chapter 01-working with documents

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  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    MS Word 2003

    Chapter 1 - Working with Documents

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 3

    Page 6 - To insert a symbol into text

    Click the document where you want the symbol to appear.

    On the Insert menu, clickSymbol.

    On the Symbol tab of the Symbol dialog box, scroll throughthe list until you find the symbol you want to insert.

    Click the symbol, click the Insert button, and then click theClose button.

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 4

    Page 6 - To save a document forthe first time On the Standardtoolbar, click the Save button. (Ctrl+S)

    In the Save As dialog box, click the down arrow to the rightof the Save in box, and navigate to the location where youwant to save the file.

    If you want to create a new folder for the file, click the

    Create New Folder button, and in the New Folder dialogbox, type the new folders name, and click OK.

    Select the text in the File name box, and type a new name.


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 6

    Page 10 - To save a file for use inanother program On the File menu, clickSave As.

    In the Save As dialog box, click the down arrow to the rightof the Save As Type box, and click the file format to whichyou want to save the file.


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    by Mucahit Biner 7

    Page 11 - To open an existing file

    On the Standard toolbar, click the Open button. (Ctrl+O)

    In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder thatcontains the file you want to open.

    Double-clickthe file you want to open.

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    by Mucahit Biner 8

    Page 11 - To move the insertion point to

    the beginning or end of the document

    Press Ctrl+Home orCtrl + End.

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 10

    Page 17 - To view thumbnails of adocument In the lower-left corner of the window, click the Start

    Reading button, or on the View menu, clickReadingLayout.

    On the Reading Mode toolbar, click the Thumbnails button.

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 11

    Page 17 - To view the DocumentMap On the Reading Modetoolbar, click the Document Map


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 12

    Page 17 - To change the zoom(magnification) level On the Standard toolbar, click the down arrow to the right

    of the Zoom box, and click the zoom level you want.

    Ctrl + Scroll mouse

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    Microsoft Word 2003

    Editing, Navigation, Selecting

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 14

    Start Typing

    Click & Type

    Do not stop typing if CAPITALS are locked (Caps lock is on).

    After each sentence use the punctuation mark (?, !, . )

    Auto wrapping

    for next line do not use Enter!

    Use a space after each sentence

    Creating a new paragraph

    Use Enter

    Do not use Enter for paragraph spacing!


    Use Insert button

    Double click OVR section on the status bar


    from left to right: use backspace

    from right to left : use Del

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 15

    NavigationChanging the location of the insertion point (cursor):

    One character left or right ,


    (at beginning of the word)

    Ctrl+, Ctrl+

    bol, eol

    (beginning of the line)

    Home, End One line up or down



    (at beginning of the paragraph)

    Ctrl+, Ctrl+

    One screen up, downPgup, pgdwn


    (beginning of the page)

    Ctrl + Pgup, Ctrl + Pgdown

    bof, eof (beginning of the file-document)

    Ctrl + Home, Ctrl +End

    This is first line! Hello!How are you? Where do youwant to go today? Sorry! What?Oh Yes! I see!

    Lets start a new

    paragraph! This is a newparagraph.


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 16

    Tell me how!


    Ctrl+, Ctrl+

    Home, End


    Ctrl+, Ctrl+

    Ctrl + Pgup, Ctrl + PgdownCtrl + Home, Ctrl +End

    This is first line! Hello!

    How are you? Where do youwant to go today? Sorry! What?Oh Yes! I see!

    Lets start a new

    paragraph! This is a new



    But this is the secondpage. Can someone tell mewhy this is the second page of

    this document? No? Forget it!


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 17

    Selecting (1)

    , : one characterCtrl+ , Ctrl+ : bow

    Home, End : bol, eol

    , : one line up, down

    Ctrl+ , Ctrl+ : bopr

    Ctrl + Home : bof

    Ctrl +End : eof

    Shift +Shift +

    Shift +

    Shift +

    Shift +

    Shift +

    Shift +

    Ctrl +Pgup : one screen up

    Ctrl +Pgdown : one screen


    Shift + Alt +

    Shift + Alt +

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 18

    Selecting (2)

    Turn on Extend mode on!


    Increase the size of a selection

    F8 (press once to select a word, twice to selecta sentence, and so forth)

    Reduce the size of a selection


    Turn extend mode offESC

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01-Working With Documents


    by Mucahit Biner 19

    Select with mouse What is selection area?

    Left part of the text outside of written text.

    Make a selection


    Select a word

    Double click

    Select a sentence

    Ctrl + click

    Select a line Home , shift + end

    End , shift +home

    Once click in the selection area

    Select a paragraph

    Three times click on the paragraph

    Two time click in the selection area

    Select whole document

    Ctrl + A

    Ctrl + 5 (numpad)

    Edit Select All