ch 5_role focused od interventions

Chapter-5 Role Focused OD Interventions Submitted To : Presented by: Prof. Margie Parikh Bhavini Padhariya(11020) Pinkal shah(11076)

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Role Focused OD Interventions

Submitted To : Presented by:Prof. Margie Parikh Bhavini Padhariya(11020) Pinkal shah(11076)

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Introduction• An organization depends on how roles are


• Linkage between individual and organization

• That determines both individual and organization effectiveness

• Types of role based interventionsoRole analysisoRole negotiationo renegotiation

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Mutuality Vs Exclusiveness

Creativity Vs Conformity

Confrontation Vs Avoidness

Exploration Vs Expectatation


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Role analysis• Role analysis helps to understand

oFunctions of roleoCritical attributes of roleoExpectation and performance of role

• Task analysis- focus on key performance area(KPA)

• Competency analysis- focus on competency and their indicators

oRearrange scheduleoResponds to situationsoAdapt to working styleoHelp others

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Advantages• Bring role clarity

• Greater understanding of expectations

• Build trust, team sprit, collaboration

• Set clear objectives

• Objectives feedback

• Facilitate Training and developments needs

• planning

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Role Analysis Technique(RAT)

•Suggested by Dayal (1969)

•Overall picture of the role

•Contribution of role

•Inter linkage to related roles

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Steps in role analysis technique(RAT)Analysis of role

Discussion by group


Preparation of role profile

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Role analysis process1) Preparation :o Identify roleo Identify other rolesoBringing together role member

2) Mission statements of focal role- major contribution

3) Expectation of role4) Expectation of other role5) Consolidation of expectations6) Consolidation of behavioral norms7) Preparation of critical attributes

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Comprehensive role analysis

• Contextual analysis(mission, goals, tasks)

• Activity analysis

• Competency analysis( knowledge, skill)

• Performance analysis

• Function analysis

• Discrepancy analysis

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Role Efficacy Lab•“Role efficacy means potential

effectiveness of an individual occupying a particular role in an organization”

•Effectiveness of a person will depend on ohis/her own potential effectivenessoPotential effectiveness of the roleoThe organization climate

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Dimensions of role efficacy lab

Self role integration



•Proactive behavior•Reactive behavior






Personal growth

•Providing opportunity•Don’t provide

Inter role linkage

•Linking •Joint effort

Helping relationships

•Solving problems•Avoiding problem


•Don’t help

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Managing role stress•Types of stress

oProductive or functional stress (eustress)oDysfunctional stress (distress)

•Concepts of role stresso Role space related stresso Role set related stress

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role space related stress and conflicts

• Role space consists of the all the functions, process and people associated with the role

• Also various roles the individual perform at a given point of time

• Three variableoSelfoThe role under questionoOther role which he/she occupy

• Types:oSelf role distanceo Intra role conflictoRole stagnationo Inter role distance

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Role set conflicts• Role set consists is all the members who have

expectation from the role holder and his/her obligation to them

• Conflict arise as a result of non compatibility among the expectation by the others or himself/herself

• Types:oRole ambiguityoRole expectation conflictoRole overloadoRole erosionoResource inadequacyo Personal inadequacy

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Role negotiation for role set based interventions

•PurposeoTo help individuals or groups to develop ways

of increasing collaboration and support to attain common goals.

•ParticipantsoNegotiation can be used for same department

or for the functional teams, or for a supervisor’s team.

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The Process of Role NegotiationUnfreezing




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•Relate to the self, other persons, organization.•Both verbal and non-verbal items can be included.•For intra-team working “Desert survival” and “Broken Squares” and for inter-team dynamics “Maximizing Your Resources” is a good exercise.

Introduction•Basic concept of role negotiation and the conditions necessary for success.•Harrision calls “contracting”•Emphasis on staying away for personal aspects and on the need for openness , trust , and mutual support.

Image building

• Prepare images of themselves• Image of the other roles/group and• Guess what image the other has made of them (fantasy


Image sharing

• How much reciprocity and “packing order ” do you see in the image?

• How much catharsis , congruence and empathy do you find in the image?

Empathy building

• Write down five main strengths of the other group shared with each other.

• To Build mutual empathy, and appreciation of each others’ contribution to the organizational goals.

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• The consultant elaborates the idea of negotiation .• The fact that others would not help if this did not have

sufficient pay-off for them• Mutuality is emphasized.

Preparation for expectations

• Lists are prepared in verb form to indicate action and behavior

• Continue to do• Stop or reduce• Start , increase, or do better.

Exchange of expectations • The groups exchange expectations.

Clarification on expectations• Clarifications are asked for and made .• No discussion is allowed at this stage.

Preparation for negotiation

• The groups go through the list of expectations and mark those that are beyond them.

• Against each expectation they write their own expectation.

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Role negotiation

• In a fish bowl design .• An agreed list of items to be negotiated with other roles

is also developed.

Review in home groups• Critically reviewed and items requiring further details or

negotiation are identified.

Role negotiation continued • Continue until all items are settled.

Developing contract

• Form of integrated statements.• The terms “we shall do..if you..” are replaced by “we

agree to the following arrangements.” signed by participants.

Negotiation continue….

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Closing• Implementation details

o The mechanisms and other details relating to the review meetings.

• Sharing with seniorso Useful for building a climate of openness ,mutuality

and further support from them.


• Review Process

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Role Contribution•According to Carl Rogers , a helping

relationship is one “in which at least one of the parties has the intent of promoting growth, development, maturity, improved functioning and improved coping with life of the other.”

•There is an emphasis on empathy and unconditional support in it.

•Helping can be responsive or proactive

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Phases of Role contributionUnfreezing




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• MAO-B and MAO-C.• MAO-B helps respondents to examine role behavior in terms

of the functional and dysfunctional aspects of the six motives achievement, influence, extension, control, affiliation and dependency.


• The consultant may expound the need for mutuality for role effectiveness and the role of taking initiative in helping other role occupants to become effective.

Discussion of instruments • Feedback on the instruments.

Exercise on helping • “Broken Squares”


• Group of three members• His/her self concept (Strengths and weaknesses)• His/her three main concerns• His/her image of the organization and self image

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Unfreezing continue…

Image sharing• Preparation of one’s own image, the other’s image , own

image as perceived by others and sharing the images and discussing- To build positive images of each other

Exercise on collaboration• Maximize gains, can be used to examine the process of

inter-team competition and collaboration working in teams.

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• Dynamics of a helping relationship, the collaborative process and the effectiveness based on empathy and trust.

Super ordination• Realization that goals cannot be achieved by any one party

alone without the cooperation of the others.

Preparation of offers

• Why i/we want to / may not contribute to your role effectiveness?

• My/our contribution to your role• What can you do to help me contribute?

Exchange of offers• The lists are exchanged and the groups mark items that need


• Representatives of the group sit in a fish bowl design and clarify the statements made.

Clearing up &


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Reciprocal contribution

• The groups meet in their home bases and against each offer made, write an offer in exchange

• Emphasis is to match each offer by a complementary one.

Discussion of offers

• Discussed and modifications may be tentatively suggested.

Review in groups• Reviewed by each group for a consensus and commitment by

all members of the groups.

Agreement on offers• The whole community meets to reach an agreement on the

offers made and accepted.

Developing pledge

• A small team is formed to prepare a common integrated pledge.

• Everyone signs the pledge.

Contribution continue…

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• Force field analysiso Identify positive and negative forces for successful

implementation of the pledge and presented.

• Sharing with seniorso Useful for building a climate of openness ,mutuality

and further support from them.



• Implementation detailso A detailed, specific, time-bound plan is prepared for

implementing the pledge..

• Review Process

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Distinction between role negotiation and role contribution

Dimensions Role negotiation Role contribution

Basic assumptions about people

Try to maximize their own interest , can be exploitative, untrustworthy

One basic human need is to be relevant and do well to others , self seeking behavior

Management of conflicts and difference

Negotiated agreement based on enforceable guarantee

Negotiated agreement based on empathy

Diagnosis Focus is on the rights, power , privilege of role occupants.

On Contributions and help offered to each other

Target of change Working relationships, duties, Authority of role occupants

Working pressure and rewards for acting on agreements

Vulnerability Not based on potent reward and sanctions, unwillingness to aaply

Insufficient working through of differences

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Team Roles for team effectiveness (Belbin)

Action- oriented roles




People-oriented roles


Team worker

Resource investigator

Cerebral roles


Monitor evaluator


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