chapter 3 strategic planning process

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  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3 Strategic Planning Process


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    Strategic Management Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2010

    Chapter 3

    Strategic PlanningProcess: The ExternalEnvironmental Analysis

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    Learning Objectives

    After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

    Explain the key external environmental forces.

    Describe the nature of the industry environment.

    Discuss the five forces that make up the industryenvironment.

    Discuss the importance of monitoring the externaland industry trends and events.

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    External Environment

    The external environment represents factors which

    are beyond the control of an organization.

    It is divided into two categories:1. General environment

    2. Industry environment

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    The General and Industry


    The general environment, also known as the macroenvironment, includes the environmental factorsthat have an impact on allorganizations and firmswithin the company.

    Easily remembered by the simple acronym PESTEL

    P : Political factors

    E : Economic factors

    S : Socio-cultural factors

    T : Technological factors

    E : Ecological factors

    L : Legal factors

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    EXHIBIT 3.1 The Firm Embedded in Its External Environment


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    The General and Industry

    Environments (cont.)

    The industry environment or the microenvironmentrefers to factors that directly affectthe firm and its competitive responses.

    These factors have the ability to affect the firmsprofitability and shape the competition in anindustry.

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    External Environmental


    This analysis provides information to managersregarding the key trends and changes in theexternal environment, such as the following:

    Population shifts Changing demographics (e.g. aging population)

    Information technology

    New government regulations

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    External Environmental

    Analysis (cont.)

    External environmental analysis reveals:

    Opportunities: External environment factors which

    can help the organization improve its performance andachieve its strategic objectives

    Threats: External environment factors which canhinder an organizations performance and prevent the

    organization from achieving its strategic objectives

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    External Environmental

    Analysis (cont.)

    Based on the external environmental analysis,

    managers formulate strategies that:

    Take advantage of opportunities

    Avoid/reduce impact of threats

    Sources of information for external environmental

    analysis include customer surveys, market surveys,

    periodicals, journals, reports, books, newspapers,

    conferences and the Internet.

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    Factors in the General


    1. Political and Legal Factors

    Looks at how the government can influenceorganizations

    Examples: employment laws

    environmental regulations

    competitive regulations

    government leadership tax policies

    quotas on goods produced

    consumer protection laws

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    Factors in the General

    Environment (cont.)

    2. Economic Factors

    Unemployment rates

    Inflation rates

    Consumer and investor confidence

    Currency exchange rates

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    Factors in the General

    Environment (cont.)

    3. Socio-cultural Factors

    Concerned with societys attitudes, cultural values

    and demographic changes

    Include factors such as: Demographic factors (e.g. population size and

    distribution, age distribution, education levels)

    Attitudes towards materialism, capitalism, free


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    Factors in the General

    Environment (cont.)

    4. Technological Factors

    Include factors such as:

    Rate of technology transfer

    Energy use and cost New products and services of competitors

    Changes in Internet

    Changes in mobile technology

    Technological breakthroughs can create newindustries or create new products and serviceswhich might render existing products and servicesredundant.

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    Ecological Variables

    Global Warming

    Sustainable Economic Growth

    Fossil Fuel Consumption

    Pollution of air & water

    Toxins in food and products

    Business Sustainability Video3-
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    Legal Variables

    Minimum wagesPrice control act


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    Factors in the Industry


    A set of factors that directly affects a firm

    Also known as micro environment

    These factors are analysed to assess how the

    forces of the organizations immediateenvironment affect the attractiveness or

    profitability potential of the firm.

    Michael Porters Five Forces Model (1980) is one

    of the most widely used and best knownconceptual frameworks to assess the industry


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    Industry Environment Analysis/Competitive Analysis:

    Michael Porters Five-Forces Model

    Potential developmentof substitute products

    Rivalry amongcompeting firms

    Bargaining powerof suppliers

    Potential entry of newcompetitors

    Bargaining powerof consumers

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    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

    1. Threat of New Entrants

    New entrants to an industry can raise the level of


    The threat of new entrants depend on the barriersto entry

    Barriers of entry can be affected by economies of

    scale, product differentiation, capital requirements,

    switching costs and government regulations.

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    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

    2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

    A supplier group is powerful when

    the suppliers goods are critical to the buyersmarketplace success.

    the inputs required by the buyers are unique,making it costly to switch suppliers.

    the buyers inputs do not represent a significantportion of the suppliers business.

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    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

    the buyers inputs are only available from a smallgroup of suppliers.

    the suppliers can sell directly to the firms customers,bypassing the need for the firm.

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    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

    3. Bargaining Power of Buyers

    Customers (or buyer groups) have the most power


    they are large and purchase most of the industrysoutput.

    the industry has many small suppliers supplying theproduct and the buyers are large.

    the products represent a relatively large expensefor customers and sales of the product beingpurchased account for a significant portion of thesellers annual revenues.

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    they have access to sufficient information and are

    able to evaluate the competitive offerings.

    the customers could switch to another product without

    incurring significant switching cost because the

    suppliers products are not unique or undifferentiated.

    the customers could possibly make the product


    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

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    4. Substitute Products

    Substitute products can be a threat when

    the product is undifferentiated and customers can

    easily switch away from one supplier to anothersupplier with little or insignificant switching costs.

    the customers or buyer groups are price sensitiveand customers have little brand loyalty.

    there is no real benefit offered by the products in theindustry and consumers can do without the productoffered by the industry.

    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

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    Rivalry among competitors can be most intense


    the industry has two or three dominant firms whichare battling to be the dominant firms in the industry.

    there are numerous competitors in the industry.

    the competitors are relatively equal in size andpower.

    the firms are competing in a slow or shrinkingindustry.

    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

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    there are high fixed costs of production.

    the products are undifferentiated and are viewed by

    customers as commodities.

    there are high costs for exiting the business.

    Factors in the Industry

    Environment (cont.)

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter 3 Strategic Planning Process


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