chapter 10 section 3. sundiata mans musa sunni ali askia muhammad

Kingdoms of West Africa Chapter 10 Section 3

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Chapter 10 Section 3.  Sundiata  Mans Musa  Sunni Ali  Askia Muhammad

Kingdoms of West AfricaChapter 10

Section 3

Page 2: Chapter 10 Section 3.  Sundiata  Mans Musa  Sunni Ali  Askia Muhammad

Sundiata Mans Musa Sunni Ali Askia Muhammad

Key Terms

Page 3: Chapter 10 Section 3.  Sundiata  Mans Musa  Sunni Ali  Askia Muhammad

800’s a powerful empire

Rise of Ghana No easy access to

the sea Sahara blocked it Traders learned

how to cross the Sahara

Empire of Ghana

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Traded Gold Copper Salt food

The Rise of Ghana

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600 AD Ghana controlled all trade in salt and gold

Ghana’s king taxed goods

Only kings could own gold nuggets

People could own gold dust

A Trading Partner

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Kept location of mines a secret

Kings lived a lavish lifestyle

Kept trade route free from bandits

Captives sold as slaves to Muslim traders

A Trading Partner

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Fought a long war with a Berber King

1076 Almorvids capture Ghana’s capitol

Did not last long

Ghana’s Decline

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Malinke people 1230 Mali

becomes powerful leader

Sundiata- leader of Mali’s rise to power

Story of his reign in an epic

Mali Empire

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Came to power in 1330

40 million in Mali’s territory

Used large army to control trade

Devout Muslim 1324 went on a

Haji Took 60,000 people

Mansa Musa

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Gave away so much gold the value was reduced

Brought back artists and architects

Build mosques, schools and libraries

City of Timbuktu Was placed on

European maps

Mans Musa

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Weak leaders after Mans Musa

People broke into separate kingdoms

1433 Tuareg captures Timbuktu

The Decline of Mali

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Islam was introduced

1460 rivaled Mali Sunni Ali leader to

take Timbuktu from the Tuareg

Army was cavalry, navy of war canoes

Replaced local leaders with his own leaders

Empire of Songhai

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Ruled for 35 years First Muslim ruler Made pilgrimage to

Mecca Made contact with

traders Trans Saharan

trade back on Enlarged borders

to protect trade

Askia Muhammad

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Hausa city-states 1000-1200 Never unite as an

empire Farming,

manufacturing and trade

Farm labor by slaves Hausa skilled

weavers and dyers

Other West African States

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Lived in same area and spoke similar languages

Produced strong kingdoms

1100 to 1400’s Artistic skills Sculptures of terra

cotta, bronze , brass and copper

Yoruba Kingdom

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Southwest of Yoruba Deep in the forests of

Niger Benin was the capitol 14000’s Ewuare goes

to war Sold slaves to

Portugal Known for their arts Became popular in


Kingdom of Benin