chalice connection 05-13-10

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  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 05-13-10


    The Truth Sets Us Freeby Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

    The Chalice

    CONNECTIONA publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 2 No. 19 May 13, 2010

    Celebrate the Retirementof Associate Regional Minister

    Rev. Charles HattendorSaturday, May 222 to 4pm

    Oklahoma Disciples Center 301 NW 36th StreetOklahoma City, OK

    Join fellow Disciples in sayingthank you and

    best wishes in retirment.

    More details at


    PentecosSunday, May 23

    Help us bring the

    Spirit of Pentecost to Church

    Wear Red, Yelllow or Orangeto worship that day.

    A good friend of mine just bought a new car. He was telling(bragging to) me about it the other day. Its a convertible andhe can drive around with the top down and let the wind blowthrough his hair. Feels so free, he tells me. It is impressiveand I know hes having a blast with it. Good for him. I askedhim (casually) about the price and he said, Lets just say Illbe paying for this baby for a long time. I hope it brings himsome measure of happiness for the duration of the loan.

    Right after that I was reading from the gospel of John for a Bible study. Jesus told his followers that the truth would make them free. Their response? Were not slaves

    o anything! Hmm. I wonder if were slaves to anything? Maybe car loans and houseoans and debt and money. Maybe to our hectic work schedules and busy lifestyles.

    Maybe to the stress and anxiety in our lives.On those nights that we lie sleepless worrying about things in our lives we

    cannot change, perhaps we need to be reminded that the truth shall set us free. Jesuseminds us that our lives are not defined by what we have or how much we make. We

    are more than our jobs and our accomplishments. We are loved by God regardless of what the neighbors think of us.Ill think of true freedom as I watch my friend speed by with the top down. The

    ruth shall set us free.

  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 05-13-10


    Its the Family Vacation of a Lifetime!Bring your entire famly to ancient Egypt!

    June 14-17 at FCC Edmonds Vacation Bible School 2010In just a few weeks, you can travel with us travel back into Bible times without setting foot outside our community! Each day yourfamily members can become part of history as they see, hear, touch, and even taste what it was like to live in Pharoahs empire! Youllexplore authentic Marketplace sops, visit Joseph (who is in Pharaohs prison...then gets promoted to Pharaohs palace!), take partin games, dance to lively Bible songs, and sample tasty tidbits as you discover more about how God was with Joseph in good timesand bad.

    This fun, hands-on Bible-times event will take place Monday, June 14 through Thursday, June 17 from 6:00 to 8:30pm hereat First Christian Church. Register your child NOW for this lifechanging journey, and sign up to assist with the fun! Log on to or complete a form at the VBS table in the rotunda. Early registration for $10 ends May 30. After June 1, the feeincreases to $15.

    VBS DONATIONS NEEDED! Can you loan us a galvanized tub?

    Do you have a hot-knife we can borrow? Are there lotsof old towels sitting in cabinets you no longer need?

    Do you have old shirts we could have?Bring them to the VBS display in the rotunda. Thanks!

    VBS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!Kitchen Assistants Shop Keeper Assistants

    Crewleader Assistants Music AssistantsSet Up Crew Clean Up CrewSign up at

    or contact Julie Bunton @ [email protected]



    Edmond, OK

    Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma

    Annual Fund Golf Tournament1pm Monday, May 24

    Quail Creek Golf & Country Club in Oklahoma City$125 per person ($475 per team)

    includes greens fees, 1/2 cart, range balls & beveragesMore information at or call 528-3577

    College Class Begins June 6Hey college students! A summer Sunday school class just for you is beginningon Sunday, June 6. If you are home for the summer, orsimply visiting, come and join us in room 208. Class begins at

    10:00ish and will be done in time for late service. Hope to see you there!

  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 05-13-10


    Thank You!The Annual Youth Garage Sale was a huge success. I have received many compli-ments on the quality of items we had this year. I would like to thank all of you foryour donations to this great event that helps our youth program throughout theyear. Without the items we would not have had the this type of success. Likewisewe would not have done as well without the support of the youth and all the adultvolunteers who put in many hours of service toward our success, thank you allfor a job well done!!! Little can be done by one person alone but with team workmountains can be moved. We moved a mountain of donated items and I know wealso helped our community nd a place to buy quality gently used items to maketheir life enjoyable. May God Bless you all!

    Thank you, Chris Gibson, Youth Garage Sale Coordinator

    Happy Birthday!5/16 Peter Duller

    5/17 Linda McFall5/18 Alexandra Hamilton, MollyLarrison, Shane McGrew, Amy Peters5/19 Cody Daylor, Jenny Jewell,Shelli Thomas, Marcia Tunison5/20 Addison Ball, Marla Grant,Haley King, John Privette, SopukroTienabeso5/21 Bob Grant, Hannah Malzahn5/22 Janet Caldwell, Brad Cum-mings, Greysen Ernst, David Smith5/23 Michelle Anderson, CherylGibson, George Gilbreath, Kylie Hunt,Michael McGrew

    Prayers of the PeopleOUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITALFoy Hurst, St. Anthonys; Betsy Jones, Deaconess

    OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Jared Allison, Jennifer Rodr, Juli Marzuola, Jeff Stephens, Marj Pizer, Teresa Finley, Lorelle Watts, Willa Hill, Pam Fraim, Vir-ginia Hiebert, Joan Grant (Mike Grants mom), Sharon Luton (Susan Blackscousin), Bart Rodr, Eunice Wilson, Les Lee, Ed Berry, Taylor Wheeler, HankThomas (Randy Thomas brother)

    Do You Have aCollege Graduate?

    We would love to know!Please submit name,school and degree to

    [email protected] be listing college

    grads in our May 20 newsletterso our whole church family

    can rejoice with them!

    Fill The Tub for our

    TroopsPick up a list, in the FellowshipHall, for another opportunityto send items to our troops for

    July 4th. Please drop off by June 6th. We appreciate yourhelp and support.

    Thank you, Blue Star MothersChapter 8 Edmond

    ~ Becky Win

    Year to Date Pledged Giving has dropped to 93%, but Non Pledged Giving in-

    creased to 105% of Budget. General Fund Expenses signi cantly increased throughthe Easter Season and are now at 100% of Year to Date Budget. The Year to Date(YTD) Revenue and Expenses are shown below.

    General Fund Building FundYTD Actual YTD Actual

    Revenue $327,648.27 $86,911.02Expense $343,262.99 $90,917.12Excess/(Shortfall) ($15,614.72) ($4,006.10)

    Please remember to note on your checks or envelopes to which church accountsyou want your contribution credited.

    A Report from the Finance CommitteeThrough April, General Fund Revenuesare 95.6% of Budget, slightly better thanthrough March.

  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 05-13-10


    FCC Hosting Kairos Outside MinistryDear Congregation and Staff of First Christian Church,

    Thank you for the opportunity to present you with information about the Kairos OutsideMinistry in Western Oklahoma.

    Kairos Outside is designed to support the families of men and women who are,or have been incarcerated in the countrys state and federal correctional facilities, as wellas county jails and youth offender programs. The spouses, parents and other relatives of the incarcerated often do time right along with their relative/friend.

    This support is provided in a safe environment with Christian people during aKairos Outside weekend. During this weekend, the Guests will have a chance to interact

    with other women in similar situations and learn how to form small groups of supportthereby giving them strength in their life journey.

    We plan two weekend events per year. One weekend is scheduled at thebeginning of November and the other at the beginning of June. The teams who hostthe weekend have experienced 36 hours of team formation over a several month periodprior to the event weekend itself.

    The next weekend will be held here at First Christian on June 4 to 6, 2010. If

    you have any questions about this weekend please feel free to call me for information.

    Thank you,Karla RowleyFacilities Coordinator for Advisory Council of Kairos Outside405-210-4177 (cell) 405-478-2943 (home)

    Worshipat First Christian8:15, 9 & 11am

    May 16, 2010Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: Acts 16:16-34 May 23, 2010PentecostMessage: Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: Acts 2:1-12

    The Chalice CONNECTIONShelley Regan, [email protected]

    Read News Online@

    Submit Articles [email protected]