chap 5 data link layer

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  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-1

    Chapter 5Data Link Layer

    Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet ,

    2nd edition.Jim Kurose, Keith RossAddison-Wesley, July2002.

    A note on the use of these ppt slides:Were making these slides freely available to all (faculty, students, readers).Theyre in PowerPoint form so you can add, modify, and delete slides(including this one) and slide content to suit your needs. They obviouslyrepresent a lot of work on our part. In return for use, we only ask thefollowing:

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    you note that they are adapted from (or perhaps identical to) our slides, andnote our copyright of this material.

    Thanks and enjoy! JFK/KWR

    All material copyright 1996-2002

    J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-2

    Chapter 5: The Data Link LayerOur goals:

    understand principles behind data link layerservices:

    error detection, correction

    sharing a broadcast channel: multiple accesslink layer addressingreliable data transfer, flow control: done!

    instantiation and implementation of various link

    layer technologies

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-3

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices 5.2 Error detectionand correction5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs5.8 PPP5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-4

    Link Layer: IntroductionSome terminology: hosts and routers are nodes

    (bridges and switches too)communication channels thatconnect adjacent nodes alongcommunication path are links

    wired linkswireless linksLANs

    2-PDU is a frame , encapsulates datagram


    data-link layer has responsibility oftransferring datagram from one node

    to adjacent node over a link

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-5

    Link layer: context

    Datagram transferred bydifferent link protocolsover different links:

    e.g., Ethernet on first link,frame relay onintermediate links, 802.11on last link

    Each link protocolprovides different

    servicese.g., may or may notprovide rdt over link

    transportation analogytrip from Princeton toLausanne

    limo: Princeton to JFKplane: JFK to Geneva

    train: Geneva to Lausannetourist = datagram transport segment =communication link

    transportation mode =link layer protocol travel agent = routingalgorithm

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-6

    Link Layer ServicesFraming, link access:

    encapsulate datagram into frame, adding header, trailerchannel access if shared mediumphysical addresses used in frame headers to identify

    source, dest different from IP address!Reliable delivery between adjacent nodes

    we learned how to do this already (chapter 3)!

    seldom used on low bit error link (fiber, some twistedpair)wireless links: high error rates

    Q: why both link-level and end-end reliability?

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-7

    Link Layer Services (more)

    Flow Control: pacing between adjacent sending and receiving nodes

    Error Detection : errors caused by signal attenuation, noise.receiver detects presence of errors:

    signals sender for retransmission or drops frame

    Error Correction: receiver identifies and corrects bit error(s) withoutresorting to retransmission

    Half-duplex and full-duplex with half duplex, nodes at both ends of link can transmit,but not at same time

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-8

    Adaptors Communicating

    link layer implemented inadaptor (aka NIC)

    Ethernet card, PCMCIcard, 802.11 card

    sending side:encapsulates datagram ina frameadds error checking bits,rdt, flow control, etc.

    receiving sidelooks for errors, rdt, flowcontrol, etcextracts datagram, passes

    to rcving nodeadapter is semi-autonomouslink & physical layers





    frame adapter adapter

    link layer protocol

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-9

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction 5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs5.8 PPP5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-10

    Error DetectionEDC= Error Detection and Correction bits (redundancy)D = Data protected by error checking, may include header fields

    Error detection not 100% reliable! protocol may miss some errors, but rarely larger EDC field yields better detection and correction

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-11

    Parity CheckingSingle Bit Parity: Detect single bit errors

    Two Dimensional Bit Parity: Detect and correct single bit errors

    0 0

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-12

    Internet checksum

    Sender: treat segment contentsas sequence of 16-bitintegerschecksum: addition (1scomplement sum) ofsegment contentssender puts checksumvalue into UDP checksumfield


    compute checksum of receivedsegmentcheck if computed checksumequals checksum field value:

    NO - error detectedYES - no error detected. But maybe errors nonetheless? More later .

    Goal: detect errors (e.g., flipped bits) in transmittedsegment (note: used at transport layer only )

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-13

    Checksumming: Cyclic Redundancy Check

    view data bits, D, as a binary numberchoose r+1 bit pattern (generator), G goal: choose r CRC bits,R, such that

    exactly divisible by G (modulo 2)receiver knows G, divides by G. If non-zero remainder:error detected!can detect all burst errors less than r+1 bits

    widely used in practice (ATM, HDCL)

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-14

    CRC Example

    Want: D.2r XOR R = nGequivalently:

    D.2r = nG XOR Requivalently:

    if we divide D.2r byG, want remainder R

    R= remainder[ ]D.2rG

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-15

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction5.3Multiple accessprotocols 5.4 LAN addressesand ARP5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs5.8 PPP5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-16

    Multiple Access Links and ProtocolsTwo types of links:

    point-to-pointPPP for dial-up accesspoint-to-point link between Ethernet switch and host

    broadcast (shared wire or medium)traditional Ethernetupstream HFC802.11 wireless LAN

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-17

    Multiple Access protocolssingle shared broadcast channeltwo or more simultaneous transmissions by nodes:interference

    only one node can send successfully at a time

    multiple access protocol distributed algorithm that determines how nodesshare channel, i.e., determine when node can transmitcommunication about channel sharing must use channelitself!what to look for in multiple access protocols:

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-18

    Ideal Mulitple Access Protocol

    Broadcast channel of rate R bps 1. When one node wants to transmit, it can send at

    rate R.

    2. When M nodes want to transmit, each can send ataverage rate R/M3. Fully decentralized:

    no special node to coordinate transmissionsno synchronization of clocks, slots

    4. Simple

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-19

    MAC Protocols: a taxonomy

    Three broad classes:Channel Partitioning divide channel into smaller pieces (time slots,frequency, code)allocate piece to node for exclusive use

    Random Access channel not divided, allow collisionsrecover from collisions

    Taking turns tightly coordinate shared access to avoid collisions

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-20

    Channel Partitioning MAC protocols: TDMA

    TDMA: time division multiple access access to channel in "rounds"each station gets fixed length slot (length = pkttrans time) in each roundunused slots go idleexample: 6-station LAN, 1,3,4 have pkt, slots 2,5,6idle

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-21

    Channel Partitioning MAC protocols: FDMA

    FDMA: frequency division multiple access channel spectrum divided into frequency bandseach station assigned fixed frequency bandunused transmission time in frequency bands go idleexample: 6-station LAN, 1,3,4 have pkt, frequencybands 2,5,6 idle

    f r e q u e n c y

    b a n

    d s

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-22

    Channel Partitioning (CDMA)

    CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) unique code assigned to each user; i.e., code set partitioning used mostly in wireless broadcast channels (cellular, satellite,etc)all users share same frequency, but each user has ownchipping sequence (i.e., code) to encode data encoded signal = (original data) X (chipping sequence)decoding: inner-product of encoded signal and chippingsequenceallows multiple users to coexist and transmit simultaneouslywith minimal interference (if codes are orthogonal)

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-23

    CDMA Encode/Decode

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-24

    CDMA: two-sender interference

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-25

    Random Access Protocols

    When node has packet to sendtransmit at full channel data rate a priori coordination among nodes

    two or more transmitting nodes - > collision, random access MAC protocol specifies:

    how to detect collisionshow to recover from collisions (e.g., via delayedretransmissions)

    Examples of random access MAC protocols:slotted ALOHAALOHACSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-26

    Slotted ALOHA

    Assumptions all frames same sizetime is divided into

    equal size slots, time totransmit 1 framenodes start to transmitframes only atbeginning of slotsnodes are synchronizedif 2 or more nodestransmit in slot, allnodes detect collision

    Operation when node obtains freshframe, it transmits in nextslotno collision, node can sendnew frame in next slotif collision, noderetransmits frame in eachsubsequent slot with prob.p until success

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-27

    Slotted ALOHA

    Pros single active node cancontinuously transmitat full rate of channelhighly decentralized:only slots in nodesneed to be in syncsimple

    Cons collisions, wasting slotsidle slots

    nodes may be able todetect collision in lessthan time to transmitpacket

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-28

    Slotted Aloha efficiency

    Suppose N nodes withmany frames to send,each transmits in slotwith probability p

    prob that 1st node hassuccess in a slot = p(1-p)N-1

    prob that any node hasa success = Np(1-p)N-1

    For max efficiencywith N nodes, find p*that maximizesNp(1-p)N-1For many nodes, takelimit of Np*(1-p*)N-1as N goes to infinity,gives 1/e = .37

    Efficiency is the long-runfraction of successful slotswhen theres many nodes, eachwith many frames to send

    At best: channelused for usefultransmissions 37%of time!

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-29

    Pure (unslotted) ALOHAunslotted Aloha: simpler, no synchronizationwhen frame first arrives

    transmit immediatelycollision probability increases:

    frame sent at t 0 collides with other frames sent in [t 0-1,t0+1]

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-30

    Pure Aloha efficiency

    P(success by given node) = P(node transmits) . P(no other node transmits in [p 0-1,p0] . P(no other node transmits in [p 0,p0+1]

    = p . (1-p)N-1 . (1-p)N-1

    = p . (1-p)2(N-1)

    choosing optimum p and then letting n -> infty ...

    = 1/(2e) = .18Even worse !

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-31

    CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)

    CSMA: listen before transmit:If channel sensed idle: transmit entire frameIf channel sensed busy, defer transmission

    Human analogy: dont interrupt others!

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-32

    CSMA collisionscollisionscan still occur: propagation delay meanstwo nodes may not heareach others transmission

    collision: entire packet transmissiontime wasted

    spatial layout of nodes

    note: role of distance & propagationdelay in determining collisionprobability

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-33

    CSMA/CD (Collision Detection)

    CSMA/CD:carrier sensing, deferral as in CSMAcollisionsdetected within short timecolliding transmissions aborted, reducing channelwastage

    collision detection: easy in wired LANs: measure signal strengths,compare transmitted, received signals

    difficult in wireless LANs: receiver shut off whiletransmitting human analogy: the polite conversationalist

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-34

    CSMA/CD collision detection

    CSMA (C i l i l

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-35

    CSMA (Carrier-sense multipleaccess)

    If propagation time is much less than transmission time - allstations know that a transmission has started almostimmediatelyFirst listen for clear medium (carrier sense)

    If medium idle, transmit

    Collision occurs if another user starts transmitting withinthe time it takes for the first bit to reach this user(propagation delay)Collision detected by waiting round trip plus ACK contention

    No ACK then retransmit

    Max utilization depends on propagation time (medium length)and frame lengthLonger frame and shorter propagation gives better utilization

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-36

    CSMA/CDWith CSMA, collision occupies medium forduration of transmission

    Even if the station next to transmitting station collided,collision will be detected after >= RTT

    Instead CD= collision detect: Stations listen whilst transmittingIf medium idle, transmitIf busy, listen for idle, then transmit (and listen)If collision detected, jam (send noise) then ceasetransmission

    After jam, wait random time then start againBinary exponential back off

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-37

    Collision Detection

    Collision produces much higher signal voltage thansignalCollision detected if cable signal greater than

    single station signalSignal attenuated over distanceLimit distance to 500m (10Base5) or 200m(10Base2)

    For twisted pair (star-topology) activity on morethan one port is collisionFrames repeated, for CD to work

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-38

    Why Jam? Tanenbaum: to make sure the sender does not miss thecollision (48 bits) Halsall: Ensure that the collision is detected by all stationsinvolved Stallings: Assure all staitons know that there has been acollision Keshav: Sequence of 512 bits to ensure that every activestation on the network knows that a collision happened andincrements its backoff counter; to ensure that all collidingstations agree that a collision has happened

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-39


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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-40

    Collision detection

    Collision detection can still take as long as

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-41

    Collision detection

    Transmitting stations may detect collisions almostimmediately, and stop transmission

    Saves time and bandwidth

    Will improve upon just CSMA only if collision isdetected during frame transmissionThis is possible if frames are long enough (andprop. Delay is short enough) so that collision isdetected while transmission

    Guideline used in IEEE 802.3Frame transmission time >= 2*prop + delta

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-42

    CSMA/CD efficiency

    T prop = max prop between 2 nodes in LANt trans = time to transmit max-size frame

    Efficiency goes to 1 as t prop goes to 0Goes to 1 as t

    transgoes to infinity

    Much better than ALOHA, but still decentralized,simple, and cheap

    trans prop t t / 511


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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-43

    Taking Turns MAC protocols

    channel partitioning MAC protocols: share channel efficiently and fairly at high loadinefficient at low load: delay in channel access,1/N bandwidth allocated even if only 1 activenode!

    Random access MAC protocols efficient at low load: single node can fullyutilize channelhigh load: collision overhead

    taking turns protocols look for best of both worlds!

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-44

    Taking Turns MAC protocols

    Polling: master nodeinvites slave nodesto transmit in turn

    concerns:polling overheadlatencysingle point of

    failure (master)

    Token passing: control token passed fromone node to nextsequentially.

    token messageconcerns:token overheadlatency

    single point of failure (token)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-45

    Summary of MAC protocols

    What do you do with a shared media?Channel Partitioning, by time, frequency or code

    Time Division,Code Division, Frequency Division

    Random partitioning (dynamic), ALOHA, S-ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD carrier sensing: easy in some technologies (wire), hard

    in others (wireless) CSMA/CD used in Ethernet

    Taking Turns polling from a central site, token passing

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-46

    LAN technologies

    Data link layer so far:services, error detection/correction, multipleaccess

    Next: LAN technologiesaddressingEthernethubs, bridges, switches


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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-47


    dominant LAN technology:cheap $20 for 100Mbs!first widely used LAN technologySimpler, cheaper than token LANs and ATM

    Kept up with speed race: 10, 100, 1000 Mbps

    Metcalfes Ethernet sketch

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-48

    Ethernet Frame Structure

    Sending adapter encapsulates IP datagram (or othernetwork layer protocol packet) in Ethernet frame

    Preamble: 7 bytes with pattern 10101010 followed by onebyte with pattern 10101011

    used to synchronize receiver, sender clock rates

    E h F S

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-49

    Ethernet Frame Structure(more)

    Addresses: 6 bytesif adapter receives frame with matching destinationaddress, or with broadcast address, it passes data inframe to net-layer protocol

    otherwise, adapter discards frameType: indicates the higher layer protocol, mostlyIP but others may be supported such as NovellIPX and AppleTalk)

    CRC:checked at receiver, if error is detected, theframe is simply dropped

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-50

    Ethernet min frame lengthMin length needed for CD: for 2500m distancespecification, RT prop delay is determined to be50 sec

    Frame transmission time >= 50 secAt 10Mbps, bits transmitted in 50 sec is 500

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-51

    Unreliable, connectionless service

    Connectionless: No handshaking between sendingand receiving adapter.Unreliable: receiving adapter doesnt send acks ornacks to sending adapter

    stream of datagrams passed to network layer can havegapsgaps will be filled if app is using TCPotherwise, app will see the gaps

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-52

    Ethernet uses CSMA/CD

    No slotsadapter doesnt transmitif it senses that someother adapter istransmitting, that is,carrier sense transmitting adapteraborts when it sensesthat another adapter istransmitting, that is,collision detection

    Before attempting aretransmission,adapter waits arandom time, that is,random access

    E h CSMA/CD l i h

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-53

    Ethernet CSMA/CD algorithm

    1. Adaptor gets datagramfrom and creates frame2. If adapter senses channel

    idle, it starts to transmitframe. If it senseschannel busy, waits untilchannel idle and thentransmits

    3. If adapter transmitsentire frame withoutdetecting anothertransmission, the adapteris done with frame !

    4. If adapter detectsanother transmission whiletransmitting, aborts andsends jam signal

    5. After aborting, adapterenters exponentialbackoff : after the mthcollision, adapter choosesa K at random from{0,1,2,,2m-1}. Adapterwaits K*512 bit times andreturns to Step 2

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-54

    Ethernets CSMA/CD (more)

    Jam Signal: make sure allother transmitters areaware of collision; 48 bits;

    Bit time: .1 microsec for 10Mbps Ethernet ;

    for K=1023, wait time isabout 50 msec

    Exponential Backoff: Goal : adapt retransmissionattempts to estimatedcurrent load

    heavy load: random waitwill be longer

    first collision: choose Kfrom {0,1}; delay is K x 512bit transmission timesafter second collision:

    choose K from {0,1,2,3} after ten collisions, chooseK from {0,1,2,3,4,,1023}

    See/interact with Javaapplet on AWL Web site:highly recommended !

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-55

    Ethernet Technologies: 10Base210: 10Mbps;2: under 200 meters max cable lengththin coaxial cable in a bus topology

    repeaters used to connect up to multiple segmentsrepeater repeats bits it hears on one interface toits other interfaces: physical layer device only!has become a legacy technology

    10B T d 100B T

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-56

    10BaseT and 100BaseT 10/100 Mbps rate; latter called fast ethernet

    T stands for Twisted PairNodes connect to a hub: star topology; 100 mmax distance between nodes and hub

    Hubs are essentially physical-layer repeaters:bits coming in one link go out all other linksno frame bufferingno CSMA/CD at hub: adapters detect collisionsprovides net management functionality



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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-57

    Fast EthernetHigher bit rate media (100 Mbps) is available.Can it be used for Ethernet?Recall minimum frame length?

    Set=512 bits by calculating time needed to detect collisions inEthernets of upto 2.5km length, of 10Mbps bit rate

    Can higher bit rates be used without changing protocolspecs, and still make it work?Frame transmission time for 512 bit frame @100Mbps ~ 5 sec5 sec >= twice prop. delayShould be ~200m

    This is what was Fast Ethernet: transmission media wasavailable, Ethernet wires were anyway not stretching very faraway - > perfect solution say, for e.g. server room LAN

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-58

    Gbit Ethernet

    use standard Ethernet frame formatallows for point-to-point links and sharedbroadcast channelsin shared mode, CSMA/CD is used; short distancesbetween nodes to be efficientuses hubs, called here Buffered Distributors Full-Duplex at 1 Gbps for point-to-point links

    10 Gbps now !

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-59

    Gigabit Ethernet1000 Mbps transmission media available.

    Cannot continue reducing max lengthTwo enhancements to basic CSMA/CD

    Carrier extension: Pad MAC frames to be atleast 4096 bits This means ~4 sec frame transmission time 2*Prop delay < 4 sec : Length restrictions

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-60

    LAN Addresses and ARP

    32-bit IP address: network-layer addressused to get datagram to destination IP network

    (recall IP network definition)

    LAN (or MAC or physical or Ethernet) address:used to get datagram from one interface to anotherphysically-connected interface (same network)

    48 bit MAC address (for most LANs)burned in the adapter ROM

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-61

    LAN Addresses and ARPEach adapter on LAN has unique LAN address

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-62

    LAN Address (more)

    MAC address allocation administered by IEEEmanufacturer buys portion of MAC address space(to assure uniqueness)Analogy:

    (a) MAC address: like Social Security Number(b) IP address: like postal address

    MAC flat address => portability

    can move LAN card from one LAN to anotherIP hierarchical address NOT portabledepends on IP network to which node is attached

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-63

    Recall earlier routing discussion




    Starting at A, given IPdatagram addressed to B:look up net. address of B, find Bon same net. as Alink layer send datagram to Binside link-layer frame

    Bs MAC addr

    As MAC addr

    As IP addr

    Bs IP addr IP payload


    frame source,dest address

    datagram source,dest address

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-64

    ARP: Address Resolution Protocol

    Each IP node (Host,Router) on LAN hasARPtableARP Table: IP/MAC

    address mappings forsome LAN nodes< IP address; MAC address; TTL>

    TTL (Time To Live): timeafter which addressmapping will be forgotten(typically 20 min)

    Question: how to determineMAC address of Bknowing Bs IP address?

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-65

    ARP protocol

    A wants to send datagramto B, and A knows Bs IPaddress.Suppose Bs MAC addressis not in As ARP table. A broadcasts ARP querypacket, containing B's IPaddress

    all machines on LANreceive ARP query

    B receives ARP packet,replies to A with its (B's)MAC address

    frame sent to As MACaddress (unicast)

    A caches (saves) IP-to-MAC address pair in itsARP table until informationbecomes old (times out)

    soft state: informationthat times out (goesaway) unless refreshed

    ARP is plug-and-play: nodes create their ARP

    tables withoutintervention from netadministrator

    Routing to another LAN

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-66

    Routing to another LANwalkthrough: send datagram from A to B via R

    assume A knows B IP address

    Two ARP tables in router R, one for each IPnetwork (LAN)


    R B

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-68

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches 5.7 Wireless links andLANs5.8 PPP5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-69

    Interconnecting LAN segments


    Remark: switches are essentially multi-portbridges.What we say about bridges also holds forswitches!

    Interconnecting with hubs

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-70

    Interconnecting with hubsBackbone hub interconnects LAN segmentsExtends max distance between nodesBut individual segment collision domains become onelarge collision domain

    if a node in CS and a node EE transmit at same time: collision

    Cant interconnect 10BaseT & 100BaseT


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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-71

    BridgesLink layer device

    stores and forwards Ethernet framesexamines frame header and selectively forwards frame based on MAC dest addresswhen frame is to be forwarded on segment,uses CSMA/CD to access segment

    transparenthosts are unaware of presence of bridges

    plug-and-play, self-learningbridges do not need to be configured

    Bridges: traffic isolation

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-72

    Bridges: traffic isolationBridge installation breaks LAN into LAN segmentsbridges filter packets:

    same-LAN-segment frames not usuallyforwarded onto other LAN segments

    segments become separate collision domains

    bridge collisiondomaincollisiondomain

    = hub= host

    LAN (IP network)

    LAN segment LAN segment

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-73


    How do determine to which LAN segment toforward frame? Looks like a routing problem...

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    5: DataLink Layer 5a-74

    Self learning

    A bridge has a bridge table entry in bridge table:

    (Node LAN Address, Bridge Interface, Time Stamp)stale entries in table dropped (TTL can be 60 min)

    bridges learn which hosts can be reached throughwhich interfaces

    when frame received, bridge learns location ofsender: incoming LAN segmentrecords sender/location pair in bridge table


  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-75

    Filtering/ForwardingWhen bridge receives a frame:

    index bridge table using MAC dest address if entry found for destination

    then{if dest on segment from which frame arrived

    then drop the frameelse forward the frame on interface indicated

    } else flood

    forward on all but the interface on which the frame arrived

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-76

    Bridge exampleSuppose C sends frame to D and D replies back with

    frame to C.

    Bridge receives frame from from Cnotes in bridge table that C is on interface 1because D is not in table, bridge sends frame intointerfaces 2 and 3

    frame received by D

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-77

    Bridge Learning: example

    D generates frame for C, sendsbridge receives frame

    notes in bridge table that D is on interface 2 bridge knows C is on interface 1, so selectively forwardsframe to interface 1

    h b kb

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-78

    Interconnection without backbone

    Not recommended for two reasons:

    - single point of failure at Computer Science hub- all traffic between EE and SE must path overCS segment

    B kb fi i

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-79

    Backbone configuration

    Recommended !

    B id S i T

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-80

    Bridges Spanning Tree

    for increased reliability, desirable to haveredundant, alternative paths from source to destwith multiple paths, cycles result - bridges maymultiply and forward frame forever

    solution: organize bridges in a spanning tree bydisabling subset of interfaces


  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-81

    Multiple LANs

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-82

    Needed: Routing

    Complex large LANs need alternative routesLoad balancingFault tolerance

    Bridge must decide whether to forward frameBridge must decide which LAN to forward frame onRouting selected for each source-destination pairof LANs

    Done in configurationUsually least hop routeOnly changed when topology changes

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-83

    Spanning TreeBridge automatically develops routing tableAutomatically update in response tochanges

    Frame forwardingAddress learningLoop resolution

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-84

    Frame forwardingMaintain forwarding database for each port

    List station addresses reached through each portFor a frame arriving on port X:

    Search forwarding database to see if MAC address is

    listed for any port except XIf address not found, forward to all ports except XIf address listed for port Y, check port Y for blocking orforwarding state

    Blocking prevents port from receiving or transmitting

    If not blocked, transmit frame through port Y

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-85

    Address Learning

    When frame arrives at port X, it has come formthe LAN attached to port XUse the source address to update forwarding

    database for port X to include that addressTimer on each entry in database (reset wheneverframe received)Each time frame arrives, source address checkedagainst forwarding database

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-86

    Loop of Bridges

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-87

    Spanning Tree AlgorithmCreates a logical, or active topology thatbehaves like a spanning tree

    Makes alternate bridges redundant

    Is run periodically, so will discover failures anduse alternate bridges if necessary

    Reference: Fred Halsall: Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, 4 th Edition.

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-88

    Spanning Tree AlgorithmVariables:

    1. Each bridge has a Priority Value and a unique Identifier2. Each LAN segment has a Designated Cost (DC) inversely

    proportional to the bit rate3. Each port of a bridge has a Path Cost (PC) = DC of the LAN

    segment to which it is attached

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-89

    Spanning Tree AlgorithmWorking: Bridges regularly exchange frames known as Bridge ProtocolData Units (BPDUs). This exchange does the following:

    1. Bridge with highest priority and smallest ID is selected as root bridge.2. Each bridge determines for each port, the least cost path from root bridge

    to this port. This is the Root Path Cost (RPC) for this port.a) Select the port which has the least RPC and designate it as the Root Port (RP).

    This is the port which will be used for communicating with the root.3. Once root port is determined, one bridge port is selected for each LAN

    segment as the designated bridge port (DP) to which frames will be sent forthat LAN segment.

    a) This is a port (which is NOT a root port) which has the least path cost to the rootb) The ports of the root bridge are always DPs for the LAN segments connected to

    the root bridge

    4. The state of the bridge ports can be set either to forwarding or blocking.a) All ports that are either RPs or DPs are forwarding, the rest are blocking.

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-90

    Topology InitializationBPDUs are sent to a broadcast MAC address of all bridges on the LANAll bridges initially assume they are the root bridgeEach BPDU contains (self ID, root ID, transmitting port ID, RPC of thisport)If necessary,

    Update root ID based on received BPDUsAdd path cost of the port on which frame was received to the RPC in theframeSends out this new info on all other ports with all updated IdsProcedure repeated by all bridges

    Will determine RPCs of each port Will select Root Ports based on this

    Two or more bridges on the same segment will exchange BPDUs so thatdesignated bridge-port can be seleted

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-91

    Topology ChangeRoot bridge regularly transmits BPDUs, forwarded by allbridges on all portsBridges will keep timers associated with each of itsforwarding portsWhen timers expire, procedure similar to topologyinitialization is done


    Some bridge features

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-92

    Some bridge featuresIsolates collision domains resulting in higher totalmax throughputlimitless number of nodes and geographicalcoverageCan connect different Ethernet typesTransparent (plug -and-play): no configurationnecessary

    Bridges vs Routers

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-93

    Bridges vs. Routersboth store-and-forward devices

    routers: network layer devices (examine network layerheaders)bridges are link layer devices

    routers maintain routing tables, implement routing

    algorithmsbridges maintain bridge tables, implement filtering,learning and spanning tree algorithms

    Routers vs Bridges

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-94

    Routers vs. Bridges

    Bridges + and - + Bridge operation is simpler requiring less packet

    processing+ Bridge tables are self learning- All traffic confined to spanning tree, even when

    alternative bandwidth is available- Bridges do not offer protection from broadcast


    Routers vs Bridges

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-95

    Routers vs. Bridges

    Routers + and - + arbitrary topologies can be supported, cycling is

    limited by TTL counters (and good routing protocols)

    + provide protection against broadcast storms- require IP address configuration (not plug and play)- require higher packet processing

    bridges do well in small (few hundred hosts) whilerouters used in large networks (thousands of hosts)

    Ethernet Switches

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-96

    t e et Sw tc esEssentially a multi-

    interface bridgelayer 2 (frame) forwarding,filtering using LANaddresses

    Switching: A-to-A and B-to- B simultaneously, nocollisionslarge number of interfaces

    often: individual hosts,star-connected into switchEthernet, but nocollisions!

    Ethernet Switches

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-97

    Ethernet Switches

    cut-through switching: frame forwardedfrom input to output port without awaitingfor assembly of entire frame

    slight reduction in latencycombinations of shared/dedicated,10/100/1000 Mbps interfaces

    Not an atypical LAN (IP network)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-98

    Not an atypical LAN (IP network)



    Summary comparison

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-99

    Summary comparison

    hubs bridges routers switches



    no yes yes yes

    plug & play yes yes no yes


    no no yes no


    yes no no yes

    Chapter 5 outline

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-100

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction

    5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs

    5.8 PPP5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

    IEEE 802 11 Wireless LAN

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-101

    IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN

    802.11b 2.4-5 GHz unlicensedradio spectrumup to 11 Mbps

    direct sequence spreadspectrum (DSSS) inphysical layer

    all hosts use samechipping code

    widely deployed, usingbase stations

    802.11a 5-6 GHz rangeup to 54 Mbps

    802.11g 2.4-5 GHz rangeup to 54 Mbps

    All use CSMA/CA formultiple access

    All have base-stationand ad-hoc networkversions

    Base station approach

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-102

    ppWireless host communicates with a base station

    base station = access point (AP)Basic Service Set (BSS) (a.k.a. cell) contains:

    wireless hostsaccess point (AP): base station

    BSSs combined to form distribution system (DS)

    Ad Hoc Network approach

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-103

    ppNo AP (i.e., base station)wireless hosts communicate with each other

    to get packet from wireless host A to B mayneed to route through wireless hosts X,Y,Z

    Applications:laptop meeting in conference room, car interconnection of personal devices battlefield

    IETF MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networks)working group

    IEEE 802.11: multiple access

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-104

    pCollision if 2 or more nodes transmit at same time

    CSMA makes sense:get all the bandwidth if youre the only one transmitting shouldnt cause a collision if you sense another transmission

    Collision detection doesnt work: hidden terminal


    IEEE 802 11 MAC Protocol: CSMA/CA

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-105

    IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol: CSMA/CA802.11 CSMA: sender- if sense channel idle for

    DISF sec.then transmit entire frame(no collision detection)

    -if sense channel busythen binary backoff

    802.11 CSMA receiver

    - if received OK return ACK after SIFS(ACK is needed due tohidden terminal problem)

    Collision avoidance mechanisms

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-106

    Problem: two nodes, hidden from each other, transmit completeframes to base stationwasted bandwidth for long duration !


    small reservation packetsnodes track reservation interval with internalnetwork allocation vector (NAV)

    Collision Avoidance: RTS-CTS

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-107

    exchangesender transmits shortRTS (request to send)packet: indicatesduration of transmission

    receiver replies withshort CTS (clear to send)packet

    notifying (possibly hidden)nodes

    hidden nodes will nottransmit for specifiedduration: NAV

    Collision Avoidance: RTS-CTS

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-108

    exchangeRTS and CTS short:collisions less likely, of

    shorter durationend result similar to

    collision detectionIEEE 802.11 allows:CSMACSMA/CA: reservationspolling from AP

    A word about Bluetooth

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-109

    A word about Bluetooth

    Low-power, small radius,wireless networkingtechnology

    10-100 meters

    omnidirectionalnot line-of-sight infraredInterconnects gadgets2.4-2.5 GHz unlicensed

    radio bandup to 721 kbps

    Interference fromwireless LANs, digitalcordless phones,microwave ovens:

    frequency hopping helpsMAC protocol supports:error correctionARQ

    Each node has a 12-bitaddress

    Chapter 5 outline

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-110

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction

    5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP

    5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs

    5.8 PPP 5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

    Point to Point Data Link Control

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-111

    Point to Point Data Link Control

    one sender, one receiver, one link: easier thanbroadcast link:no Media Access Controlno need for explicit MAC addressing

    e.g., dialup link, ISDN linepopular point-to-point DLC protocols:PPP (point-to-point protocol)HDLC: High level data link control (Data linkused to be considered high layer in protocolstack!

    PPP Design Requirements [RFC 1557]

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-112

    packet framing: encapsulation of network-layerdatagram in data link frame

    carry network layer data of any network layerprotocol (not just IP) at same time ability to demultiplex upwards

    bit transparency: must carry any bit pattern in thedata fielderror detection (no correction)

    connection liveness: detect, signal link failure tonetwork layernetwork layer address negotiation: endpoint canlearn/configure each others network address

    PPP non-requirements

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-113

    PPP non requirements

    no error correction/recoveryno flow controlout of order delivery OKno need to support multipoint links (e.g., polling)

    Error recovery, flow control, data re-orderingall relegated to higher layers!

    PPP Data Frame

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-114

    PPP Data Frame

    Flag: delimiter (framing)Address: does nothing (only one option)Control: does nothing; in the future possiblemultiple control fieldsProtocol: upper layer protocol to which framedelivered (eg, PPP-LCP, IP, IPCP, etc)

    PPP Data Frame

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-115

    PPP Data Frame

    info: upper layer data being carriedcheck: cyclic redundancy check for errordetection

    Byte Stuffing

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-116

    Byte Stuffing data transparency requirement: data field mustbe allowed to include flag pattern

    Q: is received data or flag?

    Sender: adds (stuffs) extra < 01111110> byteafter each < 01111110>data byteReceiver:

    two 01111110 bytes in a row: discard first byte,continue data receptionsingle 01111110: flag byte

    Byte Stuffing

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-117

    Byte Stuffing

    flag bytepatternin datato send

    flag byte pattern plusstuffed byte intransmitted data

    PPP Data Control Protocol

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-118

    PPP Data Control ProtocolBefore exchanging network-

    layer data, data link peersmustconfigure PPP link(max.frame length,authentication)learn/configure network layer information

    for IP: carry IP ControlProtocol (IPCP) msgs(protocol field: 8021) toconfigure/learn IPaddress

    Chapter 5 outline

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-119

    Chapter 5 outline

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction

    5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP

    5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs

    5.8 PPP5.9 ATM 5.10 Frame Relay

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode: ATM

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-


    y1990s/00 standard for high -speed (155Mbps to622 Mbps and higher) Broadband Integrated Service Digital Network architectureGoal: integrated, end-end transport of carry voice,video, data

    meeting timing/QoS requirements of voice, video(versus Internet best-effort model)next generation telephony: technical roots intelephone worldpacket-switching (fixed length packets, calledcells) using virtual circuits

    ATM architecture

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-


    adaptation layer: only at edge of ATM network data segmentation/reassembly

    roughly analogous to Internet transport layerATM layer: network layer cell switching, routing

    physical layer

    ATM: network or link layer?

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-


    : etwo o aye ?Vision:end-to-end

    transport: ATM fromdesktop to desktop ATM is a networktechnology

    Reality: used to connectIP backbone routersIP over ATM ATM as switched

    link layer,connecting IProuters

    ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-


    p y ( )

    ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL): adapts upperlayers (IP or native ATM applications) to ATMlayer belowAAL present only in end systems , not in switches

    AAL layer segment (header/trailer fields, data)fragmented across multiple ATM cellsanalogy: TCP segment in many IP packets

    ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) [more]

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-124

    Different versions of AAL layers, depending on ATMservice class:AAL1:for CBR (Constant Bit Rate) services, e.g. circuit emulationAAL2:for VBR (Variable Bit Rate) services, e.g., MPEG videoAAL5:for data (e.g., IP datagrams)


    ATM cell

    User data

    AAL5 - Simple And EfficientAL (SEAL)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-125

    AL (SEAL)AAL5: low overhead AAL used to carry IPdatagrams

    4 byte cyclic redundancy checkPAD ensures payload multiple of 48byteslarge AAL5 data unit to be fragmented into 48-byte ATM cells

    ATM Layer

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-126

    Service: transport cells across ATM network

    analogous to IP network layervery different services than IP network layer








    best effort



























    no (inferredvia loss) nocongestionnocongestionyes


    Guarantees ?

    ATM Layer: Virtual Circuits

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-127

    yVC transport: cells carried on VC from source to dest

    call setup, teardown for each call before data can floweach packet carries VC identifier (not destination ID)every switch on source- dest path maintain state for eachpassing connection

    link,switch resources (bandwidth, buffers) may be allocated toVC: to get circuit-like perf.Permanent VCs (PVCs)

    long lasting connections

    typically: permanent route between to IP routers Switched VCs (SVC): dynamically set up on per-call basis

    ATM VCs

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-128

    Advantages of ATM VC approach: QoS performance guarantee for connectionmapped to VC (bandwidth, delay, delay jitter)

    Drawbacks of ATM VC approach:

    Inefficient support of datagram trafficone PVC between each source/dest pair) doesnot scale (N*2 connections needed)SVC introduces call setup latency, processingoverhead for short lived connections

    ATM Layer: ATM cell

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-129

    y5-byte ATM cell header48-byte payload

    Why?: small payload -> short cell-creation delayfor digitized voicehalfway between 32 and 64 (compromise!)

    Cell header

    Cell format

    ATM cell header

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-130

    VCI: virtual channel IDwillchange from link to link thru netPT: Payload type (e.g. RM cell versus data cell)CLP: Cell Loss Priority bit

    CLP = 1 implies low priority cell, can bediscarded if congestion

    HEC: Header Error Checksumcyclic redundancy check

    ATM Physical Layer (more)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-131

    y y ( )

    Two pieces (sublayers) of physical layer:Transmission Convergence Sublayer (TCS): adaptsATM layer above to PMD sublayer belowPhysical Medium Dependent:depends on physicalmedium being used

    TCS Functions: Header checksum generation: 8 bits CRCCelldelineationWith unstructured PMD sublayer, transmissionof idle cells when no data cells to send

    ATM Physical Layer

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-132

    y y

    Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer SONET/SDH : transmission frame structure (like acontainer carrying bits);

    bit synchronization;bandwidth partitions (TDM);several speeds: OC3 = 155.52 Mbps; OC12 = 622.08Mbps; OC48 = 2.45 Gbps, OC192 = 9.6 Gbps

    TI/T3 : transmission frame structure (oldtelephone hierarchy): 1.5 Mbps/ 45 Mbpsunstructured : just cells (busy/idle)

    IP-Over-ATMIP over ATM

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-133

    Classic IP only

    3 networks (e.g.,LAN segments)MAC (802.3) and IPaddresses

    replace network

    (e.g., LAN segment)with ATM networkATM addresses, IPaddresses





  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-134

    Issues: IP datagrams intoATM AAL5 PDUsfrom IP addressesto ATM addresses

    just like IPaddresses to802.3 MACaddresses!



    Datagram Journey in IP-over-ATM Network

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-135

    at Source Host: IP layer maps between IP, ATM dest address (using ARP)passes datagram to AAL5AAL5 encapsulates data, segments cells, passes to ATM layer

    ATM network: moves cell along VC to destination at Destination Host:

    AAL5 reassembles cells into original datagramif CRC OK, datagram is passed to IP

    Chapter 5 outline

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-136

    5.1 Introduction andservices5.2 Error detectionand correction

    5.3Multiple accessprotocols5.4 LAN addressesand ARP

    5.5 Ethernet

    5.6 Hubs, bridges, andswitches5.7 Wireless links andLANs

    5.8 PPP5.9 ATM5.10 Frame Relay

    Frame Relay

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-137

    Like ATM: wide area network technologiesVirtual-circuit oriented

    origins in telephony worldcan be used to carry IP datagrams

    can thus be viewed as link layers by IP


    Frame Relay

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-138

    Designed in late 80s, widely deployed in the 90s Frame relay service:

    no error controlend-to-end congestion control

    Frame Relay (more)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-139

    Designed to interconnect corporate customer LANstypically permanent VCs: pipe carrying aggregatetraffic between two routersswitched VCs: as in ATM

    corporate customer leases FR service from publicFrame Relay network (e.g., Sprint, ATT)

    Frame Relay (more)

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-140

    Flag bits, 01111110, delimit frameaddress:

    10 bit VC ID field3 congestion control bits FECN: forward explicit congestion

    notification (frame experienced congestion

    on path) BECN: congestion on reverse path DE: discard eligibility

    addressflags data CRC flags

    Frame Relay -VC Rate Control

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-141

    Committed Information Rate (CIR) defined, guaranteed for each VC negotiated at VC set up timecustomer pays based on CIR

    DE bit: Discard Eligibility bit Edge FR switch measures traffic rate for each VC;marks DE bit

    DE = 0: high priority, rate compliant frame; deliverat all costs DE = 1: low priority, eligible for congestion discard

    Frame Relay - CIR & Frame Marking

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    5: DataLink Layer 5a-142

    Access Rate : rate R of the access link betweensource router (customer) and edge FR switch (provider); 64Kbps

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 5 Data Link Layer


    principles behind data link layer services:error detection, correctionsharing a broadcast channel: multiple accesslink layer addressing, ARP

    link layer technologies: Ethernet, hubs,bridges, switches,IEEE 802.11 LANs, PPP,ATM, Frame Relay

    journey down the protocol stack now OVER! next stops: multimedia, security, networkmanagement