central asia. the great game

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  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game




    SPIEGEL Central Asia Special

    The New Great Game


    In a special series, SPIEGEL explores Kyrgyzstan, Kazahstan, Ta!iistan, T"rmenistan an#

    $z%eistan& These co"ntries, once the center o' the (Great Game,( a %itter str"ggle o)er

    nat"ral reso"rces an# strategic %ases %etween the *ritish an# +"ssian colonial powers, are

    seeing history repeat itsel'&

    The Pamir, Hindu Kush and Tian Shan mountain ranges and the Sr Dara and !mu Dara ri"ers

    #order a region in $hi%h t$o $or&d re&igions, Is&am and 'hristianit, %o&&ided, astronom #&ossomed

    and eminent do%tors taught( 'entra& !sia is one o) the eterna& hot s*ots in $or&d histor, a *&a%e $here

    Darius I and !&e+ander the Great, Genghis Khan and Tamer&ane &e)t their mars( The -ritish and

    Russian %o&onia& *o$ers )o&&o$ed suit $hen the em#ared on the .Great Game,. a #itter strugg&e o"er

    natura& resour%es and strategi% #ases(

    The Great Game $as adourned at the #eginning o) the 20th %entur( -ut a)ter 120 an e"en more

    #ruta& di%tator, ose) Sta&in, *ut his stam* on the region $hen he redre$ the #orders o) 'entra& !sia(

    Sta&in %reated )i"e So"iet re*u#&i%s, %ar"ing u* traditiona& trading ones, and sett&ed areas in the

    *ro%ess( His goa& $as to $eaen and so$ dis%ord among the region3s 4us&im ethni% grou*s and thus

    mae them &ess o) a threat to 4os%o$(

    The seeds o) ethni% stri)e had #een so$n( The #egan to s*rout $hen the "ast So"iet rea&m $as

    disso&"ed and its re*u#&i%s #e%ame inde*endent nations, se*arated # unnatura& #orders( 5ormer 6S

    7ationa& Se%urit !d"isor #ignie$ -reinsi on%e re)erred to 'entra& !sia, a hot#ed o) %on)&i%t and, in

    -reinsi3s "ie$, one o) the most strategi%a&& im*ortant *arts o) the $or&d, as the .Eurasian


  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    Toda the maor *o$ers3 interests in the region range )rom mi&itar #ases )or $aging the $ar against

    the Ta&i#an to oi& and gas *i*e&ines and drug *re"ention( 9ne o) the most im*ortant heroin smugg&ing

    routes *asses through a *art o) 'entra& !sia %ontro&&ed # Is&amists(

    5or these reasons, the $or&d is no$ $itnessing a ne$ "ersion o) the Great Game, this time in"o&"ing

    #oth the )ormer *&aers, Russia and Great -ritain, and ne$ *&aers, the 6nited States, 'hina and Iran(7one o) the %ountries $ithin their )ie&d o) "ision is sta#&e, e%%entri% di%tators are in %ontro& a&most

    e"er$here, %orru*tion is ram*ant and man nations are at odds $ith their neigh#ors( !)ter se"era&

    %ou*s and ethni% unrest, Krgstan is &eader&ess( Kaahstan, ri%h in natura& resour%es, )ee&s

    *ressured # 'hina( Is&amists in Taiistan ha"e rene$ed their )ight against the regime, and in

    6#eistan, a maor %otton e+*orter, the o**osition is #ruta&& *erse%uted(

    In a ne$ series, SPIEGEL des%ri#es the $orrisome situation in 'entra& !sia, a region $here !meri%an

    historian Kenneth :eis#rode )ears .a massi"e storm %ou&d #e #re$ing(.

    Part I; Krgstan Has -e%ome an 6ngo"erna#&e 'ountr 

    Part II; 7aar#ae" Di%tates a -right 5uture )or Kaahstan 

    Part III; !**easing the 6#e Di%tator 

    Part I

  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    Photo Gallery. = Photos


    In the wae o' ethnic )iolence in /"ne that ille# almost 0,111 people, Kyrgyzstan has %een

    plag"e# %y )iolence an# lawlessness& Now the co"ntry is to %ecome the 'irst parliamentary

    rep"%lic in Central Asia& *"t is it rea#y 'or #emocracy2

    Editor's note: This feature is the first of a series on Central Asia that will e running on !"#E$E%

    #nternational in the co&ing wees( )ou can read &ore aout future install&ents in the series here( 

    The sun is high in the s, dire%t& a#o"e the Taht*#*!ulei&an, a giant ro% in the midd&e o) the %it

    $here the -i#&i%a& King So&omon $as on%e said to ha"e *rea%hed( In )a%t, the sun is so unre&enting&

    #right that the sno$>%o"ered *eas o) the Tian Shan ha"e disa**eared #ehind a %urtain o) )&i%ering

    heat( Some$here in the %it a muein is %a&&ing the )aith)u& to *raer(

    9n the sur)a%e, 9sh seems a&most id&&i%(

    -ut that im*ression is mis&eading( 9n this morning, )our gir&s $ere )ound dead in the %e&&ar o) a

    mos?ue in 9sh, %o"ered $ith de#ris( Their #odies, $ra**ed in %ar*ets, had #een %om*&ete& #urned

    and some had e"en #een #eheaded( The $ere Krg gir&s )rom 9sh( Soon a)ter$ards, 1@ #odies,

    in%&uding that o) a *ediatri%ian, $ere #rought to 9sh )rom !ndian, a %it in near# 6#eistan( The

    #odies, their hands #ound and, &ie the )our gir&s, horri#& dis)igured, had )&oated do$n the !>-ura

    Ri"er and a%ross the #order into 6#eistan( The 1@ dead $ere a&so Krg )rom 9sh(

    5or the men and $omen gathered in the tent %ities near the &arge $hite regiona& administration#ui&ding, the %ase is %&ear( .The murderers $ere 6#es,. sas Gumira !&u&o"a, a @=>ear>o&d

    Krg( 6#es, though an ethni% minorit in Krgstan, )orm the maorit in 9sh( The o$n most o)

    the %it3s marets, restaurants and mu%h o) the surrounding )arm&and and, as angr %itiens #e&ie"e,

    the are determined to dri"e the Krg out o) the %it(

    A 3a)e o' Pogroms 


  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    Sin%e the #&ood )our das o) "io&en%e in une, the sma&& tent %it has #een one o) the main sour%es o)

    ne$s in 9sh >> )rom the Krg *ers*e%ti"e, that is( !none $ishing to hear the other side3s "ersion o) 

    the truth has to dri"e t$o i&ometers )arther do$n the road to an 6#e neigh#orhood &ie Shar(

    Shar &oos &ie it has re%ent& #een %ar*et>#om#ed( The distri%t $as %om*&ete& #urned do$n, $ith

    nothing #ut #&a%ened )oundation $a&&s remaining $here man #ui&dings, in%&uding the s%hoo&s, on%estood( The 6#es in Shar #&ame the Krg(

    !%%ording to o))i%ia& )igures, more than @A0 *eo*&e died in the *ogroms, $hen the Krg $ent on a

    ram*age against the 6#es and the 6#es against the Krg( -ut the true )igure is *ro#a#&

    u*$ards o) 2,000( 4ore than A=,000 *eo*&e )&ed to 6#eistan( The ne$s %oming out o) the %it

    sho%ed *eo*&e around the $or&d(

    :hat ha**ened in 9shB :h are no o))i%ia&s, in%&uding the maor, the *ro"in%ia& administrator, the

    %hie) o) *o&i%e and the head o) inte&&igen%e, $i&&ing to sa ho$ the i&&ing #eganB :h are the

    ne$s*a*ers a"oiding the issueB

    The si&en%e that has des%ended on 9sh a)ter the so>%a&&ed in%idents has insti&&ed )ear in the residents

    o) a %it that $as %osmo*o&itan )or %enturies, a *ea%e)u& trading %enter and a %rossroads on the

    &egendar Si& Road(

    9sh is @,000 ears o&d, e"en o&der than Rome( 'ara"ans )rom 'hina on%e *assed through the %it, and

    e"en !&e+ander the Great is #e&ie"ed to ha"e sto**ed at the Taht*#*!ulei&an en route to India(

    A Lawless City 

    -ut sin%e une this %it o) 2=0,000 has #een on& a shado$ o) its )ormer se&)( The )our das o) "io&en%e

    &e)t #ehind a #road trai& o) destru%tion( 4aor thorough)ares &ie Krgstan Street are de"astated,

    $ith a&& o) the #usinesses on the right side o) the street, as $e&& as %a)Cs, restaurants and a 4us&im

    hos*ita&, #urned to the ground( The &e)t side, $here the Krg &i"e, remained unharmed(

    This is one "ersion o) the e"ents; 6#es atta%ed a student dormitor at the 6ni"ersit o) 9sh and

    ra*ed )ema&e Krg students( This *rom*ted the Krg to reta&iate(

    !%%ording to another "ersion, the ra*es ne"er o%%urred and the riots $ere de&i#erate& *ro"oed(

    9sh is no$ a &a$&ess %it( !t night, men $earing %amou)&age uni)orms $ithout shou&der insignia ru&e

    the *it%h>#&a% streets, during hours o) re"enge and "io&en%e( Some @,000 ethni% 6#es ha"e

    re*orted& #een arrested, $hi&e others ha"e #een a#du%ted or sim*& disa**eared( !&& 6#es in

    go"ernment *ositions $ere &et go(

    :hat is ha**ening in 9sh is not some *ro"in%ia& drama( 9sh has #e%ome a $arning sign >> )or an

    entire %ountr and *erha*s e"en an entire region(

    The *ogroms $ere a %onse?uen%e o) the most re%ent %hange o) *o$er in the %a*ita& -ishe( !)ter

    #&ood *rotests in !*ri&, the %orru*t *resident, Kurman#e -aie", $as ousted and )or%ed to )&ee the

    %ountr( The go"ernment that re*&a%ed -aie" a&so no &onger e+ists( Transitiona& President Rosa

  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    Photo Gallery. = Photos


    Part 0. A Paralyze# Co"ntry

    The a**ea&ing image o) a demo%rati%a&& go"erned %ountr in the heart o) !sia #egins $ith !sar

    !ae", a *hsi%ist and the )irst *resident o) Krgstan a)ter the %o&&a*se o) the So"iet 6nion( !ae"

    $as an en&ightened man $ho, un&ie the ru&ers o) Kaahstan, Turmenistan and 6#eistan, had not

    #een the head o) the &o%a& %ommunist *art in the *ast( He go"erned Krgstan $ith a reasona#&

    e))e%ti"e *ar&iament, and the %ountr e"en had an o**osition and a )ree *ress( 4ean$hi&e, his

    %ounter*arts in other 'entra& !sian %ountries $ere authoritarian ru&ers )rom the start, %on"in%ed that

    there $as no other $a to go"ern their nations, $hi%h had %ome into #eing a&most o"ernight and in

    $hi%h Turish and Persian>s*eaing ethni% grou*s, Russians, Koreans and 'hinese &i"ed in %&ose

    *ro+imit to one another(

    -ut e"entua&& !ae" a&so re"ised the %onstitution to suit his needs and a&&o$ed mem#ers o) his

    )ami& %&an to &ine their *o%ets( The %ountr3s re&ati"e& *oor south re"o&ted against the more a))&uent

    north, and in 200= !ae" $as )or%ed to resign( His su%%essor, -aie", made the same mistaes and

    &asted on& )i"e ears(

    Is Kyrgyzstan +ea#y 'or Parliamentary 4emocracy2 

    The *ro"isiona& go"ernment that %ame into *o$er a)ter the -aie" regime $as o"erthro$n in !*ri&

    *&anned to do things di))erent&( It dra)ted a %onstitution #ased on the German mode& and had it

    "a&idated in a re)erendum( There $as ta& o) %ur#ing the *resident3s *o$ers, e&iminating a#uses o)authorit and doing a$a $ith ne*otism( !)ter *ar&iamentar e&e%tions s&ated )or 9%to#er, Krgstan

    $ou&d #e%ome the )irst *ar&iamentar re*u#&i% in 'entra& !sia(

    -ut then %ame the mass murders o) 9sh, and Krgstan has #een *ara&ed e"er sin%e(

    Is a #itter& *oor %ountr that is *assed on as a tro*h to et another )euda& )ami& %&an e"er )e$

    ears read )or a *ar&iamentar demo%ra%B Po&iti%a& o#ser"ers are not %on"in%ed that it is( Its


  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    neigh#ors, arguing that a Krgstan #ased on the :estern mode& $ou&d #e a danger to itse&), ha"e

    a&read started #ee)ing u* #order se%urit(

    -oth Russian President Dmitr 4ed"ede" and his !meri%an %ounter*art, 6S President -ara% 9#ama,

    share this assessment( 9#ama )ears that the e&e%tion in 9%to#er $i&& #ring .radi%a&s. into *o$er in an

    a#so&ute& &ega& $a( .Then $e3&& ha"e to )a%e the same tass that are no$ #eing so&"ed in otherregions,. 4ed"ede" said during a oint ne$s %on)eren%e $ith 9#ama in :ashington in une( .5or

    e+am*&e, the tass that are #eing so&"ed in !)ghanistan no$(. In other $ords, Krgstan $ou&d #egin

    to de"e&o* in &ine $ith the !)ghan mode& o) the Ta&i#an era >> and that $ou&d #e e+treme& dangerous

    )or Russia and 'entra& !sia(

    4ed"ede" #e&ie"es that the situation %an sti&& #e sa"ed i) the Krg &eadershi* sho$s .%ourage and

    ta%t. and sees dia&ogue $ith the %ountr3s other ethni% grou*s(

    Is this $hat it3s doingB :h is the transitiona& *resident, $ho has #een high& *raised in the :est,

    #&aming the #&oodshed in 9sh on .dar )or%esB. :h doesn3t she %a&& a s*ade a s*ade, and $h is she

    heeding the ad"i%e o) ad"isors $ho $ant her to ree%t the de*&oment o) an internationa& *o&i%e )or%e

    in the %risis oneB

    The Search 'or Tr"th 

    5or $ees, )our *eo*&e ha"e #een tring to dis%o"er the truth a#out $hat has ha**ened in 9sh; the

    t$o %hi&dren o) a $or&d>reno$ned author, a %ourageous ourna&ist and a )ormer de*ut go"ernor(

    The si#&ings are Shirin and E&dar( She is @2 and he is @0( -orn in -ishe, the are .%hi&dren o) the

    north,. sas Shirin, $ith &itt&e in %ommon $ith the rura& *eo*&e o) the south( -esides, the ha"e s*ent

    most o) their &i"es in the :est( 5or them, 9sh is an e+oti% *&a%e(

    Perha*s this is *re%ise& $h their ourne is so im*ortant(

    The are standing on the edge o) the %it3s destroed maret, $here Krg $omen ha"e s*read out

    $hat is &e)t o) their har"est >> me&ons, %u%um#ers and tomatoes >> on an a#andoned street( Some o)

    the $omen re%ognie Shirin and E&dar, es*e%ia&& Shirin(

    She is $earing a $hite dress $ith a *attern o) &arge, %o&or)u& )&o$ers, her #&a%, shou&der>&ength hair

    )raming a )u&&, round )a%e( It is the )a%e o) her )ather, $ho she resem#&es more than her #rother E&dar

    does >> the )a%e o) 'hng !itmato"(

    During the So"iet era, !itmato" $as no$n as the .inte&&e%tua& )ather o) the Krg *eo*&e. and as the

    ."oi%e o) 'entra& !sia(. 6nder Sta&in, he $as a ta+ %o&&e%tor, a $arehouse $orer and a ma%hinist,#e)ore studing "eterinar medi%ine and &iterature and e"entua&& #e%oming the most *o*u&ar So"iet

    $riter( T$o o) his #oos, .The :hite Steam#oat. and .ami&a,. ha"e #een trans&ated into 80

    &anguages( The 5ren%h *oet Louis !ragon on%e %a&&ed .ami&a. the .$or&d3s most #eauti)u& &o"e stor(.

    In his &ater &i)e, !itmato" s*ent 1 ears as Krgstan3s am#assador to 5ran%e and the -ene&u+

    %ountries( He &i"ed in -russe&s, most& $ith his %hi&dren, unti& short& #e)ore his death in 2008(

  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    In his $ritings, sa Shirin and E&dar, their )ather $as %riti%a& o) the destru%tion o) %u&tura& traditions( In

    the end, he no &onger trusted the *eo*&e in *o$er, and his #oos #e%ame im#ued $ith a dee* sense o) 

    *essimism( !itmato" $as on the sear%h )or a .reasona#&e re&igion. that %ou&d o))er *eo*&e a ne$ mora&


    .In 10, $hen there $as #&ood "io&en%e #et$een 6#es and Krg in 9sh o"er &andho&dings, andmore than 1,000 *eo*&e died,. sas E&dar, .our )ather )&e$ here immediate&( He a**eared #e)ore

    agitated %ro$ds and %a&med them do$n( 7o *o&iti%ian had the %ourage to do this at the time(.

    !itmato" named E&dar, a ta%iturn oung man $ith g&asses and a *o%mared )a%e, his so&e heir( He

    no$ manages the Internationa& !itmato" 5oundation in -ishe( .:e need to do $hat m )ather $ou&d

    ha"e $anted us to do,. he sas(

    :hen the unrest #roe out in une, the t$o si#&ings tra"e&ed to -ishe( Together $ith )riends, the

    %o&&e%ted medi%ation, )ood, %&othing and tents, too the donations to the air*ort and s*ent an entire

    night $aiting there unti& a %argo *&ane %ou&d tae them to the %it(

    7o$ Shirin and E&dar ha"e returned to 9sh, this time $ith se"era& %amera teams( Their goa&, the sa,

    is to do%ument the horri#&e things that ha**ened in 9sh, .so that *eo*&e in the )uture $i&& #e a#&e to

    dra$ some sort o) &esson )rom those sad e"ents(.

    Part 5. 3e Are T"rning this Co"ntry into another A'ghanistan

    Toda Shirin and E&dar are touring Krg and 6#e neigh#orhoods, $here the meet *eo*&e &ie @>

    ear>o&d !igu& o&du#ae"a, a short and sto% Krg $oman $ho used to o$n a sma&& #usiness

    se&&ing shoes in the maret( She is standing in the %ourtard o) her #urned>do$n house, on%e one o)

    the #etter homes in the neigh#orhood, $ith a %o&umned entran%e and 11 rooms( 7o$ the %ei&ings ha"e

    %o&&a*sed( .I sa"ed @=0,000 a#out F2==,000 )or 10 ears,. o&du#ae"a shouts angri& a%ross the

    %ourtard, .and then I had to $at%h as it #urned do$n in on& an hour(.

    It a&& #egan on the e"ening o) une 10, sas o&du#ae"a( Her house $as on )ire the ne+t da, #ut

    e"en t$o das &ater, on une 1@, there $as no sign o) the )ire de*artment or the *o&i%e( .:hat did the

    go"ernment do in that timeB It didn3t *a )or a sing&e #ri% o) m house, and no$ it %ou&dn3t %are &ess

    a#out us, either(.

    Did she see $ho set the )iresB 7o, sas o&du#ae"a, #ut e"erone no$s $ho it $as( !%%ording to

    o&du#ae"a, a mo# o) @,000 6#es too to the streets, shouting .!&&ahu a#ar. and %arring tor%hes(

    .The had *&anned it a $hi&e ago, and the made sure that their $omen and %hi&dren $ere taen out

    o) the %it in time(.

    3e *"il# *arrica#es 

    Iatu&&ah airo", a >ear>o&d 6#e, o))ers a %om*&ete& di))erent a%%ount( He sas that t$o houses

    $ere #urned do$n in the Shar neigh#orhood on une 11, and that oung Krg men, not mu%h

    o&der than 18, $ere roaming the streets and a&&es armed $ith Ka&ashnio"s( - the ne+t da,

    a%%ording to airo", 10 houses $ere a&read in )&ames( .:e #ui&t #arri%ades $ith %ontainers and

    %a&&ed the *o&i%e and the maor( The didn3t e"en *i% u* the *hone(.

  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    9n the third da, sas airo", =00 armed men %ame )rom the south and 200 )rom the north( There

    $as shooting e"er$here and the #roe into houses and &oaded anthing that $as "a&ua#&e onto

    tru%s( Then, a%%ording to airo", the arsonists %ame and #urned do$n the houses( Ten *eo*&e in his

    neigh#orhood died, his #rother $as $ounded $hen a #u&&et *ier%ed his shou&der, and three 6#es are

    sti&& missing(

    airo" is $earing #&ue trousers and a #&ue shirt >> Red 'ross donations( His house is a&so in ashes(

    E"en the gra*e"ines in the inner %ourtard $ere seared # the )&ames( His sa)e, $hi%h the assai&ants

    #roe o*en, &ies %harred in the $re%age( .I ha"e nothing against Krg,. he sas, *oing through

    the ru##&e $ith his )oot( .:e had a Krg neigh#or unti& une, and there $asn3t e"en a )en%e #et$een

    us( The a&ter%ations in 10 $ere ?ui%& reso&"ed, aeit $ith #ruta& mi&itar inter"ention(.

    .-ut I don3t understand $hat ha**ened this time,. sas airo"( ! &ong>distan%e tru% dri"er, he sas

    he o$ns his tru% and has tra"e&ed )ar and $ide, to *&a%es as )ar a$a as Ham#urg, Riadh and

    4os%o$( .I thought I ne$ $hat *eo*&e $ere &ie(. 7o$, he sas, he on& $ants to tae his )ami& o)

    se"en a$a )rom this *&a%e( Their *a*ers $ere #urned in the )ire, #ut to o#tain ne$ do%uments the

    $ou&d ha"e to )i&& out a**&i%ations in the Krg &anguage, as re?uired # Krg o))i%ia&s( The on&

    *ro#&em is that the 6#es don3t s*ea Krg(

    There 3ill *e no +econciliation 

    Shirin and E&dar, the %hi&dren o) author !itmato", ha"e )i&med a%%ounts &ie airo"3s( !nd a&though the

    si#&ings, $ho s*ent their %hi&dhood in tran?ui& -russe&s, are e"en &ess ?ua&i)ied than airo" to

    determine $ho $as #ehind a&& the hate)u& and sadisti% a%ts, the ha"e understood one thing; .The

    Krg and the 6#es no &onger s*ea to ea%h other( There $i&& #e no re%on%i&iation(.

    .It doesn3t matter $ho started it,. sas 'ho&*on au*o"a( .The )ar more serious *ro#&em is that $e

    are turning this %ountr into another !)ghanistan(.

    au*o"a, a =1>ear>o&d &a$er and Krgstan3s #est>no$n human rights a%ti"ist, heads the !di&et

    human rights organiation( She too has #een in the %it )or das, sear%hing )or "i%tims o) the


    She has #een %an"assing *o&i%e stations and go"ernment o))i%es sin%e the ear& morning and has tried

    in "ain to gain a%%ess to a #asement under the theater $here some o) the arrested 6#es are

    su**osed& #eing he&d( She has rushed *ast #egging 6#e $omen se&&ing the &ast o) their #e&ongings

    ne+t to the uni"ersit, and she has e"en sear%hed )or $itnesses in near# a&a&>!#ad(

    7o$ au*o"a is sitting, e+hausted, in )ront o) her &odgings, %hain>smoing and tring to *ro%ess $hat

    she has &earned throughout the da( Signi)i%ant& more 6#es than Krg $ere i&&ed, she sas, #utmost o) those arrested $ere 6#es( She sas that she met a man toda $ho had ust so&d his son >>

    )or =,000( .This is a %om*&ete& &a$&ess *&a%e,. sas au*o"a( .The area is in the hands o) $ar&ords(.

    Politicians Close# their Eyes 'or 6o"r 4ays 

    !%%ording to au*o"a, the )our>da>&ong i&&ing s*ree $as not the resu&t o) s*ontaneous "io&en%e(

  • 8/15/2019 Central Asia. The Great Game


    %ame into the %it, sas au*o"a( Their &ooting ram*ages $ere )ue&ed # a%%ounts o) 6#e ri%hes,

    and in the ensuing mahem t$o di))erent $or&ds %o&&ided(

    .The ne$ *o&iti%ians in -ishe %&osed their ees )or )our das,. sas au*o"a, taing a &ong drag o)

    her %igarette( .In )a%t, *ro#a#& e"en &onger than that( The dragged the ethni% minorities into their

    *o$er games, $hi%h ha"e %ri**&ed the %ountr sin%e -aie" $as o"erthro$n(.

    The $ho&e thing ma ha"e #een a %a&%u&ated game, sas au*o"a( .! )e$ *eo*&e in the go"ernment

    o) President 9tun#ae"a *ushed through the ne$ %onstitution to get themse&"es into the *ar&iament,

    $hi%h $i&& #e Krgstan3s ne$ %enter o) *o$er starting this month( !)ter that, the are the ones $ho

    $i&& de%ide $hat ha**ens in the %ountr, not 9tun#ae"a( -ut the %onstitution $ou&d ne"er ha"e #een

    a**ro"ed i) the *ogroms hadn3t ha**ened in 9sh( Peo*&e $ere des*erate to restore the *ea%e a)ter

    that, and so the "oted es( It $as a )ar%e(.

    Part 7. 8inority Gro"ps Increasingly +e'erre# to as Parasites

    !nd the 6#esB !n agreement $as rea%hed in !*ri&, sas au*o"a( In return )or "oting )or the ne$

    &eadershi*, the 6#es $ere *romised a %ertain num#er o) seats in *ar&iament and the *ost o) maor

    or go"ernor o) 9sh( 7o$ the 6#es ha"e #een neutra&ied( 7e"erthe&ess, the seeds ha"e #een so$n

    )or an 6#e nationa& mo"ement that %ou&d $ash a%ross the region3s #orders and re*resent a threat to

    sta#i&it >> #e%ause ethni% 6#es %om*rise one>third o) the *o*u&ation throughout 'entra& !sia(

    ! %ountr in $hi%h su%h inhuman *o&i%ies are *ursued is not read )or a *ar&iamentar demo%ra%,

    sas au*o"a(

    She has no$n the ne$ *resident sin%e 9tun#ae"a3s das in the o**osition( She re%ent& met $ith

    the *resident and *resented her $ith a dra)t de%ree she had $ritten(

    .I to&d 9tun#ae"a; Sign it and ou3&& #e a#&e to sto* the %ountr3s disintegration(. .:hat does it saB.

    the *resident ased(

    .That ou $i&& get rid o) the auto%rati% *eo*&e $ho surround ou, the ones $ho are #ehind the

    *ogroms(. .The3&& ri* me to shreds,. the *resident re*&ied(

    .-ut under the %onstitutiona& re)erendum,. au*o"a to&d 9tun#ae"a, .ou are the on& &egitimate

    *o&iti%ian in the %ountr( !&& the others $ere not e"en a**ointed # the *ar&iament(.

    .She did nothing( She is an inde%isi"e $oman,. sas au*o"a( 4ost o) the men she $as re)erring to

    ha"e sin%e &e)t the go"ernment to %am*aign )or e&e%tion( !%%ording to au*o"a, ea%h o) them has

    no$ )ounded his o$n *art and is se&&ing s&ots on his %andidate &ist )or u* to =00,000 a*ie%e( Moung*art su**orters, sas au*o"a, are #eing %a&&ed .&a$ en)or%ement o))i%ers. and ha"e #een gi"en

    $ea*ons( .These are mi&itias, #ut no one is inter"ening(.

    It is midnight in 9sh( Shots %an #e heard outside(

    The $ord -ishe re)ers to #oth the Krg %a*ita& and the t*e o) %ontainer in $hi%h the Krg

    *re*are their nationa& #e"erage, Kums, a )ermented *rodu%t made )rom mare3s mi&( There is nothing

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    traditiona&& Krg a#out the %a*ita&, $hi%h &oos &ie a t*i%a& So"iet %it, e+%e*t that it is &o%ated

    @,000 i&ometers 1,8A= mi&es to the southeast o) 4os%o$(

    *ishes 3o"n#s 

    -ishe has #e%ome rundo$n in re%ent months( The %it3s )ormer maor, another %asua&t o) the !*ri&.re"o&ution,. $as %onsidered a %a*a#&e man, #ut he $as a&so a su**orter o) the ousted *resident( 7o$

    the streets are )i&&ed $ith *otho&es, #ui&dings &oo neg&e%ted and gar#age )&oats in an a#andoned

    )ountain( The %it on& )ee&s some$hat hos*ita#&e in the e"ening, $hen the darness %o"ers u*

    -ishe3s $ounds(

    In the $aning heat o) a summer da, meager& dressed *eo*&e, stro&& a%ross the %entra& 'hui Pros*e%t,

    #uing 'hinese tos )or their %hi&dren, *&aing the high strier %arni"a& game and *aing a )e$ %ents to

    #e $eighed on mo#i&e %arts(

    Sin%e the %ou*, the gates in )ront o) the .:hite House,. the seat o) go"ernment, ha"e #een hanging

    *art& o)) their hinges( 7otes $ith sinister messages, &ie .There is no room in Krgstan )or dirt

    e$s,. ha"e re%ent& #egun a**earing on the $rought>iron )en%e(

    There is a stor #ehind this message( 4a+im, the hated son o) the ousted *resident, $ho %ontro&&ed

    the Krg e%onom in a shado$ go"ernment, had dea&t *rimari& $ith e$ish #aners( -ut are e$s

    rea&& the issueB

    Hard&( 7e"erthe&ess, menda%ious s&ogans are a**ea&ing to a nation that de)ines itse&) through its

    %enturies>o&d %u&ture and is )a%ed $ith its *ossi#&e demise( 9ther ethni% grou*s >> Koreans, 6ighurs

    and, o) %ourse, 6#es >> ha"e a&so #e%ome targets in -ishe, $here minorit grou*s are in%reasing&

    re)erred to as .*arasites,. a .ma)ia that se&&s our gir&s )or a sand$i%h. and .enemies o) the *eo*&e $ho

    are de%iding the )ate o) our *eo*&e(. The ne$s*a*er Alii  %&aims that the Krg are the *oorest ethni%

    grou* in their o$n %ountr, #e%ause the are not mone>hungr &ie the %ountr3s A00,000 6#es,

    $ho a&so ha**en to #e *rodu%ing more and more %hi&dren( .!s &ong as $e ha"e on& a s*ar o) *roud

    &e)t, $e shou&d de%&are a %u&tura& $ar on the 6#es,. the *a*er $rote(

    5or Ka&nur 9rmushe", su%h in)&ammator s*ee%h is nothing short o) a nation3s de%&aration o)

    #anru*t%( .E"erone around us is am#itious,. he sas( .The Kaahs ha"e oi& and $ant to #e%ome a

    $or&d *o$er, and the 6#es thin o) themse&"es as the dominant *o$er in the region(. -ut the

    KrgB The ha"e no goa&s, sas 9rmushe", and a&& the ha"e to sho$ )or themse&"es are #urned>out

    %ities and *&ent o) *residents( .:e &a% *assion( :e3re nothing #ut %att&e )armers $ho mo"e on to the

    ne+t *asture $hen the o&d one3s #een graed #are( -eing Krg is a diagnosis(.

    9rmushe", 0, a s&im #es*e%ta%&ed inte&&e%tua&, $as on%e a de*ut go"ernor o) 9sh and a de*utminister in -ishe, #ut then he &e)t *o&iti%s( He is eating &un%h in one o) -ishe3s Turish restaurants(

    9rmushe" no$ $ors as a genera& agent )or Ha"ana %igars in the region(

    A 8an Lie Aitmato) Co"l# -a)e Sorte# Things 9"t 

    .:e too ha"e *&ent o) resour%es )or our *o*u&ation o) = mi&&ion,. sas 9rmushe", .#ut more than ha&)

    a mi&&ion *eo*&e ha"e &e)t Krgstan( The engineers are gone, and so are a&& the good do%tors and

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