chapter 3: factories and machinery act 1967

b1'.)oJiila !'eugrau 20 ) l) FAJAR INTERNATI ONAL CO LLEGE CCURSE TITLE: OSH LEGISLATION (OSH ro+) TOPIC: FACTORIES AND MACHiNERY ACT 1967 DAY z WITH REGULATIONS * a-*$ Learning Outcomes B1'the end of this ropic, understand; you should be able to ,. The objective of FMA ,. 6 parts of arrangement :. The r5 regulations under FMA ,o 4 regulations reiated to health h\ .lofitrr P!r'lirur, 20 l(i abs Introduction Rapid industrial growth in the country has brought in q need to pay considerable attention to the hazardous effects arising out of the worl<ing of factories on the sociely as a r.r'hole, so the Act, apart from providing for the health and safety and welfare of the worlcers in the factories in now also concerned about the heaith and safety of those living in the viciniry and environments. hl .lofin! Pengirun, 2010 Objectirre FMA, an act to provide for the colitrol of factories with respect to matters relating to the safety, health and welfare of persons therein, the registration and inspections of machinery and for matters connected therewith. h\ .l0llnr Pencirnn. 2(ll{l * &s Application o OSHA 1994 supersedes the FMA t967 in the event of any conthct o FMA 1967 applies to mainly factories and construction sites s FMA and OSFIA - enabling act (give power to minister to gazette detail regulations) a Contains son'-- general provision on safety, health and welfare c FMA - scope of the act limited to manufacturing industry, mining and quarrying and construction c Acts do not contain detail provisions on specific ntatters r: Detail provisions are stipulated under the regulatior-is. b\ J0[inn Pcngirxn, lllll] a t Arrqngemerrt FMA 1967 divided into 6 parts: Part r Preiiminary Part z Safety, health and welfare Part 3 Persons-in-charge and cerLificates of coml)etency Part 4 Notification of accidents, dangerou: cccurrence and dangerous diseases Part 5 Notice of occupation of factory and registration and use of machinery Part 6 General

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Lecture notes for OSH Legislation (OSH 104) prepared by Ms. Jofina Pengiran for the Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health at Fajar International College


Page 1: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

b1'.)oJiila !'eugrau 20 ) l)






*a-*$ Learning Outcomes

B1'the end of this ropic,understand;

you should be able to

,. The objective of FMA,. 6 parts of arrangement:. The r5 regulations under FMA

,o 4 regulations reiated to health

h\ .lofitrr P!r'lirur, 20 l(i

abs Introduction

Rapid industrial growth in the country has brought in q

need to pay considerable attention to the hazardouseffects arising out of the worl<ing of factories on thesociely as a r.r'hole, so the Act, apart from providing forthe health and safety and welfare of the worlcers in thefactories in now also concerned about the heaith andsafety of those living in the viciniry and environments.

hl .lofin! Pengirun, 2010


FMA, an act to provide for the colitrol of factorieswith respect to matters relating to the safety,health and welfare of persons therein, theregistration and inspections of machinery andfor matters connected therewith.

h\ .l0llnr Pencirnn. 2(ll{l


&s Application

o OSHA 1994 supersedes the FMA t967 in the event of anyconthct

o FMA 1967 applies to mainly factories and constructionsites

s FMA and OSFIA - enabling act (give power to minister togazette detail regulations)

a Contains son'-- general provision on safety, health andwelfare

c FMA - scope of the act limited to manufacturingindustry, mining and quarrying and construction

c Acts do not contain detail provisions on specific ntattersr: Detail provisions are stipulated under the regulatior-is.

b\ J0[inn Pcngirxn, lllll]

at Arrqngemerrt

FMA 1967 divided into 6 parts:

Part r Preiiminary

Part z Safety, health and welfare

Part 3 Persons-in-charge and cerLificates ofcoml)etency

Part 4 Notification of accidents, dangerou: cccurrenceand dangerous diseases

Part 5 Notice of occupation of factory and registrationand use of machinery

Part 6 General

Page 2: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

_'-J:lDefinition of factory:

(a) There must be premises involved, the boundaries ofwhich can be defined;

(b, Within those premises, there is manual labor going on inconnection with one of the processes specified;

ic) The process must involve the making, altering, repairing,orna'm entin g, fi n ishin g,,cleanin g, wash in g, b real<i n g updemolition or adapting f or sale any article; andi

Itar The processes must be carried on by trade or for gain l

,Oth.. definitions in Part I - building operations, hoisting

lmachine, machinery, steam boiler _---.'--..-''_---.--..-''--lhl Jollnt Poilgir!n, 2ll I 0

rPart z: Safe{, 4Seitbe"4 w4fqe=.

l("y p-ntt,c Premises must be structurally sound with safe access to

worl< areas, materials and goods must be safely stacl<ed(Section ro)

:n Machinery must be of sound construction and dangerousparts must be fenced (section 14, i5 and 16)

n Employees must not misuse safety and health equipment(Section zo)

n Employees not allowed to act in a way that could endanger

. :l:.:"f:.' "tnt-'"t'"' "'1:: T:"1_h),Ionn! Pengirrr, 2tll0


Premises must be kept in c1ean, with adequatework space , ventilation, lighting and toiiets(Section zz)

Persons must be supplied with adequate facilitiesfor clothing, storage, drinking, water, first aid and


washing facilities (section z5)

Employees must be trained on the safety ofmachinery (section z6)

b1 Jofinu Pcngiron,2010

"or -


I(ey points:I n Machine{ operators mustAeadequateiy; trained or under the supervision of a trained

I person (section z6)r--"--- 1------

1o Young persons (<16 years) must not operatei machinery{section z8)




hJ' Jofins Pengirirn, 20t(i

Part 4 : Notification of Accidents, Dangerous

@the tt.^.utt inspector of accidentsi r rls vLsuyrlr rrrqer

iand disease. Accidents include:I n Loss of life

o injury to a person who loses more than 4 ciays work (loss

time injury - LTI)

io Serious damage to machinery or other properly (Section

i i')I lnspectors may investigate accidents and dangerous

loccurrence and hold enquiries into more serious cases1 ,^(Sectron 33/

bl Jofins Pengirtn, 2{11{)

Part 5 : Notice of OccuPation of FactoryUse clf Machinery


lry i


n Notifr Deoarlment o{Occupationalsafety and Healrh(DOSH) within 3 months of rhe intended slan date(section 34)

n Building operations must be notified if last more than 6weelcs (section 35)

s Changes to the use of factory or machinery must benotifiEd to DOSH

a Fills a standard florm together with (a) layout plan.of the.factorv: (b) list of products to be manufactured'; (c) trst otmachines io be us'ed; (d) list of chemicals,.toxic orii;;;b]";ubstances'lo be used and (e) detail flow chartofthe processes

b\ .Jollnr Pengirnil, 2{)11}

Page 3: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

b*'-,# -

L+.& Part 6 : Generai

n General penalry RMzooo.oorn Certain sections is RM5ooo,oo

(section 51)

h1 .lolitr! Prn[ir!n, 201 0


o Scheduie r - Defines dangerous occurrences tomachinery that need to be notifiedSchedule z - Describes the t)/pes of injury thatmay ciassified as "serious bodiiy injury"Schedule 3 - Lists notifiable occupationaldiqeases

b\'.l0llrn Pengirfi tr, 201 l,


Regulation under FMA 1967

The r5 regulations under the Act are as follor,r':


1., Factories ard Machinery (Certificates of Competency -Examinations) Regulations, r97o

lz Fa-cto-ries and Machinery (Electric Passenger and GoodsLift) Regulations, r97o

:r Factorie_s and Machinery (Fencing of Machinery and' Safery) Regulations, r97o

I o. Factories and Machinery (Notification of Fitness andinspections) Regulations, r97o

;5 FactoriesandMachinery(Persons-ln-Charge)Kegulattons, lgTo

6. Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare)*-Je-guJationsreg'7s

bl .lotiM Peogiran, 2010

7: Factgries.and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired pressureVessel) Regulations, r97o8. Factories and Machinery (Administration) Regulations, r97o

9, Factories andMachinerlilCompounding of Offences) Rules, ,


ro. Factories and Machinery (Compounding of Offences)Regulations, r978

rr. Factories and Machineries (Lead) Regulations, :.984Factories and Machineries (Asbestos Process) Regularions, 1986Factories and Machinery (Building Operarions and Worlcs ofEngineering Construction) (Safery) RLgulations, 1986Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations, 1989Factories and Machinerl, (Mineral Dust) Regulations, 1989

o Set up the frameworl< for the certificated of comoeteno,requrred under Factories and Machinery (Persons-ln- 'Charge) Regulations

n Laid down Dre-requisire for the aoplication for acertificate cif comiietency and the ixamination procedure

o All certificates of competency have reqqirem"nts fo,experience and an examinatibn pass bifore rhey can begranted

, o Certificales of competency can be suspended or cancelledif the holder is medically unfit or in cise of seriousmisconduct or if judger unfit after an enquiry is a court

iFactories and Machinery (Certificates ofCompetency - Examinations) Regulations, i9f o _

b\ Jofira lenlrrar. 2tl](l

Factories and Machinery (Electric Passenger i

d-GoodrHfr)-Re gu'lati on q 19 7

o Ali *"tf,ri"gm,"-.hEd ltft*gappliances (puiley and chain blocks) have a manufactuier'scertificate specif ing safe worl<ing load with design drau'ing l

and load calculationso Apply to lifts that are use to carry persons including goods

liftra Ownei to provide detail design to obtain approval fromi DOSH (Regul.rtion 6)

io Capacity of a lift is based on lift car floor area anC displayed, clearly on each lift car (Regulation 7)

h\ Jollr! Pcilglrari. 2{, I 0

Page 4: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

Specifications for the following components of a liftsystem ;

- Machines room (Regulation 9)- Lift well (Regulation ro)

I Landing doors (Regulations rz and r3)

- Lift car (Regulation r4 to r9)- Suspension system (Regulation zo-29)


a Juties,of lift owner to maintain Iift (r monthly, inspections and monthly service by iompeten't person)o Enter derails of all inspections and maintenance activitiesI in the register for each iift (Regulation 3r)I n Owner must display certificate of registration in the lift

car s r-at-tlre$edsrn-ofthelan din gJEe-gg1aLion34-by Jofina Pengrran, 2010

and Machinery (Notification of :


lionq, r97o- I

a Details ofnotification, certificate offitness and inspecrions carriedout by DOSH

Part r

o Snecifu the forms that nrust be used ro noti6, the DOSH oflicer oI a

n'er, oicupancv of a facton', rhe start of buililine rvork, the insrallationof cenain^nrachinery and fhe notificarion ofacc-idents and diseases,


1".!t --,- . :

o Desctibei rhe cenilicate of fitness thar nlusi Ue neta for sream boilers,-' -I UPV and hoisting machines


r o Certificate of fitness is valid for 15 nronths fion-r the date of inspection i

(Regularion ro)


- ttr.,*-"r, *""",

. Part 3c Governs the inspection of factory or machinery by DOSH


by.lofina Pengirar. 201!

, o Factorvand machinerv insoecreci at resular intervais (rsrnontht but up to 16 months ar the disZrerion of DOSK

I Resulation rr'.)

Factorvand machlnerv lnsDecled at resular rntervals (15

rnontht but up to 16 months ar the disZrerion of DOSKoReeulation raJKegulauon 14J

n DOSH give advance notice of the inspection !o the occupiern Occupier prepare machinery for the inspectiontr Factory oI machinery not c.omp.lying with regulations mayn Factorv or machinerv not comnivins wirh resuiarions mav

resuir in DOSH issuing a directi6n f6 improrie the siruati6n' (Regulation z7)o Stoo work notice mav be issued for machinerv without a

curient certificate of"fitness (Regularion z8)

: Part 4] a lnspection lees charged by DOSHI


##I Factories and Machinery (Fencing of I*** Machinery and Safety R uiation, ry7o)


i r Safeguarding of machinerytr Ali dangerous parts of machine including the,


l - power soureeafid transmission'must be guarded-

la Describe methods for guarding various parts ofmachine:

i - Part z : Prime mover (power source)

i - e".t3:Transmission machineryI - Part4: Driven machinery

I Part 4 specimachinery:


les t rgu ng nt rypes

- Abrasive and grinding machinery- Machinery using rolls- Saws- Pianers- Spindle rnoulders- Grooving and tenoning machine- Chain-mortice machine- Mixers- Centrifuges- Presses- Guiliotines- Conveyors

Lrr' .lofina Pergirau l0l 0

Other rnachines must also be securely fenced

Other form of guarding - switches and interlocks

Workers trained in the operation of certaindangerous machines and aware of the danger ofsuch machines

Six schedules gives furthel specification for thematerials and dimensions of machine guards

;a ltrrewlt-. : )ltr

Page 5: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

n Spe b' pets@n *uchi"ery;requrre certrlrcate oI competenc), lncludlng:- Steam boiler- Steam engine- Internal combustion engine- Dredge

r Steam boiler include UPV with steam connectedto it

n Steam boiler and stearn ensine reouire steamboiier d river's certifi c ate o f

"c o mp et'en cy for

smailer boiiers (<zooo sq ft heating suiface)b] .iol'rnr Pengrtur, ?0lti

I Hoistins machines

b1 .lohna Pengiro,2010

lr Flammable and dangerous liquids.must beieiurely sto-res a.nd flrecautiohs takeSr against fire andexplosibn (Reguiations 14 to t7, zt,zz)

n Materiais and finished goo.ds musr be,securely storedand precautions taken Sgainst fire and explosion(Regulattons 19, 20)

n Spec-ifiqations are laid dou'n for cleaning of surfacesifiside factory (Regulation z3)

I Lishtins, ventilation and climate requirements are allde"tailed ( Regulati on s z 4-zg)

:n Worki-ng clolhes and protective equipment(Regulafion 3z)

n Welfare facilities such as toilets, drinking \4'ater,r,r'ashing facilities anl n.t:"t1lry1tatio"n 3l:o ,U) _

llt Jofinn Pcngirnn. ?lllll


o L.get Uorter need a" ettgrneeik,ce.iificiie ofcompetency lor sleam borler anci steam engrne(Reguiarion 5)

n iC engines <roo hp need a hoider of iC engine '

dflver s cerf lficaten Larger IC engine need a holder of an IC engine

englneer's certificate in chargen Dredge operated by steam or IC engine must have a

persoi who holds in engineer's (stiam) certificate ofcompetency or an engin-eer's (lC engine) cerrificare ofcompetencl' or dreigemaster s certthcate ofcompetency (Regulation 7)

b\ .loiinii Ircrgrrari, 2Ult,

i3.r )}-!*il.:g

e;# Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health:'''{/ii: and Welfare) Regulations, tgTo

io Deal with factory premises and various safeq', health andwelfare requirements

:n Key'points:: r: Sale means of access and safe place of employment, provision



o All stairways and floors must be of good construction andproperly mainlained; ladders must be of adequate constructionand maintained in a sound condition (Regulations 9 to tr)

oPersonsmustbepIoteCtedfromfailsofmorethanrofeetbythe use ofsafery belts or ropes (Regulation rz)

o Adequate protection are necessary before working inside a

confined space (Regulation r3)

hl Joltnr Pungirnn, 2{ll0


Four schedules of the regulations:i,. First Scheduie - specifl, classes of factories that

do not need internal surfaces white washed l

: everf rz mOnths; )

',. Second schedule - describes the level of lighting i

required in diff'erent parts of the factory I

,3 Third schedule - lists work activities that need l

.y. protection or Protective screens i

4. Fourth schedule - contents of first aid box

Page 6: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

*$T*t.t" il.r *td'" - " -lJRffie d p r e s s u r e rr e s s e l)_REETi1 afi ons, 19-76-ll

lPart r General Conditionsrn Describes condition for obtaining permission flomI DOSH before a sream boiler or unfired pressureI vessel (UPV) is manufactured or importedra DOSH may accept the design and operation details ofr the item an issue an authorized safe working pressure

, i- (swP)-

in Steam boilers and UPV (autoclaves, complessors,i pressurized storage tanks and gas cylinders) must

comply to codes listed schedules

h1 Jofi nu Prngirsn, 201(l

,Part z Steam Boilers

n Details on safety fittings required on a steamboiler

o Burner system of steam boiler

_ iryt l__llfired Pressure Vessel

n Air receiver, J"r* tEE"]"". a;a-oihGi-UPv

n Essential safety fittings and further specifications

h! Jofinil Pcngirfln, 2{)11)

rPart 4 Miscellaneous Provision- 1r Piping associated with steam boiler

1a Procedure for hydrostatic test before put intoi service and at 7 year intervals

in Registration plate that display registration

i number

b\'.lonns Pengir!n, 2010

$ Factories and Machinery (Adminisuation)'""*"", Regulations, r97o

n Set out the administration by DOSH officer ofFVlle1{regglationsList of fees of charged forin oTficEi's service

Describe the records that must be kept by OSHpersonnel

s DOSH must provide a reporl on theadministration of the Act and regulations to theminister ..r""y_I"-.t

b\ Jofino Pcngirun, 2010

iffiffi t".rories and Machinery (Compounding of Offences)

-qdil. Rules, 1978 and Factories and Machinery (Compounding ofOffences) Rezuiations


F S; ;;"ff.".;;an be compound ed

n Compounding is an agreement to receive of money. from an offender instead of prosecuting himi

;n Describes offences that can be compounded

ln Rules gives procedures to be followed by DOSH fori compounding an offencel


by Joftno Pengirrh, 2(ll0




&kS Factories and Machinery (Building Operations andFl Works of Engineering Construction) (Safety)

Apply to building operation defined as:"the construction, structural aiteration, repair andmaintenance of a' building (includjng re-pairiting, re-


decoration and external clEaning of the stiueture), therdemolition of a buildine, and the"preparation for and the I

laying of the foundation"irf an intendeii building"Works of engineering construction


"...the construction of any railway line or, siding and theconstruction. structural. alteration or reDair (tnciuding re-oointinp and re-oaintine) or the demolition'of anv docl<,harbor," inland' gavigitiqn, tunnel, bridge, Viaduct,\^,aten4,ori(s or gas holder...

b1 Jolina Perrgirrn, 2lll{l

Page 7: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967


. Part lo Regulation applies in addition to an]'other relevant FMA

or regulation,requirements, e.E. certificate of fitness forhoisting machine, guarding oIdangerous parrs ofmachlnery

:o There are 17 parts in the regulation;

Part zi n Desciibes general precautions that should be talcenr Use of PPE, elecLrical safety, lighting, access to

worl<places, storage of materials and disposal of debris,

h\'.lofin! Pengirtn, 2010

Drrt -,.,.),c Precautions to be tal<en in the erection and dismantiing of

formwork for concrete buildings

, Part 4o Salety requirements involved rn the ereclion oIstructur.ri

steel and preocast concrete structul'esa Temporaq,floorings needs to follorn'up the consrrucrion

of a dLeel frame building (Regulation 3b):c, Working in steep roofs (Reguiations 39 to 4r)s Crawling board or roofing bracl<ers must be insralled on

roofs wi[h a slope grearer"than r in 4 (Regulation 4o)

h\ .Lrfi nr Prngirur, 2{)l{l

, Part 6

, n Catch platform erected aiong the exterior faces forI demolition originally more than r2.2 meters in height, o Protect public against falling objects

Part 7

o Chutes for rubbish removal totally enclosed if the anglesexceed 45 degrees from horizontal

n Design and construction of chutes (Regulations 46-49)o Use and inspection of safetl'beks and safety nets

--S*gnt-tions5o-_-f7|-b! Jofinr Pengi rsn, 201{J

; Part 8

1n Runway and ramps for the use of vehicles, worlcers and: barrows (Regulation 58 to 6r)

Part 9

Ladders and step ladders

Securely fixed so that they cannot slip

Ladder access is necessary for all work exceeding r.5

meters in heighr (Regulation 7)

hr Jofinr Pen[irln, 2{}ll)

ffiPart rols Scaffold and their components must be well structured

from suitable and sound material and of adequate' strength

Sufficient materials available to construct the scaffold

Scaffold material properly stored and when not in usekept away from defective materialEvery scaffold properly maintained and accidentaldisplacement must be prevented

Scaffold securely placed or fixed in position

Stability of scaffold - independent, putlog or mobile units(Regulations 76 and 77)

bl Jofi na Pcrgirnn, 2(lll)

n Provision ofbraces, ties, the structural integrity ofthebuilding supporting the scaffold

o Requirement concerning the construction, stabilitl' andfirm base requirements Ior mobile towers

, n Scaffolds inspect weel<ly or after exposure severe weathercondition

n Inspection result entered into register kept on sitec Guard rails are required on scaffolds if persons ma., [a]l


b\ Jofi nr Pengirsn, 2(llll

Page 8: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

Part iira Required precautions for demolition, a Main provisions:

I - wo pan of the building or structure can be allowed to

I become dangerously overloaded with debris- The following work must be done under close

_i _,_ su p q-rylqr_q n -o_{

q S o]lp gt e I ! p_e_r9 9

n -ryith

a d e q u a t e

I experience of worl<

I (a) Demolition of all or part of a building structure(except when there is no foreseeable risk of

, collapse) l

b\ Jofinr Pclgirilr, 2{ll(l

Twisting Demolition of all or part of a building or i

structure where there is a special risl< of collapse ofanything as a result of the demolitionCutting of an reinforced concrete steeiwork or ironworl<forming part of the building or structure being


demolished and before the cutting precautions are to be i

tal<en to prevent g, springing or collapse '

bl Jotfur Pcrrgirnn, ?{ll{,

{5 1

; Part pio Safety in excavation work

- 1 e Excavation shored l.rp-orculbad<lo prevent collapse

] n Guardrails must be installed if excavations exceed j meters ,

i in depth (Regulation u3)

1o Excavation provided with safe access if more than r.z meters' deep (Regulation r:5)1;illPart r3


i n Storage and disposai of building materialsio Safe method stacl<ing bricks. masonry blocks and bags ,

(Regulation rzz)b\'.10fi trs Petrgirtrn, ?010


Part r4a Safety in piling work

io lnspect pile drivinggqg_rpqqllt 4gly by e competent l

i persona Competent person to personally direct the worl< and give: the operatirig signals (Regulati6n rz7)


i Part r5 l

to Explosives must not be hindied or used except by or ;. unfer the immediate control of a competent'perion

.c When explosive are fired, employees must not be exposed

, to risks olinlury from the exp'loiion or flying materiil-e-Ta-kc-stepet+p revent a eeidents-

bv Jolinr Pengiran, 20 l0

ffiPart 16

r n Hand and power tools must be maintained in a safe

1 condition

in Use of hand tools, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, fuei andpower driven equipment


hl Jofi ns Pcngirsn, 2lllll


r Safety Organization on site :

o Main contractor should appoint a part time safery -

supervisor - spend at least r5 hours per weel< on safety. supervisionjo Contractor with more than 20 persons on the sire appoint


: contractor's safery supen'isor - spend at ieast 5 hours perweel< on safely supervision

I o Safety supervisor should. be competent person with at least ]i z yeais experience as a site foreman i

o When so or more persons are employed on constructionsite, th-e main confractor should establlsh a safety

: committeeio Committee consist of a senior member of the main


-eontraeLors-taff, all appoinred-safety-supervisors-aud any--

appointed site wor'l<ers b.\ Jo{rnn pcn8,ran,:(rlil

Page 9: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

$.#ffi Regulations on Health

n FMA 1967 contains regulations ar prevenringexposure and minimizing the health effects ofcertain hazards

n Specific regulations exist for lead, mineral dust,asbestos and noise

bl Jofiilo Pcngirnn, 2()t0

E',-,ie&* Factories and Macirineries (Lead)Reguiations, 1984

c Specifl, a tut1g" of duLieiind co"itolt-, c Health surveillance (biood test) and administrative

controlr c KeY fearures:

. Permissible exposure fimit (PEL) of 15o prgmrof airaveraged over an B hour period

' Prorection factor may be taicen into account lvhenrespiratory protection is worn

. Empioyers are required ro carry out atmosphericmonltorrng

' Personal samples to be tal<en from employees exposed ,

ro iead

b! Jofi nr Pcntirur, 2{)l{l

ro Specific detail of monitoring program:

- initiai determination made using representative sample or

worst case (highest exposure)

- Monitoring for ail employees exposed above action limitFrequency of monitoring:

r At least every 6 months for exposures belou' PEL andabove action level (ZS pgtnr)

r Every 3 monlhs for exposure above PEL

bl Jolinr Penginn, 201{l

!1 ,

u Employees musl be notified of lesults

Specify engineering control and worl< practice to be used tocontrol exposure to belov'PELSpecify respiratory protection based on airborneconcentration oflead.Employers provide other forms of protective equipment(coveralls, gloves, goggles, shoes etc) and ensure employeesuse themEmployer is to arrange for their cleaning and storage

Provide change room and shower facilities

b) Jollnr Prngrrrn, '..r10

r Provide rnedical surveillance program for all employeesexposed above the action level for > 3o days per year

Frequency of biological monitoring is specified as weli as

the frequency of medical examinationTemporarily removed an employee from exposures abovethe action level where blood levels are above

8,:;rglroo gm for males and 4o pglrco gm for females ofchild bearing capacity

Employee trainingProcedure for record keeping

Penalty - RMzooo.oo

I)l Jolins Pcngiriln, 2l)1(l

ffi r*rr1-*3 -"J rt'r-ni.,;*t- Reguiations, rqB6

(Asbestos Process)

51 1

Establishes a PEL of r fiber/mlof air ovei'8 hour periodRequires exhaust equipment (LEV) to be provided in orderto l<eep exposures below PELRequires equipment to be examined and tested at specifiedintervals by a competent personProvide PPE in the prescribed area or where concentrationsexceed PEL

Obligation on employees to use F'PE

Cleaning and housekeepingPersonal monitoring at least at 3 monthly interval tocompiy n ith regulations

l)-\ J0llnr Pcngj rfl n, 2lll ll

Page 10: Chapter 3: Factories and Machinery Act 1967

Medical examination of employees at least eveq/ 2 years(lung function test)

Specifu details of the test

Provide employees with training on the processr controls ,

PPE and medical surveiliance

Medical records kept for 20 years l

. -,s-Remove.employe.es_from wods are4 if there is indications, ofasbestos reiaied diseases


bl Jofin{ PcngiruD,2010

Permissible exposure level :

" Equivaieni continuous sound level godB (A)o Noise dose of unity.' Not exceedingly limit in scheduleo Maximum noise level of u5 dB (A). lmpulsive noise not to exceed iao dB (A)

a M.erhbd of compliance is by enginbering and/oradministrative controls

- - n PPf is used if these are_not practicableis Initial and ongoing monitofing for employees exposed abovd-

PELc Hearing protection for empioyees exposed by the action level

br' .lotrna Pengrrarr, 20 I 0

i o Hearing protection must attenuate noise level below thei PEL and limit for impulsive noise

- , o Audiometric test program every year if exposure is above

i Pgl or there is a threshold shifti

I s Train empioyees in aspects of regulations, effecrs of PPEi and audiometric testing





b1' Jofina Pengrran, 2010


*W lFactories and Machinery (Mineral Dust)' - *'-Re€ula+ionsr-1989-










Employers provide and employees required to useprotective clothing, respiratory equipment and otherprotective equipment

Report any defects in the equipment

Sand blasting is prohibited unless written approval from 'DOSH is obtained

PEL for mineral dust (<r% silica) of mg/m3 total

PEL of o.r mg/m; quartz and o,5 mg/m: for cristobaliteand trydimite

b)' .loiina Pengrri!\ 20 I 0


]a C"r'ry out atmospheric monitoring: :

I o Initial monitoring of all employees in processing area

I c Every 6 months for exposures between action level and PELi o Every 3 months for exposures above PEL


i o Employees must be notified of the resultso Control equipment to remove dust (engineering control) l

; n lnspect and maintain equipmentI o Employer required to provide PPE

o Medical examination of employees exposed above action level I

j o Medical record.s to be kept for zo years, r Provide training for employees on the regulations, nature of theI operation, contiol equipment and medicll exanlination. I