ch. 14- postwar america - mrs. kappes's...

Ch. 14- Postwar America

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  • Ch. 14- Postwar America

  • The 1950s was a time of tremendous change in America. New advances in technology planted the seeds of today's computerized world, and developments in medicine saved thousands of lives. A population explosion called the baby boom produced a generation that would change the world.Americans—young and old—also experienced a new genre of music called rock 'n' roll.

  • Bell Work…Glue the timeline into your notebook.


    Bell Laboratories

    invents the



    Nuremberg trials of Nazi

    leaders begins.

    June 1951

    The first computer

    comes on the market.


    The nation of Israel

    is founded.

    October 1952

    The US tests a hydrogen


    June 1956

    Congress approves funds for the

    Interstate Highway System.

    May 1960

    Soviets shoot down an

    American U-2 spy plane.

    March 1953

    Soviet leader Joseph

    Stalin dies.


    Egypt takes control of

    the Suez Canal.


    Soviets launch Sputnik, the first

    artificial satellite.

  • The Election of 1952

    1. Twenty-Second Amendment- set a ten year limit on the number of years a president could serve

    2. Democrats nominated IL governor Adlai Stevenson

    3. Republicans chose Dwight D. Eisenhower

    4. Criticisms surrounded the Korean War

    5. Checkers Speech- speech given by Richard Nixon to defend his political funds/gifts from political supporters

    6. Eisenhower won, becoming the 34th president

  • Brinkmanship- strategy that involves countries getting to the verge of war without actually going to war

    Massive Retaliation- the US’s willingness to use nuclear force to settle disputes

    CIA- collects intelligence information and takes part in secret actions against foreign targets

    Warsaw Pact- military alliance established in 1955 of the Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Europe

    Summit- meeting of the heads of government

  • Cold War “Hot Spots”1. France lost control of its Southeast Asian colony in Vietnam

    2. Vietnam was divided into northern and southern halves

    3. North came under control of Ho Chi Minh

    4. SEATO- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization; group of nations that agreed to work together to resist Communist aggression

    5. SEATO and the US supported the creation of a new anti-Communist nation, South Vietnam

    6. Conflict between Jews and Arabs resulted in the creation of Israel

    7. Egyptian leader Nasser seized control of the Suez Canal

    8. Eisenhower Doctrine- declared the right of the US to help, on request, any nation in the Middle East trying to resist armed Communist aggression

  • Your Assignment…

    Complete the Cold War Hot Spots map.

  • Bell Work…

    Copy and answer the following question into your notebook:

    Why might the division of Vietnam into Communist North Vietnam and non-Communist South Vietnam concern Americans?

  • Hydrogen Bomb- nuclear weapon that gets its power from the fusing together of hydrogen atoms

  • The Arms Race1. The US and the Soviets began to build stockpiles of weapons

    2. Arms Race- international contest between countries seeking a military advantage over each other

    3. Eisenhower scaled back soldiers and tanks and replaced them with nuclear weapons

    4. B-52 bomber aircrafts had the ability to deliver nuclear weapons anywhere in the world

    5. ICBMs- guided missiles that could travel thousands of miles and strike targets accurately

    6. Sputnik- first artificial satellite; launched by the Soviets

    7. NASA- agency in charge of the US programs for exploring outer space

  • Nuclear Fallout- harmful particles of radioactive material produced by nuclear explosions

  • Minutemen Missile National Historic Site

  • Beneath the PlainsMinutemen Missile National Historic Site

  • Meet the Missileers Minutemen Missile National Historic Site

  • Your Task…

    Read the article, The Arms Race, and complete the Double-Entry Notes.

  • Your Assignment…

    Complete the EdPuzzle video quiz: The Cold War.

    Then, complete the Were They Really the Happy Days? DBQ packet.

  • Bell Work…

    Copy and answer the following question into your notebook:

    What was the arms race, and what were its effects in the United States?

  • TV Changes American Life

    1. By 1959, more than 40 million American homes had at least one TV set

    2. Political leaders learned that TV had the power to change their relationships with voters

    3. Advertising slowly integrated into regular programming

    4. I Love Lucy, Leave It to Beaver, Texaco Star Theater, American Bandstand and the Milton Berle Show became popular

    5. People began to question the effects of TV on children

  • Transistor- small electrical devices that can be found in computers and other machines

    Integrated Circuit- computer chip that includes a number of transistors and other electronic components

    Vaccine- preparation that uses a killed/weakened form of a germ to help the body build its own defenses against that germ

    Levittown- NY town of mass-produced homes

    Sunbelt- southern and western portions of the US

    Interstate Highway System- network of high-speed roads built to make interstate travel faster and easier

  • TV Shows of the 1950s

    ▪ I Love Lucy (Amazon Prime)

    ▪ Leave It to Beaver

    ▪ The Three Stooges (YouTube)

    ▪American Bandstand

    ▪Top 10 Decade Defining TV Shows▪

  • Your Task…

    Read the article, Popular Culture of the 1950s. Pay particular attention to TV shows and their themes.

  • Your Assignment…Write a proposal for a new television program for the year 1952 that would fit into one of the categories of programming that were popular during that time.

    Include an analysis explaining why you think your program would have been popular with 1950s audiences. Include ideas for characters and plots.

    All of this information will be put on a poster board, creating a story board for your show. You will present your idea to the class.

  • Your Assignment Cont.…Your 1950s TV Proposal must include the following:

    ▪ TV Show Name

    ▪ Synopsis ▪ What’s it about? Setting? (2-3 paragraphs)

    ▪ Characters ▪ Name, Played By, Brief Description (2-3 sentences each)

    ▪ Actors must be from the 1950s!

    ▪ Episode Ideas ▪ Need 4 (6-8 sentences/episode)

    ▪ Analysis of show- why would this be a popular TV show in the 1950s? (6-8 sentences)