chapter 1 - introduction to aquatic pollution

Dr. Ong Meng Chuan School of Marine Science & Environment Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

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Aquatic Pollution


  • Dr. Ong Meng Chuan

    School of Marine Science & Environment

    Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Aquatic Pollution

    Aquatic Pollution | MMS 3202 2


    What make the EARTH different with other planets?

    Answer: WATER

    Water is essential for life and the most precious substances.

    Human can survive for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

    Marine and aquatic environments are the homes for a diverse array of organisms.

    Without water, these organisms would not survive.

    Water also is needed for agriculture, industry, transportation and a host of other

    human uses.


    Nearly all the worlds water is the OCEANS.

    Only about 0.02% of the worlds water is in a form accessible to human and

    organisms that rely on fresh water.

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    Clean drinking water and basic sanitation are

    necessary to prevent communicable diseases and to

    maintain a healthy life.

    For many of the worlds poorest people, one of the

    greatest environmental threats to health remains the

    continued use of polluted water.

    EXAMPLE : Mali 88% of the population lacks clean

    water; Ethiopia 94%.

    More than 2/3 of the worlds households have to fetch

    water from outside the home.


    Simple definition :

    Environmental damage cause by wastes discharged into aquatic system

    Complex definition :

    Introduction by human, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into aquatic

    environment (including rivers, lakes, estuaries, seas) which resulting in such

    deleterious effects as :

    o Harmful to living resources

    o Hazards to human health

    o Hindrance to aquatic activities including fishing, impairment of quality for use

    of water and reduction of amenities

    Water pollution is any contamination of water

    with chemicals or other foreign substances

    that are detrimental to human, plant, or

    animal health.

    These pollutants include fertilizers and

    pesticides from agricultural runoff; sewage

    and food processing waste; lead, mercury, and

    other heavy metals; chemical wastes from

    industrial discharges; and chemical

    contamination from hazardous waste sites.

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    Virtually all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans and


    Water pollution may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after

    long term exposure.

    Different forms of pollutants affect the health of animals in different ways

    All the waters in the world are affected by pollution.

    The highest mountain streams have been impacted by acid rain. Pollutants are

    added from these mountains starting points and spread throughout the watershed

    to areas where the rivers flow into the sea.

    Lakes, groundwater, and wetlands are all affected by either point or nonpoint source


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    Litter left behind or carelessly tossed away chemicals such as

    pesticides and fertilizers, and oil-based products seeping into

    the watersheds from industry and pleasure vehicles all

    impact marine and aquatic environments.

    Runoff from highways, parking lots, city streets, bridges, and

    heavily populated coastal areas is washed into nearby

    watersheds and adds its detrimental effects to the ecosystem.

    Until approximately fifty years ago, most pollution was not

    seen in our oceans, since it was comprised mainly of metal

    and glass, which sink; and paper and cloth, which decay.

    Today, pollution is more visible because many of the

    manufactured objects are made of plastics, which are light-

    weight, strong, and very durable.

    Not only do plastics as they are commonly produced degrade

    slowly, but some animals see plastics as food and ingest them,

    or they become entangled in them. In either case, the result is

    usually death.

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    Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers.

    These are toxic to marine life such as fish and shellfish, and subsequently to the

    humans who eat them.

    Heavy metals can slow development; result in birth defects and some are


    Industrial waste often contains many toxic compounds

    that damage the health of aquatic animals and those who eat


    Some of the toxins in industrial waste may only have a mild

    effect whereas other can be fatal.

    They can cause immune suppression, reproductive failure or

    acute poisoning.

    Microbial pollutants from sewage often result in infectious

    diseases that infect aquatic life and terrestrial life through

    drinking water.

    Microbial water pollution is a major problem in the

    developing world, with diseases such as cholera and typhoid

    fever being the primary cause of infant mortality.

    Organic matter and nutrients causes an increase in aerobic

    algae and depletes oxygen from the water column.

    This causes the suffocation of fish and other aquatic


    Sulfate particles from acid rain can cause harm the health of

    marine life in the rivers and lakes it contaminates, and can

    result in mortality.

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    Suspended particles in freshwater reduces the quality of

    drinking water for humans and the aquatic environment

    for marine life.

    Suspended particles can often reduce the amount of

    sunlight penetrating the water, disrupting the growth of

    photosynthetic plants and micro-organisms.

    Not all pollution are harming to the environment especially in the ocean.

    Some pollution might be benefiting the marine ecosystem.

    NUTRIENT : discharged (certain dose / concentration) especially from river can act

    as fertilizer for the aquatic plants.

    Somehow, in high concentration, this contaminant can harm marine organisms as

    well as aquatic plants.


    POLLUTANT : Substances which are toxic to aquatic organisms and human.

    If the concentration is low in the water, it may not be toxic. When it approaches to

    certain level, it become toxic and may kill the organisms.

    Two types of pollutants in our modern society :

    Introducing substances which are already presence in the aquatic ecosystem such as

    chemical nutrients (P and N)

    Introducing substance which are new to the environment such as radioactive wastes,

    detergents and pesticides

    AMBIENT LEVEL ( Background Level )

    o Natural occurring level found in the environment.

    o Ambient water DO in Redang Island is 5 mg/L and ambient concentration of

    ammonium is 0.05 M


    o Level of concentration is higher than ambient level but no obvious deteriorate

    effect is found on the organisms or environment.

    o Water DO in Redang Island decreases to 4 mg/L and ammonium increases to 0.2


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    o Level of concentration is much higher than ambient level. It causes harmful

    effects (mortality or disease) to the organisms or bad effect to the environment.

    o Water DO of Redang Island decreases to 2 mg/L and ammonium increases to 5



    Various types of pollutants can be identified as followed :

    Disposal of domestic sewage, industrial and agriculture waste.

    Deliberate and operation discharge of shipborne pollutants.

    Interference with the marine environment from the

    exploration and exploitation of marine material.

    Disposal of radioactive waste from the uses of nuclear energy.

    Military use for the ocean


    Biodegradable Wastes

    o Degraded in natural process / can be broken down microorganism or other

    living things.

    o Oxidative process and ultimately break down organic compounds to stable

    inorganic compounds such as CO2 , H20 and NH3.

    o EXAMPLE :

    Urban sewage

    Agricultural waste

    Food processing waste


    Non-Biodegradable Wastes / Conservative Wastes

    o Most of this poison either non-degradable or degrade only very slowly in the

    natural environment.

    o Non-degradable pollutant not only accumulate but are often biologic magnified

    as they move in biochemical cycle and long food chain.

    o EXAMPLE :

    aluminum cans, mercurial salts, long chain chemical and DDT.

    Heavy metals ; mercury, copper, lead, zinc

    Halogenated hydrocarbons; DDT chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, PCBs

    polychlorinated biphenyls

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    Solid Wastes

    o Inert solid wastes include litter (man-made plastics, polythene containers nylon

    ropes, fishing gear, polystyrene).

    o Plastic is a large amount and danger of solid waste. Plastic is not biodegradable.

    Sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and die from internal blockages.

    o EXAMPLE :

    Dredging spoil

    Mining waste

    Industrial waste ; powdered ash (fly ash) from power stations and clay waste


    Two sources of pollutants

    o Point sources

    o Non-point sources

    Point sources

    Point sources of pollution occur when harmful substances are emitted directly into a

    body of water.

    Refers to the discharge of pollutants from a discernible (identified), confined, and

    discrete conveyance such as a pipe, conduit, channel, or tunnel. (Sewage pipes, open

    forest burning, factories effluents.)

    Oil spill best illustrates a point source water pollution

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    Non-point sources / Diffused sources

    Non-point source delivers pollutants indirectly through environmental changes.

    Non-point type is when fertilizer from a field is carried into a stream by rain, in the

    form of run-off which in turn effects aquatic life

    Pertains to the input of pollutants from dispersed, diffuse, and uncontrolled sources

    such as general surface runoff, groundwater seepage, and atmospheric fallout. (Acid

    rains, haze, particles in the air)


    Direct Outfalls

    o The most obvious inputs of material to the sea are through pipes discharging

    directly into it.

    o Urban and industrial wastes discharged directly into the estuary without

    treatment became foul, stinking.

    o Coastal mariculture direct input of unconsumed feed, fish excrete, pesticides to

    inshore waters.

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    River Inputs

    o River flow via their estuaries to the sea.

    o Organic wastes organic load entering the sea from upstream.

    o Pesticides and fertilizer from agriculture and forestry washed off by rain.

    o Petroleum and oil washed from roads by rain enter the sewerage system and

    storm water carry them into rivers and to the sea.


    o Ships carry many toxic substances (oil, liquefied natural gas, pesticides,

    industrial chemicals ).

    o Shipwrecks and accidents at sea may release these substances Oil tanker


    o Oily ballast water and bilge water and cargo tank washings.

    Offshore inputs

    o A verity of material is dumped at sea in designated dumping grounds.

    o Dredging spoil from shipping channels particularly from industrialized estuaries

    may contain heavy metals and other contaminants barged out to sea and


    o Offshore industrial activities oil exploration and minerals mining

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    Atmospheric inputs

    o Discharges to the atmosphere are returned to the land or the sea in rain or if

    particulate in nature as fallout.

    o Gaseous wastes dissolve directly in the sea at its surface.

    o Vehicle exhausts containing leaded petrol.

    o Volcanic activity and burning fossil fuels (coal) input of mercury.


    The major pollutants in Malaysia are :

    Domestic Sewage

    o Nutrient (N & P) loading to the rivers, estuaries and coastal waters cause

    eutrophication and Red-Tides organisms toxicity.

    o Heavy metals, oil and suspended particles Toxicity to organisms especially to

    benthic organisms.

    o Pathogenic microorganisms outbreak of human diseases.

    Siltation (Suspended particles)

    o Suffocate organisms especially to the benthic organisms

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    Industrial Wastes

    o Heavy metals, organic solvents, toxic organic and inorganic chemicals, acids and


    o Some of them are highly toxic to aquatic organisms.

    o They will cause high mortality to organisms and contaminated the foodchains.

    Agriculture Wastes (Pesticides & Nutrients)

    o Pesticides are the most toxic chemicals especially to fish.

    o The short-term and long-term effects of pesticides will cause great damage to

    our aquatic resources.

    Petroleum hydrocarbons

    o Hydrocarbons especially its aromatic fractions are high toxic to organisms and

    the oil contaminated seafoods may cause cancer to consumers.