chapter 20 section 3 african americans seek greater equality african americans seek greater equality...

Chapter 20 Section 3 Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater African Americans Seek Greater Equality Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto segregation exists by De facto segregation exists by practice, custom; problem in North practice, custom; problem in North (Segregation still occurs although (Segregation still occurs although not permissible by law). not permissible by law). De jure segregation is segregation De jure segregation is segregation required by law required by law

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Page 1: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3

African Americans Seek Greater African Americans Seek Greater EqualityEquality

Northern SegregationNorthern Segregation De facto segregation exists by De facto segregation exists by

practice, custom; problem in North practice, custom; problem in North (Segregation still occurs although not (Segregation still occurs although not permissible by law).permissible by law).

De jure segregation is segregation De jure segregation is segregation required by lawrequired by law

Page 2: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3

1960s, most urban blacks live in 1960s, most urban blacks live in slums; landlords ignore ordinancesslums; landlords ignore ordinances

Black unemployment twice as high Black unemployment twice as high as whiteas white

Many blacks angry at treatment Many blacks angry at treatment received from white police officersreceived from white police officers

Urban Violence EruptsUrban Violence Erupts

Page 3: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Mid-1960s, numerous clashes between white authority, Mid-1960s, numerous clashes between white authority,

black civilians and many result in riotsblack civilians and many result in riots Many whites baffled by African-American rageMany whites baffled by African-American rage Blacks want, need equal opportunity in jobs, housing, Blacks want, need equal opportunity in jobs, housing,

educationeducation Money for War on Poverty, Great Society redirected to Money for War on Poverty, Great Society redirected to

Vietnam WarVietnam War New Leaders Voice Discontent and African-Americans New Leaders Voice Discontent and African-Americans

show Solidarityshow Solidarity Nation of Islam, Black Muslims, advocate blacks Nation of Islam, Black Muslims, advocate blacks

separate from whites and believe whites are the source separate from whites and believe whites are the source of black problemsof black problems

Malcolm X—controversial Muslim leader, speaker; gets Malcolm X—controversial Muslim leader, speaker; gets much publicity, urges blacks to separate from white much publicity, urges blacks to separate from white societysociety

He frightens whites, moderate blacks; and is resented He frightens whites, moderate blacks; and is resented by other Black Muslimsby other Black Muslims

Pilgrimage to Mecca changes Malcolm X’s attitude Pilgrimage to Mecca changes Malcolm X’s attitude toward whitestoward whites

Malcolm X is killed in 1965 while giving speechMalcolm X is killed in 1965 while giving speech

Page 4: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Malcolm XMalcolm X

Page 5: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3

Black PowerBlack Power CORE, SNCC become more CORE, SNCC become more

militant; SCLC pursues militant; SCLC pursues traditional tacticstraditional tactics

Stokely Carmichael, head of Stokely Carmichael, head of SNCC, calls for Black Power:SNCC, calls for Black Power:

African Americans control own African Americans control own lives, communities, without lives, communities, without whiteswhites

Page 6: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Black PanthersBlack Panthers Black Panthers fight police brutality, want Black Panthers fight police brutality, want

black self-sufficiencyblack self-sufficiency Preach ideas of Mao Zedong; have violent Preach ideas of Mao Zedong; have violent

confrontations with policeconfrontations with police Provide social services in ghettos, win Provide social services in ghettos, win

popular supportpopular support 1968—A Turning Point in Civil Rights1968—A Turning Point in Civil Rights King’s DeathKing’s Death King objects to Black Power movement, King objects to Black Power movement,

preaching of violencepreaching of violence Seems to sense own death in Memphis Seems to sense own death in Memphis

speech to striking workersspeech to striking workers Is shot, dies the following day, April 4, 1968Is shot, dies the following day, April 4, 1968

Page 7: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Black PanthersBlack Panthers

Page 8: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Martin Luther King’s assasinationMartin Luther King’s assasination

Page 9: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3

Reactions to King’s DeathReactions to King’s Death King’s death leads to worst King’s death leads to worst

urban rioting in U.S. historyurban rioting in U.S. history Over 100 cities affectedOver 100 cities affected Robert Kennedy assassinated Robert Kennedy assassinated

two months latertwo months later

Page 10: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Legacy of the Civil Rights MovementLegacy of the Civil Rights Movement Causes of ViolenceCauses of Violence Kerner Commission names racism as Kerner Commission names racism as

main cause of urban violencemain cause of urban violence Civil Rights GainsCivil Rights Gains Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits

discrimination in housingdiscrimination in housing More black students finish high More black students finish high

school, college; get better jobsschool, college; get better jobs Greater pride in racial identity leads Greater pride in racial identity leads

to Black Studies programsto Black Studies programs

Page 11: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3

More African-American participation More African-American participation in movies, televisionin movies, television

Increased voter registration results in Increased voter registration results in more black elected officialsmore black elected officials

Unfinished WorkUnfinished Work Forced busing, higher taxes, Forced busing, higher taxes,

militancy, riots reduce white supportmilitancy, riots reduce white support White flight reverses much progress White flight reverses much progress

toward school integrationtoward school integration

Page 12: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3Chapter 20 Section 3 Unemployment, poverty higher Unemployment, poverty higher

than for whitesthan for whites Affirmative action—extra effort to Affirmative action—extra effort to

hire, enroll discriminated groupshire, enroll discriminated groups 1960s, colleges, companies doing 1960s, colleges, companies doing

government business adopt policygovernment business adopt policy Late 1970s, some criticize policy Late 1970s, some criticize policy

as reverse discriminationas reverse discrimination

Page 13: Chapter 20 Section 3 African Americans Seek Greater Equality African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation Northern Segregation De facto

Chapter 20 Section 3 Quiz• 1.) What is segregation that happens by practice

and not by law?• a.) De Facto Segregation• b.) De Jure Segregation• c.) Civil Rights Segregation

• 2.) Where did a lot of the African Americans live in the ‘60’s?

• _________________________________________

• 3.) What did Civil Rights legislation do for African Americans

• a.) It reduced the amount of discrimination they had to face

• b.) It eliminated the amount of discrimination they had to face

• c.) It did not change the amount of discrimination they had to face

• 4.) Name a controversial civil rights leader that believed in African Americans

• separating from the whites?• a.) Thurgood Marshall• b.) Malcolm X• c.) Martin Luther King Jr.

• 5.) Martin Luther King agreed with Malcolm X?• a.) Very True• b.) Not True• c.) Somewhat true

• 6.) What year was Malcolm X assassinated?• a.) 1965• b.) 1963• c.) 1968

• 7.) What was the group called that believed that African Americans should control

• their own lives, without help?• a.) X Generation• b.) Black Panthers• c.) Black Spiders

• 8.) Martin Luther King’s assassination was a turning point in the Civil Rights

• Movement?• a.) Very True• b.) Somewhat True• c.) Not True at all

• 9.) What did King’s death lead to?• a.) The worst rural rioting in U.S. history• b.) An end to the Civil Rights movement• c.) The worst urban rioting in U.S. history

• 10.) In how many cities did rioting occur?• a.) Over 100• b.) Under 100• c.) Just in the South