans, billboards For advertisement, for authentication, for control, for quick action,

    access to information

    Some interactions are more manual than others, some areone way, others two-way

    The Mobile Handset is at the center of this ubiquityphenomena

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Interactions Actions vs. Intentions

    An interaction can express Intent orAction(i.e. fully realized transaction) Think about intent vs. action as weights applied

    to the meaning of an Interaction

    Action has more weight than Intent

    Yet both are extremely valuable and provide

    both explicit and hidden information Capture both; classify appropriately

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Mobile Context

    The users mobile context can be definedas the set of and the intersection between

    facts, events, circumstances, andinformation that surrounds the (mobile)user at a given point in time.

    Enhances and augments the meaning ofeach interaction, by providing additionalinformation about a given interaction

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Mobile Context Augmenting themeaning of Interactions

    Interactions are more Informative


    Accurate information (accuracy)

    Useful information (relevant)

    Connected (to friends and family, and other)

    Dynamic (always changing)

    Adaptive (to current circumstances)

    Transformational (promotes behavioral changes)

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Peoples Data

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Data vs. Time

    Provides meaning onlyover time

    Over time can be costlyto store. Leverage Web 2.0

    services such asAmazon S3

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Data Analytics

    Interactions typically result on a Query

    Real-time analysis of interaction + context + digitalfootprints + relationships to business data yields

    relevant information Key to this is business data classification And the correlation algorithms such as time-based,

    history, usage, probability-based recommendation,business-rules, other

    Non real-time trend analysis of same data yieldshidden information over time for an individual orgroups

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Data Analytics

    Interaction analysis can provide usefulinformation: Popular handsets; optimize application for

    particular handset?

    Important regions; translate application to newlanguages?

    Popular application features; features toenhance

    Popular business data

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Privacy, Users and Identity

    The young demographics seem not to careas much for privacy (as long as something ofvalue is provided

    What about those who care?

    Provide identity abstractions that allows forinteraction and analysis without identifying


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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Effects on the UI

    The end result is a more practical UI, onethat requires less navigation and yields theright information, faster

    The UI can be designed to take advantage ofthe different Interaction-types, and evenmake such Interactions simpler to use

    The UI can take advantage of user contextto improve or filter searches, and similar

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    People-Centric Mobile Computing

    How all of this fits in?

    1) Macro, 2) Contextual

    and 3) Micro Views.

    Behavioral economics or

    computing is about

    understanding human

    and social factors tobetter understand

    (economic) decisions and

    better influence the user.

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Use Cases

    Retailers maximize promotions by deliveringpromotions that matter to the user

    A user searches for a particular kind of store. The

    query returns past stores of interest andrecommends new ones, all at walking distance

    User learns about or identifies a product orretrieves a promotion by waving the handset (ortaking a picture of barcode) by object, poster ormagazine

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    In Conclusion

    Because designing theUser Experience goesbeyond UI Elements,designers must embrace

    People Data andBehavioral Computingi.e. People-CentricMobile Computing, as afunction of Human-

    Computer Interfacedesign.

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    Copyright C. Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Of Interest

    People-Centric Mobile Computing (Enriquesweblog)

    Physical World Interactions (Enriques weblog)

    Data-mining our identity, digital footprint, and socia (Communities Dominate Brands)

    Backtracking on our digital footprints

    (Communities Dominate Brands) Social Advertising Intelligence (Xtract)

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    Copyright C Enrique Ortiz 2008 http://CEnriqueOrtiz com

    Contact C. Enrique Ortiz


    [email protected],

    [email protected]

    Twitter: eortiz

    Website: http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com

    Weblog: http://CEnriqueOrtiz.com/weblog

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://cenriqueortiz.com/http://cenriqueortiz.com/webloghttp://cenriqueortiz.com/webloghttp://cenriqueortiz.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]