cgiar livestock and fish research program: potential synergies with lives project in ethiopia

CGIAR Livestock and Fish Research Program: Potential Synergies with LIVES project in Ethiopia Barbra Rischkowsky, ICARDA LIVES Research Planning Workshop Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26-28 March 2013

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Presented by Barbra Rischkowsky (ICARDA) at the LIVES Research Planning Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26-28 March 2013


Page 1: CGIAR Livestock and Fish Research Program: Potential synergies with LIVES project in Ethiopia

CGIAR Livestock and Fish Research Program: Potential Synergies with LIVES project in Ethiopia

Barbra Rischkowsky, ICARDA

LIVES Research Planning Workshop

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26-28 March 2013

Page 2: CGIAR Livestock and Fish Research Program: Potential synergies with LIVES project in Ethiopia

Program GoalMore milk, meat and fish by and for the poor

To sustainably increase the productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems

To increase the availability and affordability of animal-source foods for poor consumers and,

To reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along the whole value chains for animal-source foods.

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Inputs & Services Production




R4D integrated to transform selected value chains for selected commodities in selected countries.

Value chain development team + research partners

We propose an integrated value-chain approach for focused impact . . .

The approach: Solution-driven R4D to achieve impact

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Strategic Cross-cutting Platforms• Technology Generation• Market Innovation• Targeting & Impact

Inputs & Services Production Processing Marketing Consumers

R4D integrated to transform selected value chains for selected commodities in selected countries.

Value chain development team + research partners



. . . combined with strategic cross-cutting platforms for scaling out.

Major intervention with development partners

Approach: Solution-driven R4D to achieve impact

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Delivering Livestock + Fish

Structure: Integrated research themes

Technology Development:

− Genetics− Feeds− Health

Inputs & Services Production Processing Marketing Consumers

Commodity X in Country Y

Value chain development

Targeting, Gender, Impact assessment

Cross-cutting: M&E, communications, capacity building

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FOCUS: 9 Target Value Chains in 8 countries





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Criteria and rationale for choosing the commodities and countries

Growth and market opportunity• Huge and increasing demand for the commodity• High potential to raise productivity and off-take rate in

smallholder flocks Pro-poor potential

• High number of poor smallholders and value chain actors involved in production

• Good income opportunity for women headed households Researchable supply constraints

• Shortage and fluctuation of feed supply• Poor animal hygiene and diseases (high lamb/kid mortality)• Lack of sustainable organizational structures for breeder and

producer groups • Poor market infrastructure and institutional arrangements

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Framework for situational analysis of the respective sectors

Generic tools for rapid and in-depth VCA developed and tested for 3 commodities (dairy cattle, small ruminants and pigs)

Tools for rapid integrated assessment of food safety and nutrition (in collaboration with CRP 4 Animal Health and Nutrition)

Strategies for partnership development and involvement – innovation systems/platforms

Strategies for outscaling developed (based on partnerships, targeting and impact assessment)

Expected outputs from VCD in L&F

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Open access databases (NIRS equations, feeds, successes and failures in technology development, AnGR)

Tools for rapid assessment of feeding systems and feed intervention screening (FEAST and TechFit)

Diagnostic toolkit for animal diseases

Demand-driven solutions for feeding, breeding and animal health constraints identified in the VCs

Vaccine development (PPR success story)

Insights in genetics of adaptation (long-term)

Expected outputs from Technology Development

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Formation of the Dairy Development Forum an informal mechanism for vertical coordination of field activities and

co-creating solutions at national and milk-shed levels membership across all key public and private sector players in the

dairy sector.

Situational analysis report establishing a baseline for the sector

Tools developed to identify potential interventions for improved dairy value chain performance

Review of past successes and failures in dairy development interventions

Potential interventions best bets for improved VC performance

Tanzania Dairy Cattle VC outputs in 2012

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Toolkit for rapid VCA for sheep and goat in Ethiopia

By mid April 2013 for seven sheep and goat VC sites:

Site descriptions, rapid VCA reports, draft intervention plans

Cross-cutting research issues identified and prioritized

Process of partnership development with different stakeholders

Pilot breeding programs for smallholders developed and implemented

Feeding system assessments and feed intervention screening tested at two sites

Ethiopia Sheep and goat VC outputs

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Selected sheep and goat VC sites in Ethiopia# VCs District Sites/villages/

communitiesRegion Partner


Highlands1 Sheep 1 Atsbi 1. Habes

2. Golgol na’eleTigray LIVES

2 Sheep 2 Doyogena 1. Serea2. Bkafa


3 Sheep 3 Menz/Molale Mehal Meda

1. Molale2. Mehal Meda


4 Sheep 4 Horro/Shambu 1. Gitlo2. Lakku Iggu


5 Goat 1 Abergelle 1. Neuraq town, Saka/Sazeba

2. Felegehiwot




Lowlands6 Goat 2 Yabello 1. Eleweya

2. Darito Oromia

7 Goat/Sheep

Shinelle 1. Gad2. Degah Jebis

Somali PCDP

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Lack of awareness and skills on improved sheep production practices

Feed shortage in quality and quantity and lack of planting material and forage seeds

Unidentified and high incidence of disease and parasites

Shortage of  Animal health service delivery (drug supply, service availability, skills)

Lack of vertical and horizontal linkages of sheep producers (missing linkage among producers and with other actors)

Seasonality of supply of sheep

Lack of supply of quality sheep: low dressing percentage, red offal often condemned due to disease and parasites

Identified constraints in Atsbi sheep

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Joint research and intervention plans for shared sites (Atsbi sheep VC)

Joint learning across sites for sheep and goat value chains in Ethiopia and dairy cattle VC across countries (including IPMS results)

Outscaling of successful interventions developed by L & F

Joint development of technical training courses related to action research

Dialogue on pathways to impact

Joint Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Joint development of Communication strategies

Expectations from LIVES (synergies)

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CGIAR is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food secure future. The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish aims to increase the productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems in sustainable ways, making meat, milk and fish more available and affordable across the developing world.

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish