challenge island rotation 6 - midlock, reeves, mc cullough


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Rotation 6 - Summer on Challenge Island Midlock - Career Matriarchy Reeves - Gardeners Challenge McCullough - OWBC


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Hello Again!

So summer continues in Challenge Island and I’m going to bring you three more families.

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Up first are the Midlocks.

All of the Midlocks.

Seriously, the game was like “TOO MANY SIMS MUST COMPACT PORTRAIT!!!”

Which is why it’s so hard to see who is who.

I’m going to be honest, the kids that don’t interest me don’t get screen time. Which pretty much means that Elizabeth is right out.

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Minor landscaping, I just don’t see the Midlocks as being into gardening or pretty stuff as the rest of the hood. They have careers to top and a ton of kids. They don’t have time for fancy yards. You’re lucky that the yard isn’t strewn with toys and career rewards.

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*Cue the William Tell Overture the whole thing not just the part they used in the Lone Ranger*

Looking at this picture, you wouldn’t know that Merlin is a cheating cheater who cheats. They’re just so adorable together.

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“Are you gonna burp, Dido?”

“I was planning on it.”

“Shucks! I wanted to play with the thingy.”

“Teleprompter. It’s called a teleprompter, Cleopatra.”

“Whatever. Thingy works.”

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“Oh what a beautiful morning! Time to skill for my promotion!”

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Did you know that the inside of the surgical dummy is all gnarly and space-like? I didn’t. And I’ve been playing this game for a long time and I’m still finding stuff I’ve never seen!

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Things were mostly quiet since Arya had a day off and the triplets are all infants and thus boring.

The most exciting thing that happened was Bo came home from school.

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And then promptly went to work.

Yes, Bo randomized gay. But I don’t think the social townie wants much to do with you, unless you’re willing to deny her her first kiss. Then she’s all over you.

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Merlin finally topped Military and keeps being responsible for the trash can being on its side.

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And Bo’s now an over achiever.

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Which is good, because Arya’s finally showing for her pregnancy and desperately needs a bath.

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So Bo took over taking care of her sisters. This is Gemmei. Whose stats don’t matter because she’s not heiress.

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Hedwig. Whose stats also don’t matter because she’s not heiress.

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And finally creepy Irina who is not heiress so her stats don’t matter. See a trend here?

So who is heiress, you’re asking?

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Fatima here.

She’s got the best mix of her parents’ genetics. Her father’s brow, mother’s eye shape, dad’s nose, mom’s mouth and jaw. If she had Arya’s eye color she’d be perfect but we can’t win them all.

She’s also neat, which after the 0 neat point Arya is a welcome change.

So barring babies having better genetics, she’s heiress.

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“I would like to decline the award given me. I don’t want to be heiress.”

Why not?

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“Having your eggs fertilized by a man? That’s just icky.”

We’ll figure something out.

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“I topped Military.”

“That’s nice.”

“I’m got a new job.”

“Oh, doing what?”

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“Teaching the youth of land!”

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“Wha? I fell asleep again! Do I have food on my face? Please tell me I don’t have food on my face.”

Yep, this pregnancy is hitting Arya a lot harder than her others.

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“I hate Merlin!”


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Dido and Cleopatra grew up that afternoon. Dido picked a great outfit for her.

And I’m kind of amused at the dual photobombs in this picture. Go townie and Deidre!

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A minor Makeover and Dido is set to go. She’s a Family/Cheese sim.

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While her twin has a different aesthetic. She’s a Knowledge/Cheese sim and totally rocks the blackwerk tattoos.

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“Nobody likes me. I’s sad.”

It’s true I’m not focussing on Hedwig, Gemmei, or Irina. Or even Elizabeth and Fatima. Mostly because they don’t have fun stuff going on right now.

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Unlike Bo, who’s discovered that girls exist and that Debbie Harden is really kind of awesome.

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Make that a lot awesome.

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Make that really, really awesome.

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They even ended up going steady. Because they’re kind of cute like that.

I’m considering doing an unequal partnership challenge with them. It’s also known as the “Traditional Family” challenge but it calls for a man and woman. And no. Not going there. I’m willing to do the whole one spouse stays home, raises the kids, cooks, cleans, and doesn’t get an education thing. But I’m not following the rules that state that only the men can have jobs or go to school past elementary school. If I do this, it’ll be based on aspiration – Popularity, Fortune, and Knowledge primary sims are the haves and Romance, Pleasure, and Family sims are the have nots.

With Debbie coming from the Trailer Park Challenge she won’t have any problems with being the stay at home mom and she’s a family sim. While Bo is a fortune/knowledge sim and comes from a career Matriarchy.

It could work.

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“I’ve got a girlfriend, Mom.”

“Good for you, honey. What’s her name?”


“A playable.”


“You know that you’re not supposed to marry a playable if you want to be heiress.”

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“Maybe Bo doesn’t want to be heiress.”

“That’s fine. She doesn’t have to be if she doesn’t want to. But if she did, she needed to know the rules.”

“Oh. Is that why you married me, Ar?”

“I married you because I love you.”


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Enough with the drama...

“Cheese is awesome!”

“So awesome!”

“Eat all the cheese!”

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“I feel as if something momentous has happened.”

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Indeed something has. Arya is giving birth for the last time.

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Meet Arthur. The only boy in this family other than Merlin.

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And his twin sister Jane.

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“I’m done, right? No more kids?”

Yep, you’re done.

“Thank plumbbob!”

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Creepy-kid holding other creepy-kid. It’s kind of amusing.

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Because we always need a party, here’s this season’s party.

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I have no idea why Pong is picking a fight with Robert. I think it’s because Pong cheated at Robert’s house. But I have honestly no idea. Their memories don’t tell me.

But things were heating up.

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Unfortunately quite literally.

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“Your nose pierces the very depths of my soul! My soul!”

“Oh my, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard.”

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Then it was time for a triple birthday.

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“Wow! We have hands!”

“And butts!” Hedwig added.

And that’s the last we’re really going to see of these kids.

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Because it’s the end of the season.

“So shall we go off to college?” Cleopatra asked.

“If you want to,” Dido agreed.

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“Let’s do this!” Bo said.

**As a note, they’ve all been made into dormies because I’m not sure what I want to do with them.**

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“Woohoo! The house is more empty!”



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So now we’re on to the super short check in with the Reeves family.

They’re quiet and unassuming, which after the crazy of the last two houses is a welcome relief.

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I still think that this house has one of the prettiest curb appeals.

But the garden club didn’t think so, so I’ll be trying again this season to get a wishing well for this house.

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Pong and Regina are still going super strong.

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And the kids are pretty much self sufficient. I kind of let them go, only directing them to skill if they roll the want for a specific skill.

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Regina finished teaching Johnathan his toddler skills on her day off.

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Then he promptly grew up and into pink pjs. Because he’s a rebel like that.

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On Pong’s day off, I sent him to the nature hobby lot.

Mostly so I could scope out who future spouses could be.

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The hobby leader is the guy with green skin and the bandana. Which I kind of love. The gardener currently is another black haired sim so I’ll hold off on her until later. I’ve got some garden club people to tap too.

The guy, Cory Patch, has brown hair, but that’s okay.

So that pretty much means that Ariel’s the heiress since Cory’s straight and she’s bi. Which is fine because I’d rather have the boys be spouses in other houses.

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“I feel like I’m going to be ignored,”

I want to tell John Boy that he’s got potential to get into the Trailer Park Challenge. Only because John Boy is an awesome redneck name.

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Regina came home with a promotion and then promptly turned around and walked to work for another one.

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That’s because her car pool person went on strike after seeing a floating Ariel.

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No really, the kid was floating. It corrected itself a moment later. But I almost had Doran like powers making an appearance.

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While Bruce is trying out for the creepy stare at you thing that the girls in the Midlock house have down cold.

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After getting promoted, I found Regina a job in Education. Her LTW career.

I’ll also be happy to get the bookcase. The bookcase is awesome.

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Considering it’s been 3 days. I tried to get Regina into the garden club. I added more flowers and a few sculptures.

But no matter what I tried, Ratna Tang here wouldn’t do an inspection all season. Seriously. All 5 days she kept saying “try tomorrow.”


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Which meant that I spent most of the rest of my time waiting fulfilling Regina’s various wants. She wanted a body point or six.

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But was unimpressed when she got fit.

Most sims want to get fit. Not Regina. She liked her curves.

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It was then time for the triplets to grow up.

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They all have hands and Lifetime wants now.

Ariel wants to be Hand of Posiedon – Easy Peasy – and is Fortune/Knowledge.

Bruce wants to Woohoo 20 Sims – Not so Easy Peasy – and is Pleasure/Romance

Graham wants to become a Cult Leader – So college for him – and is Knowledge/Romance.

Guess which one is most likely to get their LTW?

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“I’m so happy I have money! I’ll ignore who I brought home from work with me!”

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Since four people in the house wanted to get the kids into private school we invited over the headmaster for a quick visit.

And it was quick.

We got 34 schmooze points just for offering him a tour. We then got an additional 45 points for the tour itself. Meaning we only needed 11 more points for the kids to get in.

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I could have schmoozed my way in, but most of the house was hungry anyway.

So some scintillating dinner conversation later and we ended the visit with 138 points total.

I have never had a headmaster score that high.

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While the visit was going on, Graham and Bruce were getting to know the girls they brought home on the bus.

Graham was chatting with Glory from the ISBI house.

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While Bruce was having to tell Bliss, that backrubs were not okay just yet. He let her flirt with him later though.

And I am amused that the two boys each brought home someone who has the same letter name as them. I didn’t notice it until I was writing this up.

If Bliss is heir, she won’t be marrying Bruce because I’ll be giving her a well drop spouse. So there’s that.

But that’s it for the Reeves family. I told you it was short. They were pretty boring and nothing really major happened. Which is okay.


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Up next is the McCulloughs who are my OWBC family.

This is going to be the second play through for them because my game decided it wanted to crash and I only save at the end of the rotation. My fault, I should save more, except I don’t really care that much.

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This is quite literally the only picture I have from the first play through that is usable. Establishing shot for the win!


More interesting stuff happened before the crash too. Not to say interesting stuff doesn’t happen here, it does. But it was more interesting before.

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“Mom. Mom. Momma. Mommy. Mom. Mom. Mom.”

For some reason Osiris reminds me of Stewie from “The Family Guy.” He’s obsessed with following people around, specifically Kailee. I don’t know. But that’s how I see him.

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“This is so embarrassing.”

Loki , unlike his siblings, seems to find toddler skilling a chore. He’d much rather get a mechanical point or a logic point. I swear this kid is trying to be the Fandom Version of Woobie!Loki.

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“I’ve topped my career! Who wants to hug me?”

“Is your dad always like this?”


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This slide serves no purpose other than I find Loki exceedingly awesome.

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Although I kind of like Thor too. Thor’s a bit of a big doofus but he wants to be friends with all of his siblings.

“Let’s sing a song!”

“You’re not the mama.”

“I look like her. Can’t you just pretend?”


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The mama was currently out stargazing to see if I could get another alien abduction. Since more aliens is always awesome.

Then lightning struck the tree and it didn’t even faze her.

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Cool sims don’t look at explosions.

The flames are hot but their hygiene is stilled.

Who’s got time to watch an explosion?

There’s toddlers to train and robots to build.

Note that Osiris ran outside in a fire storm to get Kailee’s attention. I think we know who’s a big momma’s boy.

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*cough, hack, cough*

“I’m sick. I can’t possibly make it to work today.”

He isn’t really. But I need someone to stay home with the kids and Kailee’s trying to become permaplat.

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One promotion down, and since she can walk to work I’m going to do it.

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“Hi! Can I join you and get screentime? I like screentime. I wore bright colors for just such an occasion.”

Thor and Artemis ignored Johnathan. Which is probably for the best.

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Not like it matters but Robert’s got a bronze badge in gardening.

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What matters more is that Kailee is now permaplat.

“Great! I can now get out of the Hillary Rodham Clinton trademarked pantsuit!”

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Then it was time for the obligatory party.

“Party for me?”

Yep, adorable Loki is about to age up.

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“Am I still adorable?”

Loki is still totally adorable.

I think the random townie agrees. Either that or she wants to eat Loki’s head. I’m not totally sure.

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“Even though this party is for me, I still don’t feel like I belong. Thor’s everyone’s favorite.”

That’s because Thor is a mini-popularity sim and Loki’s a knowledge sim. I haven’t rolled yet, but I’ll be seriously sad if they don’t get those aspirations in some form. Seriously. It’s like my game knows!!!

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That night was also pure gold for finishing up careers for Kailee and Robert. Robert is going to hang out in Entertainment while Kailee’s going for Military. Kailee was going to go for Criminal, but I forgot that the hours conflict with Entertainment.

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Thor was quick to test out the Military training course. Showing off his fitness prowess.

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“I love pop tarts!” Thor exclaimed. “I wish I could eat them at every meal.”

“Of course you do,” Loki said. “Please try not to be a horrible cliché of the character you’re named after.”

“And you are not?” Thor asked.

“Boys, stop it! Pop tarts are cool. Clichés are less cool but can be fun. So long as I don’t end up dating a red head who moves fast I think we’ll be good.”

“As you say, Lady Artemis.”

“Knock it off, Loki.”

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Because she was rolling the want for it, I had Kailee invite over the Garden club for an inspection. They have no statues or decorations in the yard so I’m just hoping to get in.

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I did more than get in. She got a freaking wishing well. Well, that takes care of one requirement for the OWBC.

I don’t get it. Some of the plants had weeds and were in need of watering. No decorations and minimal trees and shrubs and Kailee gets a wishing well. While Regina who had a lovely yard with lots of landscaping doesn’t get in. That’s it. I just don’t get this game!

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That night, Artemis grew up. She’s rolled Family/Romance. I don’t know what her LTW is yet and I won’t until she either goes to college or becomes an adult. I’m hoping it isn’t something like marry off six kids. She likes her men in their underwear and athletic. Mimes need not apply.

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Osiris also grew up much to Thor’s surprise.

“Forsooth! You possess hands!”

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“Ack! Seth also doth have hands! It is most surprising!”

“Are you talking like that to be a parody of your namesake, Thor? Because you can just stop that right now.”

“My apologies, brother Seth. I shall endeavor to be less of a parody.”

“You’ve been reading the dictonary again haven’t you?” Osiris asked with an eye-roll.


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Time for attempting to get MOAR ALIENS! Because aliens are awesome!

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And it looks like Robert is the lucky sim who gets to fulfill that requirement. Woohoo!!!

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Kailee was understandably happy about that. Robert’s outfit has a preg morph while Kailee’s doesn’t. It’s much more comfortable for him than it is for her.

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While their parents were attempting to get alien pregnant, the rest of the kids skilled, or slept. But showing sleeping sims gets boring after a while.

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And Artemis apparently has mastered creativity. Time to get her to work on something else.

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Thank goodness for Influence. Now Artemis can clean and gain skills and the parents can get some work done.

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Like gestating on the couch.

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“I hate robots.”

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“Much better!”

Great, now go greet the random teen walkby and influence him to talk to Artemis!

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Once the kids woke up, it was time for the weekend fishing party so that everyone can become friends. You can see Thor and Artemis knocking out the besties.

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“You have a fabulous bust!”

“Gee thanks! And that’s not trite as hell. I don’t suppose you’re a speedster are you?”

“Well, I do like to move fast!”

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“I’m in love!”

So yes, Artemis does fall for a red headed speedster... Name sakes. It gets me every time!

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“What were you doing out there with that red-haired boy?”

“Armando and I were just kissing.”

“Ew. Why would you want to do that?”

“It’s fun.”

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“Fun like chess is fun?”

“More fun than chess.”

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“Nothing is more fun than chess. Unless you count beating Thor at chess.”

“You’ve got a strange obsession with chess, Loki.”

“I prefer to think of it as a love of strategy.”


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Yep, Robert’s pregnant. Carry on.

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Thor makes the best shocked expressions. “By Odin’s beard! A star!”

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One thing down. Tinkering mastered.

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Followed shortly by a silver robotics badge.

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While Loki got a silver fishing badge.

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Yay! Sentry bot. No more paper thieves or burglar or trash can kickers.

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Come on plantsim! (Although I don’t need one right now.)

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“Woo... I have homework!”

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Grumbles about having to have the parent come help Artemis with her homework since he could be making robots!

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Still, Artemis is a good bad apple and cares about her family.

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And on that anti-climatic ending I’ll leave you. Up next we have the Wheelers (the LTW hunt), Pauline Harden (Wants before Needs), Lieve (Miserable Sims), and a new Challenge of a 5 Generation prettacy.

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For those of you who don’t know what I mean by the William Tell Overture – here’s a link - I guarantee you’ve heard the music before.

Until Next time!

Happy Simming!