ceres news digest: issue #1

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  • 7/30/2019 CERES News Digest: Issue #1


    Country News DigestIssue #1

    September 12 - September 17

  • 7/30/2019 CERES News Digest: Issue #1


    Country News DigestAzerbaijan was criticizedby the Secretary Generalo NAO or its decision



    Russiato pardon convicted murderer Ramil Saarov. Saarov,who was repatriated last week ater spending eight yearsin a Hungarian prison, was pardoned by Azeri PresidentIlham Aliyev or his murder o an Armenian citizen in2004.


    On his way to the APECsummit in Vladivostok,President Putin lent a handto conservation eorts to restore the Siberian Crane to thewild. Donning a white suit and helmet, President Putintest-ew a small motorized glider which ornithologistsdeveloped to lead a ock o young cranes along migratorypaths to their winter habitat in southern Uzbekistan.






    Tere are doubts aboutthe upcoming UkrainianParliamentary elections,which are to be held on October 28th. While ocialssay the new election system will bring in new acesand improve the Parliament, many are skeptical. Surveysshow that only 21% o people trust the parliament.

    Belarus reused to extraditeZhanysh Bakiyev, thebrother o ormer Kyrgyzpresident Kurmanbek Bakiyev. Members o the Bakiyevamily ed Kyrgyzstan as an uprising unseated Kurmanbekrom power in 2010. Zhanysh is on the Interpols wantedlist or an alleged triple murder, but Belarus has reusedto extradite him back to Kyrgyzstan on grounds that he isbeing persecuted or his political aliations.

    German Chancellor AngelaMarkels Aug 22 visit toMoldova is being describedas historic. Merkel announced she would pursue her2010 Meseberg initiative with Russia on the ransnistriaconict. Under this initiative Germany proposes a jointEU-Russia decision-making mechanism on Europeansecurity, in return or Russian cooperation in resolvingthe ransnistria conict. Moldova is currently consideredthe best success o the EUs Eastern Partnership Program.

    Georgias politics areheating up beore theOctober 1 parliamentary

    election. A recent poll by NDI suggests that PresidentMikheil Saakashvilis National Movement party hasgained support, increasing the gap between it and theGeorgian Dream coalition led by tycoon Ivanishvili.Saakashvili has accused Ivanishvili o being a Kremlinstooge.

    In response to Hungarysextradition o AzeriLieutenant Ramil Saarov,

    who had been in a Hungarian jail or the past 8 yearsor the murder o Armenian soldier Gurgen Margarian,the Armenian parliament announced it was suspendingrelations with the Hungarian Parliament. Armeniasparliament is also considering a bill recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent country.

    At a meeting o the rulingAKP, Prime MinisterRecep ayyip Erdoan

    signaled his governments support or abolishing theparliamentary immunity o the pro-Kurdish BDP.Recently BDP lawmakers were photographed huggingPKK militants who were blocking a road near emdinlilast month.

    Reuters Hungton Post

    Reuters Democracy and Freedom WatchArticles:

    Articles:Armenia Now Eurasianet

    Articles:Hurriyet Daily News odays Zaman

    Articles:Jamestown Kyiv Post

    Articles:RIA Novosti elegra.by

    Articles:Kyiv Post For-UA

    Articles:Te Guardian Te Washington Post

  • 7/30/2019 CERES News Digest: Issue #1


    Country News DigestTe Kyrgyz Parliamenthas elected a new PrimeMinister. Te divided



    parliament chose to elect Zhantoro Satybaldiyev, currentlythe head o presidential administration. He viewed asa neutral candidate or the post. Te Kyrgyz markets,already weaker than many o their neighbors, have beenadversely aected by the recent political turmoil.

    Te US has suspendedtraining o new recruits tothe Aghan Local Police(ALP) and is re-vetting current members ater a rise inso-called green-on-blue attacks. Te ALP is a militiaestablished by the US two years ago to protect remotevillages. Te Aghan army has also recently detained orsuspended hundreds o soldiers with links to insurgents.


    IranTe US is pressuring Iraqto require Iranian aircratsuspected o using Iraqiairspace to y arms to Syria to land and be inspected.Flights through Iraqi airspace were suspended in March,but resumed in July ater the Syrian deense ministerand Assads brother-in-law were killed in a suicide bombattack at Syrias national security headquarters.

    urkmenistan held navalexercises on the CaspianSea, an oil- and gas-richsource o territorial disputes between the fve borderstates. Te exercise consisted o two corvettes and fghterjets, which practiced deending an oil tanker, an oil-rigand an imaginary town. urkmenistan has described itsmilitary stance as exclusively deensive.

    Iran gave a tour o itsUranium enrichment plantto Mongolian Presidentsakhia Elbegdorj. President Elbegdorj visited the plantater attending the summit or non-aligned nations heldin Iran.

    An explosion occurred onthe morning o September5 near a mosque in the

    western city o Atyrau. Te body o a young man hasbeen ound at the site. Te police have cordoned othe area and no inormation has been released as to thecause o the explosion. While the cause is yet unknown,Kazakhstan has experienced growing unrest in the pastyear and a hal, highlighted by the riots in Zhanaozen.

    A market fre in the ajikcapital o Dushanbe ledto public protests. Te

    protesters demonstrated to express their anger withthe slow response time o emergency personnel. Tegovernment claims that local frefghters did not receivenotifcation o the blaze until orty minutes ater it began.Te cause o the fre is yet unknown.

    Te Uzbek parliament haspassed a resolution banningthe presence o oreign

    military bases on Uzbek territory. Te bill is part o amove by ashkent to ensure uture neutrality. Uzbekistanrecently let the Russian-led Collective Security reatyOrganization causing ears in Russia that ashkent mayhave plans to host an American military base.

    Articles:Te Star Reuters

    Articles:Inorm.kz urkish Weekly


    Articles:Mizo News Sunday imes

    Articles:Hungton Post Mongolia Web

    Articles:Reuters Associated Press


    Articles:Gul News Te GuardianEurasianet




    Xinhua Net

    New York imes Te elegraph



  • 7/30/2019 CERES News Digest: Issue #1


    Country News DigestEstonia plans to teachprogramming to 6-yearolds. Te program is called



    Czech RepublicProtiiger and is being introduced by the Estonia igerLeap oundation. Te program is called Progeiigerand is being introduced by the Estonian iger LeapFoundation as a pilot scheme to some Estonian schoolsthis year.

    Czech lawmakers voteddown a law proposed byCzech Prime MinisterPetr Necas that would trim the fscal defcit by raisingtaxes, ater six members his own party deected romhis coalition. Te Prime Minister is now calling or aconfdence vote.





    According to the StatisticsOce o the SlovakRepublic, GDP growthdeclined in the second quarter due to weak externaldemand but did so less than experts had expected. TeStatistics Oce also reported that the unemploymentrate increased rom 13.2% to 13.6%.

    Hungarian Prime MinisterViktor Orban has rejectedthe conditions o anInternational Monetary Fund (IMF) loan deal or aidto his country. On Sept. 7, Orban set the aid packagediscussions back to square one, saying the IMFsrequirements or lower taxes on banks and higher pensioncuts were unacceptable while at the same time concedingthat Hungary needs such help or fnancial saety.

    Seventeen executives haveresigned and over threehundred employees havetaken to protesting the Romanian governments planor privatizing the state-owned company Oltchim. Teresignations o the seventeen executives were the resulto a lack o dialogue with the Economy Ministryaccording to now ormer-CEO Constantin Roibu. Teprivatization o Oltchim was a condition set by the IMFbeore it would advance Romanias status.

    A top research center inLithuania created a websitethat exposed the secret

    activity o the KGB. Due to the overwhelming amounto visitors to the site, it crashed on Tursday.Te state-unded website was actually launched last May, but it wasimpossible to load. Te center is to release a list o over athousand ormer KGB agents who reuse to coness.

    Te Seima (Latviasparliament) supportedamendments to the

    Citizenship Law dealing with the issues o non-citizenLatvian residents and dual-citizenship. Te law willallow dual-citizenship or citizens o countries in tehEU, EU Free rade Association members, NAO, androm a countries Latvia has an agreement with regardingdual-citizenship. Following Saeimas adoption, the lawshould take eect January 1, 2013.

    Radoslow Sikorski, theForeign Minister oPoland, said in an interview

    this week that Poland will eschew the adoption o theEuro until some troubling fscal issues were worked out.Although Sikorski did rearm Polands long standinggoal o eventually adopting the Euro, Poland was oneo several countries, including Bulgaria and the CzechRepublic, who have recently voiced their concern withthe Eurozone.

    Articles:Geek.com Smithsonian Magazine

    Articles:IOL News Te Baltic Course

    Articles:Baltic News Network Te Baltic imes

    Articles:Russia oday EurActiv Articles:Romania Insider

    Articles:Reuters Bloomberg Businesswee

    Articles:R News Te SlovakSpectator

    Noviny.cz Bloomberg Businesswee

    Te Warsaw Voice



    Bloomberg Businesswee

  • 7/30/2019 CERES News Digest: Issue #1


    Country News DigestTe Bulgarian governmentannounced on September3 that it would halt the



    Croatiacountrys plan to adopt the Euro. Bulgarian FinanceMinister Simeon Djankov said the decision to abandonplans to join the Euro was made ater continued economicdeterioration in the zone and amid rising uncertaintyover the currency unions uture.

    Croatias ascension to theEU is raising tensionsbetween ormer Yugoslavcountries. Croatia has proposed to build a bridge thatlinks to Peljesac to link Dubrovnik to the rest o the worldwithout having to go through Bosnia. Bosnia says thebridge will threaten its access to open seas. Te EU willprogress its talk, and also hopes to secure a deal betweenCroatia and Slovenia.



    Relations between Chinaand Montenegro seem tobe headed in a positivedirection this week. Montenegro was one o many CentralEuropean nations that met with China in Warsaw tocommemorate the ounding o a Chinese secretariat topromote relations between Central Europe and China.

    Serbian Prime MinisterIvica Dacic has agreed totake part in multilateraltalks attended by Kosovo, provided that an asterisk isplaced on Kosovos nameplate that denotes its unresolveddiplomatic status. Despite this positive sign, Daciccontinues to insist that Serbia will never recognizeKosovo as nation.

    Slovenia, at this point, isnot in need o fnancial aidrom the European rescueund, accordimg to Prime Minister Janez Jana ollowingthe end o the EU summit in Brussels. He added there isno basis or any degree o speculation on this issue.

    Albanian and SlovenianPrime Ministers met onMonday to talk about

    economic development and bilateral agreementsbetween the two countries. Slovenias Jansa publiclypraised Albanias eorts at reorm. Prime MinisterSarisha emphasized Albanias willingness to meet all therequirements demanded by Brussels.

    EU Council urges Serbia toopen up talks with Kosovo.On Tursday, ater a two-

    day visit to Brussels, Prime Minister Ivica Dacic statedthat Serbia will never recognize Kosovo, despite urgingrom the EU council. Te recognition o Kosovo wouldbe a main actor in membership.

    A proposed Law onDeenders that wouldgrant special privileges to

    soldiers who ought in the 2001 conict that occurredin Macedonia has become embroiled in controversy inthe parliament. Te bill has run up against the ethnicallyAlbanian DUI party, who either wants these same beneftsextended to those who ought on the side o the Albanianguerrillas or have the bill scrapped altogether.

    Articles:Reuters EU Inside

    Articles:Global imes Xinhua Net

    Articles:RFERL urkish Weekly

    Articles:Slovenia imes Global imes

    Articles:Eurasia Review MINA

    Articles:EU Observer Adnkronos International



    Articles:Te Wall Street Journal Hungton Post




  • 7/30/2019 CERES News Digest: Issue #1


    Country News Digest

    Bosnia &Herzegovina

    Articles:New Europe Online Balkans.com Eurasia Review

    Te CE and the EC bothexpressed disappointmentthis week over Bosnia andHerzegovinas ailure to amend their constitution byan August 31 deadline. Te amendment was to bringthe constitution into compliance with a 2009 ECHRdecision against the government. Te ailure to amendthe constitution is seen as a step back in the countrys

    attempt to join the European Union.

    Box 571031, ICC 111, Washington, DC 20057-1031

    Email: [email protected] Tel.: (202) 687-6080 Fax: (202) 687-5829

    Te Center or Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies is a U.S.Department o Education itle VI-unded National Resource Center (NRC)

    that strives to increase understanding and appreciation o the cultures andchallenges o the region stretching rom Central Europe to the Pacifc and

    rom the Baltic to the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas
