chapter 3 probability and counting rules

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  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Chapter 3Chapter 3

    Probability &Probability &

    Counting RulesCounting Rules

    Reference: Allan G. Bluman (2004) Elementary Statistics: A Step-by Step Approach.

    New York : McGraw Hll

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules



    &etermne 'ample 'pace% an n the pro"a"lt* oan e$ent u%n+ cla%%cal pro"a"lt* or emprcalpro"a"lt*.

    ,n the pro"a"lt* o compoun e$ent% u%n+ theaton rule% an the multplcaton rule%.

    ,n the contonal pro"a"lt* o an e$ent. ,n the total num"er o outcome% n a %e-uence o

    e$ent% u%n+ the unamental countn+ rule. ,n the num"er o wa*% r r  o"#ect% can "e %electe

    rom nn o"#ect% u%n+ the permutaton rule. ,n the num"er o wa*% r r  o"#ect% can "e %electe

    rom nn o"#ect% wthout re+ar to orer u%n+ thecom"naton rule.

    ,n the pro"a"lt* o an e$ent u%n+ the countn+rule.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'ample 'pace% an /ro"a"lt*'ample 'pace% an /ro"a"lt*

     A pro"a"lt* epermentpro"a"lt* eperment % a proce%% that lea%

    to well1ene re%ult% calle outcome%.

     An outcomeoutcome % the re%ult o a %n+le tral o apro"a"lt* eperment.

     An e$ente$ent con%%t% o a %et o outcome% o a

    pro"a"lt* eperment.

    NOTE:NOTE: A tree a+ram can "e u%e a% a

    %*%tematc wa* to n all po%%"le outcome% o

    a pro"a"lt* eperment.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ree &a+ram or o%%n+ wo Con%ree &a+ram or o%%n+ wo Con%


    First Toss




    T H


    Second Toss

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'ample 'pace% 1'ample 'pace% 1 ample%

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ,ormula or Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt*,ormula or Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt*

    Cla%%cal pro"a"lt* a%%ume% that all

    outcome% n the %ample %pace are

    e-uall* lkel* to occur. hat % e-uall* lkel*e-uall* lkel* e$ent% are e$ent%

    that ha$e the %ame pro"a"lt* o


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ,ormula or Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt*,ormula or Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt*

    ( ) = ( )( )



    The probability of any event E is

    number of outcomes in E 

    total number of outcomes in the sample space

    This probability is denoted by

     P E    n E n S 

    This probability is called classical probability

    and it uses the sample space S 



  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt* 1Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample%

    ,or a car rawn rom an ornar* eck n the

    pro"a"lt* o +ettn+ (a) a -ueen (") a o clu"%

    (c) a 3 or a amon.


    (a) 'nce there are 4 -ueen% an 52 car% 

    P(queen) = 4/52 = 1/13P(queen) = 4/52 = 1/13.(") 'nce there % onl* one o clu"% then P(6 ofP(6 of

    clubs) = 1/52 clubs) = 1/52 .

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt* 1Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample%

    (c) here are our 3% an 63 amon% "ut

    the 3 o amon% % counte twce n thel%tn+. Hence there are onl* 6

    po%%"lte% o rawn+ a 3 or a amon

    thu%  P(3 or di!ond) = 16/52 = 4/13P(3 or di!ond) = 16/52 = 4/13.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt* 1Cla%%cal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample%

    7hen a %n+le ce % rolle n the pro"a"lt*

    o +ettn+ a 8.

    'oluton:'oluton: 'nce the %ample %pace % 6 2 3 4 5

    an t % mpo%%"le to +et a 8.

    Hence P(") = #/6 = # P(") = #/6 = # .

    NOTE:NOTE: T$e su! of %$e &robbili%ies of llou%co!es in s!&le s&ce is one.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Complement o an $entComplement o an $ent

    The complement of an event E is the set of outcomes in the

     sample space that are not included in the outcomes

    of event E The complement of E is denoted by E E bar 


    . ( ).



  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Complement o an $ent 1Complement o an $ent 1 ample

    ,n the complement o each e$ent.

    9olln+ a ce an +ettn+ a 4. 'oluton:'oluton: Gettn+ a 6 2 3 5 or .

    'electn+ a letter o the alpha"et an +ettn+

    a $owel. 'oluton:'oluton: Gettn+ a con%onant.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Complement o an $ent 1Complement o an $ent 1 ample

    'electn+ a a* o the week an +ettn+ a

    weeka*. 'oluton:'oluton: Gettn+ 'atura* or 'una*.

    'electn+ a one1chl aml* an +ettn+ a


    'oluton:'oluton: Gettn+ a +rl.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    9ule or Complementar* $ent9ule or Complementar* $ent

     P E P E 


     P E P E 

    or  P E P E 

    ( ) ( )= −1




    ( ) = − ( )

    ( ) + ( ) = .

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    mprcal /ro"a"lt*mprcal /ro"a"lt*

    he erence "etween cla%%cal an

    emprcal pro"a"lt*emprcal pro"a"lt* % that cla%%cal

    pro"a"lt* a%%ume% that certan outcome%

    are e-uall* lkel* whle emprcal pro"a"lt*

    rele% on actual eperence to etermne the

    pro"a"lt* o an outcome.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ,ormula or mprcal /ro"a"lt*,ormula or mprcal /ro"a"lt*

    Given a frequency distribution

    the probability of an event being 

    in a given class is

     P E   frequency for the class

    total frequencies in the distribution



    This probability is called the empirical 

     probability and is based on observation



    ( ) = 

    = .


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    mprcal /ro"a"lt* 1mprcal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

    n a %ample o 50 people 26 ha t*pe !

    "loo 22 ha t*pe A "loo 5 ha t*pe B"loo an 2 ha AB "loo. 'et up a

    re-uenc* %tr"uton.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    mprcal /ro"a"lt* 1mprcal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

    Type Frequency









    50 = n

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    mprcal /ro"a"lt* 1mprcal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

    ,n the ollown+ pro"a"lte% or the

    pre$ou% eample.

     A per%on ha% t*pe ! "loo.

    'oluton:'oluton: P (!) ; f  

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'u"#ect$e /ro"a"lt*

    - uses a probability value used onan educated guess or estimate,employing opinions and inexactinformation. In subjectiveprobability, a person or groupmakes educated guess at te

    cance tat an event !ill occur. "isguess is based on te person#sexperience and evaluation of asolution.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'u"#ect$e /ro"a"lt* 1'u"#ect$e /ro"a"lt* 1 ample


    sportscaster may say tat ' Pac(uiaoas )*+ cance of !inning againstar(ue. 

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Aton 9ule% or /ro"a"lt*he Aton 9ule% or /ro"a"lt*

    wo e$ent% are mutuall* eclu%$emutuall* eclu%$e  the*

    cannot occur at the %ame tme (.e. the*ha$e no outcome% n common).

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Aton 9ule% or /ro"a"lt*he Aton 9ule% or /ro"a"lt*

     A  B

      A and B are mutually exclusive

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 6 Aton 9ule 6

    When two events A and B are

    mutually eclusive! the probability

    that A or B will occur is


     P A or B P A P B  ( ) ( ) ( )= +

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 61 Aton 9ule 61 ample

     At a poltcal rall* there are 20 9epu"lcan%

    (9) 63 &emocrat% (&) an nepenent%

    (). a per%on % %electe n the pro"a"lt*that he or %he % ether a &emocrat or an


    'oluton:'oluton: P (& or ) ; P (&) = P (); 63

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 61 Aton 9ule 61 ample

     A a* o the week % %electe at ranom.

    ,n the pro"a"lt* that t % a weeken. 'oluton:'oluton: P ('atura* or 'una*)

    ; P ('atura*) = P ('una*)

    ; 6 = 6 ; 2.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 2 Aton 9ule 2

    When two events A and B

    are not mutually eclusive! the probabilityy that A or B will 

    occur is

     P A or B P A P B P A and B


    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )= + −

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 2 Aton 9ule 2

     A  B

     A and B  (common portion)

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 21 Aton 9ule 21 ample

    n a ho%ptal unt there are e+ht nur%e% an

    $e ph*%can%. 'e$en nur%e% an three

    ph*%can% are emale%. a %ta per%on %

    %electe n the pro"a"lt* that the %u"#ect

    % a nur%e or a male.

    he net %le ha% the ata.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 2 1 Aton 9ule 2 1 ample


     NURSES    1 !

     PHYSICIANS    " 2 5

    TOTAL   1# " 1"


     NURSES    1 !

     PHYSICIANS    " 2 5

    TOTAL   1# " 1"

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 2 1 Aton 9ule 2 1 ample

    'oluton:'oluton:  P (nur%e or male)

    ; P (nur%e) = P (male) ? P (male nur%e) ;@

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 2 1 Aton 9ule 2 1 ample

    !n New Year% $e the pro"a"lt* that a per%on

    r$n+ whle ntocate % 0.32 the pro"a"lt* o a

    per%on ha$n+ a r$n+ accent % 0.08 an thepro"a"lt* o a per%on ha$n+ a r$n+ accent

    whle ntocate % 0.0. 7hat % the pro"a"lt* o

    a per%on r$n+ whle ntocate or ha$n+ a

    r$n+ accent

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     Aton 9ule 2 1 Aton 9ule 2 1 ample


    P (ntocate or accent); P (ntocate) = P (accent)

     ? /(ntocate an accent)

    ; 0.32 = 0.08 ? 0.0 ; 0.35.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    wo e$ent% ' an  are nepenentnepenent  the

    act that ' occur% oe% not aect thepro"a"lt* o  occurrn+.

    ample:ample:  9olln+ a ce an +ettn+ a

    an then rolln+ another ce an +ettn+ a 3

    are nepenent e$ent%.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Multplcaton 9ule 6Multplcaton 9ule 6

    When two events A and B

    are independent the

     probability of both

    occurring is

     P A and B P A P B



    ( ) ( ) ( ).= ⋅

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Multplcaton 9ule 6 1Multplcaton 9ule 6 1 ample

     A car % rawn rom a eck an replace

    then a %econ car % rawn. ,n the

    pro"a"lt* o +ettn+ a -ueen an then an


    'oluton:'oluton:  Becau%e the%e two e$ent% are

    nepenent (wh*) P (-ueen an ace) ;(4

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Multplcaton 9ule 6 1Multplcaton 9ule 6 1 ample

     A Harr% pole oun that 4D o Amercan% %a*

    the* %uer +reat %tre%% at lea%t once a week. three people are %electe at ranom n the

    pro"a"lt* that all three wll %a* that the* %uer

    %tre%% at lea%t once a week.

    'oluton:'oluton: Eet  enote %tre%%. henP ( an  an ) ; (0.4)3 ; 0.08>.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Multplcaton 9ule 6 1Multplcaton 9ule 6 1 ample

    he pro"a"lt* that a %pecc mecal te%t wll

    %how po%t$e % 0.32. our people are te%te

    n the pro"a"lt* that all our wll %how


    'oluton:'oluton: Eet T  enote a po%t$e te%t re%ult.

    hen P (T  an T  an T  an ) ; (0.32)4

     ; 0.060.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    7hen the outcome or occurrence o the r%t

    e$ent aect% the outcome or occurrence o the

    %econ e$ent n %uch a wa* that the pro"a"lt*

    % chan+e the e$ent% are %a to "e


    ample:ample:  Ha$n+ h+h +rae% an +ettn+ a%cholar%hp are epenent e$ent%.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he contonal pro"a"lt*contonal pro"a"lt* o an e$ent  n

    relaton%hp to an e$ent ' % the pro"a"lt* that an

    e$ent  occur% ater e$ent ' ha% alrea* occurre. he notaton or the contonal pro"a"lt* o  

    +$en ' % P (F ').

    N!:N!: h% oe% not mean  ÷  '.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Multplcaton 9ule 2Multplcaton 9ule 2

    When two events A and B

    are dependent the

     probability of both

    occurring is

     P A and B P A P B A



    ( ) ( ) ( | ).= ⋅

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    n a %hpment o 25 mcrowa$e o$en% two are

    eect$e. two o$en% are ranoml* %electe

    an te%te n the pro"a"lt* that "oth are

    eect$e the r%t one % not replace ater t

    ha% "een te%te.

    'oluton:'oluton:  'ee net %le.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal

    /ro"a"lt* 1/ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'oluton:'oluton: 'nce the e$ent% are

    epenentP (*6 an *2) ; P (*6)⋅P (*2F *6)

    ; (2

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he 77 n%urance Compan* oun that 53D o

    the re%ent% o a ct* ha homeowner% n%urance

    wth t% compan*. ! the%e clent% 2>D al%o haautomo"le n%urance wth the compan*. a

    re%ent % %electe at ranom n the pro"a"lt*

    that the re%ent ha% "oth homeowner% an

    automo"le n%urance.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal

    /ro"a"lt* 1/ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'oluton:'oluton: 'nce the e$ent% are

    epenentP (+  an ') ; P (+ )⋅P ( 'F+ ) ; (0.53)(0.2>)

    ; 0.6436.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal

    /ro"a"lt* 1/ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Bo 6 contan% two re "all% an one "lue "all.

    Bo 2 contan% three "lue "all% an one re"all. A con % to%%e. t all% hea% up "o 6

    % %electe an a "all % rawn. t all% tal%

    up "o 2 % %electe an a "all % rawn. ,n

    the pro"a"lt* o %electn+ a re "all.

    he Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonalhe Multplcaton 9ule% an Contonal

    /ro"a"lt* 1/ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ree &a+ram orree &a+ram or ample


     P ( B1) 1$2





    Box 1

     P ( B2) 1$2 Box 2

     P ( R& B1) 2$"

     P ( B& B1) 1$"

     P ( R& B2) 1$'

     P ( B& B2) "$'





  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'oluton:'oluton:  P (re) ; (6

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1 ,ormula,ormula



    ( | ) =( )

    ( )

    The probability that the event B occurs

     given that the first event A has occurred can be

     found by dividing the probability that both events

    occurred by the probability that the first event has

    occurred The formula is

     P B A  P A and B

     P A



  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he pro"a"lt* that 'am park% n a no1parkn+

    one nd  +et% a parkn+ tcket % 0.0 an the

    pro"a"lt* that 'am cannot n a le+al parkn+%pace an ha% to park n the no1parkn+ one %

    0.2. !n ue%a* 'am arr$e% at %chool an ha% to

    park n a no1parkn+ one. ,n the pro"a"lt* that

    he wll +et a tcket. 

    Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    'oluton:'oluton: Eet N ; parkn+ n a no1parkn+

    one an ; +ettn+ a tcket. hen P (T  FN ) ; P (N  an T ) I

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


     A recent %ur$e* a%ke 600 people the*

    thou+ht women n the arme orce%%houl "e permtte to partcpate n

    com"at. he re%ult% are %hown n the

    ta"le on the net %le.

    Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

    (ender )es *o Total

    +ale "2 1! 5#

    Female ! '2 5#

    Total '# ,# 1##

    (ender )es *o Total

    +ale   "2 1! 5#

    Female   ! '2 5#

    Total   '# ,# 1##

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ,n the pro"a"lt* that the re%ponent an%were

    J*e%K +$en that the re%ponent wa% a emale.

    'oluton:'oluton: Eet ,  ; re%ponent wa% a male

    -  ; re%ponent wa% a emale

      ; re%ponent an%were J*e%KN  ; re%ponent an%were JnoK.

    Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1Contonal /ro"a"lt* 1 ample

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    P ( F- ) ; P ( -  an  ) I

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ree &a+ram%ree &a+ram%

     A tree a+ramtree a+ram % a e$ce u%e to l%t all

    po%%"lte% o a %e-uence o e$ent% n a%*%tematc wa*.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ree &a+ram% 1ree &a+ram% 1 ample

    'uppo%e a %ale% per%on can tra$el rom

    New York to /tt%"ur+h "* plane tran or"u% an rom /tt%"ur+h to Cncnnat "*

    "u% "oat or automo"le. &%pla* the

    normaton u%n+ a tree a+ram. 

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    ree &a+ram% 1ree &a+ram% 1 ample

















    0lane4 Bus

    0lane4 oat

    0lane4 auto

    Train4 us

    Train4 oat

    Train4 auto

    Bus4 us

    Bus4 oat

    Bus4 auto

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+

     Multplcaton 9ule :Multplcaton 9ule :  n a %e-uence o  nn 

    e$ent% n whch the r%t one ha%   66

     po%%"lte% an the %econ e$ent ha%   22 

    an the thr ha%   33 an %o orth the total

    po%%"lte% o the %e-uence wll "e 

      66××   22××   33× ⋅⋅⋅ ×× ⋅⋅⋅ ×   nn.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1


     A nur%e ha% three patent% to $%t. How

    man* erent wa*% can %he make herroun% %he $%t% each patent onl*


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1


    'he can choo%e rom three patent% or the r%t

    $%t an choo%e rom two patent% or the

    %econ $%t %nce there are two let. !n the

    thr $%t %he wll %ee the one patent who %

    let. Hence the total num"er o erent

    po%%"le outcome% % 3×

    ; .

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1


    mplo*ee% o a lar+e corporaton are to "e

    %%ue %pecal coe entcaton car%.he car con%%t% o 4 letter% o the

    alpha"et. ach letter can "e u%e up to 4

    tme% n the coe. How man* erent &

    car% can "e %%ue

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule% or Countn+ 1he Multplcaton 9ule% or Countn+ 1


    'nce 4 letter% are to "e u%e there are 4

    %pace% to ll ( L L L L ). 'nce there are 2

    erent letter% to %elect rom an each

    letter can "e u%e up to 4 tme% then the

    total num"er o entcaton car% that can

    "e mae % 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 ; 458>.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1


    he +t% 0 6 2 3 an 4 are to "e u%e n a

    41+t & car. How man* erent car% are

    po%%"le repetton% are permtte

    olu%ion:olu%ion: 'nce there are our %pace% to ll

    an $e choce% or each %pace the %oluton

    % 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 ; 54 ; 25. 

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1he Multplcaton 9ule or Countn+ 1


    7hat the repetton% were not permtte n

    the pre$ou% eample

    olu%ion:olu%ion: he r%t +t can "e cho%en n $e

    wa*%. But the %econ +t can "e cho%en n

    onl* our wa*% %nce there are onl* our +t%

    let etc. hu% the %oluton % 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 ;620. 

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules



    Con%er the po%%"le arran+ement% o the letter% 

     bb an c c .

    he po%%"le arran+ement% are: bc0 cb0 bc0 bc0bc0 cb0 bc0 bc0cb0 cbcb0 cb..

    the order of %$e rrne!en% is i!&or%n% order of %$e rrne!en% is i!&or%n%  then we

    %a* that each arran+ement % a permutaton o the

    three letter%. hu% there are % permutaton% othe three letter%.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules



      An arran+ement o n %tnct o"#ect% n a%pecc orer % calle a permutatonpermutaton o the


    No%e:No%e: o etermne the num"er o po%%"lte%

    mathematcall* one can u%e the multplcaton

    rule to +et:3 × 2 × 6 ; permutaton%.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules



    /ermutaton 9ule :/ermutaton 9ule :  he arran+ement o  nn 

    o"#ect% n a %pecc orer u%n+ r  o"#ect% at

    a tme % calle a permutaton o  nn o"#ect%

    taken r r  o"#ect% at a tme. t % wrtten a% nnP P r r  

    an the ormula % +$en "* 

    nnP P r r  = n / (n r) = n / (n r) .

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    /ermutaton% 1/ermutaton% 1 ample

    How man* erent wa*% can a charper%on

    an an a%%%tant charper%on "e %electe or a

    re%earch pro#ect there are %e$en %cent%t%a$ala"le

    olu%ion:olu%ion:  Num"er o wa*%

    ;   P P 2 2  = / ( 2) = / ( 2)  = /5 = 42 = /5 = 42 .

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    /ermutaton% 1/ermutaton% 1 ample

    How man* erent wa*% can our "ook%

    "e arran+e on a %hel the* can "e%electe rom nne "ook%

    olu%ion:olu%ion:  Num"er o wa*%

     ;""P P 44

     = " / (" 4) = " / (" 4) 

     = "/5 = 3#24= "/5 = 3#24.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules



    Con%er the po%%"le arran+ement% o the letter% 

     bb an c c .

    he po%%"le arran+ement% are: bc0 cb0 bc0 bc0bc0 cb0 bc0 bc0cb0 cbcb0 cb..

    the order of %$e rrne!en% is no% i!&or%n% order of %$e rrne!en% is no% i!&or%n%  

    then we %a* that each arran+ement % the %ame.

    7e %a* there % one com"naton o the threeletter%.

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules



    Com"naton 9ule :Com"naton 9ule : he num"er o

    com"naton% o o  r r   o"#ect% rom nn o"#ect% % enote "* nn  r r  an the ormula

    % +$en " nn  r r  = n / (n r)r7 = n / (n r)r7  .

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Com"naton% 1Com"naton% 1 ample

    How man* com"naton% o our o"#ect%

    are there taken two at a tme olu%ion:olu%ion: Num"er o com"naton%:  44  2 2  

    = 4 / (4 2) = 4 / (4 2)  27 = 4/227 = 6 27 = 4/227 = 6 ..

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Com"naton% 1Com"naton% 1 ample

    n orer to %ur$e* the opnon% o cu%tomer% at

    local mall% a re%earcher ece% to %elect 5 mall%

    rom a total o 62 mall% n a %pecc +eo+raphcarea. How man* erent wa*% can the %electon

    "e mae

    olu%ion:olu%ion:  Num"er o com"naton%:  12 12   5 5  = 12 /= 12 /

    (12 5) (12 5)  57 = 12/57 = "2 57 = 12/57 = "2 ..

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Com"naton% 1Com"naton% 1 ample

    n a clu" there are > women an 5 men. A

    commttee o 3 women an 2 men % to "e cho%en.

    How man* erent po%%"lte% are there olu%ion:olu%ion: Num"er o po%%"lte%: (num"er o

    wa*% o %electn+ 3 women rom >) × (num"er o

    wa*% o %electn+ 2 men rom 5) ;     33 ×× 5 5   2 2  = (35)= (35)

    (1#) = 35# (1#) = 35# ..

  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Com"naton% 1Com"naton% 1 ample

     A commttee o 5 people mu%t "e

    %electe rom 5 men an @ women. Howman* wa*% can the %electon "e mae

    there are at lea%t 3 women on the


  • 8/15/2019 Chapter 3 Probability and Counting Rules


    Com"naton% 1Com"naton% 1 ample

    olu%ion:olu%ion: he commttee can con%%t o 3

    women an 2 men or 4 women an 6 man or

    5 women. o n the erent po%%"lte% neach %eparatel* an then a them: 

    8 8   33 ×× 5 5   2 2  99 8 8   44 ×× 5 5   11 99 8 8   5 5  ×× 5 5   # # 

    = (56)(1#) 9 (#)(5) 9 (56)(1)= (56)(1#) 9 (#)(5) 9 (56)(1)= "66 = "66 ..