ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader

THE THE ULTIMATE ABSOLUTELY A TEAM TEAM LEADER LEADER guide to being now I’m a team leaderwritten by team leaders, for team leaders

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Page 1: Ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader




guide to being

now I’m a team leader…

written by team leaders, for team leaders

Page 2: Ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader

03introduction 07let’s talk AIESEC04the leaders we develop05 starting my team

team forming07team building09

10 weekly team meeting11 monthly review12 quarterly team days13

planningwhat to remember13what to forget16 18

job descriptioncreation of a jd22how to use a jd2324

trainingtraining myself25training my members26three steps to team education27 31

coaching & trackingtracking systems32the good and bad news34coaching35cheat sheet363 things for coaching38

41quarterly team days45four ways to rock recognition46

reflection & evaluation

table of contents

Page 3: Ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader

HOW TO USE THIS BOOKWelcome Team Leaders!

It has started! You are the one, you are a team leader of AIESEC in India. Our organisation is going to amazing places and you are the one to take it forward!

This guide is not just a textbook for you to be the top-performing team leader in AIESEC in India neither does this book promise that you will become the top-performing leader if you read it.

However this book can help you to frame your own team leader experience in the hopes that you can experience an intense inner and outer journey so that you can emerge as an individual with stronger qualities of world citizen, solution oriented, empowering others and self awareness.

You don’t have to read all of it, but during your journey as a team leader, refer to it from time to time.

These symbols represent different responsibilities you have to your team.

Each aspect will be covered in one chapter of the book!

You may see these around. These are tips and tricks written by the current and previous team leaders of AIESEC India especially for you!

You may see these around. These are tips and tricks written by the current and previous team leaders of AIESEC India especially for you!



& trickstips

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The world is changing. All the time. The world is definitely a very different place to what it was when AIESEC started up in 1948. In fact, the only constant of our world is that it is constantly changing and because of that the social problems and societal issues are changing also.

So how are a bunch of young people supposed to achieve Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind’s Potential?

We need one solution. We need the right people who can go and solve these issues! We, as AIESECers understand that leadership is the fundamental solution to the world’s needs.

But before we move onto WHAT our organisation does to develop leadership, leadership is a big term. What do we mean exactly by leadership?

Let’s Google it shall we?


So What is the story of our organisation?

As an organisation we aim to achieve Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind’s Potential. This is our vision, but in simple terms you can think of this as our ‘Why’. This is WHY we do what we do., this is what is driving our organisation forward. But how do we achieve Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind’ Potential?

Around 800 million people go hungry in the

world every day

1,400 women will die today as they do every day, from


29,000About 29,000 children die

each day, most from easily preventable health


illnesses related to pregnancy and childbirth

which are easy to diagnose and treat

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LKAIESECSo What is the story of our organisation?


noun• the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or

the ability to do this. "different styles of leadership"

synonyms: guidance, direction, authority, control, management, superintendence, supervision

• the state or position of being a leader. "the party prospered under his leadership"

synonyms: headship, directorship, direction, governorship, governance, administration, jurisdiction, captaincy

• the leaders of an organization, country, etc. plural noun: leaderships "the leadership was divided into two camps"

In AIESEC we talk about Leadership in terms of four qualities. We believe that the leadership the world needs is people who are Empowering Others, Solution Driven, Self Aware and are a World Citizen

check them out here!

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LEADERSWe can think of this s the ‘WHAT’ AIESEC does. Our ‘What’ is through our Experiential Leadership Development Programs which include the Global Community Development Programme, Global Internship Programme, Team Member Programme and Team Leader Programme through which young people can go through the inner and outer journey of leadership.

WE DEVELOPHow do we develop this leadership?

You, as a team leader are going through the ‘what’ as you read this book and throughout the next few weeks, months or even years will develop the qualities of the leadership development model that you see next to you.

Inner and Outer Journey is a model used and framed by AIESEC as the way that individuals can go through an intense ‘outer journey’ which describes the environment you are in and a reflective ‘inner journey’ which describes the elements of self reflection and reinvention as a result of that external environment to enable the development of Global Citizen, Empowering Others, Solution Driven and Self Awareness Qualities.

So if you think about it, your

role as a team leader is

developing your leadership in

order for you to be the change

the world needs. Let’s get started!

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STARTING MY TEAMEasier than everyone thinks.


Team Forming (recruitment & identity creation) Team Building Activities Weekly team meetings Monthly team reviews Quarterly team days

Team Forming



It leads to cohesiveness between members and team leaders by knowing them as a person, as a human but also knowing them as a team member (their skills, strengths, behaviours, goals)

The first step is through the allocation process. It is important for you as a Team Leader to have the opportunity to select your own team - own this right.

“Team Forming is done through identifying the correct people for the department. From mentorship report, the we can select our members along with our VP. This is done by identifying the members preference and potential.”

- Anonymous Team Leader

“Place people in the right position. Focus on their strengths and place your best people where your best opportunities are!”

- Dey Dos

Simply how you get to know your team, how they get to know you and how together you know what the team is all about.“Why is this important? can’t I just start work straight away?”“Why is this important? can’t I just start work straight away?”

“You have the right and the privilege to select and form

your own team”

“You have the right and the privilege to select and form

your own team”

team forming is

more than just your first team meeting!

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FORMING MY TEAM… a bit harder than what I expected


Team Forming (recruitment & identity creation) Team Building Activities Weekly team meetings Monthly team reviews Quarterly team days

Team FormingThe second step is through the co-creation of the team identity, this is the most important. All the members of the team need to understand what the team is all about.

These are the questions you should be asking:

What is the team purpose?

What is my individual contribution to the team purpose?

What is expected of me?

What should I expect from others?

Do I know my members?

Do my members know each other?

Does everyone know how to work with each other?

The Drexler-Sibbet Team Performance Model is a fantastic read if you want to know how not-for-profit teams should ideally form. Great resource to identify where is your team currently and where you need to go.

“The hardest part of any team model is identifying where you are, but once you have you CAN easily decide what is needed to move to the team stage”

“The hardest part of any team model is identifying where you are, but once you have you CAN easily decide what is needed to move to the team stage”

& trickstips

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Team Forming (recruitment & identity creation) Team Building Activities Weekly team meetings Monthly team reviews Quarterly team days

Team Building

What should I do to make my team bond?

WHYHelps bonding between the team members. It delivers the importance of working together as a team, which is important for effective functioning of the department.

WRONG QUESTIONHow can I build belonging and trust within my team?

HOWTeam Building is about creating belonging amongst the team and starting the process of trust building.

There should be a feeling of pride to be amongst the team, acceptance amongst each other and each person feel as if they are ‘in’

“The first team meeting that I conducted was nothing related to work, because I wanted my team to connect on a personal level first. This helps them to get to know each other better and hence, perform better.”


“The first team meeting that I conducted was nothing related to work, because I wanted my team to connect on a personal level first. This helps them to get to know each other better and hence, perform better.”


WHATfigure it out

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Team Forming (recruitment & identity creation) Team Building Activities Weekly team meetings Monthly team reviews Quarterly team days

Sunday Football League:

Members of AIESEC in Mumbai meet every Sunday to host inter department football matches. This leads to the members becoming more comfortable with each other, and bond as a team

Case Study:

Weekly Team Meetings


Meetings are a space that allow the members to connect to the team and work efficiently. Meetings ensure strong communication and they bring everyone to the table and to the focus/direction of the team.

One on one interactions with the team members helps the team leaders to get to know the members on a personal level and enable the alignment of team activities towards results needed from the team.

This step is up to you.Before you have a meeting, go through these questions?

What is the purpose of my meeting? Do I have an agenda? Who will time

it? Can any of the content be done

virtually? eg. checking priorities on online tracker? Will it go over 90 minutes? Why? How will we allocate responsibilities? Can this be a standing meeting?

BUILDING MY TEAMwhat do your meetings look like?

WHATfigure it out

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Team Forming (recruitment & identity creation) Team Building Activities Weekly team meetings Monthly team reviews Quarterly team days

Monthly Team Review



Monthly team review helps to find where the team is headed and identify the key lacking and loopholes by evaluating performance and taking feedback from each other according to the output strategy through which the plans can be revised.

Start and end with numbers Ask ‘Are we there yet?’ Don’t change the goal - change your strategies/ plans Let the team bring up issues that need to be discussed

WHATfigure it out

“By conducting monthly team reviews our members became aware of their growth over the last month and were able to redefine learning goals”


“By conducting monthly team reviews our members became aware of their growth over the last month and were able to redefine learning goals”


BUILDING MY TEAMWhy should I have one? Every month!!

for monthly team review& trickstips

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Team Forming (recruitment & identity creation) Team Building Activities Weekly team meetings Monthly team reviews Quarterly team days

Quarterly Team Days



These help to analyse and review the pros and cons of the quarter, thereby allowing the strategising of the way forward to strengthen the weak points.

“The success of a team day is largely dependent on what happens

before” -Anonymous

Quarterly team days depend largely on the needs of the team from a personal and professional standpoint. Assess your team and ask ‘Are we on track’? in terms of team building or the team plan. This is the time to check the data, assess where you are and how much you still need to cover. Don’t forget to review the plan and the job descriptions of each person in the team!

It is also a chance for you to ensure team development is on track - consider 360 feedback, team building activities and/or appreciations.

BUILDING MY TEAMmore than a formality?

WHATfigure it out

“After each quarterly team day, the team’s vision is broadened and mistakes are rectified.” -Jeff

“After each quarterly team day, the team’s vision is broadened and mistakes are rectified.” -Jeff



create your team purpose with your team hold your first team meeting feedback your first team meeting with your team and yourself create a team building agenda

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ACTIVITIES:Planning Re-planning Quarterly Review



1.Pre-planning is important In order to have effective planning you must have the right data and research to commence. Before you start your planning process - ask yourself a) What data will we need to plan goals and timeline? b) Do we know what has happened for the past 2-3 years

in our department? c) Do we have enough information to start and finish this

planning process.

2. Build Ownership

Why should I use KPIs?

It is the KEY to success of your organisation It is related to PERFORMANCE - it can be measured and quantified It can be used as an INDICATOR - it provides leading information about future results.

What is a Key Performance Indicator? (KPI)

Make better decisions Have a clearer focus Track performance Stronger coaching

you have two choices: 1. Make decisions about where you want to go aka. make a plan 2. Go on autopilot


What will you do to ensure that each individual understands his/her contribution to the plan?

Planning is not the role of the team leader and you don’t just want to plan for yourself? You need to plan for the team to contribute - so The question is how will you build ownership of the plan for your team?

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Planning Re-planning Quarterly Review

MAKING THE PLAN:The plan should contain individual action plans,

clear goals and timeline.

3.Plan to track the Plan Your plan should include your evaluation points of your activities and strategies. For every plan that you make you must have a way to track it and that must be within the plan!

For example - My goal is to lose 20 kgs. Plan: - Go to Gym - Eat Healthy - Go Swimming

How do I know if going to the gym is effective enough to lose 20 kgs? How will I measure if my swimming is adding value to lose 20 kgs? When will I lose 20 kgs? How often do I eat healthy? How will I measure if I am really eating healthy or not?

All the answers to these questions lie within how you make your Plan trackable and measurable.



1 2 3

For example don’t just plan how to get from Point A to Point B. Plan how at stage 1, stage 2 and stage three you know you are going the right direction.

For example don’t just plan how to get from Point A to Point B. Plan how at stage 1, stage 2 and stage three you know you are going the right direction.

You should measure 2 things: 1. The Outputs and

Outcomes that need to occur ‘at the end’

2. The Activities and actions to lead to the outcome that can be tracked during the process.

eg. 1. Lose 30 kgs 2. Going to the

gym 3 times a week

& trickstipsfor kpis

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Planning Re-planning Quarterly Review


4. If you feel safe, it’s not a good plan. Plans are based on strategies and strategies are always involving risk. If your plan is making you feel safe then perhaps it’s too restrictive or not risky enough.

5. Plans should be dynamic, goals shouldn’t. Due to the nature of plans - it’s okay to re-plan and adjust your activities as you move forward. Things will never turn out as your expect. As you learn what strategies are working and which aren’t - keep adjusting as you progress.

However your goals should not change. Change your strategies to meet the goal - but never change your goal.



1.Planning is a formalityIf you want to build ownership within your teams about Planning, it should never be a formality.

2. Planning is complicated The simpler you make your plans the easier they will be to refer to and the more they will be used by your team.

A Gantt Chart is a popular way to to show activities versus time. On the left will be a list of activities your team needs to accomplish and on the right is a time scale.

This allows you to clearly see when does a project start? when does it end? How long will it last? etc.

What is a Gantt Chart?

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Planning Re-planning Quarterly Review

3. Over-planning is good Allow for flexibility in your working style and the working style of others.

4. Planning takes a long time If you’ve done the research and the pre-planning, planning can easily be completed within 1 hour. Prepare well and planning can be a fast, fun activity with your team rather than a administrative formality.

5. If it doesn’t work, scrap it AIESEC works fast, but sometimes we throw away strategies before going them the chance to work. Think before you scrap everything.


If Plan A doesn’t work there are 25 more letters in the Alphabet

If Plan A doesn’t work there are 25 more letters in the Alphabet

What should a plan look like?simple!

Have your goal. What do you want to achieve? How you are going to get there. Who will do this? When will it be done?



Plan your team planning day Facilitate and create your first team plan with your team! Update your team plan weekly Review your team plan Re-plam

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Planning Re-planning Quarterly Review

other super important elements of planning!Re-planningRe-planning doesn’t need to always be the formal Quarterly re-planning process. It can as simple as one of your members changing their weekly timetable and editing their plan as they progress week-by-week.

Make sure that your plan is so simple that it allows for team members to adjust their individual plans to it.

Quarterly ReviewThe Quarterly Review is the formal re-planning process with the entire team. The key theme of the Quarterly Review should be: a) Are we on track with our outcomes/ goals b) What did we learn? How does that change things?

The focus of your re-planning should be to refer to the goals and KPIs and review is these are on track or not. You can use a simple framework of Start, Stop, Continue to collect and channel the key learnings for the quarter. Ensure these changes are reflected in your planning sheets.

Quick Test!

What is a Key Performance Indicator?

What are the three things a plan should contain?

What is a Gantt Chart?

When is the right time to change a goal?

Answers to test:

1.Key Perform

ance Indicator is a measure of what will m

ake you or your team

successful. eg. KPI of sales activity is: 5 cold calls per week.

2.A plan should contain an individual action plan, clear goals and a tim

eline 3.

A Gantt Chart is a horizontal chart that shows the list activities and when they will be com

pleted. 4.

There is never a right time to change a goal. Reconsider if you need

to change the goal or change the strategy to reach the goal.

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Creation of the Job Description from the Plan Negotiation of the Job Description with the members Quarterly Review of the Job Description

It is so that each member understand his or her role and contribution. It tells a member what they need to do, for how long they should do it, the main ways they will be measured and the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed but also developed for the job.

what do my members do?let’s define it in a job description

what is a job description?

" According to me, Job Description is an integral part of anyone's AIESEC experience. It gives them a clarity as to what is expected out of them.

If they have a clarity of what they are supposed to do, then they will do it better and with more heart. It will connect them more to the organisation and will result in more productivity.

Job descriptions are something that should be implemented strongly in our LC’s and I will make sure that they are implemented well here.”

-Jeel Sanghvi, Ahmedabad

" According to me, Job Description is an integral part of anyone's AIESEC experience. It gives them a clarity as to what is expected out of them.

If they have a clarity of what they are supposed to do, then they will do it better and with more heart. It will connect them more to the organisation and will result in more productivity.

Job descriptions are something that should be implemented strongly in our LC’s and I will make sure that they are implemented well here.”

-Jeel Sanghvi, Ahmedabad

" According to me, Job Description is an integral part of anyone's AIESEC experience. It gives them a clarity as to what is expected out of them.

If they have a clarity of what they are supposed to do, then they will do it better and with more heart. It will connect them more to the organisation and will result in more productivity.

Job descriptions are something that should be implemented strongly in our LC’s and I will make sure that they are implemented well here.”

-Jeel Sanghvi, Ahmedabad

" According to me, Job Description is an integral part of anyone's AIESEC experience. It gives them a clarity as to what is expected out of them.

If they have a clarity of what they are supposed to do, then they will do it better and with more heart. It will connect them more to the organisation and will result in more productivity.

Job descriptions are something that should be implemented strongly in our LC’s and I will make sure that they are implemented well here.”

-Jeel Sanghvi, Ahmedabad


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Creation of the Job Description from the Plan Negotiation of the Job Description with the members Quarterly Review of the Job Description

JOB DESCRIPTIONHow do I make one?“So you’re put into a team which has been given particular targets to be achieved, what would you want to know first? It would be …

The JD’s contain roles and responsibilities, duration, MoS, competencies required and developed. Roles and Responsibilities: the team member has to be given some responsibilities and they can be held accountable for the work delivery. This way each person has the responsibilities and the work burden narrows down.

NOTE: Responsibilities doesn’t mean that the particular team member has to complete the whole task. It simply means that he needs to make sure that the work is done and the work doesn’t reach to the level above in the hierarchy (team leader in this case). Therefore if a member is unable to complete the task he has been held responsible for, he has to make sure that the particular task has been given to some other person and the output isn’t affected.

“what do I have to do?’”The Job Description is what a new team member’s role and contribution in the team that would help achieve the team goals. It channelizes the work and makes the work easier by dividing it in the group.

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Creation of the Job Description from the Plan Negotiation of the Job Description with the members Quarterly Review of the Job Description

JOB DESCRIPTIONA Job Description gives clarity for a team member in understanding his role in the team. When a documented proper JD’s are given, it brings a sense of professionalism amongst the team members which is a very important factor in achieving the team goals.

So basically after you get a JD, you know how critical your job in the team is, and hence a sense of responsibility would help in making you work more effectively.

A team leader expects something from the team member, so the JD acts as the base of expectations from the team member.

If a proper document is maintained, the member can go through it whenever he wishes to, which would help in making his task productive and also can help him in self-realisation after completing the task and the member and the leader can keep a track of performance.

When a work is divided segmentally, it helps making the work easier and the team goals could be achieved easily at a smoother pace.

What important to remember is that: Job Description’s are tangible

Why do we need one?

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Creation of the Job Description from the Plan Negotiation of the Job Description with the members Quarterly Review of the Job Description



JD is basically the tasks and expectation setting of a team leader and a team member. So, when JD is given to a team member, he himself knows what he has to do and what is expected out of him. The team leader then explains the team and the term plan to the team members for the easy understanding.

When the team leader interacts with the team members, he can find out the competencies of the team members through some basic tests and conversations and hence he can analyse the member or make a SWOT analysis so that he can focus on the member’s strength and can make the JD’s better.— Job Descriptions should be adjusted to bring out a member’s strengths.

—“Team Minimums are very important and need to be implied in every team. According to me

the most important Team Minimum is giving the members a very well defined Job Description.

The reason being it gives every member a perfect idea as to what is expected out of them in the team.”

- Aditya Punjabi, VIT

“Team Minimums are very important and need to be implied in every team. According to me

the most important Team Minimum is giving the members a very well defined Job Description.

The reason being it gives every member a perfect idea as to what is expected out of them in the team.”

- Aditya Punjabi, VIT

“Team Minimums are very important and need to be implied in every team. According to me

the most important Team Minimum is giving the members a very well defined Job Description.

The reason being it gives every member a perfect idea as to what is expected out of them in the team.”

- Aditya Punjabi, VIT

“Team Minimums are very important and need to be implied in every team. According to me

the most important Team Minimum is giving the members a very well defined Job Description.

The reason being it gives every member a perfect idea as to what is expected out of them in the team.”

- Aditya Punjabi, VIT

“Team Minimums are very important and need to be implied in every team. According to me

the most important Team Minimum is giving the members a very well defined Job Description.

The reason being it gives every member a perfect idea as to what is expected out of them in the team.”

- Aditya Punjabi, VIT

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Creation of the Job Description from the Plan Negotiation of the Job Description with the members Quarterly Review of the Job Description

JOB DESCRIPTIONThen the team leader distributes the job keeping in mind the following this:

The JD’s should be department specific and not be generalised. For example JD of a member of iGIP would 90% differ from one of the Marketing Department. So keep the JD’s department specific.

The 80-20 ratio should be kept in mind by the team leaders, and accordingly the plans and JD’s should be explained to the members.

80-20 RatioWhat is the job role of you - the team leader and what is the job role of your members? When in doubt, follow the 80-20 rule. 20% personal productivity 80% empowering, developing and leading others

what’s the link

between the plan and the JD?


How can you make a Job Description from the Plan?

Retention will be a word not used in AIESEC INDIA is JD’s are implemented properly. Everyone will stay.

Right after you make your plan, plot your timeline, understand what are the competencies required and how will you align with the members you have.

This will tell you how people are ‘specialised’ in certain areas. For example one member receives more sales activities can have a sales JD.

Your plan will have the activities with the key responsible.

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Creation of the Job Description from the Plan Negotiation of the Job Description with the members Quarterly Review of the Job Description

JOB DESCRIPTIONYou might originally receive a template of a Job Description for your team. However it is your responsibility to tailor this to your team plan and the individual members.

It is important within the first 10 days of a member joining your team for you to clarify and negotiate the Job Description.

This process is called Job Description Negotiation

— Based on this knowledge you are able to edit the Job Description with them to suit the member’s needs to ensure higher development and therefore high performance.

This means that you find out this member’s strengths and weaknesses, personal and professional goals and their expectations of the organisation.

Quarterly ReviewEvery time you adjust the plan, you must also adjust the Job Description. Therefore a Quarterly update of each JD is necessary. In your quarterly review you can do you performance assessment and based on the performance achieved/ not achieved and change in personal and professional goals edit, remove or add roles, responsibilities and MOS.

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Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

TRAININGEvery team has an educational cycle that includes a breakdown into knowledge, skills and attitudes. This should be based on the operational and team cycle and can enable and drive the job description.


Your team members have their JDs, but don’t know how to go about it. Training them will build a concrete base in which

they can work and explore. For example, If your member has to get five ICX raises but isn’t clear on cold calling. There will be no

productivity. - Akshat Shivkumar

be concrete

Team Members have to explore themselves and come up with solutions. They cant solely depend on their team leaders for providing them the required information. This way you have chances of generating innovative solutions.

-Akshat Shivkumar


foundationFoundation is required so that plethora of developments can occur. Focus on providing team member which such a strong foundation so that they get clear about the operation and crystal clear about the objective.They should be well aware of the principles and not more on techniques and tactics are manipulative.


need sensing-Exploring skill sets needed for the department.


“spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon” - M. Forster

“Using google forms to know your members existing skill set.”

Don’t forget about the Global Learning EnvironmentForget the perception that training has to be a session at a conference. Training can be within the team or a simple as a conversation with your team member

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What else can you do to train yourself? Talk a previous MB from last year read articles from Harvard Business

Review/ Forbes on the topic you want to learn Inform your EB/ LCP/ MC of the

knowledge you want to gain. Attend a national or international

conference Apply for an online course Ask your VP for a book read



Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

What is the education I as a Team Leader need?


HOWLet’s first consider you the reader. What is the initial education that you need as a new Team Leader? Or what is the initial education you have already received? As a team leader you cannot be restricted to what you have been given.

Kudos to you for reading this book to gain more knowledge! Skill Development

“A s a member in the Marketing Department, I wanted to learn how to use photoshop & mail chimp. During the course of time I eventually learned

how to do it.”

“Training is not just a classroom … this can be done through a webinar, google hangout with the vp and even a the conference.”

-Shivani Sapra

“Training is not just a classroom … this can be done through a webinar, google hangout with the vp and even a the conference.”

-Shivani Sapra

“Training is not just a classroom … this can be done through a webinar, google hangout with the vp and even a the conference.”

-Shivani Sapra



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Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

Now, as a Team Leader how do I start the initial education process? Always, always refer to the competencies required and developed within the job description.

— What are the key skills, knowledge and attitude that someone would need to perform this JD to the best of their ability.

Hopefully you were part of the selection/ allocation process otherwise ask someone for the details - so now you can compare! What are the key knowledge/skills/attitude someone would need - what knowledge/ skills/ attitude has your new member displayed . Now make your initial education plan as a gap analysis of this.

What is the education my members need?

Operational Cycle Modules:

The operational cycle is a collection of theory-practice modules, designed to take members through a learning experience as qualitatively as possible while allowing them to convert this learning to performance in parallel.

Case Study:


Knowledge: What are the basics of your members Job Description that they need to know?

For Example: What is Exchange? What is the role of Exchange in AIESEC? What are the customer flows? What is Net Promoter Score?

Skills: What activities does your new member need to complete? What are the skills that can enable my member to perform this activity better?For Example:

I need to deliver a pitch for projects: Sales Skills I need to plan a project: Project Management Skills I need to contribute to the team: Team Management Skills

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Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

For Example: I need to achieve my goals: Attitude of achieving, striving for excellence

Attitude: What is the world/self perspective that your members need in order to be high performing and high developing?


What do I do next?

.Make a Plan.

Planning is important. So often many Team Leaders reach the end of their term realising that they never planned for the education of their teams and as a result operations or the team achievement suffered.

So how do I plan for my team education?





11 Education Plan must be based on the team plan.

Operations timeline should inform when you need to educate you team members. For example. Does it make sense to teach your members about promotions during matching time?

22 Needs Sensing should inform your plan.

As with any plan, your education plan should be dynamic and flexible. Need Sensing is your ability to see what is happening with your members that tells you where their education/ training is lacking or needs improvement.

You can do this through simple questions in a survey “What knowledge or skill gap is stopping you right now from doubling your performance” or assessing needed skills “Rate your sales skills out of 5”

Need Sensing through conversation or survey



make your first team education plan

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Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

After you identify the key educations/ trainings that need to be delivered you must ensure that these are placed within a plan/ output. Think about these questions that will help you plan.

What are the outputs (short-term results) and outcomes (long-term results) of the training? How will you measure it? How will you deliver the training? Are you using elements of the Global Learning Environment? Does the training need to be always in a session - can it be in a team meeting? When are these trainings happening and are they consistent with the operational timeline? Does my plan reflect all the answers to these questions?



Be part of activities and discussion which helps us to discover more and clarify our information


Team Leader

Guide your team through the different activities and conversations and enable their learning through mentoring.

Share your knowledge and stories and enable your own growth

Always be frequent in passing on information and have a frequent reminder of the previous session plus the assessment continued with a related topic on the current meeting to not forget nor get confused avoiding the lack of interest, The current topic too needs to be the bridge between the future and past sessions.

TRAINING33 Ensure the plan has an output

“Conferences have taught me a lot, it has given me an inner of the organization has helped me network and build more friends”

-Eklavya Shetty

“Conferences have taught me a lot, it has given me an inner of the organization has helped me network and build more friends”

-Eklavya Shetty

“Conferences have taught me a lot, it has given me an inner of the organization has helped me network and build more friends”

-Eklavya Shetty

& trickstipsfor training

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Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

“Google how to train someone” The one who uses google for everything is the one who’s learning the most. Google acts as the most prior way under outsourced education to train someone. Google can give thousands of way of training differently to different person.

Eg: You want to train someone on pitching skill use google to have some effective phrases lack in the pocket to strike on phrases back in the pocket to strike on the right point. How to keep conversation interesting? If we have access to knowledge provider like google, make full use of it.

It helps to check where we are lagging, how to improve, work on it. As a TL, how to improve, work on it. As a TL we can gain knowledge also and apply in the most efficient way”


“Google how to train someone” The one who uses google for everything is the one who’s learning the most. Google acts as the most prior way under outsourced education to train someone. Google can give thousands of way of training differently to different person.

Eg: You want to train someone on pitching skill use google to have some effective phrases lack in the pocket to strike on phrases back in the pocket to strike on the right point. How to keep conversation interesting? If we have access to knowledge provider like google, make full use of it.

It helps to check where we are lagging, how to improve, work on it. As a TL, how to improve, work on it. As a TL we can gain knowledge also and apply in the most efficient way”


“Google how to train someone” The one who uses google for everything is the one who’s learning the most. Google acts as the most prior way under outsourced education to train someone. Google can give thousands of way of training differently to different person.

Eg: You want to train someone on pitching skill use google to have some effective phrases lack in the pocket to strike on phrases back in the pocket to strike on the right point. How to keep conversation interesting? If we have access to knowledge provider like google, make full use of it.

It helps to check where we are lagging, how to improve, work on it. As a TL, how to improve, work on it. As a TL we can gain knowledge also and apply in the most efficient way”


“Google how to train someone” The one who uses google for everything is the one who’s learning the most. Google acts as the most prior way under outsourced education to train someone. Google can give thousands of way of training differently to different person.

Eg: You want to train someone on pitching skill use google to have some effective phrases lack in the pocket to strike on phrases back in the pocket to strike on the right point. How to keep conversation interesting? If we have access to knowledge provider like google, make full use of it.

It helps to check where we are lagging, how to improve, work on it. As a TL, how to improve, work on it. As a TL we can gain knowledge also and apply in the most efficient way”



ion st


Start now! Google how to train someone and do some basic research

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Initial Education: Transition/ Education Education Planning Conferences Outsourced Education

Outsourced EducationExternal references within your training: We’re not always experts for all the content we need to deliver during training and in order to deliver the best content it is important to leverage off external references. Why? Make your point catchy. Ensure members understand it from various points of view. To spice things up - make it interesting.

Don’ts Overdo this. It might cause their

distraction from the gist of the topic. Show complicated videos or articles

like a 45 min TED-X video Do’s

Use relevant videos and articles Give a debrief after the content

Throughout our AIESEC journey we come across clients, alumnus and senior members who expertise in certain areas such as customer relationship management, on ground marketing etc. When training our members we should not use the contacts to help us train our members and acquire an outsider’s perspective.

For example, you could provide your members with sales training by having them call up alumnus or senior members and pitch them as potential clients. This way members would learn his areas of improvement and not affect potential customer flow.

Skype calls, webinars and team day meets with these individuals would help members to gain on outer perspective and it would also align with the personal goals members have joined AIESEC for. It acts as a resource.

-Amruta Sukumaran

External Mentors and Outsourced Education Case Study:


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KEY ACTIVITIES:Weekly Team Meeting

TRACKINGTracking is to ensure the implementation of the plan. It is based on the plan and also the Job Description.

It enables us to measure the success and productivity of our local entities, teams and members. Tracking also enables us to react and make good decision making if problems arise.


“In my previous department, trackers were made to keep the record of work done in which we were supposed to fill colours according to work done(green), Pending/in process(yellow), Not done (red). Also we were ought to fill a tracker regarding our personal goals and priorities for short term.”

- Anonymous

“In my previous department, trackers were made to keep the record of work done in which we were supposed to fill colours according to work done(green), Pending/in process(yellow), Not done (red). Also we were ought to fill a tracker regarding our personal goals and priorities for short term.”

- Anonymous

“In my previous department, trackers were made to keep the record of work done in which we were supposed to fill colours according to work done(green), Pending/in process(yellow), Not done (red). Also we were ought to fill a tracker regarding our personal goals and priorities for short term.”

- Anonymous

How do I make sure my members are performing?

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KEY ACTIVITIES:Weekly Team Meeting

what’s been happening recently in AIESEC “Till now, tracking was done by team leaders of TM department which subsequently faded their interest from work and subsequently from AIESEC. Now, I know tracking can be done efficiently, if team leaders are tracking their own respective team. This would help them to keep a track of their team’s productivity. Members should be solution oriented & their performance should be measured on their achievement”

Tracking SystemTracking of members productivity, activities and work is make much simpler through the use Tracking Systems.

Podio: It can help to centralise the whole tracking process so that any proper evaluation of membership growth can be done. Try using Podio more than just a survey tool. It’s team and workspace functions enable strong tracking and project management.

Google Documents: Google Documents are strong for priorities tracking and timeline tracking. It is also strong for a central system of your team’s activities, meeting minutes, documents etc.

No matter what system it is important to ensure you have a way to know who does what, where and when?


ion st


Open up Podio and make a workspace for your team! Create a google drive for your team documents

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Weekly Team Meeting

TRACKINGA system of follow up of every activity from attending a team meeting to attending national conference via pocket tracking. Pocket tracking will divide data which we want to track , Eg: tracking team minimums, different elements LDM, value generation, skill enhancement, which would be regularly updated in membership databank.

What is Pocket Tracking?

Case Study: • Break down the elements that need to be tracked reducing the amount of data to be filled at a time, thus helping to make tracking as a behaviour. • Prepare a tracker which includes progress of a member in a period of 10 days. • Strategize plans to improve productivity & take feedback from co-members on ill performing members. Parallel acknowledging membership who achieved something really worthwhile. • Have sessions in LTS, LC forum or departmental meetings to emphasise key points

Follow Up— With regular tracking we reach the point when we can understand each of our members more in terms of how to motivate, empower them and what each individual needs to be coached on.

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Weekly Team Meeting

Ensure that you understand that the weekly team meeting is not necessarily the place to tracking membership activities but rather activities that are contributing or still need to contribute to the overall progress of the team.

TRACKINGThe good and bad news about

team meetings


AIESEC India team members have indicated that the key area of improvement

for team leaders is how to hold effective team meetings.

the good news• All of was mentioned on the previous

page can be covered in one touch-point. The weekly team meeting.

• Find out more about effective team meetings in the TEAM chapter

• Meetings are a great way to communicate

• Meetings are empowering • Meetings develop knowledge and skills

the bad news• Meetings don’t have focus • Members attending the meeting are

unprepared • AIESEC has too many meetings • Most meeting times are wasted



Think about some of the best and worst team meetings you’ve attended. What was the main difference between them? Create your own do and don’ts for team meetings

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KEY ACTIVITIES:Monthly Individual Meeting

Coaching is to improve the competencies of your members. It looks forward to improve the implementation and attainment of goals. It is based on the plan and also on the Job Description and focuses on performance and connecting development with performance.

asking the right questions

What’s my role? leader? mentor? coach?

“ I believe coaching is like this. My member has been given a target of 20 raises in a month in oGCDP. Now, depending upon J.D his/her performance will be tracked to ensure proper implementation of plans is happening. In case if he/she fails to achieve the target, he/she might be demoralised, motivated and depressed. So, now we need to see what was the reason, he/she was unable to achieve his target.So, now accordingly coaching will be given so that his performance could be increased. Additionally he/she will start believing on himself which will eventually lead to his learning and development and boost his confidence.”

- Anonymous

“ I believe coaching is like this. My member has been given a target of 20 raises in a month in oGCDP. Now, depending upon J.D his/her performance will be tracked to ensure proper implementation of plans is happening. In case if he/she fails to achieve the target, he/she might be demoralised, motivated and depressed. So, now we need to see what was the reason, he/she was unable to achieve his target.So, now accordingly coaching will be given so that his performance could be increased. Additionally he/she will start believing on himself which will eventually lead to his learning and development and boost his confidence.”

- Anonymous

“ I believe coaching is like this. My member has been given a target of 20 raises in a month in oGCDP. Now, depending upon J.D his/her performance will be tracked to ensure proper implementation of plans is happening. In case if he/she fails to achieve the target, he/she might be demoralised, motivated and depressed. So, now we need to see what was the reason, he/she was unable to achieve his target.So, now accordingly coaching will be given so that his performance could be increased. Additionally he/she will start believing on himself which will eventually lead to his learning and development and boost his confidence.”

- Anonymous

“ I believe coaching is like this. My member has been given a target of 20 raises in a month in oGCDP. Now, depending upon J.D his/her performance will be tracked to ensure proper implementation of plans is happening. In case if he/she fails to achieve the target, he/she might be demoralised, motivated and depressed. So, now we need to see what was the reason, he/she was unable to achieve his target.So, now accordingly coaching will be given so that his performance could be increased. Additionally he/she will start believing on himself which will eventually lead to his learning and development and boost his confidence.”

- Anonymous

“ I believe coaching is like this. My member has been given a target of 20 raises in a month in oGCDP. Now, depending upon J.D his/her performance will be tracked to ensure proper implementation of plans is happening. In case if he/she fails to achieve the target, he/she might be demoralised, motivated and depressed. So, now we need to see what was the reason, he/she was unable to achieve his target.So, now accordingly coaching will be given so that his performance could be increased. Additionally he/she will start believing on himself which will eventually lead to his learning and development and boost his confidence.”

- Anonymous


AIESEC India team members have

indicated that the key area of

improvement for team leaders is having monthly coaching chats

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KEY ACTIVITIES:Monthly Individual Meeting

odelling and Equipping is a very simple model for how coaching can be taken forward by you.

asking the right questions

your coachingcheat sheetM

1. I do it 2. I do it and you are with me 3. You do it and I am with you 4. You do it 5. You do it and someone is with


Competence Demonstration Coaching Empowerment Reproduction

in simple terms..Assessment. This is about asking the right questions to your team member.

Where is this person now and where do they want to go? Your questions and assessment will aid your members to develop self-awareness and insight towards themselves and their role.

Challenge. This step is about challenging them towhere they need improvement to better manifest and further develop their strengths. Push your members to think outside the box, look for more solutions, challenge their assumptions about themselves. Challenging them doesn’t just need to come from you, support the challenge with resources, conferences, books, videos that can enable their personal growth.

Support. You are pushing people outside of theircomfort zone. Are you just doing this for higher performance or do you care about your members? How will members feel your support and know that you are listening?

Why coaching? Coaching helps us to improve competencies of our membership. It helps us in improving performance of our members which in turn leads to improvement of learning and development of our membership.

everything that you need to know about coaching

let’s look at these in more detail…

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KEY ACTIVITIES:Monthly Individual Meeting

COACHINGModelling and Equipping

1. I do it 2. I do it and you are with me 3. You do it and I am with you 4. You do it 5. You do it and someone is

with you

Competence Demonstration Coaching Empowerment Reproduction

This simple process of modelling and equipping enables you to be with your team members and guide them through to success. For example you have a member who is truly struggling at sales - especially at meetings. 1. I do it - I go to the meeting and debrief you

after and you watch and learn through me doing the taks.

2. I do it and you are with me - I go to the meeting with you and we handle the meeting together. You are able to see more of the process and understand more through observation and small participation.

3. You do it and I am with you - You go to the meeting and I tag along to as a back up.

4. You do it - there is no longer a need for me to go with you. You are strong enough to handle it. I don’t even need to check I just expect you to come and tell me the result individually or in the meeting.

5. You do it and someone is with you - you replicate this entire process with another person to pass along the sales culture, skills and attitudes to another as a ‘pay it forward’

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KEY ACTIVITIES:Monthly Individual Meeting

There are three elements in coaching that enable a team leader to drive leadership development in others.

1.Assessment This step is about asking the right questions about your team member. For example: Pick a person you are currently leading and looking forward to develop into a leader. Ask yourself: A. Where does this person seem to be failing? B. Where are these person’s blind spots?


asking the right questions

C. What does my intuition is ‘off ’ in this person’s thinking?

D. Why is this person not transforming his/her potential into performance?

E. Who might be leading this person in the wrong direction?

F. When does this person do well and excel? G. When does this person stumble? H. What telltale clues can I find that give me insight

into where this person needs helps? I. Where is this person’s sweet spot?

Page 39: Ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader

KEY ACTIVITIES:Monthly Individual Meeting

2.Challenge This step is about challenging them to where they need improvement to better manifest and further develop their strengths. Ask Yourself: A. Which books or resources can you

recommend this person? How can you find proper recommendations for this person?

3.Support Support as a team leader in AIESEC is not just about ‘How to get more performance’ but it is also about supporting them throughout their life difficulties and their leadership difficulties.

A. Do you care about this person as a person? What he/she is going through? (After all, it is difficult for someone to make the most out of their leadership experience if the rest of their life is a wreck!)

B. Do you know this person’s story? C. How can you support this person to use his/her

leadership experience as a tool for self-expression?


B. How can you increase the level of challenge for this person to further develop strengths

C. What practices can you recommend to enhance character

D. How can you move from supervisory meetings to mentoring conversations?

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Monthly Individual Meeting

Monthly Individual Meeting

Make sure each monthly chat is a follow up from the previous month’s chat and it is a continuous flow but also addressing current issues. You can’t coach someone you don’t trust/ who doesn’t trust you

All of the above mentioned are topics that can be covered in your monthly individual meeting.

Your members might not have an objective for the monthly chat - but you do, so make sure you prepare your content for the chat.Your monthly individual meeting doesn’t need to be so formal, rather it can be a casual conversation over coffee and tea.

Giving FeedbackFeedback is a necessary part for member retention and better productivity. So the team leader(after a particular time period) must also ask the team members for feedbacks which might help in the team plans becoming stronger and the bond to connect even stronger. If the member doesn’t seem growing in the work that he has been assigned to, or if he isn’t liking what he is doing. The responsibility of the leader is to make sure the member grows and can also shift to the place which would benefit him as well as the department. NOTE: An important suggestion: the team leaders also might keep a record of each and every member(on paper or documented) and might show him the parts where he is growing to build self confidence in the team member.

• Build a connect with your members

• See where he/she can improve

• Appreciate if they have done something good

& trickstips for coaching

& trickstips

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One way to improve the performance of your members: Reflection & Evaluation

Monthly tracking of performance & feedback Quarterly Team Days Rewards and Recognition

Performance Appraisal to assess performance and organisational contribution to Measures of Success. Assessing an individual’s development through the achievement of personal goals and development of leadership qualities.

evaluationnot a tool for judgement

The Evaluation period starts as soon as team member gets his own job description and starts working. As a team leader you should be able to understand what your team members are doing to an extent that you can give remarks and feedback.

In School you have an exam at the end of the year that evaluates your grade and school performance, the question is: what do you want to use as a team leader?

Remember: The purpose of the evaluation is to be update on his or her growth, performance and development but not for the purposes of ‘judging’ or ‘comparing’ people.

After all there is a reason why people prefer the learning environment of AIESEC over schools.

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Monthly tracking of performance & feedback Quarterly Team Days Rewards and Recognition

ReflectionMembers should be able to identify the things that they can improve on and also the mistakes that can be prevented from repeating.

Depending on a member’s reflection a member can try and make changes in his actions and goals. The team leader has to be with the member during the entire journey to make sure they are supported and learning

“You never make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it’s not longer a mistake, it is a choice”

- Lauren Conrad

A useful tool..The Performance Appraisal is used to assess performance and organisational contribution to Measures of Success. Assessing an individual’s development through the achievement of personal goals and development of leadership qualities.

One way to improve the performance of your members: Reflection & Evaluation

Once the member is evaluated he or she should be able to understand more about themselves - their strengths, weaknesses and areas of development.

Another useful tool..Standard performance measures, which allow you to evaluate an member’s performance objectively, can cut down on the amount of time and stress involved in the evaluation.

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Monthly tracking of performance & feedback Quarterly Team Days Rewards and Recognition

Although developing these measures can be one of the more time-consuming parts of creating a performance evaluation system, it’s also one of the most powerful. This is what you can use for your monthly tracking of performance and feedback If you have current job descriptions for each position, already the first step toward creating standard performance measures is taken, which are essentially specific quantity and quality goals attached to the tasks listed in a job description.

Case Study: Examples of a Local Committee tracking performance measures- Accumulate all the available trackers - Prepare a target vs achieved report - Include names of the member who have done

exceptionally well to encourage them and motivate others

- Make a Business Intelligence report that exactly points out the impact of the department on the entire LC

- Include the growth graph that compares the previous month and current month

- Draw proper inferences (in terms of numbers) - Quantitative analysis of department stats and

quantities representation of each member’s contribution (KPIs and MOS achieved)

One way to improve the performance of your members: Reflection & Evaluation

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Monthly tracking of performance & feedback Quarterly Team Days Rewards and Recognition

Case Study: Feedback from Colleagues and FamilyTaking feedback of member from other members, Vice Presidents , Team Leaders and family members after a certain period of time in terms of: • Behaviour • Attitude towards people around • The way he/she looks at different situations and

people • Impact he/she is generating on others • How much he/she has improved work wise

(attitude towards work) • Experience gained

Did you know team meetings can be used for evaluation and reflection? At the start of each meeting have a 5-15 minute check in about your emotional state/ key learnings of the week.

At the end of a meeting you can have a 5-15 minute check out about your emotional state, how you feel about the team, how you feel about your performance etc. Minutes of a corporate meeting can be used to analyse the flow of the meeting and understand the point where one went wrong. This could be used to reflect and improve the content and delivery next time.

Example: Suppose you are meeting a company, minutes of such an appointment will help you analyse where exactly you may have gone wrong and also find the key points that the company actually liked about your product and your pitch.

These points can be used by other members as an example about what to do and what not to.

One way to improve the performance of your members: Reflection & Evaluation

& trickstipshow to use your team

meetings for reflection

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Monthly tracking of performance & feedback Quarterly Team Days Rewards and Recognition

Quarterly Team DaysTeam days per quarter can be used to showcase the results of each member’s performance in the respective department, recognise the hardworking members, give space for self reflection and help the Team Leader to determine a development plan for improving job performance and ability utilisation.

A team day would proceed with each member looking up to each other and their development and so the member would evaluate himself on the development basis, per month, followed by the member’s by the member reflecting upon himself and where he stands.

One way to improve the performance of your members: Reflection & Evaluation

“Talking from personal experience, my LC came up with an RNR campaign when I was a team member which gave all of us the required push.

the most performing department would get recognized and rewarded at a local conference and the most performing member gets a free winter internship in Sri Lanka.

This was a very lucrative RNR and it boosted the LC operations tremendously and created a healthy competition between all the members and the department.”

- Anonymous

“Talking from personal experience, my LC came up with an RNR campaign when I was a team member which gave all of us the required push.

the most performing department would get recognized and rewarded at a local conference and the most performing member gets a free winter internship in Sri Lanka.

This was a very lucrative RNR and it boosted the LC operations tremendously and created a healthy competition between all the members and the department.”

- Anonymous

“Talking from personal experience, my LC came up with an RNR campaign when I was a team member which gave all of us the required push.

the most performing department would get recognized and rewarded at a local conference and the most performing member gets a free winter internship in Sri Lanka.

This was a very lucrative RNR and it boosted the LC operations tremendously and created a healthy competition between all the members and the department.”

- Anonymous

“Talking from personal experience, my LC came up with an RNR campaign when I was a team member which gave all of us the required push.

the most performing department would get recognized and rewarded at a local conference and the most performing member gets a free winter internship in Sri Lanka.

This was a very lucrative RNR and it boosted the LC operations tremendously and created a healthy competition between all the members and the department.”

- Anonymous



Create your quarterly team day agenda

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Monthly tracking of performance & feedback Quarterly Team Days Rewards and Recognition

four ways to rock employee recognition

Rewards and RecognitionRewards and recognition are a very important part of member development and retention because if not received member will lose interest and the will to work as they lose the motivation to work towards any set goal. Think about RnR campaigns but also causal but genuine individual recognition within teams.

One way to improve the performance of your members: Reflection & Evaluation

be in the moment! be timely. If you see something good - don’t hesitate, recognise!

be in context! see what is your team purpose and plan - if an employee is doing things that matter, recognise!

be appropriate! how are you recognising being on time versus completing a major project? Be fair and appropriate

be authentic! you have to mean it - people will see through inauthenticity and it will do more harm than good.



Who would you like recognise this week? Send them a message now (:

Page 47: Ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader

…ENDING NOTES, a message from the team leaders of aiesec india

not to spoil the ending for you, but you will figure it out.

make this book a top secret of your top performance

the team leader experience awaits you

Page 48: Ceo ultimate guide to being a team leader

written by team leaders for team leaders