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Central Government Reform - Linking Heritage to Communities . Ian Maye Deputy Secretary Local Government, Historic Environment and Corporate Services Group

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C entra l G overnm ent R eform - L ink ing H eritage to C om m un ities . Ian M aye

Deputy Secretary Local Government, Historic Environment and Corporate Services Group

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Ian M aye:

D eputy S ecre ta ry, Loca l G overnm ent, H is to ric E nv ironm ent and C orpora te S erv ices G roup

B ackground:

– Loca l G overnm ent R efo rm – P lann ing S erv ice R efo rm – C urren t G overnm enta l C hange

P rocess


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2016: D epartm enta l C hanges: 11 governm ent departm ents w ill becom e 9 D O E Functions w ill be spread across th ree o f

the new departm ents

H isto ric E nv ironm ent & Loca l G overnm ent to D epartm ent fo r C om m unities

P lann ing , R oad S afe ty & D VA to the D epartm ent fo r In fras tructure

E nvironm ent and M arine G roup to the D epartm ent o f A gricu ltu re , E nv ironm ent and R ura l A ffa irs


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B u ilt H eritage functions sp lit from rest o f N IE A , w ith the functions o f the H is to ric E nv ironm ent D iv is ion now inc lud ing : - D ay to day m anagem ent o f S ta te C are M onum ents - L is ted B u ild ings - D un luce P ro ject Team - S ecre ta ria t ro le fo r the D epartm ent’s S ta tu to ry A dv isory C ounc ils

M ay 2015 D O E : H is to ric E nvironm ent D iv is ion

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B u ilt H eritage in the D epartm ent fo r C om m un ities? E xce llen t po tentia l:

– L inks w ith m useum , cu ltu re and arts functions. – L inks to loca l governm ent and com m unity functions. – S upporting com m unities to rea lise the potentia l o f heritage.


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A n ind ica tion o f E conom ic and S oc ia l P o ten tia l:

N I h is to ric env ironm ent genera tes c irca £532 m illion o f ou tput per annum , creates/susta ins a to ta l o f c irca 10,000 FTE jobs and genera tes c irca £250 m illion o f G VA each year.

In N I, the h is to ric env ironm ent accounts fo r th ree jobs per thousand o f the popu la tion but the figure is 8 .1 in R epub lic o f Ire land and 11.8 in S cotland

If the N I sector cou ld perfo rm a t an equ iva len t ra te to S cotland, it cou ld be genera ting £1.5 b illion annua lly and supporting 20,000 jobs i.e . th ree tim es its p resent ou tput and tw ice as m any jobs.

There is there fore m ajor econom ic potentia l, w ith the benefits th is w ill b ring , a longside the cha llenges o f s ite m anagem ent


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H ow does heritage ‘fit’?


– To c ity centres

– From m ounta in tops


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C om m un ity P lann ing P artnersh ip in A ction


• C om m un ity P lann ing w ill b ring together a ll the key organ isa tions in an area – s ta tu to ry, vo lun tary, com m unity and bus iness.

• It p rov ides a un ique opportun ity to m ake be tte r use o f asse ts

fo r econom ic cu ltu ra l and le isure purposes.

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Leg is la tion to estab lish s ta tu to ry partners

(C om m unity P lann ing P artners O rder N I 2015 shou ld be in p lace by Ju ly.

G uidance on C om m unity P lann ing w ill a lso be issued by Ju ly.

C om m unity p lann ing partnersh ips can use th is leg is la tive fram ew ork to iden tity innova tive uses o f loca l icon ic env ironm enta l, cu ltu ra l and bu ilt he ritage s ites tha t a re im portan t to loca l peop le

C om m un ity P lann ing P artnersh ip in A ction

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• The link be tw een com m unity p lann ing and loca l deve lopm ent p lans

w ill a lso he lp to m ake be tte r and m ore innova tive use o f loca l asse ts

• C om m unity A sse t transfe rs can he lp b ring new life to under u tilized asse ts and m ake them even m ore re levan t and accessib le to the w ho le com m unity

There is an un-tapped po ten tia l fo r a huge range o f bene fits :

• S upport o f our tourism econom y • D eve lopm ent o f c ra ft sk ills and appren ticesh ips • Inter-generational participation • Education and life-long learning • Recreation – from the amateur historian to a simple

day out • Local identity and pride

C om m un ity P lann ing P artnersh ip in A ction

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Icon ic S ites


The D un luce P ro ject is an exam ple o f partnersh ip w ork ing to m ake best use o f a un ique resource

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B end ing over backw ards? A lthough these are cha lleng ing tim es… ..


… w e are ready to w ork to he lp rea lise the va lue o f our bu ilt heritage fo r today and fo r the fu ture

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Thank you. “A better environment, a stronger economy”