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Page 1: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____

1 Center for Career and Community education

Page 2: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____
Page 3: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____

16-20 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING 18-19 Mechanical Technology

18-19 Plastics Technology

20 Computer Aided Drafting

24-28 CAREER TRAINING 27-28 Computer Training

23 Corporate Training

22 Medical Coding

25 SAT Prep

25 Security Guard


29-38 ONLINE TRAINING30-33 Business

38 Ed2Go

34 Human Resources

35 LEED Green Workplace

34-36 Management and Leadership

36-37 New Media Marketing

37-38 Social Media for Business


3 Dance

13 English as a Second Language

4-5 Fitness

5-8 General Interest

9 Languages

10-11 Music

11-12 Wellness

41 Registration Information






Page 4: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____

2 Cayuga Community College

Call 315.294.8841 to Register

Page 5: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____

3Spring/Winter 2016



Come and learn a fun, easy craft...melt and pour soap making! Literally, you melt the soap base, color, scent and pour into a mold. Cool down and you have your own personal bars of luxury soap! Instructor will bring a pound of glycerin soap base per person, offer a wide selec-tion of fun molds, colors and scents (including many essential oils) and let you enjoy being your creative self! Students will leave with soaps of their own design and instructions on making more of their own! Have fun making and giving special gifts you made yourself for Valentine’s Day and Easter! Taught by Keith Bertrand.2 hours $302/28 Sun 2-4pm Auburn


Learn to use your digital camera to its full potential by understanding its basic functions and advanced capabilities. This class will cover aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, focal planes, lens lengths, film speeds, white balance, and framing techniques. We will also discuss strate-gies for making successful portrait, land-scape, still life, and documentary photo-graphs. We will look at examples from historic and contemporary photogra-phers for inspiration. Bring your camera (and its manual) to class with you so you can become familiar with its functions and start making quality photographs of your own. Taught by Bruce Walter.6 hours $753/8, 3/15 T 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


Do you have photos on your digital cam-era that you wish you could edit and print? This class covers cropping, color, brightness, contrast, and printing of pho-tos using Photoshop®. You will also learn about advanced techniques like cos-metic touch-ups, image compositing, filters, selections, and layers. Basic Win-dows® skills are necessary. Bring a flash drive or SD card with your photos and a hard drive or flash drive for saving your edited images. Taught by Bruce Walter.6 hours $994/5, 4/12 T 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


An exploration of techniques and process to bring out the creative in all of us. Artists, musicians and especially writers will dis-cover mental tips and tricks to get the creative juices flowing! Discover a sense of safety and empowerment in allowing the creative to flow through you. Touch the possibilities! This is a 13-week course based on the Artist’s Way by Julia Cam-eron. Students are required to purchase a textbook ($15) from the instructor the first night of class. Please also bring your favor-ite method of recording your thoughts (notebook, laptop/iPad®) to class. Taught by Linda Nestor. 39 hours $1994/6-6/29 W 6-9pm Auburn



Be a hit on the dance floor at your next social event! Discover new opportunities for fun and exercise as you develop your skill in social Ballroom Dancing. Features most popular dances including: Foxtrot, Cha, Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. No partner necessary. Taught by Walt Medicis Associates.7.5 hours $129 for couples $69 for single dancer2/7-3/13 Sun 2:30-4pm AuburnNo class meets on 2/21 due to college winter break


Learn Middle Eastern belly dance move-ments, techniques, muscle isolations, combinations, and presentations. We will cover the music, history, terminology, and culture of the dance. Gain strength, balance, flexibility, stamina, and coordi-nation as we learn body awareness and basic movements, organize dancing patterns into complete routines, learn to improvise, and use mini-combos for any form of belly dance. Loose clothing is necessary, with dance shoes or bare feet, and no street shoes. Hip scarves or full skirts are optional and helpful. Men and women are welcome in this fun class for both beginners and dancers who desire a review of basic belly dance move-ments. Taught by Hadia Al Hayat (Micki Bailey).6 hours $792/9-3/15 T 7-8pm Auburn4/5-5/10 T 7-8pm Auburn

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Shuffle off to Buffalo in this basic tap class, as we work up routines to music. Learn shuffle ball changes, flap steps, time steps, and more. This course promises fun exer-cise for men and women. You must bring your tap shoes. Kathy Zamniak instructs.6 hours $702/22-4/4 M 7-8pm AuburnNo class meets on 3/28 due to college spring break


Big Band, Rock, Oldies, Country, Pop – no matter what your favorite type of music, you can dance the Swing to it! You’ll learn basic steps, turns, partnering and styling for the most popular form of Swing (East Coast). Single and triple rhythms will be taught. Partners are recommended, although not required. Taught by Walt Medicis Dance Enterprise.6 hours $79 for couples4/10-5/1 Sun 2:30-4pm Auburn



This course is designed to provide instruc-tion at all levels of Kodokan Judo. Students will be taught at their individual level and pace. Beginning students will learn the basics of Olympic Judo, self-defense, and the classical “Kata” forms for self-improve-ment. The beauty of Judo is in its universal nature and unlimited variety. Students may concentrate in one area or pursue several areas of interest. Advanced stu-dents will have the opportunity to test their skills and develop or refine new skills. This course can help you achieve your black belt, enhance career skills, and improve fitness. The confidence, self-dis-cipline, fitness, perseverance, and respect learned on the Judo mat can carry over into daily life and help students succeed in

many endeavors. Students must be at least 10 years old. Parental permission is needed for students 18 and under. You may enroll at any time during the semes-ter, but tuition is not discounted. Taught by Cayuga instructor Peter Petrosino, 6th Dan, and Louis Palomeque, 4th Dan.56 hours $1501/26-5/12 TTh 7-9pm AuburnNo classes meet on 2/18, 3/24, 3/29, 3/31 due to college breaks


Gain experience in the tactics of self-de-fense, using the principles of the ancient art of Judo. Known as the “Gentle Way” or “Flexible Way,” Judo is an excellent exam-ple of how to overcome a stronger oppo-nent using balance, timing, flexibility, and proper biomechanics. The techniques are practical and easily learned. They can be practiced at home and honed to a high level. The awareness and confidence gained through your accomplishments can be life changing and perhaps even life saving. Outlines and notes will be pro-vided at each lesson. Wear a sweat suit or loose, comfortable clothing. For women age 12 and older in good health. Taught by Cayuga instructor Peter Petrosino, 6th Degree Black Belt.7.5 hours $492/3-3/2 W 7-8:30pm Auburn4/6-5/4 W 7-8:30pm Auburn


Look good, feel great, enjoy more vitality, and have fun as you tone away stress and boost your energy in this tune-filled firming and conditioning course! Please bring mat or blanket for floor work. Kathy Zamniak instructs.6 hours $702/22-4/4 M 6-7pm AuburnNo class meets on 3/28 due to college spring break

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Page 7: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____

5Spring/Winter 2016


Learn the basic principles and practices of Hatha Yoga, and set your course for further study. You will develop a clear foundation for practice, with an emphasis on proper alignment and body aware-ness, basic breath training, and Yoga meditation. An introduction to Yoga philosophy grounds this course. Recom-mended for beginners. Loose clothing and yoga mat are needed. No experience necessary. All activities can be modified to suit individual needs. Taught by Lesley Kennedy of Down to Earth Yoga.12 hours $89 2/2 -3/22 T 6-7:15pm Auburn


Building on Yoga I, we develop greater strength and endurance, while exploring practical uses of a Hatha Yoga approach-ing everyday life. Taught by Lesley Ken-nedy of Down to Earth Yoga.8.75 hours $89 4/5-5/17 T 6-7:15pm Auburn


This ancient series of fluid movements can lend balance, flexibility, coordination, calm, and focus to life, work, and sports. Ages 16 and over are welcome. Taught by Carol Mancuso.11.25 hours $893/3-5/12 Th 6-7:15pm AuburnNo class meets on 3/24 & 3/31 due to college spring break


Have you always wanted to run a 5K but didn’t know where to start? This six-week program is intended for beginner runners who have a goal of completing a 5K. Over the course of six weeks, we’ll take you from walking to running. The program consists

of one group training session per week, and a training schedule for the other days. Participants are expected to train approx-imately 2 hours per week on their own. The target event for this program is the Komen Race for the Cure in May 2016. Students must register separately for the event at – register as part of Team Gazella. Meets at Auburn Campus.6 hours $494/5-5/10 T 5:30-6:30pm Auburn



Would you like to be able to stock your own wine cellar at grape juice prices? Make your favorite variety of wine just the way you like it, from sweet to extra dry? Making really good wine is easier than you might think. If you start with the right juice, yeast, and a few other ingredients, over the course of about 4 to 6 weeks Mother Nature does most of the work. This course will take the class through the process of making one 6 gallon batch of wine from a kit. Complete kits are avail-able for many popular wine varieties. It is the easiest way to get started. You will also learn how to do the same thing starting from local juice as well as learn about the equipment and supplies... where you can get them and how to improvise. At the end of the class, you will be able to take bottles home. Students must be at least 21 year old to enroll in the class. Bring photo ID first night of class. Taught by Charles Laun.8 hours $79 (+$20 material fee payable first night of class)2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/9 W 7-9pm Auburn


In its second year, the Auburn Film Seminar will give students an overview of classic and influential Hollywood Cinema – specifically from the late 1930’s to the early 1960’s. This semester’s course which runs from Febru-ary to May will be broken into two sections. The course will venture into the classic films of Jimmy Stewart, from his early iconic roles (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) to his later performances (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance). In the spring, the course will explore the expansive career of Katherine Hepburn, from her early comedic work (The Philadelphia Story) to her later ground-breaking work (Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner). The year will end, as always, with Hitchcock: from his more obscure films (Life Boat, Rope) to one of his masterpieces (Vertigo). The course will be taught and curated by Michael Reiff, the Director of Cinema Programming at the Cayuga Museum of History along with staff mem-bers at the Cayuga Museum of History and Art. This class will be taught at Theater Mack, which is located behind the Cayuga Museum. The theater address is 203 Gene-see Street in Auburn, NY.22 Hours $23 for full course2/3-5/18 AuburnThis class meets twice a month, on the first and third Wednesdays. Students have the option of either a 2pm class taught by staff member of the Cayuga Museum or a 7pm class with Michael Reiff.


Get ready for spring planting and garden-ing! Learn the essentials of soils, seed types, planning, irrigation, harvesting, and food preparation. Bring your questions to this fun and interactive gardening class! Taught by Tom and Mary Ellen Avery.6 hours $302/7, 2/14 Sun 1-4pm Auburn

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Why should the kids have all the fun? Come explore the world of Harry Potter! Enjoy the chance to express your creativ-ity while exercising your brain with dis-cussions on how myths form our lives, what is in a name, and the nature of good and evil. We will work with topics in wand craft, Herbology, Astronomy, Rune Cast-ing, Mythology, and Linguistics. Taught by Linda Nestor.15 hours $99 (+$25 materials fee payable first night of class)2/9-3/8 T 6-9pm Auburn


An introduction to pickling and natural lacto-fermented vegetables. This ancient method of food preservation retains all the nutrition since the vegetables are not cooked. Fermented vegetables are actu-ally more nutritional than the raw ver-

sions with the addition of beneficial bacteria like those found in yogurt. Many of these foods are good sources of B vitamins which are important for vege-tarians. In this course, we will go through the steps in making fermented sauer-kraut and dill pickles. The same methods introduced here can be used with many other foods including green beans, green tomatoes, garlic, and beets. Taught by Charles Laun.3 hours $492/10, 2/24, 3/9 W 5:30-6:30pm Auburn


Ever been told you have a great voice? From audio books and cartoons to doc-umentaries, commercials, and more, this class will introduce you to the growing field of voiceover. Learn what the pros look for, how to prepare, and where to find work in your area! We’ll discuss industry pros and cons and play samples from working voice professionals. In

addition, you’ll have an opportunity to record a short professional script under the direction of our teacher. This class is lots of fun, realistic, and a great first step for anyone interested in the voiceover field. Taught by Voice Coaches.2.5 hours $292/16 T 6:30-9pm Auburn


Are you curious about where your ances-tors came from? What they did for a liv-ing? When and how they came to Amer-ica? With the resources available online, both paid subscription and free, it is now easier than ever to find the answers to these questions and more. This course will take you through: recording what you already know; interviewing relatives; using census records, birth, marriage and death records to work backwards from there; and finding immigration and citi-zenship records. You will also learn tips for how to make the leap from American research to European records and dealing

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7Spring/Winter 2016

with old handwriting and foreign lan-guages. You will find out how to record your research with genealogy databases and how to document different types of evidence. Finally, you will explore ways to turn the collection of names, dates and places into a story that you can share with your family, and which can be handed down and added to by future genera-tions. Taught by Charles Laun.8 hours $592/17, 3/2, 3/16, 3/23 W 7-9pm Auburn


Have a story in mind you’ve always wanted to write, but didn’t know where to start or how to end it? Or maybe it’s written, but you want to polish it and even try to publish it. This class will teach you how to build a story from beginning to end, how to rewrite like a pro, and how to develop characters and plots that will captivate your readers. Emphasis will be on craft from a fun perspective. Taught by award winning, nationally syndicated writer, Joe Sarnicola.5 hours $592/23-3/22 T 6:30-7:30pm Auburn


Whether you’re looking for a traditional or nontraditional ceremony, traditional, blended or original vows, engaged cou-ples collaborate as a team to identify what they do or don’t want in a cere-mony. Couples will custom create the wording and format of the ceremony and vows (even if they are keeping them as surprises), and custom create the script of the event for themselves and their offici-ants. This isn’t wedding planning, but a discussion and custom writing of the ceremony and vows for use by the bride and groom, and their wedding planner or officiant. This is a perfect way to iden-tify likes and dislikes, determine as a couple the style of your ceremony, and

alleviate stress or problems along the way making for rehearsals, ceremonies and vows that are relaxed, elegant, fun and memorable for you and your guests. Taught by Cara-Leigh Battaglia, an ordained officiant and professional writer.8 hours $150 (per couple)2/28-3/20 Sun 12:30-2:30pm Auburn


Step out with confidence! Are you avoid-ing career advancement because you fear public presentations? Are you dread-ing the wedding toast you are expected to give? Learn how to become comfort-able enough with public speaking to get the job done! Instructor Erica Turner will walk you through the process and help you prepare and deliver a speech with confidence and grace!6 hours $493/9-3/23 W 6-8pm Auburn


Taste six rare, allocated, expensive, super-premium wines including a verti-cal tasting. Join William Prosser, Profes-sor of Economics and wine instructor, and Bob Wojnar, National Sales Manager of Dr. Frank Winery and wine instructor, as we present these world-class wines. We will taste: from the Champagne Region of France, Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne Vintage 2006; from the Marlborough Region of New Zealand, Cloudy Bay 2014 Sauvignon Blanc; a special wine from the Burgundy Region in France, wine and vintage date to be determined; from Napa Valley California, Joseph Phelps Insignia Vertical Wine Tasting, vintage 2007, 2008, and 2009; from the Piedmont Region in Italy, Gaja Barbaresco vintage 2011; and from the Finger Lakes NY wine region, Dr. Kon-

stantin Frank Riesling Reserve vintage 2013. The total retail value of the wines being tasted exceeds $2,500. The quali-ties that make each of these wines unique and rare will be discussed. The Executive Chef at the Springside Inn will prepare small dishes to complement each wine. The class is limited to 24 participants. $165 per person. Registra-tion deadline is March 3, 2016 for the Thursday March 10, 2016 class which meets at the Springside Inn, Auburn NY.3 hours $1653/10 Th 5:30-8:30pm Springside Inn

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8 Cayuga Community College

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New York State law requires all operators of personal watercraft and youth under age 18 who operate a boat without direct adult supervision, to learn boating safety and apply to the Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation for a certificate. The course is for anyone age 10 or older. Books are provided by NYS. Students must attend whole class and must pass the test to get the safety certificate. Students 18 years of age and older will be required to pay a $10 fee to NYS for issuance of a permanent boating safety certificate. (Please bring a bag lunch.) Taught by Brian Olson.8 hours $393/13 Sun 9am-5pm Auburn


An introduction to using Autodesk Revit, Architectural modeling and CAD soft-ware. By working through a series of structured projects, this course will take you through the basic tools used to create a simple building model and create floor plans, building elevations and sections that can be used in construction draw-ings. Taught by Charles Laun. Mr. Laun is a Registered Architect experienced in using Revit for design and documentation of complex building projects.8 hours $994/5-4/26 T 7-9pm Auburn


This course is for writers who have a story or article planned or written. Whether you want to prepare it for publication, learn how to write an effective query letter, or how to find markets for your work, this class is for you! Taught by award winning, nationally syndicated writer, Joe Sarnicola.4 hours $494/5-4/26 T 7-8pm Auburn-


Ever wonder why after over four hundred years people still continue to read Shake-speare? This course will give you an opportunity to discover an answer to this question without the burden of tests and paper writing! You will learn how to read Shakespeare’s language, view Shake-spearean films, participate in dramatic reading, and learn there is truly nothing to fear in Shakespeare! No prior Shake-speare knowledge is necessary. Just come ready to enjoy!7 hours $494/7-5/19 Th 7-8pm Auburn


This is a 3-session introduction to the sport of kayaking that will provide stu-dents with a basic understanding of the

different types of kayaks available, selec-tion criteria to meet the student’s specific interests and goals, safety equipment, and applicable New York State laws and regulations. Taught by Paul Wilson. 4.5 hours $604/10-4/24 Sun 2-3:30pm Auburn


Have you ever wondered what your animal is thinking or feeling? What do they want, and why do they behave that way? Animal communication is a skill that rewards prac-tice, patience and an open mind. Learn how animals may take on our physical and emotional issues in the form of misbehavior and illness, and how to quiet your mind to receive important information from your pet. Taught by animal communicator Janet Ridgeway of Syracuse.6 hours $1254/12-4/26 T 6-8pm Auburn

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9Spring/Winter 2016



Have you always wanted to learn Sign Language? Here’s your chance! In this introductory course, you will learn non-verbal communication techniques, deaf culture, and the basic patterns of Ameri-can Sign Language, including beginning vocabulary, finger spellings, and facial expressions. Book included in the cost of class. Taught by Rick Figgins.12 hours $992/1-2/17 MW 6-8pm Auburn


Continuing from American Sign Lan-guage I, students will review basic signs and finger spelling, and increase their sign vocabulary. Bring your book from Sign I. Taught by Rick Figgins.12 hours $892/29-3/16 MW 6-8pm Auburn


The romance language of Italian can be yours! Designed for beginners, this course will focus on basic grammar and vocabu-lary to develop conversational skills for everyday life. The course includes an introduction to the people, customs, and institutions of contemporary Italy. Text-book included. Taught by Patrizia Lafler. 12 hours $892/1-3/7 M 6-8pm Auburn


Designed for students who either have attended Conversational Italian I or already have some conversation skill. The course will expand vocabulary, grammar and communication skills to use in typi-cal situations, especially for tourists. Textbook included, Italian Now! Level I for any student who has not previously taken Conversational Italian I.12 hours $893/21-5/2 M 6-8pm AuburnNo class meets on 3/28 due to college spring break


Designed for students who have attended Conversational Italian II or already have some conversational skill, the course will continue to expand vocabulary, grammar, and communica-tion skills to use in common situations. Textbook included Italian Now! (Bring book from your previous Conversational Italian I or II class.) Taught by Patrizia Lafler.12 hours $895/9-6/20 M 6-8pm AuburnNo class on 5/30 due to Memorial Day


Have you always wanted to speak Ger-man? It is the default language of Europe! This introduction to German language is designed to develop basic conversational skills for travel and work situations. You will learn vocabulary, sentence structure, and how to ask and answer basic questions. You may also address specific topics for your travel plans or level of conversational skill. Textbook included. Taught by Wendy Annunziata.12 hours $892/1-3/9 MW 6-7pm Auburn


Designed for students who have either attended German I or already have some basic conversational skills. The course will expand vocabulary, grammar, and com-munication skills to use in typical situations, especially for tourists. Textbook included. (Bring your book from your previous Ger-man I class.) Taught by Wendy Annunziata.12 hours $893/14-4/27 MW 6-7pm AuburnNo classes meet on 3/28, 3/30 due to college spring break


This class is an introduction to the Span-ish language which is formatted to help students learn to speak and become fluent in basic Spanish. We will review pronunciation, greetings, introductions, questions and answers, and useful phrases. This will appeal to those who would like to learn Spanish for both busi-ness and conversation. Textbook is included. Taught by Wendy Annunziata. 12 hours $892/9-3/22 TTh 6-7pm AuburnNo class meets on 2/18 due to winter break


This class is designed for those who already have some basic Spanish lan-guage skills or for those who would like to continue and become more fluent after taking the first Spanish I class. Text-book is included. (Bring book from Span-ish 1 class.) Taught by Wendy Annunziata. 12 hours $894/5-5/12 TTh 6-7pm Auburn

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10 Cayuga Community College

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Learn all you need to know to begin play-ing guitar applicable to any style of music! Tuning, popular chords, strumming/rhythm patterns, theory, how to read chord frames, tablature, scales, all presented in an easy to understand method. You’ll even learn to play a few songs! You’ll have a strong understanding of the fundamentals needed to begin playing guitar by the end of this course. Plus you’ll receive written lesson material, jam along tracks, and video lessons to keep forever! Both acoustic and electric players welcome but electric play-ers should bring their own small practice amp. All students should bring a guitar, tuner, thumb drive, and a notebook. Ages 12 years and up please. Taught by Berklee College of Music Certified guitarist Jeff Wiggins. You can see student referrals at www.thewayofguitar.com6 hours $952/3-2/24 W 7– 8:30pm Auburn


Take the basics to the next level and add more excitement to your playing. Learn how chords are constructed and gain a better understanding of music theory. Learn and use the popular minor penta-tonic scale up and down the neck, play more complex rhythms and much more. You’ll also get written lesson material, jam along tracks, and video lessons to keep forever! This course is a great addition to those who have completed The Begin-ner Guitar Course 1, or intermediate players looking for a firmer understand-ing of their previous learned skills. Both acoustic and electric players welcome but electric players should bring their own small practice amp. . All students should bring a guitar, tuner, thumb drive, and a notebook. Ages 12 years and up please. Taught by Berklee College of Music Certified guitarist Jeff Wiggins. You can see student referrals at www.theway-ofguitar.com6 hours $953/2-3/23 W 7– 8:30pm Auburn


Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give yourself years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regu-lar piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. You can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any song in this one session. Any song. Any style. Any key. If you can find middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop. Total beginners can download a free pamphlet on reading the treble clef on our website— Click on classes to access this information. Fee includes a workbook and practice CD. Taught by Anthony Morano.3 hours $592/22 M 6:30-9:30pm Auburn


Do you want to be a live performance disc jockey? More than pushing play, this work-shop covers the performance aspect and technical qualities needed to be a success. Learn how to mix songs, host an event and work under pressure. From night clubs to weddings, this course will outline the tech-nique and basic essentials needed to get you in front of the crowd. Taught by Rocko Dorsey of RD Entertainment, a well-known Central New York event DJ who provides deejay and lighting services at over 100 events per year.4 hours $693/16 W 6-10pm Auburn

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11Spring/Winter 2016


Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it difficult to find the time? In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give yourself years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Bring your acoustic guitar. For ages 13+. Fee includes a workbook and practice DVD. Taught by Anthony Morano.2.5 hours $594/18 M 6:30-9pm Auburn



Reiki is a Japanese term, which means universal life energy and is a natural method of healing. This is an introduc-tory class to Reiki. Here, you will receive an attunement initiating you as a Reiki practitioner. The course is designed to convey a thorough understanding of the principles of Reiki, energy work, and how it can be applied for healing purposes. Taught by Reiki master Gabriel Colella.6 hours $2002/7, 2/14 Sun 11am-2pm Auburn


Reiki II amplifies your capacities on all levels. The flow of energy can be increased many times with the help of symbols and tech-niques. The three symbols in Reiki II will have a great impact in your sessions. The sessions themselves can be shorter in length and their effectiveness much greater. Taught by Reiki master Gabriel Colella.6 hours $2004/10, 4/17 Sun 11am-2pm Auburn


You will learn two new symbols used in attunements/initiations, and new tech-niques as well as more of the history of the Reiki lineage. In this course, you can choose to be certified as a Reiki master, who can practice, or to pursue certifica-tion the Reiki master/teacher, who can teach others. Taught by Gabriel Colella, Reiki master.6 hours $6005/1, 5/15 Sun 11am-2pm Auburn


A “medicine bag” was an important part of the equipment used by Shamans and Native American Medicine Men and Women. It was a special container for various items used to carry “medicine”, or symbols, of animal spirits used for treating sickness and disease. What you will take away from this class is a beauti-ful art piece filled with a special mean-ing for you, and the Spiritual History of Medicine Bags. Tuition includes materi-

als needed for class. Taught by Reverend Beverly Owen—Creative Instructor of Spiritual Art.3 hours $45 includes materials3/6 Sun 1-4pm Auburn


The Voice of Knowledge can come from your own head, or it can come from people around you, but your emotional reaction to that voice is, “Something is not right!” It’s the voice of what you have learned, and you have learned so many lies, mainly about yourself. This is a self-empowering class using the required book, The Voice of Knowledge, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Prerequisite is the class, Understanding the Four Agreements. Taught by Reverend Beverly Owen— Master Instructor/ Holistic Wellness & Spiritual Psychology since 2006.10 hours $594/4-5/2 M 6-8pm Auburn

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12 Cayuga Community College

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Shamans believe that all things in the Universe have spirit and life. The rocks, the earth, the sky, the waters, the plants and the animals. The purpose of this class is to help you to connect to wisdom of these spiritual teachers. Journeying is a deep meditative exploration which can help with personal and spiritual growth. It is also a tool that can be used for heal-ing, obtaining information, and working through psychological issues. Inspired by the book, Animal Speak, by Ted Andrews. Bring a journal to write in. Taught by Reverend Beverly Owen~ Shaman Vision-ary/Shamanic Journey Works since 2005.12.5 hours $594/7-5/5 Th 6-8:30pm Auburn


A gentle series of guided meditation sessions interspersed with private reflec-tion, goal setting, and focus on physical or emotional health and wellness, chakra energy exercises, Inner Light TM, geared to address personal issues and move toward peace and healing. Taught by Cara-Leigh Battaglia.6 hours $69 4/10-5/15 Sun 11am-12pm Auburn


Throughout all of history, almost every culture and person has placed important significance on the true meaning of their dreams. Today, our dreams are just as powerful a force in many peoples’ lives, as they were back with all of our ances-tors. The Native tradition of dream catch-ers has been passed down through the generations; from parent to child, grand-parent to grandchild, or from one person to another. In this class you will learn the art/skill of making dream catchers, and a storytelling of the spiritual value. What you will take away from this class is a beautiful art piece filled with a special meaning for you, and the Native Ameri-can Spiritual History of Dream Catchers. Taught by Reverend Beverly Owen—Cre-ative Instructor of Spiritual Art.3 hours $45 includes materials4/10 Sun 1-4pm Auburn

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Interested students or employers who would like to set up classes for their employees are welcome to call the Instructor, Rebecca Mindek, at (315) 604-0842.

Classes are held at:Cayuga Community College • 197 Franklin Street • Auburn, NY 13021(CCC is on the Auburn City Bus Route)

Schedule and Fees:• Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels• $65.00 per month• 12-16 hours of instruction per month• Morning or Evening Classes• Monday-Thursday (1-2 times per week)• 2-3 hours per class (depending on evening or day classes)

Instructor Rebecca MindekRebecca has her Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from Columbia International Uni-versity, South Carolina. She has 20 years ESL teaching experience of which 11 of them were teaching ESL overseas. Because she is not only a native English speaker, but also was a second language learner for 10 years in Eastern Europe, she is able to understand her students’ needs and effectively lead them through the challenging process of language acquisition as well as help them with cultural transition.

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Make parenting easier! Designed for parents of children ages 3 to 12, Active Parenting Now helps teach parents how to raise responsible, cooperative children who are prepared to meet the challenges of the teen years. You will learn parenting skills that will help develop cooperation, responsibility and self-esteem in your children. You will also learn positive, non-violent discipline techniques so you can avoid power struggles. This course is free of charge, however there is material fee of $20 to cover the cost of the parent guide book due the first evening of class. Taught by Katherine Duckett, MS, CPP, who has been a prevention educator for Confidential Help for Alcohol and Drugs, Inc. for twenty five years.12 hours Free2/15-3/21 M 6-8pm Auburn


Designed for family caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular Dementia, Lewy-Body Dementia or other conditions which cause significant mem-ory problems. In addition to basic infor-mation about dementia, this 4-week course will cover essential elements to address throughout the illness, common health complications, and tips from pro-fessional care providers who deliver person-centered care. Use of materials and Internet will facilitate learning and maximize competence in care-giving beyond the end of the course. Your instructor is an authority on dementia. Taught by Pamela K. Atwood, MA, CDP, QDCP, CLL. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1492/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


Raising gifted children in an educational climate where the focus is on mass profi-ciency and “grade level outcomes” make it difficult to challenge students who are academically advanced. You will learn how to accommodate your children’s academic and social-emotional needs both at home and school, while staying sane in the pro-cess. Taught by Jeff Kritzer. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


Know more about taking care of your loved one. Geared towards family and friends of an elderly person, including spouses/significant others, parent-child, elder-other relative, friends, even long-distance caregivers. You will get essential information that caregivers or care partners need to know as you care for an older adult. Learn how to prepare for changes in personal relationships when taking on caregiving roles. Improve your understanding of resources and the long-term care services and supports available. Come away with a developed confidence in techniques in assisting others with variety of needs. This course will also be useful for health program students and emerging professionals. Taught by Pamela K. Atwood, MA, CDP, QDCP, CLL. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1492/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


For parents of children who have been diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)—a neurological disorder on the autism spectrum. Find out how to work effectively with your child, to create the most positive learning environment in and outside of school for your child. You will take away strategies for working effectively with your child’s teachers. The course is geared for parents and teachers, but it is also relevant for anyone else interested in understanding this important issue. Taught by Julie Coates. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1453/7-4/1 Online


Help your child succeed in school. The federal Individuals with Disabilities Educa-tion Act (IDEA), was put in place to make sure that every child with a diagnosed disability gets the help he or she needs throughout their education process. Par-ents have significant rights as advocates for their child, both before any evaluation is done as well as afterward if the child is determined to have special needs.

Find out what an Individual Educational Program or Plan (IEP) is. Understand these rights and learn how to assure your child is receiving the accommodation she or he needs. Parental advocacy is essential for school success. Taught by Jeff Kritzer. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1454/4-4/29 Online

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Students develop expertise using manu-facturing materials and processes and production tools and equipment. The program can be completed in one year, and students can apply the Advanced Manufacturing certificate credits toward the Mechanical Technology A.A.S. degree.

COURSE CREDIT HOURS FIRST SEMESTERENGR 103 Manufacturing Materials & Processes 3 MMT 101 Machine Tools I 3 ENGR 126 Computer Aided Design 4 MATH 102 Intermediate Algebra 3 ENGR 207 Quality Assurance 3 TOTAL 16

SECOND SEMESTER MATH 114 Technical Math 3 ENGR 228 Solid Modeling 3 MMT 102 Machine Tools II 4 MMT 208 Advanced CAD/CAM 4 Technical Elective* 3 TOTAL 17 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 33


Plastics and polymer manufacturing constitute the 5th largest manufacturing sector in the United States. Students learn about the plastics industry, and the equipment, materials, and processes commonly used in manufacturing.

Course Credit Hours FIRST SEMESTER MATH 102 or higher** Intermediate Algebra 3 ENGR 103 Manufacturing Processes and Materials 3 MMT 101 Machine Tools I 3 MMT 141 Fundamentals of Plastics Technology 4 ENGR 230 Fluid Systems Design 3 TOTAL 16

SECOND SEMESTER ENGL 101 Freshman English I 3 MMT 241 Plastics Technology: Injection Molding OR MMT 242 Plastics Technology: Blow Molding 4 MMT 245 Plastics Technology Capstone 3 ENGR 207 Quality Assurance 3 Technical Elective* 3TOTAL 16 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 32




Course Credit Hours FIRST SEMESTER ENGL 101 Freshman English I 3 MATH 102 or higher** Intermediate Algebra 3 ENGR 103 Manufacturing Processes and Materials 3 MMT 101 Machine Tools I 3 ENGR 126 Computer Aided Design 4 TOTAL 16

SECOND SEMESTER ENGL 102 Freshman English II or ENGL 270 Technical Writing 3 MATH 104 College Algebra and Trigonometry or MATH 114 or higher** Technical Math 3 MMT 102 Machine Tools II 4 ENGR 228 Solid Modeling 3 Technical Concentration Elective* 3 TOTAL 16

THIRD SEMESTER PHYS 103 General Physics I 4 MMT 221 Tool & Die Design 4 ENGR 207 Quality Assurance 3 Behavioral/Social Science Elective 3 Technical Concentration Elective* 3 TOTAL 17

FOURTH SEMESTER ENGR 203 Applied Statics & Strength of Materials 3 Technical Concentration Elective* 4 Technical Concentration Elective* 4 ART 103, 112 or 113 Art Elective 3 Health or P.E. 1 TOTAL 15 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 64

FOR MANUFACTURING COURSES*Can be satisfied by an MMT, ENGR, or ELEC course **MATH 112, 115 or 116 will not fulfill requirements

FOR MECHANICAL AND PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY* Complete four courses in one concentration area to fulfill degree requirements ** MATH 112, 115 or 116 will not fulfill requirements

U.S. Department of LaborThis workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warran-ties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any infor-mation on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use, by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes, is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.

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This concentration prepares students to work as CAD technicians, CAD designers and mechanical designers.

Course Credit Hours ENGR 230 Fluid Systems Design 3 MMT 220 Machine Design*** 4 ENGR 125 Building Information Modeling 4 MMT 208 Advanced CAD/CAM 4 ELEC 209 Programmable Logic Controllers 3


This concentration prepares students to work as CAD designers in an architectural or engineering consulting firm, as build-ing mechanical system designers, and facilities designers.

Course Credit Hours ENGR 230 Fluid Systems Design 3 ENGR 125 Building Information Modeling*** 4 ENGR 220 Construction Methods & Materials 4 ENGR 221 Building Mechanical & Electrical Systems 4 ENGR 130 Renewable Energy Systems 3 BUS 260 Project Management 3


This concentration prepares students to work as electro-mechanical technicians and automation technicians.

Course Credit Hours ELEC 101 Electrical Circuits 4 ELEC 209 Programmable Logic Controllers 3 ELEC 204 Industrial Electronics 4 MMT 220 Machine Design*** 4 MMT 208 Advanced CAD/CAM *** 4 ENGR 230 Fluid Systems Design 3


This concentration prepares students to work as mechanical technicians, CNC machinists, and CNC programmers.

Course Credit Hours MMT 220 Machine Design*** 4 ELEC 101 Electrical Circuits 4 ELEC 209 Programmable Logic Controllers 3 MMT 208 Advanced CAD/CAM *** 4 ENGR 230 Fluid Systems Design 3

* Complete four courses to fulfill concentration

*** Required for the concentration


Course Credit Hours FIRST SEMESTER ENGL 101 Freshman English I 3 MATH 102 or higher** Intermediate Algebra 3 ENGR 103 Manufacturing Processes and Materials 3 MMT 101 Machine Tools I 3 MMT 141 Fundamentals of Plastics Technology 4 TOTAL 16

SECOND SEMESTER ENGL 102 Freshman English II or ENGL 270 Technical Writing 3 MATH 114 Technical Math or MATH 104 or higher** College Algebra & Trigonometry 3 MMT 241 Plastics Technology: Injection Molding 4 ENGR 228 Solid Modeling 3 ENGR 207 Quality Assurance 3 TOTAL 16

THIRD SEMESTER CHEM 101 Elements of General Chemistry or CHEM 103 General Chemistry I 4 MMT 221 Tool & Die Design 4 ENGR 230 Fluid Systems Design 3

MMT 242 Plastics Technology: Blow Molding 4 Health or P.E. 1 TOTAL 16

FOURTH SEMESTER ENGR 203 Applied Statics & Strength of Materials 3 ELEC Electronics Elective 3 MMT 245 Plastics Tech Capstone 3 ART 103, 112 or 113 Art Elective 3 Behavioral /Social Science Elective 3 TOTAL 15 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 63


This noncredit program was designed in conjunction with our local plastics man-ufacturers who have a need to hire skilled employees. The program pro-vides students with a general introduc-tion to the plastics industry. The primary focus will be on the day-to-day opera-tions of a typical Plastics molding facility. This program provides students with a general understanding of three major molding processes; Injection Molding, Blow Molding, and Injection Stretch Blow Molding. Topics covered include: The Manufacturing Supply Chain, Mold-ing Machines, Molds, Mold and Equip-ment Maintenance, General Plant Safety, Plastics Terminology, Plastics Math, Blueprint Reading, Quality Assurance, Understanding of Polymers, Material Handling and Preparation, Product Test-ing, Auxiliary Equipment and Trouble-shooting. This program will use a com-bination of classroom instruction and hands-on practical experience.88 hours $9254/4-4/28 M-Th 4-9:30pm AuburnPrerequisite: Students must be at least 18 years of age and hold a high school diploma or its equivalent.

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This course will introduce the participant to the requirements of geometric toler-ancing in a manufacturing environment. Some of the topics include: introduction to Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances (GD&T), origination tolerances, runout tolerances, location tolerances, and toler-ance effect on production cost.8 hours $1192/3-2/24 W 6-8pm Auburn


This course is an overview of blueprint reading for the manufacturing field. The course will cover the components of engineering drawings including: lines

and their uses, interpreting part views, standard dimension callouts, section views, and tolerance notation.24 hours $2502/23-3/17 TTh 6-9pm Auburn


This course will introduce students to the capabilities of SolidWorks. Students will learn how the program works as well as creating sketches in various views, import-ing 2D and 3D CAD files, applying drawing techniques, and parametric modeling. 30 hours $3502/22-3/23 MW 6-9pm Auburn


Students will expand on the topics taught in the Fundamentals of Solid-Works. Projects will address complex shaping capabilities. 30 hours $3504/6-6/8 W 6-9pm Auburn


This is an introductory session on the fundamentals of quality, its relationship to the customer both external and inter-nal, and its impact on the success of the business.4 hours $593/3 Th 5-9pm Auburn


Learn the basics of 2D AutoCAD. This course will cover construction, editing, annotation, and dimensioning com-mands as well as viewports. Participants will create 2D drawings through hands-on exercises.42 hours $4504/4-5/18 MW 6-9pm Auburn

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Become a medical coder! This 180-hour career-training course, with an additional 20 hours of optional work experience, will prepare students to seek employment as a medical coding specialist. Medical coders are responsible for accurately assigning codes and service levels for medical proce-dures performed and supplies used to treat a patient, as well as properly identifying physicians’ diagnoses. They may also doc-ument frequency of diagnoses and utiliza-tion of particular services and procedures associated with those diagnoses, and may audit and re-file appeals of denied claims. Medical coders are employed in hospitals, medical offices, insurance agencies, clinics, and many other healthcare organizations. Students will learn medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, as well as the different types of insurance coverage in a health facility and the various ways of receiving payment. Codes learned include ICD-10-CM, CPT, HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, and ICD-10PCS. Students will review HIPAA pri-vacy regulations and will be introduced to current software used by medical coding specialists. Topics include, but are not lim-ited to: Time Management• Resume Build-ing• Study Skills• Medical Terminology• Anatomy and Physiology• Types of Insur-ance Plans• Source Documents and Coding Guidelines• Coding Procedures: CPT• Cod-ing Diagnoses for ICD-10-CM and ICD-9-CM• Billing and Claim Forms• Electronic

Claims Processing• Coder Plus Software• Working with Insurance Companies• Handling Reimbursements• Records Management. Students will receive a certificate of completion and will be qualified to work as a medical coding specialist. Taught by Emoy Goodridge, CPC, CPC-H, CPMA, CPC-I, CBCS. Goodridge is a Past President of the local CNY Syracuse AAPC Chapter and affili-ated with National Alliance of Medical Accreditation Services (NAMAS) and the National Health Career Association (NHA). Prerequisite: Students must be at least 18 years of age and hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. Hybrid Course: 180 hours $2,4451/25-5/18 MWF 5-9pm Auburn (Fridays Online)No class 2/19, 3/25, 3/28, 3/30, 4/1 due to college breaks

Online Course: 180 hours $2,4451/25-5/18 Online


This is a 5-week course (in class and online component) that prepares experienced coders for the change from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM. The course guides you through the essentials of ICD-10-CM. It provides the

understanding required to allow for profi-ciency in ICD-10-CM to maintain your cer-tified professional coder certification (CPC). Registrants must present their ICD-10-CMs; the workbook will be provided. 30 hours $5002/23-3/22 T 5-8pm Auburn


This course meets NYS Education and Public Health Law requirements to apply for licensure and registration in nursing and related-health professions. This pro-gram will assist health professionals understand how blood-borne patho-gens may be transmitted in the work environment, apply accepted infection prevention and control principles to their work environment, and minimize oppor-tunity for transmission of pathogens to patients and healthcare workers. Brenda Forrest, RN, MS, FNP, CNS, instructs.3 hours $351/25-5/16 Online5/24 T 4-7pm Auburn


You will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively report child abuse or maltreatment/neglect to the NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Reg-ister; evaluate situations to determine whether there is reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment; and identify the physical and behavioral indi-cators commonly associated with child abuse. Course is approved by New York State Education Department.

Bring your professional license, permit (if applicable), and social security number. Cheryl Foster, RNC, MSN, PNP, instructs.2.25 hours $302/25 Th 3-5:15pm Auburn4/14 Th 3-5:15pm Auburn

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Does your high school student need help preparing for the spring SAT exams? This intensive course, based on the latest SAT version, helps students assess their strengths and weaknesses in the verbal and math sections, and practice efficient answer strat-egies for sentence completion, reading comprehension, and math reasoning. Stu-dent must bring textbook new edition: Official SAT Study Guide (2016 Edition) by College Board (ISBN: 9781457304309). This new edition corresponds to testing from March 2016 forward. $25.00 at college Barnes & Noble Bookstore; call 315-294-8690 or available at online and local bookstores).16 hours $1592/28-5/1 Sun 2-4pm AuburnNo classes meet on 3/27 & 4/3 due to college spring break

3/7-5/2 M 6-8pm Auburn High School

No class meets on 4/25 due to HS spring break

3/7-5/2 M 6-8pm Mynderse Academy

No class meets on 3/28 due to HS spring break

3/10-5/5 Th 6-8pm Moravia High School

No class meets on 4/28 due to HS spring break


Learn to evaluate essay test questions and write a response to any essay test that will score you points! From school exams to college entry tests, no matter what the subject or style, you can learn to interpret the question, organize and craft a quick and efficient response, and know how to score points. Youth grades 8 or higher or adult. Taught by Cara-Leigh Battaglia.12 hours $99 2/7-4/17 Sun 2:30-4pm AuburnNo class meets on 2/21, 3/27, 4/3 due to college breaks



The 8-Hour Pre-Assignment course for security guards will teach you the role of a security guard; legal powers and limitation; how to handle emergencies, communications and public relation; access control; ethics and conduct. All security guards are required to com-plete an 8-Hour Pre-Assignment Train-ing Course prior to applying to the New York State Department of State for a Security Guard Registration card. This course is approved by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Ser-vice. You must attend 100% of the course and pass an examination to receive your certification of comple-tion. Brian Clancy instructs.8 hours $793/8-3/9 TW 6-10pm Auburn4/19-4/20 TW 6-10pm Auburn



An ideal series of sessions for the small sole proprietor, hobby or craft business. You will learn the easiest ways to increase profits, create an analysis of your program/service offerings and develop ideas for improving the profitability, expansion or focus, and marketing of them through analysis, industry trends and comparisons, and idea brainstorming. CL Battaglia has been providing private consulting and freelance contracting in development,

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advancement, crisis communication, mar-keting and strategic planning as well as a variety of PR, HR, financial and business services for over 29 years to large and small non-profit and for-profit businesses.6 hours $1502/15-3/21 M Noon-1pm Auburn


This course provides a comprehensive view of the notary public office and preparation for the New York State test. Students are required to purchase the new reference guide and textbook, Notary Public Handbook: A Guide for New York ($40). Instructor Alfred E. Piombino will offer the book for sale 15 minutes before class.3.5 hours $652/17 W 9am-12:30pm Auburn5/11 W 6-9:30pm Auburn


Create a dynamic document that will catch the eye of the person who needs to find a good job candidate! This course is for anyone looking to pump up their resume and have a professional docu-ment to give to potential employers. Taught by Mike Greene.1.5 hours $393/22 T 6-7:30pm Auburn4/18 M 6-7:30pm Auburn


Learn the basic of investing while focus-ing on long-term retirement plans. Topics covered will include: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, IRA’s, 401K’s, annuities & tax benefits. Students will be encouraged to suggest lesson plans based on informa-tion they would like to learn in addition to the topics listed above. A guest speaker will enhance your learning expe-rience while adding their own perspec-

tives and insights. At the conclusion of this course, you will have the knowledge required to understand basic investing while being aware of all the risks and rewards. All course materials will be pro-vided by the instructors at no additional cost. Taught by Patrick Cuddy and Timo-thy Carr, Pinnacle Investments.8 hours $494/13-5/4 W 6-8pm Auburn



In this certification course, participants will learn to recognize, evaluate, and pri-oritize first aid needs and apply appropri-ate aid in emergencies. Topics covered are: the role of the coach, administrative procedures in athletics, injury prevention, injury recognition, types of injuries, med-

ical emergencies, emotional stress of an athlete, preparing for EMS arrival, emer-gency care plans, and taping techniques among many other topics. This course meets NYS coaching requirements. Stu-dents must attend full 12-hour course to attain attendance for certification. Course certification is valid for 3 years.12 hours $992/29-3/16 MW 6-8pm Auburn


This NYS approved course will train coaches in both adult CPR and AED or Automated External Defibrillator. Course will include the following topics: check-ing the victim, cardiopulmonary resusci-tation, breathing, emergency calls, using a mask and how to appropriately admin-ister CPR and AED, including how to deal with special circumstances such as obstructed airways and neck and spine injuries and surviving sudden cardiac arrest. This certification is valid for 2 years. 4 hours $593/21, 3/23 MW 6-8pm Auburn

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Bring your iPad®! For owners new and old at any level of experience. This course is designed for discovery and fun. You will learn how to use iPad® apps, surf the Inter-net, and use basic functions like Calendar, Camera, Contacts and Mail. We will ven-ture into Safari as well as learn to “surf” the Internet! Bring your own charged iPad® to class. Taught by Margie Creamer.4.5 hours $394/6-4/20 W 5:30-7pm Auburn


Go beyond the basics with your iPad®! This course is a continuation of How to Use your iPad®. You will learn how to use the App Store and how to discover and use apps which are specific to your inter-est. Explore iBooks, iTunes, Maps and then Apps store. Learn more of Safari and its advanced features and techniques. Bring your own charged iPad® to class. Taught by Margie Creamer.4.5 hours $394/27-5/11 W 5:30-7pm Auburn


This course is designed to impart a basic level appreciation program for the com-mon user. Upon completion, the student is able to use the computer for basic pur-poses of preparing word documents, view information on the Internet, send/receive emails, use a basic spreadsheet, and pre-pare a PowerPoint® presentation. There will be a $5 book fee payable to instructor on first night of class. Taught by Kathy O’Neill.3 hours $35 4/11 M 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


Now that you have the Basics on your computer or tablet, come learn how you can make the most of your Internet access, Facebook, travel, digital reading and more! Taught by Margie Creamer.4.5 hours $394/14-4/28 Th 6:30-8pm Auburn


Learn to create, edit, and print docu-ments using Microsoft® Word® 2013. Major topics include: composing and editing basic documents, formatting text and paragraphs, adding tables, inserting graphic objects, controlling page appear-ance and proofing documents. Prerequi-site: Microsoft® Windows® course or equivalent experience. Textbook included. Taught by Kathy O’Neill.6 hours $692/15, 2/17 MW 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


This course continues from Microsoft® Word® 2013 Level I. Students will learn to manage lists, customize tables and charts, customize formatting, modify pictures, create customized graphic elements, control text flow, create mail merges, and macros. This course will focus on creating and modifying complex documents. Prior to taking this course, you should either have taken Microsoft® Word® 2013- Level 1 or have equivalent knowledge. Text-book included. Taught by Kathy O’Neill.6 hours $692/22, 2/24 MW 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


This beginner’s course introduces you to spreadsheets generally used for organiz-ing, manipulating, and sharing data and budgeting. You will begin by navigating the Excel® 2013 environment. Hands-on activities will focus on performing basic tasks associated with creating and saving worksheets, using formulas and functions to perform calculations, formatting and modifying worksheets, searching for and

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replacing data, printing workbook con-tents, and managing large workbooks. Prerequisite: Microsoft® Windows® course or equivalent experience. Textbook included. Taught by Kathy O’Neill.6 hours $693/1, 3/3 TTh 5:30-8:30pm Auburn 4/25, 4/27 MW 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


This course builds upon the foundational knowledge you gained in our Level 1 course or have acquired on your own. Topics covered include: more financial, logical, and database functions, along with creating advanced worksheets, advanced charting, PivotTables and Pivot Charts, recording and executing macros, inserting graphic objects, and creating 3-D workbooks. Prior to taking this course, you should either have taken Microsoft® Excel® 2013-Level 1 or have equivalent knowledge. Textbook included. Taught by Kathy O’Neill.6 hours $693/8, 3/10 TTh 5:30-8:30pm Auburn 5/2, 5/4 MW 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


In this course, you will continue your learning of the more advanced feature of Excel®, including automation common tasks, auditing workbooks to avoid errors, using Excel® data in other applications, creating macros, analyzing and present-ing data, working with multiple work-books, and exporting Excel® data. This course builds upon the knowledge you gained in our Level 1 & 2 courses or have acquired on your own. Prior to taking this course, you should either have taken Microsoft® Excel® 2013-Level 1 & 2 or have equivalent knowledge. Textbook included. Taught by Kathy O’Neill.6 hours $693/15, 3/17 TTh 5:30-8:30pm Auburn 5/9, 5/11 MW 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


This course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Excel®: Part 1 course and will help start you down the road to creating advanced workbooks and worksheets that you can use to create dashboards. The ability to analyze massive amounts of data, extract actionable intel-ligence from it, and present that informa-tion to decision makers is the cornerstone of driving a successful organization that is able to compete at a high level. You will:

• Create advanced formulas. • Automate workbook functionality. • Apply conditional logic. • Visualize data by using basic charts. • Implement advanced charting techniques. • Analyze data by using PivotTables, slicers, and Pivot Charts.6 hours $694/5, 4/12 T 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


Advances in technology have made it possible to store ever increasing amounts of data. Along with this, the need to analyze that data and gain actionable insight is greater than ever. Being able to harness the power of advanced PivotTa-ble features and create Pivot Charts will help you to gain a competitive edge. You will not only be able to summarize data for you to analyze, but also organize the data in a way that can be meaningfully presented to others. This leads to data-driven business decisions that have a better chance for success for everyone involved. Textbook included. Upon suc-cessful completion of this course, you will be able to use Excel® 2013 advanced PivotTable functionality to analyze your raw data. Prerequisites: To ensure your success in this course, you should have experience working with Excel® 2013 and PivotTables. You should already under-

stand spreadsheet concepts and be comfortable creating basic PivotTables.3 hours $494/19 T 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


We are now living in the age of big data. Data is being collected all the time and for increasingly detailed transactions. This can lead to an overwhelming amount of data, which brings about a need for people who can analyze large amounts of data quickly. Fortunately, Excel® provides Pow-erPivot to help you organize, manipulate, and report on your data in the best way possible. Since a tool is only as good as the person using it, it is important to gain a solid understanding of PowerPivot to maximize your effectiveness when analyz-ing data. Textbook included.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to use Power-Pivot along with Excel® 2013 to analyze data from a variety of sources. Prerequi-sites: To ensure your success in this course, you should have experience working with Excel® 2013 and PivotTables. You should already understand spread-sheet concepts and be comfortable cre-ating and analyzing basic PivotTables.3 hours $494/26 T 5:30-8:30pm Auburn


This introductory course will teach stu-dents how to use Microsoft® Excel®, Access®, and Word® in the office setting. Merging documents, creating spread-sheets, and other commonly used appli-cations within Microsoft® Office® 2013 will be discussed.10 hours $994/5-4/19 TTh 6-8pm Auburn

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Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions. Add a whole new skill set to your portfolio, and make a big difference in the success of your organization by acquiring data analysis skills. Begin with getting a basic understanding of how to analyze data in a business setting. Then learn how many of your business decisions involve comparing groups for differences. You will know the statistics behind these group differences and relationships. Finally you will find out how to perform inquiries that will be useful to your business or organization, and have the skill necessary to communicate these results through graphs and text that your fellow employees will understand. Whether your business is home based or a large company, this certificate will take you to the next level where important decision-mak-ing is concerned. Three one-month courses (Introduction to Data Analysis, Intermediate Data Analysis, and Advanced Data Analysis). Sign up for all three and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Introduction to Data Analysis

Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the work-place. Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions. This course

will give you a basic understanding of how to analyze data in a business setting. Businesses look for candidates with an understanding of how to analyze the data they have been collecting; this course will help you start on that journey. Taught by John Rutledge. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Intermediate Data Analysis

Many of your business decisions involve comparing groups for differences. In addi-tion, you may look at relationships between variables. This Intermediate Data Analysis course will introduce you to the statistics behind these group differences and relationships. In addition, you’ll learn how to work with ratings, graphs and user-friendly reports of statistical results. Taught by Mary Dereshiwsky. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Advanced Data Analysis

After taking this Advanced course in Data Analysis, you will be able to perform inqui-ries that will be useful to your business or organization, and have the skill necessary to communicate these results through graphs and text that your fellow employees will understand. Take the guesswork out of important company decisions and make decisions based on statistically significant information. Whether your business is home based or a large company, this class will take you to the next level where important decision-making is concerned. Taught by Jeff Kritzer. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


Efficient office operations can mean the difference between success and not-so-much, between being in the black and being in the red. Moving from you and your employees working harder to work-ing smarter, the strategies and bench-marks of office operations increases the productivity of every person in your organization. Position yourself in your organization as the one who knows what to get done, and how to get things done in office operations. Sign up for all three courses (Office Operations, Cyber Secu-rity for Managers, and Embracing Sus-tainability in the Workplace) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Office Operations

Discover strategies for focusing on spe-cific office outcomes and operating a high-functioning office. Office opera-tions refer to the administration and man-agement of office business practices to support the highest level of efficiency and productivity within an organization. Learn how to design, implement, evalu-ate, and maintain the process of work within your office. Come away under-standing how to supervise or manage a team of administrators, allocating roles, recruiting and training, and issuing assignments and projects. Greg Marsello, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Cayuga Community College partners with LERN (The Learning Resources Network)

to offer numerous online courses. LERN’s UGotClass course offerings provide short-term

individual courses as well as certificates on popular topics taught by industry experts.

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Cyber Security for Managers

Cyber security issues are all around us and reach nearly every part of our busi-ness and work, from online banking and education to Facebook and Wi-Fi. Finally, you can get up to date on Cyber Security basics and fundamentals. Designed for non-technical managers, directors and others in the work place, you will find out about threats and vulnerabilities, safeguards, common attacks, viruses, malware and spyware, disaster recover planning, Intrusion Detection/Preven-tion, basic security architecture, introduc-tory forensics, and cyber terrorism. At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge needed to practice safer computing and safeguard your business and work information. Taught by Stan Waddell, Information Security Executive Director and Information Security Officer for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Embracing Sustainability in the Workplace

It’s a smart business practice and the right thing to do. Find out how to imple-ment sustainability solutions for your workplace. Gain practical information for yourself and your employees to begin on Monday morning. Take back practical tips on operating your indoor environments to consider air, water, lighting, fitness, nutrition, mind and comfort. For any-one pursuing a career in a company or in government where there is an effort to build awareness and to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of environmental stewardship and over-all social responsibility. Taught by Sum-mer Gorder, Thom Lowther, and Kerry Mitchell. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


See for certificate description. Sign up for all three classes (Entrepreneurship Boot Camp, The Business Plan, and Entrepre-neurial Marketing) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Entrepreneurship Boot Camp

See for class description.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

The Business Plan

See for class description.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Entrepreneurial Marketing

See for class description.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


3D printing has been hailed as a solution to all manufacturing problems. Obvi-ously that is exaggerated, but what is it good for (and when is traditional manu-facturing still the better choice?) In this course you will learn how to separate the real promise of the technology from the hype, and understand the workflow for a consumer-level 3D printer. You will become familiar with some typical online databases of objects available to print, and get a bit of experience with free or open-source software for all stages of the process. This class will be primarily focused to introduce you to the tools of the open 3D printer ecosystem, but the

principles will apply to consumer 3D printers in general. Taught by Joan Hor-vath and Rich Cameron. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


Games are increasingly recognized as a tool that can serve many business pur-poses beyond entertainment. This course provides a general introduction to what goes into the design and development of both video and analog games, with a particular focus on the use of games outside of consumer entertainment. By completing this course, you can take the first steps into understanding game design, and how it can be applied in your field. Moses Wolfenstein, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $2452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


Worldwide, video game sales including consoles, and online and mobile games are projected to reach $111 billion dol-lars this year. Mobile games are the fastest-growing segment of the market as more and more people play casual games. By 2019 Price Warehouse pre-dicts social and casual game sales will exceed traditional game sales. In this intermediate introductory course you will learn the basics of video game design process, learn about the main video game genres, and use a game development application to begin your journey of making games. Jean Haefner, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $2453/7-4/1 Online

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Arduino. 3D printing. Wearable tech. Your students or your kids may be talking about these things, but what is all this stuff, and how can you keep up and try to get ahead of them? This class will sur-vey the core technologies found in makerspaces and give you a start in understanding what you will need to learn to create awesome technology projects. You will also learn how to find and sort through the many free resources online. Taught by Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $2453/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online



Customer service is now essential for business and all work organizations. With the increase of technology, human interaction with customers becomes all the more important. Whether it relates to retaining customers, serving your audience, or turning inquiries from potential customers into sales, good customer service is now one of the cen-tral factors in organizational success. Learn to improve your customer service skills to enhance your career skill set, improve productivity, and increase your organization’s success. You will also take away some extraordinary customer ser-vice techniques you won’t find any-where else. Sign up for both courses (Keys to Customer Service and Extraordi-nary Customer Service) and pay just $245 for entire program. 3.2 CEUs/ILUs.

Keys to Customer Service

Learning to build your customer service skills will have a powerful impact on your career success as well as success in other areas of your life. Through this course you will discover the direct relationship between service skills and career achieve-ment. You will become skilled at being an exceptional service provider. You can help your organization and your career by translating your good service intentions into a workable plan and gain knowledge of ways to consistently deliver great ser-vice. The payoff is enormous. Taught by Nanette Sanders-Cobb, COI. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Extraordinary Customer Service

Transform your customer service into something extraordinary. As a result more repeat business will improve your bottom line. Customer service separates you from your competition. Extraordinary customer service comes from focusing on the few essential elements that yield big results. Discover how easy it is to tweak your cus-tomer service from the ordinary to the extraordinary. You’ll take away a customer service plan that will help you focus on the key elements that will get you started on your pathway to success. Fred Bayley, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1453/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online


A book can help you expand your busi-ness in the way no form of advertising can. This practical certificate is designed to help entrepreneurs, businesses, and orga-nizations self-publish as well as gain a complete understanding of this often-complicated marketplace. Learn how to understand your publishing

options and how to select the best path-ways given your business and personal objectives. Then come discover what makes a great ebook and how you go about creating, formatting and publishing your eBook. Finally acquire the keys to marketing your book or eBook. Most importantly, you will create a marketing plan so you can map out your marketing steps all the steps from start to finish. Sign up for all three courses (Growing Your Business with Self Publishing, Self Publish-ing eBooks, and Marketing eBooks) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Growing Your Business With Self Publishing

A book can help you expand your busi-ness in the way no form of advertising can. This practical course is designed to help entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations self-publish as well as gain a complete understanding of this often-complicated marketplace. Learn how to understand your publishing options and how to select the best path-ways given your business and personal objectives. You will learn how to work with print on demand (POD) companies that print books in small quantities eco-nomically. All participants will gain an understanding of the decision-making framework and what factors drive deci-sions in self-publishing. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Self Publishing Ebooks

eBooks are becoming more popular than ever, especially with the release of the iPad® and other tablet computers. In addi-tion to publishing fiction and non-fiction books individuals and companies are using eBook publishing as a way to market products, services, and ideas.

Come discover what makes a great ebook and how you go about creating, format-

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ting and publishing your eBook. Learn the steps necessary to create your eBook with text, photos, illustrations, audio, videos and hyperlinks to websites. Understand the different options you have in self-publish-ing and distributing your eBook. Walk away not only knowing how to make an eBook but how to market it as well. Tim Street, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Marketing Ebooks

Having a book idea and publishing it is only half the recipe for success. Find out how to get the word out to your target market. Discover the various marketing avenues for your book. Acquire informa-tion on which social media site or sites makes sense for your audience and how to maximize your effort by minimizing your time online. Most importantly, you will create a marketing plan so you can map out your marketing steps all the steps from start to finish. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


Good communication in the workplace is more important than ever. And critical to your career advancement and suc-cess. Come get a comprehensive and intensive preparation with skills and techniques you can put to use on Mon-day morning. Take back a workable conflict management model, along with successful and practical conflict man-agement strategies. Then work with a pro to learn how to improve your nego-tiation skills for a win-win outcome, including helping others to get what they want, so you get what you want. Finally, find out more about yourself and others using personality profiles for bet-ter work performance. Sign up for all

three courses (Conflict Management, Negotiation: Get What You Want, and Using Personality Profiles for Better Work Experience) and pay just $595 for entire program. 5.6 CEUS/ILUs.

Conflict Management

A recent study conducted by the Ameri-can Management Association (AMA) revealed that the average manager spends more than 20 percent of their day engaged in or reacting to a conflict situ-ation. This study also identified that out of twenty-five management skills, con-flict management was the only one positively correlated to higher earnings and promotion.

Discover a workable conflict manage-ment model, discuss case studies in conflict management, and then take away successful conflict management strategies to apply in your workplace. Taught by Sally Klauss. 2.4 CEUs/ILUs.24 hours $2452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Negotiation: Get What You Want

Negotiation is a key skill for success in business and everyday life. Knowing strategies to clarify what you want and how to prioritize needs will ensure you get more of what’s essential. Having the skills to help others get what they want will improve relationships and increase your odds of success in the future. Work with a pro to learn how to plan, imple-ment and win in the bargaining process. Save time, grow your business network and gain confidence when dealing with even the shrewdest of deal-makers. Invest in these skills now and reap a life-time of rewards. Taught by Layne Harpine. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Using Personality Profiles For Better Work Performance

Learn how to improve your communi-cation with others, convey your ideas effectively, and improve your ability to understand what is important to those who don’t share your same style. Course fee includes your own DiSC Behavioral Personality Profile assess-ment and review. Sally Klauss, Instruc-tor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $2954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


(NLP) Fundamentals

See for class description.16 hours $1753/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online


See for class description.16 hours $1754/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


Whether you are sending out a press release, communicating internally with a memo or promoting your own skills on LinkedIn, strong writing skills are the key to success. Come away with the tools and techniques you need to improve your copywriting skills and learn how to avoid the common writing mistakes that can hold you back. Kathryn Will, Instruc-tor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

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See for class description.16 hours $2453/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online


See for certificate description.32 hours $3952/1-2/26, 4/4-4/29 Online (Both sections required)



Especially geared for future leaders in the Gen Y generation (born 1980-1999), the certificate provides how-to practical information on advancing your leader-ship potential and making a difference in both the workplace and in society.

Find out what it takes to become an effective leader. Discover your style of leadership. Discuss task completion, building relationships with your subordi-nates, becoming socially perceptive to changes in the workplace, utilizing your emotions in a positive and effective man-ner, and addressing challenging goals.

Then learn the unspoken secrets that leaders know and the strategies they employ/exhibit in for influencing others. Leadership skills are acquired and learned. You can become a leader if you know the do’s and don’ts; what to say, what not to say; what to do, what not to do.

At the end of completing the three course certificate, you will come away with a new understanding, new toolbox of leadership skills, and the information to move your leadership development into high gear. Sign up for all three courses (Leadership Principles, Develop-ing Your Leadership Skills, and Develop-ing Your Professional Career) and pay just $395 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Leadership Principles

Especially for Gen Y (born 1980-1999), the course serves as the first of three in a series addressing the development of Generation Y leadership. Find out what it takes to become an effective leader. Discover your style of leadership. Dis-cuss task completion, building relation-ships with your subordinates, becoming socially perceptive to changes in the workplace, utilizing your emotions in a positive and effective manner, and addressing challenging goals.

Finally, the course offers the opportunity to perform a case study analysis of work-place conflicts that require effective lead-ership, allowing you to apply your unique leadership characteristics revealed through completing the class. Taught by Constance Yates. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Developing Your Leadership Skills

Especially for future and emerging lead-ers in Gen Y, come discover the key con-cepts of being a leader and the best strategies for developing your leadership skills and influence. Learn the unspoken

secrets that leaders know and the strate-gies they employ/exhibit in for influenc-ing others. Leadership skills are acquired and learned.

The action takes place in attending meet-ings, running meetings, interacting with others 1:1, and employing successful tech-niques to convince and influence others. You can become a leader if you know the do’s and don’ts; what to say, what not to say; what to do, what not to do. William A. Draves, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1453/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Developing Your Professional Career

Have you ever wondered how do I get to that next level in my career? What does it take? This course will help you identify those skills that all great leaders possess, while learning new skills that will help take you to the next level. Whether you are leading a department or a organization you will gain the knowledge you need to be successful. Learn how to incorporate a developed image and communication skills that will rocket you to that next level. Taught by Tawanda McLaurin. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1454/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


See for certificate description. Sign up for all three classes (Leadership Skills, Executive Leadership in the 21st Century, and How to Avoid Fatal Leadership Errors) and pay just $695 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Leadership Principles

See for class description.16 hours $1452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

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Executive Leadership in the 21st Century

See for class description.16 hours $3953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

How to Avoid Fatal Leadership Errors

See for class description.16 hours $2954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online



See for class description.32 hours $7952/1-3/25 Online4/4-5/27 Online

LEED for Building Design + Construction Exam Preparation Study Group

See for class description.32 hours $7952/1-3/25 Online4/4-5/27 Online



Non-profits today need to be run like a business in many respects. You have competition, a need to generate income and a surplus, and staff need to be even more productive. You will come away with the latest best informa-tion from instructors who train people in nonprofits. Sign up for both courses (Revenue Generation for Nonprofits and Program Evaluation for Nonprofits) and pay just $595 for entire program. 4.8 CEUS/ILUs.

Revenue Generation for Nonprofits

Build revenue streams for your non-profit organization. They are essential not only to keep your doors open but also to expand your services. Discover how to increase revenue from your current activities. Develop strategies for building new ones. Know how to effec-tively set prices or fees. Understand the 20% that generates 80% of your reve-nue. These are basic concepts that will yield greater results.

After taking this course you will have the knowledge to improve your revenue generation and generate a better surplus. Taught by Fred Bayley. 4.0 CEUs/ILUs.32 hours $4952/1-3/25 Online4/4-5/27 Online

Program Evaluation for Nonprofits

Enhance your understanding of program evaluation within the nonprofit context. Find out how to improve your evaluation planning, data collection, data analysis and data use. Special attention will be

paid to the real-world challenges that organizations may face when conduct-ing evaluation, including staff time, costs and reporting evaluation results to funders. By the close of the course, you will have a complete program logic model and evaluation plan ready for implementation. Myia Welsh, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $2454/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


See for class description.16 hours $2452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


See for class description.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


In today’s world, Lean is a part of the business environment. Lean Six Sigma attacks inefficiencies, non-value added wastes caused by defects, non val-ue-added flow of information or mate-rials, non-productive time, data storage, stacks of inventory, overproduction and extra processing. With Lean Six Sigma techniques you will have the skills to lead successfully in both service and manufacturing industries. No pre-requi-sites required! Taught by Scott Follett. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $2454/4-4/29 Online

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See for certificate description. Sign up for all three classes (Management Boot Camp, 21st Century Strategies for Productivity & Time Management, and Managing Gen-erations in the Workplace) and pay just $595 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Management Boot Camp

See for class description. 2.4 CEUs/ILUs.24 hours $2952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

NEW! 21st Century Strategies for Productivity & Time Management

See for class description.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Managing Generations in the Workplace

See for class description.16 hours $1754/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


Your employees are your most valuable resources. Ensuring the efficiency of your team is the key to your success and is your most important responsibility. Get practical, easy to understand, and insightful methods for new and even experienced supervisors and managers.

Learn about effective delegation, perfor-mance management, and writing perfor-mance reviews. Take home practical

information along with tips and tech-niques that can be applied at your job immediately. Sally Klauss, Instructor. 3.2 CEUs/ILUs.32 hours $3952/1-3/25 Online4/4-5/27 Online



See for certificate description. Sign up for all three classes (Improving Email Promo-tions, Boosting Your Web Site Traffic, and Online Advertising) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Improving Email Promotions

See for class description.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Boosting Your Web Site Traffic

See for class description.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Online Advertising

See for class description.16 hours $1956/6-7/1 Online4/4-4/29 Online


Inbound marketing is a way to help potential customers find you through organic search. It is a process of using your website in a way that attracts visitors naturally through search engines, the blogosphere, and social media.

Inbound marketing is more effective than outbound marketing, where you push sales messages to your potential custom-ers. Inbound marketing is the future of the way we market in the 21st century.

Discover how to attract customers to your site, what kind of content to share with them, how to use landing pages and forms to collect names and email address, and how to implement lead-nurturing campaigns that result in sales. Sign up for all three courses (Introduction to Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, and Advanced Inbound Marketing) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Introduction to Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a process of using your website in a way that it attracts visi-tors naturally through search engines, the blogosphere, and social media.

The average human today is inundated with more than 2000 outbound market-ing interruptions per day – and we’re all figuring out how to block them. Caller ID, spam filters, TiVo, and satellite radio are all things we use today so that we can avoid being marketed to.

In this course, you will discover how to attract customers to your site, what kind of content to share with them, how to use landing pages and forms to collect names and email address, and how to implement lead-nurturing campaigns that result in sales. Taught by Suzanne Kart. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online

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37Spring/Winter 2016

Content Marketing

You have a website, but why will your customers want to come back or buy something or take action? Do you really know who you are selling to? Do you know what you want to say to them? Do you know how you want to say it?

Discover ways to identify who your ideal audience is. Learn how to create content that is engaging and purposeful. Find out what you want to say to them. Explore where you want to say it. And finally, find out how you want to say it.

In one month, you will be better equipped to create your own content marketing strategy and create a content-rich website that exceeds the needs of your visitors. Michael Weiss, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online

Advanced Inbound Marketing

Get under the hood of inbound market-ing and learn how to monitor measure and manage the integrated results of your inbound marketing activities at a more advanced level. We’ll focus on the data that actually matters and how it is influenced by visitor/user engagement. Gain deeper insights into user behavior; learn how to track meaningful conver-sions, measure visitor engagement and how to use landing pages more effec-tively – including how to create forms that get results. Taught by Dan Belhassen & Susan Hurrell. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online


See for certificate description. Sign up for all three classes (Mobile Marketing, Creating Cell Phone Apps for Your Business, and Advanced Mobile Marketing) and pay just $595 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Mobile Marketing

See for class description.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Creating Cell Phone Apps for Your Business (Non-Technical Course)

See for class description. 16 hours $2453/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Advanced Mobile Marketing

See for class description.16 hours $2454/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


See for class description.16 hours $2452/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online



See for class description.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online


See for certificate description. Sign up for all three classes (Twitter, Facebook for Busi-ness, and LinkedIn) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.


See for class description.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Facebook for Business

See for class description.16 hours $2453/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online


See for class description.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online


Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market and serve your customers and clients. For businesses, nonprofits, government, and other organi-zations. From Facebook to Twitter, blog-ging, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more, dis-cover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks and how these specific social networks work and the possible uses for your organization.

Learn how social networks are used to develop a two-way communication and marketing strategy for your organization. Then find out what you can be doing,

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38 Cayuga Community College

Call 315.294.8841 to Register

what you should be doing, and take back a plan to integrate social networks into your communication and marketing.

Whether you are new to social networks or already involved, you will come away with both an understanding of social networks and practical, how-to techniques to inte-grate social networks into your organiza-tion or business. Sign up for all three courses (Introduction to Social Media, Marketing Using Social Media, and Integrating Social Media in Your Organization) and pay just $495 for entire program. 4.8 CEUs/ILUs.

Introduction to Social Media

Get involved in the move from in-person to online communication. Learn what social media are and their role in your business and personal life. Find out the top sites and how businesses are using the sites for communication, customer reten-tion, branding, marketing, market research, needs assessment and serving customers and clients. Explore the options for your organization. Look at case studies of what other organizations are doing. Let your instructor guide your exploration of Face-book and YouTube. For anyone interested in social media. Your instructor is a nation-ally known speaker, consultant and trainer

on social networks and social media. Taught by Nicole Siscaretti. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1952/1-2/26 Online4/4-4/29 Online

Marketing Using Social Media

Develop a two-way communication and marketing strategy for your organization using social media. Let your instructor guide you in exploring major social media, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogging. Learn quick, easy ways to use Twitter, blogs and LinkedIn to engage your customers or clients and keep them interested in your organization or business. You’ll find out the advantages and disadvantages of each, and learn what’s right for your work and kind of organization. Your instructor is a director of marketing for a national associ-ation, and writes and speaks on the topic. Taught by Suzanne Kart. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1953/7-4/1 Online5/2-5/27 Online

Integrating Social Media in Your Organization

Take away a practical strategy and tech-niques for implementing a social strategy

for your organization or business. Learn the top five considerations when starting a social network as well as tips to manage an online community. Discover how to create your own private social network using the Ning platform. Discuss the top tools to use to manage your social media life and build integration into your web site. See how Google Docs and Calendars work and how to use online video to fur-ther your business goals. Hear about mobile check-in applications and how companies are using coupon and deal sites. Get your company listed properly on local search engines so more customers can find you. Discuss how web design has changed and get feedback on your web-site while discovering usability testing and user interface design. Finally, learn how to manage this influx of information created by the new media revolution. Develop a manageable work flow and get produc-tivity tips to be more efficient. Learn what you might be doing wrong in social media as well as essential policies to have in place for your employees and company. See what trends are on the horizon and where your goals fit with those new trends. Jen-nifer H. Selke, Instructor. 1.6 CEUs/ILUs.16 hours $1954/4-4/29 Online6/6-7/1 Online

Page 41: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____


Many classes fill up quickly. Please register at least one week in advance so we can make class enrollment decisions. We accept registrations as long as room is available.


Additional fees for course materials, supplies, and textbooks may vary. Students should be prepared to pay additional fees the first class session as noted in course description. Please do not send us supply fees that are payable to the instructor.


Requests for refunds prior to the first class meeting will be granted. Due to the short-term nature of most credit-free programs, refunds will not be granted on or after the day of the first class meeting. The Executive Dean of Community Education and Workforce Development will review requests for refunds due to extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Classes cancelled by Cayuga Community College will result in a full refund by mail or by credit card. Please allow two weeks for processing. Refunds of payments made by check or cash will require student’s social security number.


Please consider your registration confirmed unless you are notified otherwise. You will be notified if the course is full, cancelled, or if the starting date is changed. The college reserves the right to cancel a course when registration is less than the minimum required.


Classroom assignments are made prior to or on the start date of every course. This is done for your convenience and to ensure that the best classroom is utilized for each course. Look for posted signs when you enter.


Federal laws, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 protect quali-fied individuals with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability and guarantee equal opportunity for access to programs and services. Cayuga Community College complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding reasonable and appropriate services and accommodations for students with documented disabil-ities. Accommodations and services accessed through the Office of Accessibility Resources may include but are not limited to: interpreters, note takers, time extensions for tests, alternative test sites, technology to assist reading and writing, magnification devices, and physical accommodations, such as special classroom seating or architectural accessibility. Services and accommodations for all students with disabilities are coordinated through the Office of Accessibility Resources, located within the Center for Academic Success. In order for the College to provide appropriate and timely services and accommodations, students with disabilities must provide current and complete documentation as early as possible. Students with sponsoring agencies, such as Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Reha-bilitation (ACCES-VR), Aurora, or the Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped (CBVH), should contact the agency several weeks before the start of classes to make sure that all necessary paperwork is completed.


By registering for a credit-free course, you agree to have your photograph taken by the College and utilized for publicity purposes. If you do not want to grant permission to College to use your image, please contact the Office of Community Education and Workforce Development at (315) 294-8841 for guidelines.


Do you have a special skill or expertise? Interested in earning extra money? Teach a credit-free class at Cayuga Community College. The Office of Community Education and Workforce Development is always looking for new course ideas and instructors. If you are interested in submitting a course for consideration, please go to and click the How to Propose a Credit-Free Course link. Download the form, complete it, and return it by February 15 for summer, May 31 for fall or October 15 for winter/spring. If you have any additional questions, please contact Emily Cameron at (315) 294-8527 or [email protected].

Office of Community Education & Workforce Development

QUESTIONS • Call Auburn campus (315) 294-8841 or Fulton campus (315) 593-9400 •

Like us on Facebook: Cayuga Community Education

Office ofCommunity Education

and Workforce Development


Executive DeanCARLA M. DESHAW

Director of Central Southern Tier RAEN


Director of NRS AccountabilityROSEMARY MATT

Assistant to the Director of NRS Accountability


Director of Cayuga Institute for Living and Learning



Program Coordinator, RAEN MELISSA JENKIN

Senior Typist



Regular HoursMonday-Thursday

8:30am-7pmFriday: 8:30am-5pm


Cayuga Community College 197 Franklin Street Auburn, NY 13021

RIVER GLENCayuga Community College

11 River Glen DriveFulton, NY 13069


Cayuga Community College 806 West Broadway

Fulton, NY 13069

Page 42: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____



ERSmall Classes.Great Professors.


Online Fulton Auburn

School of Business Accounting Business Administration

School of Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)Computer ScienceComputer Hardware/Software DesignComputer Information SystemsInformation Technology Mechanical Technology Mechanical Technology: Plastics TechnologyElectrical Technology: ElectronicsGeographic Information SystemsLiberal Arts & Sciences/MathematicsLiberal Arts & Sciences/Math & Science

School of Media and the Arts (SOMA)Humanities & Social Science Studio Art & Design Telecommunications: Audio-Radio ProductionTelecommunications: Radio & TV Broadcasting Telecommunications Technology

School of Health SciencesNursing Health Science

School of Social Sciences and EducationCriminal Justice: Corrections and PoliceEarly ChildhoodLiberal Arts & Sciences/Childhood Education Liberal Arts & Sciences/Adolescence Education Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities/ Social Sciences

Page 43: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____

Four Easy Ways to Register


The fastest and easiest way to register! Our user-friendly

system you can register yourself for all classes. A confirmation

e-mail is sent automatically upon registration.


• View all classes

• Register for classes

2. CALL (315) 294-8841

Regular hours are

Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-7pm,

Friday, 8:30am-5pm

Summer hours are

Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

• Register with your VISA,

MasterCard, Discover card


Mail your registration with a check or money order to:

Cayuga Community College

Office of Community Education and Workforce


197 Franklin Street

Auburn, NY 13021-3099

Please complete one form per person. Make checks payable

to Cayuga Community College. (No cash payments please).

Please do not send supply fees that are payable to the instruc-

tor. You will be enrolled as soon as we receive your registration

and payment. There will be a $20 fee for checks returned for

any reason. Refunds of payments made by check or cash will

require student’s social security number.


Visit our office at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin St.,

Auburn, NY. Use entrance by the rotunda. Office is in R209.

Regular hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-7pm, Friday,

8:30am-5pm. Summer hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm. No

cash payments please.

Purchase Order: Companies/organizations enrolling staff for

training may complete registration forms and attach company

memos or purchase orders for payment confirmation.

Mail registration form to: Cayuga Community CollegeOffice of Community Education and Workforce Development197 Franklin Street • Auburn, NY 13021-3099



City State Zip

Phone (Evening) (Day)


Date of Birth

Payment—make payable to Cayuga Community College

❑Check ❑Money Order

Date Course Title Fee


Payment—make payable to Cayuga Community College

❑Check ❑Money Order

Date Course Title Fee


Mail registration form to: Cayuga Community CollegeOffice of Community Education and Workforce Development197 Franklin Street • Auburn, NY 13021-3099



City State Zip

Phone (Evening) (Day)


Date of Birth

Page 44: Center for Career and Community education - SUNY Center for Career and Community education. ... Waltz, Swing, and Rumba. Also great for weddings. ... Community Education _____