ch. 22: world war one 1914-1918. 22.1 becoming a world power t. roosevelt, taft, & wilson

Ch. 22: World War One 1914-1918

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Page 1: Ch. 22: World War One 1914-1918. 22.1 Becoming A World Power T. Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

Ch. 22: World War One


Page 2: Ch. 22: World War One 1914-1918. 22.1 Becoming A World Power T. Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

22.1Becoming A World Power

T. Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

Page 3: Ch. 22: World War One 1914-1918. 22.1 Becoming A World Power T. Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

A. Teddy Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy1. Anglo superiority & strong military

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2. Panama Canal (1903-1914)

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2. Panama Canal

b. Problem: Panama controlled by Columbia

i. TR supports rebellion of Panama against Columbia = sends in the Great White Fleet

ii. Panama gains independence

c. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1903)

US has exclusive rights to build canal in Central America

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FYI - Panama Canal


$720 million

Paid Columbia $25 million for its loss

Relationship with Latin America worsen

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3. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

a. US to act as an “international police”

b. Goal: stop European powers from using the debt problems of LA to justify intervening in the region

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4. Teddy Roosevelt and the World

a. TR negotiates balance of power and peace between Russia & Japan = Portsmouth Peace Conference

b. Earns him Nobel Peace Prize 1906

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B. Pres. Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy1. Pres. Taft’s policy of

helping LA countries by encouraging Amer.businesses develop industries in LA

2. Would increase income in both countries

3. military aid

Exchange the stick for a fist full of cash!

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C. Pres.Wilson & Moralism

1. Morality

2. Democracy

3. International commerce

4. Christianity

5. Civilization

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“The Great War”

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A. The Main Reasons for WWI

1. Imperialism

2. Militarism

3. Nationalism

4. System of Alliances

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System of Alliances

1. Central Powers: Germany, AH, Italy*

2. Triple Entente: GB, Fr, Russia,

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B. “The Spark” that started the war

1. Archduke Ferdinand assassinated in Bosnia (6/1914)

2. Heir to Austrian throne

3. Assassin was Serbian

4. A-H declares war on Serbia

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FYI - It’s on!

1. A-H declares war on Serbia

2. Russia defending Serbia

3. Germany declares war on Russia

4. Germany declares war on France

5. Great Britain declares war on Germany and A-H when they enter neutral Belgium

6. Who is still not in this war?

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C. America tries to stay out of it! 1. Opposition

US citizens still had family in Europe

2. Sympathy for Alliesa. Britain - “motherland”b. French & Revolutionary

Warc. Strong business ties in

Europed. Propaganda by GB:

Women/children killed and raped

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D. Incidents which discourage neutrality

1. German U-Boats: a. Lusitania and Sussex

(5/’15, 3/’16)

b. unrestricted submarine warfare (2/’17)

2. Wilson starts building military

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2. Zimmerman Note (4/’17)

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Background info… Bolshevik Revolution (10/1917)

a. Czar overthrown by small rebel group (workers, peasants, soldiers) due to high unemployment, low food supplies, etc; wanted redistribution of land

b. March 1917 Provisional government “Constitutional Democrats” led by A. Kerensky; c/m/l socialist; merging dictator; bicameral govt

c. New govt was not efficient; problems that overthrew Czar still existed

d. Vladimir Lenin, a Bolshevik, returns to Russia from exile; “Bread, peace and land”; gaining support from the people; Sept. elections Bolshevik gain seats in the soviet (like congress)

e. Oct. Lenin and Bolsheviks seize power and civil war ensues with the “Whites”- (a volunteer army/Red Guard; Russian army) wanted a return to the monarchy

f. Bolsheviks win = communist party

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3. Bolshevik Revolution (10/’17)

a. “Bread, peace, and land!”

b. Lenin overthrows gov’t that overthrew the Czar

c. Wilson = “democracy throughout the world”

d. Brest-Litovsk Treaty: Russia and Germany agree not to fight each other (3/’18)

Win-win for each!

Vladimir Lenin

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3. Bolshevik Revolution (1917)

e. treaty with German to stay out of the war = Brest-Litovsk; Germany can focus on the western front

f. Wilson recognizes the legitimacy of new govt not the Bolsheviks; “democracy throughout the world”

g. FR, GB, & Wilson send in troops to side with small armies still against Lenin; protect RR, ports, munitions

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22.3American Mobilization

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A. Selling the War: CPI

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A. Selling the War: CPI

George Creel

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B. American Military Mobilization

1. Too few men =

2. Selective Service Acta. Mandatory registration

men 18-45 y/o (21-23)

b. Competency testing of recruits reveals…

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C. African Americans in Military

1. Segregated units2. First time allowed

AA officers3. Still experienced

discrimination by US officers

4. French recognize their abilities with honors

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D. Americans Fight!1. John J. Pershing

a. Supreme comander b. Fought together, not

as replacements

2. Americans soldiers “ready” to fight.

3. Wanted a strong voice at the peace table/ negotiations

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The Western Front

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Mechanization of War

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“Dog Fights”

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Trench Warfare

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“No man’s land”land between opposing trenches

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Medical Issues

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22.4:Over Here

The federal government continues to grow!

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A. President Wilson has Control!

1. The War Industries Board

a. Fixes prices on products

b. Regulates industries; makes companies follow specific rules

c. Standardization = increased productivity

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1. War Industries Board

d. Dev. Food Administration (Hoover)

i. Save food, eat less!

ii. Victory Gardens

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e. Fuel Administrationi. Saved coal and oil

ii. Conserved energy: daylight savings, shorter work week, heatless Mondays!

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B. Financing the WarLiberty War Bonds

“Only a friend of Germany would refuse to buy war bonds”

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C. National War Labor Board

1. Helped prevent strikes during the war

2. Co. owners improved working conditions and pay/OT

3. Union membership increases

4. Cooperation between fed gov’t and businesses increases!

5. Immigration restrictions eased

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D. Women and War

1. Served in both traditional and non traditional jobs

2. Support for equal pay

3. Entered military

a. Army Corp of Nurses

b. Navy - secretaries

4. Most lost jobs after war

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Two new Amendments of 1920?

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E. New Amendments: 1920

1. 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act

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UBI’s as it relates to restricted alcohol consumption in the US

1. How many dry states are there in this country?

2. 17/50 states have sales restriction

3. Only six of these are southern states.

4. Utah:

a. No sales of alcohol on Sunday

b. Or after 10 pm

c. Restaurants: i. can only sell alcohol if

there is food consumption

ii. Purchase from state store; no delivery

d. BYU – no keg parties!

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2. 19th Amendment

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F. Public Health Concerns

1. Influenzaa. Killed >500,000


b. > 20 million worldwide

2. Venereal Diseases

3. Children’s Bureau:Child welfare/prenatal care

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22.5 Repression & Reaction

Muzzling Dissent

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A. Espionage Act (1917)

1. Illegal to hinder military recruitment, support enemies during war, insubordination in the military

2. Schenck v. U.S (S.C.) restriction of free speech is ok

if protecting the US from danger (antidraft pamphlets)

3. Bureau of investigationSurveillance against citizens increased

“At last, a perfect soldier!”

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B. Sedition Act (1918)

Amended Espionage Act

Outlawed disloyalty regarding the govt and constitution

Eugene Debs: jailed for antiwar speech

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C. Social Changes1. African Americans -

The Great Migrationa. Escape discriminationb. Job opportunities

i. easier for women; less pay

ii. less threatening than men

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22.6An Uneasy Peace

The Treaty of Versailles: The do’s and don’ts of peace

An epic failure!

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A. In Attendance: the “Big Four”

Who did not get invited?

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B. Wilson’s “14 Points”(President Wilson’s peace plan)

1. 1st five pointsAddressed causes of the war

• Free seas & trade

• Reduce arms

• Consider colonial subjects re: policy

2. 2nd eight points addressed boundary changes/ethnicity

3. 14th pointLeague of Nations…

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Great Hall of Versailles

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C. Treaty of Versailles (6/1919)

1. Established 9 new nations including Poland

2. Demilitarized Germany; reduced military force to 100,000

3. Germany to pay reparations (war damages) $33B

4. war-guilt clause

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D. Problems with the Treaty = WWII

1. Germans felt they were treated unfairly; reparations unrealistic

2. Russia not included in treaty; fought for 3 yrs; lost more territory than Germany

3. Colonial territories wanted independence; Germany’s colonies stripped in Pacific

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League of Nations

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E. Opposition to Treaty at Home

1. League of Nations (LN)a. Felt it would involve US in

foreign wars

b. US would have to form foreign policy based on LN membership

2. Senate never ratifies treaty or becomes a member of the LN

3. “Irreconcilables”- Group of US Sen. Opposed to treaty

4. Henry Cabot Lodge (Sen. Maj.

Leader)/Wilson not compromising

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F. Red Scare

1. Time period in America, after WWI, in which Americans thought that communists were trying to take over democratic and capitalist principles


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2. Attorney General Mitchell Palmer

a. On a hunt for communist, socialists, and anarchists

b. Civil rights violated

c. Never found any real threat

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G. The War’s Legacy