chapter 3.6 part 1 -- moving on from onward

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Chapter 3.6 part 1 of Geogacy


  • 1. Geogacy Chapter 3.6 Moving On From Onward Part 1


  • If it isn't the dork that doesn't answer his cell phone because he's off being lovey dovey with his fiancee. Well, looky here, it's the jerk that keeps calling when I'm about to score with the fiancee. Too much information. Then stop calling.


  • And this is said Fiancee, Beryl Hiagrashi. It's a Pleasure, madam. I'm Darren Ludland. Honestly, I thought Gray here had made up an imaginary fiancee so, I would stop pestering him. Why would you think he would pretend to have a fiancee? It's just hard to believe an intelligent, kind, generous, fun loving and very lovely lady would want to tie herself to this guy. Gee, thanks for the boost to my shattered confidence. You're welcome.


  • He he, you are indeed a very pleasant personality, Mr. Ludland. Many thanks for the compliment and please call me Darren. And now that she has arrived this is my fiancee--


  • Goodness! You are Claudia Long, from the news channel. Yep, I'm famous. But, not as well know as you. Gray can't stop talking about how wonderful you are. I am honored to meet the lady who finally snatched him up. But, are you sure? He's such a stubborn boy. Stubborn, rude, inappropriate at the worst times and so over protective. Yep, you are perfect for our, Gray!


  • Sir! Did you realize your shoes are slightly off in color? My shoes? Yes, look closely they are indeed off in hue. What are you talking-- Quick get down, Sir! The bees are attacking!!


  • Bees? I don't see any-- They are everywhere! Keep down! Ahh, what a lovely day. Look at those clouds way up there, high above the ground. You can't see clouds this nice by looking down or straight ahead. No siree, you have to up and only up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poor, Gray got targeted a few times with no help at all from his friends. xD

8. A man drives to a gas station. The clerk spots two penguins sitting on the back seat of the car. He asks the driver, 'What's up with the penguins in the back seat?' The man in the car says, 'I found them. I asked myself what to do with them but, I haven't a clue.' The clerk ponders a bit then says, 'You should take them to the zoo.' 'Yeah, that's a good idea,' says the man in the car and drives away. The next day the man is back at the same gas station. The clerk sees the penguins are still in the back seat of the car.'Hey, they're still here! I thought you were going to take them to the zoo!' 'Oh, I did,' says the driver, 'and we had a great time. Today I'm taking them to the beach.' 9.

  • Claudia is so funny! Are you hearing this great material? Why don't you see Penguins in Sim Britain? Because they don't like Wales. Ha! That was a good one!


  • What do you call a Penguin in the desert? Lost! Ha! Lost! That's so funny! You get it Gray? Penguins, Desert, Lost. Ha Ha! Keep it up Baby. You're on a roll!


  • Where do Penguins go to dance? The Snow ball! That's amazing! This is the best material yet. Did you guys hear that?


  • Who is a Penguin's favorite Aunt? Aunt-artica! You've been a great audience. See you next time. You're awesome, sweetheart! She done yet? Shh, don't be rude, Gray.


  • Is it really alright to leave them by themselves? Of course it is. They aren't children. Besides, men get in the way of girl talk. Darren has this bad habit of changing the subjects to politics or courtroom law stuff every chance he gets.


  • If you do not mind, I have a questions to ask. If it is too personal, I understand. Ooo! Personal questions are the best kind. Go ahead. When Darren asked for your hand, did you know him well at the time. Of course, I knew him. I wouldn't say 'yes I'll marry you' to a complete stranger. Oh heavens no. I meant to say, how long did you how him personally before he asked?


  • Well, we meet early on at college, but we didn't start dating until our Junior year and we've been together ever since. It's only been a few months now, that we have officially been engaged. I know that's more info then you wanted, but the answer is, I did know Derek for quite a while before the engagement. I see.... Are you concerned you don't know Gray as well as you should?


  • Oh, I know he's a good person, he is funny, kind, considerate, very, umm, inappropriate -- Beryl you're blushing. Ha ha, well, umm yes. What I am saying is, well.. You love him. Yes, I love & trust him with all my heart, but do you not think it is rather fast passe?


  • You are so adorable! Ok, I'll tell you something my Mom told me. Love, doesn't have a schedule. It doesn't care about months, days, not even minutes. It happens when it feels like happening and if you try to confine it with limitations, Love gets pissy and causes issues. It might even get fed-up and leave. So, don't worry about time. If you are truly sure you love that idiot, then you have nothing to worry about.


  • You are exactly right! I will not care about the time at all. So, it has only been a month, who cares! I love Grayson and that will not change and I will let love take as little or as much time as it needs.


  • Time is running out Gray.


  • Are we back to talking about that? Gray, why aren't you taking this seriously? You have three weeks. That's less than a month. That's only 21 days. Three weeks is 21 day? Oh, thank you so much for letting me know and all this time I was thinking there were 18 day. Man, everyday is a new learning experience. I don't get you. How can you joke about this? Need I remind you that if you aren't married before the end of this month, Mildred gets everything?


  • I thought we had a deal you wouldn't mention her. Dude, I'm sorry but one of us has to be serious about this. I don't understand why you keep blowing this off. You are engaged. The hard part is over. Now, marry her before you loose out to Mildred. I didn't ask Beryl because of the money. Ok, fine. I can respect that. You really did luck out. She is a wonderful woman. But, what is going to happen when you guys get married and she finds out you're dirt poor? You plan on living with her parent? Dude, think seriously for a sec here. What kind of life can you offer Beryl?


  • A nomadic life of drunken debauchery. *sigh*Why do I bother? Seriously, dude. Think Gypsies. I have a headache.


  • Welcome to the Bar Family home where Danielle is celebrating her teenage birthday. Finally the first of my generation 4 kids is becoming a teen. I can't wait!!


  • I'm happy you are having a great birthday party. But, I'm going to miss you in class Dani. Don't be sad, Katherine. I know I am the high light of everyone's day, but we all have to grow up sometimes. Besides it's only for a few weeks and then you'll have your birthday and we'll be in the same class again.


  • Does everyone have a birthday? Of Course, silly. How do you know when it's your birthday? You just know. Haven't you had a birthday before, Root?


  • I don't think I've had one. You had to have had at least two. One from when you were a baby and became a toddler and the other when you became a child. I kinda remember being an adult. Adults can't turn into kids. You must have been dreaming.


  • Maybe Root is right. I heard that plant sims go from toddles to Adult in one birthday. Root's mommy was a plant sim when she had him right? That's silly, Katherine. If that is true Root would be an adult now. But, Root, you are part plant sim right?


  • That's what Mommy told me... Maybe you should ask your mom again. She might be able to tell you when your birthday is. I hope it's soon...


  • What's up with your sister, Cal? What do you mean? You aren't talking bad about her are you? 'Cause if you are I gotta defend her honor. Defend what now? Dad said if someone is picking on Trini I gotta defend her honor or something. I'm not picking on her, honest. I just want to know why she's all the way over there.


  • It's obvious she wants to play with the other, but she's not. So, I wanted to know if something was wrong. Is she sick? Did she eat too much ice cream and her tummy hurts? Maybe we should tell Aunt Maria. Nah, she's fine. Trini sometimes gets, well, she likes to be alone, I guess. Mama says she is shy. Shy? Why is she shy here? We're all family here. I dunno, she's a girl and girls don't make sense


  • Maybe Lien can talk to her and get her to play. She's a girl after all.


  • Urr, I think you have to act like a girl to be able to talk girl language. You have a point there, but we can try it.


  • What do you want? Umm, nothing sorry. Geez, Jack don't be a wimp. She's your sister she's not going to bite you.


  • Oh, I could bite him. I can also give him a wedgie, lock him out of the bathroom & spit in his cheerios. And that's just what she did this morning... You guys play rough. What do you want? Spit it out.


  • Could you please do us a favor and talk to Trini? Mama says she's shy and we think she shouldn't be shy with family and since you're a girl you can tell her she needs to stop being shy. You can't just tell someone to stop being shy. Boys are so stupid. If she wants to play she'll play.Just leave her alone. Well, if you won't help, I guess we can ask Dani.


  • Dani? That pampered little princess? She'll mess up everything with her superiority complex and have poor Trini in tears in seconds. Shhh, she'll here you. I hope she does, the load mouth drama queen! What does superiority complex mean? Arg! Boys are so stupid. I'll talk to Trini. Go and beat your heads against a wall or whatever boys do.


  • Sup, Trini. Like the party so far? Umm. I think it's boring too. Want to play soccer? I... Me either. I'm not the jock type, though people think I am. They think Just because I like bugs and robots that I should automatically like sports too. I mean geez, who stereotypes a kid?


  • You, umm, like robots? Sure do! Grandpa Al gave me this neat toy robot. It's awesome. Did he give you one too? Yeah. Awesome! I know, I'll ask my mom if I can come over and we can compare our robots.


  • I, umm, guess that would be alright. Cool. Oh and we can ask Grandpa Al to show us how he made them. Really! A strong and binding friends is created. xD


  • Birthday shots of my 3 eldest kids from generation 4. It's about time is all I'm saying.


  • Danielle Bar, eldest of generation 4 shocked the hell out of me and rolled Family. Family? Seriously? I normally change the aspirations to what I like for the sims not in the main family, but then I had thoughts of Dani as a mother and cracked up. Oh, I have plans for you missy. Hehehhe!! As for the details; Her LTW is to reach her golden anniversary.Turn on's are Logical Blondes Turn off is Full Face Make-up


  • Hayden is a knowledge sim as he should be. I didn't even bother to roll for him.Can't see him as anything else and since he isn't in the main family I can do that. So there! =P LTW is to Top the Gamer Career Track Turn on's Charismatic girls with Mechanical skillsTurn offZombi-ism


  • Now for Calcite! I did stick to the rules and he rolled Family, which I am pleased with. Not what I was hoping for, but I can deal with it.LTW Reach the top of Law Enforcement. Turn on's Brown Hair & Make-up Turn off Hats


  • Clubbing at the Hub..... And yes, Beryl skipped out on her niece's birthday to party. For shame young lady!


  • ha ha ha staying alive, staying alive ha ha ha staying Aliiiiiiiive! I love catching Simselves on my community lots. They always seem to be having more fun then my sims ever do. The Geogacy family could benefit from some lessons in crazy fun. xD ------------------------------------------- Leath author of theBarsoom Legacy&A Country Boy can SurviveOWBC.


  • I can't get enough of that thrill of being the first to know all those juicy tidbits the town has to offer and then tell them to everyone. It's a power trip, I admit. There she goes again. She'll talk our ears off with how much she know and tease us on what she can't say because it's all news'confidential' . I didn't hear a suggestion of conversation come from you, Mr. Boring.


  • You want a topic? Ok. Here comes the political speech. So, Gray when are you and Beryl planning on tying the knot?


  • Jerk, why did you mention it? Honestly, Gray and I have yet to discuss a date. Maybe sometime in Spring? It would be lovely having an out door wedding with fresh blooming flowers. The soft colors of pink and lavender come to mind. What do you think, Gray?


  • Well, I-- Spring? But what about all the bees and the rain? You would always be in fear your wedding day would be rained out. I never really thought of that. Then maybe in the Summer? But, then there is all that heat! The older guests would surely faint from sun stroke. Well, I do not think it would be that bad, but you're right the Summers here get quite warm.


  • What about Autumn? Claudia you like Autumn weddings, right? The temperature is pleasant, not too hot or cold and the changing leaves are so full of color! I love Autumn it's my favorite season. But, I don't think Beryl and Gray want to wait that long. Autumn is a whole year away. Nonsense, we still have a few weeks of Autumn left.


  • Just think how happy your parents would be having two children marry in the same month! Not to mention--OUCH!Why'd you kick me?


  • Oh, so sorry. My foot must have slipped. What do you think, Gray? Darren brings up a good point.


  • But, don't you think that's too soon? I thought you wanted a Spring wedding? That would be nice, but Love does not like schedules from what I am told. Also Darren bring up some valid points. Autumn seems the prefect season for a wedding. So, if the decision is alright with you, I say we do it. We can have the wedding the last day of Autumn. If that is really what you want...


  • Excellent! I am sure Claudia would love to help you with the planning. That would be lovely, if that is alright with you, Claudia. OOOO! It's going to be so much fun! This won't end well....


  • Don't worry, you'll thank me later.


  • Meanwhile in the basement of the legacy house.... ....zzz...penguins....zzz.... my taco....zzzz

57. 58.

  • I knew you would be awake. Good thing to since I whipped up this baked salmon for you. It's made from the freshest ingredient. See the sparkles? I know you wouldn't eat it any other way. You are such a health freak. ...... Are we back to being children? The silent treatment didn't work then and it's not going to work now.


  • Fine then. I am up for a one sided conversation anyway. They are the best kind, you know. You can never be wrong, no one argues with you and you can go off on tangentsabout cheesecakeand no one will care.... *sigh* , He betrayed us both, you know.


  • Roderick Doyle, high ranking agent of the Great Gnome organization was given the task of gathering information on Owen Gentry, a new comer that threatened our authority in the city. During his investigation he discovered Gentry's connection with TNLT, a charity founded by the legacy matron, Hitomi Higarashi. Logically Doyle determined using Breccia Higarashi to gather further reconnaissance would uncover more valuable knowledge. The plan was a success, mission complete. Yet, you stayed in the legacy household...


  • Grandfather knew the moment you married her your allegiance changed, yet he said nothing. He allowed it, excepted it. Then Gentry's hold on the city strengthened and with the lose of the Gnome Channel's revenue we could do little to stop it. At the very moment Grandfather needed you, his most trusted agent, you left. You left us, Roderick. You left the family that raised you, cared for you.


  • I spoke to the Sage. If he had an objection to my resignation he should have spoken up. He--


  • How could he? You were like a son to him! He would have done anything for you! Yet, instead of saying such, he kidnaps my children? Roderick, you hurt him deeply. Taking the children was an act of desperation. You say Grandfather betrayed you? No! You betrayed him first.


  • Desperation, you say? And did you share that desperation, Sierra? You passionately defend the Sage's actions, but what of you? ........ You're not defending him at all, are you? You're the one who feels betrayed. Am I right? Sierra, I left the organization. That didn't mean I was leaving you. We may not be blood related, but you are my sister, my closest friend. I would never--


  • SHUT UP!


  • PENGUINS EVERYWHERE!! Lester, you idiot. go back to sleep. Just a dream...But, it was so real... Shut up, Lester.


  • Sierra, I-- It's late. I never-- Good night, Roderick.


  • *sigh*Good night, Sierra. I didn't mean to hurt you.

69. 70.

  • How did it go? She's upset and thoroughly pissed at me. I can't blame her at all. Nope, can't blame her. You are irritating at times. Gee, thanks loving. My pleasure, Darling.


  • *sigh*I really don't know what to do. We can't keep her down there forever, but... I just. I wasn't lying. She is like a sister and I want to see her happy. I want thing back the way they use to be. But, I can't forgive her for her part in the kidnapping. I want to think she had no say in it. That it was all the Sage's idea. You want to know if you can still trust her. I understand. There is always tomorrow to try again. Of course, tomorrow.


  • Sala de Subastas aka The Auction Room Downtown... ---------------------------------------------------------------- This beauiful Lot was created by Martini.


  • Where is that idiot? How long does it take to rent a limo? I can't possible show up to my hair appointment in a taxi! What would people think?


  • Mildred? Oh, Jonathon you were right, it is Mildred. Great, if it isn't the old bat and her lecherous husband.


  • Sharon! It's been ages. Mildred Darling, How are you?


  • We heard the news, dear. We are terrible sorry for you lose. Franklin was a dear friend. It was a shock to hear he passed away. If you need anything please don't hesitate, Dear. Thank you, Mr. Kensington. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my dear husband. I am trying to move on, but excuse me, it's still hard to talk about the subject. Of course dear, say no more.


  • I know you miss Franklin, but he would want you to move on. You are still young and beautiful. I have no doubt you will make one lucky man very happy. Which reminds me I saw that son of yours. Grayson looks just like his father. Oh! And that girl he's with is just lovely. You must be relived to know Grayson has finally decided to settle down.


  • *Ha ha ha ha* Heavens, what did I say? Grayson with a girl, that's hilarious!!*Ha ha ha* I don't understand the joke, Dear. Is Grayson not courting the girl? I could have sworn he was. I've seen them out and about for the past few weeks


  • Wait? You're serious? Grayson was with a girl? Why, yes I saw them at Cafe' Verona on several occasion. Don't tell me you didn't know. When did this start??


  • Oh, that rascal. He's just like his father, you always had to pry the most important things from him. Very private man, Franklin was and it seems his son is the same. I am sure he'll introduce you to his lady love soon.


  • Oh, I'll find out who the hell she is alright! No one is going to get in my way. That money is mine!


  • Back to the legacy house basement..... Humph, I honestly thought the subject would last longer. Now, everything is behind schedule.


  • Caesar, I am done with this one for now, fetch me a fresh one please. *buzz*Mission Accepted.


  • *buzz*Acquiring new subject. NO NO NO NO!!! Be brave Lester! SHUT UP AND HELP ME!! *buzz*Resistance is not recommended.


  • Ahh, my little general is awake and just in time for the next round of experiments. Thanks for watching him, Dad. This shouldn't take long at all. I want to get this errand done before Rod gets home from work. Is there anything I can say to change your mind? Nope. Thought as much.


  • Grandpa! Hello, there my little general. Ready to push the buttons? Buttons!! Don't let him get too close to the sparks. I won't, dear.


  • Boss? Boss? Don't hit me with the spatula Grandma. Hang in there, Boss. Dodge the spatula. You can do it!


  • Good evening Sierra. How are you this evening? ......... I am doing very well, thank you so much for asking. If you would be so kind, I would like to discuss an important matter with you. I have nothing to say to you.


  • I thought you might say as much. You should know I am not well versed in diplomacy and neither is Napoleon here. Catch my drift? Now, if you would please follow me.

90. 91.

  • What the hell is this about? You've been a guest in my home for far too long. So, I took the liberty of packing a suite case of old clothing, a few simloans & those little travel shampoos. Cute little things and so handy. Why? Sorry to kick you out like this, but you really must be going. Your presence has become a headache.


  • I don't understand. Does Roderick know about this? He's ok with just letting me go? Rod has no idea. I am making this decision for him. Sounds high handed doesn't it? What game are you play?


  • I am going to be as clear as I can. I want you gone. Regardless of your intent you endangered the live of my children and I'mnotgoing to forgive you for that. Honestly, I want to rip you a new one and see you rot in jail for the rest of your life. But, that would upset my husband. So, I am doing the one thing he thinks he can't do. Let you off the hook.


  • You see, Rod has already forgiven you. But, he knows I won't. So, for the last few days he's been talking your ear off trying to get you to confess you were truly sorry for what you did or that you didn't know anything about it. With that knowledge he could let you leave without feeling any guilt that he was letting me and the children down. But, you are rather tight lipped making my Roderick very depressed. So, I am taking the choice out of his hands.


  • Woah, wait a minute. It can't be that simple. You are telling me that Roderick forgave me and I'm free to go? That's it? We're done? Pretty much. There is of course the standard threats, you come near my family again I'll rip off you head, yadda yadda. And you trust that I won't come back and cause problems?


  • Sierra, I am giving you a chance to walk away. If you want to mess it all up and cause problems, then I will be more than happy to let Daddy have a new subject. The rules are simple, Napoleon here is going to escort you to the train station. I've packed enough necessities including money to keep you stable for a few weeks. You can either take my generous offer or we go back down stairs. Your choice.

97. 98.

  • Remeber Sierra, you come back and I will tare off that freakin' head of yours.


  • The things I do for you, Rod.


  • I discovered Cal's hobby interest is Music and Dance. So, I bought him a drum set for his birthday. Right now it's set up in the hallway until I get around to building a Music Room. I might have to move it further away from his bedroom, though. The drums are the first thing he sees on the way to bed and well, not everyone enjoys his enthusiasm.


  • Cal, sweetheart, we are glad you like your birthday gift, but can't practice wait until morning Like after 11:00am? But, I need to be at school by 9. That's the point, dear.


  • She's gone. Yep You let her go? Yep But, I don't understand. How could you do that?


  • Do you want me to drag her back? Yes!


  • Really?


  • No. Rod, I love you with all my heart, but we have to work on your communication skills. Don't be afraid to tell me what you truly feel.


  • So, what now? I want to know honestly, Is she a threat? You let her go and you were not sure of that? Rod, I will never trust her. So, I want you to answer the question.


  • No, Sierra's not a threat. She's stubborn, but she doesn't hold grudges for long. Then there isn't anything to worry about. But, what if-- You just told me she isn't a threat. There are others besides Sierra..


  • We aren't going to sit around worrying about 'what ifs'. You and I and my family are very capable people. We will deal with issues as they come. You're right, Love. Me and 'our' family are quite capable. And me. ..... Ok, fine then. Looks like someone is sleeping in the boy's room tonight.


  • Oh, yes. You are very capable. The best of us all. You're too late. Off to the boy's room Have I said lately you are the most beautiful woman in the world? You are, you know. Very sexy, charming and full of forgiveness Forgiveness? HA! You're going to have to convince me to be forgiving.


  • As you wish.


  • We interrupt this gushy moment to bring you more Birthday pics!! I confess, I pressed fast forward on a few households to get all of generation 4 up to speed with the main house . Upper left; Gabriel Keller 7/3/9/10/1 (Aragonite & Candice -> Wes & Paulette -> Gabriel) Upper right; Katherine Matthews 4/4/4/9/7 (Chester & Estelle -> Ginger & Kendall -> Katherine) Lower left; Donovan Flynn 4/4/6/7/4 (Apatite & Aiyana -> Julia & Toby -> Donovan) Lower right; Lisette Holt 5/7/5/7/5 (Chester & Estelle -> Vivian & Gregory -> Lisette)


  • Katherine Matthews; Popularity, 20 best friends Gabriel Keller; Fortune, Earn $100,000 Donovan Flynn; Popularity, Hall of FamerLisette Holt; Romance, Top of Slacker Career


  • And now for some Toddlers to Kid-iffy? Upper left; Connor Flynn 2/7/2/7/7(Apatite & Aiyana -> Julia & Toby -> Connor) Upper right; Penelope Gieke 7/7/9/8/1(Albite & Lucy -> Basalt & Gerogette -> Penelope) Lower left; Jaden Keller 5/6/6/10/4(Aragonite & Candice -> Wes & Paulette -> Jaden) Lower right; Chert Higarashi 5/6/7/7/2(Albite & Lucy -> Breccia & Roderick -> Chert)


  • Birthdays for this chapter are done! I do still have a few more kids to go, but you'll have to wait until next chapter. =P


  • A beautiful day at Mallory Park for another birthday outing... Pic Spam!!

116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121.

  • Hello, Miss. I am Chert future over lord of the city. I couldn't help but notice you have amazing monkey bar skills. Are you a professional? Oh no no, just a hobby. You really think I am amazing? Of course! So, amazing in fact that I am going to offer you a once in a life time opportunity. In the near future I will reign over this city with an Iron fist, how would you like to join my revolution and be an Iron finger and help me maintain complete control over the people? Is an Iron finger like a henchman? 'Cause I am already a henchman.


  • You're already employed? By who? Penny asked me earlier today to be her henchman. Her daddy works for some criminal organization. So, she knows all about stuff like that. Doesn't being a sneaky burglar sound like fun! Hey, you should go to the meeting. Penny is briefing the new recruits by the benches.


  • I want to be a henchman, but what do they do? Geez, Eugene! Penny has explained it like a billion times already. Are you even listening? It's ok. I want everyone to understand. A henchman, follows the orders of the Boss. Who's the Boss?


  • That's me! I'm the Boss and the Boss gives the orders. Penny. As my first order, as the Boss, I order you guys to think up a logo. Excuse me, Penny. We need a symbol. Something scary like a big shark or something. PENNY!


  • Will you go away, Chert. I am in the middle of an important meeting.


  • I've been trying to recruit minions and you're taking them all. You snooze you lose, cousin. Not my fault you're slow. I guess you can join my organization, if you want. Join yours! The future leader of the world can't be a henchman. You're the peon you join my revolution


  • You're the peon, peon! That's your retort? How pathetic! Haha! Shut up peon! You're just jealous that my organization has henchman. What do you have? Nothing!


  • I'll get minions. I'll have hundreds more then you will ever have! Just you wait, my revolution will crush your organization. Aww, the little peon is getting mad, 'cause he's got nothing! No, you have nothing! It that yourretort ? Nah nah nah!


  • You do realize this means war.

130. 131.

  • Hey, legacy Brat! You too good to play with the rest of us? No, I just--


  • It's because she has these fancy toys, she thinks she's better then us.


  • But, I'll fix that. No, please! Don't break it! Aww, the legacy baby wants her little toy back. Haha! Smash it!


  • Stupid legacy, always showing off. But, I-- You're lucky I don't take the time to give you a lesson in manners. You know, maybe I should--

135. 136.

  • Ouch! That hurt! Why'd you shock me? You stupid legacy brat! But, I didn't mean--


  • Shut up!


  • Woah! Wha--


  • You werenotjust going to hit my niece, were you?


  • She started it! Don't you lie to my Daddy! I saw you, you stupid head! It's ok sweetheart. You're fine.


  • Joshua Yates & Alvin Henderson! Be sure I will be informing both of your mothers about this. But! Please don't! You better get home and start making your apologies before I reach for my cell phone. Beware the power of a Popularity Sim, they know EVERYONE...O_O


  • You ok, Trini? Yeah, but... I'm sorry they broke it. Not your fault. You, you think Grandpa can fit him? I know he can. :(


  • Sneakiness afoot..... la la la, You better work, cover girl, work it girl, give us a twirl, Do your thing on the runway la la la ----------------------------------------------- Rupaul's Supermodel ring tone. xD


  • You have reached Luigi. I am spying at the moment and cannot talk. You can't answer the phone like that, you idiot! Mademoiselle! It is good you called! I am following your son as you asked me to. I would do anything for you! Yes, yes and is he with someone like the old bat said?


  • Ahh yes, your son, Mademoiselle, has found a lovely girl. The two, they are in deep amour. They laugh and they play like true lovers. Their love brings sunshine in this terrible rain. You are over joyed, yes? Your son is well taken care of. No need to worry, my love.


  • Sunshine? SUNSHINE!! I am not over joyed about SUNSHINE! But Mademoiselle, did you not wish to know if your son was happy with this girl? You idiot! Have you not been playing attention? If Grayson gets married I loose the inheritance. Grayson happy is a BAD thing! Geez, I'll explain everything again later Just tell me who the girl is.


  • I understand, Mademoiselle. You believe no young lady is worthy of your son. My Mama believes the same of me and my brother. But, do not fear, my Love. The young Lady is from a good wealthy family. You need not fear, your son will be taken good care of when they marry. Argggg! Just tell me her name! Ahh, yes. It is Beryl Higarashi.


  • ..... Hello? Mademoiselle? Are you there? Higarashi? Legacy Higarashi? Yes, yes. She is sister to the legacy heir. You see, she is of a good family. Crap....


  • Al & Lucy are so cute on free will. xD Part 1 ends here. Stay tuned for part 2, which with luck will be up soon.