cern openlab v technical strategy

CERN openlab V Technical Strategy Fons Rademakers CERN openlab CTO

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CERN openlab V Technical Strategy. Fons Rademakers CERN openlab CTO. Outline. The IT Challenges Whitepaper From Use Cases to openlab Projects Process and Timeline. The IT Challenges Whitepaper. The Main IT Challenges. Data acquisition (online). Computing platforms (offline). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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CERN openlab VTechnical Strategy

Fons Rademakers

CERN openlab CTO

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The IT Challenges Whitepaper From Use Cases to openlab Projects Process and Timeline

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The IT Challenges Whitepaper

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The Main IT Challenges

Data acquisition (online)

Computing platforms (offline)

Data storage architectures

Compute management and provisioning

Data analytics

Networks and connectivity

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Medical applications

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The Use Cases

Total of 34 use cases in the Whitepaper• Online triggers and DAQ: 3

• Offline analysis and simulation: 4

• Data storage architectures: 4

• Compute management and provisioning: 5

• Networks and connectivity: 8

• Data analytics: 10

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The Use Cases

Data acquisition (online)• Online data filtering and processing

• High-bandwidth (TB/s) networking for DAQ at LHC

• Data transfer and storage

Computing platforms (offline)• Continuous benchmarking and evaluation of hardware platforms

and software tools

• Design and optimization of simulation and analysis software

• Investigation of applications of GPUs and co-processors

• Development of expertise and skills in multi-core parallel programming

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The Use Cases

Data storage architectures• Evaluation of cloud storage for science cases

• End-to-end implementation of data protection

• NoSQL solutions for big data

• Scalable namespaces and catalogues

Compute management and provisioning• Data analysis facility

• Secure data federations

• Remote management of analysis facility

• Provisioning research clouds at scale

• Hardware support for large-scale desktop computing

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The Use Cases

Networks and connectivity• Ability to migrate public IP address between sites

• Cross-site, on demand VLANs

• Intelligent bandwidth optimisation

• Latency-tolerant wide-area NFS

• Layer-3 roaming across Wi-Fi and mobile telephony data services

• Intelligent, self-adjusting and self-healing Wi-Fi networks

• Wireless networks for data acquisition

• Secure, high-bandwidth mobile communication technology

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The Use Cases

Data analytics• The CERN Accelerator Logging Service

• CERN industrial control systems

• IT monitoring

• Intelligent data placement

• Network monitoring

• The CERN Advanced Storage Manager (CASTOR)

• ESA and serendipity in the data archives

• Analytics and modelling for available improvement in the CERN FCC

• Data analytics of scientific articles

• Administrative information systems

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Use Cases with Specific Interest to Intel

Data acquisition systems Software optimization Rackscale Architectures and Open

Compute Support for enterprise-level desktop


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From Use Cases to openlab Projects

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CERN openlab Projects

The use cases represent high-level requirements or areas of investigation

The next step is to define concrete projects out of the use cases

The goal is to have an initial set of concrete projects in the coming months

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Representation and Coordination

The projects are the main units of technical activity• As broad or as specific as the project participants require

as long as cost, effort and contributions are clear

CERN/Research Lab group and openlab sponsor representation needed across all projects• The CERN/Research Lab groups will host the projects

• Needed for coordination, monitoring, review, etc.

Each project can be reviewed independently to be able to preserve confidentiality as necessary

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Training and Education

Some of the projects may not be R&D-focused• Training or educational activities

Leverage existing training activities or facilities across openlab sponsors and research labs

Relationship with• The Summer Student program

• Wider education/training activities (similar to the current ICE-DIP project)

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Project Starting Date

Formally, January 1st, 2015 New projects can be defined during openlab V

• If activities do not fit in current projects

• When new openlab members join

Projects can start earlier than January 2015• When Openlab V Collaboration Agreement is in place

• When project Statement of Work is defined

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CERN openlab V will be a very flexible and dynamic phase with a low level of entry for new partners, wider CERN community participation, wider Research Lab participation, and possible EU contributions

The challenges CERN and hence our partners face remain formidable

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