chapter 3 hardware and software

Chapter 3 Hardware and Software

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Chapter 3 Hardware and Software

2. Purpose

  • To be an intelligent consumer of hardware products
  • To ask intelligent question
    • What is it?
    • How can I use it?
    • Is it the best choice?

3. Agenda

  • Computer
  • Hardware
  • Computer Data and Instruction
  • CPU (Central Processing Unit) and Memory
  • Computer Performance
  • Software
  • Computer Virus
  • Discussion and Case Study

4. Computer

  • Components: hardware and software
  • Hardware: electronic components and related gadgetry that input, process, output, and store data according to software
  • Software: instructions encoded in computer programs
  • Types: general purpose (desk top) and special purpose (cell phone)

5. Hardware - I

  • Input
    • keyboard, mouse, document scanner, bar-code scanner, microphone, etc.
  • Processing
    • Central processing unit (CPU)
    • CPU selects instructions, processes them, performs arithmetic and logical comparisons, and stores results of operations in memory
    • CPU is vary in speed, function, and cost
    • Special function cards to augment basic capabilities (video display card)

6. Hardware - II

  • Output
    • video displays, printers, audio speakers, overhead projectors, etc.
  • Storage
    • Save data and program
    • Magnetic disk, optical disk (CD, DVD), magnetic tape
  • Communication
    • Wire, bus, etc.

7. Figure 3-9 Magnetic Disk Components 8. Magnetic Disk

  • Long-term and nonvolatile data storage
  • Performance depends on type and size
  • Recording data on magnetic disk in concentric circles
  • Read/write head
  • Data transfer speed
    • Rotational delay
    • Seek time
    • Width and speed of the channel

9. Optical Disk

  • Type
    • CD (compact disk)
    • DVD (digital versatile disk)
    • The differences are their capacity and speed
  • Burning a pit into the photosensitive material using a low-power laser to represent data
    • The presence of a pit causes light to reflect and signifies a one
    • The absence of reflection signifies a zero
  • Usage
    • Playing music and video
    • Nonvolatile

10. Video Display

  • Type
    • CRT (cathode ray tubes)
    • LCD (liquid crystal display)
  • Illuminating small spots on the screen called pixels to display image
  • CRT monitor
    • The dot pitch: the distance between pixels on the screen
    • The smaller the dot pitch, the sharper and brighter the screen image
  • LCD monitor
    • The pixel pitch: the distance between pixels on the screen
    • The smaller the pixel pitch, the sharper and brighter the image will be
  • Optimal resolution
    • The size of the screen, the dot or pixel pitch, etc.

11. Input, Process, Output, and Storage Hardware 12. Computer Data and Instruction - I

  • Binary digits (bits)
    • Zero or one
    • Closed or open of a switch
    • Orientation of a magnetic field
    • Light reflection of a optical media
    • Represent data and instruction
  • Byte: 8-bit
    • Numbers, characters, currency amounts, photos, recordings, or whatever

13. Bits Are Easy to Represent Physically 14. Important Storage-Capacity Terminology 15. Computer Data and Instruction - II

  • Instruction set: a collection of instructions for directing computer process
    • Microsoft Windows: Intel instruction set by Intel Corporation
    • Macintosh computers: PowerPC instruction set using Powerful PC processor
    • Macintosh computers: either Intel or PowerPC processor starting 2006

16. CPU and Memory - I

  • Motherboard: a circuit board mounted and/or connected with processing components
  • Main memory
    • RAM (random access memory)
    • Volatile
    • A set of cells holding bytes of data or instruction
    • Each cell has a address for identification
    • Speed and amount
    • House OS, application programs, and data

17. CPU and Memory - II

  • Cache memory
    • Very fast and expensive memory to improve overall throughput of the CPU
    • Stores frequently used data, intermediate results, and the most frequently used computer instructions
  • CPU reads instructions and data from main memory and writes data to main memory via a data channel (bus)
  • CPU speed
    • Cycles per second, or hertz (3.0 gigahertz or 3.0 GHz or 3 billion cycles per second)
  • Data transfer speed
    • The speed of main memory
    • The speed and width of the data bus
    • The wider the bus (by no. of bits), the more data transferring

18. Computer Performance

  • Memory swapping
    • A request to the operating system to store data in RAM and there is not enough free memory to store the requested data
    • The operating system has to remove something to make space
    • Slow down the performance
  • Adding more main memory to substantially improve the computer performance

19. Software

  • Operating system (OS)
  • Application software

20. Operating System

  • Types
    • Windows for business users
    • Mac OS for arts community
    • Unix for scientific and engineering community
    • Linux developed by open-source community for web servers
  • Own versus License issue

21. Application Software

  • In terms of source
    • Off-the-shelf
    • Custom software
      • in house or consultant
      • Difficulty and risky
  • In terms of capability
    • Horizontal-market application software for all organization and industry
    • Vertical-market application software for specific industry
  • Firmware
    • Software installed into the device
    • Print server, communication devices, etc.

22. Computer Virus

  • A computer program that replicates itself, consumes the computers resources, take unwanted and harmful actions
  • Payload: the program code causing unwanted activity
  • Type
    • Trojan horse
    • Macro virus
    • Worm
  • Prevention
    • Download
    • Email
    • File extension
    • Antivirus
    • OS patch

23. Discussion

  • Security (53a-b)
    • How to enforce employees to follow the antivirus policy and procedure in any organization?
    • State your opinions related to the statement the viruses are developed by the antivirus software vendor.
  • Opposing forces (57a-b)
    • State your opinions related to the statement the new computer products are the conspiracy between hardware and software vendors to ripe off consumers.
  • Ethics (61a-b)
    • State your opinions about the major impacts in terms of social, entertainment, government, and business operations by implementing the TCG/NGSCB (Trusted Computing Group/Next Generation Secure Computing Base)

24. Case Study

  • Case 3-1 not 6 and 9 (69-70)
  • Case 3-2 only 1 and 2 (70-71)

25. Points to Remember

  • Computer
  • Hardware
  • Computer Data and Instruction
  • CPU (Central Processing Unit) and Memory
  • Computer Performance
  • Software
  • Computer Virus
  • Discussion and Case Study