chapter 5 by lorena


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Page 1: Chapter 5 By Lorena
Page 2: Chapter 5 By Lorena


*Chuncking and repackaging knoledge

*Fostering creativity and critical thinking

*Learning styles

This strategies are considered and essential part of daily CLIL practice


Page 3: Chapter 5 By Lorena

Building Scaffolds

Scaffolding is used in education to acces, improve and add to current knowledge.

Scafflding helps students to acces previously acquired learning:

*To analyse it.

*To process new imformation.

*To create new relational links.

*To take their understanding several steps further.

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Anchoring into previous learning

• The most common and effective way of anchoring into previous learning is through brainstorming.

It is our existing knowledge base and our current level of understanding that provide the underpinning for new learning.

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•Participants say whatever comes to mind in relation to the given topic.

•Students are usually encouraged to see if they can group or categorize the points raised during the session.

The rules of brainstorming are discussed with the students.

• no verbal criticism of any idea;

• no compliments;

• body language is neutral;

• all ideas are recorded;

• wild and zany ideas are welcome;

• quantity is more important than quality.

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Example of brainstorming

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Chunking and repackaging knowledge

“Information is better absorbed when it is packaged into digestible bites”.

Chunking can facilitate communication with students and can further use of scaffolding.

Chunk information is useful when contain no more than seven pieces of well organized information.

It is easier to return to the material when chunks are clearly delineated.

Students experiment a feeling of success working with chunks.

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Examples of chunking

Telephone number are usually grouped into two, three or four

numbers to facilitate reading and retention.

12 24 78 48 22 or (416) 577-3472 or 1-800-FAB-PIZZA

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Expanding the expander

Once a topic has been organized and systematized using the concept expander, students can be supported in developing series of sentences on any given example from the consequences they listed.

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Fostering creative and critical thinking

Creative thinking involves the creation/generation or further development of ideas.

Creative thinking is an essential element in effective planning. Critical thinking involves the evaluating of all of the above. It is difficult to separate creative thinking from critical thinking.

Creativity can be used to better explain our ideas to others and even to evaluate our plans and results from unique perspectives.

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• Appreciating (understanding and yourself)• Assigning (setting items apart for a particular purpose)• Associating (connecting items together)• Classifying (putting items into categories)• Combining (putting itemsinto a single whole)• Committing (understanding and accepting rsponsibility)• Comparing (identifying similarities and differences)• Condensing (distilling the essence of a text)• Converting (changing the features of an item or information)• Defining (determining key qualities and/or characteristics)

Examples of fostering creative and critical thinking

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Learning StylesThere are different ways of teaching different style and depends on every teacher and in the techniques that uses to communicate them.

• Students can be provided with a wide range of ways of manipulating, synthesizing, assessing and evaluating data, information and knowledge.

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Chapter 5 : Opening Windows For Personal Achievement