chapter 1 communicating in your life business communication

Chapter 1 Communicating in Your Life Business Communication

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Page 1: Chapter 1 Communicating in Your Life Business Communication

Chapter 1Communicating in Your Life

Business Communication

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OBJECTIVESIdentify the elements of business


List purposes of business communication

Identify types of business communication


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The Communication ProcessCommunication – is the process used to

send and interpret messages so they are understood.

Talking with teachers & students, sending e-mail messages, writing a report, and listening to a song are also forms of communication

Communication allows people to fill social needs – to have contact with others.

31.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

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The Communication ProcessMessageSenderReceiverChannelFeedback

41.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

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Senders and receivers are important elements in the communication process.

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The Communication Process- MessageMessage- is an idea expressed by a set of

symbols, such as words or gesturesVerbal symbols- words used in spoken or

written messageA message sent without words is nonverbal

communicationNonverbal symbols- actions or conditions

that express a meaning. Ex – gestures, posture, facial expressions, color and lighting….they add meaning to a message


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The Communication Process- Sender and Receiver Sender- a person who creates and shares a

message.Ex – When you post a comment on Facebook Ex - talk to your friends about what you are

doing this weekend

Receiver- a person who hears, sees, or reads symbols and interprets a message

Ever misinterpret a text message? 6

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The Communication Process- ChannelChannel- the mode or form used to send a

messageTo send messages, people speak and writeTo receive messages, people listen and read


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The Communication Process-Feedback Feedback- the response of a receiver to a


Feedback can be nonverbal (a smile or a thumbs up) or it can be verbal (“Sure, I’ll help you with your homework!”)

Any response – even no response – is feedback


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Quick! Partner activityPair upWith your partner, create a scenario where

you two are using the five elements of the communication process

Don’t forget about non-verbal communication, and written message!

Act out what you came up with!

*Be able to tell us how the elements of the communication process line up with your scenario 9

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Purposes of CommunicationBusiness communication- is sending and

interpreting messages related to products, services or activities of a company or an organization.

Purposes of Communication:Obtain or share informationBuild goodwill and imagePersuadeBuild relationships and

self-esteem 10People communicate in meetings to share information.

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Obtain or Share InformationInformation is one of the most valuable

resources people and companies have


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Build Goodwill and ImageGoodwill – a positive feeling or attitude

toward others. When others feel good toward you or a

company, they are more likely to share information, grant requests you make, or offer support in other ways


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PersuadeTo persuade means to convince others to

adopt an opinion or take a certain action When was the last time you tried to persuade

someone to do something?


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Build Relationships and Self-EsteemPeople have various types of relationships

with othersCommunicating effectively helps build those

positive relationships


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Types of Business CommunicationFormal and informal communication

Formal – Email to a bossInformal – Chatting with employees around the

water jug. Sometimes called the “grapevine” Communication direction

DownwardLateral or horizontalUpward

151.1 The Communication Process and Its FormsCommunication among peers is called

lateral communication.

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Types of Business CommunicationWritten and oral communication

- Written communication is often the best channel for a message for these reasons:

1. Written messages provide a record of information exchanged. Ex – a price quoted in a written bid

2. The message can be revised until logical and clear

3. A written message allows the receiver to read the message and refer to it as many times as necessary.

161.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

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Types of Business CommunicationWritten and oral communication

Oral communication – Of all types of communication, oral

communication is the fastest. Provides immediate feedback to the sender.

171.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

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Protecting Confidential Information

Confidential information is data that should be kept private or secret

Examples: Patient health recordsEmployee salariesPlans for a new product

Employees should not share confidential data with people who are not authorized to have it

181.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

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1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers p. 11Communication barriers – things or

conditions that interfere with communication

External communication barriers – conditions outside the receiver and the sender that hinder communication Poor lighting, heat or cold, and noiseDocument appearanceClosed communication climate


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1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers p. 11Internal communication barriers –

Conditions within a receiver and sender that hinder communication Educational background, experiences, and

biasesLack of interest or motivation

201.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

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Overcoming BarriersThe sender’s duties

Audience analysisMessage environmentSymbol and channel selectionSeeking feedback

211.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

The message environment affects how listeners receive a message.

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Audience AnalysisAudience analysis- the process used to

create a profile of the intended receivers of a messageAll receivers are different, unique individualsHowever, receivers can share common traits or


Have you ever wanted to give someone news but they were in a bad mood so you waited?


Audience Profile Questions

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Message EnvironmentMessage environment – refers to the

physical and social setting in which a message is sent or received. Being aware of the environment can help you

overcome barriers


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Overcoming BarriersThe receiver’s duties

Reading – the process of seeing and interpreting written words and other symbols.

Listening – the process of hearingfocusing attention to understand anoral message.

241.2 Overcoming Communication BarriersReaders should select a quiet location

that is free from distractions.

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Checking UnderstandingReading skills are important for success

At schoolOn the jobIn personal activities

Paraphrasing is a good way to check your understanding of a message

251.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

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1.3 Reading in the workplaceObjectives:

Explain why reading is important for the workplace

Describe ways reading is used in the workplacePractice strategies to improve reading skills


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Importance of ReadingReading and the job search

Lets check it out –


USAJOBS is the official job site of the U.S. government.

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Importance of ReadingReading on the job

Staying informedFollowing proceduresHandling transactionsProviding customer serviceMaking decisions and

solving problems

281.3 Reading in the Workplace

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Workers must read orders and packing slips.

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Improving Reading SkillsTypes of reading

Skimming – looking over material quickly to locate specific data

Scanning- is an attempt to get a basic understanding of the objectives and the important points of the material you are going to read.

Careful reading – is used when trying to understand and remember the material that is read.

Improving speed and comprehension291.3 Reading in the Workplace

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Free Reading Tests


Free reading tests are available onlineSearch for speed reading testQuestions

1. What is your reading speed as shown by the free online test?

2. How does your score compare with the speeds discussed in the text?

1.3 Reading in the Workplace

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audience analysisbusiness communicationchannelcommunicationcommunication barriersconfidential informationexternal communication barriersfeedbackgoodwillgrapevine

internal communication barrierslistening messagemessage environmentnonverbal symbolsreadingreceiverscanningsenderverbal symbols

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Audience Profile Questions

321.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

What is the age and gender of the receiver? Does the receiver have experience or education

related to the topic? What are the concerns and needs of the receiver? What are the beliefs and viewpoints of the

receiver? Will the message make the receiver happy? sad?

pleased? upset?