change transport organizer


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Functions of the System Roles................................................................................................. 12Development System .......................................................................................................... 14Quality Assurance System .................................................................................................. 15Production System .............................................................................................................. 16Transport in the System Group ........................................................................................... 17

Transport Control in the CTS ................................................................................................... 18Transport Layers and Routes.............................................................................................. 19Assignment of Development Projects to Transport Layers................................................. 22

System Roles from the CTS Perspective ................................................................................. 23Integration System .............................................................................................................. 24Consolidation System ......................................................................................................... 25Recipient System ................................................................................................................ 26Special Development System ............................................................................................. 27

Consistency of Developments in the System Group................................................................ 286HWWLQJ�8S�WKH�6\VWHP�*URXS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��

Transaction SE06 - Processing After Installation of the CTO .................................................. 31Setting the System Change Option .......................................................................................... 32Client Control............................................................................................................................ 33

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Reservation of Namespaces .................................................................................................... 40Releasing Namespaces............................................................................................................ 41Development in Namespaces .................................................................................................. 45

&KDQJHV�WR�WKH�6$3�6WDQGDUG���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��0RGLILFDWLRQ�3UREOHPV ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��0RGLILFDWLRQ�$GMXVWPHQW�6XSSRUW���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��

Adjusting ABAP Dictionary Objects.......................................................................................... 50Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 51Procedure............................................................................................................................ 52Preparing to Run Transaction SPDD .................................................................................. 53Transaction SPDD............................................................................................................... 54Adjusting Other R/3 Systems .............................................................................................. 56Upgrading the Development System .................................................................................. 57Upgrading the Production System ...................................................................................... 58

Adjusting R/3 Repository Objects............................................................................................. 59Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 60Procedure............................................................................................................................ 61Preparing to Run Transaction SPAU .................................................................................. 62

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Transaction SPAU............................................................................................................... 63Adjusting Other R/3 Systems .............................................................................................. 65Upgrading the Development System .................................................................................. 66Upgrading the Production System ...................................................................................... 67

Handling Change Requests During Modification Adjustment .................................................. 68Choosing a Change Request for Modifications................................................................... 69Local and Transportable Change Requests ....................................................................... 70Releasing Tasks at the End of Modification Adjustment..................................................... 71Choosing a Change Request to Transfer Modification Adjustments to other Systems ...... 72

Notes (Troubleshooting) ........................................................................................................... 732EMHFW�(GLWLQJ�LQ�&XVWRPL]LQJ�DQG�5HSRVLWRU\ ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��2EMHFW�'LUHFWRU\��7$',5� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��'HYHORSPHQW�&ODVVHV������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��

Editing Development Classes .................................................................................................. 78Naming Conventions for Development Classes....................................................................... 80

'HILQLWLRQ�RI�1DPLQJ�&RQYHQWLRQV��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��Protection of Naming Conventions in the ABAP Workbench................................................... 82Maintaining Naming Conventions............................................................................................. 83

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Creating Objects....................................................................................................................... 88Changing Objects ..................................................................................................................... 89

9HUVLRQ�0DQDJHPHQW�RI�5HSRVLWRU\�2EMHFWV ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��Authorizations in Version Management.................................................................................... 92Creating Versions ..................................................................................................................... 93Saving Versions........................................................................................................................ 94Displaying and Using Versions................................................................................................. 95Example: Versions of ABAP Programs .................................................................................... 97

:RUNLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�&72 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��&XVWRPL]LQJ�2UJDQL]HU ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��

Customizing Requests............................................................................................................ 100:RUNEHQFK�2UJDQL]HU ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���

Change Requests................................................................................................................... 1037UDQVSRUW�2UJDQL]HU ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���

Transport Requests ................................................................................................................ 105Transport of Copies and Relocations................................................................................ 106Object Lists........................................................................................................................ 107SAP/Partner ( Customer ................................................................................................... 108Client Transports ............................................................................................................... 109

5HTXHVW�2YHUYLHZ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���Functions in the Request Overview........................................................................................ 112

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Return Codes in the Transport Log ........................................................................................ 127)LQGLQJ�5HTXHVWV����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���,QFOXGLQJ�2EMHFWV�LQ�D�5HTXHVW ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���5HTXHVW�$WWULEXWHV��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���2UJDQL]HU�7RROV ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���

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%&�&KDQJH�DQG�7UDQVSRUW�2UJDQL]HUThe &KDQJH�DQG�7UDQVSRUW�2UJDQL]HU provides functions for organizing software developmentprojects. It is designed to support projects of all sizes, whether they are carried out centrally or ina distributed environment.







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&KDQJH�DQG�7UDQVSRUW�2UJDQL]HU���&RQFHSWThese sections describe the concept behind the Change and Transport Organizer. The Changeand Transport Organizer is referred to as the “CTO” in the documentation.

The CTO comprises the following transactions:

• Customizing Organizer (SE10)

• Workbench Organizer (SE09)

• Transport Organizer (SE01)

The CTO records and documents all changes to objects in the Repository and Customizing:

• Repository objects, for example

– ABAP Dictionary objects

– ABAP programs

– Screens

– user interface definitions

– documentation

– application-defined transport objects

• Customizing objects, for example

– Settings for organizational units (plants, company codes, etc.)

– Settings for control tables

The Workbench and Customizing Organizer are fully integrated into the ABAP DevelopmentWorkbench and Customizing tools.

• This enables you to: Switch to the Workbench or Customizing Organizer from alltransactions of the ABAP Workbench and Customizing

• Branch to the appropriate Workbench editor by double-clicking on individual objects inan object list

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PDPersonnel Planning

& Development

PDPersonnel Planning

& DevelopmentDevelopmentProject



Task Task Task Task

FIFinancial Accounting

FIFinancial Accounting

SDSales & Distribution

SDSales & Distribution

The Workbench Organizer provides assistance for organizing development projects by allowingyou to distribute project work for individual developers or teams among different FKDQJHUHTXHVWV. These requests record all changes made to development objects and Customizingsettings. Objects from the areas of Customizing and the ABAP Workbench are managed andrecorded in separate requests. Special checks have been implemented for each of theseapplications.

When you start work in the CTO, you are presented with a Request Overview [Seite 110] thatclearly shows all change requests available and allows you to access several levels of detail,right down to the level of the object list itself.

Developments, corrections, and repairs are recorded in�WDVNV and transported using FKDQJHUHTXHVWV.

The target system and type of transport are assigned automatically and no longer need to bemaintained by the user.

Request and task numbers displayed in overviews or selection lists are supplemented bymeaningful short descriptions or user names.

The process of linking several users to enable mutual work on a project is controlled by tasks,which belong to a common change request.

By assigning authorizations, the functions available in the CTO can be set appropriately fordifferent user groups.

Once Repository objects have been included in a change request, they are reserved exclusivelyfor editing in this request. This means that until the change request has been UHOHDVHG, they arelocked against development work or maintenance by other developers not participating in workon this change request. These developers are only allowed to display the objects.

The Workbench Organizer prevents parallel, uncoordinated changes to the same object, evenwhen many copies of the object exist in several, connected R/3 Systems. The WorkbenchOrganizer ensures that an original of each object exists in only one R/3 System. Corrections anddevelopment work can normally only be carried out on the original object in the original system.

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The Workbench Organizer is activated automatically every time a user edits a Repository object.The user will be able to create or modify the object only if he or she has opened a changerequest or uses an existing change request in the Workbench Organizer. Entering objects inrequests ensures that all changes made in the ABAP Workbench are registered.

Except in specific instances, all changes to Customizing data are registered in the CustomizingOrganizer (for further information, see the section Client Control [Seite 33]).

Each Repository object is assigned to a developer and a GHYHORSPHQW�FODVV that indicateswhich area the object belongs to. This enables you to quickly contact a person in connection withany object. The structure of the entire ABAP Workbench is based on development classes whichcan assist you in starting your work.

The Workbench Organizer provides YHUVLRQ�PDQDJHPHQW for all Repository objects, enablingyou to compare or retrieve previous versions of objects. Versions released before or after aparticular change request or development project can be documented or restored.

All developers working on a change request are required to write structured GRFXPHQWDWLRQwhen releasing their tasks. This states the aims of the project, its status, and any special featuresit includes. In addition, all changed objects are automatically recorded in the object list of thechange request. This information together with the documentation and version managementensures that you have complete control over all revisions made in a single or multiple computerconfiguration.

Development projects are normally not carried out in a SURGXFWLRQ�V\VWHP, but in one or moreGHYHORSPHQW or TXDOLW\�DVVXUDQFH�V\VWHPV, depending on their size. To ensure that objectsremain consistent, each Repository object has a defined original location. Changes are generallycarried out at the original location to prevent unintentional, parallel work on the same object. Theoriginal location of Repository objects can be changed by Relocation Transports [Seite 106].

If several development systems are being used, it may be necessary to transport objectsspecifically to R/3 Systems that are not supplied with regular change transports. If necessary,you can also change the transport attributes of the object (original system, development class,transport layer). The transport types required for this are managed by the Transport Organizer.

To transport Repository and Customizing objects from the development system to other R/3Systems in the system group, transport routes are used, which are defined when the systemgroup is configured in the Transport Management System. The transport involves exportingobjects from the source system in which the objects were changed and importing them into oneor more target systems.

A WUDQVSRUW�ORJ is created automatically for each change request. Should errors occur in theproduction system after an import has taken place from a quality assurance system, the logenables you to immediately find out the following:

• Which objects were transported

• Who requested the transport

• Why the transport was performed

A test import into the target system carries out some consistency checks during export, so thatproblems can be solved in advance.

There are tools available in the CTO for searching for, displaying, editing, and analyzing changerequests and transports.

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5HTXLUHPHQWV�IRU�:RUNLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�&KDQJH�DQG7UDQVSRUW�6\VWHP��&76�This chapter is intended for the V\VWHP�DGPLQLVWUDWRU who sets up the Change and TransportSystem.

To set up the Change and Transport System, you require the administration authorizationS_CTS_ADMIN.

Setting up the Change and Transport System involves:

• Processing after installation [Seite 31]

• Setting up transport routes in the TMS [Extern]

• Setting the clients [Seite 33]

• Setting the System Change Option [Seite 32]

It is also necessary to make a number of settings for controlling the transport programs atoperating system level.

The CTS is set up once and then only has to be changed if:

• New R/3 Systems are included in the system group

• The role of individual R/3 Systems or clients changes

If you have requested namespaces for your own developments in the ABAP Workbench fromSAP AG, you must install these namespaces in your R/3 Systems.

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2UJDQL]DWLRQ�RI�'HYHORSPHQW�LQ�WKH�$%$3�:RUNEHQFKDQG�LQ�&XVWRPL]LQJThis section suggests ways to organize development projects in a distributed environment, usingthe Change and Transport System (CTS).

The CTS enables you to organize development projects in complex distributed systemlandscapes.

You can do the following, for example:

• Transport and freeze completed development work and automatically distribute it toseveral production, training, or development systems

• Distribute development projects among different R/3 Systems on the basis ofdevelopment classes

• Transfer critical development work to separate R/3 Systems

If you do not wish to organize your own extensive development projects using different R/3Systems, then you do not need all the functions provided by the CTS. In this case, you can setup a simple distributed environment consisting of two R/3 Systems (development and productionsystem) or three R/3 Systems (development, quality assurance, and production system).

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)XQFWLRQV�RI�WKH�6\VWHP�5ROHVDepending on the size of your R/3 installation and the projects planned, you will install severalR/3 Systems that serve different purposes in your system group.

The minimum environment recommended by SAP is a system group consisting of two R/3Systems:

• Development System

• Production System

The separation of the development system and production system allows you to:

• Develop and test your applications without interfering with productive operation

• Upgrade your production system smoothly and quickly, since you can automaticallyuse the results of the lengthy modification adjustment obtained in the developmentsystem

If you are planning large developments of your own or modifications to the SAPstandard, SAP recommends setting up an additional R/3 System as a qualityassurance system.

Work on your own developments in the ABAP Workbench is carried out in a developmentsystem. Customizing settings are also defined in a development system.

Your developments and Customizing settings are tested in a quality assurance system to find outwhether they are working correctly and are consistent. The quality assurance system can also beused to prepare the production system. When you have successfully tested customized settingsyou can release them to the production system.

Finally, the developments and Customizing settings can be used in a production system wherethe actual business processes are reproduced and the real data is entered.

Other R/3 Systems, such as training or demo systems, may also be needed for the presentationof completed developments.

Many installations do not require a separate R/3 System for each of these functions. The testsystem and the quality assurance system (for preparing productive operation) can be the sameR/3 System.

So as not to interfere with the operation and data consistency in the productionsystem, SAP advises you not to carry out development work or to defineCustomizing settings directly in the production system.

When you configure the Change and Transport System, all the details about the function of theR/3 System are not necessarily needed. The settings only have to specify:

• Which objects may be changed in which R/3 System

• How these changes should be transported to other R/3 Systems

To describe these system attributes accurately, special technical terms have been introducedspecifically for the Change and Transport System.

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These technical terms are explained in Transport Control in the CTS [Seite 18].

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'HYHORSPHQW�6\VWHPAll development work, Customizing settings, and system tests take place in the developmentsystem. This R/3 System is the original system for your own ABAP Workbench objects and theintegration system for your development classes.

In general, your development work will be carried out on your own objects. These are created inthe development system or are already available there as originals.

In exceptional cases, you may need to change objects in your R/3 Release that have theiroriginals at SAP. Reasons for this could be:

• You wish to change the function of the object

• You wish to patch an SAP object (only after contacting the SAP hotline or accordingto the OSS Note).

In both cases, you have to carry out a repair on the object involved. To do this, set allnamespaces and name ranges to “modifiable” in the development system.

If you do not wish to make use of the repair function, set only your own namespaces and nameranges to “modifiable”.

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4XDOLW\�$VVXUDQFH�6\VWHPThe development work and Customizing settings are tested in the quality assurance system.

SAP recommends that you set the System Change Option [Seite 32] to 5HSRVLWRU\�DQG�FOLHQW�LQGHSHQGHQW�&XVWRPL]LQJ�FDQQRW�EH�FKDQJHG.

If object changes need to be made during the tests, change these objects in the developmentsystem and transport these modified objects.

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3URGXFWLRQ�6\VWHPThe production system only contains released versions of your development work. Nodevelopment takes place in this R/3 System.

Set the System Change Option [Seite 32] for your production system to 5HSRVLWRU\�DQG�FOLHQW�LQGHSHQGHQW�&XVWRPL]LQJ�FDQQRW�EH�FKDQJHG.

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7UDQVSRUW�LQ�WKH�6\VWHP�*URXS• 2 system group: Development system and production system

To be able to transport objects to the production system, you must create a transportroute from the development system to the production system for your transport layerand the SAP transport layer.

The production system is the consolidation system for your transport layer and theSAP transport layer.

Completed and already tested development work for applications can be released forproductive operation and transported to your production system with a transportablechange request. You can transport Customizing settings to your production systemwith a Customizing request.

• 3 system group: Development, quality assurance, and production system

To be able to transport objects to the production system, you must create a transportroute from the development system to the quality assurance system and a transportroute to the production system for your transport layer and the SAP transport layer.

The quality assurance system is the consolidation system for these transport layers,and the production system is the recipient system.

You can transport your development work and Customizing settings to the qualityassurance system and test them there before transporting them to the productionsystem.

For more information, see the documentation on the Transport Control Program tp [Extern].

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7UDQVSRUW�&RQWURO�LQ�WKH�&76This section describes how transport control works in the CTS, which terms are used, and whatpoints you need to consider during configuration. For information on setting up transport controlin the CTS, refer to the section Setting Up the System Group [Seite 30].

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7UDQVSRUW�/D\HUV�DQG�5RXWHVAll development projects carried out in the same R/3 System and transported on the sametransport routes are grouped together to form a WUDQVSRUW�OD\HU. The transport layer is thereforethe central term in transport control within the CTS.

Before starting the first development project, a transport layer is created in the TMS transportroute editor. The relevant development system is assigned this transport layer as a standardtransport layer. Other transport layers are generally only needed when new developmentsystems are included in the system group.

The transport routes are then set up. Each transport route has an R/3 System as the source andanother R/3 System as the destination, which are specified when the transport route isconfigured. There are two types of transport routes:

• Consolidation routes

Each consolidation route is assigned to a transport layer. As a source, it has thedevelopment system for the projects of the transport layer, and as the destination, thequality assurance system to which the developments are first transported whenreleased. The source is also known as the integration system of the transport layerand the target as the consolidation system. Usually only one consolidation route is setup for each layer.

• Delivery routes

Delivery routes are used to distribute developments to R/3 Systems after theconsolidation system. After being imported into the source system of the deliveryroute, all transportable Workbench and Customizing requests are also marked forimport into the target system of the delivery route, which is also referred to as therecipient system.

A delivery route does not apply to one transport layer, but to all layers that aretransported to the source system of the delivery route.

The following system types can be used in delivery routes:

– Production systems

– Training systems

– Development systems for subsequent development work

You can set up several delivery routes with the same source and different targetsystems.

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Consolidation route

for ZDEV



Development systemQuality assurance systemProduction systemStandard transport layer

Delivery routes

All development work for projects of the transport layer carried out in the integration system ofthe layer is recorded in transportable Workbench or Customizing requests. When these requestsare released, the development work is exported from the integration system and the requestsflagged for import into the consolidation system. After the import into the consolidation system,which must be started by the transport administrator, in TMS, for example, the requests areflagged for import into all recipient systems set up.

The CTS transport control ensures that all requests from the integration system are flagged forimport for all other R/3 Systems in the same order in which they were exported. This is importantsince several requests can contain the same Repository object or the same Customizing settingat different development levels, and overwriting of a more recent version by an older versionmust be avoided.

If a consolidation route is not set up for a transport layer, the development work is only effectivelocally in the development system. They are recorded in local Workbench or Customizingrequests without a transport destination, and a transport does not take place when these arereleased. This setting should therefore only be made in an exceptional situation involving a singleR/3 System that is not part of a system group.

A new feature in Release 4.0 is PXOWLOHYHO�GHOLYHU\. You can choose any R/3 Systems in thesystem group as the source systems of the delivery routes; they do not have to be consolidationsystems. This therefore allows complex transport route chains to be implemented:

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Consolidation route

for ZDEV



Development systemQuality assurance systemProduction systemStandard transport layer

Delivery routes






Multilevel delivery is not required in a 2 or 3 system group. In more complex system landscapes,particularly in layered development projects with separate transport layers, multilevel deliverymay prove to be a suitable solution:












Consolidation route




Development systemQuality assurance systemProduction systemStandard transport layer

Delivery routes




If there are R/3 Systems in the system group with Releases prior to 4.0, multilevel delivery canonly be used under particular conditions. These conditions are checked when setting up thetransport routes [Extern] in a mixed system group in the Transport Management System.

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$VVLJQPHQW�RI�'HYHORSPHQW�3URMHFWV�WR�7UDQVSRUW/D\HUVAt the start of a development project, Development Classes [Seite 77] are created for theRepository objects that are to be created as part of the project. When the development class iscreated, it is assigned to a transport layer, for which the standard transport layer set is proposedby the R/3 System. All Repository objects that will later be created in this class belong to thetransport layer of this class and are transported according to the routes set up for this layer.

Customizing settings are generally not Repository objects listed in the Object Directory (TADIR)[Seite 75] and do not belong to a development class. They therefore cannot be assigned directlyto a transport layer.

Customizing settings are always assigned to the standard transport layer of the R/3 System inwhich they are performed. They are then transported from there according to the transport routesset up for the standard transport layer.

Repository objects of the R/3 standard delivered by SAP or from R/3 add-on componentsinstalled in your R/3 Systems always belong to the pre-installed “SAP” transport layer. Youcannot assign these objects to one of your own transport layers. If you want to patch or modifyR/3 standard objects in your development system, SAP recommends transporting these changesalong the same routes as for your own developments. To do this, you need to set up the sameconsolidation route for the “SAP” layer as for the standard transport layer of the developmentsystem; this means that the source and destination of the two consolidation routes must be thesame. (see also Changes to the SAP Standard [Seite 47]).

When a 2 or 3 system group is configured automatically, this consolidation route is created forthe “SAP” layer. The following graphic shows the transport routes of an automatically configured3 system group:


Consolidation route

for ZDEV

for SAP



Development systemQuality assurance systemProduction systemStandard transport layerSAP transport layer

Delivery route

When Repository objects are edited in an R/3 System that is not the integration system of yourtransport layer, these changes are recorded in local requests and are not transported, since thereis no corresponding consolidation route (also see the section Change Recording in theRepository [Seite 87]).

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6\VWHP�5ROHV�IURP�WKH�&76�3HUVSHFWLYHThe following overview explains the function and configuration of the various system roles fromthe CTS perspective. Besides the integration, consolidation, and recipient system roles alreadydescribed, the role of the special development system is also explained. A special developmentsystem can be used to move critical development work out of the development system to preventit being damaged by other work in this system.

The roles always refer to a transport layer. The same R/3 System can havedifferent roles for different layers.

From the CTS perspective, there are the following system roles:

• Integration System [Seite 24]

• Consolidation System [Seite 25]

• Recipient System [Seite 26]

• Special Development System [Seite 27]

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• Perform development projects in the ABAP Workbench or Customizing

• In a 2 system group: Test developments


• Standard transport layer: Layer of the development projects

• Record development work in transportable requests

• Release requests after development work has been completed or a stableintermediate state achieved

• Export developments when request is released

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• Test development work imported from the integration system

• In a 2 system group: Productive use of the developments


• Standard transport layer: None

• Import transports from the integration system

• Flag transports from the integration system for import into the recipient systems

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• Use developments imported from the integration system

– Productive use

– Use for training purposes

– Use for subsequent development work


• Standard transport layer: None or layer for subsequent development projects

• Import transports from the integration system after successful testing in theconsolidation system

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• Perform critical parts of development projects, such as reorganizing functionalprocedures, which could damage work in the integration system


• Standard transport layer: Layer of the development projects

• No consolidation route from a special development system

• At the start of the special development: Move the original location of the Repositoryobjects involved from the integration system to the special development system by arelocation without development class change [Seite 106].

• Record developments in local requests

• If necessary: Transport an intermediate version to the integration system usingtransport of copies [Seite 106]. Manual forwarding from the integration system to theconsolidation and recipient systems is required by “including the object list” in atransportable change request.

• At the end of the special development: Move the original location of the Repositoryobjects involved from the integration system to the special development system by arelocation without development class change [Seite 106]. Manual forwarding from theintegration system to the consolidation and recipient systems is required by includingthe object list [Seite 129] in a transportable change request.

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If you are configuring your system group as a 2 or 3 system group, you do notneed to read this section.

This section gives you recommendations on how to set up your system group. It shows howconsistency and high quality can be ensured for the developments in all R/3 Systems byoptimally distributing development projects among the R/3 Systems in the group and setting upoptimal transport routes. These recommendations are not intended as strict guidelines; theremay be good reasons for not following them. But if this is the case, you will generally find it usefulto know beforehand what consequences this will entail so that you can take the appropriateorganizational measures.


If you are carrying out different development projects in the same development system, SAPrecommends assigning these projects to the same transport layer, if possible, and thereforedistributing them in the system group using the same transport routes.


• When developing different projects in the same R/3 System, dependencies may arisebetween the different projects. These dependencies range from simple syntacticaldependencies between Repository objects in both projects (for example, using a dataelement from one project in a table in the other project) to complex logicaldependencies, which are not even recognized by experienced developers. The longerthe project lasts and the larger the development team becomes, the more likely it isthat there will be dependencies. By distributing all projects using the same transportroutes, you can ensure that these dependencies do not create problems in any of thesubsequent R/3 Systems.

• Interactions between the different Customizing settings: The various Customizingsettings need to correspond to each other even if they apply to different applicationareas. Consistent settings in the subsequent R/3 Systems can only be ensured if:

– Cross-client settings performed in the development system are transported to allR/3 Systems to which client-specific settings are transported from a client of thedevelopment system.

– All client-specific settings performed in the same client of the developmentsystem are distributed using the same transport routes

• The transport routes for Customizing settings are always determined from thestandard transport layer of the development system. If client-specific Customizingsettings are to be transported from different clients of the development system usingdifferent routes, the transport destination must always be checked and adapted, ifnecessary, before the Customizing requests are released.

Instead of setting up different transport layers with different consolidation routes in thedevelopment system, consider the following alternatives:

• Distribute all projects to all R/3 Systems in the group using the same transport routes.This may mean that functions are transported to R/3 Systems in which they are not

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required. However, improper use can be prevented by assigning appropriateauthorizations.

• Separate development systems for projects distributed using different routes,provided appropriate development systems are available.


If Customizing settings performed in different development systems are mixed together in asubsequent R/3 System as the result of a transport, conflicts may arise for the following reasons:

• The various settings do not correspond to each other

• Settings from one R/3 System are overwritten by conflicting settings from the othersystem:






Consolidation route


Consolidation route




Development systemQuality assurance systemProduction systemStandard transport layer

The same applies to mixing client-specific Customizing settings from different developmentclients.

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6HWWLQJ�8S�WKH�6\VWHP�*URXSThis section describes how you set up the CTS in the system group.





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7UDQVDFWLRQ�6(�����3URFHVVLQJ�$IWHU�,QVWDOODWLRQ�RI�WKH&72Transaction SE06 has to be executed once in every newly installed R/3 System. This applies toan R/3 standard installation as well as the installation of a copy of an existing R/3 system.

Transaction SE06 provides the following functions for processing after installation:

• Generating basic settings of the Change and Transport Organizer

• Closing other requests and tasks

• Setting the system change option

Meaning of the system name

The system name (SID) is defined during the installation with R3setup and cannotbe changed subsequently.

When you choose names, make sure that there are no naming conflicts withexisting systems. Under no circumstances may two systems within an SAPsystem group have the same name.

The installation type of the R/3 System is specified in the initial screen:

• R/3 standard installation

The R/3 System was installed from the SAP CD using R3setup. It is assumed that thesystem is running on a correct, delivered version of the R/3 System. No adjustmentsbased on corrections or repairs have been made.

If you set up an R/3 System that originated from a database copy using thisoption, problems could arise when you upgrade or modify objects with theChange and Transport Organizer.

• Database copy or database migration

The R/3 System was created on the basis of a copy. R3setup provides utilities to dothis. The R/3 System needs to be assigned a new and independent role within theSAP system group or outside of it.

Before you connect the new R/3 System to the SAP system group, you have to give ita name that has not yet been used in the group.

You should avoid using a previously used system name as this could causeserious complications and may also lead to the loss of information.

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6HWWLQJ�WKH�6\VWHP�&KDQJH�2SWLRQBesides the control tables of the CTS for configuring transport routes, you can also use a globalsetting of the Workbench Organizer that defines the system change option.

To set the system change option, you require the administration authorization in the CTS. It iscontained in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

To set the system change option, proceed as follows:

1. In the Workbench Organizer, choose *RWR�→�7RROV�

This takes you to the Workbench Organizer tools overview.

2. Expand the $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ item.

3. Start the program 6HW�V\VWHP�FKDQJH�RSWLRQ.

All name ranges and namespaces are displayed.

The *OREDO�VHWWLQJ option allows you to determine whether objects from theRepository or client-independent Customizing are globally modifiable or not.

Only if the global setting is set to 0RGLILDEOH, can you set the system change option inthe namespaces and name ranges.

By choosing (GLW → 6HOHFW�DOO and (GLW → 6HOHFW�DOO�RZQ, you can set the namespacesand name ranges to 0RGLILDEOH�for all objects or for your own objects.

If you want to change objects in your customer name range, select the 0RGLILDEOHcolumn in the &XVWRPHU�QDPH�UDQJH line. This customer name range includes, forexample, all reports beginning with Z or Y.

If local or private objects [Seite 77] are to be created or edited in your R/3System, the name range /RFDO�REMHFWV must be set to 0RGLILDEOH.

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&OLHQW�&RQWUROCustomizing maintenance is linked to the CTS via the Customizing Organizer [Seite 99]. As aresult, all changes to Customizing settings can be recorded in change requests and marked fortransport.

The transport of Customizing settings to another R/3 system is therefore fully prepared and youonly need to release the change request. The same applies when you transfer a client to anotherclient in the same system. The system assists you with a tool for FRS\LQJ�FOLHQWV.

However, it is not always desirable to record every single change made to the R/3 System. Thatis why many R/3 Systems have a test, training, or demo client in addition to the production client.Recording changes is not appropriate here. In extreme cases, this could even result inunintentional transport that could destroy the target client.

To meet these sometimes contradictory requirements adequately, you can assign each clientappropriate operative attributes, which you can maintain in table T000:

• 5ROH�RI�WKH�FOLHQW� Indicates whether the client is a production, test, training, demo,or Customizing client.

• &KDQJHV�DQG�WUDQVSRUWV�IRU�FOLHQW�VSHFLILF�&XVWRPL]LQJ�REMHFWV� You can specifyfor each client whether the changes should be recorded. As with the system changeoption in the Workbench Organizer, changes can also be forbidden here altogether.There are the following settings:

– Changes without automatic recording

– Changes with automatic recording

– No changes possible

– No transports possible

The setting selected for a client applies only to changes to its client-specificCustomizing settings, not to client-independent settings. The changes to client-independent Customizing settings are recorded together with the changes toRepository objects and do not require a client-specific entry in table T000.

In a production client, client control does not influence the current settings(Customizing activities that can be accessed directly from the application menu).You can always change these settings in a production client; they are notrecorded in Customizing requests.

• &KDQJHV�WR�FURVV�FOLHQW�REMHFWV� You can specify for each client whether changesto Repository objects and/or client-independent Customizing objects should beallowed in the client concerned.

To make this distinction quite clear, a &XVWRPL]LQJ�UHTXHVW�is available in addition to the normalchange request for Repository objects and client-independent Customizing objects. Customizingrequests (request category CUST) contain only client-specific objects, whereas system requests(category SYST) contain any objects.

If you set your client to record transports, it is mainly Customizing requests that are generated.This ensures that the results of a Customizing project can be transported to the target client ofanother system without affecting other clients there.

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In contrast, no guarantee can be given that the results of transporting system requests will berestricted to one client. In this case, the import must be checked to establish whether it includesany client-independent objects. If such objects are found, it is recommended that you adjust thecorresponding settings in the source and target systems in order to assess the affect on all otherclients.

Other features that affect the client are:

• )ODJ�WKDW�ORFNV�WKH�ORJRQ�SURFHGXUH. It is set in the target client by the client copyprogram. Consequently, no work may be carried out in the target client when clientcopy is in progress.Only the SAP* or DDIC (super)users are permitted to log on. Other users are warnedwith a corresponding message when they attempt to log on.

• 3URWHFWLRQ�DJDLQVW�6$3�XSJUDGH means that the client is no longer provided withSAP upgrades. Users can no longer work actively in the client after an SAP upgradehas been carried out. The flag can only be set for a test client or an SAP referenceclient (Early Watch). This function is only intended for exceptional cases, when, forexample, the basis for an adjustment is needed after an upgrade has beenperformed. Every “normal” client must be updated by an SAP upgrade, sinceotherwise data resources from system and Customizing tables required fortransactions may not be available. However, you can prevent clients that need tocontain certain tables purely for backup purposes (backup clients) from beingsupplied with SAP upgrades that are not necessary or not wanted. To maintain thisflag, you require the full authorization for the Workbench Organizer (authorizationS_CTS_ALL).

• Restricted permission to H[HFXWH�&$77�SURFHGXUHV. CATT (Computer Aided TestTool) allows you to restart recorded test runs repeatedly. In the process, databasecontents are changed and it is therefore necessary to declare this as a property of theclient.


You only need to read the following paragraph after an upgrade from Release 2.2to 4.0.

Maintain the properties of the client described above in table T000 using transaction SM31(6\VWHP → 6HUYLFHV → 7DEOH�PDLQWHQDQFH).The following are particularly important:

• Role of the client

• Recording changes

These fields were added to the client table and therefore still have their initial values in your R/3System.

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$XWKRUL]DWLRQVAll functions in the CTS are safeguarded by detailed authorization checks.

With the help of authorizations, you can specify whether a user may perform administrationfunctions and which request types this user can edit.

The profiles delivered by SAP include model authorizations which, from the CTO point of view,allow you to divide users into different groups.

In most cases, these preset profiles will be adequate for your work. If not, you can meet furtherrequirements by setting up your own authorizations on the basis of the described standardauthorizations.

If you would like to set up your own authorizations, you should bear in mind thatin addition to the CTS authorizations, users also require the followingauthorizations to work with the Workbench Organizer:

• S_DATASET_AL (for file accesses)

• S_C_FUNCT_AL (for calling external programs)


As of Release 4.0, the administration functions in the CTO are safeguarded by a newauthorization object with the name S_CTS_ADMI. The authorization object S_TRANSPRTintroduced in 3.0 is now used exclusively to safeguard functions that directly change requestsand tasks.

The authorizations are now checked irrespective of user name. User DDICtherefore does not automatically have administration rights. You therefore need toenter the administration authorizations in user DDIC’s user master record so thatthe transport programs (RDDIMPDP) scheduled under his name can run withoutany errors.

The authorization object S_TRANSPRT consists of the fields $FWLYLW\ and 5HTXHVW�W\SH. Thefollowing values are used:


01 Add or generate

02 Change

03 Display

05 Lock

06 Delete

23 Change/edit object list manually

43 Release

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50 Change source client

60 Transport

65 Merge request

75 Release external requests

90 Change owner


CLCP Client transports

CUST Customizing requests

DLOC Local change requests

DTRA Transportable change requests

MOVE Relocation transports

PATC Patches, Hot Packages

PIEC Object list

TASK Task (repair or correction)

TRAN Transport of copies

The authorization object S_CTS_ADMI, with which administration functions are safeguarded,only has the field &76B$'0)&7, whose values describe the various administration activities.Using the following values, you can assign the user authorization for particular administrationfunctions.


TABL Maintain the control tables of the Change and TransportOrganizer (for example, configure the transport routes), schedulethe transport dispatcher RDDIMPDP, and call particular tools(transaction SE03)

INIT Initialize the Workbench Organizer, for example, after a systemcopy (transaction SE06)

SYSC Setting the System Change Option

IMPT Import requests into the target system using the TransportManagement System (transaction STMS)

EPS1 Generate EPS objects

EPS2 Change EPS objects

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Using the basis profiles delivered by SAP, you can assign your users general basisauthorizations depending on their areas of responsibility.

The basis profiles are assigned these authorizations as follows:


S_A.SYSTEM System administrator (superuser) 6\VWHP�DGPLQLVWUDWRU

S_A.ADMIN Operator Only display



S_A.USER Person responsible Only display

S_A.SHOW Basis: only display Only display


The authorization S_CTS_ADMIN allows you to carry out the 6HW�V\VWHP�FKDQJHRSWLRQ function. Therefore only assign this authorization to selected employees.

This user has all authorizations within the Change and Transport Organizer, forediting requests (S_CTS_TR_ALL) as well as for the administration functions(S_CTS_ADMIN).

The administration functions include:

– Using the Organizer tools, which cannot be accessed by a user withoutadministrator authorization

– Maintaining the CTS control tables

– Initializing the Change and Transport System (transaction SE06)


Project managers can perform all actions in the Change and Transport Organizerrequired for development projects.

Besides client transports, they can create, edit, lock, and release all types ofrequests.


Developers can only work on developments at task level. They cannot create changerequests or tasks and cannot change the owner of a request or task.

When a developer has completed the development work, he can release his task tothe higher-level change request. However, he may not release the change requestitself.


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A user with this authorization can only obtain information on change requests andtasks and display corresponding logs.

The authorization concept described above lets you set up groups of users in thefollowing way:

A SURMHFW�PDQDJHU defines a development project that is to take place. Hecreates a change request for the development work in the Workbench Organizer.He can then assign members (GHYHORSHUV) to this request, who will perform taskswithin the change request.

'HYHORSHUV who do not have a task in a change request cannot create or changeABAP Workbench objects.

3URMHFW�PDQDJHUV can transfer other requests and tasks to themselves with the&KDQJH�RZQHU function. They can also integrate their own change requests inone of their other change requests to combine various development projects(0HUJH�UHTXHVW�function).

When developers have completed their tasks, they release them to the changerequest. After all the tasks have been released, the project manager releases andexports the change request.

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'HYHORSPHQW�LQ�5HVHUYHG�1DPHVSDFHVThe customer name range [Extern] is available to all SAP customers for their development work.For all SAP customers who coordinate their development work centrally and only develop fortheir own use, the customer name range (if necessary, using naming conventions [Seite 81])provides enough space for many tools and enhancements.

However, a company, for example, may have numerous local development projects besides thecentral development project. It is then more difficult to agree and check naming conventions foravoiding naming conflicts when the central developments are delivered to geographicallydistributed branches or plants. When specific solutions are developed by R/3 consulting partnersand R/3 system resellers, the problem is not solved satisfactorily by using naming conventions toavoid naming conflicts for customers to whom specific solutions are to be delivered.

For this reason, SAP offers its customers and partners namespaces for exclusive use, allowingthem to freely and independently develop enhancements and solutions on the basis of SAP R/3standard applications. This ensures that they can be delivered worldwide without any risk ofnaming conflicts. SAP has made these namespaces available to the following target groups inparticular:

• Customers with large development projects of their own, particularly where centrallydeveloped enhancements or additional industry-specific functions are delivered withina company group

• The large number of SAP partner companies enhancing the range of R/3 applicationsand functions with ADD-ON developments, each with their own emphasis

The namespaces are not intended for:

• Minor tool and test developments

The general customer name range is available to all users of the ABAP Workbenchfor minor and local developments.

• Single projects

A namespace provides enough space for several products or components to bedeveloped on the basis of R/3.

You do not need to reserve your own namespace for each individual project. As partof project organization, the development objects are assigned to developmentclasses.

By defining naming conventions [Seite 81] and distributing them to all developmentsystems, naming conflicts can be avoided even if development occurs in manydifferent locations.

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Namespaces can be assigned as of Release 4.0A.

Until the reservation procedure is established for Release 4.0B, customers and partnersinterested can submit a formless application by creating a customer message using thecomponent XX-SER-DNSP.


Names for namespaces can be selected freely from the pool of names that have not yet beenreserved and should have a recognizable reference to the company making the reservation. Thenames must have at least 5 characters and can be up to 10 characters long. The first and lastcharacter is a slash “/”. Names beginning with “/SAP” or “/n” (n = digit) are not generallyavailable. Only individual names are given.

• Development of a specific R/3 solution by the system reseller ABCD

Reserved namespace: “/ABCD/”

• R/3 enhancements by SAP customer XYZ123

Reserved namespace: “/XYZ123/”


The use of namespaces is protected by a license check in the R/3 System. When you reserve anamespace, you are given the authorization to obtain namespace license keys from SAP forinstallations of your customer number (and optionally also for installations of other customernumbers organizationally assigned to you). These license keys allow you to release the use ofobject names in your namespace.

In Release 4.0A, you are informed of the relevant license keys after the reservation has beenmade. In Release 4.0B, there will be a generally accessible function in OSS with which you canobtain the license keys you require for your namespace.

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5HOHDVLQJ�1DPHVSDFHVObjects in the ABAP Workbench are assigned to a namespace by adding the reservednamespace identifier as a prefix to the object name. To ensure that a namespace can be usedexclusively by its owner, the namespace identifier can only be used as a prefix in the objectname if the namespace is maintained in the namespace table in the R/3 System, and has a validdevelopment license. External systems (for example, customer systems of the SAP partner towhom the namespace belongs) into which objects with a prefix were imported, only allowchanges to namespace objects if a repair license was entered. This is a repair license that thenamespace owner has received from SAP and can pass on to customers, if necessary.


When you have reserved the namespace at SAP and have obtained the namespace license keysfor your R/3 Systems, you can enter the namespace. The system checks that the license is valid.

You can maintain the namespaces using the maintenance view V_TRNSPACE. To do this, yourequire the administration authorization in the Workbench Organizer (S_CTS_ADMIN).

To maintain the namespaces, proceed as follows:

1. Call the Workbench Organizer (transaction SE09).

2. Choose *RWR�→�7RROV�

The Workbench Organizer tools overview appears.

3. Expand the $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ node.


The 0DLQWHQDQFH�YLHZ�IRU�QDPHVSDFHV�LQ�WKH�5���5HSRVLWRU\�appears. Only thenamespaces relevant to you are displayed in this maintenance view.

5. To maintain the namespaces choose 7DEOH�YLHZ → 'LVSOD\ → &KDQJH.

6. Confirm the information.

7. To enter new namespaces choose 1HZ�HQWULHV.

Detail maintenance appears.

8. Fill in the fields as follows and save your entries.

• Namespace

Enter the namespace identifier you have reserved. It begins and ends with aslash “/” and can be up to 10 characters long.

• Namespace role

Leave the preset value “P” if you want to carry out development work in thisnamespace. The namespace role can have one of the following values:

P (producer) Originals are created when objects are created. This settingshould be selected in the system group of the namespaceowner to enable developments in the namespace inconjunction with a valid license key.

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C (recipient) This value is set if the namespace (namespace entry andobjects in the namespace) was imported into this system. Thefunctions installed with the import can be used. Developmentsare not possible in the R/3 System in this namespace.Repairs are possible with a valid repair license key. Whenobjects are created, the original system is set to SAP.

• Develop.license

Enter the 20-character development license key you received from SAP for yourdevelopment system. Development license keys cannot be used for other R/3Systems, but must be obtained from SAP for each R/3 installation number.

• Repair license

If you already enter the 20-character repair license key you received from SAP foryour namespace in your development system, it is imported into all subsequentsystems, in contrast to the development license key.

You can also allow repairs in the subsequent systems by setting the namespacerole to the value “C”.

Repair license keys do not depend on the installation and can either be deliveredby the namespace owner or passed on later if serious problems occur, to enableerrors to be corrected.

You can prevent your repair license key from being delivered to third parties yousupply with your functions by deleting the repair license key before the deliveryexport.

• SSCR popup

This flag should only be used for SAP-specific namespaces (repairs require anobject license key). It is therefore not ready for input in a customer system.

• SAP standard

This flag should only be used for SAP-specific namespaces (SAP standardapplications treat objects in an SAP standard namespace differently to someextent than in other namespaces). It is therefore not ready for input in a customersystem.

• only gen.obj.

This flag should only be used for SAP-specific namespaces (namespacereserved for generating applications). It is therefore not ready for input in acustomer system.

• Last changed by

The /DVW�FKDQJHG�E\ field is not ready for input and is filled automatically with thename of the user maintaining the entry.

• Date

The 'DWH field is not ready for input and is filled automatically with the date onwhich the entry is maintained.

• Short text

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Enter a short text for the namespace. It can contain one of the following, forexample:

– Intended use of the namespace

– Product developed on the basis of R/3 applications

– R/3 component developed in this namespace

• Owner

Enter the namespace owner registered at SAP.

Your changes are recorded in a change request. By transporting this request, the namespace ismade known in all subsequent systems. If available, the repair license is also transported, nothowever the development license.


You have installed a foreign namespace in your R/3 System (imported the namespace entry andnamespace objects), and have encountered a problem when using the installed functions. Thisproblem can only be resolved with a repair.

Your attempt to carry out the repair is rejected with a reference to a missing or invalid repairlicense key. On request, you receive the required repair license key from the namespace owner,which you can now enter in the namespace table.

You can maintain the namespaces using the maintenance view V_TRNSPACE. To do this,you require the administration authorization in the Workbench Organizer (S_CTS_ADMIN).

To enter the repair license key proceed as follows:

1. Call the Workbench Organizer (transaction SE09).

2. Choose *RWR�→�7RROV�

The Workbench Organizer tools overview appears.

3. Expand the $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ node.


The 0DLQWHQDQFH�YLHZ�IRU�QDPHVSDFHV�LQ�WKH�5���5HSRVLWRU\�appears. Only thenamespaces relevant to you are displayed in this maintenance view.

5. To enter the repair license key choose 7DEOH�YLHZ → 'LVSOD\ → &KDQJH.

6. Confirm the information.

7. Position the cursor on the required namespace.

8. Choose *RWR�→�'HWDLO�

Detail maintenance appears.

9. Fill in the fields as follows:

• Repair license

Enter the 20-character repair license key you received from the namespaceowner.

• Last changed by

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The /DVW�FKDQJHG�E\ field is not ready for input and is filled automatically in thebackground with the name of the user maintaining the entry.

• Date

The 'DWH field is not ready for input and is filled automatically in the backgroundwith the date on which the entry is maintained.

Leave all other fields unchanged.

10. Save your entries.

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To be able to carry out changes to objects in namespaces, your system change option [Seite 32]must be set accordingly.


Objects in your development namespace must be assigned to a development class beginningwith the namespace identifier. Before beginning the development work, create developmentclasses [Seite 78] for your projects with the namespace prefix.

You can, however, assign local objects and test objects in your namespace to local ($*) and testdevelopment classes (T*) and reassign them later, if necessary, to one of your transportablenamespace development classes.


Objects are assigned to a namespace by adding the reserved namespace identifier to eachobject name as a prefix. The use of namespace prefixes is supported for the following objecttypes in Release 4.0:


Tables 16

Table fields 16

Views 16

Lock objects 16

Structures 30

Structure fields 30

Domains 30

Data elements 30

Types (as of 4.0C) 30

Search helps 30

Development classes 30

Programs 30

Function modules 30

Function groups 26

Logical databases 20

Transactions 20

Message classes 20

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SET/GET parameters 20

Namespace prefixes cannot be used for the following:

• Pooled and cluster tables (physical and logical)

• Matchcode objects (replaced by search helps in 4.0)

• Type groups (replaced by types in the ABAP Dictionary in 4.0C)

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&KDQJHV�WR�WKH�6$3�6WDQGDUGTo enhance the SAP standard, it is first necessary to analyze appropriate forms of modification.There are four ways in which the R/3 System can be adapted to meet the customer’srequirements:

• Customizing

• Own developments

• Enhancements to the SAP standard

• Modifications to the SAP standard

This section provides information on the following topics:




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0RGLILFDWLRQ�3UREOHPVModifications are all changes you make to SAP objects.

Avoid modifications to the SAP standard.

Before you make a modification or carry out your own development, checkwhether your requirements cannot be met using Customizing or Exits [Extern]supported by SAP.

Modifications and your own developments increase the maintenance workinvolved and the subsequent costs. Background knowledge about theorganizational and operational structure of an application is an essential basis forappraising modification options and appropriate modification designs whenmodifications are to be made to the SAP standard.

Note the following points:

• Modified objects that are delivered in a new version by SAP are overwritten by anupgrade. The modified objects need to be adjusted manually.

• Manual adjustment is supported for many object types by version management (forexample, programs, function modules, ABAP Dictionary objects). In the case ofobjects for which versions are not created (for example, transaction codes,development class definitions), the modified version is lost after the upgrade.

• Modifications are difficult to adjust after the upgrade if these modifications can nolonger be transferred directly to the new version due to changes in the process logicof the SAP standard.

• Modifications to ABAP Dictionary objects must be adjusted during the upgrade in thedowntime of your R/3 System, which may therefore be increased considerably.

• Modifications to ABAP Dictionary objects from central Basis are lost during arepository switch upgrade, without there being an adjustment option during theupgrade. Data (table contents) may therefore be lost.

Do QRW modify any ABAP Dictionary objects from central Basis, unless explicitlyinstructed to do so by a Note in OSS, or by the Hotline.

If you try to modify an ABAP Dictionary object from central Basis, a warning is issuedby the R/3 System.

• Modifications to function modules in SAP function groups must be maintainedmanually during the next upgrade if SAP delivers a new module in the same group.

Do not create any function modules in SAP function groups, since they cannot beadjusted. They will be lost during the upgrade.

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0RGLILFDWLRQ�$GMXVWPHQW�6XSSRUWThis section describes how modification adjustment is supported. A modification adjustment isrequired when an upgrade is performed as well as when patches are applied if SAP objects havebeen modified in the R/3 System. The following describes modification adjustment using theupgrade as an example. The basic procedure involved is not different to that for applyingpatches.

The adjustment procedure for ABAP Dictionary objects differs from the procedure for R/3Repository objects.

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$GMXVWLQJ�$%$3�'LFWLRQDU\�2EMHFWVThis section describes how ABAP Dictionary objects are adjusted. An adjustment is carried outusing transaction SPDD, and must be performed as soon as you are prompted to carry out amodification adjustment for ABAP Dictionary objects.

This section deals with the following objects:

• Domains

• Data elements

• Tables (structures, transparent tables, pooled and cluster tables including theirtechnical settings)

Changes to other ABAP Dictionary objects such as lock objects, matchcodes, and views cannotresult in the loss of data. They are not handled by transaction SPDD, but by transaction SAPU[Seite 59] when the upgrade has taken place.

You need not perform adjustments with transaction SPDD if:

• you have made no changes whatsoever to the SAP standard objects of the ABAPDictionary

you have only added your own development work to the R/3 System i.e. new domains,data elements, or table structures in the customer name range. Only changed SAPobjects require further processing.

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3UHUHTXLVLWHVIn the adjustment procedure, ABAP Dictionary objects before the upgrade (old version) arecompared with objects after the upgrade (new version). Transaction SPDD guides you throughthe adjustment process and provides help. If you still need more information on the objects, thisis provided in Version Management of Repository Objects [Seite 91].

To prevent data from being lost, you have to adjust the new and old versions of ABAP Dictionaryobjects. You are presented with a list of all ABAP Dictionary objects that have been modified inthe R/3 System or changed by a customer transport into the R/3 System (for example,<SID>K9*). At the beginning of the upgrade, the current version of objects that have beenchanged by your transports is recorded, to save the old status. Before you can modify newlyimported SAP objects, their current state is also stored in the versions database.

If you modified ABAP Dictionary objects in an earlier Release (<= 2.1) when the system changeoption was set to “all objects” (without correction system), these modifications are not recordedas repairs in the system. As a result, the modifications cannot be displayed. If you are uncertainwhether this applies to your system, refer to the section Notes (Troubleshooting) [Seite 73] forfurther instructions.

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3URFHGXUHDuring the upgrade, the system automatically recognizes whether a modification adjustment isrequired. You are then prompted to perform the modification adjustment.

You can perform the necessary analyses in advance. This means that even before the upgradeis started, you already know whether and in which phase an adjustment is necessary. In a sourcerelease later than 3.0, the objects for which an adjustment is needed can be displayed at thispoint already using transaction SPDD. If you have a source release prior to 3.0, you can also findthe objects you need to adjust in the UMODPROT.<SID> log, which is in the subdirectory log ofthe upgrade directory.

An adjustment is required for all objects that were both modified by you and delivered by SAP. Ifyou have not made any or only very few ABAP Dictionary changes, you are generally notprompted to perform an ABAP Dictionary adjustment.

You must perform one of the following actions for all objects presented for adjustment:

• Retain modification:Maintain the change with the appropriate maintenance transaction

• Cancel modification:Choose 5HWXUQ�WR�6$3�VWDQGDUG

If you do not carry out any of these actions, the new SAP standard becomes active in your R/3System and your modifications are therefore overwritten. In a later upgrade, you will beprompted once again to adjust these modifications. It is therefore important that you perform oneof the two actions to minimize the work involved in future upgrades.

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3UHSDULQJ�WR�5XQ�7UDQVDFWLRQ�63''During the adjustment of ABAP Dictionary objects, the ABAP Workbench already has Release4.0 (however, not the applications).

Before you begin adjustment, set the system change option for the R/3 System to “modifiable” forall namespaces and name ranges:

1. Start transaction SE03 as user DDIC and choose $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ�→�6HW�V\VWHPFKDQJH�RSWLRQ�→�*OREDO�VHWWLQJ���

2. Select 0RGLILDEOH in the *OREDO�VHWWLQJ dialog box.

3. Choose &RQWLQXH.

4. Choose (GLW�→�6HOHFW�DOO.

5. Save your entries.

6. Then log on as a normal user, since user DDIC may not perform any repairs.

When you make adjustments keep the following in mind:

• Work under your normal user name and not as user DDIC.

• Whenever an object is modified, a request query dialog box appearsasking you to specify the change request where modifications should berecorded. For the first object you modify, create a new change requestwith the function &UHDWH�UHTXHVW�

You should use the same request for all further changes you make inconnection with SPDD.

• Store your work in the ABAP Dictionary (SE11) but GR�QRW�DFWLYDWH�DQ\REMHFWV. Activation is carried out automatically after the adjustment.

For the adjustment of future Release upgrades or other R/3 Systems (such as productionsystems), it is important to observe the following. Create exactly one request in the WorkbenchOrganizer for all corrections carried out in connection with transaction SPDD. For furtherinformation read the sections Adjusting Other Systems [Seite 56] and Handling ChangeRequests During Modification Adjustment [Seite 68].

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7UDQVDFWLRQ�63''Processing in transaction SPDD is based on a Release upgrade that is stopped by the R3upupgrade control program. SPDD provides the following functions:

• Display

• Comparing old and new versions

• Maintenance

• Returning to SAP Standard

• Marking objects as processed

• Refresh

• Marking for transport


The first screen presents you with a hierarchical list of objects that have been changed by youand SAP. You can arrange the display by development class or by correction. Switch to adifferent display with 6HWWLQJV�→�6ZLWFK�YLHZ.

Within individual development classes or corrections, the objects are displayed according to type.To view a changed object, select it with a double-click. You are automatically shown an overviewof all existing versions of the selected object.

Objects in the hierarchical list are highlighted with different colors that reflect their status. To findout the meaning of the colors, choose 8WLOLWLHV → &RORU�NH\�


Selecting an individual object lets you view all existing versions of the object stored in VersionManagement [Seite 91]. The display is the same as the one you are presented with when youcompare two objects in version management. The information reflects the status of the objectsafter their activation. For example, a comment in a table field indicating deletion means that thefield will be deleted after activation, provided no maintenance is carried out beforehand.

It shows you:

• the version of the object before the upgrade (second to last version)

• the new SAP standard (last version).

The last version has just been created by user R3trans or SAP, whereas the second to lastversion was created by a developer working in your R/3 System.


Transaction SPDD lets you compare the most important attributes of old (customer) and new(SAP) versions of domains and data elements. This helps you to decide how to proceed. Performthe adjustments required in the ABAP Dictionary maintenance transaction (SE11), preferably in asecond window.

To assist you in selecting tables, SPDD not only presents you with a comparison but alsorecommends the sequence of the fields that need to be maintained. You can automaticallyaccept the recommendation, which takes all new features of the ABAP Dictionary introduced inthe new Release into account. When you adjust tables and structures, SPDD recommends that

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you place inserted fields in an append structure to ensure that your changes are not overwrittenby SAP in the future. Newly created append structures are in the customer namespace.

To correctly handle table includes, you need to adhere to the sequence of the objects given foreach object type. Existing includes are always displayed before the tables themselves.

At this point it is imperative to adjust the include structures, otherwise you couldlose data.


If after comparing the results of the analysis, you conclude that you do not wish to retain previousmodifications, choose 5HWXUQ�6$3�VWDQG� for the object in question. For example, you may needthis function if you have patched an object by hand. When SAP delivers the same patch, togetherwith other corrections in the next upgrade, you can revert to the SAP standard because you nolonger need your own modification.

The 5HWXUQ�6$3�VWDQG��function lets you indicate that you no longer wish to retain the changesmade to the object and want to revert to the SAP standard. An object marked in this way is nolonger displayed in future upgrades by transaction SPDD, even though it was included in arepair. In version management, such objects are displayed with a & (closed).

If you have defined a customer append structure for a table and consequently notaltered the table itself, it is essential that you afterwards select the function 5HWXUQWR�6$3�6WDQGDUG. This ensures that transaction SPDD will not present the tablefor adjustment during one of the next upgrades.

After reverting to the SAP standard, the object is handled like all other objectsthat have not been modified. It can be overwritten by an upgrade and no versionis stored.


To facilitate work with the generated object list, you can assign the status SURFHVVHG to eachobject. Selecting the function changes the status of the object and indicates this by highlighting itwith a different color. The processed flag is only meant to assist you in organizing your work andhas no other internal function.


When you select this function, the information in the database is reread and the display updated.Only the status of objects indicated by various colors is changed. The number of objectsdisplayed remains the same.


This function is only active for the upgrade and not when applying patches.

The 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW�function helps you to adjust other R/3 Systems. For more information readthe section Adjusting Other R/3 Systems [Seite 56].

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The functions described below are only active for the upgrade and not whenapplying patches.

If you have a production and development system, the maintenance level is first imported into thedevelopment system where quality tests are performed. After testing, it is imported into theproduction system or other R/3 Systems.

The process of adjusting objects in the production system is the same as in the developmentsystem. If your development system and production system have the same technical status, youcan use a simplified adjustment procedure.

The same technical status means that:

• before the upgrade was imported, the development system and the productionsystem were running on the same version of a Release

• all objects modified in the development system are the same in the production systemor will be transferred there

If your systems meet the above requirements, you need not use transaction SPDD to adjust thesecond system by hand. You can simply transport the changes already made from thedevelopment system. If you do this, you will not be asked to run transaction SPDD during theupgrade, even if objects have been modified. In this way, the time required for upgrading theproduction system can be reduced.

A description of the adjustment procedure must take both the upgrade of the developmentsystem [Seite 57] and the upgrade of the production system [Seite 58] into account.

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8SJUDGLQJ�WKH�'HYHORSPHQW�6\VWHP1. Perform the adjustment in the development system using the procedure described.

Whenever possible, use the same change request to record your changes.

If this is not possible read the section Handling Change Requests During ModificationAdjustment [Seite 68].

2. In the Workbench Organizer, release all the tasks (corrections and repairs) that areassigned to the change request.

Do not release the change request, but indicate that it is intended for transportinto another R/3 System by selecting the 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW�function.

Only mark one transport with the 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW function.

When you mark a second request, this deselects the first request. Only the lastmarked request is taken into account when other R/3 Systems are adjusted.

The upgrade control program R3up exports the transport that you have marked in a later upgradephase.

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8SJUDGLQJ�WKH�3URGXFWLRQ�6\VWHPDuring the test phase of the upgrade, the R3up upgrade control program checks whether thereare any change requests registered for transport from the development system to the productionsystem. If this is the case, R3up offers to import the transport automatically instead of youcarrying out adjustments manually with transaction SPDD. If you choose this procedure, you stillhave the option of halting the upgrade to check the changes accepted automatically before theyare activated.

If you decide to import a transport automatically, a subsequent analysis checks whether there isan entry in the transport you specified for each modified object found in this system. Only if this isthe case is the transport marked as suitable.

If there are more modified objects in the production system than in the test system, they cannotbe dealt with by the transport. You therefore have to adjust these objects manually.

If you had more modified objects in the test system than in the production system and these arealso contained in the transport, you import these into the production system with the transport.

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$GMXVWLQJ�5���5HSRVLWRU\�2EMHFWVThe adjustment of R/3 Repository objects is carried out with transaction SPAU, which must beexecuted when you are prompted to do so.

Transaction SPAU deals with the following objects:

• Reports (includes, module pools, ABAP reports, function modules)

• Menus

• Screens

You have already adjusted ABAP Dictionary objects (domains, data elements, and tables) withtransaction SPDD [Seite 50]. Here, incorrect adjustment could result in the loss of data. Incontrast, transaction SPAU presents you with ABAP Dictionary objects for adjustment where lossof data cannot occur. These objects are:

• Matchcode objects

• Views

• Lock objects

The only objects affected are those which

• have been modified by you

• are delivered in a new version by SAP in this upgrade

SAP objects which you have modified, but which are not included in the newly delivered SAPupgrade, do not appear in the display.

Transaction SPAU determines the set of objects that have been modified by you and are alsonew in the current SAP upgrade. In addition, it provides a function that guides you through thecomplete adjustment procedure for all objects involved. The purpose of the adjustment is toincorporate your own program development work into the new SAP version. The help you aregiven to recognize your own modifications is based on the versions stored by versionmanagement.

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5HTXLUHPHQWVYou are only presented with objects for adjustment that have been repaired in the R/3 System ormodified by a customer transport (for example, <SID>K9*). You can find out which objects areinvolved in the Workbench Organizer (SE09) by choosing *RWR → 7RROV → $QDO\VLV�RIUHTXHVWV�WDVNV. Should you not be able to find the objects you have modified, refer to the sectionNotes (Troubleshooting) [Seite 73] for further instructions.

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3URFHGXUHDuring the upgrade, the system automatically recognizes whether a modification adjustment isrequired. You are then prompted to perform the modification adjustment.

You can perform the necessary analyses in advance. This means that even before the upgradeis started, you already know whether and in which phase an adjustment is necessary. In a sourcerelease later than 3.0, the objects for which an adjustment is needed can be displayed at thispoint already using transaction SPAU. If you have a source release prior to 3.0, you can also findthe objects you need to adjust in the UMODPROT.<SID> log, which is in the subdirectory log ofthe upgrade directory.

An adjustment is required for all objects that were both modified by you and delivered by SAP. Ifyou have not made any or only very few R/3 Repository changes, you are generally not promptedto perform an R/3 Repository adjustment.

You must perform one of the following actions for all objects presented for adjustment:

• Retain modification:Maintain the change with the appropriate maintenance transaction

• Cancel modification:Choose 5HWXUQ�WR�6$3�VWDQGDUG

If you do not carry out any of these actions, the new SAP standard becomes active in your R/3System and your modifications are therefore overwritten. In a later upgrade, you will beprompted once again to adjust these modifications. It is therefore important that you perform oneof the two actions to minimize the work involved in future upgrades.

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3UHSDULQJ�WR�5XQ�7UDQVDFWLRQ�63$8Before you begin adjustment, set the R/3 System change option to “All objects (with WorkbenchOrganizer)”:

1. Start transaction SE03 as user DDIC and choose $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ�→�6HW�V\VWHPFKDQJH�RSWLRQ�→�*OREDO�VHWWLQJ���

2. Select 0RGLILDEOH in the *OREDO�VHWWLQJ dialog box.

3. Choose &RQWLQXH.

4. Choose (GLW�→�6HOHFW�DOO.

5. Save your entries.

6. Then log on as a normal user, since user DDIC may not perform any repairs.

When you make adjustments keep the following in mind:

• Work under your normal user name and not as user DDIC.

• Whenever an object is modified, a request query dialog box appearsasking you to specify the change request where modifications should berecorded. For the first object you modify, create a new change requestwith the function &UHDWH�UHTXHVW�

For all further changes carried out in connection with transaction SPAU,you should use the same request.

It is important to only use one Workbench Organizer request for all corrections performed inconnection with transaction SPAU. This enables support for adjusting future Release upgradesand simplifies the process of making adjustments in other R/3 Systems. For further informationread the sections Adjusting Other Systems [Seite 56] and Handling Change Requests DuringModification Adjustment [Seite 68].

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7UDQVDFWLRQ�63$8Processing in transaction SPAU is based on the Release that has just been imported. It providesthe following functions:

• Display

• Compare old and new versions

• Maintenance

• Returning to SAP Standard

• Marking objects as processed

• Refresh

• Mark for transport


The first screen presents you with a hierarchical list of objects that have been changed by youand SAP. You can arrange the display by development class or by repair. Switch to a differentdisplay with 6HWWLQJV�→�6ZLWFK�YLHZ.

Within individual development classes or repairs, the objects are displayed according to objecttype. To view a changed object, select it with a double-click. You are automatically shown anoverview of all existing versions of the selected object.

Objects in the hierarchical list are highlighted with different colors that reflect their status. To findout the meaning of the colors, choose 8WLOLWLHV → &RORU�NH\�


Selecting an individual object lets you view all existing versions of the object stored in VersionManagement [Seite 91]. The display is the same as the one you are presented with when youcompare two objects in version management. It shows you:

• the version of the object before the upgrade (second to last version)

• the new SAP standard (last version).

The last version has just been created by user R3TRANS, whereas the second to last versionwas created by a developer working in your R/3 System.

First compare the second to last with the third to last version to determine which changes werepreviously made. If you establish that no differences exist, this indicates that in one of theprevious upgrades you did not perform adjustments to retain changes originally made. This alsobecomes apparent if you notice that the last and second to last versions both originate from userR3TRANS. To prevent these objects from being displayed by transaction SPAU again in thefuture, you have to indicate that you no longer need the modification. For more detailedinformation, see the section that describes the 5HWXUQ�6$3�VWDQG��function.


Transaction SPAU only provides you with an analysis. Adjustments have to be made in theappropriate maintenance transactions, preferably in a second window on the screen.


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If after comparing the results of the analysis, you conclude that you do not wish to retain previousmodifications, choose 5HWXUQ�6$3�VWDQG� for the object in question. For example, you may needthis function if you have patched an object by hand. When SAP delivers the same patch, togetherwith other corrections in the next upgrade, you can revert to the SAP standard as you no longerneed your own modification of the object.

The 5HWXUQ�6$3�VWDQG��function lets you indicate that you no longer wish to retain the changesmade to the object and want to revert to the SAP standard. An object marked in this way is nolonger displayed in future upgrades by transaction SPAU, even though it was included in a repair.In version management, such objects are displayed with a & (closed).

After reverting to the SAP standard, the object is handled like all other objectsthat have not been modified. It can be overwritten by an upgrade and no versionis stored.


To facilitate work with the generated object list, you can assign the status SURFHVVHG to eachobject. Selecting the function changes the status of the object and indicates this by highlighting itwith a different color. The processed flag is only meant to assist you in organizing your work andhas no other internal function.


When you select this function, the information in the database is reread and the display updated.Only the status of objects indicated by various colors is changed. The number of objectsdisplayed remains the same.


The 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW�function helps you to adjust other R/3 Systems. In this case do not use thetransport release in the Change and Transport Organizer. For more information read the sectionAdjusting Other R/3 Systems [Seite 56].

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$GMXVWLQJ�2WKHU�5���6\VWHPVIf you have a production and development system, the maintenance level is first imported into thedevelopment system where quality tests are performed. After testing, it is imported into theproduction system or other R/3 Systems.

The process of adjusting objects in the production system is the same as in the developmentsystem. If your development system and production system have the same technical status, youcan use a simplified adjustment procedure.

The same technical status means that:

• before the upgrade was imported, the development system and the productionsystem were running on the same version of a Release

• all objects modified in the development system are the same in the production systemor will be transferred there

If your systems meet the above requirements, you need not use transaction SPAU to adjust thesecond system by hand. You can simply transport the changes made from the developmentsystem to the production system. If you do this, you are not asked to run transaction SPAUduring the upgrade, even if objects have been modified. In this way, the time required forupgrading the production system can be reduced.

A description of the adjustment procedure must take both the upgrade of the developmentsystem [Seite 66] and the upgrade of the production system [Seite 67] into account.

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8SJUDGLQJ�WKH�'HYHORSPHQW�6\VWHP1. Perform the adjustment in the development system using the procedure described.

Whenever possible, use the same change request to record your changes.

If this is not possible read the section Handling Change Requests During ModificationAdjustment [Seite 68].

2. In the Workbench Organizer, release all the tasks (corrections and repairs) that areassigned to the change request.

Do not release the change request, but indicate that it is intended for transportinto another R/3 System by selecting the 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW�function.

Only mark one transport with the 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW function.

When you mark a second request, this deselects the first request. Only the lastmarked request is taken into account when other R/3 Systems are adjusted.

After exiting transaction SPAU, the upgrade control program R3up exports the transport that youhave marked.

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8SJUDGLQJ�WKH�3URGXFWLRQ�6\VWHPDuring the test phase of the upgrade, the R3up upgrade control program checks whether thereare any change requests registered for transport from the development system to the productionsystem. If this is the case, R3up offers to import the transport automatically, instead of youcarrying out adjustments manually with transaction SPAU.

If you decide to import a transport automatically, a subsequent analysis checks whether there isan entry in the transport you specified for each modified object found in this system. Only if this isthe case is the transport marked as suitable.

If there are more modified objects in the production system than in the test system, they cannotbe dealt with by the transport. You therefore have to adjust these objects manually.

If you had more modified objects in the test system than in the production system and these arealso contained in the transport, you import these into the production system with the transport.

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+DQGOLQJ�&KDQJH�5HTXHVWV�'XULQJ�0RGLILFDWLRQ$GMXVWPHQWWhen you carry out modification adjustment during and after upgrading to Release 4.0, thefunctions of the Workbench Organizer are active. During the adjustment after the upgrade,questions are frequently asked about the Workbench Organizer functions. Typical questions are:

• Which change request should I choose to record changes made during modificationadjustment?

• What are local and transportable change requests?

• How are tasks (repairs and corrections) released when modification adjustment hasbeen completed?

• How do I select a change request to transfer modification adjustment from thedevelopment system to other R/3 Systems?

The following sections enable you to carry out modification adjustment for the upgrade toRelease 4.0 without having an in-depth knowledge of Workbench Organizer functions. This isparticularly important when upgrading from Release 2.2 to 4.0.

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&KRRVLQJ�D�&KDQJH�5HTXHVW�IRU�0RGLILFDWLRQVWhen you modify ABAP Dictionary objects (SPDD) or R/3 Repository objects (SPAU) duringmodification adjustment, the new request query dialog box of the Workbench Organizer appears.It replaces the familiar repair query dialog box in Release 2.2.

To create a change request, proceed as follows:

1. The first time you are prompted to enter a request in SPDD or SPAU, create a newrequest by choosing &UHDWH�UHTXHVW.

2. In the dialog box which appears next, enter a meaningful short description and savethe request.

3. When you choose &RQWLQXH�(green check mark), the object is included in the changerequest.

Generally, when you edit other objects, the same change request is automatically proposed inthe request query dialog box. Then choose &RQWLQXH.

If no request is suggested, choose 2ZQ�UHTXHVWV to access an overview [Seite 110] of yourrequests. Double-click on the request that is to be used for SPAU or SPDD.

If your SPDD or SPAU request is not proposed and does not appear in theoverview with 2ZQ�UHTXHVWV, you can create a second request.

,Q�WKH�DERYH�FDVH�LW�LV�HVVHQWLDO�WR�UHIHU�WR�WKH�VHFWLRQ Choosing a ChangeRequest to Transfer Modification Adjustments to Other R/3 Systems [Seite 72].

However, this only occurs in certain exceptional situations.

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/RFDO�DQG�7UDQVSRUWDEOH�&KDQJH�5HTXHVWVYou can access the Request Overview [Seite 110] in the Workbench Organizer by choosing 2ZQUHTXHVWV in the request query dialog box or by choosing:


The request overview is displayed in the form of a hierarchical list and is organized according tothe categories “Transportable” and/or “Local”. If you only have change requests belonging to oneof the categories, only this category will appear.

Transportable change requests correspond to the consolidation requests (K transports) inRelease 2.1/2.2.

Local change requests were introduced in Release 3.0. Unlike transportable change requests,local change requests are not transported (no export) when they are released.

The configuration of the transport routes in the R/3 System determines whether changes toobjects during modification adjustment are recorded in a local or transportable change request.You cannot and must not change these settings during the upgrade. In all cases, the changerequest can still be used for automatically transferring modifications to a subsequent system. Forthis procedure, the change requests are not released in the normal way, but handled specially.

Do not change the configuration of the transport routes in your system groupduring the upgrade.

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5HOHDVLQJ�7DVNV�DW�WKH�(QG�RI�0RGLILFDWLRQ�$GMXVWPHQWWhen modification adjustment has been completed, release your tasks. The tasks are the repairsor corrections that were automatically assigned to you when the change request was created.

Proceed as described here:

1. Choose 7RROV�→ $%$3�:RUNEHQFK → 2YHUYLHZ → :RUNEHQFK�2UJDQL]HU�→�'LVSOD\(left half of the screen)

The request overview in the Workbench Organizer appears.

2. Click on the expansion symbol (+) before the relevant change request.

The change requests are displayed together with the tasks that are assigned to them.

3. Position the cursor on each of your tasks (normally only one per change request) andchoose 5HOHDVH.

You are then requested to enter documentation.

If you have created more than one change request, you need to release the tasks for each ofthese requests.

Please do not release the change request at this point, if you want to use it toautomatically transfer the modification adjustments to subsequent systems.

During the adjustment of the ABAP Dictionary objects, releasing requests is locked until theedited objects have been activated. Do not release these requests until after the upgrade.

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&KRRVLQJ�D�&KDQJH�5HTXHVW�WR�7UDQVIHU�0RGLILFDWLRQ$GMXVWPHQWV�WR�RWKHU�6\VWHPVWhen you have completed modification adjustment, to automatically transfer modifications to asubsequent system use the 0DUN�IRU�WUDQVSRUW�function in SPDD or SPAU.

A dialog box appears asking you to specify the change requests that contain your modifications.

If you have only created one change request for all modifications during the entire adjustment,enter its number here.

If your modifications are recorded in several change requests, you first have toplace all entries in a single request. Several requests cannot be marked fortransfer.

Proceed as described here:

1. First call the request overview of the Workbench Organizer (transactionSE09):


2. Make sure that all tasks under the requests used during modificationadjustment have been released.

3. Position the cursor on the request number of the selected request.


5. Select the option 2EMHFW�OLVW�IURP�UHTXHVW, enter the number of anotherrequest used during adjustment in the field provided, and include itsobject list.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the object lists of all requests used during theadjustment have been included in the request selected in step 3.

7. Now enter the request in which the object lists were included in the SPDDor SPAU query window.

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1RWHV��7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ�Before the upgrade:

• You are not sure whether all modifications to SAP objects were carried out with thesystem change option “All objects (with correction system)”.

Check whether the objects you modified are recorded in repairs. To do this, thefollowing analysis reports are available:

– In Release 2.2 in the information system of the correction and transport system(transaction SE05)Analysis report 2EMHFWV�LQ�WUDQVSRUW�UHTXHVWV�FRUUHFWLRQV

– In Releases 3.0, 3.1, and 4.0 in the Workbench Organizer tools (transactionSE03)Analysis report 6HDUFK�IRU�REMHFWV�LQ�UHTXHVWV�WDVNV

• No repairs or customer transports are displayed by the Transport Organizer (SE01)and the Workbench Organizer (SE09), although you know that objects have beenmodified in the system:

Indicate that objects have been modified and differ from the SAP standard byincluding them in a repair and subsequently releasing it.

During the adjustment:

• No differences are found when you compare the second to last and third to lastversions:

During the last upgrade you did not perform adjustments to retain changes you hadmade to objects.

Indicate that modifications to these objects are no longer needed with the 5HWXUQ�6$3VWDQGDUG function.

• The last and second to last versions were created by user R3TRANS:

During the last upgrade you did not perform adjustments to retain changes you hadmade to objects.

Indicate that modifications to these objects are no longer needed with the 5HWXUQ�6$3VWDQGDUG function.

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2EMHFW�(GLWLQJ�LQ�&XVWRPL]LQJ�DQG�5HSRVLWRU\The following sections describe how object editing is organized in the CTS (Change andTransport System).

Information is given on the following topics:







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2EMHFW�'LUHFWRU\��7$',5�The object directory (TADIR) is a directory of all Repository objects on which the R/3 System isbased.

These include the following:

• ABAP report programs

• Module pools

• Function groups

• ABAP Dictionary objects (domains, data elements, tables)

The object directory contains R/3 standard objects that already exist in a newly installed R/3System as well as your own objects, which you create while working with the ABAP Workbench.

When you create an object, the corresponding object directory entry is also created.

Various Repository objects consist of several sub-objects, which can be edited separately in theABAP Workbench.


Module pools ABAP program source


GUI interface

Text elements

Function groups Function modules

Global data (TOP include)

These sub-objects do not have their own object directory entry. It is only the complete objectsthat are listed in the directory.

Object attributes are also entered in the object directory. They are important for organizingdevelopment in the ABAP Workbench and for coordinating the distribution of developmentsbetween R/3 Systems. The most important object attributes are the following:

• Development class

Every object is assigned to a development class [Seite 77]. When the object iscreated, the development class is queried by the R/3 System. The developmentclasses are used to structure the R/3 Repository and assign the objects to the variousR/3 components. It controls the recording and transport of object changes by theCTO.

• Original system

The original system of an object is the R/3 System in which the object was createdand in which the object is edited for further developments and error corrections. The

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original system is unique for each object within a system group. This preventscompeting changes to the same object in various R/3 Systems from resulting inconflicts after transports. The original system of an object can be changed by arelocation transport [Seite 106].

• Person responsible for object

Each object is assigned a user as the person responsible. This means that whenthere are questions concerning functions or if problems arise - even in an R/3 Systemother than the original system - the relevant contact person can be determinedquickly.

• Original language

Objects with language-specific components, such as text elements, have an originallanguage. This is the logon language in which the object was created. It is needed tocontrol the translation process, if you are developing in more than one language inyour R/3 System. The original language can be changed when the object is edited inanother logon language and this is confirmed explicitly.

• Generation flag

In many application areas of the R/3 System, in particular in the Customizingtransactions, ABAP programs, ABAP Dictionary objects, or other objects aregenerated automatically from user entries, and are used later in productive operationof the R/3 System. Such objects are flagged as “generated” in the object directory.

• Repair flag

In problem situations, it may be necessary to change an object in an R/3 System thatis not the original system. Such a change is referred to as a “repair”. This object isflagged as “repaired” in the object directory.

There are various access points for displaying and editing object directory entries. The mostimportant are:

• :KHQ�DQ�REMHFW�LV�FUHDWHG, the development class is prompted. The current user isproposed as the person responsible. When the ABAP Workbench is accessed usinga predefined development class (5HSRVLWRU\ %URZVHU�→�'HYHORSPHQW�FODVV�→'LVSOD\�, the development class is not prompted.

• ,Q�WKH Organizer Tools [Seite 132] (transaction SE03), there are various selectionreports under the 2EMHFW�GLUHFWRU\ node, with which you can edit directory entries ofselected objects or change the person responsible for the objects.

• From most ABAP Workbench REMHFW�HGLWRUV and from the WBO UHTXHVW�RYHUYLHZ(2YHUYLHZ → :RUNEHQFK�2UJDQL]HU�→ 'LVSOD\�→�(GLW�→�([SDQG), you can displaythe directory entry with *RWR�→�2EM��GLUHFWRU\�HQWU\�or 2EMHFW →�2EM��GLUHFWRU\�HQWU\.

• In the object overviews of the ABAP Workbench 5HSRVLWRU\�%URZVHU (SE80), youcan change the development class to which individual or selected objects belong withthe 5HDVVLJQ function.

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'HYHORSPHQW�&ODVVHVAll Repository objects in the R/3 System are classified according to development classes. Allobjects forming a functional unit, such as programs, ABAP Dictionary objects, and messageclasses, are grouped together in a development class. This allows the R/3 Repository to bestructured and the objects assigned to the various R/3 components. The assignment to adevelopment class also allows the recording and transport of object changes by the CTO to becontrolled.

The assignment of an object to a development class is recorded in the Object Directory (TADIR)[Seite 75].

Object directory TADIR



Data elements


Development class

Development class

Development class




When development work is started, the development class that new objects will be assigned tomust be specified. When a new object is created in the ABAP Workbench, the R/3 System askswhich development class the object should belong to.

The development class also assists in navigating through the objects in the Repository Browserof the ABAP Workbench (transaction SE80).

To improve clarity when objects are displayed in this way, SAP advises you not to let the numberof objects in a development class increase too much, but to distribute the objects to newdevelopment classes according to appropriate criteria as a project progresses.

The development classes are themselves objects in the ABAP Workbench. Changes to existingand newly created development classes are, apart from a few exceptions (see the sectionNaming Conventions for Development Classes [Seite 80]), also created by the WorkbenchOrganizer and can be transported into other R/3 Systems. The development class that a class ofthe ABAP Workbench belongs to, is always the development class itself.

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(GLWLQJ�'HYHORSPHQW�&ODVVHVTo display or edit development classes, go to the ABAP Workbench and carry out the followingsteps:

1. Choose 5HSRVLWRU\�%URZVHr or start transaction SE80.

2. Select 2WKHU�REMHFWV�and choose (GLW�

3. Enter a development class for editing and choose &UHDWH, 'LVSOD\, or &KDQJH.

If you want to create a development class, see the section Naming Conventionsfor Development Classes [Seite 80].

The next screen shows the attributes of the development class:


When creating a new development class, enter a description of the development areathe class should contain.


The transport layer determines whether changes to objects in this class are recordedin local or modifiable transport requests.

If they are recorded in local requests, the changes are only effective in the current R/3System.

If they are recorded in transportable requests, the changes are transported to otherR/3 Systems after the request has been released along a defined transport route,which depends on the transport layer.

These attributes of the transport layer are set by the transport administrator in thetransport route configurator of the Transport Management System (TMS).

When a development class is created, a transport layer set in the TMS is assignedautomatically by the R/3 System. This transport layer can only be changed with theCTS administration authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

If you change the transport layer proposed by the R/3 System, see the sectionConsistency of Developments in the System Group [Seite 28].


This is the user who can be consulted in connection with any development projectbeing carried out in the development class.

When a new development class is created, the current user is proposed as theperson responsible.

• /LQN�WR�:%2

This flag controls whether changes to objects in the development class are recordedby the WBO or not. This flag is normally set automatically by the R/3 System (see thesection Naming Conventions for Development Classes [Seite 80])

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When changed or newly created objects of the ABAP Workbench are saved, they areentered in a Workbench Organizer change request. However such entries are onlymade if the classes are subject to the control of the Workbench Organizer.


This is a component of the application hierarchy, to which the development class isassigned. The development classes in the R/3 standard delivery are assigned to onecomponent of the application hierarchy.

The assignment to a component is optional for your own development classes. Tochoose a component, use the F4 help.

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1DPLQJ�&RQYHQWLRQV�IRU�'HYHORSPHQW�&ODVVHVThe development classes from the standard namespace (without prefix) are divided into thefollowing name ranges, which determine the functional characteristics of the development class:

• Development class beginning with A-S or U-X

These classes are reserved for SAP standard objects from the SAP name range. Youmay not create customer objects or objects from prefix namespaces in these classes.Changes to the objects are recorded in the Workbench Organizer and can betransported, if you have configured the R/3 System appropriately. All the classesbelong to the “SAP” transport layer.

• Development class beginning with Y or Z

You can create customer objects from the customer name range in these classes.Changes to the objects are recorded in the Workbench Organizer and can betransported, if you have configured the R/3 System appropriately.

• Development class beginning with T (private test class)

In this type of development class, you can create customer objects from the customername range, or objects from a prefix namespace installed in your R/3 System with the“producer” role (see also Releasing Namespaces [Seite 41]).

When you create such a class, you can specify whether or not it should be subject tothe control of the Workbench Organizer. If this is the case, objects that you modify arerecorded in local requests by the Workbench Organizer, which are not transported.The class is not assigned to a transport layer.

The objects may only be transported to other R/3 Systems in special transportrequests (transports of copies or relocation transports).

Newly installed R/3 Systems always have a private test class called “TEST”, which isnot linked to the Workbench Organizer.

• Development class beginning with $ (local class)

In this type of development class, you can create customer objects from the customername range, or objects from a prefix namespace installed in your R/3 System with the“producer” role (see also Releasing Namespaces [Seite 41]).

Changes to objects of this class are not recorded in the Workbench Organizer. Theclass is not assigned to a transport layer. The objects cannot be transported.

In newly installed R/3 Systems, one local class called “$TMP” is available.

Like other Repository objects, development classes can belong to a prefix namespace if therelevant Namespace [Seite 39] is installed in your R/3 System.

The prefix namespace is designated as follows:

• Development class begins with a namespace prefix enclosed in slashes (/).

In such a development class, you can create objects that belong to the same prefixnamespace. Changes to the objects are recorded in the Workbench Organizer andcan be transported, if you have configured the R/3 System appropriately.

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'HILQLWLRQ�RI�1DPLQJ�&RQYHQWLRQVProvided you carry out your development work in an R/3 System, the object directory of the R/3System ensures that each object name can only be used once for a particular object type.

Once you distribute your development work to several R/3 Systems, however, there is a risk thatdifferent objects with the same object type will be created in different R/3 Systems under thesame name.

It is not until these objects are transported to a common consolidation system and yourdevelopment work is tested, that errors resulting from this naming conflict occur.

If you import two different objects into an R/3 System under the same name, theobject imported first is overwritten by the second object.

If you try to import an object into an R/3 System in which you have alreadycreated another object under the same name, this object is not imported (originalsare not overwritten). An error message can be found in the transport log.

Because naming conflicts may not be noticed until your development work is transported, theythen have to be resolved at a fairly late stage by renaming objects (including all references tothese objects, such as external performs, includes).To prevent this happening, you can definenaming conventions, which can be stored in your development systems and monitored by theWorkbench Organizer. In this way, you can avoid the same names being used in a developmentsystem landscape from the very start.

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3URWHFWLRQ�RI�1DPLQJ�&RQYHQWLRQV�LQ�WKH�$%$3:RUNEHQFKThe protection of naming conventions in the ABAP Workbench is based on the assignment of aconvention to a development class.

If a developer would like to assign an object he or she has created with a name formed accordingto this convention to a development class other than the one you specified, the WorkbenchOrganizer prevents this object from being created.

Defining naming conventions in the ABAP Workbench means specifying how names have tobegin. Other conventions are not possible.

You are developing in the R/3 System DA1 for a project within the developmentclass ZPROJECT1, for which you have chosen the naming convention ZPROJ1and maintained it in all your development systems. A developer in the R/3 SystemDB2, working on another project within another development class, now tries tocreate a program with the name ZPROJ1PROGRAM. The developer is told thatthis name is reserved for the development class ZPROJECT1. Assignment to adifferent development class is rejected. The developer has to choose a differentname to assign the object to his development class. Name conflicts are thereforeavoided right from the start when objects are created.

For complete protection, you must store the naming conventions in ALL your developmentsystems and enter them for ALL object types you require as part of your project. A standardnaming convention for all object types (with a few exceptions for older or rarely used objecttypes) has been enabled by the extension of object names in Release 4.0 to at least 20characters and simplifies the use of the naming conventions for developers.

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0DLQWDLQLQJ�1DPLQJ�&RQYHQWLRQVNaming conventions are entered in maintenance view V_TRESN using extended tablemaintenance. To do this, you require the administration authorization in the WorkbenchOrganizer (S_CTS_ADMIN).

On the overview screen for view V_TRESN, you can choose 1HZ�HQWULHV to branch to the detailscreen. Then enter data in the input fields as follows:

• Program ID, object type

Both fields give a unique object type ID in the Change and Transport System. Whenmaintaining naming conventions, only use the values “R3TR” and “R3OB” for theprogram ID.

You can find the values possible for the object type using the input help combined forboth fields.

You can find the object type IDs important for reserving naming conventions for yourdevelopment class as follows:

a) Create various exemplary object types (for example, program, table, transaction)with the ABAP Workbench.

b) Then go to the object list of your request.

c) Position the cursor on an object in the object list.


The &KDQJH�REMHFW�GLUHFWRU\�HQWU\ dialog box appears. The field 2EMHFW shows thecorrect object type ID for maintaining the naming convention.

• Name range

Enter the beginning you wish to use for your names. It specifies the namingconvention for all your object names and will be protected for your development class.

• Development class

Enter the development class of the project for which you would like to protect thenaming convention. You CANNOT make a reservation for several developmentclasses (for example, generically for development classes whose names begin in thesame way).

• Reservation type

Retain the preset value “D”, which stands for a reservation for development classes.There is another reservation type “F” for internal system generation functions, whichis only used by SAP.

• Person responsible

Enter the name of the project manager who initiated the reservation of the namerange.

• Changed on

The change date is filled automatically in the background with the current date.

• Short text

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This field is used to log the intended use of the naming convention to be protected.You can enter the name of the project or the application for which the reservation wasmade.

On the maintenance screen, there are two reservation info tools available, which can be used todisplay information on the name range you have entered:

• Namespace info

For the naming convention entered, you are told whether the name belongs to theSAP, partner, or general customer namespace, or to a prefix namespace.

• Display objects

When naming conventions are reserved, the relevant name ranges should not yetcontain any objects that belong to a different development class than the one youhave selected.

This function allows you to obtain an overview of the objects with a differentdevelopment class.

Enter data in all required entry fields on the maintenance screen and choose thisfunction, without saving. A list is then displayed of objects found in the object directoryTADIR of the R/3 System that conflict with the naming convention entered.

If you have maintained the RFC destinations for your other development systems, youcan use the same function to display a list of objects with a different developmentclass in other R/3 Systems.

Both info tools can be accessed from the Workbench Organizer with *RWR → 7RROV → 2EMHFWV →1DPHVSDFH�LQIR�XWLOLWLHV.

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&KDQJH�5HFRUGLQJ�LQ�&XVWRPL]LQJChanges to Customizing settings are recorded in different requests, depending on the categoryto which the Customizing objects belong:

• Client-specific Customizing objects of the category CUST are recorded in&XVWRPL]LQJ�UHTXHVWV. Most of the changes made in Customizing fall into thiscategory.

• Client-independent Customizing objects are of the category SYST. Changes to thesettings of these objects are, like Repository objects of the ABAP Workbench,recorded in change requests of the Workbench Organizer.

In rare cases, changes to client-independent Customizing settings also affect ABAP Workbenchobjects (for example, due to generation). The appropriate procedure for handling suchCustomizing objects is described in the sections Creating Objects [Seite 88] and ChangingObjects [Seite 89]. The following section explains the standard Customizing procedure.

Unlike ABAP Workbench Repository objects, Customizing objects entered in requests are notlocked against access by other users. Customizing objects do not have an original system; it isnot possible to distinguish between a development and repair.


Client control [Seite 33] determines,

• Whether changes can be made to client-specific Customizing settings in a client

• Whether the Customizing settings changed in a client are recorded automatically inCustomizing requests

In a production client, the current settings are not regarded as Customizingsettings, but as application objects. These current settings are thereforeindependent of client management and are not controlled by the CustomizingOrganizer.

If changes are allowed to client-specific Customizing settings in a particular client, you can editthese on a maintenance screen without a request prompt window.

If you have activated automatic recording for a client, whenever you save changed client-specificCustomizing settings a Customizing Organizer query window appears. Here you can choose2ZQ�UHTXHVWV to generate a list of Customizing requests that contain your tasks or, alternatively,&UHDWH�UHTXHVW to create a new request for the client in question.

The ID of a Customizing object is included in the object list of the task. A list of all changed tablekeys is also included in the task.


When you save changed Customizing settings intended for all clients, you are presented with arequest query window of the Workbench Organizer, irrespective of any client managementsettings made. Choose 2ZQ�UHTXHVWV to generate a list and select a change request, or choose&UHDWH�UHTXHVW to create a new request.

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When the work on individual parts of a project, represented by “tasks”, has been completed andreleased by the project members, you can release the change request itself. Releasing atransportable Customizing request automatically exports the objects it contains.

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&KDQJH�5HFRUGLQJ�LQ�WKH�5���5HSRVLWRU\Changes to R/3 Repository objects are subject to the control of the Workbench Organizer.

The names of the objects changed by a user are therefore entered in an object list. This objectlist is assigned to a WDVN belonging to a user or project member.

One or more tasks belonging to various users are assigned to a higher-level FKDQJH�UHTXHVW,which in turn represents a development project.

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&UHDWLQJ�2EMHFWV1. Assigning a development class

When a new object is created within the ABAP Workbench, a dialog box appearsasking you to assign a GHYHORSPHQW�FODVV.

You can select one of the existing development classes �F4 SRVVLEOH�HQWULHV� or markthe object as a ORFDO�REMHFW� in which case it will be assigned to the developmentclass “$TMP”.

The development class determines the type of change request that the object will beincluded in:

– In a local change request that is not transported to other SAP Systems

– In a transportable request that will be transported to the target system specified inthe system settings when it is released

Changes to local objects are not recorded by the Workbench Organizer. They areconsequently not protected against changes by other users and are not transported toother SAP Systems.

2. Inclusion in a change request

When you have assigned a development class, you are presented with a window thatasks you to enter a change request.

By choosing 2ZQ�UHTXHVWV�you are taken to the Request Overview [Seite 110] of theWorkbench Organizer. It shows a hierarchical list of the change requests that you areworking on. Only change requests that can be used for recording due to thedevelopment class assignment of the object are displayed for selection here.

Select a change request by double-clicking on the relevant line.

If you are not involved in work on any appropriate change request, you can create anew request in the hierarchical list or, alternatively, choose &UHDWH�UHTXHVW in thewindow that asks you to specify a request.

Enter a meaningful short description that uniquely identifies the change request inyour development project. This makes it easier to later find your request in thehierarchical list.

Choose &RQWLQXH�to edit the object.

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&KDQJLQJ�2EMHFWV7DVNV are situated at a lower level than change requests and are represented in the request bythe names of XVHUV.

A distinction is made between two different types of tasks for modifying objects:

• Objects are entered in a GHYHORSPHQW�FRUUHFWLRQ�when they are edited in theiroriginal system. Generally, this is the system in which the objects were originallycreated.

• Objects are entered in a UHSDLU when they are changed in a system other than theiroriginal system. This applies to all modifications to SAP standard objects.


Existing objects can be modified in the appropriate maintenance transaction without using therequest query window. However, the system does decide whether you are allowed to work on theobject by checking whether another user has locked the object for editing.

When you save the object, you are presented with the Workbench Organizer request queryscreen. As already described above in Creating Objects [Seite 88], you can either select achange request from a list generated with 2ZQ�UHTXHVWV or create a new request with &UHDWHUHTXHVW.

If you use an existing request that has not yet been assigned any attributes, it will now be giventhe attribute ORFDO or WUDQVSRUWDEOH, depending on the object and the system settings.

If you have selected an existing request that you are involved in, but all of your tasks have beenreleased and therefore cannot be used, then a new task of the type GHYHORSPHQW�FRUUHFWLRQ iscreated automatically.If you only have one task in the request and this has not yet been assigned to a particular type, itbecomes a task of the type GHYHORSPHQW�FRUUHFWLRQ.

The name of the object is now added to the task object list. From this point onwards, the object islocked by the change request and only users with tasks in the request are allowed to edit theobject. When the object is edited again by any of these users, the request query screen no longerappears. The object is, however, added to the task of the user involved, if it has not already beenentered there.

Users working together on a change request constitute a development team working on thesame project.


You should only modify objects outside of their original system in urgent cases. These changeslater have to be made to the originals as well, so twice as much work is involved.

In particular, you should avoid modifying SAP standard objects as they may beoverwritten by the new SAP standard during the next upgrade.

Inconsistencies may also occur, if the modified objects do not match the newstandard. In both cases, time-consuming adjustments have to be carried out.

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Patches to SAP standard objects are an exception. They are carried out inconsultation with the SAP hotline and will be incorporated in the next SAPmaintenance level.

When you begin work on a object that is not an original, a window appears where you have tospecify that it is an 2EMHFW�IRU�UHSDLU. The repair flag prevents the object from being overwritten byimports into the system.

Following this, you are presented with the request query screen. The procedure is the same asfor original objects; you can either select an existing request or create a new one.

A change request that has not yet been assigned is given the attribute ORFDO or WUDQVSRUWDEOH. Ifnecessary, a UHSDLU is created for you or an unclassified task is classified as a UHSDLU. Then thename of the object is added to the object list of the repair.

The object is now locked exclusively for your repair. This means that the object may only bemodified by you. As opposed to work on objects in the original system, linking with other users isnot allowed, even if they have a task in the same change request. Another user can only edit theobject before it is released if you change the owner of the repair with the &KDQJH�RZQHU�functionin the request overview.

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9HUVLRQ�0DQDJHPHQW�RI�5HSRVLWRU\�2EMHFWVVersion management is active for all objects of the ABAP Workbench.

Version management serves different purposes and user groups:

• The developer can keep track of his or her work (“What have I changed?”)

• The developer can restore a previous version by reactivating it.

• The system administrator can monitor work (“Which objects were changed and howwere they changed in a specific time interval?”)

• It provides the basis for the auditor, who requires a complete history of changes.

• It enables customers to adjust data with the help of the system after upgrading to anew Release.

You can call version management from the following:

• Repository Browser (SE80)

• Workbench Organizer (SE09)

• Display and maintenance transactions for Repository objects.

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�� -XQH�����

$XWKRUL]DWLRQV�LQ�9HUVLRQ�0DQDJHPHQWThe authorization for accessing version management is covered by the authorizations for theABAP Workbench and the Workbench Organizer. It is only for the remote comparison with otherR/3 Systems that you require a special authorization.

If you would like to perform a remote comparison, you are prompted to enter an RFC destinationfor the remote system.

The RFC destination is assigned a user whose name is used to log on to the remote system.This user must be authorized in the remote system to call the following function groups with RFC:






This is allowed by the authorization S_RFC_VERS, supplied by SAP. The relevant authorizationobject is S_RFC.

The authorization is contained in the authorization profile S_A.CPIC, which is delivered by SAPfor user SAPCPIC, which is also delivered.

If you use an RFC destination for the remote comparison of versions in which user SAPCPIC isentered, additional authorizations are not required to perform the remote comparison.

If you want to prevent a remote comparison with a particular R/3 System using user SAPCPIC,remove the authorization S_RFC_VERS from the authorization profile S_A.CPIC in this R/3System.

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&UHDWLQJ�9HUVLRQVThe aim of version management is to record a complete change history of a Repository object.Versions are therefore created automatically at the following times:

• Before a Repository object is changed

Each object changed is entered in a change request. If the latest version in versionmanagement is not the active version, the version of the object is saved in versionmanagement before it is changed. Such backup versions are indicated in the versionoverview with an “S” or “I”.

• When a change request is released

When you release the change request with the changed objects, versions arecreated. The request number is displayed in the version overview for the relevantversion.

A version is not created when objects are imported for performance reasons. This is also notnecessary, since the change history of the object was recorded fully in the development system.A comment is added to the version overview if an object has changed as the result of an import.

In addition to the versions created automatically, you can also create temporary versions at anytime. To do this, use the &UHDWH�YHUVLRQ�function in the maintenance transactions for theRepository objects. You can also use these temporary versions to restore the previous version ofan object even after it has been activated. When a request is released, the temporary versionsare deleted and replaced by the version active at this time.

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6DYLQJ�9HUVLRQVVersions are stored in the form of space-saving delta sets.

A version is created when a request is released by computing and storing the set of differencesbetween the previous and present version.A full version must therefore be available for each object that has been changed.

All previous versions can be reconstructed on the basis of the full version and the deltas.

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'LVSOD\LQJ�DQG�8VLQJ�9HUVLRQVVersion management for Repository objects provides:

• A uniform interface for organizing, displaying, and finding versions

• Object-specific representation of version contents i.e. for displaying previous versionsor comparing different versions

This offers a uniform search for object versions. It is accessed from the maintenance transactionof the relevant object. You can access the function 9HUVLRQ�PDQDJHPHQW from the menu option8WLOLWLHV.

Version management can also be accessed from the Workbench Organizer (transaction SE09).Position the cursor on an object in the object list of a task or request and choose 2EMHFW�→'LVSOD\�YHUVLRQV from the menu.

The version display is object-specific and is similar to the display used in normal objectmaintenance. Object versions can therefore be easily recognized.


The version overview shows different versions stored in the development database (R/3Repository) as well as the current versions stored in the version database. Active and/or revisedversions are stored in the development database. Both areas can be empty, such as in thefollowing situations:

• An object has been newly created but no versions have yet been stored

• An object was deleted after versions were stored

The version overview also provides information on the time and Release when the versions werecreated.

If a transport request is specified for a version in the version database, this version correspondsto the state of the object

• when the request was released, if the request is from the current R/3 System


• after the request was imported, if the request with which the object was transported isfrom another R/3 System

If a request is specified for an active or revised version, the object is just being processed inconnection with this request or has been imported with the specified request.

The &DW column in the version overview specifies the reason why the version was created. Thefollowing values are possible:


“ “ Version generated when request was released

I Version created during import (state after import)

S Version created due to a system request (for example, for a backup copy beforeinclusion in a correction or repair)

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U Version was created due to a user request (as an intermediate version) at any time.When the request is released, these versions are deleted and replaced bya “ ” version.

The Flg column in the version overview can have the following values:


“ “ No particular indicator available

I The version last stored is not the active version, since the active version wasoverwritten by an import

C An object changed by a customer modification was reset to the SAP standard duringan upgrade. The version last stored corresponds to the state before the upgrade.

D The object was deleted

In the version overview, you can choose the following functions:

• Display a selected version

• Compare two selected versions

• Retrieve a selected versionThis function requires the change authorization for the Repository object concerned.

• Remote comparison with versions of the object in another R/3 System (see thesection Authorizations in Version Management [Seite 92])

Displaying and comparing versions occurs with object-specific presentation screens.

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To display a version use the ABAP editor, but only in display mode (versions obviously cannot bemodified).

Using the editing functions such as the clipboard, you can copy a previous version, or parts of it,to another window.


The display enables you to compare two different versions that have different and identical lines.

The 6HWWLQJV function lets you choose the following layouts for the display:


– Single-column:

Blocks with identical, changed, inserted, or deleted lines are shown below eachother.

– Parallel display:

The two versions are shown next to each other. The differing passages areshown in color.


– Display all:

Both versions are displayed completely.

– Matches condensed:

Longer blocks with identical lines are shortened. Differing program sections aredisplayed completely.

– Only differences:

Only the parts of the versions that are different are displayed.


The line numbers can optionally be shown or hidden. Particularly the parallel displaycan be made more compact by hiding the line numbers.


Another option allows differences in comments or indents to be ignored in thecomparison.


This function is implicitly activated when you call version management from object maintenanceand are working in change mode. First a dialog box appears that explains the retrieve function.After confirming the dialog box, the selected version is loaded into the editor where you canmodify it. Saving in this screen overwrites the active version with the contents of the editor. Forsecurity reasons, version management stores a temporary version of the version active beforethis. To change an object, you need a request. If you do not already have a request, you will beprompted to select or create a new one when you save your changes.

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:RUNLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�&72This section gives a detailed description of the steps involved in carrying out development andCustomizing projects with the &72. These include the following:

• Recording changes in FKDQJH�UHTXHVWV

• Working with FKDQJH�UHTXHVWV from their creation to release

• Checking whether transports of released transport requests were successful

To work with the CTO you need special authorizations.

If you are not sure whether you have these, read the section on Authorizations[Seite 35]. It gives you an overview of all existing authorizations. Compare thesewith your own user profile.

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&XVWRPL]LQJ�2UJDQL]HUYou can access the initial screen of the &XVWRPL]LQJ�2UJDQL]HU by calling transaction SE10.

The 'LVSOD\ function allows you to search for all requests that belong to the specified user andmatch the standard selection criteria set.

Since Repository objects are also edited as part of Customizing and are recordedin Workbench requests, the Customizing Organizer can also display Workbenchrequests optionally.

If necessary, you can change the selection criteria.

For more complex selections, use the )LQG function.

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&XVWRPL]LQJ�5HTXHVWVCustomizing requests are managed by the Customizing Organizer. Changes to Customizingsettings are recorded in the Customizing requests.

Global SettingsGlobal Settings

Customizing Request Change Request Change Request

Customizingobjects Factory Calendar Material Group

Customer AccountAccount Payable

House Bank



Task Task Task Task

LogisticsLogistics Financial AccountingFinancial Accounting

Automatic UHFRUGLQJ�RI�FRQILJXUDWLRQ�DFWLYLWLHV in the Customizing work for a client can beactivated or deactivated for each client with Client Control [Seite 33]. If automatic recording isactive, a query window appears when you change Customizing settings, asking you to specify achange request.

To distinguish between global changes in the R/3 System and client-specific Customizingsettings, modified objects are divided into different FDWHJRULHV. Change requests and tasks arealso assigned to these categories, depending on the objects they contain. There are two requestcategories:

• CUST: Client-specific Customizing

&XVWRPL]LQJ�UHTXHVWV (change requests of the category CUST) record client-specific Customizing settings within a client. A request/task of the category CUSTonly contains client-specific Customizing objects of the category CUST that originatefrom exactly one client (source client of the request).

• SYST: SAP Repository, Customizing for all clients

Requests/tasks of the category SYST contain objects that belong to the categorySYST. These are Repository objects and Customizing objects intended for all clients.Requests/tasks of the type SYST can also contain objects belonging to the categoryCUST, i.e. they allow a combination of both categories. However, as above, all theclient-specific objects may only originate from one client (the source client of therequest).

Whether Customizing requests are transported or not, does QRW depend on the objects entered,as is the case with Workbench change requests. It is the FRQILJXUDWLRQ that determines whetherall requests are either local or transportable. The system determines automatically whether a

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request is transportable and to which system the transport is to take place. For furtherinformation, see the section Setting the System Change Option [Seite 32].

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:RUNEHQFK�2UJDQL]HUYou can access the initial screen of the :RUNEHQFK�2UJDQL]HU�by calling transaction SE09.

Starting from any transaction in the ABAP Workbench you can use


to access the initial screen of the Workbench Organizer.

The 'LVSOD\ function allows you to search for all requests that belong to the specified user andmatch the standard selection criteria set. You can change the standard selection as required.

The status selection for requests is used by default for the task selection. However, you canchange this with the 7DVN�VHOHFWLRQ function.

Tasks that are not assigned to a request can no longer be created. Such tasksare therefore no longer displayed.

If you have such tasks, change the standard selection.

The various options provided mean the following:


Modifiable Change requests that can be edited

Released Change requests where work has already been completed


Transportable Change requests that can be transported

Local Change requests with local character (no transport)

The right-hand side of the initial screen provides an up-to-date overview showing whether yourTransports and Repairs [Seite 125] were successful.

By choosing *RWR → 7RROV, you can find various tools for searching for, analyzing, andmanaging change requests.

By choosing (QYLURQPHQW → &XVWRPL]��2UJDQL]HU, you can branch from here directly to theCustomizing Organizer.

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&KDQJH�5HTXHVWVChange requests are managed with the Workbench Organizer. Changes to Repository objectsare recorded in change requests.

Global SettingsGlobal Settings

Customizing Request Change Request Change Request

Customizingobjects Factory Calendar Material Group

Customer AccountAccount Payable

House Bank



Task Task Task Task

LogisticsLogistics Financial AccountingFinancial Accounting

When you change a Repository object of the ABAP Workbench, a query window appears inwhich you need to specify a change request. You can only save the changes if you haveassigned the object to a change request.

Change requests belong to category SYST.

Change requests and the tasks assigned to it are normally used to record changes to Repositoryobjects and Customizing for all clients. However, you can also include client-specificCustomizing.

Whether changes to Repository objects are recorded in transportable or local change requestsdepends on whether a transport route is defined from the current R/3 System for thedevelopment class of these objects. From the system settings, the system automaticallydetermines whether the change requests are transportable and to which target system theyshould be transported.

For further information, see the section Configuring Transport Routes [Extern].

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7UDQVSRUW�2UJDQL]HUProvided the system is configured correctly, the transportable change and Customizing requestsautomatically ensure that the subsequent R/3 Systems are supplied consistently with yourdevelopment work.

Additional transport types are provided in the Transport Organizer to meet special requirements:

• Transport of copies and relocations

• Object lists

• Client transports

• Delivery transports/preliminary transports

Unlike the Workbench and Customizing requests, there are no automatically assigned transportroutes for the transport types described here. Similarly, these requests do not follow configureddeliveries.

Since some of these request types have their own naming conventions and the owner is not asuitable selection criterion for all request types, the Transport Organizer was designed with 5different initial screens.

When transaction SE01 is called, an overview screen normally appears from which you canaccess the 4 selection screens of the Transport Organizer or branch to the Workbench andCustomizing Organizer.

To access the individual selection screens, select a request type and then choose &KRRVH.

Depending on your area of work, you may prefer to use a particular selectionscreen of the Transport Organizer.

To access this selection screen directly when calling the Transport Organizer, youcan define this selection screen as your “default initial screen”. To do this, choose6HWWLQJV�→�'HILQH�LQLW�SRVLWLRQ�

This setting applies until you overwrite it by defining another selection screen orthe overview screen as the initial screen.

You can go to any other selection screen by choosing *RWR�→�,QLWLDO�VFUHHQV�→�..

By choosing *RWR → Tools [Seite 132], you can find various tools for searching for, analyzing,and managing change requests.

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-XQH����� ���

7UDQVSRUW�5HTXHVWVThis section presents the various request types, sorted by selection screen.

Transport of Copies and Relocations [Seite 106]

Object Lists [Seite 107]

SAP/Partner → Customer [Seite 108]

Client Transports [Seite 109]

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7UDQVSRUW�RI�&RSLHV�DQG�5HORFDWLRQVThis selection screen covers the following request types:

• Transport of copies

You can use this request type to transport objects specifically to another R/3 System.

The objects are transported with the version they have in the current R/3 System; theoriginal location of the objects is not changed.

• Relocation of objects ZLWKRXW a development class change (previously: transports oforiginals or transports with change authorization)

You can use this request type if development work on objects is to take place inanother R/3 System on a temporary basis. Special developments, for example, maybe carried out in a separate R/3 System so as not to interfere with the developmentprocess.

This request type allows you to move the original location of objects to the targetsystem.

• Relocation of objects ZLWK development class change

You can use this request type when the development system of individual objects isto be changed on a permanent basis.

This request type allows you to change the original location of objects to the targetsystem and change the development class of the objects at the same time.

Due to the development class being changed automatically, the objects have thedesired transport attributes immediately after being imported into the target system ofthe request. They can then also be edited in transportable change requests withoutany further settings needing to be made.

• Relocation of a complete development class with change of transport layer

You can use this request type when the development system of a completedevelopment class is to be changed on a permanent basis.

This request type allows you to automatically change the transport layer of thedevelopment class.

To do this, you only need to specify the development class and transport layer towhich the development class should be assigned. The object list of the request is setup automatically and then contains all objects of the development class.

Due to the transport layer being changed automatically, the objects have the desiredtransport attributes immediately after being imported into the target system of therequest. They can then also be edited in transportable change requests without anyfurther settings needing to be made.

You have to set up the object list yourself for the first three request types. To do this read thesection Including Objects in a Request [Seite 129].

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2EMHFW�/LVWVYou can use this request type to set up your own object lists and save them under a freelyselectable name.

The first three characters must not be “SAP”, the fourth character must not be “K”.

These object lists can serve as a template for the ,QFOXGH�REMHFW�OLVW function.

Object lists have the following attributes:

• They cannot be released, therefore have no function as transports.

• They have an object directory entry and are therefore assigned to a developmentclass.

They have the same transport attributes as all objects in this development class.

• Changes made to the object list result in the entry “LIMU COMM <object list name> inyour current change request

• After the change request has been imported, the object list is also in the targetsystem of the request; however, the objects entered in the object list are notautomatically included in the transport.

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6$3�3DUWQHU�→�&XVWRPHUIf you are not creating deliveries for within the company group or delivering your owndevelopments to other customers, you will only use this selection screen for display purposes.

This selection screen covers the following request types:

• Delivery transports

This transport type allows new Releases to be imported into your R/3 System whenupgrading.

• Preliminary transports

This transport type allows advance corrections (for example, Hot Packages) to beapplied to your R/3 System.

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&OLHQW�7UDQVSRUWVIn Release 4.0, the client transport was changed to this new transport type. This allows specialsecurity precautions to be implemented for such transports. For example, client transports arenot included in a normal WS�LPSRUW�DOO or WS�SXW.

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5HTXHVW�2YHUYLHZFrom each transaction of the ABAP Workbench and from the Customizing transactions you canuse


to access the request overview of the Workbench or Customizing Organizer directly.

You can access the request overview of the Transport Organizer from the initial screens oftransaction SE01 by choosing 'LVSOD\.

The requests are grouped and displayed under an appropriately selected hierarchy of sort nodes,corresponding to the following request attributes:

• Source system

• Source client

• Transport destination

• Request owner

• Request type

• Request status

If the hierarchy selected by the R/3 System does not suit your purposes, you can change thesetting as follows:

• Temporary setting

By choosing (GLW → 6RUW�VHTXHQFH, you can add or remove sort levels, or changetheir hierarchical levels.

In the Workbench Organizer, only the levels request type and request status arenormally active.

• Permanent setting

By choosing 8WLOLWLHV → 6HWWLQJV, you can choose the following permanent settings:

– Display the short text for tasks

– Display the change date for requests and tasks

– Sort the requests below the sort levels by owner or change date

You can find out what the colors used in the hierarchical list mean under 8WLOLWLHV → .H\�

The objects contained in the requests and tasks are displayed below them, sorted according toobject type. By double-clicking on an object, you access the editor for displaying or editing theobject.

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Report source




Local Not transportable

Function module

Transportable Target System: BCO

Z11K000815 King Invoice

Z11K004711 King Warehouse

Z11K004712 Mayer

Z11K004713 King

Change requests involving user Lisa King( )

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)XQFWLRQV�LQ�WKH�5HTXHVW�2YHUYLHZThe hierarchical list presents you with a selection of functions which you can apply to therespective elements in the list. To do this, you first have to position the cursor on the relevantelement.


Other requests Selection of requests for another user; the selectioncriteria specified in the initial screen are used

Display/Change Display or change the attributes of a request or task

Create Create a new request

Change owner Change the owner of a request or task

Release Release a request or task

Delete Delete a request or task

Assign attribute Assign the request attributes:

• Transportable

• Local

• Unclassified

Assign the task attributes:

• Development/correction

• Repair

• Unclassified

Merge Transfer all objects and tasks to another request. Theempty request is then deleted.

Merge a task without a request assignment with anexisting request

Confirm repair Confirm repairs that still have the status “Released,unconfirmed”; the import protection for the repairedobjects is removed

Overall check

• Objects

• Request consistency

Contents checks: Standard object checks [Seite 120]are performed on all objects contained in the request.

Technical checks: Each object list entry must besyntactically correct. The transport attributes of theobjects must correspond to the request attributes.

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• Add user

• Protect

• Remove protection

Add a team member to a requestA new task is created for this team member.

Protect a change requestOnly the owner of the change request can add usersto a protected change request.

Remove protection for a change request

Standard request

• Set

• Reset

• Validity period

Select a change request as the standard requestWhen you have selected a request as the standardrequest, it is selected automatically when objects areedited. The request selection dialog does not takeplace.

Deselect a change request as the standard request

Restrict the period during which a request is selectedas the standard requestWhen this period has expired, the selection isautomatically canceled.

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Object list

• Display/change object list

• Lock objects

• Sort + compress

• Object directory entries

• Display object keys

• Include objects

Branch to the object list editor

Lock objects entered manually in the object list

Delete redundant entries resulting from setting upobject lists manually

Display/change the object directory entries of allobjects entered in the request

Include objects in a requestYou can choose between the following functions in adialog box:

• Include object list from another request(previously: include template)

• Include object lists from several requestsThe requests to be included can beselected, in several steps if necessary.

• Free object selectionThe objects to be included can be selected.

The last two options take you from a selection screento a hierarchical request or object display, which youcan modify before including requests or objects

The meaning of the colors used in the request overview are explained under


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&UHDWLQJ�D�5HTXHVWYou can create requests in all initial Organizer screens as well as in the respective requestoverview.

You can also create change requests directly when editing objects.

&UHDWLQJ�D�5HTXHVW�ZLWK�WKH�&72The &UHDWH�UHTXHVW function can be found in the initial screens of the CTO and request overview.

To create a request, proceed as follows:

1. Choose 5HTXHVW/WDVN�→�&UHDWH.

2. In the &UHDWH�UHTXHVW dialog box, select the relevant request type and choose &RS\.

3. Enter a meaningful short description that will help you find your change requestsagain.

Enter a short text for the request that indicates the project concerned. (Example:),�&2�&XVWRPL]LQJ).

4. If several team members are to work on this request, enter the user names of theseteam members. (This is not possible in the Transport Organizer.)

5. Save your entries.

The change request is now available for further work.

&UHDWLQJ�D�5HTXHVW�E\�(GLWLQJ�DQ�2EMHFWWhen you create or modify objects in the ABAP Workbench or Customizing, a window appearsasking you to assign the object to an existing change request (2ZQ�UHTXHVWV) or to create a newchange request (&UHDWH�UHTXHVW).

The request type required is defined automatically.

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This function is only available in the Customizing Organizer and WorkbenchOrganizer.

You can add new tasks to an existing change request by choosing $GG�XVHU� The tasks areassigned to the user that you enter here.

If you have the appropriate authorizations, you yourself may add a task to an existing requestbelonging to another user.

To create a task for a request that is not your own, proceed as follows:

1. In the request overview, choose 5HTXHVW�WDVN�→�2WKHU�UHTXHVWV�

2. In the (QWHU�8VHU�1DPH dialog box, enter the user name of the request owner.

The request overview of the user specified appears.

3. Position the cursor on the request and choose 5HTXHVW�WDVN�→�$GG�XVHU�

A task was created for the selected request. You can now edit the request.

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/RFNLQJ�2EMHFWV�LQ�7DVNV�DQG�5HTXHVWVIf an object is created or changed as part of a development project, the object is assigned to achange request that represents the development project.

The first user who starts work on an object has to specify a change request where the work willbe recorded. The object is then locked exclusively for this change request. The object cannot bechanged by other users who do not have a task in the change request.


All users working on the object have a corresponding entry in the object list of their task. Thisenables you to determine which users have actually edited the object.

Object locks are deleted when change requests are released. The objects can then be editedagain by all developers within the Workbench Organizer.

If you enter objects manually in the object list of a task or request, these objects are not locked.You can prevent them from being accessed by other users by choosing


This also applies particularly to transports of copies and relocation transports. These also canonly be released when all objects they contain have been locked.

This ensures that only released object versions are exported and that inconsistent intermediateversions are not imported into other R/3 Systems.

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3URWHFWLRQ�)XQFWLRQVYou can find the 3URWHFW and 5HPRYH�SURWHFWLRQ functions in the request overview under5HTXHVW�WDVN�→�5HTXHVW.

At request level, the 3URWHFW function does not only lock the objects in the associated object list. Italso means that:

• Only the owner of the request can add other users

The 5HPRYH�SURWHFWLRQ function removes this restriction. However, the object locks still remain inplace.

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'HOHWLQJ�2EMHFWV�IURP�7DVNV�DQG�&KDQJH�5HTXHVWVTo delete an object from the object list of a task or request, proceed as follows:

1. Position the cursor on the object name in the request overview.

2. Choose 2EMHFW�→�'HOHWH�HQWU\.

If the last version of the object stored in the versions database does not correspond tothe active version, a warning appears. It informs you that the object has beenchanged since it was entered in the task or request.

If the object is locked, you must confirm that you wish to delete it in the dialog boxthat is now displayed. The object is then removed from the object list.

The changes that you or other users in the same project have already made arenot reset automatically to the state before the modifications.

The changes to these objects therefore cannot be reconstructed, since they arenot recorded by the Version Management [Seite 91].

Therefore enter the object in another request.

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The following section only applies to the Workbench Organizer.

When a transportable change request is released, the objects in the request can be subjected tovarious checks.

The object checks currently consist of an extended program check. The incorporation ofadditional checks (in particular, Dictionary checks) is planned.


As a user with the CTS administration authorization (S_CTS_ADMIN), you can do the following:

• Activate or deactivate the object checks for all users

• Leave it up to the user to decide whether to activate or deactivate the checks

To set the object checks, proceed as follows:

1. In the Workbench Organizer, choose *RWR → 7RROV

2. Under the $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ node, call the *OREDO�&XVWRPL]LQJ�:RUNEHQFK�2UJDQL]HUtool.

3. Select the relevant options.

If you select the &DQ�EH�VHW�IRU�VSHFLILF�XVHU option, the users can activate ordeactivate the checks under 8WLOLWLHV�→�6HWWLQJV�→�2UJDQL]HU.

You can also perform the checks at any time in the Workbench Organizer by choosing5HTXHVW�WDVN → 2YHUDOO�FKHFN → 2EMHFWV.

If you have activated the checks, the following occurs when the request is released:

If the check results in the cache are up-to-date and no errors were found, the release process iscontinued.

If the check results in the cache are up-to-date and errors were found, a dialog box tells you this.You can then:

• Continue the release process nevertheless

• Cancel the release and display the errors

• Cancel the release and return directly to the request overview

If the check results in the cache are not up-to-date, the remaining checks must now beperformed. For technical reasons, the release process is terminated. You can either start thechecks immediately or - recommended for large requests due to the long runtime - schedulethem in the background.

If you run the checks in the foreground, the results of the checks are displayed automatically.You can then repeat the release process.

If the checks are run in the background and the objects do not contain any errors, the release isstarted automatically in the background afterwards. After the background processing has beencompleted, a dialog box informs you about what actions have been performed.

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'RFXPHQWDWLRQ�IRU�7DVNV�DQG�&KDQJH�5HTXHVWVSAP recommends that you write documentation for all tasks and change requests while workingon requests.

To maintain the documentation, proceed as follows:

1. In the request overview, position the cursor on the request for which documentation isto be written.


The documentation maintenance screen is displayed where you can enter informationsuch as:

– purpose of the development project

– current status of the development project

– persons responsible and contact persons

– references to other internal documentation or internal instructions

– details on implementation

– dependency on other development projects

The documentation on the tasks of a request is copied to the documentation of that request whenthe task is released.

You can add to the documentation by choosing *RWR �→�'RFXPHQWDWLRQ. This is no longerpossible after the request has been released.

We recommend that you document your tasks and requests thoroughly. This willmake it easier for you to reconstruct the development processes. Thedocumentation is also one of the requirements for auditing.

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5HOHDVLQJ�7DVNVTo release tasks, proceed as follows:

1. To list the change requests that you are working on, choose 'LVSOD\ in theWorkbench Organizer (transaction SE09) or in the Customizing Organizer(transaction SE10).

To view all the tasks assigned to a particular change request, double-click on thehierarchy node beside it.

2. Position the cursor on the line with the task you wish to release and choose 5HOHDVH�

If you have not yet entered any documentation on the task, this takes you todocumentation maintenance.

3. Document your changes, save your entries, and go back.

After you have saved the task documentation and left the screen, the task is released.

Released tasks are highlighted with a particular color in the request overview (see the color key:8WLOLWLHV�→�.H\).

When you release a task, the object entries it contains are copied to the object list of the higher-level change request. The change request still retains locks on the objects, so only usersinvolved in the request can edit the objects.

When you release a UHSDLU, you are asked whether the repair should be automatically�FRQILUPHGwhen released. Confirming a repair resets the repair flag for the objects contained in the repair.This means that objects are no longer protected from being overwritten by imports. &RQILUPLQJ�DUHSDLU�LPSOLHV�WKDW�WKH�FKDQJHV�PDGH�WR�REMHFWV�KDYH�DOVR�EHHQ�PDLQWDLQHG�LQ�WKH�RULJLQDOV\VWHP� If you release a repair without automatic confirmation, you can confirm it later at anytime with 5HTXHVW�WDVN�→7DVN�→�&RQILUP�UHSDLU. Unconfirmed repairs are highlighted with aspecial color in the request overview.

The objects in a released repair can be edited again by other users who are involved in the samehigher-level change request.

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5HOHDVLQJ�&KDQJH�5HTXHVWVOnce all the tasks subordinate to a change request have been released, the change requestitself can also be released. At this point, the object list of the change request contains all objectsthat have been changed by the users involved.

To release the change request, position the cursor on the request and choose 5HOHDVH�

Development SystemDevelopment System Production SystemProduction System









Export ImportData File

The following occurs when the change request is released:

• The current version of all objects entered in the request is stored in the versionsdatabase. Consequently, the sequence of the change requests under which an objectis edited corresponds to the various object versions archived in the database.

• When a transportable change request is released, its objects are exported out of theR/3 System and copied to an operating system file. The request is also marked forimport into the target system.

• The objects entered in the request are unlocked. They can now be changed again.

In the case of transportable change requests, the overview of transport logs for the request isdisplayed automatically. The physical data export is generally still in progress at this time and alog cannot yet be displayed.

When the export has finished and you have refreshed the display, you can branch to the logs bydouble-clicking on the export steps.

To ensure a smooth export, the CTS must be correctly installed. This is described in the sectionRequirements for Working with the CTS [Seite 10]. A detailed log is created for the export and allsubsequent import steps. The section Monitoring Transports [Seite 125] describes how you canuse the log to check whether the transport was performed successfully.


To export objects defined by the various applications (generally layout sets,styles, hypertext structures, and printer descriptions), you have to schedule thetransport dispatcher program RDDIMPDP as a background job in client “000” andin the client from which the change request is being exported.

The program must be scheduled once in each client. To do this, log on in therelevant client under the user name DDIC (standard password “19920706”) andexecute the report RDDNEWPP in the initial screen of the ABAP Editor(transaction SE38).

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If you export more objects at a later time, you do not need to reschedule theprogram unless the scheduling information was deleted manually.

For more information, refer to the program documentation of the transportdispatcher program RDDIMPDP and the documentation of the transport controlprogram tp.


A transportable request is not automatically imported into the target system, since this coulddisrupt work significantly, particularly if the target system is an R/3 System used for productiveoperation.

The import must be started by the system administrator at an appropriate point in time. Thesystem administrator can decide whether only particular requests or all requests waiting forimport should be imported into the target system. The import is performed with the TransportManagement System and is described in its documentation.


At the time of an import, the transport dispatcher program RDDIMPDP must bescheduled as a background job in client “000” and in the target client into whichthe change request is being imported.

The scheduling procedure is exactly the same as for the export.

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0RQLWRULQJ�7UDQVSRUWVThe aim of your development work ultimately is to introduce new or improved functions in theproduction system. As a project manager, you therefore want to be informed about the transportof your requests to subsequent systems, and particularly about any transport errors that occur. Itis equally important that you know about any repairs made to your objects in a subsequentsystem, since this can interfere with subsequent transports (import protection for repairedobjects).

For this reason, an overview of your transports and repairs can be accessed easily from the right-hand side of the initial screens of the CTO.

The stoplight icons indicate transport errors (stoplight is red) or unconfirmed repairs (stoplight isyellow).

To access the overview of your transports, choose 7UDQVSRUWV. A hierarchical list is displayed withyour released transports and their transport steps, grouped according to target system.

You can see whether the individual transport steps were successful or not from:

• the color of the entry

• the comment

• the return code

If there are faulty transports, analyze the cause of the error. The transport log containsinformation that may be useful. You can access the transport log by double-clicking on thetransport step.

When you have found out what caused the error and corrected it, you can give the request theattribute (UURU�FRUUHFWHG. This action is recorded in the action log.

Even when transports have been performed successfully, check that they work correctly in thetarget system. After you have tested the functions in the target system, assign the request theattribute 7HVWHG.

Transports with the attributes (UURU�FRUUHFWHG or 7HVWHG can be deleted from the display. If therequest deleted from the display is imported into another R/3 System, it is automatically shownagain in the display.


If you display your released change requests in the request overview of the CTO, you canchoose


to display the transport logs.


In the initial screen of the CTO choose


to display the transport logs of any change request. To do this, however, you need to know thenumber of the change request. Alternatively, you can enter another user name in the initialscreen of the CTO and list this user’s released change requests. Position the cursor on therequired change request and choose

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to display the transport logs again.

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5HWXUQ�&RGHV�LQ�WKH�7UDQVSRUW�/RJTo establish whether a transport has been successful, you need to know the meaning of thereturn codes generated by the programs used for the transport.


0000 Transport performed without errors

0004 Warnings were issued. All objects were transported successfully. Therewere special actions for individual objects that may not have beenintentional, for example, a warning is issued during the export if therequest contains an object deletion.

Read the warnings.

0008 Individual objects could not be transported successfully. The errors mustbe analyzed and corrected. Examples of errors during the import include:“Original object was not overwritten”, “Repaired object was not overwritten”

0012 or higher A critical error has occurred that is generally not caused by the contents ofthe request. You should inform your system administrator.

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)LQGLQJ�5HTXHVWVThe request search is available for more complex request selections. It can be accessed fromeach initial Organizer screen by choosing 5HTXHVW�→�)LQG�UHTXHVWV. Alternatively, you can alsofind the request search function in the Workbench Organizer tools.

The request search allows you to select requests of all types with any criteria. They are displayedin a hierarchical request overview and can be edited there directly.

In addition to the &KDQJH�VRUW�VHTXHQFH function, which is always available, and the personalsettings for the request overview, the request search also provides the following functions:

• You can select some of the requests and delete them from the display.

• You can add requests to the list displayed by a subsequent selection.

You can print the request overview at any time.

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,QFOXGLQJ�2EMHFWV�LQ�D�5HTXHVWTo fill a request with objects, you have the following options:

• Include the object list from another request

• Merge and include the object lists from several requests

• Free selection of objects (for example, with the object type, development class, or theperson responsible for the object)

• Manual entry using the object list editor

In all cases, the objects are initially entered in the object list without locks.

At the latest, when the request is released, the R/3 System tries to lock theobjects. If conflicts then occur with other change requests that are locking someof the objects, since they are still being edited, these change requests first needto be released. The objects can then be locked.

This ensures that your transport request does not transport objects in anundefined intermediate state.

You can access the object list editor from the request overview by double-clicking on a request ortask node. However, the object list editor requires basic knowledge about the syntax of theentries. Entering a large amount of objects is also a laborious task.

To include objects in a request in an easy way, choose 5HTXHVW/WDVN�→�2EMHFW�OLVW�→�,QFOXGHREMHFWV���

The ,QFOXGH�2EMHFWV�LQ�5HTXHVW��5HTXHVW�1XPEHU! dialog box appears, in which you can selectthe procedure:

You can also find the function for merging object lists from several requests in theWorkbench Organizer tools under 5HTXHVWV�WDVNV.

You can also find the function for selecting objects freely and placing them in atransport request in the Workbench Organizer tools under 2EMHFWV�LQ�UHTXHVWV.

• Include the object list from another request

In the ,QFOXGH�REMHFWV�LQ�UHTXHVW��UHTXHVW�QXPEHU!�dialog box, enter the number ofthe request whose object list should be included.

The entire object list of the specified request is included.

• Merge and include object lists from several requests

Proceed as described here:

a) In the dialog box, select the 2EMHFW�OLVWV�IURP�VHYHUDO�UHTXHVWV option andcontinue by choosing &RS\.

The 0HUJH�2EMHFW�/LVWV�LQ�5HTXHVW��5HTXHVW�1XPEHU! screen appears.

b) Enter the relevant selection criteria and choose ([HFXWH.

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The requests found are displayed in a hierarchical request overview.

c) Edit the list until the list contains the requests to be merged.

To do this, use the following functions:

– Extend the list

You can extend the list, as in the request search, with a subsequentselection.

– Reduce the list

Select the requests whose object lists should not be merged and delete themfrom the display.

– Select the requests to be included

Choose (GLW�→�6HOHFWLRQ →....

d) Choose 0HUJH.

The object lists selected are included in the specified request.

• Select objects freely

Proceed as described here:

a) In the dialog box, select the )UHHO\�VHOHFWHG�REMHFWV option and continue bychoosing &RS\.


b) Enter the relevant selection criteria and choose ([HFXWH.

The objects found are displayed in a hierarchical overview.

c) In the list, select the objects to be included with (GLW�→�6HOHFWLRQ →....


The selected objects are included in the specified request.

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5HTXHVW�$WWULEXWHVAttributes can be used to qualify a change request. Unlike the documentation on the request, theattributes can be used to perform evaluations.

SAP delivers two standard attributes: SAPCORR and SAPPATCH. You can define otherattributes yourself.


You require the administration authorization in the CTS to edit attributes.

To edit attributes, proceed as follows:

1. Call transaction SM30 or choose 6\VWHP�→�6HUYLFHV�→ ([W��WDEOH�PDLQW�

2. In the Table/view field, enter :%2$775 and choose 0DLQWDLQ.

You can then define and maintain attributes.

Make sure that the attributes you create do not begin with the letters “SAP”.

You want to create the attribute PROJECT1. To do this, you choose 1HZ�HQWULHVand then enter 352-(&7� and a meaningful short text in the next field.

If the attribute is to be mandatory for all change requests, enter an ; in the0DQGDWRU\ field.

If it is essential than a value is specified for the attribute, enter an ; again in thenext field.

If, on the other hand, the attribute is only to be assigned externally and therequest owner should not be able to change it, enter an ; in the ([WHUQDO field.


To edit attributes for a change request, proceed as follows:

1. Call the Workbench Organizer and display your requests in the hierarchical requestoverview.

2. Position the cursor on one of your change requests and choose 5HTXHVW/WDVN →&KDQJH.

The dialog box with the header data of the request appears.

3. You can change, delete, and recreate the attributes for your request by choosing$WWULEXWHV.

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2UJDQL]HU�7RROVIn the initial screen of the Workbench Organizer, you can find a collection of tools under *RWR�→7RROV�that support your work with the Change and Transport System.

If you are working as an administrator in the “Change and Transport System” area (authorizationS_CTS_ADMIN), you have a wider range of tools available.

Only an administrator is allowed, for example, to change the system change option orCustomizing in the WBO area.

As an administrator, you can make critical changes to system parameters.

Check the consequences of your changes beforehand.

To display a detailed description of the functions, position the cursor on the relevant tool andchoose *RWR�→�'RFXPHQWDWLRQ�

To execute a tool, position the cursor on the tool and choose ([HFXWH.

The tools are subdivided into areas:

• Objects in requests

– Search for objects in requests/tasks

This program allows you to search for objects in requests/tasks.

– Analyze objects in requests/tasks

Enter a request or task here, and the request header and the objects in therequest are displayed. For each object, for example, the object directory entry,development class, original system, person responsible are displayed.

– Place objects in a transport request

This program allows you to select objects and place them (or a subset of them) ina request.

– Unlock objects (expert tool)

This program allows you to unlock objects in a request or task. Use this functionvery carefully; inconsistencies may be caused in the target system if it is not usedproperly.

• Objects

– Modification monitor

This program determines the SAP standard objects modified in the customersystem, grouped by development class.

– Objects in customer namespace

This program generates a list of all customer objects in the current R/3 System.

– Namespace info utilities

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This program gives information on the assignment of a specified namespace tothe customer, partner, or SAP area. It also allows you to search for objectsbelonging to a particular namespace.

• Object directory

– Change object directory entries of objects

This program allows you to maintain the development class and personresponsible for objects in the object directory.

– Change object directory entries of objects in a request

This program allows you to change the development class and personresponsible for objects in a request.

– Change person responsible for objects

This program allows you to change the persons responsible in the objectdirectory. The entries changed are included in a change request.

• Requests/tasks

– Display transport logs

This program displays all transport steps for a specified request. The requestdoes not yet have to be available in the current R/3 System.

– Search for requests/tasks

This program searches for requests and tasks according to very different criteria(such as owner, status, request type) and displays them in a hierarchical list. Youcan edit the requests from there, as in the Workbench Organizer.

– Include object lists in a request

This program includes the object lists from selected requests, sorts andcompresses the objects, and places them in a new request.

– Perform ADO import

This program performs the ADO import into the current system.

ADOs are imported automatically when a request is imported. If the ADO importwas not successful, for whatever reason, the import of the ADO objects can bestarted or repeated using this program.

• Administration

To use the following tools, you require the administration authorization in the“Change and Transport System” area.

– Set system change option

The system change option determines which objects of the ABAP Workbench canbe changed with the Workbench Organizer in the current R/3 System.

– Global Customizing Workbench Organizer

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This program allows you to maintain the global Customizing settings for theWorkbench Organizer for the areas “Transport errors at logon” and “Objectchecks on request release”.

– Consistency check of table TLOCK against table E071

This program checks whether all object locks entered in table TLOCK are actuallyentered in the specified tasks and requests.