cgi international handbook


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Your passport to international guiding



    YO U R P A S S P O R T T O I N T E R N AT I O N A L

    G U I D I N G

    CGI National Ofce12 Clanwilliam TerraceGrand Canal QuayDublin 2Tel: 01 661 9566Fax: 01 676 5691E: [email protected]

    CGI Northern Region OfceSt. Francis De SaleBeechmount DriveBelfast BT12 7LUTel: 028 9031 3639Fax: 028 9031 3639E: [email protected]

    This publication is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.


    YO U R P A S S P O R T T O I N T E R N AT I O N A L

    G U I D I N G

    CGI National Ofce12 Clanwilliam TerraceGrand Canal QuayDublin 2Tel: 01 661 9566Fax: 01 676 5691E: [email protected]

    CGI Northern Region OfceSt. Francis De SaleBeechmount DriveBelfast BT12 7LUTel: 028 9031 3639Fax: 028 9031 3639E: [email protected]

    This publication is funded by the Depar tment of Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.


    2 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O M M I S S I O N E R S M E S S A G E

    3 W H AT I S I N T E R N AT I O N A L G U I D I N G ?

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    3 0 P L A N N I N G YO U R I N T E R N AT I O N A L T R I P

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  • C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K




    We are delighted to be able to present the following International Handbook, updated in 2014.

    This handbook will give you an insight in to the global Guiding movement that is WAGGGS.

    It is also hoped that this handbook will enthuse and increase awareness of the wide variety of international experiences available to members of CGI.

    By using this tool, leaders will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to plan to take girls and young women abroad.

    We hope you find the handbook useful and inspring in taking on the challenge of participating in an international seminar or organising an international trip.

    If you have any queries in relation to International, email [email protected].

    Yours in Guiding, International Commissioner.



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    W E , A S M E M B E R S O F C G I , A R E P A R T O F A M U C H L A R G E R A S S O C I AT I O N , W A G G G S -

    T H E W O R L D A S S O C I AT I O N O F G I R L G U I D E S A N D G I R L S C O U T S - A N D T H I S B R I N G S S O

    M A N Y O P P O R T U N I T I E S T O U S .

    With ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 145 countries across the world, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.

    The World Association supports girls and young women to

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    develop their full potential as responsible citizens of the world.

    WAGGGS focuses on leadership development and active citizenship. These are delivered through innovative global education, community and advocacy programs.

    WAGGGS deliver a well-established, unique, values-based approach to non-formal learning that is international and intergenerational. Girls and young women develop life skills through self-development, challenge and adventure.

    There are five regions in WAGGGS Africa, Arab, Asia Pacific, Europe and Western Hemisphere and there are four World Centres.

    Our Chalet in Switzerland, Sangam in India, Pax Lodge in UK and Our Cabaa in Mexico, with a fifth Pilot Project underway to establish a different type of World Centre in Africa. The World Centres are both residential and training centres where girls and young women develop leadership skills through international programmes and friendships.

    Guiding gives us so many ways to belong to the outside world both as members of WAGGGS and as responsible citizens of the world.

    Whatever your experience, this handbook is designed to give you a greater awareness of International Guiding along with making things easier for you when planning events by providing the information you need to get organised and ensure that you meet with any requirements.

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    I N T H E 19 7 0 s , T H E C AT H O L I C G U I D E S O F I R E L A N D ( C G I ) L O O K E D I N T O B E C O M I N G M E M B E R S O F T H E W O R L D A S S O C I AT I O N O F G I R L G U I D E S A N D G I R L

    S C O U T S ( W A G G G S ) .

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    The Irish Girl Guides, already a member of WAGGGS at this point, and the Catholic Guides of Ireland, with assistance from the World Board, began working towards a solution for CGI to also become members.

    In December 1992, it was agreed to establish Comhairle Bantreoraithe na hireann or Council of Irish Guiding Associations. In July 1993, at the 28th World Conference held in Denmark, the Council of Irish Guiding Associations was ratified as a full member of WAGGGS and was recognised as continuing the Full Membership first gained by the Irish Girl Guides in 1932.

    The Council consists of the Irish Girl Guides and the Catholic Guides of Ireland on behalf of their members resident in the Republic of Ireland.




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    W A G G G S H A S F O U R W O R L D C E N T R E S : O U R C H A L E T I N S W I T Z E R L A N D , O U R C A B A A I N M E X I C O , S A N G A M , I N I N D I A , P A X L O D G E I N L O N D O N .

    There is a pilot project underway to establish a different type of world centre in Africa as the Fifth World Centre.

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    Visiting a World Centre brings international friendship, fun, challenge, adventure and self-development. The World Centres offer programs and activities for all ages, and are open to visitors both inside and outside the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Movement.

    Visiting a World Centre is a unique opportunity to experience international travel while in the comfort of the safety and support of fellow Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. The administration staff and volunteers at the centres are all members of WAGGGS and from various countries around the world.

    There are opportunities to work at any of the World Centres as either one of the professional team or as a volunteer assistant, details are available on each of the centres own websites and the WAGGGS website.

    Each centre offers activities designed to give members of the movement the opportunity to learn more about other people, other cultures and other countries. All the centres have a different atmosphere and programme.

    Participants are often organised into patrols for light duties and there is often some form of sharing of each others customs and culture, for example an international evening.

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    O U R C H A L E T I S S E T A M O N G T H E A L P I N E P E A K S O F T H E

    B E R N E S E O B E R L A N D O F A D E L B O D E N , S W I T Z E R L A N D .

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    Our Chalet was the first World Centre. Members of WAGGGS have enjoyed skiing, hiking, fun and friendship since 1932.

    Who Can Stay:

    All members of WAGGGS and WOSM, over 12 years of age, and their family and friends, are welcome at the Chalet.


    The main building has rooms that hold 1-7 people and an attic dormitory for up to 22 people (on mattresses on the floor). The New Chalet, the Spycher, has rooms for 1-4 people (some single, some bunk beds). In the summer months, a campsite is available with a camphouse; there is also a squirrel house with beds for 11 people, and a baby chalet with beds for 2-4 people.


    During the summer, Our Chalet allows time to explore the Alps on foot, try rock-climbing, learn about traditions and maybe even climb a mountain.

    The winter programme includes many different winter sports. Chalet staff offer skiing lessons, free of charge. You can also try snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing. In the evening, some of the typical events are campfires, sledging, games and much more!


    Our Chalet Hohliebeweg 1 3715 Adelboden Switzerland Tel: + 41 33 673 1226 Email: [email protected] Website:

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    S A N G A M I S T H E YO U N G E S T O F T H E W O R L D C E N T R E S . T H E W O R D , S A N G A M , M E A N S C O M I N G T O G E T H E R .

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    Since its beginning in 1966, Sangam has been a safe, neutral place for youth and adult members of WAGGGS to come together. Sangam is situated on the banks of the Mula River, Pune, about 190km from Mumbai (Bombay) India.

    Who can stay :

    All registered members of National Organisations, over 18 years old, are eligible to attend events at Sangam, members 16-18 years are welcome when accompanied by a leader.


    Sangam can accommodate 40 people in dorms and 14 people in double and single dorms. Sangam has basic washing and ironing facilities and a dhobi or washerman service is available. All bed linen including towel and blankets are provided.


    It is strongly recommended that you get immunised against typhoid, cholera, tetanus, polio and hepatitis. Malaria medication needs to be taken by everyone going to Sangam.

    Insect repellent is also a must.

    Types of events:

    The event season focuses on UN issues, Guiding issues, Guiding themes and cultural exchanges. These events enable participants to experience aspects of India by meeting Sangams neighbours, visiting community projects, touring Pune and shopping at the local bazzers. You can also have a tailormade special event for a group of 10 or more people, the programme maybe based on a particular issue education, service in the community, learning about Sangam and India and of course relaxing.


    Alandi Road Yerawada Pune, Maharashtra 411 006 India Tel: +91 (0) 20 6500 8066 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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    T H E M I S S I O N O F O U R C A B A A I S T O C H A L L E N G E

    G I R L S A N D YO U N G W O M E N T O L I V E I N T E R N AT I O N A L F R I E N D S H I P S A N D U N D E R S TA N D I N G .

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    Our Cabaa opened in July 1957. It is located in Cuernavaca, Mexico, which is 50 miles from Mexico City.

    Who Can Stay:

    Our Cabaa offers programmes of varying lengths to all members of WAGGGS over 13 years.


    Seven buildings set in a tropical garden setting provide residential facilities for 82 people. There is a solar-heated outdoor swimming pool.

    Types of Events:

    Programmes at our Cabaa

    differ throughout the year. Adult sessions normally focus on given themes or around a Mexican festival. Girl Sessions are primarily intended to encourage International Friendship and Team Building. All sessions include a service project. Some projects in the past have been house building, working with the elderly, etc.


    Our Cabaa, AP 4-126, Cuernavaca 62431 Morelos, Mexico Tel: + 52 777 315 26 50 Email: [email protected] Website:

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    P A X L O D G E I S B A S E D I N L O N D O N A N D I S T H E S E C O N D O L D E S T W O R L D C E N T R E .

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    There have been three WAGGGS World Centres in London, Our Ark (1939-59), Olave House (1959-88) and Pax Lodge (1991-present).

    Pax Lodge is an ideal place to stay when visiting London. Staff are happy to help with planning or providing information on sightseeing, theatre trips, etc.

    Who can Stay:

    All members of WAGGGS, WOSM, ISGF either as individuals, in groups or as families are welcome.


    Accommodation in single- to four-bedded rooms and conference rooms also available. Guides with special needs are welcome and the building is completely wheelchair accessible. There is

    also long-term accommodation available for students at special rates.

    Types of Events:

    Pax Lodge provides opportunities for friendships, education and accommodation. It has a varied programme and seminars are offered throughout the year. Some of the topics discussed at these seminars are womens issues, environment and historical and cultural aspects of London.


    Pax Lodge Olave Centre 12c Lyndhurst Road London NW3 5PQ Tel: +44 207 435 2202 Fax: +44 207 431 3825 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

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    W A G G G S AW A R D S R E C O G N I S E A N D H O N O U R I N D I V I D U A L S O R G R O U P S

    W I T H I N A N D O U T S I D E O F T H E M O V E M E N T.

    AW A R D R E C I P I E N T S H AV E :

    Distinguished themselves through outstanding service to international Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting

    Made a real contribution to the lives of girls and young women in a global society.

    The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts presents four awards:

    Olave Award World Citizenship WAGGGS Medals

    The Olave Award

    The Olave Award is given to local Girl Guide or Girl Scout groups in recognition of outstanding community service projects, to honour the memory of the World Chief Guide, Olave Baden-Powell, and to keep her belief in the spirit of service alive.

    World Citizenship Award

    The World Citizenship Award is awarded to people outside the Movement who have contributed to a better world in at least one of the following areas: Peace, Environment, Education, Food and Nutrition, Environment, Health, and Culture and Heritage.

    The WAGGGS World Citizenship Award was launched in 1996 as

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    part of the WAGGGS Building World Citizenship Triennial Theme 1996-2002.

    The Award is presented to individuals outside the Movement who have:

    made an outstanding contribution to the building of a better world

    been a role model for young people used her or his position to work towards bringing people

    together across political, religious, economic or social divides. The Award has so far been presented to thirteen world leaders. The first woman to receive the World Citizenship Award was

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    Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, in 1997 and, at the time, new in her post as the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN.

    The award was presented to Mary Robinson at the launch of the Building World Citizenship programme in 1997. In thanking WAGGGS for the award, Mary Robinson had spoken of her commitment to improving the circumstances of girls and young women throughout the world. She praised the work of WAGGGS.

    Since completing her term as High Commissioner she has been developing a new project, the Ethical Globalisation Initiative. The EGI brings key stakeholders together in new alliances to integrate concepts of human rights, gender sensitivity and enhanced accountability into efforts to address global challenges and governance shortcomings.

    WAGGGS medals

    The WAGGGS Medal is given to express gratitude to individuals within the Movement who have given remarkable service of an exceptional nature at both national and world levels to, and for the benefit of, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

    Elspeth Henderson (IGG) from Ireland was awarded the WAGGGS Silver Medal at the 33rd World Conference in South Africa, in July 2008, for her extraordinary service to WAGGGS for more than three decades.

    FAO/WAGGGS Nutrition Medal

    Every October the FAO/WAGGGS Nutrition Medal is awarded to a Girl Guide/Girl Scout group for relevant work to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in the world.

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    The award scheme was launched on World Food Day, 1995 to support the WAGGGS triennial theme, Building World Citizenship, and to mark the 50th birthday of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

    WAGGGS Member Organisations may propose individual or group projects for consideration for the award, which aims to highlight the Movements nutrition-related work throughout the world and promote activities to eradicate hunger and malnutrition.

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    W E C A N I N C L U D E A N I N T E R N AT I O N A L D I M E N S I O N I N O U R P R O G R A M M E S F O R A L L

    S E C T I O N S .

    Themed meetings to promote different International events - e.g. the Millennium Development Goals, Olympics, World Cup, International Peace - are only one way to do this.

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    T Y P E S O F I N T E R N AT I O N A L E V E N T S / E X P E R I E N C E S

    International Camps Training Sessions organised by WAGGGS Friendship Sessions at World Centres WAGGGS Badges GAT Badge, Thinking Day, Biodiversity

    Badge etc Mascot Exchanges Post Card Exchanges E-learning training with WAGGGS Linking up with other groups when travelling

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    C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K

    Our greatest opportunity to promote the International aspect of Guiding comes on World Thinking Day, 22nd February.

    Why 22nd February?

    This was the birthday of the founder of Scouts and Guides, Lord Robert Baden-Powell and, also, that of his wife Lady Olave Baden-Powell and so is a suitable day to remember them and all other members of the Guide and Scout movement around the world.

    Why Thinking Day?

    This is a special day when all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world think of each other and give thanks for their sister Guides and Scouts. Thinking Day began at the 4th World conference in 1926 in the USA. In 1932, at the 7th World Conference held in Poland, a Belgian delegate suggested that since birthdays traditionally involve presents girls could show their friendship and appreciation on Thinking Day by offering a voluntary contribution to the World Association. This is how the Thinking Day Fund began. The fund helps offer Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting to more girls and young women throughout the world and helps to develop Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting in less well off countries.

    To emphasise the Global aspect of Thinking day, members at the 30th World Conference here in Ireland (yes, the one that many of you slaved away at but enjoyed and remember with fond memories, we hope!) decided to change the name Thinking Day to World Thinking Day.

    You may also hear 22nd February referred to as Founders Day, this is what the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) refers to Thinking Day as.

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    A R E YO U I N T E R E S T E D I N A P P LY I N G F O R A N I N T E R N AT I O N A L E V E N T ?

    There are many opportunities for members of CGI to travel abroad and participate in international events, including camps, seminars, training courses, and sessions at the world centres, all of which are advertised. These guidelines have been compiled to help you, if you are interested in attending an international event.

    If you are interested in representing CGI at an international seminar, fill in the application form and return it to International Commissioner before the closing date.

    It is important to remember:

    Ensure you fulfil the particular requirements for an event Ensure that deadline dates are adhered to Be prepared to share your experiences and training upon

    your return.

    CGIs International Commissioner will consider your application either:

    a. In consultation with the CIGA Committee, if a joint invitation is involved, or

    b. In consultation with the appropriate CGI personnel, if a selection is required where more then one application has been received.

    All joint invitations must be discussed at CIGA Committee meetings and, together with the event deadlines; this will affect the length of time taken to process applications.

    You will be informed as soon as possible if your application has been successful. To confirm your acceptance, you will normally be required to forward a non-refundable deposit: 25/50/100 depending on the event.

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    Your application is then forwarded to the relevant event where organisers make a final selection. Transport arrangements can only be made upon official confirmation of acceptance from event organisers.

    Upon selection, meet with, and communicate with, the International Commissioner to prepare for the event. (At this point you will be given the International participation pack for further information)

    Event Participation Report Guidelines:

    Upon your return from representing CGI at an international event, a report and a short article for CGIs Guiders Link must be completed and forwarded to the National Office (address below) within 21 days. The text should cover all of the following points:

    An overall view on what the event theme was and the program

    What you feel you gained from the event on a personal level?

    What did you learn and how you will bring this into the Association?

    A list of any useful contacts you made at the event. Please also include any other information you consider to be

    relevant. Include any photos that were taken at the event with your


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    N O . 1 D I S C U S S W I T H YO U R G R O U P W H E R E T H E Y

    W O U L D L I K E T O G O .

    N O . 2 TA L K T O YO U R I N T E R N AT I O N A L

    C O M M I S S I O N E R O R R E G I O N A L O U T D O O R C O M M I S S I O N E R .

    N O . 3 E N S U R E T H AT YO U H AV E L E A D E R S

    W I T H R E Q U I R E D Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S F O R U N D E R TA K I N G S U C H A T R I P.

    N O . 4 S E E K A D V I C E F R O M L E A D E R S W H O H AV E B E E N

    O N A S I M I L A R T R I P, A S K I F T H E Y W O U L D D O A P R E S E N TAT I O N T O YO U R G R O U P

    N O . 5 H O L D A P R E S E N TAT I O N F O R YO U R G R O U P A N D I N V I T E P A R E N T S A L O N G T O H E L P G E T A N I D E A

    O F H O W P O P U L A R T H E T R I P M I G H T B E .

  • C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K


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    Check you have up-to-date passports for every member of the group; it is recommended to request a copy of passports along with the deposit.

    The group leader should check the expiry date of each passport and ensure there is at least 6 months validity left on the passport after the return date.

    While a passport is not required to enter the UK, some airlines require a passport as their form of ID, Ferry companies are also starting to look for passports as forms of ID so please confirm if this is required before booking.

    Photocopy all your documentation - passport, visas, credit cards, certificate of insurance, contact details for your insurer. Leave one copy with a contact person at home and take another copy with you. Keep the copies of the passports separate to the passports themselves. In some countries, visitors are required to surrender passports at hotels and campsites. When leaving, a guider should check that each guide has her own passport. If anyone loses a passport, the Irish Embassy must be informed immediately or the relevant embassy of the passport holder. Locate the nearest Embassy or Consulate before departure.


    It is important to check well in advance if you require a visa for the country you intend to visit - as processing of visa applications may take a considerable amount of time.

    Travelling with Under 18

    It is important to check the requirements of any countries you intend to visit when


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    traveling with those under 18.


    Vaccinations are recommended or compulsory for travel to some countries. Advice and information on health requirements of individual countries may be obtained from your doctor, health board, vaccination Clinic, Travel Agent, the Embassy or consulate of the country you intend to visit.

    Cost: A charge is normally made for the visit to the doctor or clinic for the vaccines, tablets required and for vaccination certificates where necessary.

    EHIC Cards

    Within the EC and Switzerland (except for the United Kingdom) Irish Nationals can avail of free medical treatment by applying to their local health board for an EHIC card at least one month in advance of travel.

    This is a certificate of entitlement to benefit in any member country of the

    EC and allows the bearer to avail of emergency medical treatment and the public medical facilities of the country being visited. All attendees must apply for this card and provide it or reference number to the Guider in Charge for reference, if required.


    It is possible to make cash withdrawals from ATM machines in most parts of the World. Confirm what the maximum daily withdrawal amount is from an ATM for the country being visited, for the account held as this can vary from country to country and bank to bank, some are only 200 a day.

    Money belts are a convenient and secure way of carrying documents.

    Before traveling, it is recommended that the group leader arranges to have


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    either a credit card or extra funds available for use in an emergency.


    You should ensure that as an individual, or as a group leader, that you or your group has adequate insurance cover. For example: tickets, money, baggage, cancellation, delay, personal accident, public liability, special activities, reduced expenses. Also, check with the venue you are traveling to regarding their Insurance. Similarly, it is important to check the insurance details of providers of activities that you may be using while abroad.

    The leader should take a copy of the insurance form with her and leave the original at home in case a claim has to be made.

    Medical Insurance

    As the EHIC card only applies

    to state health care schemes, it does not include transport back to Ireland, private medical health insurance may have to be considered.

    When visiting Non-European Community Countries, adequate medical insurance is strongly recommended. Check with your Travel Agent the amount of insurance you will need and include enough cover to allow for the extra cost of traveling home in an emergency.

    First Aid

    See Appendix 3 for a Suggested First Aid Kit.

    There should be a designated First Aid Person for the trip, this should be someone different to the Guider In Charge of the trip.

    Prior to travel, find out where the nearest doctor/hospital is to your location.

    Encourage all members of the group to carry a basic first aid kit. (With or without medication, depending on the










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    age and where the groups are traveling to).

    Consent Forms

    All members under 18 must submit CGI Health and Permission to Camp forms to the Leader at least two weeks before travel. It is a good idea to ask guiders/adults traveling to also fill in the health form and place in individual sealed envelopes, only to be opened in case of emergency. These should be returned to the adults upon completion of the trip. The leader in charge retains these forms for the duration of the trip.


    It is important to remember that when participating in international events/camps, you are representing the Association and that uniform should be in perfect order.

    All participants must travel to and from the international event, in uniform. International neckerchiefs can only be worn if participating in an International Camp, attending a World Centre

    session or if selected to represent CGI at an event.

    Irish Entertainment and displays

    At international events, groups are usually asked to present an entertainment item typical of their country. This should be planned and rehearsed before departure and the necessary instruments, music and costumes should be taken along. You may be asked to serve Irish food - again, this needs to be planned in advance, taking into account the refrigeration and cooking facilities available. If the group is asked to put up a display about Ireland you will need to bring suitable posters, postcards, photos, leaflets etc.

    If asked for a display on the association, the International Commissioner as a list of


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    the material is available upon request from the National Office.


    When bringing a mobile phone, ensure that roaming has been activated in advance of travel and check if your service provider has a roaming agreement setup in the cities/countries to be visited. International phone cards can also prove to be a cost efficient way of making calls when abroad. It may be advisable to give a contact number for someone in Ireland to parents and then

    this person can contact the Guider In Charge as coverage and call costs could be an issue depending on where is being visited.


    Compile a list of travel arrangements. If there are connecting flights, make sure enough time is left between flights as these can often include Terminal changes. It is important that each participant and parent has details of all travel arrangements.


    MONE Y








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    The Guider in Charge of bringing a group abroad must have the following:

    Valid Outdoor Camp Warrant, including valid First Aid Certificate (Required for indoor or outdoor events abroad)

    The Guider in Charge should have experience of international travel and should have travelled abroad as part of a CGI group previously.

    Relevant to Brign, Guide and Ranger travel

    A minimum of 3 Guiders must travel with the group. Adult to child ratios must be observed. Brigins 1-to-6; Guides 1-to-8; Rangers 1-to-8. Adult helpers must form no more than one third of the adult

    number. The Regional Commissioner for Outdoor Activities and

    International Commissioner must be provided with relevant camp application form, including full itinerary, at least 3 months prior to travel.

    All program activities must comply with insurance cover for the association and, where necessary, extra insurance must be undertaken.

    A full list of names, next of kin contact numbers and dates of birth of all attending the trip must be left with another leader not travelling on the trip. Alternatively, this list can be left with the International Commissioner or National office, if requested.

    Full health and permission forms must be completed for all children.

    All necessary permission to camp forms must be completed.

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    All members of the group must be registered members of the association.

    Additional Notes per Section:


    Cygnets are not permitted to travel outside Ireland.


    Brigin Guides may only travel out of the country as part of a unit trip.

    No Brigin Guide Group may travel on their own.

    Brigin Groups may only travel within Europe.

    One of the Brigin Guiders must hold a warrant independent of any other warrant holders in the group.


    At least one of the Guiders must hold a current Outdoor Warrant


    Full health and consent forms must be completed for all Rangers less than 18 years of age. See Consent Forms info re over 18s. Please refer to the Safeguarding Policy for over 18s.

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    This is a suggested Guider Checklist, it obviously changes depending on the event:

    Camp application forms submitted to Regional Outdoor Commissioner with all details 3 months prior to departure (list of those attending and proposed programme to be included)

    Next of Kin contact details left with another leader or member of diocese that is not travelling

    Tickets (individual/group)

    International certificates of vaccination if travelling further afield

    Passports (and copies of relevant pages from passports of those in group) as well as visa, if required

    Address and telephone number of nearest Irish Embassy

    Money - local currency, Visa or Mastercard Card etc.

    Copy of itinerary with list of connections

    Copy of insurance certificate and Insurers contact details

    CGI parental permission form for Guides along with health forms, including the addresses of parents for everyday contact.

    EHIC forms for travel to EU and Switzerland

    Spare luggage labels

    Maps of route and local area, including addresses of accommodation etc.

    Phrase book

    First Aid Kit

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    C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K

    Badges, Swaps & Flag

    Gift for host

    Upon return, send in a short report and some photos to the guiders link

    General Health issues when travelling

    Consult your Doctor well

    in advance

    Taking medicines out of the country, are they allowed in the country?

    Existing medical conditions and medication

    Have a dental check up

    Carry a first aid kit


    Before you set out to travel anywhere in the world, check the health requirements for your destination.

    Look at the potential risks and plan the precautions you need to take, both before you go and once you are away. These will depend not only on the countries you may be visiting but which parts, for how long, at what time of the year, and where you will be staying. Camping, for example, presents different potential health problems to staying in a hostel.

    You can get more information on all these points from your travel agent, the Embassy or High Commission of the countries concerned, or from a specialist travel clinic.

    C O N S U LT YO U R D O C T O R / T R AV E L C E N T R E W E L L I N A D VA N C E

    You should consult your doctor at least two months before your

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    departure, for advice and to arrange immunisations. Some of these cannot be given at the same time. Some take time to be effective. Immunisation against Hepatitis B, for example, can take six months to give full protection.

    However, see your doctor even if you are going at short notice some protection may be better than none. Tell your doctor where you are going, and that you are taking children with you, if this is for a group trip. This is particularly important if they have

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    not had their full course of childhood immunisations.

    If you need anti-malaria medication, your doctor will advise on which is most appropriate. If you require prescribed medicines while abroad, check on their availability at your destination since your doctor can normally only prescribe a limited quantity. If the medication cannot be obtained where you are going, you will have to purchase supplies at home.

    Make sure to get the relevant information from your doctor regarding the diseases that are prevalent in the country being visited and information on how to recognise/treat them, etc.

    Taking Medicines out of the country

    If you want to take any sort of medicine with you either prescribed or bought from a pharmacist find out if there are any restrictions on taking it in and out of Ireland or the country you are visiting. Ask the relevant Embassy.

    Always carry medicines in a correctly labelled container, as issued by the pharmacist. Otherwise take a letter from your doctor or a personal health record card giving details of the drug prescribed in case you need it to get you through Customs. Remember that some medicines available over the counter in Ireland may be controlled in other countries, and vice versa.

    Existing medical conditions and medication

    Keep a written record on your person of any medical condition affecting you, such as angina pectoris, diabetes and haemophilia, and the proper names not just the trade names of any medication you are taking.

    H AV E A D E N TA L C H E C K U P

    If you have any doubts about your teeth, or you plan to be away

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    a long time, see your dentist. It may be difficult and expensive to obtain dental treatment at your destination.

    C A R RY A F I R S T A I D K I T

    Be sure to include some insect repellent and antiseptic cream. Water-sterilisation tablets will take up little space and could be useful.

    R E D U C I N G T H E R I S K O F D V T D U R I N G T H E J O U R N E Y

    Prolonged immobility on long journeys, whether by plane, train or car, can lead to deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in the leg). Move your feet around, or get up and walk around regularly if you can. And avoid dehydration - take regular non-alcoholic drinks.

    No matter where you are going to travel, always check that your insurance cover is adequate to meet whatever expenses you are likely to have to incur. Always examine the small print of the policy. And talk to your insurer if in any doubt.

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    A L L AVA I L A B L E O N : W W W.W A G G G S . O R G

    Games Go Global badge curriculum

    The Games Go Global Badge will help Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world learn more about the Games and the UKs incredible sporting and cultural heritage.

    Biodiversity Challenge Badge

    WAGGGS/FAO/CBD Biodiversity Challenge Badge curriculum. Set of educational resources on biodiversity, which will help teachers and youth leaders develop a programme of learning, participation and action.

    GAT Badge curriculum

    The WAGGGS GAT Badge is an activity pack that helps children and young people to learn about the MDGs and take action on the issues that affect them and their communities. There is a wide range of activities for your members to choose from, and they can decide which level of the badge they would like to work towards.


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    Food security and Climate Change challenge Badge curriculum

    WAGGGS and the FAO have developed a Food Security and Climate Change Challenge Badge to make young people aware of the issues of environmental protection and food security and inspire them to be an active part of solving the problems.

    Advocacy toolkit

    A Toolkit on Advocacy to introduce and strengthen the advocacy dimension in Girl Guide and Girl Scout programmes.

    Surf Smart Badge

    Surf Smart, a non-formal educational curriculum about staying safe online, was developed by WAGGGS in partnership with Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbnde (RDP), Scouts et Guides de France and Girlguiding UK. Surf Smart helps inform young people about the importance of staying safe online and how they can protect themselves. The curriculum includes activities which encourage users to identify issues and find solutions most relevant to their own context, as well as activities that expose common issues girls and young women face with respect to internet safety.

    HIV and AIDS Training Toolkit

    The HIV and AIDS Training Toolkit is a collation of best practice thinking about how girls and young women can help in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

    Regions can use this training toolkit to equip leaders in their organisation with the knowledge, experience and tools to support girls and young women in combating this disease.

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    The Right to food

    The cartoon book and activity guide The Right to Food: A Window on the World, produced by WAGGGS and FAO, are about the right of every human being to be free from hunger and the responsibility of all members of society to respect, protect and promote that right

    Guiding Links

    Irish Girl Guides: Girl Guiding UK: WAGGGS: Europe Region WAGGGS: Scouting Ireland: WOSM:

    Useful Links

    Department of Foreign Affairs: European Health Insurance Card: Lonely Planet: Leargas: (assists with funding exchanges) Trip Advisor: Tropical Medical Advice:

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    C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K


    K I T L I S T C O N S I D E R AT I O N S

    Climate Culture Quantity Is there access to washing facilities? Luggage allowances - Will there be an excess baggage

    charge? Specialist equipment Can these be distributed among the

    participants or hired at the destination? Purpose of project Is it to meet the locals or undertake a

    service project, trek, sports, sight-seeing? Valuables Will you have rules or guidelines about valuables?

    How are they to be kept? Electrical Items Keep to a minimum and remember plug

    adaptors, if required

    E S S E N T I A L S

    Address list and list of important contacts or numbers Backpack, suitcase, sports bag (something to pack everything

    in) Paper or Notebook Passport (check validity!) Pencils, Pens Tickets and itinerary (airline, train, bus, accommodation

    bookings etc.) Visa Travel Insurance Passport photos Photocopies of important documents in case they are stolen

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    C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K

    F I N A N C E S

    ATM card (Maestro or Cirrus logos on the back are most widely accepted)

    Calculator or currency converter Cash in the local currency of your arrival destination Credit card (Visa or Mastercard are most widely accepted) Money belt (You cant be too safe in some places)

    C L O T H E S

    Uniform (formal & Informal depending on Event) Boots, Runners, Sandals, shower shoes Rain Jacket & Leggings Jumper, sweater or fleece Light jacket Long or thermal underwear (weather dependent) Long sleeve shirts (weather dependent) T-shirts Trousers/Shorts/Skirts Pyjamas/Sleepwear Socks/Underwear Swimming gear & Sarong, if wanted

    C L O T H E S A C C E S S O R I E S

    A sun hat / Bandana Belt Gloves or mittens, warm hat, scarf (weather dependent) Sewing kit Sunglasses Toiletries Safety pins Anti-bacterial cream Comb or brush, Cotton buds, Hair products, Lip balm,

    Moisturizer, Deodorant, Soap, Toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary

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    C G I I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A N D B O O K

    products, tissues Contact lens solution/container or glasses Earplugs/Eye Mask Sunscreen and after sun cream Talcum powder - Useful against prickly heat, in shoes, on

    sticky zippers and more Own First Aid Kit

    O T H E R I T E M S

    Backpack rain cover Camera and batteries Combination or key locks Duct tape - Fixes everything! Eating utensils, incl Cup & Spork, if required Flashlight or torch - Dont forget the batteries Badges/Gifts are always appreciated while travelling Guidebooks, or print outs from online travel guides Inflatable travel pillow International Student Identification Card - for discounts

    worldwide Laundry detergent (if facilities available) Maps (incl. small map of the world to show where you are

    from) Plastic bags Sleep sheet / Sleeping bag / Sleeping mat (if required) Toilet paper/Toilet Wipes Towels - the quick drying versions are very handy! Universal sink plug Watch Wet wipes/Baby wipes - Handy for cleaning hands or

    washing yourself in absense of a shower Ziplock bags - The freezer ones are usually the best

    Suggested First Aid Kit A first aid travel kit should contain the following:

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    Panadol (Headache) Bisodol (Indigestion) Simple Antibiotic (infection

    or fever) Kwells (Travel Sickness) Immodium (diarrhoea) Dioralyte (rehydration) Insect Repellent Antisin (insect bites) Sunscreen Lotion (treatment of

    sunburn) Savlon (antiseptic cream) Thermometer Scissors Crepe Bandage

    Triangle Bandages Gauze Assorted Plasters Surgical Tape Tweezers Safety Pins Gloves Tick pen (depending on

    where you are travelling to) If traveling to the Tropics

    - salt tablets and water purifying tablets

    Yellow Fever certificate or International Certificate of Vaccination

    R E M E M B E R

    There should be a designated first Aid Person for the trip. Prior to travel this person find out where the nearest doctor/hospital is.

    Encourage all members of the group to carry a basic first aid kit. (With or without medication depending on the age and where the groups are traveling to).

    Ensure copies of prescriptions are taken.

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    YO U R P A S S P O R T T O I N T E R N AT I O N A L

    G U I D I N G

    CGI National Ofce12 Clanwilliam TerraceGrand Canal QuayDublin 2Tel: 01 661 9566Fax: 01 676 5691E: [email protected]

    CGI Northern Region OfceSt. Francis De SaleBeechmount DriveBelfast BT12 7LUTel: 028 9031 3639Fax: 028 9031 3639E: [email protected]

    This publication is funded by the Depar tment of Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.


    YO U R P A S S P O R T T O I N T E R N AT I O N A L

    G U I D I N G

    CGI National Ofce12 Clanwilliam TerraceGrand Canal QuayDublin 2Tel: 01 661 9566Fax: 01 676 5691E: [email protected]

    CGI Northern Region OfceSt. Francis De SaleBeechmount DriveBelfast BT12 7LUTel: 028 9031 3639Fax: 028 9031 3639E: [email protected]

    This publication is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.