cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional …cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional...

Brain and Language 96 (2006) 221–234 www.elsevier.com/locate/b&l 0093-934X/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2005.04.007 Cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional prosody in speech Marc D. Pell ¤ McGill University, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, 1266 ave. des Pins ouest, Montréal, Que., Canada H3G 1A8 Accepted 20 April 2005 Available online 23 May 2005 Abstract Hemispheric contributions to the processing of emotional speech prosody were investigated by comparing adults with a focal lesion involving the right (n D 9) or left (n D 11) hemisphere and adults without brain damage (n D 12). Participants listened to seman- tically anomalous utterances in three conditions (discrimination, identiWcation, and rating) which assessed their recognition of Wve prosodic emotions under the inXuence of diVerent task- and response-selection demands. Findings revealed that right- and left-hemi- spheric lesions were associated with impaired comprehension of prosody, although possibly for distinct reasons: right-hemisphere compromise produced a more pervasive insensitivity to emotive features of prosodic stimuli, whereas left-hemisphere damage yielded greater diYculties interpreting prosodic representations as a code embedded with language content. 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Emotion; Prosody; Speech; Laterality; Brain-damaged; Patient study; Sentence processing; Social cognitive neuroscience 1. Introduction Accumulating data from a variety of sources aYrm that the right hemisphere in humans is critical to func- tions for understanding emotional prosody—the melodic and rhythmic components of speech that listeners use to gain insight into a speaker’s emotive disposition. These data exemplify a right-lateralized response to emotional prosody during dichotic listening (Grimshaw, Kwasny, Covell, & Johnson, 2003; Ley & Bryden, 1982) and dur- ing recording of event-related brain potentials (Pihan, Altenmuller, Hertrich, & Ackermann, 2000). Frequent reports also indicate a relative increase in hemodynamic Xow in the right hemisphere during tasks of judging emotional prosody (Buchanan et al., 2000; Gandour et al., 2003; George et al., 1996; Mitchell, Elliott, Barry, Cruttenden, & WoodruV, 2003). Finally, many adults with focal right cerebrovascular lesions are known to exhibit impaired behavioral responses to the emotional features of prosody in speech (Blonder, Bowers, & Heil- man, 1991; Breitenstein, Daum, & Ackermann, 1998; Heilman, Bowers, Speedie, & Coslett, 1984; Pell, 1998; Ross, 1981; Wunderlich, Ziegler, & Geigenberger, 2003). Current research is exploring whether a right-sided advantage for emotional prosody is directed by the func- tional status of emotional cue sequences as meaningful, non-linguistic entities (Bowers, Bower, & Heilman, 1993; Gandour et al., 2003; Van Lancker, 1980), by preferred auditory processing characteristics of the right hemi- sphere (Meyer, Alter, Friederici, Lohmann, & von Cra- mon, 2002; Meyer, Steinhauer, Alter, Friederici, & von Cramon, 2004; Poppel, 2003; Zatorre, Belin, & Penhune, 2002), or perhaps both perceptual (bottom-up) and func- tional (top-down) properties of prosodic displays (Pell, 1998; Pihan et al., 2000; Sidtis & Van Lancker Sidtis, 2003). While there is little debate about the right hemi- sphere’s central involvement in decoding emotional prosody, most researchers regard right-hemisphere structures as part of a distributed and bilateral neural * Fax: +1 514 398 8123. E-mail address: [email protected].

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Page 1: Cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional …Cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional prosody in speech Marc D. Pell ¤ McGill University, School of Communication Sciences

Brain and Language 96 (2006) 221–234


Cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional prosody in speech

Marc D. Pell ¤

McGill University, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, 1266 ave. des Pins ouest, Montréal, Que., Canada H3G 1A8

Accepted 20 April 2005Available online 23 May 2005


Hemispheric contributions to the processing of emotional speech prosody were investigated by comparing adults with a focallesion involving the right (n D 9) or left (n D 11) hemisphere and adults without brain damage (n D 12). Participants listened to seman-tically anomalous utterances in three conditions (discrimination, identiWcation, and rating) which assessed their recognition of Wveprosodic emotions under the inXuence of diVerent task- and response-selection demands. Findings revealed that right- and left-hemi-spheric lesions were associated with impaired comprehension of prosody, although possibly for distinct reasons: right-hemispherecompromise produced a more pervasive insensitivity to emotive features of prosodic stimuli, whereas left-hemisphere damage yieldedgreater diYculties interpreting prosodic representations as a code embedded with language content. 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Emotion; Prosody; Speech; Laterality; Brain-damaged; Patient study; Sentence processing; Social cognitive neuroscience

1. Introduction

Accumulating data from a variety of sources aYrmthat the right hemisphere in humans is critical to func-tions for understanding emotional prosody—the melodicand rhythmic components of speech that listeners use togain insight into a speaker’s emotive disposition. Thesedata exemplify a right-lateralized response to emotionalprosody during dichotic listening (Grimshaw, Kwasny,Covell, & Johnson, 2003; Ley & Bryden, 1982) and dur-ing recording of event-related brain potentials (Pihan,Altenmuller, Hertrich, & Ackermann, 2000). Frequentreports also indicate a relative increase in hemodynamicXow in the right hemisphere during tasks of judgingemotional prosody (Buchanan et al., 2000; Gandouret al., 2003; George et al., 1996; Mitchell, Elliott, Barry,Cruttenden, & WoodruV, 2003). Finally, many adultswith focal right cerebrovascular lesions are known to

* Fax: +1 514 398 8123.E-mail address: [email protected].

0093-934X/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2005.04.007

exhibit impaired behavioral responses to the emotionalfeatures of prosody in speech (Blonder, Bowers, & Heil-man, 1991; Breitenstein, Daum, & Ackermann, 1998;Heilman, Bowers, Speedie, & Coslett, 1984; Pell, 1998;Ross, 1981; Wunderlich, Ziegler, & Geigenberger, 2003).Current research is exploring whether a right-sidedadvantage for emotional prosody is directed by the func-tional status of emotional cue sequences as meaningful,non-linguistic entities (Bowers, Bower, & Heilman, 1993;Gandour et al., 2003; Van Lancker, 1980), by preferredauditory processing characteristics of the right hemi-sphere (Meyer, Alter, Friederici, Lohmann, & von Cra-mon, 2002; Meyer, Steinhauer, Alter, Friederici, & vonCramon, 2004; Poppel, 2003; Zatorre, Belin, & Penhune,2002), or perhaps both perceptual (bottom-up) and func-tional (top-down) properties of prosodic displays (Pell,1998; Pihan et al., 2000; Sidtis & Van Lancker Sidtis,2003).

While there is little debate about the right hemi-sphere’s central involvement in decoding emotionalprosody, most researchers regard right-hemispherestructures as part of a distributed and bilateral neural

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system engaged during the processing of emotionallyladen speech (Adolphs, Damasio, & Tranel, 2002; Gan-dour et al., 2004; Kotz et al., 2003; Sidtis & Van LanckerSidtis, 2003). This view reXects a growing consensus thatthe right hemisphere’s participation in emotional pros-ody constitutes a relative rather than an absolute domi-nance in this processing domain (Friederici & Alter,2004; Pell, 1998; Pell & Baum, 1997; Pihan et al., 2000).As such, eVorts to document the relationship betweenthe right hemisphere and complementary regions withina brain network for understanding emotional prosodyare concurrently underway. For example, based ongrowing evidence that the basal ganglia and/or fronto-striatal pathways serve an important role in interpretingemotional prosody (Blonder, Gur, & Gur, 1989; Breiten-stein et al., 1998; Cancelliere & Kertesz, 1990; Kotz et al.,2003; Pell, 1996), Pell and Leonard (2003) have proposedthat the basal ganglia (striatum) is necessary for promot-ing the salience of long-term prosodic variations in speech,owing to the sequential nature of this decoding. As envi-sioned, this subcortical mechanism acts to potentiateassociative functions at the cortical level which derive aninterpretation of emotional cue sequences in prosody (seealso Meyer et al., 2004, for a related suggestion).

In addition to subcortical contributions, corticalregions of the left hemisphere are likely to share theresponsibility of retrieving meaningful information fromemotional cues in speech. This claim is substantiated bynumerous clinical group studies that have reported deW-cits in the ability to judge emotional prosody in adultswith focal left-hemisphere lesions and aphasia (Adolphset al., 2002; Breitenstein et al., 1998; Cancelliere & Ker-tesz, 1990; Charbonneau, Scherzer, Aspirot, & Cohen,2003; Kucharska-Pietura, Phillips, Gernand, & David,2003; Pell, 1998; Schlanger, Schlanger, & Gerstman,1976; Seron, Van der Kaa, Vanderlinden, Remits, &Feyereisen, 1982; Tompkins & Flowers, 1985; Van Lanc-ker & Sidtis, 1992). Functional neuroimaging studiesalso commonly describe bilateral left- and right-hemi-sphere areas of activation during the perception of emo-tional tone (Buchanan et al., 2000; Gandour et al., 2003;Imaizumi et al., 1997; Kotz et al., 2003; Mitchell et al.,2003; Wildgruber et al., 2004; Wildgruber, Pihan, Acker-mann, Erb, & Grodd, 2002). While the clinical researchimplies that emotional prosody comprehension is notalways disturbed in patients with left (Blonder et al.,1991; Heilman et al., 1984) and sometimes right (Pell &Baum, 1997) hemisphere lesions, the bulk of the Wndingsnonetheless argue that left and right cortical regionsshare the burden of extracting meaning from emotionaltone in speech. However, descriptions of the inter-hemi-spheric dynamics that characterize this form of informa-tion processing are still under-developed.

For the most part, the left hemisphere’s contributionto emotional speech processing has been viewed as inde-pendent of (mostly right lateralized) functions which

conduct an emotional analysis of prosodic features;rather, these left-sided contributions are typically char-acterized as a product of “eVort allocation” during pros-ody tasks, possibly attributable to linguistic processingdemands evoked by experimental stimuli and/or explicittask parameters when judging prosody (Friederici &Alter, 2004; Gandour et al., 2003; Karow, Marquardt, &Marshall, 2001; Kotz et al., 2003; Mitchell et al., 2003;Wunderlich et al., 2003). These ideas imply a more inte-grative function for the left hemisphere which may beinstrumental to combine the products of emotion- orpitch-related processes for prosody in the right hemi-sphere, with the products of verbal–semantic processeswhich rely on perisylvian regions of the left hemisphere(e.g., see Friederici & Alter, 2004 for a recent model).

In our attempts to elucidate hemispheric contribu-tions to emotional prosody, there are signs that diVer-ences in task parameters and/or experimental designmay be promoting some confusion in this literature.Current knowledge of prosody–brain relationships islargely derived from studies which have selectivelyadministered one of several perceptual judgement tasksfor evaluating underlying abilities; these judgements tapthe ability to discriminate emotion features of prosodyfrom paired events (emotion discrimination), to identifythe emotional meaning of prosodic cues in reference to acorresponding verbal label or facial expression (emotionidentiWcation), or to execute a graded judgement about aprosodic stimulus along meaningful emotional dimen-sions such as valence or intensity (emotion rating). Sev-eral researchers have highlighted that the ability toexecute prosodic judgements varies for left- and right-brain-damaged patients if one examines these abilities inmultiple and distinct processing environments whichnaturally vary incidental task-processing requirements(Denes, Caldognetto, Semenza, Vagges, & Zettin, 1984;Kucharska-Pietura et al., 2003; Tompkins, 1991; Tomp-kins & Flowers, 1985). For example, Tompkins andFlowers (1985) required LHD and RHD patients to dis-criminate and then identify the meaning of emotionalprosody from an increasing set of response alternatives;they concluded that LH involvement was largely indexedby their four-choice emotional identiWcation task whichhad the greatest “verbal-associative task demands” (i.e.,elevated demands to associate prosodic cues with verbalinformation in the form of emotion “labels”; see relatedpatient data by (Charbonneau et al., 2003)). The inXu-ence of task parameters was also underscored recently toexplain lateralized brain responses to emotional prosodyusing ERP’s and functional MRI (Kotz et al., 2003;Pihan et al., 2000; Plante, Creusere, & Sabin, 2002).These investigations imply that diVerent emotional pros-ody tasks and associated demands may be coloring howwe characterize the relationship of the right and lefthemispheres in this processing, and that further compar-ison of the major task processing contexts for inferring

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hemispheric contributions to emotional prosody decod-ing is warranted.

Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate howLHD, RHD, and healthy control (HC) participants areable to discriminate, identify, and rate the emotionalmeanings of prosody when the number of emotionalresponse categories and the speciWc items across tasklevels were highly controlled. This approach will permita relatively comprehensive test of whether RHD and/orLHD patients present basic diYculties in associatingprosodic stimuli with their underlying emotional mean-ings in three related but distinct processing environ-ments, potentially revealing whether explicit taskparameters are important in characterizing hemi-spheric contributions to aspects of emotional prosodydecoding. Although there was no Wrm way to establishwhich of our three prosody judgement tasks was more“diYcult” in general processing terms, available litera-ture indicates that emotion identiWcation—whichimposes a relatively high burden on concurrent abili-ties for verbal processing and association, as well asstorage—should be more demanding for many brain-(particularly left-hemisphere-) damaged adults thanemotion discrimination (Charbonneau et al., 2003; Pell& Leonard, 2003; Tompkins & Flowers, 1985) andprobably than emotion rating. Although few research-ers have examined the capacity of brain-damagedlisteners to rate prosodic cues in reference to a pre-determined emotional meaning (Adolphs et al., 2002;Geigenberger & Ziegler, 2001), this task is likely to mit-igate certain working memory constraints and verbal-associative demands at the response selection stage(Pell & Leonard, 2003), and as such, oVers the potentialto index relatively subtle deWcits in emotional process-ing for our two brain-damaged groups, if indeed pres-ent. The possibility of emotion-speciWc deWcits onjudgements of emotional prosody following left- orright-hemisphere lesions, although poorly supported inthe present literature, was also monitored in our diVer-ent task conditions.

2. Method

2.1. Subjects

Three groups of right-handed, English-speakingadults were studied. Two participant groups had suVereda single, thromboembolic event resulting in lesion of theright (n D 9) or left (n D 11) hemisphere of the brain. Athird group was composed of healthy, normally agingadults without neurological damage (n D 12) who wereentered into the study to match demographic character-istics of the patient groups. Right-hemisphere-damagedand left-hemisphere-damaged participants wererecruited from Montreal-area rehabilitation centres,

whereas participants in the healthy control group wererecruited from the community through local advertise-ments. Participants in the three groups were roughlycomparable in age (HC: M D 66.3 § 9.5; RHD:M D 64.2 § 16.6; LHD: M D 62.0 § 13.4), years of formaleducation (HC: M D 14.3 § 2.4; RHD: M D 11.9 § 1.5;LHD: M D 12.9 § 3.7), and in the ratio of male to femaleparticipants (HC: 6:6; RHD D 4:5, LHD D 5:6). DiVer-ences in age [F (2, 29) D 0.32, p D .73] and education[F (2,29) D 1.92, p D .16] were not statistically signiWcantacross the three groups. All patient and control subjectspassed a puretone audiometric screening prior to thestudy to ensure acceptable hearing thresholds at fre-quencies important to speech intelligibility (minimum35 db HL at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz, in the better ear).

Table 1 summarizes the clinical proWle of individualswithin the LHD and RHD groups. For each RHD andLHD participant, the occurrence and origin of unilate-ral hemispheric lesion was conWrmed by the residingneurologist following CT or MRI scan and behav-ioural testing; all details about lesion location wereobtained by the investigators, whenever available, frommedical records at the rehabilitation centre. Unilaterallesion was also conWrmed by the presence of corre-sponding neurologic signs such as contralateral hemi-paresis and aphasia (consult Table 1). Two RHDparticipants (R5 and R6) but no LHD participantexhibited contralateral visual neglect following admin-istration of the Behavioral Inattention Test (Wilson,Cockburn, & Halligan, 1987). The nature of languageimpairment in each LHD participant with respect toseverity and “Xuency” of aphasia was determined by anexperienced Speech–language pathologist followingadministration of the Boston Diagnostic AphasiaExam (Goodglass, Kaplan, & Barresi, 2001). To ensurethat no participant would have basic diYculties follow-ing detailed task instructions, individuals in the LHDgroup were constrained to those who averaged abovethe 80th percentile in combined Auditory Comprehen-sion subtests of the BDAE. Evidence of multi-focaldamage, implication of the brainstem/cerebellum, theexistence of past or current, major neurological condi-tions (including psychiatric illness), moderate-to-severeimpairment in auditory language comprehension, or ahistory of substance abuse served as exclusionary crite-ria during patient recruitment. Participants in thecontrol group were also questioned by the examiners torule out a possible history of major neurologic or psy-chiatric disease. All patients were studied in thechronic stage of their stroke (minimum 1 year post-onset), which varied for individual participants withinthe RHD (M D 5.3 years § 2.7, range D 1.0–10.9) andLHD (M D 6.4 years § 3.6, range D 1.9–13.7) groups,although the mean post-onset of participants in the twopatient groups did not statistically diVer [t (18) D 0.78,p D .44].

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Neuropsychological background tests were adminis-tered to supply a context for understanding the results ofemotional prosody tasks. To ensure that participantsunderstood verbal labels of the Wve emotions evaluatedin our prosody tasks and could interpret these emotionsfrom other forms of communicative stimuli, each subjectlistened to a series of verbal scenarios (10 trials) or werepresented static facial expressions (40 trials, Pell, 2002)for identiWcation of the emotion conveyed. The ability toprocess non-emotional speech and face information wasbrieXy evaluated by requiring each listener to discrimi-nate phoneme pairs (Benton phoneme subtest, 30 trials)and to match faces bearing the same physical identity(Benton face subtest, 54 trials). Finally, an estimate ofauditory working memory capacity was derived for allbrain-damaged adults who Wt the criteria of an adaptedlistening span task (Tompkins, Bloise, Timko, & Bau-mgaertner, 1994); subjects made simple true/false judge-ments about sentences while recalling the Wnal word ofeach sentence, within sets that increased in number (42trials). Background characteristics of the three groupsfollowing administration of these various tasks are sum-marized in Table 2.

2.2. Materials

Prosody stimuli employed in each task were selectedfrom a published inventory, following extensive work toperceptually characterize deWning aVective and emotionfeatures of tokens within this inventory (see Pell, 2002,for details). BrieXy, all tokens were short, digitallyrecorded utterances produced by four male and fourfemale actors in two distinct forms: as “nonsense”speech which could be intoned with diVerent emotionalqualities in the absence of a semantic context to bias theemotional interpretation (e.g., Someone migged thepazing spoken in a happy or sad tone); or as “semanti-cally biased,” well-formed English sentences of compa-rable length (e.g., I didn’t make the team spoken in acongruent, sad tone). Most of the current tasksemployed the emotionally inXected “nonsense” utter-ances owing to the purview of this study on how pro-sodic cues alone are harnessed to interpret the emotionalsigniWcance of speech. For both types of prosody stimuli,tokens that successfully conveyed one of Wve distinctemotions (happiness, pleasant surprise, anger, disgust, andsadness) when produced by the male and female actorswere selected for the current investigation. The choice ofthese Wve, purportedly ‘basic’ emotional expressionsallowed our tasks to be balanced as closely as possiblefor the positive (n D 2) versus negative (n D 3) valence ofemotion targets within our emotion set. Only tokens rec-ognized by at least 70% of perceptual raters in the per-ceptual validation study (i.e., untrained, healthy younglisteners) were considered acceptable, where chance rec-ognition was 14% (Pell, 2002).

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2.3. Emotional prosody tasks

Three tasks varied how brain-damaged listeners wererequired to judge the emotional signiWcance of prosodicinformation in speech. The three tasks utilized a com-mon set of stimuli produced by the male and femaleactors in relatively equal proportions.

2.3.1. Emotion discriminationA single task evaluated how accurately participants

could discriminate nonsense utterance pairs according tothe emotion expressed by the prosody of each utterance.Subjects listened to 30 distinct trials (15 “same” and 15“diVerent” emotion pairings) and executed a same/diVer-ent judgement about the prosody for each trial. The twoutterances assigned to each trial were presented seriallyseparated by a one second inter-stimulus interval; “same”trials were composed of three distinct combinations ofexemplars for each of the Wve emotions, whereas “diVer-ent” trials were constructed by randomly combiningexemplars of each emotion category with those for everyother category at least once. Utterances within each trialwere always identical items spoken by a member of thesame sex but not the same actor. Accuracy of the same/diVerent response was recorded.

2.3.2. Emotion identiWcationTwo tasks required participants to identify (categorize)

the emotional meaning expressed by a series of spokenutterances, using a multiple choice response format with aclosed set of Wve verbal labels (happiness, pleasant surprise,anger, disgust, and sadness). In one identiWcation task,participants listened to nonsense utterances whichrequired them to name the emotion based strictly onavailable prosodic features (‘pure prosody’ identiWcation).A second identiWcation task required listeners to name theemotion from semantically biased utterances produced bythe same actors, which also contained a lexical–semanticcontext from deriving emotion (‘prosody-semantic’ identi-Wcation). With the exception of the type of stimulus pre-sented, each task was constructed in an identical mannerwith eight items representing each of the Wve emotions (40

trials/task). Participants were instructed to choose theemotion that “best” corresponds with the expression ofthe speaker and the accuracy of the response wasrecorded.

2.3.3. Emotion ratingThe rating task required participants to listen to the

set of the 40 items presented in the ‘pure prosody’ iden-tiWcation task, plus 12 Wller items, on Wve new and sepa-rate occasions; on each occasion, they judged theemotional signiWcance of each trial in reference to asingle, pre-determined emotion using a six-point con-tinuous scale of increasing “presence” of the targetemotion (e.g., Adolphs & Tranel, 1999). SpeciWcally,participants were instructed to judge “how much of thetarget emotion was being expressed” on a scale from 0(“not at all”) to 5 (“very much”). For example, on sepa-rate occasions participants would indicate throughtheir numerical ratings how happy or how sad each ofthe 52 utterances sounded, when played in a random-ized list. This process was repeated Wve times to indexhow sensitive a subject was to the intended emotionalmeaning of each prosody stimulus. The number ratingassigned to each trial in the context of judging each ofthe Wve emotions was recorded.

2.4. Procedure

Ethical approval of the study was granted by the McG-ill Faculty of Medicine Institutional Review Board, andinformed written consent was obtained from each subjectprior to testing. Participants were tested individually, in aquiet room of their home (RHD, LHD) or in a laboratorytesting room (HC). Testing began with the audiometricscreening and neuropsychological tests, followed by theemotional prosody and emotional face processing tasksintermixed in a quasi-random order over two testing ses-sions of approximately one hour each. Tasks within eachemotional prosody condition (i.e., identiWcation, rating)were separated whenever possible and assigned to diVer-ent sessions to minimize stimulus repetition during a sin-gle session, and to limit possible fatigue or complacency

Table 2Neuropsychological performance measures obtained for the healthy control (HC), left-hemisphere-damaged (LHD), and right-hemisphere-damaged(RHD) groups (M § SD, converted to percent correct)

a Excludes three LHD (L3, L6, and L10) and four RHD (R3, R7, R8, and R9) patients who were unable or unwilling to complete this task.b RHD < HC, p < .05.c RHD D LHD < HC, p < .05.

Measure Group Sig.

HC (n D 12) LHD (n D 11) RHD (n D 9)

Mini-mental state exam (/30) — 91.3 § 7.1 90.7 § 7.2 —Auditory working memory—words recalled (/42)a — 50.6 § 16.9 51.4 § 11.1 —Benton phoneme discrimination (/30) 92.8 § 6.8 87.0 § 7.3 82.6 § 10.1 b

Benton face discrimination (/54) 87.2 § 7.1 85.5 § 8.9 77.8 § 6.5 b

Identifying emotion from faces (/40) 87.1 § 15.4 70.7 § 27.6 68.6 § 27.3 c

Identifying emotion from verbal scenarios (/10) 88.0 § 11.4 76.0 § 16.3 64.0 § 25.5 b

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induced by extended involvement in a particular task.Each session was also separated by an interval of at leastone week to mitigate familiarity with prosodic stimuli thatoften repeated across task conditions. Task randomiza-tion order was varied within each patient group and thenmatched as much as possible to participants in the HCgroup to achieve equivalent task administration condi-tions across groups. Presentation of emotional stimuliwithin prosody (and face) tasks was automatically ran-domized by Superlab software (Cedrus, USA). Prosodystimuli were played by a portable computer over highquality, volume adjustable headphones, and responseswere collected directly by the computer with a Cedrus 6-button response pad. Subjects were free to indicate aresponse verbally or by pointing to a list of alternatives onthe computer screen in front of them, although the latteroccurred rarely; no time limitations were imposed onemotional judgements in any condition. All tasks werepreceded by a verbal explanation of task requirementsand a brief practice block which allowed subjects to adjustthe headphones to a comfortable listening level. Subjectswere paid a nominal fee (CAD $10/h) at the end of testingfor their participation.

3. Results

The patients’ understanding of emotional prosody forpurposes of discrimination, identiWcation, and ratingwas Wrst analyzed separately by task condition, as

described below. Data were then compared across condi-tions to obtain a portrait of overall emotional prosodycomprehension abilities in our three participant groups,and to understand the relationship between performancemeasures in our tasks. Table 3 furnishes a detailed sum-mary of group performance in tasks of discriminating,identifying, and rating emotional prosody.

3.1. Emotional prosody decoding by task

3.1.1. Emotion discriminationThe ability to discriminate the emotional meaning of

utterances from underlying prosodic features was com-pared across the three groups in a one-way analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). The eVect of Group was signiWcant[F (2, 29) D 8.17, p D .002]. Tukey’s post hoc comparisons(p < .05) of the conditional means pointed to less accu-rate performance in the LHD (M D 61.7%) and RHD(M D 68.7%) patient groups, which did not signiWcantlydiVer, than in the healthy control group (M D 80.0%).Based on the range of scores observed in the HC group(range D 63.3–93.3% correct), examination of individualaccuracy scores within the two patient groups revealedthat three of the nine RHD patients (R2, R5, and R6)and six of the eleven LHD patients (L1, L3, L7, L8, L10,and L11) exhibited marked impairments for discriminat-ing emotional prosody, performing outside the lowerend of the HC group range. The group and individualperformance patterns for discrimination are illustratedin Fig. 1.

Table 3Comprehension of emotional prosody by condition by individuals in the healthy control (HC), left-hemisphere-damaged (LHD), and right-hemi-sphere-damaged (RHD) groups (M § SD)

Condition/measure Group

HC (n D 12) LHD (n D 11) RHD (n D 9)

Emotion discriminationTotal correct (/30) 24.0 § 2.8 18.5 § 3.6 20.6 § 3.5

Emotion identiWcationPure prosody-total correct (/40) 28.3 § 9.0 18.3 § 8.5 17.6 § 11.1Prosody-semantic-total correct (/40) 32.6 § 7.4 23.3 § 11.1 26.0 § 10.4

Emotion rating Target D Happiness

Mean target rating (scale 0–5) 3.42 § 0.75 3.11 § 0.95 2.90 § 1.41 Proportion “4 + 5” target ratings 0.53 § 0.31 0.40 § 0.29 0.44 § 0.37

Target D Pleasant surprise Mean target rating (scale 0–5) 3.70 § 1.02 2.82 § 1.14 3.11 § 1.26 Proportion “4 + 5” target ratings 0.66 § 0.37 0.31 § 0.34 0.51 § 0.38

Target D Anger Mean target rating (scale 0–5) 3.76 § 0.75 3.33 § 1.23 3.30 § 0.92 Proportion “4 + 5” target ratings 0.64 § 0.40 0.54 § 0.34 0.53 § 0.26

Target D Disgust Mean target rating (scale 0–5) 3.89 § 0.65 2.91 § 1.28 3.31 § 1.23 Proportion “4 + 5” target ratings 0.68 § 0.27 0.40 § 0.37 0.57 § 0.39

Target D Sadness Mean target rating (scale 0–5) 3.49 § 1.03 2.57 § 1.29 2.74 § 1.19 Proportion “4 + 5” target ratings 0.58 § 0.32 0.30 § 0.31 0.40 § 0.28

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3.1.2. Emotion identiWcationThe ability to identify the emotional meaning of

utterances with and without congruent lexical–semanticcues was analyzed by entering the proportion of correctresponses in the ‘pure prosody’ and ‘prosody-semantic’tasks (‘Task’ factor) as repeated measures with ‘Emo-tion’ (happy, pleasant surprise, anger, disgust, and sad) ina combined 3 £ 2 £ 5 mixed ANOVA involving Group,Task, and Emotion. The ANOVA yielded signiWcantmain eVects for Group [F (2,29) D 8.35, p < .001], Task[F (1,29) D 49.29, p < .001], and Emotion [F (4, 116) D 5.43,p < .001] and a signiWcant interaction of Task by Emo-tion [F (4, 116) D 5.09, p D .001]. Post hoc Tukey’s com-parisons performed on the interaction (p < .05)established that all emotions were named more accu-rately in the ‘prosody-semantic’ than in the ‘pure pros-ody’ task, with the exception of sad which was associatedwith high identiWcation rates in both tasks, and pleasantsurprise which yielded relatively low identiWcation ratesin both tasks. Based on prosody alone (‘pure prosody’task), sad was identiWed signiWcantly better than all otheremotions (which did not diVer). When lexical–semanticinformation was redundant with the prosody (‘prosody-semantic’ task), happy and sad displayed the highestidentiWcation rates whereas pleasant surprise was identi-Wed more poorly than all other emotions.

Of greater interest here, post hoc inspection of theGroup main eVect revealed that both the LHD (52.0%)and RHD (54.4%) patients performed at an inferior levelto healthy control subjects (76.2%) in the identiWcationcondition overall. DiVerences between the two patientgroups were not statistically reliable overall, nor did theGroup factor interact with either Emotion or Task in theform of signiWcant two- or three-way interactions forthis analysis (all Fs < 2.24, ps > .13). Based on the HCgroup’s accuracy range for pure prosody (36.7–90.0%)and prosody-semantic (65–97.5%) identiWcation, it wasnoted that 3/9 RHD patients (R3, R5, and R6) and 4/11

Fig. 1. Proportion of correct responses in the emotional prosody dis-crimination task, by group (mean + SD) and showing the individualdistribution within each group.

LHD patients (L1, L5, L7, and L10) were impaired forpure prosody emotion identiWcation. A substantiallygreater ratio of LHD (8/11: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7,and L10 ) than RHD (4/9: R4, R5, R6, and R8) partici-pants performed outside the normal range in the pros-ody-semantic task. The added beneWts of presentingemotion-related semantic content over pure prosody onaccuracy scores for the LHD group (+12.5%) were muchless than that witnessed for participants in our RHDgroup (+21%). Fig. 2 plots the individual accuracy scoresfor participants within each group for the pure prosodyand the prosody-semantic identiWcation tasks, in relationto the respective group mean and SD.

3.1.3. Emotion ratingThe ability to detect the presence of a pre-determined

emotion signalled by prosody was analyzed by focusingon the subset of ratings collected when subjects judgedthe intended emotional meaning of utterances (e.g., thoseratings on the six-point scale that represented how“happy” a speaker sounded when the actual target of theitem was happiness, and so forth). If target emotionswere correctly recognized, a high frequency of ratings atthe upper end of the ordinal scale was expected, due to

Fig. 2. Proportion of correct responses in the (A) pure prosody and (B)prosody-semantic identiWcation tasks, by group (mean + SD) andshowing the individual distribution within each group.

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the preselection of emotionally unambiguous prosodicstimuli. �2 analyses examined the frequency distributionof responses assigned at each interval of the six-pointrating scale for each group, summed across target emo-tions (involving 492, 409, and 369 observations for theHC, LHD, and RHD groups, respectively). Data for oneLHD participant (L4), who likely failed to understandthe goals of the rating task and produced almost noresponses greater than “l” for all target emotions, wereexcluded from this analysis (this participant performedwithin expected limits for discriminating and identifying“pure prosody” stimuli, implying that this highly aber-rant pattern was not emotion-dependent).

When compared to performance of the healthy adults,the pattern of ratings assigned to emotional prosody wassigniWcantly diVerent overall in adults with RHD[�2 (5) D62.52, p <.001] and LHD [�2 (5)D 36.76, p <.001].The distribution of responses assigned by RHD versusLHD patients was also statistically independent[�2 (5) D53.77, p< .001], as illustrated for all three groupsin Fig. 3 (excluding data for L4). Qualitative inspection ofthe group response tendencies implies that, whereashealthy adults show the expected trend for assigning anincreasing number of higher ratings to prosodic stimuliwhen judging the actual target meanings present, theLHD patients’ ratings exhibited a notable reduction in theproportion of responses recorded at the upper end of theordinal scale (i.e., “4” and especially “5” ratings). TheRHD patients exhibited an entirely distinct pattern char-acterized by very little diVerentiation of rating responsesto target meanings except at the highest interval of theordinal scale (“5”), where the proportional frequency oftheir responses to target emotions resembled that of theHC participants. Based on the mean target ratingsrecorded within the HC group overall (rangeD2.70–4.37;see Table 3), it was noted that 4/9 RHD patients (R2, R5,R7, and R9) and only one of the remaining LHD patients(L9) were “impaired” to detect target emotions in the rat-ing task.

Fig. 3. Proportional distribution of group responses in the emotionrating task at each interval of the six-point scale of increasing presenceof the target emotion.

3.2. Emotional prosody decoding across conditions

A Wnal analysis undertook a direct comparison ofprosody decoding abilities in the RHD, LHD (includingL4), and HC groups across the three task levels, employ-ing those measures which tapped how participants inter-preted emotion from prosodic cues alone (i.e., whenlistening to emotionally inXected nonsense utterances).Discrimination and identiWcation abilities were repre-sented in this analysis by the proportion of correctresponses in each condition, whereas rating abilities wererepresented by the proportion of combined “4” and “5”responses that each participant assigned when judgingintended target emotions (these data are furnished inTable 3). A 3 £ 3 mixed ANOVA involving Group (HC,RHD, and LHD) with repeated measures on Task (dis-crimination, identiWcation, and rating) revealed signiW-

cant main eVects for both Group [F (2,29) D 10.74,p < .001] and Task [F (2,58) D 11.39, p D .001]. Tukey’spost hoc comparisons of the Group main eVect indicatedthat lesion to the right or left hemisphere had a signiW-

cant, negative impact on the processing of emotionalprosody across conditions when compared to matchedhealthy controls (RHD D 53.9%, LHD D 48.8%, andHC D 70.8%). Recognition accuracy of the two patientgroups did not signiWcantly diVer overall. Post hocinspection of the Task main eVect indicated that overall“accuracy” in the discrimination task (70.5%) tended tobe more reliable for all participants than in the identiW-

cation (54.7%) or rating (50.3%) tasks, which did not sig-niWcantly diVer. Prosody recognition scores did notsigniWcantly vary as a combined function of Group byTask [F (2, 58) D .67, p D .56, n.s.].

Overall, the ability to recognize emotional prosodyin discrimination versus identiWcation tasks bore astrong relationship [r D 0.73, p < .001], although perfor-mance in each of these tasks was not signiWcantly asso-ciated with a tendency to assign high ratings to thesame stimuli through graded judgements (bothps > .69). When individual performance decrementsidentiWed earlier were compared across tasks, it wasnoted that R5 was the only participant who performedpoorly in all of our task conditions. Four additionalpatients (R6, L1, L7, and L10) were impaired in all con-ditions of discriminating and identifying emotionalprosody but demonstrated normal sensitivity when rat-ing emotions from prosody, and three other partici-pants (R7, R9, and L9) were uniquely impaired forrating but not discriminating/identifying emotionalprosody. The performance of members within theRHD group demonstrated a uniquely bimodal distri-bution in the “pure prosody” discrimination and iden-tiWcation tasks, owing to two RHD patients—R1 andR7—who exhibited few diYculties in these conditionswhich tended to be problematic for the remainingRHD patients.

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4. Discussion

Approximately three decades of formal research hasconsidered how adults with focal brain damage interpretemotion from the prosodic content of speech. In thattime, a majority of studies that have assessed the impactof focal right- as well as left-hemisphere lesions on thecomprehension of emotional prosody has documentedabnormalities in both patient groups in some or all oftheir prosody tasks (Adolphs et al., 2002; Bowers, Cos-lett, Bauer, Speedie, & Heilman, 1987; Breitenstein et al.,1998; Cancelliere & Kertesz, 1990; Darby, 1993; Deneset al., 1984; Kucharska-Pietura et al., 2003; Pell, 1998;Ross, Thompson, & Yenkosky, 1997; Schlanger et al.,1976; Starkstein, FederoV, Price, Leiguarda, & Robin-son, 1994; Tompkins & Flowers, 1985; Van Lancker &Sidtis, 1992). Despite exceptions to this pattern (Blonderet al., 1991; Charbonneau et al., 2003; Heilman et al.,1984), our data strongly reinforce the position that dam-age to either hemisphere can reduce how well aVectedpatients recognize the emotional signiWcance of prosodyin speech, a conclusion that could be drawn here fromthree distinct contexts for judging prosody and as a gen-eral index of emotional prosody comprehension acrosstasks. The recurrent Wnding that damage to both hemi-spheres interrupts processing of emotional prosody inspeech underscores the importance of determining howcortical regions of each hemisphere may be contributingto diVerent stages of this processing (e.g., Friederici &Alter, 2004), or perhaps, are diVerentially triggered bytask- or stimulus-related properties during prosodydecoding.

4.1. EVects of task on emotional prosody decoding in LHD and RHD patients

When the group patterns were compared, both of ourpatient groups were poor at discriminating prosodic emo-tions and also exhibited marked diYculties in identifyingthe emotion represented by the same semantically anoma-lous items when presented in our “pure prosody” identiW-

cation task (see Ross et al., 1997, for similar cross-taskresults). A relative sparing of abilities to discriminate asopposed to identify (categorize) emotions in matchedprosody tasks by LHD aphasic adults has been describedon previous occasions (Breitenstein et al., 1998; Denes etal., 1984; Tompkins & Flowers, 1985). These researcherswitnessed more prevalent deWcits in their LHD group ontasks which required patients to explicitly associate emo-tional features of prosody with their verbal meaning, adeWcit that was attributed to elevated verbal-associativedemands imposed by the identiWcation paradigm (Deneset al., 1984; Tompkins & Flowers, 1985).

A reason that LHD patients tested here may havebeen poor at both discriminating and identifying emo-tional prosody is that our prosody stimuli, in fact, were

associated with relatively high demands for concurrentverbal-auditory processing when compared to many pre-vious studies which presented low-pass Wltered utter-ances (Pell & Baum, 1997; Tompkins & Flowers, 1985)or sustained vowels (Denes et al., 1984) as a carrier forthe emotive content. The “pseudo-language” stimuli pre-sented in our tasks, while semantically anomalous (e.g., Inestered the Xugs), were meaningfully encoded for pho-nological and certain lexical–grammatical features ofEnglish. One can argue that concurrent demands forphonological and lexical encoding, and the temporarystorage of phonological information in these events dur-ing emotional discrimination, yielded disproportionatediYculties for our LHD participants owing to thespeech-like properties of our auditory materials (Fried-erici & Alter, 2004; Hsieh, Gandour, Wong, & Hutchins,2001; Kotz et al., 2003). Compared to all previous studiesin the literature, our prosodic stimuli were also elicitedfrom a far larger number of distinct male and female‘encoders’, a factor which could also have invokedgreater left-hemisphere involvement of auditory–verbalprocesses directed to segmental as well as suprasegmen-tal features of discrimination tokens. These Wndingsemphasize that diVerences in stimulus-related proper-ties—i.e., the manner by which researchers attempt to“isolate” prosodic features in receptive tasks—may actas a major determinant of inter-hemispheric responses toemotional prosody. It is possible that variation in stimu-lus parameters accounts for some of the “eVort alloca-tion” frequently attributed to left-hemisphere regionsduring emotional prosody decoding (Kucharska-Pieturaet al., 2003; Plante et al., 2002; Wunderlich et al., 2003).

Another way to characterize the eVects of verbal-associative processes on prosody comprehension is topresent utterances with meaningful lexical–semanticcontent that supports or conXicts with the emotionalinterpretation of prosody (i.e., tasks which tap theinterface between processing for prosody and languagecontent). We evaluated these eVects in our “prosody-semantic” identiWcation task which tested how brain-damaged participants recognized the Wve emotionswhen prosody and semantic content jointly biased thecorrect emotional judgement. As expected, when listen-ers were presented two congruent channels for identify-ing emotions in speech, accuracy rates tended toincrease for all participant groups relative to perfor-mance in the pure prosody task (Pell & Baum, 1997).However, there were clear indications that adults withleft- rather than right-hemisphere lesions beneWttedsubstantially less as a group when presented emotion-related semantic content in addition to prosodicfeatures, and a large proportion—nearly three-quar-ters—of LHD individuals were deemed “impaired”according to the expected normal range when bothchannels signalled the target emotion. These dataexemplify that many LHD patients were unsuccessful

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at harnessing multiple sources of emotion-related cuesto arrive at a unitary perspective about the speaker’semotion (Bowers et al., 1987; Seron et al., 1982). Giventhat our LHD participants exhibited good auditorycomprehension abilities, and that the LHD and HCgroups did not diVer signiWcantly in the ability to inferemotions from verbal scenarios in our backgroundtesting (review Table 2), it is unlikely that basic defectsin auditory language processing explained the poorerperformance of the LHD group in the prosody-seman-tic task. Rather, our data imply that for many LHDaphasic individuals, some of their diYculties on pros-ody comprehension tasks occur at the point of compar-ing and integrating information between the prosodicand semantic channels in speech (Geigenberger & Zie-gler, 2001; Paul, Van Lancker-Sidtis, SchieVer, Die-trich, & Brown, 2003).

A Wnal task which presented our ‘pure prosody’stimuli required participants to rate utterances accord-ing to intended emotional qualities of the prosody,using an ordinal scale of increasing “presence” orintensity of a pre-designated emotion (Adolphs et al.,2002; see also Geigenberger & Ziegler, 2001; Wunder-lich et al., 2003 for a related approach). Consistent withgroup diVerences we observed for discriminating andidentifying ‘pure prosody’ stimuli, the pattern of ratingresponses obtained for each patient group diverged sig-niWcantly from that of the HC group, each in a qualita-tively distinct manner. When healthy listeners rated theintended emotional meanings of prosody, the vastmajority of their ratings occurred in the upper half ofthe six-point emotion scale (where “5” D very much ofthe emotion was recognized) and the frequency of theseresponses increased consistently at higher intervals ofthe scale. The LHD group also exhibited a clear ten-dency for recognizing target emotions by assigning anincreasing proportion of high ratings to these expres-sions, although they executed selectively fewer judge-ments at the highest intervals (“4” and “5”) of theemotional rating scale. These rating patterns imply thatLHD patients retained a broad sensitivity to the rela-tive presence of emotional meanings encoded by pros-ody, but that they tended to “hear” less of the intendedemotions or considered these expressions less “intense”and emotionally signiWcant than the HC group. Resultsof our rating task thus serve to qualify the initialassumption that LHD patients failed to recognize emo-tions from the same prosodic stimuli based on theirperformance in the discrimination and identiWcationtasks.

For the RHD group, the distribution of ratingsassigned to target emotions was entirely distinct fromthe HC (and LHD) groups, supplying strong indicationsthat these patients failed to normally appreciate relativediVerences in the presence/intensity of prosodic expres-sions of emotion. Ratings obtained for the RHD group

exhibited virtually no diVerentiation in their relative fre-quency at the Wve lowest intervals of the six-point emo-tion scale, a pattern that deviated signiWcantly from theincreasing trend of the other two groups. We furthernoted that almost half (4/9) of individual RHD patients,but only 1/11 of LHD patients, were characterized by“impaired” comprehension of emotional prosody in therating task overall. These Wndings underscore that manyof the RHD patients were insensitive to relative diVer-ences in the emotive force of prosodic cues that werereadily detected by aging adults without brain damage,and which appeared to be registered in certain measureby LHD aphasic patients, reinforcing initial assumptionsthat the comprehension of emotional prosody by RHDpatients was aberrant based on discrimination and iden-tiWcation tasks.

Curiously, if one looks solely at the frequency of “5”responses in the rating task, RHD patients appeared torecognize the intended emotions of prosody in a man-ner than resembled healthy adults (review Fig. 3). Fol-lowing more detailed inspection of individualperformance features in this task, this group eVect isprobably due to heterogeneity in response strategiesapplied by members of our RHD group; more thantwo-thirds of all “5” responses for the RHD group as awhole were accounted for by three of the Wve “unim-paired” RHD patients (R1, R4, and R6). These threeparticipants appeared to signal their recognition of theintended emotions in an atypical and seemingly cate-gorical manner by almost exclusively assigning “5” rat-ings to these stimuli, a tendency that was notcommonly observed in individuals in the HC or LHDgroups. These additional observations, although theypertain to three of the “unimpaired” RHD patients onthe rating task, appear to actually strengthen the claimthat RHD adults were least likely to retain normal sen-sitivity to emotional prosody as indexed uniquely bythe rating task, pending further research that employsthe rating paradigm.1

1 As suggested by an anonymous reviewer, the increased proportionof “5” ratings within our RHD group–which were executed in refer-ence to a horizontally arranged numerical scale–may have indexedsubtle deWcits in visual inattention or neglect to the left side of the scalein this task (especially for R5 and R6 who performed poorly on the Be-havioral Inattention Test). To test this possibility, the ratings data werecarefully re-examined to determine whether any RHD individuals weresystematically attending to only a speciWc portion of the numericalscale, including for those trials in which the patient was not judging thetarget emotion of the prosody (e.g., when rating how “happy” an angrystimulus was, which should elicit use of the left side of the scale withmany “0” and “1” responses). These analyses established that all RHDpatients, including R5 and R6, demonstrated broad use of the ratingscale between 0 and 4 in response to many of these trials, implying thata persistent inattention to the left side of the rating scale did not direct-ly explain the nature of ratings collected in the emotion rating condi-tion overall.

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4.2. Hemispheric contributions to understanding emotional prosody in speech

If one compares prosody comprehension abilitiesacross the three task-processing levels, certain argumentscan be made about the origins of prosodic deWcits exhib-ited by each of our patient groups. First, it merits under-scoring that focal, unilateral brain damage wasresponsible for abnormalities in discriminating, identify-ing and rating emotional prosody irrespective of lesionside, as determined by three ubiquitous measures ofprosody comprehension in the literature. Thus, our com-prehensive testing reinforces that brain systems forunderstanding emotional prosody in speech involve sig-niWcant bilateral contributions of right and left neocor-tex (Gandour et al., 2004; Kotz et al., 2003; Pell, 1998;Wildgruber et al., 2002).

We did not Wnd any direct evidence that manipulatingthe task processing mode for rendering explicit judge-ments of emotional prosody selectively disadvantagedeither of our patient groups, although modifying taskparameters was instrumental in furnishing insightsabout the underlying nature of diYculties experiencedby members of each lesion group. In particular, results ofour rating task suggested that most LHD patients weresensitive to emotional meanings that they could notaccurately discriminate or identify in parallel tasks; thispoints to the likelihood that tasks associated with a highverbal-associative load and prominent needs for verbalcategorization often obscure the underlying capabilitiesof LHD patients in prosody investigations. Individualsin our RHD group—especially R5 who had suVered alarge temporo-parietal lesion—were relatively consistentacross tasks in the qualitative misuse of prosodic infor-mation for rendering an emotional response, a claim thatwas best exempliWed in their rating performance. Theselatter Wndings support a large volume of research thatstipulates a mandatory right-hemisphere role in special-ized functions for decoding emotional prosody.

As noted earlier, current methods do not allow pre-cise inferences about the functional locus of our RHDpatients’ receptive diYculties, although these deWcits arepresumed to aVect procedures which undertake earlyperceptual analyses of prosodic/pitch contours (Meyer etal., 2002; Sidtis, 1980; Van Lancker & Sidtis, 1992) orwhich evaluate the emotive signiWcance of prosodic cuesequences from the auditory input (Adolphs, 2002; Bow-ers et al., 1993; Gandour et al., 2003; Pihan, Altenmuller,& Ackermann, 1997). There are growing suggestionsthat right cortical regions are preferentially involved inboth the extraction of long-term pitch variations inspeech (which are central for diVerentiating emotions)and subsequent processes which presumably map thesefeatures onto acquired knowledge of their emotional-symbolic functions (Gandour et al., 2004; Pell, 1998;Pihan et al., 2000; Zatorre et al., 2002). Regions of the

right temporal cortex and anterior insula have beenlinked to the extraction of complex pitch attributes inprosody, whereas inferior frontal and parietal regions,sometimes greater on the right, have been tied in variousways to executive and evaluative operations that resolvemeaning from prosodic expressions (see Adolphs, 2002;Gandour et al., 2004; Wildgruber et al., 2002, for recentdescriptions of localization). These descriptions are notinconsistent with our Wnding that two RHD patientswith lesions conWned to posterior/parietal regions of theright-hemisphere (R1, R7) were relatively unimpaired inmany of our emotional prosody tasks.

Still, it merits emphasizing that there were individualsin both the LHD and RHD group who tended to per-form within the control group range for discrimination/identiWcation of prosody but not for prosody rating, andvice versa, implying that breakdowns in emotional pros-ody processing following hemispheric damage are notentirely uniform and may arise in multiple ways (Sidtis& Van Lancker Sidtis, 2003). Requiring listeners toengage in both categorical and graded processing ofemotional prosody appears to represent a highly con-structive and sensitive approach for conducting futurebehavioural work in this area. As these comparisons arereWned, future data are likely to promote more deWnitiveideas about the signiWcance of individual Wndings withinthe patient groups studied.

The pattern of deWcits witnessed in our LHD group,as discussed earlier, was inXuenced to some degree byverbal-associative requirements of our prosody tasks(Kucharska-Pietura et al., 2003; Tompkins & Flowers,1985), and diVerentiated most clearly in the conditionwhich required them to integrate emotional informationdecoded from prosody and meaningful semantic contentto generate a response (i.e., the prosody-semantic task).Previous researchers have commented on a critical rolefor the left hemisphere in combining the products of spe-cialized prosodic operations with those that conductphonological, syntactic, and semantic analyses of spokenlanguage (Friederici & Alter, 2004; Gandour et al., 2004;Grimshaw et al., 2003). Consistent with these ideas, ourWndings imply that the entry point and primary locus ofour LHD patients’ diYculties involved left-hemisphereprocedures for engaging in a comparative analysis ofemotional-evaluative components of prosody (which arefacilitated in great measure by right-hemisphere codingmechanisms) with concurrent features of language con-tent. This deWcit would aVect the conjoint processing ofcross-channel speech cues which collectively bias alisteners’ impression of the emotive, attitudinal, or social-pragmatic context for an utterance (Geigenberger &Ziegler, 2001; Wunderlich et al., 2003).

The fact that emotional prosody is acquired andunderstood in human communication as a socializedcode for representing aVect in the language (speech) code(Scherer, 1988) dictates the need for explicit mechanisms

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that combine emotion-related knowledge derived fromthese distinct but co-dependent messages in the auditorysignal. Processing at this comparative stage is likely torecruit important contributions of the left hemispherevia collosal relay of certain information from the righthemisphere (Klouda, Robin, GraV-Radford, & Cooper,1988; Paul et al., 2003; Ross et al., 1997). One can specu-late that areas of left inferior frontal gyrus, which arecommonly activated in tasks of judging emotional pros-ody in speech (Buchanan et al., 2000; George et al., 1996;Kotz et al., 2003; Plante et al., 2002; Rama et al., 2001;Wildgruber et al., 2002) and which have been describedas mediating “eVortful” semantic processing when pro-sodic and semantic features about emotion conXict(Schirmer, Zysset, Kotz, & von Cramon, 2004), areimportant for facilitating initial comparisons in the per-ceived emotive value of prosody in reference to semanticlanguage content.2 A further possibility, which meritssome consideration, is that left-hemisphere mechanismsfor integrating emotional prosody with semantic lan-guage content are functionally and neuroanatomicallyproximal to those which directly process the linguistic–phonemic attributes of prosody in speech, functionswhich are now well-established in the left hemisphere(Baum & Pell, 1999; Hsieh et al., 2001).

The hypothesized nature of our LHD patients’ deWcitdoes not preclude the possibility that left-hemisphereregions contribute in a partial but still direct manner tothe resolution of emotional meanings from prosody(Adolphs et al., 2002; Kotz et al., 2003) by facilitatingcross-channel comparisons during auditory processing.Rather, it merely emphasizes that left-hemisphere mecha-nisms are enhanced during emotion processing whenemotive attributes of vocal signals are recognized ascodes tied to, albeit not within, the language system, withmandatory reference to corresponding phonological andsemantic structure (Gandour et al., 2004). This hypothe-sis Wts evidence that judging “speech-Wltered” orhummed stimuli devoid of segmental information is typi-cally associated with substantially reduced left-hemi-sphere involvement (Friederici & Alter, 2004; Lalande,Braun, Charlebois, & Whitaker, 1992; Meyer et al., 2002;Mitchell et al., 2003). The very fact that our stimuli wereconstructed to be “language-like”, with appropriate pho-nological and certain grammatical properties of English,probably explains why LHD patients tested here hadtroubles in our ‘pure prosody’ tasks; these stimuli wouldhave invoked automatic mechanisms for comparing acti-vations produced by the prosody as well as the (semanti-cally anomalous) language content (Poldrack et al., 1999;

2 Although detailed lesion information was not available for each ofour LHD patients, frontal–temporal or frontal–parietal lesions werepresent in nearly half of this group, including all individuals who were“impaired” on the prosody-semantic identiWcation task, aYrming theimportance of left frontal regions to prosodic speech perception.

Schirmer et al., 2004). These comparative and integrativeprocedures may well have rendered this stage of process-ing more “eVortful” for many of our LHD participants.

Additional research based on a larger and morerobust sample of LHD and RHD patients will be neededto thoroughly test these claims. The likelihood that sub-cortical structures such as the basal ganglia supply amechanism which dynamically modulates inter-hemi-spheric co-operation at the cortical level (Pell & Leon-ard, 2003) will also need to be explored thoroughly. Thisresearch will help identify brain networks which facili-tate a cognitively elaborated response about the emotivevalue of prosodic information in speech in tandem withvarious forms of (relatively) left-sided linguistic process-ing of the same signal (Friederici & Alter, 2004). In turn,this knowledge will advance ideas of how listeners adopta unitary and contextually appropriate impression of aspeaker’s emotive condition, their attitudinal stance, andother interpersonal information from speech.


I am indebted to the participants of the study for theirgenerous support of this research, and to Sarah Addle-man and Elmira Chan for completing the testing and fortheir scrupulous care in data organization. I am alsograteful for Wnancial support received from the NaturalSciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(Discovery grants) and from McGill University (WilliamDawson Research Chair).


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