chapter 1-overview of hr

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  • 8/6/2019 CHAPTER 1-Overview of HR




    Overview of Human Resources


  • 8/6/2019 CHAPTER 1-Overview of HR




    Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an

    organization that focuses and involving main functions such as

    human Resources Planning, recruitment and selection, training anddevelopment, career development, performance appraisal

    management, compensation management, industrial relationship,

    occupational safety and health

    Human Resource Management is the organizational function that

    deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring,performance management, organization development, safety,

    wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,

    administration, and training.

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    & HRM Organizational structure is a formal system of job relationship that

    coordinates employees to achieve a company's goals.

    Organizations can be regarded as people management systems.They range from simple hierachies along traditional lines to complex

    networks dependent on computer systems and telecommunications.

    Human resource managers can encourage organizations to adopt

    strategies (for their structures) which foster both cost-effectivenessand employee commitment.

    Organizational structures can be classified into a number of types,

    including functional, divisional, matrix, federations and networks.


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    1. The Organizational ChartAn organizational chart shows how departments, divisions, and various levels of an organizationinteract with each other. An organizational chart is often expressed as a visual illustration or outline.

    2. Chain of Command

    The importance of organizational structure is to identify who's involved in the decision-makingprocess and how those decisions are actualized.

    3. Distribution of AuthorityThe importance of organizational structure involves determining how a structure is distributingauthority throughout an organization. Important factors must be addressed for an organization toeffectively pursue a goal. For example, (1) Are subordinates involved in the decision making? Or (2)Is decision-making exclusively reserved for a few main authority figures within their department?

    4. Departmentalization

    Organizational structure defines how specific tasks and activities are assigned to their functional

    departments. For example, sale representatives may be grouped within a sales department ordivision


    5. Span of Control

    Span of control defines the number of employees over whom a manager exercises authority.



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    Functional structures

    Early organizational design divided enterprises into relativelysimple parts, splitting them into defined activities such as

    production, marketing or personnel.

    A functional organizational structure groups employees based onthe positions they hold or by the tasks they perform.

    The benefits of structuring employees by common job titles andactivities include better communication between specialists,increased teamwork and shared knowledge, and it allows forquicker decision making.

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    Divisional organizations

    Split into self-contained units, able to react to environmentalchanges as quickly as small companies, they are also describedas multidivisional or 'M-form' organizations.

    A divisional structure can group employees by either product

    divisions, geographic divisions or market divisions.

    The advantages of divisional structures consist of higher qualityproducts and customer service because of specialization,facilitated communication and teamwork within divisions andencouragement of hands-on problem solving.

    In addition, it is easier for upper management to evaluate andreward employees through the increased job accountabilityinherent in divisional organizational structures.

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    One variant of the divisional form which has a particular relevance

    because of its human resource implications is the 'federation', a

    loosely connected arrangement of businesses with a single holding

    company or separate firms in alliance.

    This form of organization has attracted criticism from stock market

    analysts who find difficulty in comprehending its subtle informality.

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    Matrix organizations

    Matrix forms of management can be regarded (arguably) as an earlyform of 'network' structure. They focus on project teams, bringingskilled individuals together from different parts of the organization.

    Individuals were made responsible both to their line manager andthe project manager involved. Before the advent of network

    technology, many matrix organizations were dogged by duplicationand confusion: the 'matrix muddle'.

    Matrix structures group employees by a combination of positionsheld, tasks performed and product divisions. A matrix structureresults in employees having multiple bosses, facilitates productdevelopment through innovation and creativity, improves

    communication and teamwork between divisions and increasesresponsibility and freedom of employees.

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    Field of International human resources

    management broadly covers all issues

    related to the management of people in an

    international context. Hence IHRM covers

    a wide range of human resources issues

    facing Multinational companies in different

    parts of their organization.

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    Multinational companies

    Assuming that the world is the market

    More products on sale at other countries comparing

    to the origin country.

    Supplies, resources, staff, technologies is made onconsidering the worldwide decision aspects.

    Decision making that takes into account local needs

    and demands universal or glocalized.

    Research and product development is appliedwithout taking into account the boundary

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    1. Background of the psychobiological and sociological.

    Background of the workers include culture, ethnic origin, age,gender, religion, national origin, linguistic ability and academicachievement. psychological background is also related to values,

    behavior, attitude and personality workers. they should realize thatthe greater cultural differences between the two countries with theguests their own culture, the more difficult for workers to adapt themin a foreign environment.

    For example employees who are found to have the same culture will

    have high level of confidence in their relationship will be sharingtheir views and problems and the prefer between each other. Thiswill reduce anxiety and uncertainty among employees.

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    2. Efficiency of cross-cultural management in the workplace

    Includes 4 aspects psychological tendencies in an effort to

    understand and appreciate the culture of others:-

    a) Cognitive dimension

    Cognitive dimensions of an employee who is considered foreignwhen in a foreign environment is an important determinant of the

    efficiency of cross-cultural management. this is related to the way

    employees acquire and use knowledge in daily interactions.

    therefore, as a small group at work that have different cultures, an

    employee should be aware of cultural differences within andbetween groups in the organization.

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    b) Behavior dimension

    Rules or norms that regulate social behavior vary between different

    cultures or groups. Therefore, human resource managers need toemphasize the importance of culturally appropriate behavior shows among

    employees in a workplace that is considered foreign to them.

    Dimensions in cross-cultural competence management involves aspects

    of the ability to build relationships individually high. This includes todevelop and maintain a satisfactory relationship between the individual

    employees who are considered foreign, trying to understand their feelings,

    work effectively with them, empathy and accept different social customs.

    Next the ability to communicate effectively. This includes the ability toenter into meaningful dialogue, interaction start, avoid conflict and

    misunderstanding and use different communication styles. They also need

    to develop social skills because its important to the extent necessary to

    implement the important socialization as well as in finishing the work.

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    c) Attitude and personality

    Social skills in mix culture need to be equipped with the rightattitude and personality. Between personality factors and attitudes isthe flexibility, confidence, self-efficiency, openness, motivation,orientation, knowledge, cultural empathy, openness to informationand optimism.

    Development of appropriate attitudes such as above is important ina workplace that is diverse. For example, for minority employees,self-confidence and efficiency is important because withoutconfidence, workers may be at the stereotypes that label put on byothers against himself. Cultural empathy is also important to enablea person appreciate the attitude and behavior dominant group.

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    d) Experience dimension

    Individuals who have experience in outside assignments will be

    easier to adapt to foreign conditions of those who do not have such

    experience. Similarly, individuals who have work experience that

    vary in many places will be more sensitive to various cultures, the

    longer a person is at different workplace the more knowledge he

    can acquire which later reduces uncertainty when interacting with

    individuals of different culture.

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    3. Organizational factor

    Providing a training for minority workers will be able to improve the

    efficiency of cross-cultural management employees. It has been

    proven that the efficiency of cross-cultural workers in a workplace

    that is influenced by various cultural organizations to support the

    level of diversity of the workforce. The higher an organization's

    appreciation of diversity, then, policies, systems and organizational

    structure introduced will lead to more efforts to improve the efficiencyof cross-cultural management

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    Ethnicity is a self-recognition and recognition of certain groups againstothers. It includes features of ethnicity and talent. Ethnic characteristics

    related to matters such as language, customs, beliefs and way of dress,

    physical appearance, attitude and behavior. Ethnicity can affect individual

    interactions. For example there is among individuals who would reject a

    group based on their people and is liked by some other ethnic groups.Ethnicity will influence how other people see things will affect the

    interaction between ethnic culture.

    3. Sosiobiological Background

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    b) Country of origin

    An important factor in predicting the behavior of foreign workerswho treat them in the workplace. Country of origin marking status,

    efficiency, friendship, hostility, level of civic and so forth. Like

    ethnicity, perception of a country affected by stereotypes, prejudices

    and ethnocentrism.

    Relationship that exists between countries that are interconnected

    will also affect the perception of members from these countries. For

    example two countries that befriended, the members are more likely

    to have a positive attitude towards one another. As for the conflict

    would have more likely to have negative perceptions of one another.

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    c) Religion

    Religion which is belief by someone will also affect their adjustmentat work that is considered as foreign place. Individuals may sharethe same culture but have practices and religious beliefs in different.Instead there is among employees who may share the same religionbut different in terms of culture. These differences affect socialinteraction. Strength of religious influence cross-cultural

    competence is dependent on the type of religion, how religious aperson and stereotypes that are placed against the religion ofothers.

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    e) Age

    Age is also an important factor in adjusting to a foreign state.Individuals who are older usually more difficult to adapt to newcultural system. In other words, young workers are more flexible inadapting to new environment. In some communities, the age of aperson in respect of the people in the community. in certaincommunity also, the older the person, the higher their level of sanity

    of mind. In conclusion, the workers have more advantages than theage of young workers in a society that puts the advantage of higherage workers.

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    f) Achievement of academic / professional

    It has been reported that due to the ability to expand

    capacity to learn something new and challenging life,

    education enables individuals to adapt more easily to

    foreign situations. In certain communities, educationalqualifications are valued higher and can be an important

    determinant of social status. Therefore, employees who

    have a high level of education will be more respected

    and have opportunities in high feedback towards social


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    g) Linguistic factors

    It is found that a foreign worker to understand and speak the native

    language of a country will be more effective in carrying out their tasks

    because they would be more acceptable and easier to get

    cooperation. In addition, there are other dimensions of linguistic ability

    should be considered. For example, the language and how languageis used may indicate efficiency, friendship, aggressiveness or a

    measure of social status. Converse using language dominant group is

    important in eliminating cultural barriers and improve cross-cultural

    competence. Attitude to the linguistic ability of an employee is usually

    influenced by the level of ethnocentrism dominant group.