cha nursing & midwifery symposium 2016 regobrochure...

Catholic Health Australia NURSING & MIDWIFERY SYMPOSIUM 2016 MELBOURNE @chaaustralia #NMWS16 #NursesKnow TOWARDS 2025 The Future of the Nursing Workforce 4 November 2016 STATE LIBRARY VICTORIA, MELBOURNE

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Page 1: CHA Nursing & Midwifery Symposium 2016 RegoBrochure · 4 November 2016 STATE LIBRARY VICTORIA, MELBOURNE. Tim Kirkman, Director

Catholic Health Australia


MELBOURNE @chaaustralia #NMWS16 #NursesKnow

TOWARDS 2025 The Future of the Nursing Workforce


Page 2: CHA Nursing & Midwifery Symposium 2016 RegoBrochure · 4 November 2016 STATE LIBRARY VICTORIA, MELBOURNE. Tim Kirkman, Director

Tim Kirkman, Director of rogenSi and MC for the Symposium and the Shark TankTim has a comprehensive management and consulting background in a diverse range of industries, from professional services to pharmaceutical equipment. Having worked in Africa, the UK and Asia prior to joining rogenSi in Australia, Tim

brings to the fi rm a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Tim works primarily in the health and fi nance and banking industry, and before joining rogenSi in 1998 he spent nine years working with a leadership fi rm in South Africa. Tim has worked on a range of projects to improve leadership capability, strategy and executive presence.

Mary Delahunty, General Manager, HESTAMary is the General Manager – Business Development and Policy for HESTA and has been with the fund since early 2103. She has held senior roles in fi nancial services organisations for over 10 years and is passionate about delivering dignity in retirement for all Australians. Mary is

also a 2015 Churchill Fellow awarded for the completion of international research on equity for women in pension systems.

Leanne Boyd, Chair of the CHA DONM Committee, Executive Director Nursing and Cabrini InstituteLeanne was appointed as Executive Director Nursing and Cabrini Institute at Cabrini Health in August 2014 and has over 20 years experience in health professional education. Prior to this appointment she worked for

Monash University as Director of Academic Programs (Middle East) for the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health and Head of Department Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice within the School of Primary Health Care.

Pauline Ross, Independent Chair of the National Nursing and Midwifery Education Advisory Network (NNMEAN)Pauline has policy and intergovernmental relations experience through her role as Deputy Director General, Department of Families in Queensland and as Chief Nursing Offi cer in Queensland where

she regularly engaged with internal and external interest groups, other government agencies and ministerial staff. Since retirement, Pauline has held board director positions on the Boards of The Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service, Southern Cross Credit Union and Albury Wodonga Health.

Speaker Information

Alison Patrick Mercy Health, Australia

Alison Patrick RN, RM, Bachelor Health Sciences, Masters Business Administration (MBA), Professional certifi cate in Health Systems Management. Currently employed as Executive Director Nursing & Midwifery, Mercy Health which involves professional responsibility for more than 1500 Nursing & Midwifery staff and managing a range of support services including Health Information.

Sandra Capron Mercy Health, Australia

Sandra Capron is the Director Nursing, Patient Access and Workforce, Mercy Hospital for Women with management responsibility for approximately 300 staff, daily operational management for patient fl ow and site issues including ensuring the staffi ng levels meet EBA requirements.

Linda Townsend Mercy Health, Australia

Linda is currently employed at Mercy Health as the Director of Nursing and Patient Access and Workforce Manager at Werribee Mercy Hospital. Linda has an Operating Theatre, Nursing Education and Military Nursing background.

Page 3: CHA Nursing & Midwifery Symposium 2016 RegoBrochure · 4 November 2016 STATE LIBRARY VICTORIA, MELBOURNE. Tim Kirkman, Director

2016 CHA Nursing Symposium:

TOWARDS 2025The Future of the Nursing Workforce

Date: November 4th 2016, Venue: State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St

9.00-9.15am Welcome from CHA CEO & the DONM Committee chair; Tim Kirkman will MC from rogenSi

9.15-10.30am Session 1: What is the national approach to nursing workforce planning? Karen Cook (formerly of Health Workforce Australia [HWA] and now with dept of Health) will talk about the work done by HWA

and the transition across to the department Pauline Ross (Chair of the National Nursing and Midwifery Education Advisory Network [NNMEAN]) will talk about the NNMEAN and the objectives of this committee

Maureen McCarthy (principal data analyst at the Department of Health [DoH]) will give an analysis of data (2015/16) on nursing and midwifery workforce as well as help explain the transition from Vocational Education and Training [VET]/University to workplace; breakdown of enrolments in post-grad programs

10.30-10.45am Morning Tea

10.45-11.30am Session 2: Nursing and Super – how can we ensure that our Nursing workforce enjoy a quality retirement?Mary Delahunty, HESTA

11.30am-12.30pm Session 3: What’s happening across the sector?The Executive Directors of Nursing and Midwifery [EDONMs] will present what a snapshot from each organisation including technological innovations, workforce projects, future strategic plansLee Boyd (Cabrini) Alison Patrick (Mercy Health)Cynthia Dowell (SJOG) Peter Williams (SVHA)Callan Battley (Mater Brisbane) Kris Salisbury (LCMH)Beth Thomas (Mercy CQ) Karen Gerrard (Mater TSV)

12.30-1.15pm Lunch

1.15-2.00pm Session 4: Solutions for managing an ageing workforce and easing the transition to retirementAlison Patrick, Sandra Capron and Linda Townsend

2.00-2.15pm Afternoon Tea

2.15-4.00pm Session 5: The Shark Tank sponsored by ACU, HESTA and Telstra Category 1: Patient Quality and Safety Category 2: Technological Innovation Category 3: Best Communication Strategies

4-6pm Symposium Cocktail Reception, prize handout

Page 4: CHA Nursing & Midwifery Symposium 2016 RegoBrochure · 4 November 2016 STATE LIBRARY VICTORIA, MELBOURNE. Tim Kirkman, Director

Catholic Health Australia



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