central planning organization

WORK STUDY REPORT ON THE REVIEW OF STAFF STRENGTH OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT STAFF OF DAHOD RAILWAY HOSPITAL UNDER CHIEF MEDICAL SUPERITENDENT / DAHOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (No.G.463/WR/WS-02/2017-2018) Led by :- Guided by :- Shri Rakesh Kumar, Shri Sudhindra Sharma, Secy.(PG)-CCG SWSO-CCG Conducted by : Shri Umesh H. Mhatre, CWSI-CCG. Shri P.K. Bhowmick, EI-CCG. CENTRAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION WESTERN RAILWAY HEADQUARTERS CHURCHGATE, MUMBAI-20. …o0o…

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Led by :- Guided by :- Shri Rakesh Kumar, Shri Sudhindra Sharma, Secy.(PG)-CCG SWSO-CCG

Conducted by :

Shri Umesh H. Mhatre, CWSI-CCG.

Shri P.K. Bhowmick,








Chapter No. Description Page No.

From To

Executive Summary - 3

Acknowledgement - 4

Terms of Reference - 4

Methodology - 5

Summary of Recommendations - 6

I Introduction 7 10

II Critical analysis of existing workloads of the Dahod Railway Hospital under CMS/Dahod and proposed manpower

11 30

III Recommendations - 31

IV Financial Implication - 32

Executive Summary Sr. No. of Study : 02 Case No. : G.463/WR/WS-02/2017-2018. Subject : Review of Staff Strength of Medical Department

-Dahod Railway Hospital Staff under CMS/Dahod

Department : Medical. Terms of Reference : Assessment of manpower requirement of Dahod

Railway Hospital Staff under CMS/Dahod . Total No. of Recommendations : 02 (Two) Summary of Recommendations : page no 06 Projected Manpower for Surrender :

Category Existing Cadre

Man on roll

Proposed Cadre

Proposed for surrender

Vacant post

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay

Band = PB-1 & PB-2

89 64 74 15 25

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay

Band = PB-1S

85 64 73 12 21

Total 174 128 147 27 46


The Work Study Team of the Central Planning Organisation, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020 is grateful to Dr. A. S. Anil Sr.DMO/Dahod for his valuable guidance.

The Study Team is also thankful to all Chief Matrons /Chief Incharge / COS and their subordinate staff for their whole hearted co-operation and suggestions extended during the course of Work Study.

Terms of Reference

As per AGM/CCG's directives, a work study to review the Medical department staff strength of Dahod Railway Hospital under Chief Medical Superintendent/Dahod was conducted.

Accordingly, the study has been conducted with a view to assess the requirement of manpower on the basis of present workload. The work study is undertaken To review staff strength vis-a-vis existing workload. To identify redundant & non-productive activities. To assess manpower requirement. To suggest ways and means to improve the productivity and efficiency of the

existing system.



Visit to Dahod Railway Hospital and Health Units.

Collection of data (in regards to staff strength. Activities conducted and workload).

Scrutiny of data collected (Critical Analysis).

Observation of working system (Activity wise).

Discussion with Nominated Officer, Ward Incharge & other Supervisors.

Assessment of manpower (applying yardsticks or where necessary need base).

Recommendation for improvement for acceptance and implementation.

Finalization of Work Study.


Summary of Recommendations

Sr.No Recommendations Refer Para


After critical analysis of the existing work load of Medical department staff working in Railway Main Hospital under CMS/ Dahod - Western Railway, it is revealed that a total of 74 posts of -Group 'C’(Pay Band=PB-1 & PB-2) & 73 posts of Group 'C' (Pay Band=PB-1S) are required to be deployed on need base against sanctioned cadre of total 174 posts. Thus, 27 posts of -Group ‘C’ (Pay Band=PB-1 & PB-2) & Group 'C' (Pay Band=PB-1S) which are rendered surplus as a result of Work Study, may be surrendered immediately.



System Development :-

Technology is advancing very fast. It is important to improve working pattern of Railway hospital and health units to avoid having any deficiency in services. Para-medical staff is required to upgrade their knowledge and skill on regular basis. Regular training is a constant feature. Utility effectiveness, Data analysis and Speed provided by a computer terminal cannot be questioned. Staff should be imparted necessary training for optimum utilization of systems installed. Regular supply of Hospital linen, Surgical and Medical appliance should also be provided for smooth functioning of hospital work.




1.0 Dahod Main Railway Hospital has got the privilege of being the first referral hospital

on Delhi- Mumbai broad gauge trunk route. This hospital in local tribal language is popularly called "Tekro Na Dawakhanoo" being situated on the hilltop. Dahod Railway Hospital is basically a Workshop Hospital to cater to the health care needs of Railway beneficiaries.

1.1 Dahod Railway Hospital is dealing with super specialties which functions 24 x 7

days/365 days providing immediate and appropriate life saving care. It is observed that the employees mostly prefer to refer their kith and kin to the Railway Hospital for medical treatment, as it is fully equipped medical centre with all modern patient care equipments. It is a fully fledged hospital with the following specialized services :

1.General Medicine

2. General Surgery

3. Gynaecology & Obst.


5. Dental Surgery

6. Paediatrics

7. Orthopedic Surgery

8. Ophthalmology

9. Chest Medicine

10. ENT Surgery

11 .Radiology

12. Pathology

The Medical Department of Dahod Railway Hospital is under the administrative control of Chief Medical Superintendent. He is assisted by 03 UPSC doctors and 08 CMPs, 02 Hon. visiting Specialists. Dahod Railway Hospital is having 105 beds for Indoor patients and an OPD which functions 24 x 7 days/365 days providing immediate and appropriate life saving health care service. There are Matron office, One D’Site health unit, Officers cabin, Male Ward, Female Ward, well equipped air conditioned Operation Theatre, ICU, Pathology Lab. Medical store, Physiotherapy Deptt. X-ray Deptt., Kitchen Deptt. Main OPD, Injection room, Dressing room, Workshop First Aid post, etc.

1.2 The principle objective of the Railways health services being rendering comprehensive health care services to the Railway beneficiaries (its includes serving Railway employees, Family members of Railway employees, Retired employees & their dependant, Casual labours etc.).

1.3 In addition to the above, curative facilities have to be provided for non-railway population at places where other curative services do not exists.

1.4 The following general function are performed by the Health Organization:

a. Ensuring maintenances of a high order of sanitation. b. Co-ordination with Health Organization of the State Government as well as armed

force etc on day-to-day basis especially with regards to PFA Act, Prevention of communicable diseases, family welfare programme etc.

c. Occupational health hazards. d. Medical examination of candidates and employees. e. Sick certification and control of sickness.

1.5 All the above functions are categorized into following services. a. Management Services. b. Store Services. c. Linen Services. d. Diet Services. e. Nursing Services. f. Medical investigation services. g. Emergency Services. h. Peripheral Services.

1.6 Wards and its bed capacity of Dahod Railway Hospital:


Ward No. of Beds


1. Male Ward (MMW,MSW,ICU,N/Room)


2. Female Ward (Medical, Surgical, ICU, Gynace)


Total 105

1.7 Occupancy Ration of Beds: Wards Male

Ward Female Ward

Bed Capacity

Dec-15 448 415 Jan-16 492 526 Feb-16 632 551 March-16 678 528 April-16 656 385 May-16 639 508 June-16 507 496 July-16 570 487 Aug-16 827 533 Sept-16 973 520 Oct-16 781 616 Nov-16 770 417

TOTAL 7973 5982 Avg Dly Occupancy 664 498

1.8 Operation Theater:

There are 01 Operation theatre in the Main Railway Hospital to conduct special, major and minor operations. No. of Surgical operations conducted during the last three years are as under. Specialized

Operation Major Minor Total

2013-14 256 74 62 392 2014-15 192 72 117 381 2015-16 166 84 93 343

Total 614 230 272 1116 1.9 Number of Employees covered by Railway Hospital /Health Unit - Dahod:

No. of employees in the jurisdiction served by

Medical Dept.

Railway beneficiaries

RELHS beneficiaries


15224 ( approx) 4802( approx)

20026 ( approx)


Sanctioned cadre of Dahod Railway Hospital staff as on 01.04.2015 is as follows:-

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay Band = PB-1 & PB-2 :-

Sr. No.

Designation Sanctioned Cadre

Men On Roll


1 Nursing Staff 28 24 04 2 Radiographer 01 01 00 3 Physiotherapist 01 00 01 4 Laboratory Staff 03 03 00 5 Pharmacy Staff 09 08 01 6 Ambulance Driver 05 04 01 7 Cook 08 04 04 8 O.T.Assistant 05 05 00 9 Dresser 09 03 06 10 Janitor 01 01 00 11 Health Inspector 02 02 00 12 Office Staff 13 13 00 13 Jamadar 04 02 02 14 ECG Tech. 01 00 01

Total 90 70 20

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay Band = PB-1S ) :-

Sr. No.

Designation Sanctioned Cadre

Men On Roll


1 X –Ray Attendant 01 01 00 2 Lab. Assistant 01 01 00 3 U.S.G. Attendent 01 00 01 4 Dispensary Peon 08 06 02 5 Hospital Attendent 22 17 05 6 Cook Helper 00 01 +01 7 Aya 12 05 07 8 St.Bearer 03 03 00 9 Store Khalasi 03 01 02 10 Chowkidar 06 05 01 11 Mali 01 01 00 12 Office Peon 03 02 01 13 B/Peon 02 01 01 14 Hamal 01 01 00 15 Messenger 01 01 00 16 Safaiwala/Safaiwali 20 17 03

Total 85 63 22



2.1.1 NURSING STAFF : (Nursing Sisters) 2.1.2 CADRE STRENGTH :-

Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 Chief Matron 16 15 2 Nursing Sister/Staff Nurse 12 08 Total 28 23

2.1.3 DUTIES :-

The duties of Nursing staff of Medical department under Railway main Hospital, Dahod is as follows:-

Chief Matron:

Senior most Chief Matron Incharge shall perform the duties of Chief Matron/Supervisor. She will be overall incharge of Para-Medical staff responsible to engage staff for shift duty and maintain attendance register. Chief Matrons will maintain a check on the attendance of all Hospital staff & sign all registers like Night Reports , Musters, Chowkidar duty Register and supervise the work of the hospital staff i.e. Nurses, Dressers, Hospital attendants, Sweepers and other Subordinate staff, Ensure that the nursing facilities provided by the nurses are of a high order and that the orders which are issued by the Senior Medical Superintendent/Medical superintendent/Divisional/Assistant Medical Officers/Assistant surgeons of the wards are carried out by the nurses properly. She will go on round with the Senior Medical Superintendent/Medical Superintendent Divisional/Assistant Medical Officers/Assistant Surgeons when required, to ensure that all the instructions given by them are carried out. She will be responsible for proper cleanliness of all hospital linen and patients' clothing and maintenance of the hospital compound, outdoor department, wards, Operation Theatre, surgical dressing room, kitchen and other equipment. She will be in charge of surgical instruments and medical appliances in the operation theatre and wards, hospital linen, clothes, beds, crockery, cutlery, furniture, tools and plants in the operation theatre and wards and utensils and she will maintain all ledgers pertaining to these items in good order. She will assist the Senior Medical superintendent/Medical Superintendent/specialist Surgeon / Divisional/Assistant Medical Officer / Assistant Surgeon in the performance of surgical operation, if required. She will maintain all records in connection with the nursing side of the hospital.

Nursing Sister/ Staff Nurse:- She/he will be in charge of nursing of the indoor patients and in that connection will –sponge the patients when so directed, take the temperature, pulse and respiration of all serious cases and record the same on the temperature charts. She/He will also record, on the temperature charts, the injections and tablets given and bring forward the totals within brackets; administer prescribed medicines; and Inspect patients' food and supervise it being served. She/he will be responsible for dressing the female patients and for giving treatment to gynaecological cases, such as douching, plugging etc, She will give intramuscular and subcutaneous injections to indoor patients and to outdoor patients when called upon by the doctor, She will attend and assist at a operations when required, She will direct and supervise the sterilization of all instruments and dressings. She will formulate accurate and intelligent reports on ward patients, she will estimate the requirements of ration for diets for the following day. She will take and verify thump impressions/signatures of the patients on the diet bills as a token of receipt of diet and will enter the scale of diet on the diet bill, She will see that the visiting hours are strictly observed. She should see that every courtesy and help is accorded to the patients' relatives and any visitors to the ward. She will accompany the Senior Medical Superintendent/Medical superintendent/Divisional / Assistant Medical Officer / Assistant Surgeon in charge of the ward on his daily round. She will be responsible to see to the safe custody of the patients' valuables and personal clothing. Patients' clothes should be properly listed and placed in the store rooms allotted for the purpose. She will maintain the ward stock of dressings and drugs and see that utmost economy is practiced in the use of the same and shall adhere to the rules of the hospital with regard to the days and timings. She will be responsible for the safe custody of poisons. The stock must be maintained and checked daily. She will be in charge of the linen issued out to her for her ward. If there be only one nurse in a hospital/health unit, she will, in addition, be responsible for the safe custody of hospital linen, crockery, cutlery, utensils, surgical and medical appliances and furniture and dead stock of the ward and shall see that they are kept in good repairs and replaced when necessary. A monthly inventory of linen and equipment must be taken, and all missing articles reported to the Assistant Medical Officer. She will maintain properly all records and registers pertaining to the wards when she is the only nurse. She will supervise the work of Class IV ward staff and ensure the cleanliness of the ward and /on the operation theatre.



Activity Yearly 2015-16 Avg. Daily

A No of casualty patients attended 90 - B No of injection/Immunization 8644 24 C No of Dressings 796 2/3 D Registration of OPD 86576 237

Existing deployment:-

Sr.No Description Chief Matron

Nursing Sister/Staff

Nurse 1. Matron Office(Overall Incharge) 1 2 Male Ward 4 2 3 Female Ward 4 2 4 D'Site Health Unit 1 - 5 Kitchen 1 - 6 Operation Theatre 1 - 7 I.C.U. 3 1 Total Staff Deployed

8 Rest Giver 5 2 9 Leave Reserve 4 1 Total Staff 24 8

2.1.5 YARD STICKS :-

(i) One post of staff nurse in 8 hourly shift duties in Railway hospital with Indoor beds 100 and above In casualty unit average daily( in 24 hours) casualty patients attended are 60 or more one additional nurse should be available round the clock in 8 hourly.

(ii) One nurse will be incharge of General O.P.D. services (iii) One nurse will be required for the injection room of the number of injection

goes above 100 a day, additional nurse be provided. These nurses can be given additional duties i.e recording E.C.G.etc. during the slack period.

(iv) One post of O.T. Sister Incharge to overall management of O.T. Two nurses in 8 hourly shift for Pre – operative ward .

(ii) Staff Nurse / ANM – One per Health Unit minimum necessary.


After critical examination and analysis of arising workload and trend of Bed Occupancy Ratio, the proposed manpower is as under:

Proposed staff requirement of Nursing staff is as under :-

Sr. No.


Actual Deployed


1 Chief Matron 15 16 2 Nursing Sister 08 08 Total 23 24

Nursing staff are absolutely essential to run the hospital work smoothly. Four posts of Nursing sisters are lying vacant and has been transfer to Jagjivan Ram Hospital/Mumbai . The existing Nursing staff has managing the work successfully. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Nursing staff justified 24 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly.


Sr. No.


Sanction Cadre

Actual Deployed

1 Radiographer 01 01 2 X-ray Attendent 01 01 3 U.S.G. Attendent 01 00

2.2.3 DUTIES :-

Radiographer, X-ray Attendant and U.S.G. Attendent are responsible for the work related to imaging department i.e. taking routine and special X-Rays, Ultrasonography, taking skiagrams , Procuring X-ray, developing, Films, help in performing special imaging investigation ,maintaining records prepare their indents and maintenance of equipments etc

2.2.4 CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF WORKLOADS :- The workload of Radiographer for one year is as follows:


Activity 1 year figures

Avg. Daily


Prepare patient for X-Ray, Maintaining various Record, Prepare X-Ray indent, Help in maintenance of X-Ray equipment ,To take routine & Special investigation independently, To expose X-Ray films & Process them etc.

4529 Exposures in year

15-20 Exposures per day


There is sanctioned cadre of one post of Radiographer, one post of X-ray Attendant. and one post of U.S.G. Attendant .The work study team after scrutinizing the work load propose that the existing one post of Radiographer , one post of X-ray Attendant and one post of U.S.G. Attendant is justified on need base..



Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 Physiotherapist 01 00 2.3.3 DUTIES :-

Work related to providing Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation treatment to patients. Assess reaction and response to various treatments, procure equipment, their maintenance, repair and condemnation etc.


There is sanctioned cadre of one post of Physiotherapist. However this post is vacant from more than 6 months. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load propose that the existing one post of Radiographer is justified.


Sr. No.


Sanction Cadre

Actual Deployed

1 Chief Lab.Supdt. 01 01 2 Lab.Supdt 01 01 3 Lab. Tec.(Asstt) 01 01 4 Lab. Attendent 01 01

Total 04 04

2.4.3 DUTIES :-

Laboratory Staff will be responsible for the proper maintenance of Laboratory equipment and instruments, for collection of blood and other samples for hematological , biochemical and other laboratory tests and conduct various tests as required, To carry out chemical analysis of food stuffs and their ingredients, and give report under quality control other than FSSAI, Conduct bacteriological examination of food products including drinking water, aerated water, milk products etc. and give opinion about their quality satisfactory or unsatisfactory as per prescribed standard under quality control other than FSSAI., Annual maintenance contract of all Lab equipment and their upkeep., prepare and submit indents pertaining to the laboratory. Laboratory attendant will clean the laboratory equipments , fittings, furniture , doors , ventilators , slides, test tubes etc., assist in laboratory work and carry laboratory stores and other requirements , deliver the reports etc.


The workloads of Dahod Railway Hospiotal for last one year is as follows:


Activity Yearly 2015-

16 figures A No of laboratory tests conducted 126896 B No of delivery of reported 24 C No of injection/Immunization 8644 D Registration of new cases patient 2579

2.4.5 YARD STICKS :-

Lab. Technicians - Every hospital should be provided with minimum 3 Lab. Technicians. Above this minimum requirement, additional Lab. Tech. should be provided at the rate of one for every 50 Beds (above 100) and every 100 new cases in the outpatient or every thousand employees given direct dare.


Sr. No.


Actual Deployed


1 Chief Lab.Supdt. 01 01 2 Lab.Supdt 01 01 3 Lab. Tec.(Asstt) 01 01 4 Lab. Attendent 01 01

Total 04 04 Laboratory Staff has managing the work successfully with the existing deployed

staff strength. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Laboratory staff justified 04 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly.



Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 Chief Pharmacist 03 03 2 Pharmacist I&II 06 05 3 Pharmacist III 00 00

Total 09 08

2.5.3 DUTIES :-

Chief Pharmacist/ Pharmacist will attend to any emergency and render immediate first aid and organize further management including transport to the healthcare facility ,

maintain dispensing room and the appliances therein in proper working order and distribute medicines to the patients, receive stores and enter the same in respective ledgers, be responsible for the accountal of drugs, medicines, dressings , consumable and perishable stores, storage and Quality analysis of drugs, maintain all registers in connection with the medical statistics and prepare periodical returns , bills and indents under the supervision of the Medical officer wherever required. Plan and implement computerization of inventory management wherever not available, maintain sick and fit register including injury cases , wherever required , send the unserviceable and surplus stores on advice notes to the stores delivery clerk and enter the number of advice notes in the ledgers, assist in preparation of the indents of drugs , dressings instruments , medical and surgical appliances and medical stores of hospital /health units, be responsible for the preparation and submission of returns and do required clerical activities under supervision of Medical Officer wherever required., make entries on outdoor tickets and injury case sheets , prepare certificates leaving the ‘disease” column to be filled by the doctor, be responsible for the maintenance of all old and current injury case sheets and all case papers which have been referred ,keep record under safe custody, be responsible for maintenance and accountal of tools and plants and its registers in Health unit, receive necessary forms of medical examination and enter these in the registers for medical examination of candidates and employees etc, to help in all the activities like Blood donation camps and other Health awareness camps, Will maintain and ensure proper upkeep of ARME and arrange First Aid Training,


The workloads of Pharmacy staff working in Medical store Dahod main railway hospital for last one year (period from 26.12.2015 to 25.12.2016) is as follows:


Activity 1 year figures

Avg. Daily

1 No of medical stores received . 2490 7.96 2 No of medical stores distributed 7409 23.67 3 No of supply order issued 1320 4.22 4 No.of Bill passed (HQ,LP,Others) 1518 4.85 5 No. of drug sample sent for analysis 25 -

6 No. of Limited Tenders and Open Tenders on IREPS done

90 -

7 Posting of Stores issued online 7409 23.67

8 Posting of Stores issued online Medical Store Programme HQ

7409 23.67

2.5.5 YARD STICKS :-

Pharmacist -

(i) (Suitably trained paramedical person from Division Hospital)

For the maintenance, stocking and inspection of ARM and facilities and First Aid Boxes. This person could also be entrusted with the recoupment etc of medicine boxes of multipurpose peripheral workers and of F.A. training etc.

(ii) One fir every 100 attendance. (iii) One Pharmacist should exclusively be kept for medical stores and statistical

work, so that a minimum of two Pharmacists will be necessary for a Health Unit.

(iv) Treatment centres at stations, where about 1000 population is headquartered, and such centres should be in the charge of a paramedia, of the rank of pharmacists, assisted by a multi purpose worker. Such centres will function under the supervision of the regional Heal Unit.


Sr. No.


Actual Deployed


1 Chief Pharmacist 03 03 2 Pharmacist I&II 05 05

Total 08 08 Pharmacy Staff has managing the work successfully with the existing deployed staff strength. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Laboratory staff justified 08 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly.


Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 Ambulance Driver Gr.I 02 01 2 Ambulance Driver Gr.II 01 01 3 Ambulance Driver Gr.III 02 01

Total 05 03 2.6.3 DUTIES :-

Ambulance driver will be responsible for proper cleanliness, maintenance , repairs and driving of ambulance car , render first aid to the injured and transport the sick persons, arrange fitness certificate of ambulance car and other legal requirements, do day to day minor repairs of ambulance van and report major defects to the doctor in charge for arranging repairs, arrange to get unserviceable articles under his charge condemned by competent and arrange their return to the stores, furnish his requirements of stores to the doctor in charge, maintain log book of mileage and account of the consumption of petrol , Diesel & mobil oil etc, they should be trained in basic life support and hold valid certificate , they shall observe Universal aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio medical Waste Management guidelines etc.


Four Ambulance Drivers have been provided in continuous roster. The month wise position of Ambulance Van trips for the year 2015- 2016 is as follows :

Month and year Trips December, 2015 75 January, 2016 116 February, 2016 103 March, 2016 110 April 2016 113 May 2016 121 June 2016 110 July, 2016 114 August, 2016 138 September, 2016 122 October, 2016 111 November, 2016 102

Total 1335 2.6.5 YARD STICKS :-

Ambulance Services – Ambulance service should be available round the clock. Adequate leave reserve/rest givers should be provided to ensure smooth and uninterrupted service. There should be at least 2 working posts of drivers and two cleaners for such ambulance provided.

2.6.6 PROPOSED REQUIREMENT OF STAFF:- The average per day trip comes to three, However, since the dispensary is attached to workshop, which may have exigency at any time, the Ambulance service has to be kept operative. Cadres of 5 Ambulance drivers have been provided in which 4 posts are working posts and one Rest Givers. The average utilisation of Ambulance from Dec 2015 to Nov 2016 is three trips per day. The Ambulance Drivers may be utilized in EI Roster. One Ambulance Driver should be present in all the causality services round the clock in 8 hourly shift duties. At present, there is 1 vacancy of Ambulance Driver from last more than one year. Thus, one post of Ambulance Driver is surplus on need base and required to be surrendered.


Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 Master Cook 02 01 2 Head Cook 03 01 3 Cook 03 02

Total 08 04

2.7.3 DUTIES :-

Cook will check the quality of raw provisions and take delivery of the items properly weighed from the matron, Cook the food and prepare the beverages , etc both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, as required for the patients and as directed by the nurses, serve the food to the patients where there is no separate bearer provided and collect the utensils after use ,clean the utensils where no separate cook mate is provided , look after sterilization of utensils , cutlery and crockery, keep the kitchen clear and tidy and ensure proper disposal of kitchen waste, Cooks will be responsible for the safe custody of utensils, cutlery, crockery, linen and other tools and plants etc.


The workloads of Kitchen staff working in kitchen of Railway main Hospital- Dahod for last one year is as follows:

Month and year No. of patients served food

December, 2016 807 January, 2016 986 February, 2016 961 March, 2016 1331 April 2016 969 May 2016 1162 June 2016 765 July, 2016 759 August, 2016 1000 September, 2016 1609 October, 2016 1258 November, 2016 1138 Total 12745


Sr. No.



1 Master Cook 01 2 Head Cook 01 3 Cook 02

Total 04

Four posts of Cook are lying vacant for more than one year .The existing Kitchen staff has managing the work successfully with deployed staff strength. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Kitchen staff justified 4 deployed posts on need base for managing the work smoothly.

2.8.1 OFFICE STAFF:- (Clerical Staff)


Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 Chief Office Supt. 02 01 2 Office Supt. 04 04 3 Sr.Clerk 01 02 4 Jr. Clerk 03 01 5 Confidential Asst 01 01 7 Record sorter 02 02

Total 13 11 2.8 .3 DUTIES :-

Establishment work of staff of Dahod Railway Hospital .Dealing with monthly salary bills and maintenance of Salary Register , Settlement dues to the retiring staff. Dealing with Court Cases, DAR cases, PRT of Gaz. and Non Gaz staff, Engagement of CMPs and Paramedical Staff, Statement-40, BOS, Periodical statements, Issue of Passes & PTO, Identity cum Medical Card etc. maintenance of leave record, Service Record etc. Maintenance of Cash imprest and reimbursement of expenditure, All Budgetary works, passing of Bills, Indenting stationery and Uniforms, Income tax work ,PME, Quarter allotment, Medical Board, Quarterly returns, SBF, RTI, MCDO, RELHS, Audit, Tender work, CUG Bill, Dispatch of letters and maintaining records etc.


Establishment work of staff of Dahod Railway Hospital .Dealing with monthly salary bills and maintenance of salary register , fixation of pay, related work , TA, Advances, Income tax etc Arranging Settlement dues to the retiring staff. Dealing with Union matters, RTI Cases, Court Cases, DAR Cases etc. Dealing with all statements, monthly PCDO etc, Allotment of Railway quarters and correspondence pertaining to Rly . Qtrs. Issue of Passes & PTO, Identity cum Medical Card etc. Recruitment, Training, Engagement, Appointment of officers & Hospital staff. Dealing with maintenance of leave record, Service Record etc. Engagement/Termination/resignation/extension of Sr. Resident doctors, House Surgeons( Plain Post) doctors , DNB Doctors, CMP .Arranging their payment etc. All administrative work i.e Maintenance of Cash imprest and reimbursement of expenditure. Verification of bills of supplier medicine bills, TMH/CT SCAN/MRI, Blood banks and online registration of bills in AFRES. Registration of patient referred to various hospital & blood bank. Renewal of rate contract of various Hospitals & Institution on billing system. Preparation of medical board of candidates, PME & UPSC etc. Receipt and dispatch of letters, Maintenance of records of RELHS employees. Purchase of Stores, maintenance of record of T&P items, M&P items. Annual Indent of Uniforms/ stationery & distribution etc. Verification and processing of bills of

Hospital lien wash /kitchen/cleaning contract. diet bills etc. Tender of linen blood storage, cleaning, security guard etc. Preparation of MCDO, Quarterly Report & Annual narrative report etc. Maintenance of Computers, FAX, Xerox machine etc.


The existing Office staff has managing the work successfully with sanctioned staff strength. However ,The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Office staff justified 13 Sanctioned posts for managing the work smoothly.

Sr. No. Designation

Actual Deployed


1 Chief Office Supt. 01 02 2 Office Supt. 04 04 3 Confidential Asst 01 01 4 Sr.Clerk 02 01 5 Jr. Clerk 01 03 6 Record sorter 02 02 Total 11 13


Sr. No.



Actual Deployed

1 O.T.Assistant 05 05 2 Dresser 08 01 3 Health Inspector 02 02 4 Janitor 01 01 5 Jamadar 04 02 6 ECG Tech. 01 00 7 Dispensary peon 08 06 8 Hospital Attendent 22 19 9 Aya 12 05 10 St. Bearer 03 03 11 Store Khalasi 03 01 12 Chowkidar 06 05 13 Mali 01 01 14 Office Peon 03 02 15 Hamal 01 01 16 Messenger 01 01 17 Safaiwala(Male)/ Safaiwali(Female) 20 18


The workloads of Dahod Railway Hospital for last one year is as follows:


Activity one year figures

Avg. Daily

A No of casualty patients attended 90 - B No of injection/Immunization 8644 24 C No of Dressings 796 2/3 D Registration of OPD 86576 237


O.T. Assist. will attend to the dressings of all types of wounds and injuries, sterilization of instruments and all dressing materials , pre-operative preparation of patients as per directions of the operating Surgeon, O.T. Asstt. will be responsible for the safe custody and proper maintenance of linen, surgical instruments and other equipments in Operation Theatre and dressing room, She /he prepare splints, plaster, bandages and undertake cutting and rolling of bandages, including holding of ledger, She /he will prepare anti-septic lotions and also help the anaesthesiologist, removal of stitches , catheters etc. on advise of Medical Officer, responsible for refilling of First Aid Boxes, observe Universal aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines etc. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT :-

Designation Actual Deployed


O.T.Assistant 05 05

Five posts of O.T.Assistant are sanctioned for managing the work successfully . The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the justified 05 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly on needbase.


Multi-Purpose Health Workers should be trained in Basic Life Support, shall observe Universal Aseptic precaution and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines. Dresser will attend to the dressings of all types of wounds and injuries, sterilization of instruments and all dressing materials , pre-operative preparation of patients as per directions of the operating Surgeon, Dresser will be responsible for the safe custody and proper maintenance of linen, surgical instruments and other equipments in Operation Theatre and dressing room, She /he prepare splints, plaster, bandages and undertake cutting and rolling of bandages, including holding of ledger, She /he will prepare anti-septic lotions and also help the anaesthesiologist, removal of stitches , catheters etc. on advise of Medical Officer, responsible for refilling of First Aid Boxes, observe Universal

aseptic precautions strictly and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines etc. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT :-

Designation Actual Deployed


Dresser 01 05 08 posts of Dresser are sanctioned. 07 posts of Dresser are lying vacant from last one year .The existing Hospital staff has managing the work successfully with one Dresser. However, Dresser is absolutely essential to run the hospital work smoothly. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Dresser justified 05 posts for managing the work smoothly.


Health Inspector will be responsible for Health Education of community, He actively participate in all health programmes, Family Welfare programs, MCH programmes, Mass Health Campaign programmes like Pales Polio Immunisation etc. report to Medical Officer any sickness in his jurisdiction and take active steps for control of communicable diseases, carry out preventive health measures and organise immunization activities. Inspect food and drinks sold to the public and send for analysis for quality control, look after the sanitary arrangement for fairs and festivals, monitor the quality of the water supplied by testing for residual chlorine and collecting samples from bacteriological analysis, carry out anti mosquito, anti fly and other pest control measures, He will be responsible for efficient maintenance of sanitation. Arrange to get them repaired any defects in the drains and latrines, urinals etc .Ensure procurement and availability of required stores for sanitation. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT :-

Designation Actual Deployed


Health Inspector 02 02 Two posts of Health Inspectors are sanctioned for managing the work successfully. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Health Inspectors justified 02 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly.


Multi-Purpose Health Workers should be trained in Basic Life Support, shall observe Universal Aseptic precaution and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines. He will supervise the work of the conservancy sanitary staff working in his team to sweep the roads, grounds, floors etc. of the hospital/ health unit premises, attached to the hospitals / wards, He will check the locks of various rooms, be keep a watch over the hospital building and property.

PROPOSED REQUIREMENT The One of post Janitor is sanctioned for managing the work. This staff is very essential to run the hospital work properly. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Janitor justified one deployed post for managing the work smoothly.


Multi-Purpose Health Workers should be trained in Basic Life Support, shall observe Universal Aseptic precaution and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines. He will supervise the work of the conservancy sanitary staff working in his team to sweep the roads, grounds, floors etc. of the hospital/ health unit premises, attached to the hospitals / wards, He will check the locks of various rooms, be keep a watch over the hospital building and property.

PROPOSED REQUIREMENT The 04 of post Jamadar is sanctioned for managing the work. This staff is very essential to run the hospital work properly. Two posts of Jamadar are lying vacant for more than one year .The existing 02 Jamadar are managing the work successfully The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Jamadar, justified 02 deployed post for managing the work smoothly.


ECG Technician will take all routine and Emergency ECG’s ,He assist doctor in performing master ECG and any other procedure performed in non-invasive Cardiac laboratory. He will assist in maintenance of equipment, AMC/CML, All records pertaining to the procedures and equipments, maintain statistical data, make appointment , instructions to the patients etc. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT:- The One of post ECG Technician is sanctioned for managing the work. This staff is very essential to run the hospital properly. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the ECG Technician, justified one post for managing the work smoothly.


Dispensary Peon as a Multi-Purpose Health Worker should be trained in Basic Life Support, shall observe Universal Aseptic precaution and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines. He after requisite training, will function as multi propose health worker i.e. help the nurse to sponge the patients , prepare beds, take temperature of patients, change the clothing of the patients under direction of the nurse, help the doctor/nurse in examination of patients , assist patients ,and any other duties entrusted by the administration.


The 08 posts of Dispensary peon are sanctioned for managing the work . Two posts of Dispensary peon are lying vacant for more than one year .The existing 06 Dispensary peon are managing the work successfully . One Dispensary peon is required Metron office. 02 Dispensary peon are required with D’ Site Health Unit, 03 Dispensary peon are required with Main OPD. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Dispensary peon justified 6 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly.


Hospital attendant keep the hospital premises, furniture, doors, fittings ventilators, etc neat and tidy. They help the nurse to sponge the patients and do sponging when nurse is not available. They prepare beds take temperature of patients and change the clothing of the patients and change the clothing of the patients under direction of the nurse. They help the doctor / nurse in examination of patients., the dressing of surgical cases, giving enemas, douching etc. Female Hospital attendant will assist in examination of female patient. They help patients in taking food / Medicine/ in investigation and behave courteously with all patients and their attendants .They shall observe Universal aseptic precautions and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT :-

Designation Actual Deployed


Hospital attendant 19 19 22 posts of Hospital attendant are sanctioned. 09 posts of Hospital Attendant should be utilised in all the casualty services round the clock in Male Ward in shift duties. 02 Hospital attendants are required in Female Ward. One Hospital Attendant is required with D,Site Health Unit working independently . 03 Hospital Attendant are required with I.C.U. 01 Hospital Attendant is required with Medical store. 01 Hospital Attendant is required with Lab Dept. 01 Hospital Attendant is required with X-Ray Dept. 01 post of Hospital Attendant is required with Physiotherapy Dept. There are total 19 Hospital Attendants are deployed against sanctioned cadre of 22 posts. The Hospital staff has managing the work successfully with deployed 19 Hospital attendants. 3 post of Hospital Attendent are vacant from last more than two years. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Hospital attendants justified 19 posts for managing the work smoothly. As such the work study team recommends for surrender of the 03 posts of Hospital Attendant on need base.

9) Ayah :- Ayah will keep the hospital premises, furniture, doors, fittings, ventilators etc. neat and tidy, help the nurse/ doctor to sponge the patients ,in examination/dressing of patient, assist the patients in taking food/medicine , prepare beds , take temperature of patients and change the clothing of the patients under direction of the nurse. Multi-Purpose Health Workers should be trained in Basic Life Support, shall observe Universal Aseptic precaution and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT :-

Designation Actual Deployed


Ayah 05 10 12 posts of Ayah are sanctioned. 09 posts of Ayah should be utilised in all the casualty services round the clock in Female Ward in shift duties. 01 post of Ayah is required with I.C.U. 07 posts of Ayah are lying vacant for more than two years .The existing Hospital staff has managing the work successfully with deployed 05 Ayah . However this staff is very essential to run the Female Ward work properly. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Ayah propose 10 posts of Ayah for managing the work smoothly.

10) Stretcher bearer:-

Stretcher bearer will clean the ambulance van and be responsible for its maintenance, He will accompany the driver and assist him in transporting sick persons, He will be trained in First Aid. PROPOSED REQUIREMENT The 03 posts of Stretcher bearer are sanctioned for managing the work .The existing 03 Stretcher bearer are managing the work successfully . The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Stretcher bearer justified 3 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly.

11)Store Khalasi:-

Store Khalasi will carry the hospital stores. Fetch and distribute hospital stores, They also after requisite training will function as multipurpose health worker. They should be trained in Basic Life Support, shall observe Universal Aseptic precaution and ensure compliance of Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines.

PROPOSED REQUIREMENT:- The 03 posts of Store Khalasi are sanctioned for managing the work . 02 posts of Store Khalasi are lying vacant for more than one year . 02 posts of Store Khalasi is required in Medical store work. The existing one staff has managing the work successfully .However this staff is very essential, hence, the work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Store Khalasi proposed 2 posts of the Store Khalasi for managing the work smoothly.

12)Chowkidar/Mali/Office Peon/Hamal/Massenger:-

Chowkidar will safeguard the property of hospital, health units and the offices of the hospital. He will check the locks of various rooms while coming to duty and hand over them intact to his reliever, in health units he will attend to the telephone calls and convey massages, be keep a watch over the hospital building and property. The 06 posts of Chowkidar are sanctioned for managing the work, the existing 05 Chowkidar are managing the work successfully. 01 posts of Chowkidar are lying vacant for more than one year . The work study team after scrutinizing the work load justified 5 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly. Mali will be responsible for growing hedges and properly trimming them, plantation of trees, laying lawns , preparing manure from the fallen leaves, growing flower beds and maintaining them properly, carry hospital stores. The 01 posts of Mali is sanctioned for managing the work. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load justified 01 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly. Office Peons will responsible for duties of Office work / Officers work entrusted to them by the administration. They also safeguard the property of hospital, health units and the offices of the hospital. He will check the locks of various rooms while coming to duty and hand over them intact to his reliever, in health units he will attend to the telephone calls and convey massages, be keep a watch over the hospital building and property. The 03 posts of Office Peon are sanctioned for managing the work, 01 post of Office Peon is lying vacant for more than one year The existing 02 Office Peon are managing the work successfully. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load justified 2 deployed posts for managing the work smoothly. The post sanctioned for Multi-Purpose Health Workers i.e. B/Peon, Hamal ,Messenger is small in number. Absence of even one person reduces the significant working strength and does interfere with the working of the hospital significantly. These posts are essential to run the hospital properly. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load justified sanctioned cadre of Peon , Hamal ,Messenger for managing the work smoothly.


Safaiwala(Male)/ Safaiwali(Female) will sweep the roads, grounds, floors etc. of the hospital/ health unit premises, frequently clean the floor of the wards with wet cloth and clean the hospital doors, windows, window panes etc. clean the bed pans, sputum cups , urinals , wash basins , commodes and toilets/ wash rooms /rest rooms / attached to the hospitals / wards, Supply bed pans and urinals / urine pots to the patients, and clean them after use .He/ She will also provide containers for examination of urine and stool sample and carry them to the laboratory, He/ She will help in transporting the patients on wheel chair/ stretchers, He/ She will carry the hospital stores, clean and disinfect soiled linen before sending to laundry, segregate waste at source etc.


Designation Actual Deployed


Safaiwala(Male)/ Safaiwali(Female)

18 18

There is sanctioned cadre of 13 posts of Safaiwala (Male) and 07 post of Safaiwali(Female) . 05 posts of Safaiwala (Male) should be utilised in all the casualty services round the clock in Male Ward in shift duties. 04 Safaiwali(Female) are required in Female Ward. One Safaiwala is required with D,Site Health Unit working independently . 04 Safaiwala are required with I.C.U. , 02 Safaiwala is required in Operation Theatre. 01 Safaiwala is required with Main OPD, 01 Safaiwala is required with Lab.Dept. Presently 18 posts of Safaiwala/ Safaiwali are deployed for managing the work of Railway hospital. 2 posts of Safaiwali(Female) are vacant from last more than two years. The work study team after scrutinizing the work load of the Safaiwala/ Safaiwali justified 18 deployed posts of Safaiwala/ Safaiwali for managing the work smoothly.

2.9.4 Proposed deployment:-

Sr.No Description Dresser H.A. Ayha Dispensary

Peon Store

Khalasi Safaiwala/Safaiwali

1 Metron Office - - - 01 - - 2 Male Ward 01 09 - - - 05 3 Female Ward 01 02 09 - - 04

4 D'Site Health Unit

01 01 - 02 - 01

5 Work shop First Aid post

01 - - - - -

6 Operation Theatre

01 - - - - 01

7 I.C.U. - 03 01 - - 04

8 Medical Store

- 01 - - 2 -

9 Main OPD 3 2

10 Lab.Dept - 1 1

11 X-Ray Dept - 1 - - - - 12 Physiotherapy - 1 - - - - Total Staff 05 19 10 06 2 18

2.10.1 PROPOSED MANPOWER REQUIRED TO BE DEPLOYED :- Group ‘C’ staff (Pay Band = PB-1 & PB-2 ):-

Categary Sanc. Cadre

Man on roll

Proposed staff

Proposed for Surrender Vac

Nursing Staff 28 23 24 05 04 Radiographer 01 01 01 00 00 Physiotherapist 01 00 01 01 00 Laboratory Staff. 03 03 03 00 00 Pharmacist 09 08 08 01 01 Ambulance Driver 05 03 04 02 01 Kitchen Staff 08 04 04 04 04 O.T.Asstt 05 05 05 00 00 Dresser 08 01 05 07 03 Janitor 01 01 01 00 00 Health Inspector 02 02 02 00 00 Office Staff 13 11 13 02 00 Jamadar 04 02 02 02 02 ECG Tech. 01 00 01 01 00 Total 89 64 74 25 15

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay Band = PB-1S ) :-

Categary Sanc. Cadre

Man on roll

Proposed staff

Vac Proposed

for Surrender

X –Ray Attendant 01 01 01 00 00 Lab Attendent 01 01 01 00 00 U.S.G. Attendent 01 00 01 01 00 Dispensary Peon 08 06 06 02 02 Hospital Attendent 22 19 19 03 03 Aya 12 05 10 07 02 St.Bearer 03 03 03 00 00 Store Khalasi 03 01 02 02 01 Chowkidar 06 05 05 01 01 Mali 01 00 01 01 00 Office Peon 03 02 02 01 01 B/Peon 02 01 02 01 00 Hamal 01 01 01 00 00 Messenger 01 01 01 00 00 Safaiwala/Wali 20 18 18 02 02

85 64 73 21 12

2.11.1 Projected Manpower for Surrender :

Category Existing Cadre

Man on roll

Proposed Cadre

Proposed for surrender

Vacant post

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay

Band = PB-1 & PB-2

89 64 74 15 25

Group ‘C’ staff (Pay

Band = PB-1S 85 64 73 12 21

Total 174 128 147 27 46

2.12. RECOMMENDATIONS:- 2.12.1 Recommendations- 1

After critical analysis of the existing work load of Dahod Railway Hospital Staff under CMS/ Dahod , Western Railway, it is revealed that a total of 74 posts of -Group 'C’(Pay Band=PB-1 & PB-2) & 73 posts of -Group 'C'(Pay Band=PB-1S) are required to be deployed on need base against sanctioned cadre of total 174 posts. Thus, 15 posts of -Group ‘C’(Pay Band=PB-1 & PB-2) & 12 posts of - Group 'C'(Pay Band=PB-1S) = Total 27 posts which are rendered surplus as a result of Work Study, may be surrendered immediately.

2.12.2 Recommendations- 2

System Development ;-Technology is advancing very fast. It is important to improve working pattern of Railway hospital and health units to avoid having any deficiency in services. Para-medical staff is required to upgrade their knowledge and skill on regular basis. Regular training is a constant feature. Utility effectiveness, Data analysis and Speed provided by a computer terminal cannot be questioned. Staff should be imparted necessary training for optimum utilization of systems installed. Regular supply of Hospital linen, Surgical and Medical appliance should also be provided for smooth functioning of hospital work.



3.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATION 3.1 After critical analysis of the existing work load of of Medical department staff

working under Railway Main Hospital under CMS/ Dahod , Western Railway, it is revealed that a total of 74 posts of -Group 'C’(Pay Band=PB-1 & PB-2) & 73 posts of -Group 'C'(Pay Band=PB-1S) are required to be deployed on need base against sanctioned cadre of total 174 posts.

Thus, 15 posts of -Group ‘C’(Pay Band=PB-1 & PB-2) & 12 posts of Group 'C'(Pay Band=PB-1S) total 27 posts which are rendered surplus as a result of Work Study, may be surrendered immediately

3.2 The work study team has identified 27 posts of Group-C (Pay Band = PB-1 & PB-2 &

PB-1S) as surplus for surrender, out of total Sanctioned cadre of 174 posts of Group-C (Pay Band = PB-1 & PB-2 & PB-1S).


Category Surplus Annual saving per person (in Rs.)

Total savings (in Rs.)

Group’C’ staff (Pay Band = PB-1 & PB-2

15 664,834 9972510

Group’C’ staff (Pay Band = PB-1S)

12 480080 5760960

Total 27

15733470 3.3 On implementation of the recommendations brought out in the work study report

annual recurring saving of more than Rs. 157 Lakhs per annum can be achieved.
