cern antiproton target: hydrocode analysis of its core material

CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material dynamic response under proton beam impact Claudio Torregrosa Martin, 1,2,* Antonio Perillo-Marcone, 1 Marco Calviani, 1 and José-Luis Muñoz-Cobo 2 1 CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 2 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain (Received 18 January 2016; published 15 July 2016) Antiprotons are produced at CERN by colliding a 26 GeV=c proton beam with a fixed target made of a 3 mm diameter, 55 mm length iridium core. The inherent characteristics of antiproton production involve extremely high energy depositions inside the target when impacted by each primary proton beam, making it one of the most dynamically demanding among high energy solid targets in the world, with a rise temperature above 2000 °C after each pulse impact and successive dynamic pressure waves of the order of GPas. An optimized redesign of the current target is foreseen for the next 20 years of operation. As a first step in the design procedure, this numerical study delves into the fundamental phenomena present in the target material core under proton pulse impact and subsequent pressure wave propagation by the use of hydrocodes. Three major phenomena have been identified, (i) the dominance of a high frequency radial wave which produces destructive compressive-to-tensile pressure response (ii) The existence of end-of- pulse tensile waves and its relevance on the overall response (iii) A reduction of 44% in tensile pressure could be obtained by the use of a high density tantalum cladding. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.073402 I. INTRODUCTION The AD-Target system is the main particle production element of the CERN Antiproton Decelerator. Antiprotons are produced by colliding a proton beam of 26 GeV=c from CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a fixed target made of a dense and high-Z material. The high energy collision of the proton beam with the atoms of the target creates a shower of secondary particles, and among them, antipro- tons. The generated antiprotons travel through the target assembly and are collected downstream by a magnetic focusing device using their charge, after which, they are selected and magnetically conducted via the injection line to the antiproton decelerator (AD) complex for antimatter research experiments. Antiparticles should be identical to matter particles except for the sign of their electric charge. It is well known, however, that matter and antimatter are not exact opposites; nature seems to have a one-part in 10 billion preference for matter over antimatter. Understanding matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the greatest challenges in physics today. The relevance of the antiproton target is not only motivated by the significance of its purposeto produce new particles to serve as a window to new physicsbut for the challenge that involves to overcome the engineering problem of its design. The characteristics of antiproton production require a very compact target in order to avoid antiproton reabsorption in the surrounding material and to be as close as possible to a punctual source for the anti- proton downstream collector system [1,2]. For this reason, a very thin rod of a high density material and a very focused primary proton beam have to be used. This results in extremely high energy depositions reached inside the target core as a consequence of each proton beam impact, which makes the antiproton target a unique case even among high energy particle-producing primary targets. As a matter of fact, calculations show that in each proton pulse impact the peak temperature rises up to 2000°C. Dynamic pressure waves of several GPa and strain rates well above 10 4 s 1 are easily exceeded as a consequence of the sudden expansion of the material. These waves propagate through the target and surrounding containment, where expected stresses are also considerably high [3]. All these phenomena turn into a real challenge to predict the target material response and behavior during operation. In addition, radiation damage including material embrittlement, swelling and noble gas production inside the target material may also play an additional role [46]. These damaging processes, however, are not considered in this publication and are subjects of ongoing studies. After 2016 a new upgrade of the CERN AD facility is planned, including an optimized redesign of the full antiproton production system in order to enhance its performance, reliability as well as to guarantee the * [email protected] Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri- bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published articles title, journal citation, and DOI. PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 19, 073402 (2016) 2469-9888=16=19(7)=073402(12) 073402-1 Published by the American Physical Society

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Page 1: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material dynamicresponse under proton beam impact

Claudio Torregrosa Martin,1,2,* Antonio Perillo-Marcone,1

Marco Calviani,1 and José-Luis Muñoz-Cobo21CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

2Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain(Received 18 January 2016; published 15 July 2016)

Antiprotons are produced at CERN by colliding a 26 GeV=c proton beam with a fixed target made of a3 mm diameter, 55 mm length iridium core. The inherent characteristics of antiproton production involveextremely high energy depositions inside the target when impacted by each primary proton beam, makingit one of the most dynamically demanding among high energy solid targets in the world, with a risetemperature above 2000 °C after each pulse impact and successive dynamic pressure waves of the order ofGPa’s. An optimized redesign of the current target is foreseen for the next 20 years of operation. As a firststep in the design procedure, this numerical study delves into the fundamental phenomena present in thetarget material core under proton pulse impact and subsequent pressure wave propagation by the use ofhydrocodes. Three major phenomena have been identified, (i) the dominance of a high frequency radialwave which produces destructive compressive-to-tensile pressure response (ii) The existence of end-of-pulse tensile waves and its relevance on the overall response (iii) A reduction of 44% in tensile pressurecould be obtained by the use of a high density tantalum cladding.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.073402


The AD-Target system is the main particle productionelement of the CERN Antiproton Decelerator. Antiprotonsare produced by colliding a proton beam of 26 GeV=c fromCERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a fixed target made ofa dense and high-Z material. The high energy collision ofthe proton beam with the atoms of the target creates ashower of secondary particles, and among them, antipro-tons. The generated antiprotons travel through the targetassembly and are collected downstream by a magneticfocusing device using their charge, after which, they areselected and magnetically conducted via the injection lineto the antiproton decelerator (AD) complex for antimatterresearch experiments. Antiparticles should be identicalto matter particles except for the sign of their electriccharge. It is well known, however, that matter andantimatter are not exact opposites; nature seems to havea one-part in 10 billion preference for matter overantimatter. Understanding matter-antimatter asymmetry isone of the greatest challenges in physics today.The relevance of the antiproton target is not only

motivated by the significance of its purpose—to producenew particles to serve as a window to new physics—but for

the challenge that involves to overcome the engineeringproblem of its design. The characteristics of antiprotonproduction require a very compact target in order to avoidantiproton reabsorption in the surrounding material and tobe as close as possible to a punctual source for the anti-proton downstream collector system [1,2]. For this reason,a very thin rod of a high density material and a very focusedprimary proton beam have to be used. This results inextremely high energy depositions reached inside the targetcore as a consequence of each proton beam impact, whichmakes the antiproton target a unique case even among highenergy particle-producing primary targets. As a matter offact, calculations show that in each proton pulse impact thepeak temperature rises up to 2000°C. Dynamic pressurewaves of several GPa and strain rates well above 104s−1 areeasily exceeded as a consequence of the sudden expansionof the material. These waves propagate through the targetand surrounding containment, where expected stresses arealso considerably high [3]. All these phenomena turn into areal challenge to predict the target material response andbehavior during operation. In addition, radiation damageincluding material embrittlement, swelling and noble gasproduction inside the target material may also play anadditional role [4–6]. These damaging processes, however,are not considered in this publication and are subjects ofongoing studies.After 2016 a new upgrade of the CERN AD facility is

planned, including an optimized redesign of the fullantiproton production system in order to enhance itsperformance, reliability as well as to guarantee the

*[email protected]

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri-bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) andthe published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.


2469-9888=16=19(7)=073402(12) 073402-1 Published by the American Physical Society

Page 2: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

continuity of the antiproton physics for the next 20 years[7–9].The present configuration of the CERN antiprotontarget dates back to the late 1980s and it was obtained aftermore than 10 years of iterations and improvements of thematerial choice and conceptual designs. Copper, tungsten,rhenium and iridium were employed during this decade.The current design consists of a core target in formof a 55 mm long, 3 mm diameter iridium rod—one ofthe densest elements on earth, second only to osmium—encapsulated in a 15 mm diameter graphite matrix; thewhole assembly is in turn embedded into a water-cooledTi-6Al-4V body as shown in Fig. 1.The only other antiproton production target existing in

the world was the Pbar source at Fermilab, which was inoperation from 1985 to 2011, proving antiprotons forp-pbar collisions at the Tevatron [10,11]. The conceptualdesign of this target was significantly different from theCERN one, consisting of a stack of disk of differentmaterials which vertical axis was perpendicular to theprimary proton beam. By raising and lowering the targetdiscs it was possible to change the target material and bymoving the target horizontally it was possible to change thematerial thickness exposed to the beam. In addition, thetarget was rotated between beam pulses to spread depletionand damage uniformly around the circumference. Thisconcept, however, is not compatible with the CERNAD-target area since it requires us to have the targetsinside a vault. Different materials were tested as well duringthe 26 years of operation of the Pbar source. Initiallytungsten or tungsten alloy such as tungsten-rhenium. Lateron, experiences with severe damage to the tungsten targetsprompted a switch to copper, nickel or INCONEL®. Twomain problems were reported as the cause of targets failureduring operation. First, the rapid heating and expansion ofthe target material and successive shock waves causingmechanical damage to the target. Second, a molten channelformed in the target, in particular when using copper, nickelor INCONEL® targets [12], which have significantly lowermelting temperatures.

The study of the dynamic response of the target materialis fundamental in order to reduce the uncertainties con-cerning the target core structural state and to provide arobust design. Any damage and effective loss of density ofthe target material will lead to target exchange since theproton-target interactions and antiproton production will bereduced to the point that the target has to be replacedperiodically to maintain the desired performance [13,14].Unfortunately, post examination of failed targets is verycomplex due to high activation of the irradiated material.For this reason, a reliable methodology based on advancedcomputational tools and experimental tests is proposed inorder to reduce uncertainties on the target response and toassess the choice of future design and candidate material.In the present study, the numerical part of this approach isshown with the aim of identifying the AD-target materialworking conditions and analyze its governing phenomena.The thermomechanical effects induced in materials by

high energy particle beam impact have been extensivelystudied in accelerator technology in a wide number offacilities around the world for the design of BIDs (beamintercepting devices) such as targets, collimators, anddumps. References [15–18] are a few among many exam-ples. In these studies, the energy deposition map arising asa consequence of proton beam interaction with matter iscalculated by means of Monte Carlo simulations and thenapplied as an internal energy load to thermomechanicalfinite element (FE) solvers. The thermomechanical effectsinduced in solid were also studied analytically in [19],where dynamic stresses were solved for a single circulartraversal section assuming impact of a Gaussian beam. Allthese calculations, however, are normally performed underassumptions of material elastic regime and consideringquasistatic analysis, focused toward steady state conditionssince raise of temperatures are within the order of hundredsof degrees per pulse. Unfortunately, these assumptions areby far out of reality for our problem of study, wheredeposited energy is much higher and faster. The materialwill certainly deform plastically or break. As a matter offact, only the previously described target of the Pbar Sourceat Fermilab has worked in a similar range of energydeposition density as CERNs AD-target.Hydrocodes are a family of advanced highly nonlinear

computational tools which are able to fully simulate thedynamic response of materials [20]. These codes numeri-cally solve the equations arising from mass, momentumand energy conservation. They are able to simulate thematerial response at different thermodynamic and mechani-cal states (including response beyond plasticity andfracture) taking into account strain rate and temperaturedependence by coupling these equations with materialmodels as equations of state (EOS), strength, and failuremodels. Hydrocodes have been historically developedand used in ballistic and military applications where thedynamic load originates from high velocity impacts and

FIG. 1. Schematics of the water cooled antiproton target designused from 1987 to present day.



Page 3: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

explosions. However, they have started being applied inaccelerator technology for simulations of BIDs, where theload is generated by the sudden thermal expansion of thematerial impacted by particle pulses and the subsequentpropagation of the produced stress waves. Current pro-grams for development of accelerator technologies requirehigher and higher particle beam energies and intensities,which push engineers to use these codes to investigatemechanical damage in materials hit by high intensity beamsas a consequence of abnormal operation, in which hydro-dynamic behavior of materials is expected. Simple 2-Dhydrodynamic calculations were already used at CERN in1984 to assess the response of solids and liquid materials tothe impact of proton pulses [21]. In a similar way, hydro-dynamic calculations for assessing the tolerance of the SSCbeam dump to a hypothetical full impact of 20-TeV protonbeam was done in 1993 [22]. More recent and compre-hensive analyses using AUTODYN ® were done for thestudy of the structural behaviour of the Main LHC absorberblock in case of a total beam dilution failure [23].Numerical studies of high dynamic transient effects ofpulse beams on BIDs can be found in [24,25], wherehydrodynamical calculations for uranium beam impactedon copper targets for ISOLDE were performed. Very recentpublications for research on new collimator materials usingANSYS AUTODYN® can be found in [26,27], while usingas well LS-DYNA® in Refs. [28–31]. In the same way,literature including hydrodynamic calculations using BIG2code for the design of solids targets for the FAIR facility inGermany can be found in [32,33] as well as for studying thepenetration of LHC proton beams in carbon targets andhydrodynamic tunneling effect [34].The goal of the present paper is therefore, the application

of hydrocodes in order to simulate the dynamic response ofthe AD-Target core after one proton pulse impact, in orderto gain important information concerning its response,understand the dominating phenomena and learn lessonswhich could define strategies to provide a new designwhich should be as robust as possible.


Figure 2 shows a scheme of the methodology employedin this study. First, an energy deposition map in the target

material as a consequence of the proton beam-target atomsinteraction is calculated by means of FLUKA Monte Carlosimulations, a highly advanced particle transport codedeveloped at CERN which is able to simulate the energyreleased by these nuclear reactions also taking into accountsecondary reactions of the particle cascade generated by theproton beam when going through the target material [35].This energy deposition map is then applied as an internalenergy load to the commercial hydrocode ANSYSAUTODYN® via an internal user subroutine and the userfunction EXSIE3. The energy is applied consistently withthe PS beam parameters, whose proton beam is composedby 4 proton bunches spaced by 105 ns, bunch length of30 ns for a total pulse intensity of 1.5 × 1013 protons perpulse [9]. The total energy deposited in the target core isapproximately 1.34 kJ, which results in 11.17 GW con-sidering that it is deposited only in 120 ns. Moreover, thepower is applied in a small volume of the target core,producing a mean power density of 2.87 × 104 TW=m3.It is important to note that the interaction between

FLUKA and ANSYS AUTODYN® is only a one-waycoupling, which means that the reduction in the depositedenergy during the pulse impact as a consequence of thechange of target material density is not taken into account.This is considered a valid assumption by the authors as themaximum decrease of density during the 430 ns pulse burstdue to the increase of temperature is in the order of 2% ofthe initial density, since the material is not melting.ANSYS AUTODYN® provides a good variety of

solvers for the numerical resolution of the mass, momen-tum and energy equations, enabling it to obtain the fulldynamic response of the material. For the present study, aLagrangian solver is used as the deformation of the materialis produced by its thermal expansion and no importantmesh distortions occur.

A. Material models employed by the hydrocodes

There are three main ingredients necessary to performhydrocode calculations; equation of state (EOS), strengthmodel and failure model. These are the material lawswhich, coupled with the mass, momentum and energyequations, define the material behavior. Full confidence onsimulations relies on the use of proper material models forthe regime of application [20]. Unfortunately, the materialconstants associated to many of these models are rarelyavailable in literature, and are often classified as it is drawnfrom military research. Moreover, most of the AD-targetmaterial candidates such as iridium or tungsten-rheniumalloys are uncommon and they have never been studied atany dynamic regime at all, even less so for the ones presentin the case of study, with temperatures above 2000°C andstrain rates above 104s−1. It is for this reason that thecalculations here are done assuming pure tungsten as atarget material, for which more material models areavailable. Tungsten-rhenium alloys would probably present

FIG. 2. Scheme of the methodology employed in this study,including the two computational tools FLUKA and ANSYSAUTODYN®.



Page 4: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

a more ductile response than pure tungsten, howeverseveral studies had shown that the initial more ductilebehavior of tungsten-rhenium in comparison to puretungsten rapidly vanishes when exposed to radiation dueto the formation of precipitates at the grain boundaries[36–38]. In addition, tungsten was and is a strong candidatematerial and the lessons learned from this study dependmainly on the pure dynamic response, making it possible toextrapolate theses conclusions to other candidate materials.Furthermore, experimental tests under real proton beamand similar conditions as reached in the AD-target are alsoforeseen to validate these phenomena.

1. Equation of state (EOS)

An equation of state is a model which expresses therelation between thermodynamic state variables as pres-sure, energy and density. EOS were originally developedfor ideal gases and subsequently extended to all states ofmatter [39]. In continuum mechanics, the stress tensor isusually decomposed in a hydrostatic component anddeviatoric component. The EOS governs hydrostatic com-ponent associated with the change of pressure as a functionof volume and internal energy and it is strongly correlatedwith the wave propagation velocity and shock response.Ideally, the EOS includes also change of phase of thematerial, although in practice it is difficult to include themin a single formulation. There are different EOS formula-tions depending on the regime of applications and assump-tions, Linear EOS, Mie-Grüneisen, Puff, Tillotson EOS[40] and SESAME tables [41] are some of them. For thisstudy Mie-Grüneisen is employed. This model is one of themost widely used EOS and one of which more parametersare available in the literature, working especially well inthe regime of not very high pressures where the relationbetween shock speed and particle speed can still beconsidered linear. The AUTODYN® implementation ofMie-Grüneisen takes as well into account differencesbetween compression and tensile states. This formulationdoes not take into account change of phase, which isperfectly valid for the case under study—where melting ofmaterial does not occur due to the high melting point ofthe candidate materials—and the pressures reached are inthe order of GPa’s, which in terms of shock physics, arerelatively low.

2. Strength model

The strength model, on the other hand, defines thedeviatoric part of the stress-strain tensor, i.e., it governsthe changes in shape as well as deformation beyondplasticity (flow stress). The strength model is therefore aconstitutive relation that links stress with strain for differentstrain rates and temperatures. There are a wide number ofstrength model formulations depending on strain rate-temperature influence assumptions, type of material, andregime of application. Some of them are purely empirical as

Johnson-Cook (J-C) [42], which is one of the simplest andmore widely used strength model, or more physical basedas Zerillini-Amstrong [43] which is based on dislocationdynamics. Other formulations are Steinberg-Guinan [44],Steinberg-Lund [45] or the mechanical threshold model[46]. For the present study, the J-C strength model wasused, which takes into account the temperature and strainrate dependence on the material as well as its responsebeyond plasticity. This model is relatively simple, since itconsiders the influence of temperature and strain rate in anuncoupled way, but has been shown to provide goodagreement between experiments and simulations in otherstudies of proton beam impact phenomena on materials[26]. The parameters employed for the strength model ofpure tungsten were obtained by Hopkinson bar tests [47,48]at different high temperatures and high strain rates byK. T Ramesh et al. [49] and are partially extrapolated by thecode to the regime reached in the AD-target.

3. Failure model

Finally, the third necessary element to simulate realisticmaterial behavior is a failure model. A material cannotwithstand local tensile stresses greater than its limits. Whenthis threshold is exceeded, the code assumes that thematerial can no longer sustain any shear stress or anytensile pressures in the corresponding element. There aretwo main types of failure models used by the hydrocodes;(i) the material will instantaneously fail when it locallyovercomes a limit for one or a certain number of variables(such as strain to fracture, tensile hydrostatic stress,maximum principal stress) and (ii) The failure model isbased on the cumulative damage of the material when acertain variable is reiteratively exceeded [50]. The first oneis generally associated to brittle failure mode while thesecond with ductile fracture [43]. In the present study, amodel corresponding to the first type is employed, namedthe minimum hydrostatic pressure model [51]. This modelassumes that the material fails when a certain negativepressure is reached. The arguments supporting the use ofthis model are the large tensile pressures reached in thetarget and the known brittleness of the material candidates.For this study a spall strength of −2.6 GPa was considered,estimated by J. Wang et al. using laser-induced stress waveson polycrystalline tungsten [52].

B. Computational domain

Simulations are performed using the reference geometryshown in Fig. 3(a), which corresponds to the target core andcontaining graphite matrix. In addition to this configura-tion, two other configurations have been investigated,including a copper and tantalum cladding up to 1 mmthickness around the target core, [Figs. 3(b) and (c)]. Theaim of these simulations was to investigate the influence ofthe impedance mismatch between target core and surround-ing materials on the pressure wave response inside the



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target. The post processing tool of AUTODYN® allows usto add gauges in specific points of the geometry in order tocheck the time history of a selected variable. The resultspresented in the plots of Figs. 5–9 correspond to theposition of the gauges shown in Fig. 3. For a deepunderstanding of the shock wave phenomena and inter-pretation of the results, the simulations were performed in astep by step way, increasing gradually the level of complex-ity of the models, i.e., from a single material (only the targetcore) to multiple materials (graphite matrix and cladding),as well as from assumptions of perfectly elastic materialresponse, up to implementation of plastic models andfinally, failure models.From the point of view of physical constraints, the model

is considering that the external graphite envelope can freelyexpand in every dimension. This assumption does not affectat all the dynamic response of the center core in the timewindow of interest, as the phenomena of study are that fastthat there is not enough time for the speed of sound to traveland come back from the periphery of the computationaldomain (the external graphite envelope).


A. Adiabatic increase of temperaturein the target

Figure 4 shows the temperature profile in a 3=4 cut viewof the target core at the end of a single proton pulse impact,i.e., at 430 ns. This simulation assumes that the rod wasat room temperature prior to the pulse impact. The profileshows the increase of temperature generated as a conse-quence of the proton-target material interaction, which

reaches 2000 °C at the center of the rod. In addition, atemperature gradient of up to 1800 °C in only 1.5 mm of theradial direction takes place. The expansion of the materialassociated to this sudden rise in temperature causes thesuccessive dynamic waves studied in detail in the nextsections.

B. Elastic and plastic response of the target core

1. Simulations assuming perfectly elastic material

Figures 5 and 6 show respectively the short and longtransient pressure response in the center of the target core(gauge 7) and periphery (gauge 9) assuming a perfectelastic material. This assumption is by far out of reality astungsten’s yield strength is no more than 800 MPa, wellexceeded in this study. Therefore, the pressure valuesshown in these plots can only be taken into account as aqualitative way since the energy diffused by plastic

FIG. 3. Half-view geometry of the different configurationsstudied in the present work: (a) W target surrounded bygraphite matrix (b) W target with Cu cladding surrounded bygraphite matrix (c) W target with Ta cladding surroundedby graphite matrix.

FIG. 4. 3=4 cut view of the temperature profile in the target coreat the end of a single 26 GeV proton beam impact.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7−2












Time [us]



re [



Pressure Periphery (Gauge 9)Pressure Center (Gauge 7)

T Radial Wave = 1.2 us4 Proton Bunches

FIG. 5. Pressure response at the center (gauge 7) and periphery(gauge 9) during the first 7 μs after the 430 ns -four bunches-proton pulse impact under infinitely elastic material assumption(reached pressures only for qualitative information). The plotclearly shows the existence of a radial wave with a 0.85 μs period.Note that the oscillation takes place in phase in the center andperiphery, meaning that the rod material simultaneously expandsand contracts within its transversal section.



Page 6: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

deformation processes is not taken into account.Simulations assuming elastic material, however, allow abetter understanding of the pressure wave propagation asno damping of the waves on the material occurs.Figure 5 shows the pressure response in the target during

the first 7 μs. A four stepped rise of pressure correspondingto the four impacts of four proton bunches spaced by 120 nscan be observed. Then, a clear high frequency pressurewave response takes place. This wave has a period of0.85 μs, corresponding to the time needed for the inducedexpansion to travel and come back from the rod circum-ferential surface. The pressure wave in the center andperiphery (gauges 7 and 9) are practically in phase,meaning that the whole section of the rod expandssimultaneously. This is due to the fact that the sudden riseof temperature in the material not only happens at the centerbut also at the periphery of the rod, where the increase oftemperature is also significant (above 300 °C, as can beseen in Fig. 4). The consequence is that the pressure wavesare not just traveling from a central, localized area, butthere are infinitesimal pressure waves with infinitesimaldeparting points along the rod material. The amplitudes ofthese pressure waves are attenuated as they travel to theperipheral surface, and amplified as they do it through thecenter due to the cylindrical geometry. The pressure, andother variables, oscillations are the result of the interactionsof all these waves at each single point.Figure 6 plots the response of the transient analysis in an

expanded time window, from 20 μs to 100 μs, allowing usto appreciate, in addition to radial high frequency wave,a longitudinal pressure wave. This wave has a period of24 μs, corresponding to the resultant period consequent ofthe interaction of the infinitesimal waves traveling alongthe 55 mm longitudinal distance. It is important to note as

well that this longitudinal pressure wave is in phase at allthe longitudinal points of the rod. This can be easilyappreciated in Fig. 7, where the longitudinal displacementat different longitudinal points of the rod axis (gauges1,4,7,10,13,16 in Fig. 3) is shown. The coordinate refer-ence system in the model is placed at longitudinal center ofthe rod, higher displacements are symmetrically reachedat gauges 1 and 16, which are close to each of the rodends, while displacement is reduced when symmetricallyapproaching the longitudinal center of the rod—gauges 7and 10. The whole rod is therefore longitudinally expand-ing in a simultaneous way within all its volume, in a similarmanner as it was happening radially. The reason for thisphenomenon, again, is that the temperature rise caused bythe deposited energy is also covering a great part of thelongitudinal volume of the core rod. An important point tobe detailed here is that the velocity of propagation of theradial and the longitudinal waves do not match. This can beeasily found out by just dividing the longitudinal and radialperiod by its corresponding radial and longitudinal dis-tances. Initially one may think that the nature of the originof the wave is the triaxial expansion of the inner materialand therefore the wave should travel through the bulkmaterial at the same speed, no matter the direction. Thishowever is not perfectly true, since ultimately, the triaxialexpansion in a single point and its propagation is governedand constrained by the surrounding material as well. In thatsense, and in this specific case where the geometry is thatsmall, the amount of surrounding material does matter.In fact, the resulting radial oscillation has a faster speed ofpropagation than the longitudinal one since there is muchless surrounding material limiting the expansion radiallythan longitudinally.

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100−3








Time [µs]



re [


a]Pressure Periphery (Gauge 9)Pressure Center (Gauge 7)

T Longitudinal Wave = 24 µs

FIG. 6. Pressure response at the center (gauge 7) and periphery(gauge 9) during 20 μs–100 μs under infinitely elastic materialassumption (reached pressures only for qualitative information).The plot clearly shows the presence of high frequency radial andlow frequency −24 μs period- longitudinal waves.

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100−0.25











Time [µs]







Gauge 1Gauge 4Gauge 7Gauge 10Gauge 13Gauge 16

FIG. 7. Plot of the axial displacement at different longitudinalpositions of the target core after proton pulse impact and underinfinitely elastic material assumption. The plot clearly shows howthe material of the target core longitudinally expands andcontracts with a period of 24 μs.



Page 7: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

2. Simulations including J-C strength model

Figure 8 plots the pressure response during the first 7 μswith a simulation applying J-C strength model, whichtakes into account plasticity. This simulation is thereforemuch more realistic than the previous one, which assumedan elastic model. Figure 8 shows how the pressure waveexperiences a fast damping due to the energy loss asso-ciated to the plastic deformation processes, which provokean attenuation of the wave in just 20 μs. This fastattenuation prevents the appreciation of the lower fre-quency longitudinal waves presented in Fig. 6. In addition,another important difference concerning the wave responsewith respect to the elastic assumption is the compressive-to-tensile nature of the wave, reaching values up to 4 GPa and−5 GPa in the center of the rod during the first oscillations.This compressive-to-tensile response takes place also at theperiphery, but with significantly lower amplitudes. Thisrelevant difference in pressure distribution compared to theelastic assumption—Figs. 5 and 6—where the oscillationsof pressure at the center of the rod were taking place alwaysin compressive states is due to the limitation of thedeviatoric component in the stress tensor by the plasticlimit of the material. The proper predictions of these hightensile states are fundamental, since they are well above thespall strength of the material and could cause internalcracking and fragmentation in the inner part of the targetrod, producing a high loss of density which will lead to asignificant decrease of antiproton yield. This fact also statesthe importance of using proper strength models beyondplasticity, since wrong assumptions will not only affect themagnitude of stress-strain response but can change com-pletely its distribution along the geometry.

Another interesting phenomenon that deserves beingexplained in detail can be observed in Fig. 9, which showsthe pressure response and its time derivative at the center ofthe target during the first 1.5 μs of the transient. This plotincludes therefore the four sudden rises of pressure corre-sponding to the four impacting bunches. The interestingphenomenon occurs at the end of each proton bunch impact—105 ns, 210 ns, 315 and 420 ns—and consists of anabrupt decrease of pressure as a consequence of the inertiaafter the sudden expansion of the material, as can be easilyseen when plotting the pressure derivative (green line inFig. 9). This end-of-bunch decrease of pressure is signifi-cantly relevant since it may be the cause of the strongcompressive-to-tensile oscillation response present in thecenter of target when it is in constructive interference withthe natural radial wave as it is demonstrated in the nextsection. The plot of the pressure derivative in Fig. 9 allowsus to observe as well four delayed waves corresponding tothe reflection of the initial perturbation produced at thebeginning of each single bunch impact. The interactions ofthese reflective waves are the responsible of the smalloscillations on the radial fundamental wave observedduring the first period on Figs. 5 and 8.

C. Importance of the proton pulse lengthon the pressure response

The previous subsection allowed pointing out the exist-ence of an end-of-bunch tensile wave taking place due tothe inertia effects. We have investigated whether these

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7−6







Time [µs]



re [



Pressure Center (Gauge 7)Pressure Periphery (Gauge 9)

FIG. 8. Pressure response at the center (gauge 7) and periphery(gauge 9) of the target core after a 430 ns proton pulse impact.This simulation considers J-C strength model, which takes intoaccount the material response beyond plasticity. Note the changein the pressure distribution in comparison to the pure elasticmaterial assumption (Fig. 5).

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5−10







re [







1x 10




Time [µs]

dP/dt Center (Gauge7)Pressure Center (Gauge 7)

4 impactingbunches

4 reflectivewaves

FIG. 9. Plot of the pressure response (blue) and its timederivative (green) in the center of the target core (gauge 7)during the first 1.5 μs after proton pulse impact. The plot clearlyshows the discontinuities in the pressure derivative correspondingto the beginning and end of each of the four proton bunchimpacts, the produced tensile wave at the end of the bursts, andfour delayed waves, corresponding to the reflection of the fourbunch impacts. This simulation is considering a J-C strengthmodel for the tungsten target core.



Page 8: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

tensile waves can have an important influence on theoverall response. For this reason, a parametric analysisassuming proton impacts with different pulse length hasbeen carried out. For this analysis it is assumed that all theenergy is deposited in the target in continuous pulses(single bunch). The total energy applied for each of thescenarios is the same, with the only difference of theduration of the pulse. A J-C strength model includingplastic deformation of the material is used. Figure 10 showsthe pressure response in the center of the target assumingtimes of proton pulses from 0.1 μs (blue) to 1.2 μs (pink) insteps of 0.2 μs. As can be seen in the plot, the magnitude ofpressures reached changes completely depending on thelength of the pulse, ranging from þ= − 9 GPa with 0.1 μspulse to þ1 GPa only in compressive stress with 1 μs. Thereason for this change is not only the evident fact that theshorter the pulse the greater the power and inertia butthe influence of when the pulse is finishing. It can beobserved in the plot that a tensile wave which changes thetrend of the pressure wave always takes place at the end ofthe pulse. The effect of this end-of-pulse tensile wavediffers significantly depending on whether the material isgoing to tensile or compressive states. When the material isgoing to tensile states, the end-of-pulse wave and radialwave produce a constructive interference leading to verylarge tensile stresses in the first period of the radial wave,which propagates to the rest of the transient pressureresponse. This can be easily appreciated in Fig. 11; higherend-of-pulses pressure drops take place in the cases wherepulses finish when DP=Dt < 0. This is the case of pulsesof 0.43 μs length (the real of the AD-target), 0.6 μs lengthand 1.2 μs length. On the other hand, in the pulses which

end between 1=2 and 3=4 of the period of the radial wave(when the pressure is going to compressive states andtherefore DP=Dt > 0) the end-of-pulse tensile wave iscounteracted by the radial wave. This is the case of 0.8 μslength and 1 μs pulses in Figs. 10 and 11, where the tensilepressure reached is below −1 GPa. This phenomenon iseven clearer when comparing the 1 μs length pulse (yellow)with the one of 1.2 μs. Higher tensile and compressivestresses are reached in the latter, even if the energy isdeposited slower in this case. The only exception to thisresponse takes place with the pulse 0.1 μs, where due to thehigh inertia, the amplification of the end-of-pulse tensilewave takes place even if DP=Dt > 0. In any case, astraightforward conclusion that can be drawn from thisanalysis is that a way to reduce the harmful tensile stressesreached in the AD-target, given that the length of the pulsesis strongly constrained by the PS and AD operation, wouldbe to increase the diameter of the target core to 5–6 mm inorder to increase the period of the radial wave and avoid itsconstructive interference with the end-of-pulse target. Thisdiameter increase could however increment the antiprotonreabsorption at the periphery of the target, in particular ofthe antiprotons created in the interactions at the beam halo.This effect may not be very relevant with appropriatefocusing but it needs to be demonstrated via FLUKA andmore detailed trade-off analyses.

D. Influence of cladding and applicationof failure models to the cases of study

Another studied strategy in order to decrease the mag-nitude of the tensile pressure in the center of the target core

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3−10−9−8−7−6−5−4−3−2−1



Time [µs]



re [



0.1 µs Pulse0.43 µs Pulse0.6 µs Pulse0.8 µs Pulse1 µs Pulse1.2 µs Pulse

End−of−Pulse TensileWaves

FIG. 10. Parametric study showing the pressure response in thecenter of the target core (gauge 7) for different proton pulselengths. End-of-pulses tensile waves can be easily appreciated inthe plot, as well as their amplifying effect when they are in phasewith the natural radial waves. Compare 0.8 μs pulse length(brown) with 1.2 μs (purple), higher tensile pressure are reachedin the former even if energy is deposited in a slower fashion.

0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3−1.5













x 1011

Time [µs]






0.1 µs Pulse0.43 µs Pulse0.6 µs Pulse0.8 µs Pulse1 µs Pulse1.2 µs Pulse

FIG. 11. Same analysis as in Fig. 10 but showing the pressurederivative for different pulse lengths. The influence of theend-of-pulse can be seen in the drop of the pressure derivativeat the end of the pulses. It can be easily seen as well that, excepton case of 0.1 μs length, these discontinuities in pressurederivative are more accentuated when the wave is going totensile states, i.e. DP=Dt < 0.



Page 9: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

could be the addition of an external cladding. It is wellknown in the shock and explosive physics literature that theuse of multilayer armatures can effectively reduce theshock-induced tensile stresses in explosively expandingmaterials. The key point resides in the acoustic impedancemismatch between the different materials in a multilayeredmedia, which governs the fraction of the pressure waveenergy that is transited/reflected between them [53,54]. Thegreater the impedance mismatch, the greater the portion ofthe shock energy reflected at the boundary, and the smaller,the greater portion transmitted to the adjacent media. Theideal situation from the shock wave view point would bethat no impedance mismatching exists between the targetcore and surrounding material, therefore all the energy ofthe radial pressure wave is transmitted to the adjacent mediainstead of being reflected to the core as a tensile anddestructive wave. This possibility is studied numerically inthe present section by assuming three different scenarios:(i) No cladding between the 3 mm diameter high densitytarget core and the surrounding graphite matrix [Fig. 3(a)].This is the case of the current design of the target, where theimpedance mismatch is very big due to the large differencebetween tungsten and graphite’s density and sound velocity(≈30 times ratio in acoustic impedance between target coreand graphite). (ii) Copper cladding of 1 mm thickness[Fig. 3(b)]. (≈2 times ratio in acoustic impedance betweentarget core and copper). (iii) Tantalum cladding of 1 mmthickness [Fig. 3(c)]. (≈1.4 times ratio in acoustic imped-ance between target core and tantalum). For these calcu-lations, strength models which take into account theresponse beyond plasticity are considered as well for thecladding materials as shown in Table I. No failure model isconsidered in order to see the propagation of the wave. Thecontact boundary between the target core and surroundingmaterials is assumed to be perfect by the code, i.e., themesh is considering a continuous body with shared nodes atthe interface, so no contact algorithm is necessary. This isdone in order to avoid sensitivity of the mesh and thenonlinearity of the contact algorithm parameters for thecomparison between results, reducing the problem to a puredynamic phenomenon. In reality a kind of contact like thiscould be achieved by bounding via hipping, a possibilitythat is currently under investigation.Figure 12 shows the pressure response at the center of the

target core during the first 2 μs for the three scenarios ofinterest. As shown in the plot, the magnitude of the tensilepressure in the radial wave is significantly reduced when

using copper and tantalum cladding. The reason for thisreduction is probably a combination of 3 phenomena: first,the fact of the better impedance match between the coreof tungsten and tantalum which causes a higher fraction ofthe energy of the pressure wave to be transmitted to thecladding instead of coming back as a tensile wave. Second,the shift in the period of the radial wave due to the largerdiameter as a consequence of the cladding, which couldpartially avoid the constructive interference betweenthe end-of-pulse wave and the radial ones explained inthe previous section. Third, the plastic deformation in thetantalum or copper cladding material, which absorbsenergy from the pressure wave, avoiding its reflection tothe target core.This reduction by 44% in the maximum tensile pressure

reached in the center of the target when using tantalum canbe very important from the point of view of target survivaland increase of antiproton yield, especially if it is enough toreduce the tensile pressure below the spall strength of thematerial (which in tungsten was identified at 2.6 GPa). Thiscan be seen in Fig. 13, where the minimum hydrostaticpressure failure model is applied in the three cases ofinterest after a single pulse of proton beam. As observedin the figure, for the case of a tungsten target without

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2−5











Time [µs]



re [



w/o cladding1 mm Cu cladding1 mm Ta cladding

FIG. 12. Pressure reached in the center of the target core(gauge 7) for the three scenarios of study. Assuming Johnson-Cook strength model for the tungsten core and models consid-ering plasticity in the cladding consistently with Table I. Nofailure models are considered. The plot shows the reduction of thereached tensile pressure when using Ta cladding.

TABLE I. Material models employed by the simulations.

Material EOS Strength Model Failure Model

Tungsten Mie-Grüneisen Johnson Cook[49] Minimum Hydrostatic Pressure Pmin ¼ −2.6 GPa [52]Graphite Puff Viscoelastic [55] Principal Tensile Failure StrainCopper Mie-Grüneisen J-C � � �Tantalum Mie-Grüneisen Von Mises (Yield strength 500 MPa) � � �



Page 10: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

cladding, a large part of the volume of the target core isfragmented, leading to a reduction of antiproton produc-tion due to loss of effective density. The use of tantalumcladding, on the other hand, can efficiently reduce thevolume of the fragmented region. The calculations showthat only a ≈1% volume is fragmented with the Tacladding solution in comparison with the noncladdedone. In this figure can be seen as well how most of thematerial of the target core experiences plastic deforma-tion. One of the main challenges is therefore to understandwhat would be the real effect of this plastic deformationand its damaging influence. In addition, the impact ofsubsequent pulses could certainly increase the fragmentedvolume presented here, but in any case it is shown thanTa cladding solution is much more favorable than thenoncladded one. Another open point, not covered inthis study, is the effect of plastic deformation at thecore-cladding interface, which could lead to claddingdetaching and therefore reduce as well the improvementof the cladding solution obtained. This possibility willbe studied experimentally in future works.


In the present study a detailed analysis of CERNantiproton decelerator target has been carried out. Thisanalysis includes a summary of the existing literature of thecurrent design, which dates from the late 1980s, as wellas of the previous designs built during the 10 years ofiterations which led to it. This study emphasizes theextreme conditions reached in the 3 mm diameter, highdensity target core, in terms of adiabatic increase of

temperature of more than 2000 °C each time the protonbeam hits the target and the subsequent pressure wave anddynamic response. These facts probably make the AD-target the most dynamically demanding high energy targetcurrently in operation around the world. The work does notcover the effect of further impact of consecutive pulsessince their progressive damaging effect is subjected to thestate of the material after the first pulse, propagating thealready existing uncertainties in the calculations. In anycase, it is quite obvious that further pulses will extend thelevel of target damage, although the generated pressurewave and its propagation through the material will becertainly different from the one presented here due to theinternal fragmentation of the target.The understanding of the dynamic phenomena induced

on the target core as a consequence of proton beam impactturns out to be fundamental in order to provide a robustfuture design for the next 20–30 years of operation of theantiproton decelerator. Hydrocodes are a very powerfulnumerical tool, historically used for shock and impactphysics, which are the only way to properly simulate thisdynamic response of the target. The application of them tothe target core is even more interesting, since its small andsimple cylinder geometry allows us to easily appreciate thepropagation of the generated pressure waves and under-standing fundamental aspects about them. Simulationsstarting from simple models assuming perfectly elasticmaterial, while adding gradually more complex modelswhich take into account plasticity or fracture, helped aswell for this purpose. In this way, three main phenomenahave been identified and described in this study: (i) Theidentification of radial and longitudinal pressure wavespresent in the target core with a period of 0.85 μs and 24 μsrespectively, the high frequency radial wave being the mostimportant and critical one since the longitudinal one israpidly damped by the plastic deformation of the material.The radial wave on the other hand produces huge oscillat-ing compressive-to-tensile pressure response in the centerand periphery of the target core, probably leading to itsinternal fracture in the first oscillations, when reachingtensile stresses above the spall strength of the material.(ii) The existence and importance of the end-of-pulsetensile waves, consequence of the inertia of the heatedmaterial expansion. These tensile waves become especiallyimportant when they are in phase with the tensile part of thecompressive-to-tensile radial wave described above. This isthe case of the AD-target core due to its small diameterof only 3 mm. Avoiding this constructive interference willbe a way to reduce this limiting phenomenon. (iii) Thepossibility of using a 1-mm thick cladding surrounding the3-mm diameter target core as a way to decrease the acousticimpedance mismatch between the target core and graphitecontaining matrix, with the aim of decreasing the tensilepressure reached in the center of the high density targetcore. Simulations show that a reduction of up to 44% in the

FIG. 13. Figure showing the state of the target core materialafter a proton pulse impact considering minimum hydrostaticfailure model in tungsten. (Pmin ¼ −2.6 GPa). The figure showsresults for the three scenarios of study, demonstrating the efficacyof Ta cladding for reducing the internal core damage.



Page 11: CERN antiproton target: Hydrocode analysis of its core material

maximum tensile pressure can be achieved by a tantalumcladding.Nevertheless, one must be aware of the intrinsic limi-

tations of these simulations, which are using materialmodels based on simple assumptions and experimentallyfitted as J-C can be. These models are applied here to amuch more complex case than a simple mechanical impacttest. The nature of the load itself, the variation of temper-ature and strain rates in this short time, will lead to lots ofphenomena which cannot be considered by the code, likepossible re-crystallization processes if there is enough timefor it, presence of preexisting defects, material mechanicalhysteresis or radiation damage. To these phenomena onehas to add as well the effect on accuracy of the simulationsdue to the partial extrapolation of the used strength models,which had to be done because of the lack of experimentaldata in the literature at the extreme regime reached.For this reason, the analysis in the current study only

represents the numerical approach of the antiproton targetredesign process. An experiment in the testing facilityHiRadMat at CERN is foreseen to experimentally completethis numerical work. In this experiment different targetmaterials as Ir, W, Mo, Ta, TZM and W cladded in Ta willbe irradiated with high energy proton beam from the SPS,recreating the same conditions as reached in the real AD-target and exposed here. The goal of this experiment will beto validate these calculations, gain experimental insights ofthe real material response in these conditions and assessnew potential candidate target materials for a future design.


The authors want to thank Herta Richter for the develop-ment of the subroutine used to import the energy depositionfrom FLUKA to AUTODYN®. In addition, the authorsgratefully acknowledge the advices of Professor LorenzoPeroni, which helped with the interpretation of some ofthe results, as well as the English proofreading of thisdocument kindly done by Ayse Karatepe.

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