cepc detectorias.ust.hk/program/shared_doc/2017/201701hep/hep... · ias program on high energy...

CEPC Detector Status & Tasks for CDR Yuanning Gao (Tsinghua University) IAS Program on High Energy Physics, HKUST, 4-29 Jan 2016 On Behalf of the CEPC-SppC Study group

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OnBehalfoftheCEPC-SppC Studygroup




Activities- Program- Conference

- White Papers

Past HEP Programs- 2015

- 2016




Information for Visitors

Contact Us

Program Schedule

Updated as 20 January 2017

Dates: 9-26 January 2017

Venue: HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee ShauKee Campus, HKUST

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 (Conference Week)

Week 1

Date Time Venue Event

9 Jan (Mon) 09:00-18:00 IAS2042(2/F)

[Special Event] "Gravitational Cosmology" Meeting (Details)

11 Jan (Wed) 10:30-12:00 IAS2042(2/F)

Talk: "An Overview on Weak Gravity Conjecture"William Cottrell (University of Wisconsin - Madison)(Click here for presentation file)

14:00-15:30 Talk: "Physics of Cosmological Collider"Yi Wang (The Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology)(Click here for presentation file)

12 Jan (Thu) 10:30-12:00 IAS2042(2/F)

Talk: "Top-tagging at the Energy Frontier"Minho Son (Korea Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology)(Click here for presentation file)

14:00-15:30 Talk: "Higgs Precision and Top Quark EFT constraints atCEPC"Zhen Liu (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)(Click here for presentation file)

13 Jan (Fri) 10:30-12:00 IAS2042(2/F)

Talk: "The 2nd Hyper-Kamiokande Detector in Korea"Seon-Hee Seo (Seoul National University)(Click here for presentation file)

14:00-15:30 Talk: "Calorimeter Technologies for Future Colliders"Peter Loch (University of Arizona)(Click here for presentation file)

Week 2

Date Time Venue Event

16 Jan (Mon) 10:30-12:00 IAS2042(2/F)

Talk: "R&D with the Prototype of TPC for the FutureMachines"Serguei Ganjour (CEA-Saclay) (Click here for presentation file)

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• Performancerequests• StatusandgoalsfordetectorR&D• Urgenttasks• PlanforCDR• Summary





e+� e-�

e+ e- Linac (240m)�


CEPC Collider Ring(50Km)�



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• Baseline- 10#𝐻 @240GeV- 10&'(&&𝑍 @~91GeV- 10#(*𝑊,𝑊( @~160GeV

(w/beamenergymeasurement)• Upgradephases(optional)

- high luminosityZ-polephysics,10-.(-# cm-2s-1

- polarizedbeam(s)forZ,W- 𝑡𝑡̅ at~350GeV- …

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• Thedetectordesigncouldbenefitfrom20+years’world-widestudiesforILC

• Performancerequests:

➣ extremelygoodspaceresolution➣ lowmaterialbudget

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• Vertexing– ~1/5rbeampipe,~1/30pixelsize(wrt LHC)

• Tracking– ~1/6material,~1/10resolution(wrt LHC)

• Jetenergy(Higgsself-coupling,W/Zseparation)– ~1/2resolution(wrt LHC)

3/ 25 10 / sinip m m ps µ µ q= Å

5(1/ ) 5 10 /GeVps -= ´

/ 0.3/ ( )GeVE E Es =

(h → bb ,cc ,τ +τ−)

(e+e− → Zh→ +−X; incl. h→ nothing)

or better

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• Thedetectordesigncouldbenefitfrom20+years’world-widestudiesforILC

• Performancerequests:

➣ precisetracking,lowX0

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• Thedetectordesigncouldbenefitfrom20+years’world-widestudiesforILC

• Performancerequests:

➣ high granularitycalorimeters➣ ParticleFlowAlgorithm(PFA)➣ lessdemandingwrt ILCdetectors

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• ILD-like design asareferenceforfeasibilitystudies

- NewMDIdesign with ashorterL*=1.5m- Siliconpixelvertexdetector,striptrackers- TPCasmaintrackingdevice- Bfield3.5T- Veryhighgranularity


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• Notsoobviousthechallengingissuescouldberesolved…

• beamstructure- detectorcooling- vertexdetectorreadout- ionfeedbackinTPC

• Zpole- eventrate(<1kHz)- hermeticity ?- 𝜋/𝐾 separation?

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• Exploretechnologiesforeachsub-detectorcouldreachtheperformancerequests:ILDisjustareference

• StartingcriticalR&DlistedinPreCDR

• Meanwhile keep inmindthemachinehasnotbeenfullydefinedyet…

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VertexdetectorR&D:StatusandPlan• R&Dtarget:stillnotreachtherequest,1st step

• CMOSPixelsensor(CPS)

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VertexdetectorR&D:StatusandPlan• 1stCPSprototypedesign

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VertexdetectorR&D:StatusandPlan• 2ndCPSprototypedesign

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TPCstudies:StatusandPlan• Target

- understandtheeffectofionfeedback- GEM+Micromegas tosuppressionbackflow(0.1%)

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TPCstudies:StatusandPlan• Target

- understandtheeffectofionfeedback- GEM+Micromegas tosuppressionbackflow(0.1%)

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TPCstudies:StatusandPlan• Preliminaryresultsfromsimulationstudies

- ionbacksuppressionto0.1%ispossibleà beamtestin2017-2018withGEM+Micromegas module

- occupancyisverylowevenforZ-pole- distortionbyionsacceptableupto10-4cm-2s-1

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Calorimeters:StatusandPlan• CALICEstudies

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• MDIiscrucialforCEPC.AdesignofMDIreliesonthedesignofthemachine.


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• Physics@Zà EWphjysics basedon10&'(&& Z

vs.10&5 Z(FCC-ee studies)à flavorphysics

• Beamenergymeasurementà beamdepolarizationatZ,Wà at240GeV?

• Anythingelse?

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• Byinternationalcollaboration!

• 1st draftbyend2017

• OptimizationbasedonILD-likedesignasareference

• Develop2+concepts?- fullsilicontracking- driftchamber+dualreadoutcoppercalorimeter

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R&D‘SonPhysicsandKeyTechnologiesforHighEnergyElectron-PositronCircularCollider• 2016.07-2021.06• 36MRMB• AcceleratorPhysics&colliderdesign 3.88• Keyacceleratortechnologies 11.60• Simulation&detectordesign 5.24• Keydetectortechnologies 15.28


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• ProgrammadeafterthePreCDR- R&Donkeytechnologies- needmoreeffortsonMDI(afterthemachinedesign?)- Physics@Z/W,beamenergymeasurementstobestudied


• PlanforCDR- develop/collect(new)ideasfor2+detectorconcepts- criticalR&D

• CEPCisaninternationalproject,youareallwelcometojoinus!

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Day2 Day3
