
FIN Financials Release Notes SAP ERP Central Component Release 5.0

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FIN Financials

Release Notes

SAP ERP Central Component

Release 5.0

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10 FIN Financials 110 .1 FIN-FSCM Financial Supply Chain Management 1

10 .1.1 SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (New) 1

10 .1.2 FIN-FSCM-CLM Cash and Liquidity Management 1 Cash Management 1

10 .1.3 FIN-FSCM-IHC In-House Cash 1 Authorization Administration (Changed) 1

10 .1.3 .2 Business Partner Categories and Standard Roles (Changed) 2

10 .1.3 .3 Payment Order (Changed) 2

10 .1.3 .4 Processing Foreign Currencies (Changed) 3

10 .1.3 .5 Processing Payment Orders (Changed) 3 Integration in SAP Cash Management (New ) 410.1.3.7 Central Incoming Payments (Changed) 5

10 .1.3 .8 Structural Changes in SAP In-House Cash IMG: 5 Structural Changes to the Area Menu of In-House Cash: 7

10 .1.4 FIN-FSCM-TRM Treasury and Risk Management 8 Treasury Deactivation 8

10 .1.4 .2 Changes to the Treasury and Risk Management Area Menu 8

10 .1.4 .3 FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM Transact ion Manager 9

10 .1.4 .3 .1 GDPdU (German Principles of Data Access an

Digital 9 Structural Changes to the IMG of Treasury

Management 9 FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR Transact ion Management 10 .1 Various Enhancements in Hedge Management 10 .2 New Product Types in Foreign Exchange Trading 10 FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-AC Transfer to Financial Accounting 10

10.1 .4.3 .4.1 BAdI for Key Date Valuation 10

10.1 .4.3 .4.2 Futures Valuation 11

10 .1.4 .4 FIN-FSCM-TRM-PA Port folio Analyzer 11 11

10 .1.4 .5 FIN-FSCM-TRM-MR Market Risk Analyzer 11 11

10 .1.4 .6 FIN-FSCM-TRM-CR Credit Risk Analyzer 12 12 12 12


SAP AG iii

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10 FIN Financials

10.1 FIN-FSCM Financial Supply ChainManagement

10.1.1 SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (New)


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) you can find the area menu and

implementation guide (IMG) for all components belonging to the mySAP Financials Financial Supply Chain Management  solution under a single node: Financial Supply Chain Management.

10.1.2 FIN-FSCM-CLM Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA_FIN 500) you will find the Cash Managementcomponent which used to belong to Treasury under SAP Cash and Liquidity Management.

SAP Cash and Liquidity Management is a subcomponent of  SAP Financial Supply Chain


10.1 .3 FIN-FSCM-IHC In-House Cash Authorization Administration (Changed)


From SAP ECC 500, Financial Services (EA-FS 500) the check on the amount-dependent

authorization has changed as follows: The authorization applies only to amounts below the

amount limit (exclusively and not inclusively as before).

The Delete  und Reverse  activities have also been added to the authorization check.

Effects on System Administration

Revise the authorizations for the new activities Delete  and Reverse  in the authorization objects.

Effects on Customizing



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Amount-Dependent Authorization. Business Partner Categories and Standard Roles (Changed)


From SAP ECC 500, Financial Services (EA-FS 500) the new role concept from the SAP

 Business Partner  is to be used. The previous roles Account Holder , Authorized Drawer  and

Bank Statement Recipient  are now available as role categories and standard roles.

See also

SAP Business Partner for Financial Services (Extended)

Business Partner Role (Extended). Payment Order (Changed)


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) , the original payment order is

replaced by the IHC payment order. There is also a new interface layout.

The new functions include the following areas:

- Selection, display and editing of payment orders with user-defined selection criteria

- Details for processing payment orders, such as provisional posting and determining a

clearing partner

Effects on Customizing

The following list only contains the new IMG activities for the IHC payment order:

- User-Defined Check for Manual IHC Payment Orders

- Set Up Number Ranges for Log

- Set Up Number Ranges for Reference Documents

- Set Up Number Ranges for IHC Payment Orders- Make Basic Settings for Payment Processes

- Amount-Dependent Authorizations

- Set Up Principle of Dual Control

- Set Up Container Fields for IHC Payment Orders

- Define Default Setting for Transaction Type

- Define Instruction Codes for FI

- Define Instruction Codes for FI



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- Define Transaction Types

See also

- Only the most important new IMG activities have links in this release note.

Information about additional settings that you must make for IHC payment orders can be

found in the upgrade configuration guide for SAP In-House Cash .

- Release notes:

- Processing Payment Orders (Changed)

- Central Incoming Paymemts (Changed) Processing Foreign Currencies (Changed)


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) changes have been made to how

incoming and outgoing payments are processed if the transaction currency differs from the

currency of the corresponding current account.

The currency conversion is no longer based on payment orders to be generated but rather on

the basis of payment items. The following new functions are available:

- Provisional and final settlement

- Flexible determination of the exchange rate type

You can define separate rate types for buying and selling rates in order to calculate thecredit or debit amounts.

- Primary and secondary exchange rates

You can differentiate between rates that the in-house cash center uses on the money market

and rates that are used internally.

Effects on Customizing

To enter currency-specific settings such as selling and buying rates, select Make Basic Settings

for Payment Processes in Customizing for SAP In-House Cash.

See also

Release notes:

- Structural Changes in the Area Menu of SAP In-House Cash

- Structural Changes in the IMG of SAP In-House Cash Processing Payment Orders (Changed)




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As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) , the process in use up to now

has been restructured:

- When inbound IDocs enter the in-house cash center, the system parks the payment orders.

In Customizing you decide whether to process the payment order manually or to post it

automatically straight away.

- Route determination has been restructured for increased flexibility and comfort:

- When defining rules, most of the payment order fields are available.

- You can define value areas and operators.

- Outbound IDocs leaving the in-house cash center use basic types which are compatible with

those of the inbound IDoc. By means of the outbound IDoc, a payment order can now be

asynchronically processed further.

- The payment requests required for external payments are now generated asynchonically

from the outbound IDocs. You can make the necessary settings for payment request

generation in the receiving FI system.

Effects on Customizing

- Set Up Route Processing

- Make Basic Settings for Payment Processes

- Define Transaction Type for Automatic Payments

- Set Up Creation of Payment Requests for Inbound IDoc in FI

See alsoOnly the most important new IMG activities have links in this release note.

Information about additional settings for processing payment orders can be found in the upgrade

configuration guide for SAP In-House Cash . Integration in SAP Cash Management (New)


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) you can create a financial status

for SAP In-House Cash  which you can use for the following:

- Online display in SAP In-House Cash  and the option to download to Excel

- Forward to the components of  SAP Cash Management The data can be displayed in the liquidity forecast and in the cash position.

The IHC financial status contains the following information:

- Balances of current accounts based on a value date

- Provisionally posted internal turnover

- Provisionally posted external turnover



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Effects on Customizing

Select the following activities in SAP In-House Cash  Customizing to set up the IHC financial


- Set Up Financial Status

- Check the Consistency of the Settings Central Incoming Payments (Changed)


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) , the following new functions are

available for central incoming payments:

- If the system is unable to determine a recipient account, the payment is first posted to a

header or interim account in the bank area. From here, the user assigns the posting


- An IHC payment order instead of a current account item is created for each bank 

statement item.

Effects on Customizing

- Set Up Account Determination for Incoming Payment

- Define Transaction Types for Incoming Payment Structural Changes in SAP In-House Cash IMG:


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) , you can find the implementation

guide (IMG) for SAP In-House Cash under the following path: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  -> Financial Supply Chain Management  -> In-House Cash 

There have been some significant changes made to the SAP In-House Cash IMG. To adopt

these changes into the project IMGs, you must regenerate the project IMGs.

Some IMG activities used up to now have been replaced by new IMG activities. This reflects

the fact that some application functions have been replaced.


You cannot convert your existing Customizing for activities that have been replaced. When you

upgrade you have to set up a new implementation project.

For more information about using the IMG for SAP R/3 Enterprise Financial Services 2.00,

which is possible in certain exceptional cases, see the SAP In-House Cash upgrade guide.



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Deleted IMG Activities

- Area: Basic Settings 

- Bank Area -> Act ivate Bank Area as In-House Cash Center 

- Bank Area -> Maintain IHC Reference Number for Pairing Cross-Company Code Documents 

- Area: Account Management -> Payment Processes in In-House Cash 

- Payment Orders -> Manually Created Payment Orders 

- Payment Orders -> Automatically Created Payment Orders 

- Central Cash Receipt / Incoming Bank Statements -> Assign External 

Business Transaction Code to Posting Types 

- Cross-Bank Area Posting -> Set Route Determination 

- Cross-Bank Area Posting -> Define Routes 

- Cross-Bank Area Posting -> Display and Check Routing Sett ings 

- Account Management -> Sett ings for Currency Conversion -> Store Diff erent Exchange Rate Type for Currency Conversion 

- Account Management -> Sett ings for Currency Conversion -> Assign Balance Sheet Accounts for Currency Conversion 

New Activities

- Area: Basic Settings 

- Set Up Number Ranges for Log 

- Authorizat ions for IHC Payment Orders -> Set Up Principle of Dual Control 

- Authorizations for IHC Payment Orders -> Amount-Dependent Authorizations 

- Bank Area -> Set Up Number Ranges for IHC Payment Orders 

- Bank Area -> Set Up Container Fields for IHC Payment Orders 

- Change Message Control  (general message control)

- Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) -> Check for Manual Entry of IHC Payment Orders 

- Area: Account Management -> Payment Processes in In-House Cash 

- Define Transaction Types 

- Define Clearing Partner 

- Make Basic Settings for Payment Processes 

- Define Default Setting for Transaction Type 

- Define Transaction Type for Automatic Payments 

- Outgoing Payment Orders -> Set Up Creation of Payment Requests f or 



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Inbound IDoc in FI 

- Outgoing Payment Orders -> Instructions for FI -> Define Instruction Codes for FI 

- Outgoing Payment Orders -> Instructions for FI -> Define Instruction Keys 

- Central Cash Receipt / Incoming Bank Statements -> Set Up Account Determination for Incoming Payments 

- Central Cash Receipt / Incoming Bank Statements -> Define Transaction Types for Incoming Payments 

- Cross-Bank Area Posting -> Set Up Route Determination 

- Area: Periodic Tasks 

- Transfer Financial Status to SAP Cash Management -> Set Up Financial Status 

- Transfer Financial Status to SAP Cash Management -> Check Consistency of Settings 

Moved IMG Activities

- Under Basic Settings  the IMG activity, Change Message Control  (specific message

control) was removed and placed under Account Management -> Payment Processes in In-House Cash -> Central Cash Receipt / Incoming Bank Statements.

Moved and Renamed IMG Activities

- The IMG activity, Set Up Connection to FI in IHC  was removed from Account Management -> Payment Processes in In-House Cash -> Payment Orders . It was

renamed Set Up Business Transaction Events for SAP In-House Cash  under Basic Sett ings -> Business Transact ion Events / Event Control.

Effects on System Administration

You may not be able to display notes for a number of structural nodes following an upgrade.

To reconnect to the notes, read SAP note 43709.

See also

Structural Changes in the Area Menu of SAP In-House Cash

SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (New) Structural Changes to the Area Menu of In-House Cash:


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA-FIN 500) , you can find the area menu for

SAP In-House Cash under the following path: SAP Menu  -> Accounting  -> Financial 



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Supply Chain Management  -> In-House Cash.

The SAP In-House Cash  area menu has been changed in a number of essential points; some

functions have been replaced by new functions.

Nodes deleted with all functions

- Account Management -> Payment Requests 

- Account Management -> Forward Order 

- Environment -> Logs for IHC Processes 

Renamed nodes

- Account Management Payment Order  has been renamed IHC Payment Orders All transactions are new.

Nodes added with all functions

- Business Partners Previously under Corporate Finance Management 

- Transfer Financial Status to CM 

See also

Release notes:

- Structural Changes in the IMG of SAP In-House Cash

- SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (New)

10.1.4 FIN-FSCM-TRM Treasury and Risk Management Treasury Deactivation


The Treasury component is no longer available as of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension

(EA_FIN 500). You will find the Cash Management functions under SAP Financial SupplyChain Management. Cash Budget Management has also been deactivated. The actual liquidity

analysis in Cash Budget Management is now part of the Liquidity Planner (liquidity calculation). Changes to the Treasury and Risk Management Area Menu


New Functions:



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In the  Accounting area of foreign exchange trading, there are functions for executing and

reversing an accrual/deferral.

Deleted Functions:

In the area of  Securities -> Back Off ice -> EMU Additional Functions  , the following

transactions were removed from the area menu: Position Reconciliation, Execute Forex

Valuation, Reverse Forex Valuation and Generate Issue Currency Changeovers.

10 .1 .4.3 FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM Transaction Manager GDPdU (German Principles of Data Access and Verifiability ofDigital Verification)


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA_FIN 500), Treasury and Risk Management

provides you with a function to help you comply with the German principles of data access and

verifiability of digital verification (GDPdU).

Effects on Data Transfer

These legal requirements were first introduced in SAP ERP1.0 and are also available for use in

other releases by note: See notes 683810 and 691546. Structural Changes to the IMG of Treasury and Risk Management


New IMG Activities:

- Under General Settings -> Accounting ->   Accrual/Deferral  there is a new IMG activity,

Forex: Define Accrual/Deferral .

- You can now valuate futures positions in a one-step valuation per key date. Related

variation margin positions can, at the same time, be valuated per foreign exchange. In

addition, changes have been made to General Settings -> Accounting ->   Key Date Valuation  and Derived Business Transactions :

- For assigning update types for derived business transactions, new Futures fields have

been added to the Rate Gains/Losses tab page. The update types in fields 19 to 22

are used for rate gains/losses of the variation margin account and update types in

fields 22 and 23 are used for clearing the futures account.

- A new posting specification setting has been created within the evaluation procedure in



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one-step price valuation procedure.

- In addition, in the foreign currency valuation procedure, a new setting, components to

be valuated, has been created.

- A new tab page, one-step: separate balance sheet accounts, has been created for

update types for one-step price valuation.

- Fields V210, V211, R210 and R211 were added to the foreign currency valuation tab

page for update types for foreign currency valuation.

10.1 .4 .3 .3 FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR Transaction Management Various Enhancements in Hedge Management


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA_FIN 500) you can avail of the following

functions in the area of Hedge Management:

- Automatic generation of data in Hedge Management (hedge plan, exposure, hedged item,

hedging relationship) when you create a currency option.

- New effectiveness measurement method, hypothetical derivative for options.

- New effectiveness measurement method, benchmark , where you can explicitly enter a


- BAPI for creating data in Hedge Management (hedge plan, exposure, hedged item, hedging


- Integration of loans as exposure in Hedge Management. New Product Types in Foreign Exchange Trading


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA_FIN 500) you can use of the following

functions in the area of foreign exchange trading:

- Average Rate Option

- Basket Option

- Forward Volatility Agreement



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10.1 .4 .3 .4 FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-AC Transfer to Financial Accounting BAdI for Key Date Valuation


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA_FIN 500) you can avail of the


The interface can be used to read security prices per key date that not only depend on the ID

number, price type, key date and exchange, but also on the valuation area, company code and

securities account. Futures Valuation


As of  SAP ECC 5.00, Financials Extension (EA_FIN 500) you can run a one-step valuation of 

future positions per key date. Related variation margin positions can, at the same time, be

valuated per  foreign exchange.

10.1 .4 .4 FIN-FSCM-TRM-PA Portfolio Analyzer


From SAP ECC 5.00 Financial Services (EA_FS 500), there is a report that you can use to

display a list of all the key figures and evaluation procedures that were defined for the results


You can find the report in the IMG under Results Database , and in the application menu

under Evaluation Control -> Results Database .

For more information see the documentation for the IMG activity Monitor: Key Figures and

Evaluation Procedures.

Effects on Existing Data

Existing Customizing settings and results data are not effected.



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10.1 .4 .5 FIN-FSCM-TRM-MR Market Risk Analyzer


From SAP ECC 5.00 Financial Services (EA_FS 500), there is a report that you can use to

display a list of all the key figures and evaluation procedures that were defined for the results


You can find the report in the IMG under Results Database , and in the application menu

under Evaluation Control -> Results Database .

For more information see the documentation for the IMG activity Monitor: Key Figures andEvaluation Procedures.

Effects on Existing Data

Existing Customizing settings and results data are not effected.

10.1 .4 .6 FIN-FSCM-TRM-CR Credit Risk Analyzer


As from SAP ECC 5.00 Financial Services (EA-FS 500), you can derive transactions for each

business partner. Previously, the system posted only the business partner of the original

transaction to Limit Management.


As from SAP ECC 5.00 Financial Services (EA-FS 500), the link to Cash Management has been

extended as follows:

- Accounts are assigned to business partners. You enter the data required for this in the

application  Assign Accounts to Business Partner  (transaction KLMAP)

- The application Update Cash Management Data to Credit Risk  (transaction RMCM) generates

the generic transactions, and then calls the application Start Postprocessing (transaction

KLNACHT2). In this second transaction, the Update Cash Management Data to Credit Risk 

application transfers business partner data to the postprocessing function. In this way, the

limit utilizations of business partners are updated in Limit Management.



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As from SAP ECC 5.00 Financial Services (EA-FS 500), you can calculate the settlement risk 

of money market transactions and loans. The new key figure 0015 (nominal amount + interest

cash flow for money market transactions; nominal amount for loans) has been provided for this.

Effects on Customizing

To be able to use key figure 0015, you need to add it to your Customizing settings.

To do so, you must first define a variable assignment ID in IMG activity Define Variable

Assignment ID (with variable 1 = 0015). In IMG activity Edit

Determination-Procedure-Specific Settings, you then add the relevant values for the variableassignment ID created for the key figure. Here the calculation base for key figure 0015  must

be 1 (VAR1).



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