centre democrat. (bellefonte, pa.) 1884-05-08 [p...

S. T. NHUGKRT Ac K. L ORYIN, Editors. VOL. (5. , jlltr Centre §1 eurocrat. Tarmi II.&0par Aiiia Is Advamoa DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. CONG K ESS 11A N AT LA KGE, GEN. W. H. H DAVIS. OF BVCKS COI'NTT. THE ELECTORAL TICKET. UtCTOM IT UMS. Hirhar-l Van*. B. J Mrdrmnim 11. B. Pltimm.r. ? Mrraic-r 1. John SlaTia, !*? Oaorga S. Par.ly, \u25a0i. Juki) P. J SanaaaOorf. IS. P. K. Arkl.j, X John W Laa. 11. John P. Laran. . Uarhart J Horn, la. txra D Paik.r, 4. Richard L Wd*bt, IS X. D Mubm, 6. John H. Brlnti.n, 3U. A. H. Dill, T. W'm Utahlor. SI. franklin R Jamaa. 5. CUartM P. Raotacklar, W. J. K P. DuS. #. H. M. Nortk, SO. Joan Saan, . 10. BnrrrO Slllaa, A B Wlntaroltt, ill. A.J Bro*<lha.l, Jr. i'.. Ji.kn H Hill, "li I V. Kockafallow, :S. Wm A. Parqunr, 13. Jiockolca,* ."7. A J. OraanS-U. 14. II- Tfa n Irw.o, EX-SENATOR KELIXXKI, who is a delegate to the Republican National Convention, will go into the great body of bis party, pleading the "baby act" on crimes pertr|>eated in defraud, ing the government. TUP; Tammany committee uf New- York, have engaged quarters nt Chic- ago, OD the meeting of the Democratic National Convention for quite a for- midable delegation. They have secur- ed four hundred rooms, but how many they will pack in a room, is not stat- ed. IT is immaterial to the Democracy whether Blaine or Edmunds be the t nominee for President, the Republi- cans will furnish the campaign litera- ls ture that will show to the people not only the propriety, but the uecessity of the defeat of the candidate. In either event the public will be favored with interesting reading. THE silk culture industry is to receive the fostering care of cougress. 6en- George, chairman of the committee on agriculture 'and forestry, reports an amendment to the Agriculture ap- preciation bill giving the sum of 830,. 000 to be expended under directions of the Commissioners of Agriculture to encourage and develope the culture and raising of raw silk. MR. CHRIS MAOEE, who holds Sen- ator Cameron's proxy as a memlwr of (he Republican National Committee, announces that the boss may be ex' pected home from Europe on the 18th of May. Magee is a ?Sherman man, and in the event of the Pennsylvania delegation failing to nominate Rlaine has strong hope* that Senator Camer- on will influence them in favor of the nomination of .Sherman. KKLLOOU escapes the law by plead- ing the statute of limitation. This ends the star route investigation farce in the courts. It is said now that the case of Kellogg will he taken up by the Springer committee to determine his fitness for a seat among the Rep- resentatives of the people in Congress. ' No peison doubts the guilt of all these robbers, but the protection of in high positions, who profit 'W kj these political villanies and enor- ' mous thefts, are patent and irrcsista- * ble under the present state of affairs. TnE Virginia Stalwarts, or Repub- licans, held their State Convention on the 30th uIL, for the appointment of delegates to the National convention. They instructed for Blaine and Lin. coin. The Readjuster party had pre- viously held a convention, at which they appointed delegates to represent the Republicon party, resolving at the same time that hereafter they would be the Republican party, although heretofore they had belonged to other affiliations, and few of tnem had ever voted a Republican ticket. This was a little too large a dose for the original | ? Republicans to swallow, so the old "tagcrs came to the front in conven- tion, and repudiated the action />f the pretenders who favored the nomination of Arthur, and will contest the right #of Mahone and his tUn to repri><-ut the Republican party uf Virginia at TM will doubtless be an interesting episode iu die deliberations of the harmonious body to meet on that occasion. BOTH being alike guilty is com- forting to the Philadelrbia l'rtm, which says : "Nobody doubts the honesty of Seuator Edmund*, lie musu't imagine even for a second that anybody does. But the point we like to see stand out like au obelisk in a desert is simply this, that if he and Mr. Blaiue got their hooks caught iuto the same fish he couldn't say that he had captured a codti-h and Mr. Blaine a shark. Thev *v>th got el- fish or they both got - 1 .... Mr. E3- inuuda is fisherman euuiigb to k now that." The plain Edglish of this is, if Blaine prostituted his official position for personal gain in jobs, as charged by his Republican brethren, so did Edmunds, 'and therefore honors are easy. Hence Blaine not being the ouly tattooed candidate in the Repub- lican ring the I'm* can still he hap* py. FOREST fires last week, throughout the couutry, were about as disastrous and distructive of property andllifte t as the floods were a few weeks ago. The coal ami lumber districts of the state have suffered severely, and thousands of people have b>st their all. At Houtzdnle, Clearfield county, so great is the destruction as to de- mand the most active iflorts of the people in more favored districts, to prevent the suffering of thousands who are rendered destitute by the calami- tous fires which prevailed there. It is gratifying that the people were prompt in supplying the immediate demands of the destitutes with food ; hut much more will he required, as few of the unfortunates of that dis- trict, saved anything but the clothiLg iu which they escaped from the flames. Our own citi/ous deserve credit for promptness, as they hnd a car load of supplies on the road in a few hours after learning of the nr o -ity for them. IT is announced that at an early day Representative Converse of Ohio, will introduce another tariffbill as an amendment or substitute for the Mor- rison bill. This bill, says a Washing- ton correspondent, proposes t? restore the duties on wool, except m to carpet wool, which are to be placed upon the free lilt with -on e twenty other ar tides. The metal schedule i to be equalized by reducing the duty on some articles and increasing it ou a few others. The tobacco internal tax is to be abolished, and a provision i- to be made for giving alcohol to man- ufacturers free of tax. The manu- facturers who manufacture for export arc to receive a rebate on their raw materials equal to the duty less t< u percent. A reduction of 10 per cent, is to be made in favor of goods im- ported in American bottoms. This is said to lie similar to an old law passed in Jefferson's administration, except that Jefferson's differential duty was an increase of 10 per cent, on the then existing tariff list, while Converse pro poses 10 per rent, reduction, (kin- verse thiuks that this bill will reduce the revenue 140,000,000. STATE TREASURER BAILEY on May Ist made his report, and handed over the public treasury to his success- or, Mr. Liveey. He makes the follow- ing exhibit of the finances of the state, and where the funds arc deposit- ed, exclusive of money appropriated to the sinking fund : AlWfhaii; National Bank. INIM nr*h f19|,20? ,V. Ki tiaef. Hank, BraSSard In mnin F.<a>-n Hank, Harrtafeurgti Ki A'O f Karrii-r.' and W? h.n ic' National (tank, t'hl!S-l|)hla ...... V'lMI S" Klftk National Sank, Plltal.nrgh V.IJ) fin Klra* NaUoaal Bank, HarrtaiHirgh IM.KI HI rift Nati-nal Bank, Cakmtowo ISS.SOD ml Kf.h"W Sank, PltObwrgh Mi,mm mi Dlrant National Bank, PkliaSnlKbla .*> Maar>nl Bank, fnt.l<ir*h Sn.OnD m Mnrrhanta' A Manatarlurara Salt. r,al Bank, I'lttabrirth to, Ann on Mwkaalra* Baak. Ilatrtdrngk ... Nat).inal Hank , Mbttl-tnaa.. M/am <# National Itank. "f fajttl# . otial} in I**l (] National Sank f t'ontman-a, Pltiturh Hi,M mi C-nn Hank, ..I Sllitktirfli It..a*. >ai P>l la a Bank, <4 I'kiial-i|.l,la ISi,ia) m S ItantM. Ohark. aah llama an.l pro- lW limit la laatt of AW-taay -taaaaal...... ...M Ml T-Sal laran |a Attn! Pin la fI.UC.-H IS A Disgraceful Controversy. The acrimony which characterizes the contest for the Republican presi- dential uominatiou is inexpressibly painful, remarks the Harrisburg l'a- triut. It forces the conviction thulall the honored leaders of the grand old party are alike tainted with corrup- tion. Such a knowledge can afford pleasure to no one. It must be humil- iating to all. The frieutU of Rlaine charge Mr Edmunds with having dabbled iu stocks and bonds of a railroad which obtained value by legislation promoted by him. Mr. Edmunds by irnplica- cation admits the soft impeachment. The friends of Edmund* charge Blaine with the same crime. The friends of Blaiue plead guilty, but assert that what Blaiue did Edmunds did also. There is no doubt that the charges in both cases are strictly true. But what good can he accomplished by parading them before the public? If the party was lietter than the culprits in this case the public would be spared ami both men quietly dropped into the disgraceful retirement they de. serve. It is the rule of logic that when rogues fall out honest men will come by their own, however, and this controversy will probably end in turn- ing all the rascals out. Pennsylvania Coal Productior for 1883. There is a jmpular uha says the Philadelphia Timet that the bitumiu ..us coal industry of Pennsylvania, being scattered over a much gnater extent of territory, is of more value to the state than the anthracite field. Such, however, is not the < a*e at pres- ent. The anthracite field is confined to portions of nine counties and com- prises 310 colleries, which employed last year 87,30* persons, to whom s..'{,? 597, 252 was paid in wages. The mines were worked an average of 21 i days during the year and the output was 3<>,l ."i t,bib tons of coal. The lib luminous field in operation f,, r the -ame time comprised portions of twenty-five counties. The number of active collieries was 381, employing to, l-Vt men aud boys, to whom U17,- 014,024 were paid in wage. The av- erage number of days the collieries wire iii operation was 207, and the output of coal amounted to 18,723,- s l7 tons. This includes the arnout t of coal used by 10,017 Coke ovens in the manufacture of 3,3*0,872 tons of coke. A comparison <>f tli< ui figur. \u25a0 di-- closes the fact that while bituminous coal is produced in nearly three tine - as many counties a* comprise the whole known anthracite field, and while there are seventy one more bi- tuminous coal collieries in active opcr* stion than in the anthracite district, hut little more than half the number of in-1) are employed producing coal and receiving wages in about the same proportion. There is a iarge field for future development in the bituminous districts, but at present much of it re- mains untouched. PROF. VIRITIOW, who has probably given closer scientific attention to the subject than any other man in the Germrn empire, testifies that no tri chinous epidemic has been produced in that country by the American meat product and that no cases of disease have been observed which can be at- tributed to its consumption, excepting in n solitary instance at Bremen, where living trichina' were noted and ionic sickness of the nature of trichi- nosis discovered, but without fatal re- sults. With such n showing as this it is not easily to be understood why the importation of American jiork, al- most invariably well cured as it is known to lie, should have been pro- hibited on sanitary grounds. It is true that many Herman* are in the habit of eating their own swine pro- duct without much, if any, cooking, aud disastrous results quite naturally follow such egregious violations of tho laws of heal.h and common senw. It "KUUAL AKI> KX ACT JUSTUS TO ALL MKN, OK WIIATKVKHHTATK OK I'EIUiUAMIOK, KKI.IUIOCH OK POLITICAL. "?Jtßtttvn BKLLKFONTK, PA., THURSDAY, MAY *, 1884. in a little unjuul, however, tlmt a pro- duel which iu thi* couutry in cousid- i?red healthful and nutrition*, forming a general article of food, should he debarred from the j>ort# of Germany, for the reason that the people of the country are made nick by eating their own hog* raw. Rut it in becoming more and more evideut, an the facta are better known, that sanitary con* ' sith rations have never had much to do with the questions, excepting as a pre- text for unfriendly legislation, and the I opinion of Prof. Virchow will doubt" ' lota go unheard. AH the Jkrliner 'TagtiUtt says : "The importations is and remains prohibited, for whenever eertain interests are at stake neither morality nor science stands a chauce of being heard." Tut: United State# rounds off its list of metals by the discovery of im- tut use t n deposits near Huriug's je-ak Dakota. Prof. G. K. llailey, analyti- cal chemist, who has exumined the country, sa_v that the region contains large quantities of ore which can be profitably worked. "I can safely say," said he, "that a great .Jeal of the tin- hearing rook tan he easily obtained. It can lie quarried from the surface instead of being ring for and followed underground. How abundant thi* rook is you may imagine when I tell you thnt I have seen veins of it meae- uriug more than fifty feet in width. This rock can easily lw crushed, the ore <-incentrated, and the metal Work- ed int > bars of pure tin. To extract the stream tin the proccw would re- semble placer mining for gold, ai- , though, of course, much rougher, the metal being iu larger fragment* and larger-quantify. The ore is much bettor than that of Cornwall, where the rock averages about two j*r cent, of tin. The stream tin?that which must be obtained by sluicing, or plar. er work?will yieid about 7" per cent. Tin acquittal in Philadelphia, on th< ground* of insanity, Kruma liickel, who had deliberately killed a former lover by shooting him from a window, where she had fr some time waited knowing be woifld pass the hcuse, shows how hard it is to convict a woman of a capital offense and to what extent public opinion allow her l-i ii- a pistol with impunity. A* n matter <-f form she will be detail ed in a lunitic asylum for n short time, hut, in a few months at farth-*t In- again free to seek another 1 ver, and, if she feels like it, kill him should he desert her. Not an unnotlcehle feature of the trial wire the murmur* <f "Cin- cinnati" from the audience after the rendition ,of the vudict. There is probably no other country having a system of criminal law ami procedure where the enforcement i* so lax and so general arquicscd in. Whenever a elear case of murder g<>< unpunished, it may 1M- taken for granti.l that the train is laid for another murder, though there lc not the slightest ap- parent connection between them or the at tors. ?Washington I'o*l. Ah the tariff discussion pmgrcwH*, says an exchange, it becomes apparent that there i* only one really vital uue | before the country, and that is the necessity for a reform of the system of taxation which places the principal burden of supporting the Government upon consumers of the ncccwiarie* of life. With sueh an extraordinary sur- plus revenue there is no excuse for delay iu lopping off the unnecessary taxes. As the Republican* have per- sistently refused to do this, they hare given the people the best of all reasons for turning (hem out. While it mav he unfortunate that a minority of the Democrats should want to stand on the Republican platform on this ques- tion, the average voter and tax payer will hardly be foolish enough to think that the much desired reduction ran be attained as lurclr by keeping the 1 Republicans in as it can by turning j them out. We thtyefore expect to sec 1 them turned out. neck and crop, next i November. A Navy. Ib Republican paper* express a great ile.l of indignation at the course of l)eni',crui iti < "ongress who object to gr> ng to C.isn-ilttr ufii i<- it in iney to buil I a navy before he p.issiw from pub lie life. They have no confidence in hi* integrity, and believe he would di vole it with the Johnny itoachs snd i heir political p%itn*r*. 'l'he country can staud it without a fighting navy un- til Democrats take charge of the Gov- ernment, when the money necessary will be forthcoming with i-omc assur- ance that it will be economiralh and I honestly expended. The I.un-aster fnlft!igtiv<:r, discussing th : s subject, nates: We have visibly utl'er<-il because of our deficiency. We never needed one much until in the civil war and then we picked one up which we* good enough for the occasion. 1; is true I that this was because our Opponents had no navy, and we e.*krd where we would be if a great naval power should liounce down uj-on u*. Doubtlc** *< would be nowhere. Rut then the great I naval j-<>wcr h* i |>ouhccd,and there \u25a0re |. 11l jcdi.te (glut tlist it Mi 1 . J htre is mi old -a) ing fr<m a very wi- source, which declare* that "suffici(?nt unto the day u the evil thereof. It i- true that another i-juallv wie man -ays "ill time of pca . prepare for war." Hut we n-f Jn't i-\u25a0 in a hurrv a!> jut it when tin- war i- not discernible. We can go ,i ,iit the hu*.n<dehl-erately aii-l intelligently At present it i not easy to bumf a navy inn-lligrn ly. be cause -?*\u25a0\u25a0 do not kti .w what manner of ship* we want. A little while ago we thought we wanted impervious iron- lad*, but now we are getting gun* and torpedo boats and dynamite arrow* winch thi *e ? nnot resi*t. And e. inayl-e, we don't want iron clad* at all. And electricity i* coming so much int-> fashion that m<\ be **<? will net long want *u#ml--t(. At anv rate we will lo*e nothing by waiting for the honest intcli gence of a Democrat:' s lain * trstion to d< termine what win-ed in the shaj- of a navy and a naval aims llient. A Republican Convention Calling for Reduction The Republican Convention of the Second Congressional District of Maa- -achuM-lis yesterday elected Henry P. Kidder ami Edward I*. Iha roe dele- gates to Chicago, and, with but few dissenting voices, adopted the follow- ing resolution "Resolve*! that the leading n< w i.*.ue confronting the statesmanship of the present day is the question of reducing the surpln* revenue of the Government; that the Republican party should recognize and put itclf in accord with the best sen- timents of the time on this question, and advocate in it* national platform an immcdiab reduction of the pre sout tariff ami an increase of the free lit, with a view t?. reducing th- revenue.'' On J. of the tr<e trade Republican organs in N- vv Y< rk city,?the Timm,, assert* "that it is the proteetionist* who have wen in the fight in the House of Represent stives. The Mi" r on Carlisle wing .f the party is in reality beaten, and badly beaten- They have barely managed fo get their measure before the l|nu*c, but thi- wa* done by the vote of Repubii* cans, msn->f whom would vole against th- bill if it were put upon its passage to-rn >rrow." It i-> -m l that Air. Morriek withdrew from the Kellogg case because doubt ed the faith of th® government in the prosecution. Mr Merrick understands Kellogg s relation- to the <liicagooon vontion. Titr republican papers have never forgiven Mr. Hewitt for idrntifyingGar field signature to the Mor®y letter. The malevolent abuse of him whenever occasion otters i* because Davenport thought the investigation of that affair ought to le discontinued and all energies turned to breaking dov* n Hewitt. Ha iif. Reich, the young woman who pleaded guilty to having shot and killed Patrick Kingsley, waiter, at the Ilriggs House. Chicago, for defaming her character, was, on Monday, sen' ten ecu to a year and a half imprison- ment in the penitentiary. I>F.t.aware, New Jersey and Ore* gnn have joined tho Mulligan Blaine procession and New York is still mov- ing in that direction. - Bss halt bell*, Osrmsa'i. IKItMS: *1..V0 |>r Aninini.Jn Adtaiire NO. VX Itein of Interest 'ioveriior Jfoadly ha* IMul . d hi ? procUr malum, designating Friday, May 18th, "" " t ' t * l' : ntng day throughout Ohio. ''aowng, r trair,. .re expected to be running on the JWcl. Creek, O'learfieid A Southwestern railroad by the middla June. Judge IhslforcJ, member of Congre*# from Colorado, will deliver an oration on the evening 0 f Decoration Day at the Court house in Lock Haven. Ue la ?aid to l, an eloquent speaker. It i. a rather curiou. fact, in the eati mation of the Dam aiter InUUiytnur, thai Pennsylvania <hool board. boy New Kr,gland text books in which the history of the Keystone State it practi rally ignored. The Sabbath loving people of Allot ua. justly complain of the:r much defeated base hall Jul, playing on Sunday at St. I.'iui*. I tie Tribune contain* several communi< itioni cen-uring the club for it* action. A resolution of the Liquor Dclers' ! m teetive A * social ion ol \Vi!k--i'arre, in which liiey agree to give the temper anre people f Kioto be paid by them as a reward for the conviction of any licensed de ler. b g or little, druggist or grocer, ol violation of the liquor laws lis* I oeti made public. The association agree* to In ]j> in all honorable vi ays to secure audi conviction. I'he Supreim Court of lowa ha* r-tuv ed to grar.l a divorce to a woman with a drunken husband, because *1 e married him knowing that h<- dinsk, and that she knew, .i* .11 the world kcow*. that a promi*e of reformation made by men who drank i* elwsy* broken. In short, she w.s told that a* she had knowingly marr ed a drunkard she must jut uj, with the trial* of life with him and b'- content to be a drunkard's wife. On the iflth ult., it was announced that th? >j ini*h contract for Kentucky tobacco, involving dO.is'M hogsheads, had been awarded, at about eight cents a pound, to the Marquis De Campos, fo f whom a tobacco firm in this city act, a* agents. The value sf the tobacco U fully f r OCKi Of*', and lie price is much higher than th- Span a government, paid two year* ago. Kk i >unty has just ! ? ! nni of it* oldest residenter*. in the j erson o David Thayer, who served one term a" Sheriff and kejit a hotel in Kidgway for over thiitj years. He w- a nativeof Saratoga county. New Yotk, in 1812, and was there fore 72 year* of age. lie was wi d an 1 favorably known by cit, /-n* in the surround nr countc. 1 taeMcKean Mv.er ? *** Newspapers though everyb iiy does not seeem to think so, .ire bwjj pod for in advance. It li,e thoughtful sutsrr.bar dm n't do it the jr-prietor la* to do so. The psjier and ir.k manufacturer and prin- ter will not wait till a year r r perhaps half a do/en years, exjures before they g. t their j'y. The subscriber in arrears should think of thi* \o exchange says: The supreme curt of In! a in a rec tif deti ion declare* that tlie legal i u* of a p< i-oti . tnlsfl . 1 <ins <")ir; *t:n: MM and a surname. Any one may have as many middle names or initials a* are given to him or is he clioosea to take They do m t affect hi* legal name, and may be in ett. il or not in a deed or contract withiut affecting itj validity. Nor does a m-lako in the middle initial of a name in a deer! io any way affect its validity, according to this decision. The first new school hou*e erected in I,ock Hayen was the present Second ward school building. It was finished in June 1855, and a month later school was opened therein. They were A. K. Hrown, inn T. Noble and John ll- <rvis. Shortly afterwards an increase of teachers was found necessary and Miss l'hiebe Hitchcock arid M.* Sadie M< K rath were added to the force. Although twenty nine years have pass ed since these jicion taught every one of them is yet alive. Mr. ltrown is a resident of Wasington and Mr. <Jrvis of Hellefonte. The balance are still with n*. We need not tell our readark who 'Sjuire Noble is. Miss Hitchc*x-k, we be- lieve, resiles on Fairvirw street and Mis MeKlratb has become the e*lims ble wife of Mr, J. N, Welliver. There have been no alteration* in the achool buildingjsince that lime. Many of onr prevent ptonuuent busiiiiai and pro fessiensl men wera at one lime student* within it* walls.? !*. If. Dc*dca*r. Sva-ckit* for th* aavaa Diioviat.

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Page 1: Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1884-05-08 [p ]panewsarchive.psu.edu/lccn/sn84009409/1884-05-08/ed-1/...whether Blaine or Edmunds be the tnominee for President, the Republi-cans

S. T. NHUGKRT Ac K. L ORYIN, Editors.

VOL. (5.

, jlltrCentre §1 eurocrat.Tarmi II.&0par Aiiia Is Advamoa





Hirhar-l Van*. B. J Mrdrmnim11. B. Pltimm.r.

? Mrraic-r

1. John SlaTia, !*? Oaorga S. Par.ly,\u25a0i. Juki) P. J SanaaaOorf. IS. P. K. Arkl.j,X John W Laa. 11. John P. Laran.. Uarhart J Horn, la. txra D Paik.r,4. Richard L Wd*bt, IS X. D Mubm,6. John H. Brlnti.n, 3U. A. H. Dill,T. W'm Utahlor. SI. franklin R Jamaa.5. CUartM P. Raotacklar, W. J. K P. DuS.#. H. M. Nortk, SO. Joan Saan,

. 10. BnrrrO Slllaa, A B Wlntaroltt,

ill. A.J Bro*<lha.l, Jr. i'.. Ji.kn H Hill,"liI V. Kockafallow, :S. Wm A. Parqunr,

13. Jiockolca,* ."7. A J. OraanS-U.14. II-Tfa n Irw.o,


delegate to the Republican NationalConvention, will go into the great

body of bis party, pleading the "babyact" on crimes pertr|>eated in defraud,

ing the government.

TUP; Tammany committee uf New-York, have engaged quarters nt Chic-

ago, OD the meeting of the DemocraticNational Convention for quite a for-midable delegation. They have secur-

ed four hundred rooms, but how manythey will pack in a room, is not stat-ed.

IT is immaterial to the Democracywhether Blaine or Edmunds be the

t nominee for President, the Republi-cans will furnish the campaign litera-

ls ture that will show to the people notonly the propriety, but the uecessityof the defeat of the candidate. Ineither event the public will be favoredwith interesting reading.

THE silk culture industry is to receivethe fostering care of cougress. 6en-George, chairman of the committeeon agriculture 'and forestry, reports

an amendment to the Agriculture ap-preciation bill giving the sum of 830,.000 to be expended under directions ofthe Commissioners of Agriculture to

encourage and develope the cultureand raising of raw silk.

MR. CHRIS MAOEE, who holds Sen-ator Cameron's proxy as a memlwr of(he Republican National Committee,

announces that the boss may be ex'

pected home from Europe on the 18thof May. Magee is a ?Sherman man,

and in the event of the Pennsylvaniadelegation failing to nominate Rlainehas strong hope* that Senator Camer-on will influence them in favor of thenomination of .Sherman.

KKLLOOU escapes the law by plead-ing the statute of limitation. Thisends the star route investigation farcein the courts. It is said now that thecase of Kellogg will he taken up bythe Springer committee to determinehis fitness for a seat among the Rep-resentatives of the people in Congress.

' No peison doubts the guilt of allthese robbers, but the protection of

in high positions, who profit'W kj these political villanies and enor-

' mous thefts, are patent and irrcsista-*

ble under the present state of affairs.

TnE Virginia Stalwarts, or Repub-licans, held their State Convention onthe 30th uIL, for the appointment ofdelegates to the National convention.They instructed for Blaine and Lin.coin. The Readjuster party had pre-viously held a convention, at whichthey appointed delegates to representthe Republicon party, resolving at thesame time that hereafter they wouldbe the Republican party, althoughheretofore they had belonged to otheraffiliations, and few of tnem had ever

voted a Republican ticket. This wasa littletoo large a dose for the original

| ?Republicans to swallow, so the old

"tagcrs came to the front in conven-tion, and repudiated the action />f thepretenders who favored the nominationof Arthur, and will contest the right

#of Mahone and his tUn to repri><-ut

the Republican party uf Virginia atTM will doubtless be an

interesting episode iu die deliberationsof the harmonious body to meet on

that occasion.

BOTH being alike guilty is com-forting to the Philadelrbia l'rtm,which says : "Nobody doubts thehonesty of Seuator Edmund*, liemusu't imagine even for a second thatanybody does. But the point we like

to see stand out like au obelisk in adesert is simply this, that if he andMr. Blaiue got their hooks caughtiuto the same fish he couldn't say thathe had captured a codti-h and Mr.Blaine a shark. Thev *v>th got el-fish or they both got - 1 .... Mr. E3-inuuda is fisherman euuiigb to k nowthat."

The plain Edglish of this is, ifBlaine prostituted his official positionfor personal gain in jobs, as chargedby his Republican brethren, so did

Edmunds, 'and therefore honors are

easy. Hence Blaine not being theouly tattooed candidate in the Repub-lican ring the I'm* can still he hap*py.

FOREST fires last week, throughoutthe couutry, were about as disastrousand distructive of property andllifte tas the floods were a few weeks ago.The coal ami lumber districts of thestate have suffered severely, andthousands of people have b>st theirall. At Houtzdnle, Clearfield county,so great is the destruction as to de-mand the most active iflorts of thepeople in more favored districts, toprevent the suffering of thousands whoare rendered destitute by the calami-tous fires which prevailed there. Itis gratifying that the people were

prompt in supplying the immediatedemands of the destitutes with food ;hut much more will he required, asfew of the unfortunates of that dis-trict, saved anything but the clothiLgiu which they escaped from the flames.Our own citi/ous deserve credit forpromptness, as they hnd a car load ofsupplies on the road in a few hoursafter learning of the nr o -ity forthem.

IT is announced that at an early dayRepresentative Converse of Ohio,will introduce another tariffbill as anamendment or substitute for the Mor-rison bill. This bill, says a Washing-ton correspondent, proposes t? restorethe duties on wool, except m to carpetwool, which are to be placed upon thefree lilt with -on e twenty other artides. The metal schedule i to beequalized by reducing the duty onsome articles and increasing it ou a

few others. The tobacco internal taxis to be abolished, and a provision i-to be made for giving alcohol to man-ufacturers free of tax. The manu-facturers who manufacture for exportarc to receive a rebate on their rawmaterials equal to the duty less t< upercent. A reduction of 10 per cent,

is to be made in favor of goods im-ported in American bottoms. This issaid to lie similar to an old law passedin Jefferson's administration, exceptthat Jefferson's differential duty wasan increase of 10 per cent, on the thenexisting tariff list, while Converse proposes 10 per rent, reduction, (kin-

verse thiuks that this bill will reducethe revenue 140,000,000.

STATE TREASURER BAILEY onMay Ist made his report, and handedover the public treasury to his success-or, Mr. Liveey. He makes the follow-ing exhibit of the finances of thestate, and where the funds arc deposit-ed, exclusive of money appropriatedto the sinking fund :AlWfhaii; National Bank. INIM nr*h f19|,20? ,V.Ki tiaef. Hank, BraSSard In mninF.<a>-n Hank, Harrtafeurgti KiA'O fKarrii-r.' and W? h.nic' National (tank,

t'hl!S-l|)hla ...... V'lMIS"Klftk National Sank, Plltal.nrgh V.IJ) finKlra* NaUoaal Bank, HarrtaiHirgh IM.KI HIrift Nati-nal Bank, Cakmtowo ISS.SOD mlKf.h"W Sank, PltObwrgh Mi,mm miDlrant National Bank, PkliaSnlKbla .*>

Maar>nl Bank, fnt.l<ir*h Sn.OnD mMnrrhanta' A Manatarlurara Salt. r,al

Bank, I'lttabrirth to,Ann onMwkaalra* Baak. Ilatrtdrngk ...

Nat).inal Hank , Mbttl-tnaa.. M/am <#

National Itank. "f fajttl# . otial} inI**l (]National Sank f t'ontman-a, Pltiturh Hi,M miC-nn Hank, ..I Sllitktirfli It..a*. >aiP>l la a Bank, <4 I'kiial-i|.l,la ISi,ia) mS ItantM. Ohark. aah llama an.l pro-lW limit la laatt of AW-taay-taaaaal...... ...M Ml

T-Sal laran |a Attn! Pin la fI.UC.-H IS

A Disgraceful Controversy.

The acrimony which characterizesthe contest for the Republican presi-dential uominatiou is inexpressiblypainful, remarks the Harrisburg l'a-triut. It forces the conviction thulallthe honored leaders of the grand oldparty are alike tainted with corrup-tion. Such a knowledge can affordpleasure to no one. Itmust be humil-iating to all.

The frieutU of Rlaine charge MrEdmunds with having dabbled iustocks and bonds of a railroad whichobtained value by legislation promotedby him. Mr. Edmunds by irnplica-cation admits the soft impeachment.The friends of Edmund* charge Blainewith the same crime. The friends of

Blaiue plead guilty, but assert thatwhat Blaiue did Edmunds did also.

There is no doubt that the chargesin both cases are strictly true. Butwhat good can he accomplished byparading them before the public? Ifthe party was lietter than the culpritsin this case the public would be sparedami both men quietly dropped into

the disgraceful retirement they de.serve. It is the rule of logic thatwhen rogues fall out honest men willcome by their own, however, and thiscontroversy will probably end in turn-

ing all the rascals out.

Pennsylvania Coal Productior for1883.

There is a jmpular uha says thePhiladelphia Timet that the bitumiu..us coal industry of Pennsylvania,being scattered over a much gnater

extent of territory, is of more value tothe state than the anthracite field.Such, however, is not the < a*e at pres-ent. The anthracite field is confinedto portions of nine counties and com-prises 310 colleries, which employedlast year 87,30* persons, to whom s..'{,?597, 252 was paid in wages. Themines were worked an average of 21 idays during the year and the outputwas 3<>,l ."i t,bib tons of coal. The lib

luminous field in operation f,,r the-ame time comprised portions oftwenty-five counties. The number ofactive collieries was 381, employingto, l-Vt men aud boys, to whom U17,-014,024 were paid in wage. The av-erage number of days the collierieswire iii operation was 207, and theoutput of coal amounted to 18,723,-s l7 tons. This includes the arnout tof coal used by 10,017 Coke ovens inthe manufacture of 3,3*0,872 tons ofcoke.

A comparison <>f tli< ui figur. \u25a0 di--closes the fact that while bituminouscoal is produced in nearly three tine -

as many counties a* comprise thewhole known anthracite field, andwhile there are seventy one more bi-tuminous coal collieries in active opcr*stion than in the anthracite district,hut little more than half the numberof in-1) are employed producing coaland receiving wages in about the sameproportion. There is a iarge field forfuture development in the bituminousdistricts, but at present much of it re-mains untouched.

PROF. VIRITIOW, who has probablygiven closer scientific attention to thesubject than any other man in theGermrn empire, testifies that no trichinous epidemic has been producedin that country by the American meatproduct and that no cases of diseasehave been observed which can be at-tributed to its consumption, exceptingin n solitary instance at Bremen,where living trichina' were noted andionic sickness of the nature of trichi-nosis discovered, but without fatal re-sults. With such n showing as thisit is not easily to be understood whythe importation of American jiork, al-most invariably well cured as it isknown to lie, should have been pro-hibited on sanitary grounds. It istrue that many Herman* are in thehabit of eating their own swine pro-duct without much, if any, cooking,aud disastrous results quite naturallyfollow such egregious violations of tholaws of heal.h and common senw. It



in a little unjuul, however, tlmt a pro-duel which iu thi* couutry in cousid-i?red healthful and nutrition*, forminga general article of food, should hedebarred from the j>ort# of Germany,for the reason that the people of the

country are made nick by eating theirown hog* raw. Rut it in becomingmore and more evideut, an the factaare better known, that sanitary con*

' sith rations have never had much to do

with the questions, excepting as a pre-

text for unfriendly legislation, and the

I opinion of Prof. Virchow will doubt"' lota go unheard. AH the Jkrliner'TagtiUtt says : "The importations isand remains prohibited, for whenevereertain interests are at stake neithermorality nor science stands a chauceof being heard."

Tut: United State# rounds off itslist of metals by the discovery of im-tut use t n deposits near Huriug's je-akDakota. Prof. G. K. llailey, analyti-cal chemist, who has exumined thecountry, sa_v that the region containslarge quantities of ore which can beprofitably worked. "I can safely say,"said he, "that a great .Jeal of the tin-hearing rook tan he easily obtained.It can lie quarried from the surfaceinstead of being ring for and followedunderground. How abundant thi*rook is you may imagine when I tellyou thnt I have seen veins of it meae-uriug more than fifty feet in width.This rock can easily lw crushed, theore <-incentrated, and the metal Work-ed int > bars of pure tin. To extractthe stream tin the proccw would re-semble placer mining for gold, ai-

, though, of course, much rougher, themetal being iu larger fragment* andlarger-quantify. The ore is muchbettor than that of Cornwall, wherethe rock averages about two j*r cent,

of tin. The stream tin?that whichmust be obtained by sluicing, or plar.er work?will yieid about 7" per cent.

Tin acquittal in Philadelphia, onth< ground* of insanity, Krumaliickel, who had deliberately killed a

former lover by shooting him from awindow, where she had fr some timewaited knowing be woifld pass thehcuse, shows how hard it is to convicta woman of a capital offense and towhat extent public opinion allow herl-i ii- a pistol with impunity. A* n

matter <-f form she will be detail ed ina lunitic asylum for n short time, hut,in a few months at farth-*t In- againfree to seek another 1 ver, and, if shefeels like it, kill him should he deserther. Not an unnotlcehle feature ofthe trial wire the murmur* <f "Cin-cinnati" from the audience after therendition ,of the vudict. There isprobably no other country having a

system of criminal law ami procedurewhere the enforcement i* so lax and sogeneral arquicscd in. Whenever a

elear case of murder g<>< unpunished,it may 1M- taken for granti.l that thetrain is laid for another murder,though there lc not the slightest ap-parent connection between them orthe at tors. ?Washington I'o*l.

Ah the tariff discussion pmgrcwH*,

says an exchange, it becomes apparent

that there i* only one really vital uue| before the country, and that is thenecessity for a reform of the system oftaxation which places the principalburden of supporting the Governmentupon consumers of the ncccwiarie* oflife. With sueh an extraordinary sur-plus revenue there is no excuse fordelay iu lopping off the unnecessarytaxes. As the Republican* have per-sistently refused to do this, they haregiven the people the best of all reasonsfor turning (hem out. While it mavhe unfortunate that a minority of theDemocrats should want to stand onthe Republican platform on this ques-tion, the average voter and tax payerwill hardly be foolish enough to thinkthat the much desired reduction ranbe attained as lurclr by keeping the 1Republicans in as it can by turning jthem out. We thtyefore expect to sec 1them turned out. neck and crop, next iNovember.

A Navy.

Ib Republican paper* express agreat ile.l of indignation at the courseof l)eni',crui iti < "ongress who object togr> ng to C.isn-ilttr ufii i<- it in iney tobuil I a navy before he p.issiw from publie life. They have no confidence inhi* integrity, and believe he would divole it with the Johnny itoachs snd

i heir political p%itn*r*. 'l'he countrycan staud it without a fighting navy un-til Democrats take charge of the Gov-ernment, when the money necessarywill be forthcoming with i-omc assur-ance that it will be economiralh and

I honestly expended. The I.un-asterfnlft!igtiv<:r, discussing th :s subject,nates:

We have visibly utl'er<-il because ofour deficiency. We never needed onemuch until in the civil war and thenwe picked one up which we* goodenough for the occasion. 1; is true

I that this was because our Opponentshad no navy, and we e.*krd where wewould be if a great naval power shouldliounce down uj-on u*. Doubtlc** *<

would be nowhere. Rut then the great

I naval j-<>wcr h* i |>ouhccd,and there\u25a0re |. 11l jcdi.te (glut tlist it Mi 1.

J htre is mi old -a) ing fr<m a very wi-source, which declare* that "suffici(?ntunto the day u the evil thereof. Iti- true that another i-juallv wie man-ays "ill time of pca . prepare for war."Hut we n-f Jn't i-\u25a0 in a hurrv a!> jut itwhen tin- war i- not discernible. Wecan go ,i ,iit the hu*.n<dehl-eratelyaii-l intelligently At present it i noteasy to bumf a navy inn-lligrn ly. because -?*\u25a0\u25a0 do not kti .w what manner ofship* we want. A little while ago wethought we wanted impervious iron-

lad*, but now we are getting gun* andtorpedo boats and dynamite arrow*

winch thi *e ? nnot resi*t. And e.inayl-e, we don't want iron clad* at all.And electricity i* coming so much int->fashion that m<\ be **<? will net longwant *u#ml--t(. At anv rate we willlo*e nothing by waiting for the honestintcli gence of a Democrat:' s lain *

trstion to d< termine what win-ed inthe shaj- of a navy and a naval aimsllient.

A Republican Convention Callingfor Reduction

The Republican Convention of theSecond Congressional District of Maa--achuM-lis yesterday elected Henry P.Kidder ami Edward I*. Iha roe dele-gates to Chicago, and, with but fewdissenting voices, adopted the follow-ing resolution "Resolve*! that theleading n< w i.*.ue confronting thestatesmanship of the present day isthe question of reducing the surpln*revenue of the Government; that theRepublican party should recognize andput itclf in accord with the best sen-

timents of the time on this question,and advocate in it* national platforman immcdiab reduction of the pre souttariffami an increase of the free lit,with a view t?. reducing th- revenue.''

On J. of the tr<e trade Republicanorgans in N- vv Y< rk city,?the Timm,,assert* "that it is the proteetionist*who have wen in the fight in theHouse of Represent stives. The Mi"r on Carlisle wing .f the party is inreality beaten, and badly beaten-They have barely managed fo gettheir measure before the l|nu*c, butthi- wa* done by the vote of Repubii*cans, msn->f whom would voleagainst th- bill if it were put uponits passage to-rn >rrow."

It i-> -m l that Air. Morriek withdrewfrom the Kellogg case because h® doubted the faith of th® government in theprosecution. Mr Merrick understandsKellogg s relation- to the <liicagooonvontion.

Titr republican papers have neverforgiven Mr. Hewitt for idrntifyingGarfield signature to the Mor®y letter.The malevolent abuse of him wheneveroccasion otters i* because Davenportthought the investigation of that affairought to le discontinued and all energiesturned to breaking dov*n Hewitt.

Ha iif. Reich, the young womanwho pleaded guilty to having shot andkilled Patrick Kingsley, waiter, at theIlriggs House. Chicago, for defamingher character, was, on Monday, sen'ten ecu to a year and a half imprison-ment in the penitentiary.

I>F.t.aware, New Jersey and Ore*gnn have joined tho Mulligan Blaineprocession and New York is still mov-

ing in that direction.- Bss halt bell*, Osrmsa'i.

IKItMS: *1..V0 |>r Aninini.Jn Adtaiire


Itein of Interest'ioveriior Jfoadly ha* IMul. d hi? procUr

malum, designating Friday, May 18th,"" "t 't* l' : ntng day throughout Ohio.

''aowng, r trair,. .re expected to berunning on the JWcl. Creek, O'learfieidA Southwestern railroad by the middlaJune.

Judge IhslforcJ, member of Congre*#from Colorado, will deliver an oration onthe evening 0f Decoration Day at theCourt house in Lock Haven. Ue la?aid to l, an eloquent speaker.

It i. a rather curiou. fact, in the eatimation of the Dam aiter InUUiytnur,thai Pennsylvania <hool board. boyNew Kr,gland text books in which thehistory of the Keystone State it practirally ignored.

The Sabbath loving people of Allot ua.justly complain of the:r much defeatedbase hall Jul, playing on Sunday at St.I.'iui*. I tie Tribune contain* severalcommuni< itioni cen-uring the club forit* action.

A resolution of the Liquor Dclers'! m teetive A *social ion ol \Vi!k--i'arre,in which liiey agree to give the temperanre people fKioto be paid by them asa reward for the conviction of anylicensed de ler. b g or little, druggistor grocer, ol violation of the liquor lawslis* I oeti made public. The associationagree* to In ]j> in all honorable vi ays to

secure audi conviction.

I'he Supreim Court of lowa ha* r-tuved to grar.l a divorce to a woman with a

drunken husband, because *1 e marriedhim knowing that h<- dinsk, and thatshe knew, .i* .11 the world kcow*. thata promi*e of reformation made by menwho drank i* elwsy* broken. In short,she w.s told that a* she had knowinglymarr ed a drunkard she must jut uj,

with the trial* of life with him and b'-content to be a drunkard's wife.

On the iflth ult., it was announcedthat th? >j ini*h contract forKentuckytobacco, involving dO.is'M hogsheads,had been awarded, at about eight cents

a pound, to the Marquis De Campos, fof

whom a tobacco firm in this city act,

a* agents. The value sf the tobacco Ufully fr OCKi Of*', and lie price is muchhigher than th- Span a government,paid two year* ago.

Kk i >unty has just ! ? ! nni of it*oldest residenter*. in the jerson oDavid Thayer, who served one term a"Sheriff and kejit a hotel in Kidgway forover thiitj years. He w- a nativeofSaratoga county. New Yotk, in 1812,and was there fore 72 year* of age. liewas wi d an 1 favorably known by cit,/-n* in the surround nr countc.

1 taeMcKean Mv.er ? *** Newspapersthough everyb iiy does not seeem to

think so, .ire bwjj pod for in advance.It li,e thoughtful sutsrr.bar dm n't doit the jr-prietor la* to do so. Thepsjier and ir.k manufacturer and prin-ter will not wait till a year r r perhapshalf a do/en years, exjures before theyg. t their j'y. The subscriber in arrearsshould think of thi*

\o exchange says: The supremecurt of In! a in a rec tif deti iondeclare* that tlie legal i u* of a p< i-oti

. tnlsfl . 1 <ins <")ir; *t:n: MM and a

surname. Any one may have as manymiddle names or initials a* are given to

him or is he clioosea to take They dom t affect hi* legal name, and may bein ett. il or not in a deed or contractwithiut affecting itj validity. Nordoes a m-lako in the middle initial ofa name in a deer! io any way affect itsvalidity, according to this decision.

The first new school hou*e erected inI,ock Hayen was the present Secondward school building. It was finishedin June 1855, and a month later schoolwas opened therein. They were A. K.Hrown, inn T. Noble and John ll-<rvis. Shortly afterwards an increaseof teachers was found necessary andMiss l'hiebe Hitchcock arid M.* SadieM< K rath were added to the force.Although twenty nine years have passed since these jicion taught every oneof them is yet alive. Mr. ltrown is a

resident of Wasington and Mr. <Jrvis ofHellefonte. The balance are still with

n*. We need not tell our readark who'Sjuire Noble is. Miss Hitchc*x-k, we be-lieve, resiles on Fairvirw street and

Mis MeKlratb has become the e*limsble wife of Mr, J. N, Welliver. Therehave been no alteration* in the achoolbuildingjsince that lime. Many of onrprevent ptonuuent busiiiiai and professiensl men wera at one lime student*

within it* walls.? !*. If. Dc*dca*r.

Sva-ckit* for th* aavaa Diioviat.