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  • 7/23/2019 Ch05 - Multimedia Element-Sound



  • 7/23/2019 Ch05 - Multimedia Element-Sound


    Introduction to Sound

    Vibrations in the air create waves of pressure that areperceived as sound.

    Sound comprises the spoken word, voices, music and evennoise.

    Sound waves vary in sound pressure level (amplitude)and

    in frequency or pitch. Acoustics is the branch of physics that studies sound.

    Sound pressure levels (loudness or volume) are measuredin decibels (dB).

    Something vibrates

    in the air Waves of pressure

    Ear drums will translate

    these changes in wave

    Forms as sound

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    Introduction to Sound

    A pleasant sound has a regular wave pattern. Thepattern is repeated over and over.

    But the waves of noise are irregular. They do not have a repeated


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    Multimedia System Sound

    System sounds are assigned to various system events such

    as startup and warnings, among others.

    Macintosh provides several system sound options such as

    glass, indigo, laugh.

    In Windows, available system sounds include start.wav,

    chimes.wav, and chord.wav.

    Multimedia sound is either digitally recorded audio or MIDI

    (Musical Instrumental Digital Interface) music.

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    Characteristic of SoundWaves

    Sound is described in terms of two characteristics:

    Frequency (or pitch)

    Amplitude(or loudness)

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    Frequencyis a measure of how many cycles occur in one second. This ismeasured in Hertz(abbreviation Hz) and directly corresponds to thepitch

    of a sound.

    The more frequent vibration occurs the higher the pitch of the sound.

    Optimally, people can hear from 20 Hz to 20,000Hz (20 kHz)

    Sounds below 20 Hz are infrasonic

    sounds above 20 kHz are ultrasonic.

    Low pitch High pitch

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    Amplitudeis the maximum displacementof a wave from an

    equilibrium position.

    The louder a sound, the more energy it has. This means loud

    sounds have a large amplitude.

    The amplitude relates to how loud a sound is.

    Low amplitude High Amplitude

    Quiet Loud

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    Characteristic of SoundWaves


    along wave


    Time for one cycle

    Amplitude wavelength

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    Audio Recording Software


    Sound Recorders for Windows Both Macintosh and Windows PC platform have the default sound. This basic application could:

    Record our own sounds Edit & mix *.wav files

    Simple Splicing and assembly Increase volume & speed of *.wav files Reverse the sound.Add Echo effects Some XP Version also provide wav to mp3 conversion.

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    Basic Sound Recorder

    Sound conversion

    Basic Effects

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    Capture & Playback of Digital Audio

    Air pressure


    Captured via


    Air pressure



    Signal is

    converted into


    (discrete form)0101001101


    Analogueto DigitalConverter



    s backinto


    Digital toAnalogueConverter

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    Recording Audio Files

    Recording Audio Files on the pc

    Uses either:

    i. Microphone

    connect microphone to the microphone port and record using

    sound recorder

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    Recording Audio Files

    ii. CD-ROM Drive

    Move music files from CD to hard drive or;

    Play the cd and then record using the sound recorder.

    iii. Line-in

    pressing play on the audio source, which is connected to the

    computers audio line-in socket. Record using the sound recorder.

    Audio cable

    Line in porton the pc

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    Analogue audio The name for an electronic signal that carries its information of sound

    as continuous fluctuating voltage value. Stored in non digital tape or audio tape recording of sound.

    Digitizing the process of converting an analog signal to a digital one.

    A sound is recorded by making a measurement of the amplitudeofthe sound at regular intervals which are defined by the "sampling rate(frequent of sample point taken).

    The process of taking the measurement is called "sampling" and eachmeasurement is called a "sample point".

    Analogue to Digital Audio

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    Digital Audio

    Digital audio - data are stored in the form of samples point.

    Samples represent the amplitude (or loudness) of sound at a discrete

    point in time.

    Quality of digital recording depends on thesampling rate, the number

    of samples point taken per second (Hz).

    High Sampling Rate

    Low Sampling Rate

    Samples stored in digital



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    Digital Sampling

    1 second

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    Digital Sampling

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    Digital Audio

    There are three sampling frequencies most often used in multimedia are

    44.1 kHz, 22.05 kHz and 11.025 kHz.

    The higher the sampling rate, the more the measurementsare

    taken (better quality).

    The lower the sampling rate, the lesser the measurementsare

    taken (low quality).

    The number of bits used to describe the amplitude of sound wave when

    sampled, determines the sample size.

    Low Sampling RateHigh Sampling Rate

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    Digital Audio

    Quality factorsfor digital audio file :1. Sampling Rate

    2. Sample Size (resolution)

    the number of bits used to record the value of a sample in a

    digitized signal.

    Sampling Rate Sample size

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    Digital Audio

    Other than that, it also depends on:

    The quality of original audio source.

    The quality of capture device & supporting hardware.

    The characteristics used for capture.

    The capability of the playback environment.

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    Digital Audio

    Crucial aspects of preparing digital audio files are:

    Balancing the need for sound quality against available RAM

    and hard disk resource.

    Setting appropriate recording levels to get a high-quality and

    clean recording.

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    Digital Audio

    Audio resolution determines the accuracy with which sound

    can be digitized.

    Size of a monophonic digital recording = sampling rate x

    (bit resolution/8) x 1.

    Size of stereo recording = sampling rate x duration of

    recording in secondsx (bit resolution/8) x 2.

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    Digital Audio

    Once a recording had been completed, it almost always needs to

    be edited.

    Basic sound editing operations include trimming, splicing and

    assembly, volume adjustments and working on multiple tracks.

    Additional available sound editing operations include format

    conversion, resampling or downsampling, fade-ins and fade-outs,

    equalization, time stretching, digital signal processing, and

    reversing sounds.

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    Digital Audio - Software

    More advanced Digital audio editing software: One of the most powerful and professional PC-based packages is a

    tool called Sound Forge

    Others audio editing software:

    COOL Edit Pro

    Gold Wave


    Samplitude Studio

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    MIDI Audio

    Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

    Before there was a wide use of mp3 and high bandwidth network,

    MIDI format audio is popular when an audio is required to be put on a


    Provides a standard and efficient, means of conveying musical

    performance information as electronic data.

    MIDI is a shorthand representation of music stored in numeric form.

    It is in the form of music score and not samples or recording. It is not

    digitized sound.

    Purposely for music

    A sequencer software and sound synthesizer is required in order to

    create MIDI scores.

    MIDI is device dependent.
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    MIDI Audio

    Since they are small, MIDI files embedded in web pages

    load and play promptly.

    Length of a MIDI file can be changed without affecting the

    pitch of the music or degrading audio quality.

    Working with MIDI requires knowledge of music theory.

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    Recording MIDI Files

    Recording MIDI Files

    MIDI files can be generated:

    by recording the MIDI data using MIDI instrument (electronic

    keyboard) as it is played.

    by using a MIDI sequencer software application to record and edit

    (cut, paste, delete, insert).

    MIDI keyboard

    MIDI sequencer

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    Audio File Formats


    *.MID, *.KAR, *.MIDI, *.SMF





    UNIX *.AU


    MPEG3 *.MP3

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    MIDI Versus Digital Audio

    MIDI is analogous to structured or vector graphics, while

    digitized audio is analogous to bitmapped images.

    MIDI is device dependent while digitized audio is device


    MIDI files are much smaller than digitized audio.

    MIDI files sound better than digital audio files when played

    on a high-quality MIDI device.

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    With MIDI, it is difficult to playback spoken dialog, while

    digitized audio can do so with ease.

    MIDI does not have consistent playback quality while digital

    audio provides consistent playback quality.

    One requires knowledge of music theory in order to run

    MIDI, while digital audio does not have this requirement.

    MIDI Versus Digital Audio

    Adding Sound to Multimedia

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    Adding Sound to MultimediaProject

    File formats compatible with multimedia authoring software

    being used along with delivery mediums, must be


    Sound playback capabilities offered by end users system

    must be studied.

    Adding Sound to Multimedia

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    Adding Sound to MultimediaProject

    The type of sound, whether background music, special

    sound effects, or spoken dialog, must be decided.

    Digital audio or MIDI data should be selected on the basis

    of the location and time of use.

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    Advantages & Disadvantages of UsingAudio

    Sound adds life to any multimedia application and plays important

    role in effective marketing presentations.


    Ensure important information is noticed.

    Add interest.

    Can communicate more directly than other media.


    Easily overused.

    Requires special equipment for quality production.

    Not as memorable as visual media.

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    Production Tips

    Recording on inexpensive media rather than directly to disk

    prevents the hard disk from being overloaded with

    unnecessary data.

    The equipment and standards used for the project must be

    in accordance with the requirements.

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    Production Tips

    It is vital to maintain a high-quality database that stores

    the original sound material.

    Sound and image synchronization must be tested at regular


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    Production Tips

    The speed at which most animations and computer-based

    videos play, depends on the users CPU.

    Sounds RAM requirements as well as the users playback

    setup must be evaluated.

    Copyrighted material should not be recorded or used

    without securing appropriate rights from owner or


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    Vibrations in air create waves of pressure that are

    perceived as sound.

    Multimedia system sound is digitally recorded audio or MIDI

    (Musical Instrumental Digital Interface) music.

    Digital audio data is the actual representation of a sound,

    stored in the form of samples.

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    MIDI is a shorthand representation of music stored in

    numeric form.

    Digital audio provides consistent playback quality.

    MIDI files are much smaller than digitized audio.

    MIDI files sound better than digital audio files when played

    on high-quality MIDI device.