cha1-test 3 study guide

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  • 8/8/2019 CHA1-Test 3 Study Guide


    SIDS (London, Ladweig, Ball, & Bindler, pp. 1398-1400)

    Definition-the sudden unexpected death of an infant under 1 year of age with onset of the fatal episode

    during sleep that remains unexplained after a thorough investigation, including an autopsy, a review of the

    circumstances of death and leading cause of death in infants between 1 month and 1 year of age, with

    90% of cases occurring before 6 months.

    A. Risk Factors

    a. Race

    i. Most common in Native American infants

    ii. Followed by Black, Hispanic, white and Asian infants

    b. Gender

    i. More common in males

    c. Age: most common in infants between 2 and 4 months of age

    d. Time of year: more prevalent in WINTER months

    e. Exposure to passive smoke

    f. Sleeping arrangement

    i. prone or side-lying position and turning to prone, sharing bed with others, use of pillows

    and quilts with bedding

    g. Overheating due to excessive blankets, clothing on infant, room temperature

    B. Maternal Risk factors

    a. Maternal age less than 20yrs at 1st pregnancy and a short interval between pregnancies

    b. Prenatal smoking, binge alcohol, and illicit drug use

    c. Anemia

    d. Poor prenatal care, low weight gain during pregnancy

    e. History of STDs or UTIs

    C. Causes

    a. No known causes, all other disease processes ruled out

    D. Signs and Symptoms

    a. 1st symptom= Cardiac arrest

    b. Evidence of a struggle or change in position during sleep

    c. Presence of frothy, blood-tinged secretions from the mouth and nares

    d. Found dead in crib in am or after nap

    e. Parents report no cries or disturbances during the night

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    E. Prevention

    a. Educate on sleep positions

    i. Recommended sleep position-ON THE BACK (supine)

    ii. Make sure this position is used when the infant is cared for by others

    b. Use a firm mattress

    c. Avoid the use of loose bedding, toys and pillows

    d. Pacifier at night (per PPT)

    F. Counseling (from Table 47-3 on pg 1399)

    a. The nurses role is to be empathetic and provide support during one of the greatest crises a

    family must face.

    b. Provide parents with a private area and a support person who reinforces that the

    infants death was not their fault.Parents need to be able to express their grief in their own

    way and hear that they are not being blamed for the infants death.

    c. Prepare the family for the viewing of the infant. Describe how the infant will look and

    feel.You can say, Pauls (use the infants name) skin will feel cool. He will be very

    still and his eyes will be closed. They probably know this, but a gentle explanation

    demonstrates empathy. Explain that pooling of blood on the dependent areas will

    look like bruises.

    d. Allow parents to hold, touch, and rock the infant if desired. Viewing the infant allows

    parents a chance to say good-bye. Before bringing the infant to parents, wrap in a

    clean blanket, comb the hair, wash the face, swab the mouth clean, and apply

    Vaseline to lips.

    e. Reinforce the physicians explanation about the need for an autopsy. An autopsy is

    required for all unexplained deaths. You can say to parents, It is the only way we can be sure

    of what caused your babys death.

    f. Answer parents questions and provide them with sources for further information.

    Provide literature and a name of the local contact for a SIDS support group, as well as for the

    national foundation. Parents may not be able to take in all of your answers. Many emergency

    department and pediatric units have a social worker who provides ongoing contact with the

    family. Provide names of resource people and phone numbers for SIDS support groups.

    g. Advise parents that surviving sibling may benefit from psychologic support. Siblings

    often require emotional support in the weeks and months after the death. Older

    children may need reassurance that SIDS will not happen to them. They may also

    believe that bad thoughts or wishes about their baby brother or sister caused the


    h. Provide parents with a lock of hair, footprints, and handprints, if they desire.

    Personal items can be placed in a memory book. This reaffirms the childs existence

    for many parents.

    CROUP-LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS (London, Ladweig, Ball, & Bindler, 2007, pp. 1400-1403)

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    Definition: a broad classification of upper airway illness that result from swelling of the epiglottis and

    larynx. Swelling usually extends into the trachea and bronchi.

    BIG THREE pediatric respiratory illnesses-affect greatest # of children

    LTB (laryngotracheobronchitits)-this is what Croup is most often used to refer too A viral invasion of the upper airway

    o Extends throughout larynx, trachea, bronchi

    o Barking-seal like cough

    o Stridoro Rhinorrhea

    o Sore thorat

    Epiglottis (most life threatening-medical emergency)o Progresses rapidly-HOURS

    o Bacterial cause

    o High fever 102.2F

    o Intense sore throat

    o ^HR and RR

    o Dysphagia

    o Drooling

    o Prefers upright position (tripod position with chin thrust)

    Bacterial tracheitiso Progressive from URI

    o 1-2days

    o High fever -102.2 F

    o Stridor

    Signs and Symptoms (this refers to LTB only-which I think is all we need to know)


    Inspiratory STRIDOR (a high pitched, musical sound that is created by narrowing of the airway)

    Seal-like barking cough


    Humidification/Vaporizerso Cool mist

    Supplemental Oxygen when Pulse Ox

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    LARYNGECTOMY(LeMone & Burke, 2008, pp.. 1255-1256)

    Laryngectomy-removal of the larynx

    PURPOSE Tumors localized to a portion of the larynx

    Cancers that extend beyond the vocal cords

    TypesPartial laryngectomy

    50% or more of larynx is removed

    Voice is preserved, although it may be changed

    Normal speaking, breathing, and swallowing are restored

    Total laryngectomy

    Entire larynx is removed along with epiglottis, thryroid cartilage, several tracheal rings, and hyoidbone

    Because trachea and esophagus are permanently separated by surgery- there is no risk foraspiration during swallowing

    Normal speech is lost (need device to speak)

    Permanent tracheostomy is createdo Tracheostomy may be removed after several weeks leaving a natural stoma or it may be left

    in place permanentaly.

    Teaching Teach to protect the stoma from particulate matter in the air with a gauze square or other stomaprotector.

    Stress the importance of not yelling or screaming

    Encourage smoking cessation

    Tracheostomy stoma care and preventing respiratory infectiono Using a humidifier or vaporizer add humidity to inspired air

    o Increasing fluid intake to maintain mucosal moisture and loosen secretions

    o Shielding the stoma with a stoma guard, such as a gauze square on a tie around the neck, to

    prevent particulate matter from entering the lower respiratory tract.o Promptly removing secretions from skin surrounding the stoma to prevent irritation and skin

    breakdown.o Water sports are contraindicated with a permanent tracheostomy; there is no restriction on

    other activities.o Showering and bathing are allowed; protect the stoma with a cupped hand or washcloth

    Manifestations of potential complications of laryngectomy to be reported to the physician includeloss of hearing or facial expression due to auditory or facial nerve injury, or shoulder drop due todamage to the spinal accessory nerve.

    ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (ARDS)(LeMone & Burke, 2008, pp. 1365-1371)

    Characterized by noncardiac pulmonary edema and progressive refractory hypoxemia

    Severe form of Respiratory failure

    Mortality rate 30-40%

    What happens?

    Surfactant producing cells are damaged by the inflammatory process

    leading to

    o a deficit of surfactant

    o increased alveolar surface tension

    o alveolar collapse with atelectasis

    Lungs become less compliant

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    Gas exchange is impaired

    As ARDS progresses

    Hypoxia becomes significant

    Metabolic acidosis develops

    Carbon dioxide exchange is impaired as well as oxygen exchange= combined respiratory and

    metabolic acidosis

    Leading causes of ARDS death

    o Sepsiso Multiple organ system dysfunction



    GI tract


    Cardiovascular system




    Inhalation injuries


    Drug overdose


    o Disseminated intravascular coagulation

    o Pancreatitis

    o Uremia

    o Amniotic fluid and air emboli

    o Multiple transfusions

    o Open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass

    Near drowning Sepsis

    Nervous system injury


    Early signs

    o Dyspena

    o Tachypena

    o Anxiety

    Progressive signs

    o Intercostals retractions

    o Use of accessory muscleso Cyanosis

    o Crackles (rales) and rhonchi

    o Mental status changes

    o Agitation

    o Confusion

    o Lethargy


    o Stridor

    o Retractions

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    Diagnostic tests

    1. Refractory hypoxemia (hypoxemia that does not improve with oxygen administration) is the hall

    mark of ARDS

    2. ABGs

    3. Chest x-ray

    4. Pulmonary function testing- shows decreased lung compliance with reduced vital capacity

    5. Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring

    a. Shows normal pressure in ARDSb. Helping distinguish ARDS from cardiogenic pulmonary edema


    A. Medications

    a. Inhaled nitric oxide

    b. Surfactant therapy

    c. Corticosteriods-under investigation at this point

    B. **Mechanical Ventilation**

    a. Management is endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation with PEEP

    b. Does not cure ARDS

    c. Supports respiratory function while the underlying problem is identified andtreated

    C. Prone positioning in conjunction with mechanical ventilation reduces the pressure of surrounding

    tissue on dependent regions and improves oxygenation.

    D. Careful fluid replacement

    a. Carefully tailored to avoid fluid imbalances

    E. Attention to nutrition

    a. Enteral or parenteral feeding is necessary to maintain nutritional status and prevent tissue


    F. Treatment of any infection

    a. With IV antibiotic therapy

    G. Correction of the underlying condition

    H. Swan-Ganz catheter line

    a. Placed to monitor pulmonary artery pressures and cardiac output

    I. Low-molecular-weight heparin

    a. May be ordered to prevent thrombophlebitis and possible pulmonary embolus or

    disseminated intravascular coagulation, a possible complication of ARDS

    Nursing Dx and Interventions

    Decreased Cardiac Output

    Monitor and record vital signs, including apical pulse, at least every 2 hours; more frequently

    immediately following initiation of mechanical ventilation or addition of PEEP.

    Record urine output hourly. Because a significant portion of the cardiac output goes directly to the

    kidneys, a fall in urine output to less than 30mL per hour is the first sign of decreased cardiac


    Assess LOC at least q4h.Altered LOC, confusion, and restlessness are early signs of cerebral

    hypoxia due to decreased C/O.

    Monitor pulmonary artery pressures, central venous pressures, and cardiac output reading q 1-4h.

    Assess heart and lung sound frequently. Increasing crackles or abnormal heart sounds may

    indicate heart failure.

    Weight daily at the same time.Accurate daily weights are the best indicator of fluid volume status.

    Frequently prvide good skin care.

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    Maintain IV fluids as ordered. IV fluids are given to maintain vascular volume and prevent


    Administer analgesics, sedatives, and neuromuscular blockers as needed. These medications may

    be prescribed to decrease cardiac workload.

    Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response

    The client with dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response has difficulty adjusting to reduced mechanical

    ventilator support, prolonging the weaning process.

    Assessment findings indicative of dysfunctional weaning include: Dyspena, apprehension, or agitation

    Decreased oxygen saturation level

    Cyanosis or pallor, diaphoresis

    ^BP, HR, and RR

    Diminished or adventitious breath sounds, use of accessory muscles

    Decreased LOC

    Deteriorating ABG values

    Shallow, gasping breaths or paradoxic abdominal breathing.


    Assess vital signs q 15-30 minutes.

    Place in Fowlers or high-Fowlers position.

    Fully explain all weaning procedures, along with expected changes in breathing.Adequate

    explanations help reduce anxiety and improve the ability to cooperate.

    Remain with the client during initial periods following changes of ventilator setting or T-piece trials.

    Limit procedures and activities during weaning periods.

    Provide diversion, such as television or radio. Diversion helps distract the focus from breathing.

    Begin weaning procedures in the morning, when the client is well rested and alert; weaning may be

    discontinued overnight to provide rest.

    Avoid administering drugs that may depress respirations during the weaning process (except as

    ordered at night to facilitate rest when ventilator support is provided). Sedatives or analgesics that

    depress respirations can impair the weaning process. Keep oxygen at the bedside following weaning and extubations.

    Provide pulmonary hygiene with percussion and postural drainage. Maintaining patent airways and

    adequate alveolar ventilation is vital during the weaning process.