chaper 1 the rise of europe general information of modern europe (1500-1900) europe's influence...

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy, stimulate or enliven other societies an d cultures c. "modernization" , "development" first exhibited by Europeans d. a global, modern, and interlocking civilization Europe's features:slow, gradual, revolutionary but uni versal a. old customs loosen, ancestral religions are trans formed b. demands for individual liberation c. an expectation of a higher standard of living d. more equality between sexes and races e. reduce the gap between very high and low incomes

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Page 1: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900)Europe's influence to the world:

a. create powerful apparatus

b. destroy, stimulate or enliven other societies and cultures

c. "modernization" , "development" first exhibited by Europeans

d. a global, modern, and interlocking civilization

Europe's features:slow, gradual, revolutionary but universal

a. old customs loosen, ancestral religions are transformed

b. demands for individual liberation

c. an expectation of a higher standard of living

d. more equality between sexes and races

e. reduce the gap between very high and low incomes

Greek and Roman civilization (1000 years)----where we start learning

Middle Ages (1000 years)

Modern times (1500-1900)

Page 2: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

1. Ancient Times: Neolithic Age (3000 B.C.)

Bronze Age (2000 B.C.) Iron Age (1000 B.C.)

Greece Rome Christianity

Page 3: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

The Greek World

How Greeks into Europe

a. 1900 B.C. : the Greeks were the first Indo-Europeans to emerge into the clear light of history (from Balkan peninsula 巴尔干半岛 to the Aegean Sea 爱琴海 )

b. 1300 B.C. : founded Greece

c. 1150 B.C. : newcomers--other Greek-speaking tribes invaded from the north ushering chaos and unrest

d. 9th century: a gradual stabilization and revival

Page 4: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe Greeks' contributions in Greece's development a. absorbed knowledge of earlier eastern cultures, the mathematical lore of the ancient Chaldeans ( 古巴比伦的迦勒底 )... b. formulated what the Western world long meant by the beautiful and first speculated on political freedom. c. formed tiny city-states (Athens, Corinth and Sparta)--demoncracy (not in a modern sense) alternated with aristocracy, oligarchy ( 寡头政治 ), despotism and tyranny--systematic political science was born d. prized the "classical virtues" ( 古典美德 )--order, balance, symmetry, clarity and control; humans should be noble, dignified, poised, unterrified by life or death, masters of themselves The Parthenon( 帕台农神殿 )

Page 5: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

e. written language became thrived, carefully planned, and organized for effect.

f. Greek philosophers and Greek thinkers

Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯 Aristotle 亚里士多德g. Greek's civilization to the western Mediterranean and to influence the ancient peoples of Egypt and Middle East

Page 6: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

The Roman World

Roman's influence to Europe

a. 146 B.C. conquered Greece

b. kept latin language but absorbed culture of the Greeks

c. an empire including the whole world of civilization

d. deep influence in a political sense

e. civilizing agents to the West

f. thorough Romanization to make Latin the comnonly spoken language

Page 7: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

The Roman Empire ( 罗马帝国 )

a. 31 B.C.-- 5th century A.D.

b. Center: Rome--politically united and generations of internal peace

c. consisted of the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea--great artery of transport and communication

d. uniform civilization

e. relied on the labors of slaves

f. the East sprung up in the West

Page 8: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

Roman Law

a. settled disputes between persons of different regions with conflicting local customs

b. no custom is necessarily right-- a universal law arises from human nature and reason

c. law derives its force from being enacted by a proper authority--majestas (sovereign power)

d. favored the state rather than individuals

Page 9: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

The Coming of Christianity Emergence and Spread of Christianity

a. 4 B.C.--Jesus was born (Jews were the first Christians)

b. fused the monotheism of Judaism ( 犹太教 )and its ethical teachings---Judeo-Greek thought

c. spread at first among the poor

more autonomy and more opportunities for leadership

reached upper classes

bishops and writers worked publicly (2nd century)

persecution (3rd century)

Christianity accepted (4th century)

the entire Roman was formally Chiristian (5th century)

Page 10: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

the importance of Christianity

contonations: explored the soul

all souls were equal in the sight of the God

every human life was sacrosanct and inviolate

a spiritual beauty

God was love

work to relieve suffering

Page 11: Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe General information of modern Europe (1500-1900) Europe's influence to the world: a. create powerful apparatus b. destroy,

Chaper 1 The Rise of Europe

Great impact on intellectual level a. dispelled the swarm of greater and lesser gods and goddesses--there was only one God b. all people should have the one true and saving religion c. refused to accept the ideas of Roman Empire presented more systematically by St. Augustine ( 圣奥古斯丁 ) in his City of God --a more enduring world than the material world d. the western world escaped from Caesaropapism ( 政教合一 ) e. opened the way to a dynamic and progressive way of living in the west

St. Augustine