chapter 11 management function and decision making

Chapter 11 Management Function and Decision Making

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Chapter 11

Management Function and Decision Making

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Nature of Management

• Definition: Management is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective us of people and other resources.

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Four Functions of Management

• Planning

• Organizing

• Implementing

• Controlling

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– Analyzing information

–Making decisions

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– Determining how plans can be accomplished most effectively.

– Arranging resources to complete work.

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– Carrying out plans.

– Helping employees work effectively.

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– Evaluating results.

– Determine the company’s objective have been accomplished as planned.

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Management and Non-Management Employees

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–Managers complete all four management functions on a regular basis.

–Managers have authority over other jobs and people.

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Types of Managers

• Supervisor

• Mid-Manager

• Executive

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• Typically first (or beginning) level of management in a company.

• Main job is to work directly with employees.

• Often have many non-managerial activities to perform.

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• Completes all of the management functions, but usually spends most of the time on one management function.

• Usually responsible for a specific part of the company’s operations.

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• Top-level manager who spend almost all of her or his time on management functions.

• Usually have other managers reporting directly to them.

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The Supervisors Job

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Supervisors Job Traits

• Responsible for:– Planning

• Usually promoted from the area where they work.

• Usually selected from among the most experiences and most skilled workers.

• Responsible for the day-to-day activities of the company’s employees.

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• Need to understand and work with both employees and management.

• Implement the decisions of management.

• Must solve problems and present employee concerns to management.

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Factors outlining effectiveness of a supervisor’s job.

• The quality of work of the supervised employees.

• Effective use of company resources.

• The satisfaction of supervisor’s employees.

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Responsibilities of Supervisors

– Communicate the goals and directions of management to employees.

– Explain employee concerns and ideas to management.

– Evaluate and improve employee performance.

– Encourage employees to do their best work.

– Use resources efficiently.

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Day-to-day Management

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– Identify the task to be done.

– Use of work schedules

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– Identify the timeframe for completion of each task. • Determine what work need to be done.

• Set priority for work.

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Implementing and Controlling

– Ensure work is completed properly and on time.

– Communicate with employees and managers.

– Oversee execution of work.

– Oversee quality control.

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Improving Supervisory Skills

• Rely on employees to do their job.

• Help employees grow in their job skills.

• Take advantage of training programs.

• Use of mentor programs.

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Using Management Information

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Business Research

– Conducted to aid in decision making.

–Most business research is done by the business itself.

– Some companies use research centers and faculty in universities.

–Most companies will use trade and professional organizations.

– Companies may also use research organizations or individual consultants.

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Decision Making

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Problems and Decision Making

• Generally a problem is a difficult situation requiring a solution.

• Problems usually do not have one single solution.

• A supervisor’s or manager’s job is to find the best possible solution for the problem.

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Steps in problem solving

• Identify the problem.– Manager must recognize that the problem exists.

» Managers must review plans and performance regularly.

» Managers must recognize evidence of a problem rather then ignore it.

» It is better to review symptoms and determine that there is no problem than to wait until problems are so bid they are difficult to correct.

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Manager must be careful to identify the problem, and NOT identify a symptom

as the problem.

• Determine possible solutions.– Managers must list all possible solutions.

» Managers should not overlook any reasonable solutions.

» Use techniques such as brainstorming, input from employees, other managers, outside experts, past solutions, etc…

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Analyze the solutions.

– Study each possible solution carefully.

– Reduce the number for possible solutions to the best two or three.

– Study each solution thoroughly and objectively.

– Study strengths as weaknesses.

– Compare solutions and classify in some way.

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Select the best solution.

– After the best possible solution is chosen a manger needs to implement the solution.

– Monitor the results of the decision and be prepared to make changes if the problem is not corrected.