certificate iv in building and construction (building)

CERTIFICATE IV IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION (BUILDING) (CPC40110) MBA Group Training conduct the Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) at the Master Builders Skills Centre in Fyshwick. The course is made up of six modules that must be successfully completed to gain the qualification. This qualification is now one of a range of Certificate IV level qualifications which have become the underpinning requirement for the residential class of builder licence. In the delivery of Certificate IV in Building & Construction (Building) MBA Group Training has combined 17 units of competency into six learning modules which are presented in the evening class format as shown below. DA TE TIME VENUE COST See below for all dates 5.30pm – 8.30pm Tuesday or Thursday evenings (Light dinner will be provided) Master Builders Skills Centre, 1 Iron Knob Street, Fyshwick, 2609 $600 Per module (member), $700 (member) $3000 if paid in full (member) $3500 (non-member) (Payment is required seven (7) days prior to the course) MBA Group Training INFORMATION SHEET Cancellation Policy: If we receive your cancellation a minimum of 5 working days prior to the event you are entitled to a full refund. Registraons cancelled less than 5 working days prior to the commencement of the training being delivered or failure to nofy of non-aendance will result in the full training fee being charged. Substuons will be accepted. MBA Group Training reserves the right to cancel any training iniave or to postpone it to an alternative date. All registered participants affected by such postponement will receive a full refund or be offered the opportunity to transfer to the next available training course. MBAGT Policies are available on our website @ mba.org.au. 2017 dates for Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) RTO NO. 88163 Module 1 - Financial and Business Management Module 2 - Estimating and Stock Control Module 3 - Contracts and Legal Obligations Module 4 - Occupational Health and Safety Module 5 -Supervision, Site and Environmental Administration Module 6 - Construction Principles CERTIFICATION Competent participants will be issued with a Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) CPC40110. FURTHER ENQUIRIES: Norma Inglis Ph: (02) 6175 5900 Fax: (02) 6280 9118 Email: ninglis@mba.org.au REGISTRATION: Fax or Email this form 14 days prior to the course Fax: (02) 6280 9118 Email: [email protected] REQUIREMENTS Participants need to have a Certificate III in relevant building trade or pre-assessment Participants will undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment on enrolment CONTENT (Training is delivered weekly over a number of weeks. This varies for each module) Up to 70% of the course cost may be refundable to eligible applicants through the ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (TFA) . MBA Group Training will apply for this refund on your behalf on successful completion of each module. Module 1 - Begins Tuesday 21 February - Ends Tuesday 18 April Module 2 - Begins Thursday 23 February - Ends Thursday 18 May Module 3 - Begins Tuesday 2 May - Ends Tuesday 13 June Module 4 - Begins Thursday 01 June - Ends Thursday 06 July Module 5 - Begins Tuesday 27 June - Ends Tuesday 15 August Module 6 - Begins Thursday 20 July - Ends Thursday 12 October

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MBA Group Training conduct the Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) at the Master Builders Skills Centre in Fyshwick. The course is made up of six modules that must be successfully completed to gain the qualification.

This qualification is now one of a range of Certificate IV level qualifications which have become the underpinning requirement for the residential class of builder licence.

In the delivery of Certificate IV in Building & Construction (Building) MBA Group Training has combined 17 units of competency into six learning modules which are presented in the evening class format as shown below.



See below for all dates 5.30pm – 8.30pm Tuesday or Thursday evenings (Light dinner will be provided)

Master Builders Skills Centre, 1 Iron Knob Street, Fyshwick, 2609 $600 Per module (member), $700 (member) $3000 if paid in full (member) $3500 (non-member)

(Payment is required seven (7) days prior to the course)

MBA Group Training


Cancellation Policy: If we receive your cancellation a minimum of 5 working days prior to the event you are entitled to a full refund. Registrations cancelled less than 5 working days prior to the commencement of the training being delivered or failure to notify of non-attendance will result in the full training fee being charged.

Substitutions will be accepted. MBA Group Training reserves the right to cancel any training initiative or to postpone it to an alternative date. All registered participants affected by such postponement will receive a full refund or be offered the opportunity to transfer to the next available training course.

MBAGT Policies are available on our website @ mba.org.au.

2017 dates for Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)

RTO NO. 88163

• Module 1 - Financial and Business Management• Module 2 - Estimating and Stock Control• Module 3 - Contracts and Legal Obligations• Module 4 - Occupational Health and Safety• Module 5 -Supervision, Site and Environmental

Administration• Module 6 - Construction Principles

CERTIFICATIONCompetent participants will be issued with a Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) CPC40110.

FURTHER ENQUIRIES: Norma Inglis Ph: (02) 6175 5900Fax: (02) 6280 9118Email: [email protected]

REGISTRATION: Fax or Email this form 14 days prior to the course Fax: (02) 6280 9118 Email: [email protected]


• Participants need to have a Certificate III in relevant building trade or pre-assessment

• Participants will undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment on enrolment

CONTENT(Training is delivered weekly over a number of weeks. This varies for each module)

Up to 70% of the course cost may be refundable to eligible applicants through the ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (TFA) . MBA Group Training will apply for this refund on your behalf on successful completion of each module.

Module 1 - Begins Tuesday 21 February - Ends Tuesday 18 April Module 2 - Begins Thursday 23 February - Ends Thursday 18 May Module 3 - Begins Tuesday 2 May - Ends Tuesday 13 June Module 4 - Begins Thursday 01 June - Ends Thursday 06 July Module 5 - Begins Tuesday 27 June - Ends Tuesday 15 August Module 6 - Begins Thursday 20 July - Ends Thursday 12 October


REGISTRATION EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 02 6280-9118, PH: 02 6175-5900

Name of course: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of course: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLIENT DETAILS – please note: all details must be completed

USI ___________________________________Gender____________________________

Surname___________________________ First Name _____________________________ Middle Name___________________________ (As per ID)

Residential address ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Suburb___________________ State ___________________ Post Code_______________

Postal address (if different from residential) ____________________________________________________________________________

City / Town of birth:____________________________ Country of Birth: _________________________________ Date of Birth: ____ /____ /____

Contact number: ___________________________________Email address ___________________________________________________

Preferred contact method: □ Email □SMS □Phone call Position/Job/Occupation ________________________________________

Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? □ No □Aboriginal □Torres Strait Islander (Please tick)

What language is spoken at home? ______________________ First language (if not English): ____________________________________

Proficiency in English: □ Well □ Not Well □ Not at all

Do you consider that you have a disability, impairment or long term condition? □ No □ Yes (Please specify)

□ Vision □ Hearing □ Physical □ Medical □ Mental Illness □ Other (Please specify) ______________________________________

Do you need any assistance with the following? □ Reading □Writing □Numeracy

Highest School level achieved ______Year Completed ______ Prior education/Prior Qualification/s_______________________________

Employment status - Employed Full time □ Employed Part time □ Unemployed seeking full time work □

Unemployed seeking part time work □ Self employed □ An Employer □ Full time student □ Part time student □Dietary requirements ___________________________________________________________________________________

EMPLOYER DETAILS - If employed please enter employer details below:

Employer Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Employer Postal Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Employer Phone: _______________________________ Employer ACN/ABN __________________________________________________

Employer Email address:_______________________________________________________Purchase Order No. _____________________


Person/Company responsible for payment of course - (TFA refund cheque will be made payable to this person/company if eligible)


□Cheque □ Cash □ Invoice (if an account holder)

Credit Card - □ Visa □ Mastercard Cardholders Name: _________________________________________________________________


Card Number _______________________________________________ Expiry Date ____ /____

(Amount deducted will be member or non-member rate as determined by Master Builders for the enrolled training)


All students must obtain a USI prior to training. You can do this at www.usi.gov.au/create-your-USI/Pages/default.aspx. MBAGT can apply on your behalf if you provide a copy of one of the following: Birth certificate, Certificate of Registration by Descent, Citizenship Certificate (Australian), Drivers Licence, (Australian), ImmiCard, Medi-care Card, Passport (Australian), Visa (Non-Australian passport) and a signed copy of the USI Privacy Notice available at www.mba.org.au/training.


Access the MBA Group Training website at www.mba.org.au/training for further training information and to view our policies.