ch. 15 sec. 2

Ch. 15 sec. 2 Roosevelt and Taft

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Ch. 15 sec. 2. Roosevelt and Taft. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency. Roosevelt was a Social Darwinist, believed U.S. was in competition with other Nations, and only the strongest will survive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Ch. 15 sec. 2

Roosevelt and Taft

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Roosevelt Revives the Presidency

• Roosevelt was a Social Darwinist, believed U.S. was in competition with other Nations, and only the strongest will survive

• Roosevelt, also a Progressive, Gov’t should actively balance needs of competing groups in American Society

• Square Deal: Roosevelt's reforms, which equalized business, trying to make everyone equal and give everyone the same opportunities

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Trust Buster• Roosevelt believed trust made businesses efficient and partly

why America prospered• However he was concerned about monopoly power of some

trusts which hurt public interest• His goal: ensure trust were not abusing power, “We draw the

line against conduct not against wealth”• Goes after J.P. Morgan, Northern Securities railroad holding

company• Roosevelt files a law suit and using the Sherman Antitrust Act,

declares the company a monopoly on railroad traffic in the Northwest

• Supreme Court rules that Northern Securities is a Monopoly violating the Sherman Anti Trust and breaks it up

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Coal Strike of 1902• Roosevelt believed he was the

nations head manager, his job to keep society operating efficiently by mediating conflicts

• United Mine Workers Strike, Coal prices began to rise

• Roosevelt steps in, promotes Arbitration: a settlement negotiation by an outside party

• By stepping in Roosevelt took the 1st step in establishing a federal Gov’t as an honest broker between powerful groups and society

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Regulating Big Business• Roosevelt still believed in trusts and business, but wanted to

stop big businesses from abusing its power• 1903, Roosevelt convinces congress to create Department

of Commerce and Labor• Several big businesses wanted to avoid law suits made

Gentlemen's deals with Roosevelt to reorganize company and correct any areas of misconduct

• These arrangements gave Roosevelt the ability to regulate big business without sacrificing economic efficiency, by breaking up trust

• Hepburn Act: strengths Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate railroad prices, over time ICC set prices that ensured railroads made a profit

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The Sinclair contribution

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The Jungle

• In 1904 Sinclair spent seven weeks in disguise, working undercover in Chicago's meatpacking plants to research his fictional exposé, The Jungle. When it appeared in 1906, it became a bestseller.

• Read Pg 530 Consumer protection• What are some of the problems?• What is the results of Sinclair's bookThe Jungle?

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Teddy Roosevelt’s response• There was an overwhelming

response to Sinclair’s book• Many were disgusted, some

protested, and some became vegetarians

• Roosevelt read the book at the time and shared many of these beliefs.

• Congress would passed both the Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Act. (know what these are and did)

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Conservation• Roosevelt, the rugged

outdoorsmen that he was. Concerned about the nations resources being used up at an alarming rate, urged Americans to conserve those resources.

• He was strongly against unregulated exploitation of public lands and believed Gov’t must “develop the country not skin the land”

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• Read pg 532 about the Western Land Development and about Gifford Pinchot

• What is the Importance of the Newlands Reclamation Act

• Who is Gifford Pinchot, and what is he in charge of? How does he go about securing the conservation

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Taft’s reforms• Roosevelt hand picks his

successor, believe he was the best person to continue to carry out his plans for the country.

• Read pg 533 to 535 and see what Taft does and if he lives up Roosevelt's expectations?

• Know what the Children’s Bureau is.

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How does Taft Do?