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Chapter 1 Matter & Change

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Chapter 1 Matter & Change

Chemistry is the study of the

composition, structure and

properties of matter, the processes

that matter undergoes, and the

energy changes that accompany

these processes.

There are six main branches of

chemistry. There is overlap

between these branches.

The study of most carbon

containing compounds

Propane, ethanol, alcohols,

fuels, etc

The study of compounds not

containing carbon. Many of these

have organic fragments bonded to

metals (organometallics).

Acids, bases, minerals

The study of the properties and

changes of matter and their relation

to energy

Will a compound explode or melt?

Will something stretch or break?

The identification of the

components and composition of


Does this sample of blood contain

lead or a certain drug?

The study of substances and

processes occurring in living things

Respiration, digestion, amino acids,

molecular genetics all require


The use of mathematics and

computers to understand the

principles behind observed

chemical behavior and to design

and predict the properties of new


A chemical is any substance that

has a definite composition or is

used or produced in a chemical


Basic Research: research carried out

to increase knowledge.

Applied Research: research carried

out to solve practical problems.

Technological Development: uses

existing knowledge to make life

easier or more convenient.


Matter is anything that

has mass and takes up


Mass is the amount of

matter that an object


Mass is the amount of matter

Weight is the force of gravity

on an object

An atom is the smallest unit of

an element that maintains the

chemical identity of that


The building blocks of matter

are atoms and molecules.

An element is a pure substance

that cannot be broken down into

simpler, stable substances and is

made of one type of atom.

The simplest form of matter that

can exist under normal conditions.

A substance that can be broken down

into simple stable substances. Each

compound is made from atoms of two or

more elements chemically bonded.

A molecule is the smallest unit of an

element or compound that retains the

properties of that element or compound

There are two types of properties:

Extensive properties depend on the

amount of matter that is present.Ex: volume, mass, amount of energy

Intensive properties do not depend

on the amount of matter present.Ex: density, melting point, boiling point

A quality or condition of a

substance that can be observed

or measured without changing

the substance’s composition.

Melting point

Boiling point






Matter that is uniform and has

a definite composition is

called a substance

Pure substances = one type of


A quality or condition of a

substance that can be observed

or measured without changing

the substance’s composition.

Melting point

Boiling point










◦Has a definite shape

◦Has a definite volume

◦Does not take the shape of its


◦State that has a definite volume but an

indefinite shape

◦Form of matter that flows

◦Takes the shape of its container

◦Most are incompressible

◦Do expand when they are heated

oState that has neither definite

shape nor volume

oExpand to fill and take the shape

and volume of its container

oAre compressible

oA high-temperature state of

matter in which atoms lose most

of their electrons

oPlasma is found in fluorescent


A physical change is one that alters a

given material WITHOUT changing

its composition, such as:




◦Melting/freezing (change of state)

The ability of a substance to

undergo a changes that transform

it into different substances

◦Chemical properties are only

observed when there is a chemical


Energy change (+ or -)

Color change

Odor change

Solid formed

Liquid formed

Gas formed

A change in which one or more

substances are converted into

different substances is called a

chemical change or a chemical


The substances that react in a

chemical change are called the


The substances that are formed in

the chemical reaction are called

the products.

Two sides to a chemical


The reactants, or the starting


The products, substances that

are formed

The law of conservation of energy:

states that in any physical change or

chemical reaction, mass is neither

created nor destroyed, it is conserved

The mass of the reactants equals the

mass of the products

Are the following pure

substances? Lemonade


Table salt

A mixture is a physical blend of

two or more kinds of matter,

each of which retains its own

identity and properties.

There are two kinds of mixtures:

Heterogeneous: not uniform in


Homogeneous: completely uniform in

composition. “Solution” is the special

name given to homogeneous mixtures.

A pure substance is homogeneous. Pure

substances differ from mixtures in the

following ways:

1. Every sample of a pure substance has

exactly the same properties.

2. Every sample of a pure substance has

exactly the same composition.

Introduction to the

Periodic Table

Each square on the Periodic

Table represents an element.

The square gives the element

symbol, atomic number and

atomic mass.

The vertical columns of the

periodic table are called groups.

The elements in a group have

similar chemical properties.

The horizontal rows of elements

in the periodic table are called


The two sets of elements placed

below the table are called the

lanthanide and actinide series.

Metal: an element that is a good

conductor of heat and electricity

Nonmetal: an element that is a poor

conductor of heat and electricity

Metalloid: an element that has

properties of both metals and


Elements in Group 18 of the

periodic table. These elements

are generally unreactive.