cfac review

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CFAC Review Martin Fallier Director, Conventional Facilities Conventional Facilities Current Working Estimate May 8, 2008

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CFAC Review. Martin Fallier Director, Conventional Facilities Conventional Facilities Current Working Estimate May 8, 2008. Current Working Estimate. Current Working Estimate Based on the Following: Results of T-II 30% estimate by VJ Assoc reconciled with T-II 30% estimate by Liro/Gilbane - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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CFAC Review

Martin FallierDirector, Conventional Facilities

Conventional Facilities Current Working EstimateMay 8, 2008

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Current Working Estimate• Current Working Estimate Based on the Following:

– Results of T-II 30% estimate by VJ Assoc reconciled with T-II 30% estimate by Liro/Gilbane

- S. Sawch led estimate reconciliation process (A/E, CM, PE)– Modified by A/E or BNL estimate of known changes to 30% design

by approved or pending change orders or VE items– Includes estimates and allowances for:

- All base scope required for CD-2- Change in CM approach to BNL CM team- Added A/E cost for design changes- Modifications to facility design likely to be reflected in 50%

A/E design pkg- Transfer of DI-PCW scope from ASD to CFD- Escalation to at-year $ to midpoint of construction @5%

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CF Overall Cost Summary

1.05.01 Conventional Facilities Management 7,546,152 13,641,581 6,095,429 80.8%1.05.02 Conventional Facilities Design 19,004,509 20,804,509 1,800,000 9.5%1.05.03 Conventional Facilities Construction 211,631,000 230,527,000 18,896,000 8.9%

Construction Mgt Services 6,640,834 - (6,640,834) -100.0%Site Prep 990,000 990,000 - 0.0%Ring Building Contract (without LOB's) 164,215,992 186,940,450 22,724,458 13.8%Electrical Substation Contract 3,600,000 3,600,000 - 0.0%Chilled Water Plant 9,100,000 9,759,500 659,500 7.2%Chilled Water Piping 1,100,000 960,000 (140,000) -12.7%LOB Contract (with Cores) 25,984,008 28,276,774 2,292,766 8.8%

1.05.04 Integrated Controls & Communications 561,273 561,273 - 0.0%1.05.05 Standard Equipment 1,025,586 1,025,586 - 0.0%1.05.06 Commissioning 1,078,280 1,078,280 - 0.0%

Grand Total WBS 1.5 240,847,000$ 267,638,000$ 26,791,000$ 11.1%

Difference % ChangeWBS Description: CD-2 Baseline CWE @ 30% T-II

*CWE increase includes approved & pending change orders, scope transfer & revised unit costs


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Cost Change CategoriesItem Cost Change Category Cost %

1 Approved Baseline Changes 7,028,250 2.9%6,698,250 Widen Building by 10' (latest siding/roof unit costs)

330,000 Change Storage Ring Height to 1.2M

2 Pending Baseline Changes (2,270,030) -0.9%

405,000 Added tunnel ht for shielding

(2,129,625) Move Cntrl Room to NSLS/Ring Bldg reconfig.

(545,405) Revise CM Approach/Increase CF Staff

3 Scope Transfer Within Project 2,727,221 1.1%(Does not include credit from ASD) 4,055,360 Central DIW Plant and Piping

(1,328,139) Credit from Tower Water System

4 Design Maturity 8,586,532 3.6%1,563,750 Added RF cryogenic, computing & compres. bldg space

675,000 Added Booster shielding & equipment area

4,050,000 Addl concrete for shielding, labyrinths & foundations

1,697,997 Added Fire Protection for waiver requirements

599,785 Increase steel column size

5 Market Factors & Unit Cost Adjustments 8,983,561 3.7%3,572,574 Changed Roofing cost from $30 to $43/SF

3,058,949 Changed siding cost from $45 to $55/SF

2,352,038 Changed tunnel roof concrete from $900/CY to $1,200/CY

25,055,534 10.4%

Cost due to more design information available

Use of more conservative unit costs for major commodities


BCP's in process or imminent

Process water to CF from ASD

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VJ vs Liro Gilbane EstimateCD II * 30% T2 Diff. % CD-II CD-II * 30% T2 Diff. % Diff. %

Site Prep 945,000 905,000 (40,000) -4% 454,203 1,327,252 873,049 202% 422,252 47%Site Restoration 7,350,000 9,500,000 2,150,000 31% 7,769,845 8,445,116 675,271 9% (1,054,884) 9%Operation Center 5,565,000 4,843,000 (722,000) -14% 6,114,745 5,898,586 (216,159) -4% 1,055,586 -4%Injection Building 7,875,000 7,760,000 (115,000) -2% 9,392,750 8,855,957 (536,793) -6% 1,095,957 -6%

RF Building 2,940,000 3,768,000 828,000 30% 3,433,515 5,195,162 1,761,647 54% 1,427,162 54%Pentant 1 20,948,550 23,352,000 2,403,450 12% 24,481,993 27,244,312 2,762,319 12% 3,892,312 12%Pentant 2 19,567,800 24,317,000 4,749,200 25% 21,966,814 26,376,544 4,409,730 21% 2,059,544 21%Pentant 3 19,567,800 22,849,000 3,281,200 18% 23,059,572 25,479,330 2,419,758 11% 2,630,330 11%Pentant 4 20,511,750 23,278,000 2,766,250 14% 22,824,261 25,436,564 2,612,303 12% 2,158,564 12%Pentant 5 20,932,800 24,869,000 3,936,200 20% 25,463,433 30,252,657 4,789,224 20% 5,383,657 20%

LOB 1 8,820,000 9,080,114 260,114 3% 9,392,139 9,216,388 (175,751) -2% 136,274 -2%LOB 2 - - - - - - LOB 3 - - - - - - -

LOB 4 Shell 4,725,000 4,263,289 (461,711) -10% 4,790,132 5,523,384 733,253 16% 1,260,095 16%LOB 5 8,820,000 9,045,096 225,096 3% 9,312,887 9,115,630 (197,257) -2% 70,534 -2%

Mechanical Utilities 9,660,000 9,719,000 59,000 1% 7,347,686 8,739,658 1,391,972 20% (979,342) 20%Electrical Utilities 14,280,000 12,295,000 (1,985,000) -15% 11,285,900 11,377,452 91,552 1% (917,548) 1%

LN2 & GN2 System 1,434,300 2,856,000 1,421,700 104% 1,446,933 3,284,885 1,837,952 133% 428,885 133%-

Total Cost with LOB's & Cores 173,943,000 192,699,499 18,756,499 11% 188,536,805 211,768,877 23,232,072 13% 19,069,378 13%LOB COST (-) 22,365,000 22,388,499 23,499 0% 23,495,157 23,855,402 360,245 2% 1,466,903 2%

LOB CORES (-) 5,851,933 5,851,933 - 6,804,024 6,804,024 952,091

COST w/o LOBs or Cores 151,578,000 164,459,067 12,881,067 9% 165,041,648 181,109,451 16,067,803 10% 16,650,384 10%

VJ-LG 30% T2VJ - HDRDescription


All costs in FY08 $

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Path Forward

• Continued effort underway to reduce cost where possible• Working with siding and roofing vendors to firm up unit cost

and arrive at lowest system cost• Working with concrete vendors to verify unit cost differences

for slab vs wall vs roof pours• Electrical substation VE items recently identified• A/E Design to Cost leverage & Formal VE Planned

• Assessment of overall CF cost risk vs project risk/contingency underway