chad vale primary school

Chad Vale Primary School Yearbook 2009

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Chad Vale Primary School

Yearbook 2009

Chad Vale Primary School

Nursery Road



B15 3JU

T: 0121464 7329

F:0121 464 4441

E: [email protected]

Chad Vale Primary School

Yearbook 2009

School you are going to:

Lordswood Girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going to Manor Adventure, Going to Bockleton,

Spending good times at school, discos, productions, shows, plays and having fun with friends (Bhavika&Ebony)!

Most embarrassing moment!:

When Me and Ebony got basketballs thrown at us and everyone laughed, even Miss, and left a bump on my head (OUCH!!)

Hopes and Ambitions:

To possibly be a singer, or an artist because I like singing, and drawing.. (to be rich!)

What I will remember about my friends are:

Always making me burst with laughter until my eyes water, our days out together, our happy times, and crazy times! Bhavika and Ebony, And some others.

Ladan Akrawi

Christian Alfred

School you are going to:

Four Dwellings high school

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

I enjoyed the trip to Black Country museum and we were rolling down the hills. Manor adventure was really good but also very very very cold and a bit snowy.

I totally loved the obstacle course and I hated the big evening walk that we had on the first day. The tunnel activity was really cold and wet, absailing was totally out of this world, I enjoyed going down the rope. “But here is one word to describe Manor Adventure COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Most embarrassing moment!:

My most embarrassing moment was when I was hit by a football when I went on football tournament on the side of my head and I fell over and then everyone started laughing at me,except Abigail(my bestest ever friend)

Hopes and Ambitions:

To become a nurse, or a fashion designer because I like to dress up and look nice and I also hope to become a professional dancer because I am naturally talented in dancing and I enjoy dancing to!!! .

What I will remember about my friends are:

Abigail was always there for me and appreciated me a lot and supported me at tough times because she cares about me a lot. Esme was always happy and was always very very kind to me. Alisha made me laugh a lot and was making me happy. My teacher, Ms Begum was very kind to me and was like a close friend to me. Abigail is the bestest friend I’ve ever had in the world.

Alisha Alqab

School you are going to:

Lordswood Girls.

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

my memories at Chad vale are when I went to bockelton, Kingswood and manor adventure

Residential trips are awesome!!!!

Most embarrassing moment!:

My most embarrassing moment is too embarrassing.

Hopes and Ambitions:

To be a mathematician and a dentist assistant.

What I will remember about my friends are:

Abigail because she a caring friend, Christian because she funny and Esme because she a nice person…

Javid Anderson

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


What I will remember about my friends are:



Hussaam Baig

School you are going to:

King Edwards Aston Grammar School

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going to Manor Adventure, National History Museum and Bockleton. All the residential courses were extremely good and I remember looking at the shrunken heads in the museum. Rock Climbing was my best activity that I’ve done on a Chad Vale residential.

Most embarrassing moment!:

We were at Manor Adventure, my wellington got stuck and wouldn’t come off. Josh and Saima tried to pull it off. Mr Sansom took a photo and put it on the website.

Hopes and Ambitions:

To become a surgeon or psychiatrist and get good results in all my exams.

What I will remember about my friends are:

I will remember all the times when me and my friends were playing together (especially football) and laughing and joking. Saakib, Khariis, Arron, Kamron, Kieffer and Callum are all some of my best friends. I have known most of them since reception. I have other friends including Harry who makes me laugh, Saima who’s good at drama, Layyinah who can take a joke and Josh who’s stupidly funny.

Rajinder Bains

School you are going to:

Lordswood Boys

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going to manor adventure me and my friends had a fantastic time. The best experience I had there was the confidence course which is climbing ladders, walking across paths.

Most embarrassing moment!:

My most embarrassing moment was when I was running and fell into a pile of mud. I fell in before the course which is full of mud.

Hopes and Ambitions:

When I’m an adult my ambition would be to become a dentist and enjoy that job. It would be exciting to be a dentist and meet new people.

What I will remember about my friends are:

I will remember their kindness and helpfulness

The friends I will remember will be: Arron, Kamron, Ben, Saakib, Harry, Reuben, Hussaam, Callum, Kieffer and Mandeep.

Reuben Bashir-Pugh

School you are going to:

Oldbury College of Sport

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

When I went too Manor adventure, Kingswood, Boccleton and Stansfeld, Drayton Manor Park and my wonderful friends!

Most embarrassing moment!:

the time when I was playing cricket with my friends and I caught the ball then the ball bounced out of my hand and then I fell and the other team were laughing there heads off.

Hopes and Ambitions:

to become an artist and be bigger than Leonardo Davinci.

What I will remember about my friends are:

that they were all fun and that they always make me laugh.

Saakib Chawdry

School you are going to:

King Edwards Camphill Grammar School

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Me and my class in Year 4 went to Bockleton. It was extremely fun and the food was great! I also remember going to Manor Adventure, the activities were the best! Furthermore I remember observing the things in the Black Country Museum.

Most embarrassing moment!:

Rolling through the mud in one of the activities in Manor Adventure (YUCK!!!).

Hopes and Ambitions:

When I grow up I would like to become a dentist because it gets paid well!

What I will remember about my friends are:

I will remember me and my friends joking and laughing together about things. I also remember me and my friends playing together as well. My best friends are Hussaam, Kieffer, Callum, Arron, Kamron, Khariis and Rajinder. I also have other friends including Harry who helps me with my work and Josh who also makes me laugh.

Bhavika Chohan

School you are going to:

Lordswood Girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Always hanging with my mates (Ladan&Ebony),

And when we went to Manor Adventure, Ladan and Ebony were too scared to go on any of the rides!

Most embarrassing moment!:

Always hanging with my mates (Ladan&Ebony),

And when we went to Manor Adventure, Ladan and Ebony were too scared to go on any of the rides!

Hopes and Ambitions:

I would like to be a Doctor or a Singer when I grow up.

What I will remember about my friends are:

They make me laugh when I’m upset.

Ebony has the loudest laugh, and Ladan makes funny a face when she laughs.

Layyinah Choudhur


School you are going to:

Sutton Coldfield grammar School for Girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

When I went to Manor Adventure I got wet, cold and dirty but I still had an amazing time.

And going to Drayton Manor with my class mates.

Most embarrassing moment!:

When someone threw spaghetti in my hair and I started to cry and everybody started to laugh at me.

Hopes and Ambitions:

I wish to explore the world when I’m older and have money.

What I will remember about my friends are:

Saima because she’s really funny and she makes me laugh all the time, and Aneesa because she is really kind and puts up with me when I’m annoying, Verity because she is funny and she will do anything for me. Hussaam, Kieffer and Khariis because I can have a laugh with them. Josh because he’s gullible and makes me laugh and Mandeep because he’s always amusing.

Saima Choudhury

School you are going to:

Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

I will remember everything but I will remember Manor Adventure especially because it was so fun and I did thing I never got to do before and also I got to live with my friends.

Most embarrassing moment!:

When I was in Manor Adventure I was looking for my trousers because I was only wearing my top and my friends were taking a picture so I grabbed my dirty bag and my suitcase and was halfway closing the bathroom door with angry face pointing toward Aneesa when they took it.

Hopes and Ambitions:

I would like to travel the world and become a teacher because I want to work with different people and teach lots of kids.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

I like most people in my class but I like these people more than others Aneesa because I can tell her anything and she would understand and she makes me feel better Layyinah because she encourages me to do stuff. I’m nervous at. Verity because I never fall out with her Maugam because he looks out for me and he is good to chat to.Khariis, Josh, mandeep and kieffer because they are so funny. Hussaam because he never leaves me out in activities.

Aron Dalair

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Kamron Dalvair

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Anil Dari

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Making an electric circuit to turn on a light bulb in science.

Visiting Manor adventure and trying abseiling.

Most embarrassing moment!:

Falling into a bin.

Hopes and Ambitions:

To go on a helicopter.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

Playing on the computer with kieffer and saakib.

Going onto the MUGA playing badminton with Magma and Harry and Mandeep in P.E.

Mandeep Ghataore

School you are going to:

Bishop Vesey Grammar school

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Hanging out with my friends at the 5 day trips, and I’ll also remember the M.U.G.A.

Most embarrassing moment!:

When my magic trick went wrong in Chad Vales got talent

Hopes and Ambitions:

when I am older I want to be a lawyer

Things I will remember about my friends are:

They were all kind and funny

Abigail Hetherington

School you are going to:

Lordswood girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going on the residential trips and doing the obstacle course at manor adventure (we got really muddy). I enjoyed the Black Country museum. I really enjoyed rehearsing for the Christmas/summer production

Most embarrassing moment!:

“Hmm” I don’t think I have one yet!!!

Hopes and Ambitions:

To be an author or a poet or maybe a vet. Though I also enjoy travelling.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

That Christian always made me laugh and listened to me. Esme was always considerate. Alisha was funny .

Zain Ul Islam

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Soheil Kamkar

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Shumail MalikVerity Martin

School you are going to:

King Edwards Camp Hill

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going on the residential trips especially to Kingswood because we went quad-biking and Manor adventure because there were loads of really great activities.

Most embarrassing moment!:

When I did the sport relief mile and everyone laughed at me because I fell over loads and got covered in mud.

Hopes and Ambitions:

When I’m older I want to go skydiving and explore the world and see all the creatures in the wild.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

Aneesa is always happy, Saima always does funny impressions and Layyinah always talks to me for ever! I will always remember everyone in my class especially the people I used to play soul game with.

Kosuke NakazatoZakariyya Mobeen

School you are going to:

Lordswood boys

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going to the Black Country museum and the Severn rally railway me and my

Friends had so much fun and we even saw the Hogwarts express.

Most embarrassing moment!:

Don’t have one…

Hopes and Ambitions:

My hope is to become a doctor or an engineer and to stay in touch with my friends.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

My best friends are mandeep, soheil, rueben and rajindrer.

Benjamin Philpott

School you are going to:

Four Dwellings Secondary School

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

I remember my first moment at Chad Vale (In Reception), I was quite excited, but of course I got bored of school, as we do. I also remember going to Manor Adventure, my favourite part(s) were the high ropes course and rifle shooting; I turned out to be a natural!

Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:

I hope to be an actor, it seems worthwhile and very fun.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

How they made me laugh, and vice versa and their kindness. My friends are: Rajinder, Kamron, Arron, Reuben, Harry, Mandeep, Maugam, Soheil and Zakariyya.

Maugam Purewal

School you are going to:

Handsworth Grammar School

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

Going to Kingswood [sort of], Manor Adventure, Boccleton, Stansfeld and Drayton Manor Park

Most embarrassing moment!:

Having to go home from Kingswood after a day because of obsessive puking.

Hopes and Ambitions:

To become a video games designer.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

I will remember Mandeep because he’s funny,Saima because she’s great to chat to, Reuben because he’s fun to be around, and Harry because he’s just a great friend.

Ebony Ricketts

School you are going to:

Lordwood Girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

All of my fun trips, I was laughing with my best mates, and Drayton Manor.

Most embarrassing moment!:

When I was in Manor Adventure, my wellys got stuck in the mud, and I pulled it out but it was still stuck.

Hopes and Ambitions:

To have a really good life and a really good job and car and be quite rich

Things I will remember about my friends are:

The happy and funny days we had together and Bhavika and Ladan always bite me, but I’m still their friend!


Kieffer Ross

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Josh Shokkers

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Harry Smith

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:



Khariis Ubiaro

School you are going to:


Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:


Most embarrassing moment!:


Hopes and Ambitions:


Things I will remember about my friends are:


Esme Williams

School you are going to:

Lordswood girls

Memories of Chad Vale Primary School:

When we went to manor adventure and all the food was horrid. I also remember doing the talent show in year 5.

Most embarrassing moment!:

When I fell off the tyres at manor adventure and landed in a muddy puddle.

Hopes and Ambitions:

To go to a good university and become a writer/artist/teacher.

Things I will remember about my friends are:

They are all really nice and they were always giggling

Chad Vale Primary School

Nursery Road



B15 3JU

T: 0121464 7329

F:0121 464 4441

E: [email protected]

