certificate of compliance 6345,revision 5,for radioactive

* , U.S. ENERGY'RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTR ATION Form EnoA 61: l' N CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [ 01 For Radioactive Materials Packars R A Ia. Certificate Number 1b. Revision No. Ic. Package identihcation No. Id. Paqe No. Ie. Total No. Ib USA /6345/BF (DOE-CH) 5 USA /6345/BF (D0E-CH) 1 3 . ~ 2. PREAMBLE 2a. This certificate is issued to satisfy Sections 173.393a,173.394,173.395, and 173.39G of the Deguetment of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CF R 170-189 and 14 CF R 103) and t actions 14G-10-10a and 14G-10-100 of the Department of Transportat e Dangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 CF R 146-149), as amerided. 2b. The packaging and contents described in item S below, meets the safety standards set forth in Subpari C of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71," Packaging of Rathoactive Material f or Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Cestain Concit sons.* 2e This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation or other applicable regulatory agencies, includ.ing the government of any country through or into which the package will be transpor ted. . - 3. This certificate is issued on the basis of a safety analysis report of the package oesign or apphcation- (1) Prepared by (Name and address /: (2) Title and identification of report or appl cation: (3) Date: i For Argonne National Laboratory Safety Analysis Reoort on the ship- October 16, 1- By Battelle Memorial Institute ment of Irradiated Fissile Materials in the ANL-4C? ~ Columbus Laboratories SPM and ANL-403-SPM shinping casks, Revision A; Sur plement No. I to the SARP (as revised August 2, 197 No'.' 3 (dated Aorijdated August 5,1976); Supplemen: Sunnlement No. 2 8, 1977 4. CONDITIONS This certificate is conditional upon the fulfelhng of the requirements of Subpart D of 10 CF R 71,as apphcable,and the conditions specified in item 5 below. 5. Description of Packaging and Authorized Contents, Model Number, Fissile Class, Other Conditions, and Ref erences: a. Description of Packaging - These packagings are duolicate cylindrical, uranium- shielded dcuble-wall stcci ucidment ccsks. The exterior dimensions of a cask are 22 inches diameter and 139 inches long. The inner cavity for contents is 11.375 inches diameter by 116.125 inches in length. The loaded cask weight is approximately 21,000 lbs. Two lifting trunnions, centered 180 apart, are used ' for elevating the cask. Three sunport legs are welded to the cask bodies to distribute the cask weight to the transporting vehicle. Several inserts have been evaluated for use to contain the radioactive or fissile contents shipped in this packaging. These aret 1. Containment vessel for TREAT Irradiation Loops 2. T-Insert, Tyne VI or Type VII 3. Containment vessel for ANL-E Radioactive Waste and Fissile Scrap Canister 4. Containment vessel originally built for canistered SRE fuel elements 5. Containment vessel for encapsulated PFR fuel nins - b. Authorized Contents - These casks are restricted to shinments as follows: 1. The cuantity of radionuclides which can be shipned in the TREAT LOOP containment vessel, based on nuclear criticality safety considerations, is 680 gm U-235 or 420 gms Pu, or 600 gms of U-235-Pu mixtures. Only sodium used as a fuel cladding Ga. Date of issuance: January 24, 1979 Gb. E xp, ration Date: FOR THE U.S. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION la. Address (of ERDA issuing Offoce) 7b. S:gnature, Name, and Titse iof ERDA Approving Official) U.S. Deoartment of Energ'y -}[ - dI c ' br I . Bat er, daYaTer/k &k # ' ' Chicago Operations Office N / / 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 Chicago Operations Office 7904260065' O , i

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Page 1: Certificate of Compliance 6345,Revision 5,for radioactive



[ 01 For Radioactive Materials PackarsR A

Ia. Certificate Number 1b. Revision No. Ic. Package identihcation No. Id. Paqe No. Ie. Total No. IbUSA /6345/BF (DOE-CH) 5 USA /6345/BF (D0E-CH) 1 3.


2. PREAMBLE2a. This certificate is issued to satisfy Sections 173.393a,173.394,173.395, and 173.39G of the Deguetment of Transportation Hazardous

Materials Regulations (49 CF R 170-189 and 14 CF R 103) and t actions 14G-10-10a and 14G-10-100 of the Department of Transportat eDangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 CF R 146-149), as amerided.

2b. The packaging and contents described in item S below, meets the safety standards set forth in Subpari C of Title 10, Code of FederalRegulations, Part 71," Packaging of Rathoactive Material f or Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under CestainConcit sons.*

2e This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department ofTransportation or other applicable regulatory agencies, includ.ing the government of any country through or into which the packagewill be transpor ted. .


3. This certificate is issued on the basis of a safety analysis report of the package oesign or apphcation-(1) Prepared by (Name and address /: (2) Title and identification of report or appl cation: (3) Date:i

For Argonne National Laboratory Safety Analysis Reoort on the ship- October 16, 1-By Battelle Memorial Institute ment of Irradiated Fissile Materials in the ANL-4C?


Columbus Laboratories SPM and ANL-403-SPM shinping casks, Revision A; Surplement No. I to the SARP (as revised August 2, 197

No'.' 3 (dated Aorijdated August 5,1976); Supplemen:Sunnlement No. 28, 1977

4. CONDITIONSThis certificate is conditional upon the fulfelhng of the requirements of Subpart D of 10 CF R 71,as apphcable,and the conditions specifiedin item 5 below.

5. Description of Packaging and Authorized Contents, Model Number, Fissile Class, Other Conditions, and Ref erences:

a. Description of Packaging - These packagings are duolicate cylindrical, uranium-shielded dcuble-wall stcci ucidment ccsks. The exterior dimensions of a caskare 22 inches diameter and 139 inches long. The inner cavity for contents is11.375 inches diameter by 116.125 inches in length. The loaded cask weight isapproximately 21,000 lbs. Two lifting trunnions, centered 180 apart, are used

' for elevating the cask. Three sunport legs are welded to the cask bodies todistribute the cask weight to the transporting vehicle.

Several inserts have been evaluated for use to contain the radioactive or fissilecontents shipped in this packaging. These aret

1. Containment vessel for TREAT Irradiation Loops2. T-Insert, Tyne VI or Type VII3. Containment vessel for ANL-E Radioactive Waste and Fissile Scrap Canister4. Containment vessel originally built for canistered SRE fuel elements5. Containment vessel for encapsulated PFR fuel nins -

b. Authorized Contents - These casks are restricted to shinments as follows:

1. The cuantity of radionuclides which can be shipned in the TREAT LOOP containmentvessel, based on nuclear criticality safety considerations, is 680 gm U-235 or420 gms Pu, or 600 gms of U-235-Pu mixtures. Only sodium used as a fuel cladding

Ga. Date of issuance: January 24, 1979 Gb. E xp, ration Date:

FOR THE U.S. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIONla. Address (of ERDA issuing Offoce) 7b. S:gnature, Name, and Titse iof ERDA Approving Official)

U.S. Deoartment of Energ'y-}[


dI c 'br I . Bat er, daYaTer/k &k# '

' Chicago Operations Office N //9800 South Cass Avenue

Argonne, IL 60439 Chicago Operations Office

7904260065' O ,


Page 2: Certificate of Compliance 6345,Revision 5,for radioactive




bonding medium or contained in the TREAT LOOP containment will be permitted.

2. The quantity of radionuclides which can be shipped in the T-Insert containmentvessel, based on nuclear criticality safety considerations, is 0.64 kgm 233-U,2.2 kgm 235-U, or 2.9 kgm (239 +.241)-Pu (provided 240-Pu exceeds 241-Pu by25 percent). For a mixture of fissile nuclides, the safe mass limit, designatedM, is given by the relation 1 ; where f is the weight

yg<f /0.64 + f /2.2 + f I2*9

i 2 3fraction of 233-U, f is the weight fraction of 235-U, and f is the weight

9 3fraction of (239 + 20 )-Pu. Only sodium used as a fuel pin - fuel claddingbonding medium will be permitted.

3. Radioactive waste and fissile scrap must be packaged in the ANL-E RadioactiveWaste and Fissile Scrap Canister,'. usea Por long-term retrievable storage.Quantities packaged must be less than 500 gm U-235 or 300 gm Pu-239 or U-233in any one container. The lower limit is used for mixtures.

The radioactivity of the waste and fissile scrap must be such that the limitsimposed by DOT Regulations (R. M. Graziano's Tariff No. 30), Section 173.393are complied with.

4. Irradiated test train sections for Sodium Loop Safety Facility (SLSF) testspackaged within the containment vessel for the canistered SRE fuel elements.The test train sections consist of the failed fuel assembly resulting froma transient experiment test. These are comprised of melted regions of fuel,stainless steel cladding, alumina or ziroconia insulation and structuralcomponents. The contents of the mixed oxide fissile material will not ex-ceed 1,200 cms. U-235 and scn gmc pu. The tect train wctions are packagedin a ster container with sealed screw end caps, which is enclosed in apolyethylane liner (for contamination control), in turn enclosed in a steelsupport can. The above package is then placed in the SRE fuel element con-tainment vessel which is placed in the SPM-402 or -403 shipping cask.

5. PFR fuel pins packaged in the double containment pressure vessel holderdesigned for TREAT reactor irradiations. The fissile material quantitiespermitted are 680 grams U-235 or 420 grams Pu-239 + 240 + 241 + 242 as PFRfuel pins. The only sodium permitted will be the NaK filling the annulibetween the fuel pins and heat sink inside the inner capsule. The fuel pinsare placed inside an inner capsule enclosed in a sealed pressure vessel.

c. Restrictions

1. The maximum decay heat load for a shipment is 260 watts.

2. Fissile quantities are restricted to the amounts and/or geometrical con-figuration specified in section 5.b, Authorized Contents.

3. Sodium as a package content is restricted to those amounts used for fuelelement bonding, TREAT Loop containment content, as a residue on the SLSFtest train sections and as a heat transfer medium for the PFR fuel pinheat sink; as noted in Section 5.b, Authorized Contents.

CH Approval /1-24-79

Page 3: Certificate of Compliance 6345,Revision 5,for radioactive


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4. The total number of fissile Class III packages that may be shipped on thesame vehicle as this shipping cask shall not exceed two.

5. This container is intended for dry operations only.

d. Operating Instructions

Instructions on the use and maintenance of this packaging is contained in the" Safety Analysis Report on the Shipment of Irradiated Fissile Materials in theANL-402-SPM and ANL-403-SPM Shipping Cask", Revision A, (October 16,1978).





9W' -CH Approval 1'


Page 4: Certificate of Compliance 6345,Revision 5,for radioactive

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